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authorLee Matos <>2018-02-14 01:48:48 +0000
committerLee Matos <>2018-02-14 01:48:48 +0000
commit0c3363295a626991a06b4acfa08201153e405eda (patch)
parent2ca97d89d4f4852b0c714e8dbafca44a5bfedbd9 (diff)
Update to include migrating to RDS instructionslm-update-pgloader-docs
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/update/ b/doc/update/
index a88dbd22b3f..199cc59a9b8 100644
--- a/doc/update/
+++ b/doc/update/
@@ -129,7 +129,62 @@ the following:
Now, you can verify that everything worked by visiting GitLab.
-### Troubleshooting
+## Migrating to Amazon RDS-based Postgres
+This is possible to do, but we'll need to modify the instructions as such:
+1. Remove the `disable triggers` line from your command.load file
+2. Create a file called `drop_constraints.sql` which contains the following:
+ ```
+ -- create a new table to hold the constraints. this needs to be dropped after we verify data integrity.
+ create table if not exists dropped_foreign_keys (
+ seq bigserial primary key,
+ sql text
+ );
+ -- back up all constraints to the table and then drop them.
+ do $$ declare t record;
+ begin
+ for t in select conrelid::regclass::varchar table_name, conname constraint_name,
+ pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(r.oid, true) constraint_definition
+ from pg_catalog.pg_constraint r
+ where r.contype = 'f'
+ -- current schema only:
+ and r.connamespace = (select n.oid from pg_namespace n where n.nspname = current_schema())
+ loop
+ insert into dropped_foreign_keys (sql) values (
+ format('alter table %s add constraint %s %s',
+ quote_ident(t.table_name), quote_ident(t.constraint_name), t.constraint_definition));
+ execute format('alter table %s drop constraint %s', quote_ident(t.table_name), quote_ident(t.constraint_name));
+ end loop;
+ end $$;
+ ```
+3. Run this against the RDS-based postgres server:
+ ```
+ psql -h <db_host> -U <db_user> -W -d <db_name> -f drop_constraints.sql
+ ```
+4. Migrate using your modified commands.load file: `pgloader commands.load`
+5. We now need to add constraints using this `add_constraints.sql`:
+ ```
+ -- add the constraints back to the database following PG Loader data import.
+ do $$ declare t record;
+ begin
+ -- order by seq for easier troubleshooting when data does not satisfy FKs
+ for t in select * from dropped_foreign_keys order by seq loop
+ execute t.sql;
+ delete from dropped_foreign_keys where seq = t.seq;
+ end loop;
+ end $$;
+ -- drop the table that held the constraints
+ drop table if exists dropped_foreign_keys;
+ ```
+6. Run this against the RDS-based postgres server:
+ ```
+ psql -h <db_host> -U <db_user> -W -d <db_name> -f add_constraints.sql
+ ```
+7. Start GitLab and confirm you have no errors.
+## Troubleshooting
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