diff options
authorGrzegorz Bizon <>2016-08-15 14:06:44 +0200
committerGrzegorz Bizon <>2016-08-15 17:56:07 +0200
commit07dd1bfc86687a18f0df74cefe36d0b5c0948ec7 (patch)
parent11c6077441401512ebc100689cf43d9e1d0ca599 (diff)
Fix pipeline and build seeds in development environmentfix/build-seeds-in-development-environment
When we depend on state machine events in seeds, it is likely that we will break fixtures from time to time because when transition rules change, using events most likely invalidates some objects in seeds.
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/db/fixtures/development/14_builds.rb b/db/fixtures/development/14_builds.rb
index e65abe4ef77..ed819744518 100644
--- a/db/fixtures/development/14_builds.rb
+++ b/db/fixtures/development/14_builds.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,21 @@
class Gitlab::Seeder::Builds
STAGES = %w[build notify_build test notify_test deploy notify_deploy]
+ BUILDS = [
+ { name: 'build:linux', stage: 'build', status: :success },
+ { name: 'build:osx', stage: 'build', status: :success },
+ { name: 'slack post build', stage: 'notify_build', status: :success },
+ { name: 'rspec:linux', stage: 'test', status: :success },
+ { name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status: :success },
+ { name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status: :success },
+ { name: 'rspec:osx', stage: 'test', status_event: :success },
+ { name: 'spinach:linux', stage: 'test', status: :pending },
+ { name: 'spinach:osx', stage: 'test', status: :canceled },
+ { name: 'cucumber:linux', stage: 'test', status: :running },
+ { name: 'cucumber:osx', stage: 'test', status: :failed },
+ { name: 'slack post test', stage: 'notify_test', status: :success },
+ { name: 'staging', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'staging', status: :success },
+ { name: 'production', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'production', when: 'manual', status: :success },
+ ]
def initialize(project)
@project = project
@@ -8,25 +24,7 @@ class Gitlab::Seeder::Builds
def seed!
pipelines.each do |pipeline|
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'build:linux', stage: 'build', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'build:osx', stage: 'build', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'slack post build', stage: 'notify_build', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'rspec:linux', stage: 'test', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'rspec:windows', stage: 'test', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'rspec:osx', stage: 'test', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'spinach:linux', stage: 'test', status: :pending)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'spinach:osx', stage: 'test', status_event: :cancel)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'cucumber:linux', stage: 'test', status_event: :run)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'cucumber:osx', stage: 'test', status_event: :drop)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'slack post test', stage: 'notify_test', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'staging', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'staging', status_event: :success)
- build_create!(pipeline, name: 'production', stage: 'deploy', environment: 'production', when: 'manual', status: :success)
+ BUILDS.each { |opts| build_create!(pipeline, opts) }
commit_status_create!(pipeline, name: 'jenkins', status: :success)
print '.'
@@ -48,21 +46,22 @@ class Gitlab::Seeder::Builds
def build_create!(pipeline, opts = {})
attributes = build_attributes_for(pipeline, opts)
- build = Ci::Build.create!(attributes)
- if opts[:name].start_with?('build')
- artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_archive_path) do |file|
- build.artifacts_file = file
- end
+ Ci::Build.create!(attributes).tap do |build|
+ if opts[:name].start_with?('build')
+ artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_archive_path) do |file|
+ build.artifacts_file = file
+ end
- artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_metadata_path) do |file|
- build.artifacts_metadata = file
+ artifacts_cache_file(artifacts_metadata_path) do |file|
+ build.artifacts_metadata = file
+ end
- end
- if %w(running success failed).include?(build.status)
- # We need to set build trace after saving a build (id required)
- build.trace = FFaker::Lorem.paragraphs(6).join("\n\n")
+ if %w(running success failed).include?(build.status)
+ # We need to set build trace after saving a build (id required)
+ build.trace = FFaker::Lorem.paragraphs(6).join("\n\n")
+ end