diff options
authorRuben Davila <>2016-08-16 11:16:40 -0500
committerRuben Davila <>2016-08-16 11:16:40 -0500
commit759265c35ce700fbd649df040cf2b6fb42568f83 (patch)
parent84efe260173874132c69af46fd26b6f19ce89745 (diff)
parentb44b09b302e6f4d19c7e6b2dac3be62fe83b31b2 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into 8-11-stable
3 files changed, 21 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/doc/development/ b/doc/development/
index 3a8c823e026..2d1d504202c 100644
--- a/doc/development/
+++ b/doc/development/
@@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ repository and maintained by GitLab UX designers.
## Navigation
GitLab's layout contains 2 sections: the left sidebar and the content. The left sidebar contains a static navigation menu.
-This menu will be visible regardless of what page you visit. The left sidebar also contains the GitLab logo
-and the current user's profile picture. The content section contains a header and the content itself.
-The header describes the current GitLab page and what navigation is
-available to user in this area. Depending on the area (project, group, profile setting) the header name and navigation may change. For example when user visits one of the
-project pages the header will contain a project name and navigation for that project. When the user visits a group page it will contain a group name and navigation related to this group.
+This menu will be visible regardless of what page you visit.
+The content section contains a header and the content itself. The header describes the current GitLab page and what navigation is
+available to the user in this area. Depending on the area (project, group, profile setting) the header name and navigation may change. For example, when the user visits one of the
+project pages the header will contain the project's name and navigation for that project. When the user visits a group page it will contain the group's name and navigation related to this group.
+You can see a visual representation of the navigation in GitLab in the GitLab Product Map, which is located in the [Design Repository](gitlab-map-graffle)
+along with [PDF](gitlab-map-pdf) and [PNG](gitlab-map-png) exports.
### Adding new tab to header navigation
@@ -99,3 +102,6 @@ Do not use both green and blue button in one form.
display counts in the UI.
+[gitlab-map-png]: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/features/project/merge_requests.feature b/features/project/merge_requests.feature
index 1b8e4262e40..6bac6011467 100644
--- a/features/project/merge_requests.feature
+++ b/features/project/merge_requests.feature
@@ -107,6 +107,16 @@ Feature: Project Merge Requests
Then The list should be sorted by "Least popular"
+ Scenario: I comment on a merge request diff
+ Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
+ And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
+ And I click on the Changes tab
+ And I leave a comment like "Line is wrong" on diff
+ And I switch to the merge request's comments tab
+ Then I should see a discussion has started on diff
+ And I should see a badge of "1" next to the discussion link
+ @javascript
Scenario: I see a new comment on merge request diff from another user in the discussion tab
Given project "Shop" have "Bug NS-05" open merge request with diffs inside
And I visit merge request page "Bug NS-05"
diff --git a/spec/features/merge_requests/diff_notes_spec.rb b/spec/features/merge_requests/diff_notes_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 12e89742b79..00000000000
--- a/spec/features/merge_requests/diff_notes_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-feature 'Diff notes', js: true, feature: true do
- include WaitForAjax
- before do
- login_as :admin
- @merge_request = create(:merge_request)
- @project = @merge_request.source_project
- end
- context 'merge request diffs' do
- let(:comment_button_class) { '.add-diff-note' }
- let(:notes_holder_input_class) { 'js-temp-notes-holder' }
- let(:notes_holder_input_xpath) { './following-sibling::*[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " notes_holder ")]' }
- let(:test_note_comment) { 'this is a test note!' }
- context 'when hovering over the parallel view diff file' do
- before(:each) do
- visit diffs_namespace_project_merge_request_path(@project.namespace, @project, @merge_request)
- click_link 'Side-by-side'
- end
- context 'with an old line on the left and no line on the right' do
- it 'should allow commenting on the left side' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="6eb14e00385d2fb284765eb1cd8d420d33d63fc9_23_22"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'left')
- end
- it 'should not allow commenting on the right side' do
- should_not_allow_commenting(find('[id="6eb14e00385d2fb284765eb1cd8d420d33d63fc9_23_22"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'right')
- end
- end
- context 'with no line on the left and a new line on the right' do
- it 'should not allow commenting on the left side' do
- should_not_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_15_15"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'left')
- end
- it 'should allow commenting on the right side' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_15_15"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'right')
- end
- end
- context 'with an old line on the left and a new line on the right' do
- it 'should allow commenting on the left side' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_9_9"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'left')
- end
- it 'should allow commenting on the right side' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_9_9"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'right')
- end
- end
- context 'with an unchanged line on the left and an unchanged line on the right' do
- it 'should allow commenting on the left side' do
- should_allow_commenting(first('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_7_7"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'left')
- end
- it 'should allow commenting on the right side' do
- should_allow_commenting(first('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_7_7"]').find(:xpath, '..'), 'right')
- end
- end
- context 'with a match line' do
- it 'should not allow commenting on the left side' do
- should_not_allow_commenting(first('.match').find(:xpath, '..'), 'left')
- end
- it 'should not allow commenting on the right side' do
- should_not_allow_commenting(first('.match').find(:xpath, '..'), 'right')
- end
- end
- end
- context 'when hovering over the inline view diff file' do
- before do
- visit diffs_namespace_project_merge_request_path(@project.namespace, @project, @merge_request)
- click_link 'Inline'
- end
- context 'with a new line' do
- it 'should allow commenting' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_10_9"]'))
- end
- end
- context 'with an old line' do
- it 'should allow commenting' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="6eb14e00385d2fb284765eb1cd8d420d33d63fc9_22_22"]'))
- end
- end
- context 'with an unchanged line' do
- it 'should allow commenting' do
- should_allow_commenting(find('[id="2f6fcd96b88b36ce98c38da085c795a27d92a3dd_7_7"]'))
- end
- end
- context 'with a match line' do
- it 'should not allow commenting' do
- should_not_allow_commenting(first('.match'))
- end
- end
- end
- def should_allow_commenting(line_holder, diff_side = nil)
- line = get_line_components(line_holder, diff_side)
- line[:content].hover
- expect(line[:num]).to have_css comment_button_class
- comment_on_line(line_holder, line)
- wait_for_ajax
- assert_comment_persistence(line_holder)
- end
- def should_not_allow_commenting(line_holder, diff_side = nil)
- line = get_line_components(line_holder, diff_side)
- line[:content].hover
- expect(line[:num]).not_to have_css comment_button_class
- end
- def get_line_components(line_holder, diff_side = nil)
- if diff_side.nil?
- get_inline_line_components(line_holder)
- else
- get_parallel_line_components(line_holder, diff_side)
- end
- end
- def get_inline_line_components(line_holder)
- { content: line_holder.first('.line_content'), num: line_holder.first('.diff-line-num') }
- end
- def get_parallel_line_components(line_holder, diff_side = nil)
- side_index = diff_side == 'left' ? 0 : 1
- { content: line_holder.all('.line_content')[side_index], num: line_holder.all('.diff-line-num')[side_index] }
- end
- def comment_on_line(line_holder, line)
- line[:num].find(comment_button_class).trigger 'click'
- expect(line_holder).to have_xpath notes_holder_input_xpath
- notes_holder_input = line_holder.find(:xpath, notes_holder_input_xpath)
- expect(notes_holder_input[:class]).to include(notes_holder_input_class)
- notes_holder_input.fill_in 'note[note]', with: test_note_comment
- click_button 'Comment'
- end
- def assert_comment_persistence(line_holder)
- expect(line_holder).to have_xpath notes_holder_input_xpath
- notes_holder_saved = line_holder.find(:xpath, notes_holder_input_xpath)
- expect(notes_holder_saved[:class]).not_to include(notes_holder_input_class)
- expect(notes_holder_saved).to have_content test_note_comment
- end
- end