path: root/app/assets/javascripts
diff options
authorEric Eastwood <>2017-02-27 22:44:34 -0600
committerEric Eastwood <>2017-03-06 12:54:46 -0600
commite6fc0207cb37666cdf606c03641f2afbb5646213 (patch)
tree8a596255b77da1b3e8a5a6349a80fb72aa8ac678 /app/assets/javascripts
parentf911b948e9b376e65f5d5bf7e6d09b32e3c995c8 (diff)
Use native unicode emojis
- gl_emoji for falling back to image/css-sprite when the browser doesn't support an emoji - Markdown rendering (Banzai filter) - Autocomplete - Award emoji menu - Perceived perf - Immediate response because we now build client-side - Update `digests.json` generation in gemojione rake task to be more useful and include `unicodeVersion` MR: !9437 See issues - #26371 - #27250 - #22474
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts')
8 files changed, 943 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/awards_handler.js b/app/assets/javascripts/awards_handler.js
index a4ccb30e447..38732abaa86 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/awards_handler.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/awards_handler.js
@@ -1,380 +1,519 @@
-/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, wrap-iife, max-len, no-var, prefer-arrow-callback, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-unused-vars, no-else-return, prefer-template, quotes, comma-dangle, no-param-reassign, no-void, brace-style, no-underscore-dangle, no-return-assign, camelcase */
/* global Cookies */
-var emojiAliases = require('emoji-aliases');
-(function() {
- this.AwardsHandler = (function() {
- var FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX = /(?:, and | and |, )/; // For separating lists produced by ruby's Array#toSentence
- function AwardsHandler() {
- this.aliases = emojiAliases;
- $(document).off('click', '.js-add-award').on('click', '.js-add-award', (function(_this) {
- return function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- e.preventDefault();
- return _this.showEmojiMenu($(e.currentTarget));
- };
- })(this));
- $('html').on('click', function(e) {
- var $target;
- $target = $(;
- if (!$target.closest('.emoji-menu-content').length) {
- $('.js-awards-block.current').removeClass('current');
- }
- if (!$target.closest('.emoji-menu').length) {
- if ($('.emoji-menu').is(':visible')) {
- $('').removeClass('is-active');
- return $('.emoji-menu').removeClass('is-visible');
- }
- }
- });
- $(document).off('click', '.js-emoji-btn').on('click', '.js-emoji-btn', (function(_this) {
- return function(e) {
- var $target, emoji;
- e.preventDefault();
- $target = $(e.currentTarget);
- emoji = $target.find('.icon').data('emoji');
- $target.closest('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
- return _this.addAward(_this.getVotesBlock(), _this.getAwardUrl(), emoji);
- };
- })(this));
+const emojiMap = require('emoji-map');
+const emojiAliases = require('emoji-aliases');
+const glEmoji = require('./behaviors/gl_emoji');
+const glEmojiTag = glEmoji.glEmojiTag;
+const animationEndEventString = 'animationend webkitAnimationEnd MSAnimationEnd oAnimationEnd';
+const requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
+ window.setTimeout;
+const FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX = /(?:, and | and |, )/; // For separating lists produced by ruby's Array#toSentence
+let categoryMap = null;
+const categoryLabelMap = {
+ activity: 'Activity',
+ people: 'People',
+ nature: 'Nature',
+ food: 'Food',
+ travel: 'Travel',
+ objects: 'Objects',
+ symbols: 'Symbols',
+ flags: 'Flags',
+function buildCategoryMap() {
+ return Object.keys(emojiMap).reduce((currentCategoryMap, emojiNameKey) => {
+ const emojiInfo = emojiMap[emojiNameKey];
+ if (currentCategoryMap[emojiInfo.category]) {
+ currentCategoryMap[emojiInfo.category].push(emojiNameKey);
- AwardsHandler.prototype.showEmojiMenu = function($addBtn) {
- var $holder, $menu, url;
- $menu = $('.emoji-menu');
- if ($addBtn.hasClass('js-note-emoji')) {
- $addBtn.closest('.note').find('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
- } else {
- $addBtn.closest('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
- }
- if ($menu.length) {
- $holder = $addBtn.closest('.js-award-holder');
- if ($'.is-visible')) {
- $addBtn.removeClass('is-active');
- $menu.removeClass('is-visible');
- return $('#emoji_search').blur();
- } else {
- $addBtn.addClass('is-active');
- this.positionMenu($menu, $addBtn);
- $menu.addClass('is-visible');
- return $('#emoji_search').focus();
- }
- } else {
- $addBtn.addClass('is-loading is-active');
- url = this.getAwardMenuUrl();
- return this.createEmojiMenu(url, (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- $addBtn.removeClass('is-loading');
- $menu = $('.emoji-menu');
- _this.positionMenu($menu, $addBtn);
- if (!_this.frequentEmojiBlockRendered) {
- _this.renderFrequentlyUsedBlock();
- }
- return setTimeout(function() {
- $menu.addClass('is-visible');
- $('#emoji_search').focus();
- return _this.setupSearch();
- }, 200);
- };
- })(this));
- }
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.createEmojiMenu = function(awardMenuUrl, callback) {
- return $.get(awardMenuUrl, function(response) {
- $('body').append(response);
- return callback();
+ return currentCategoryMap;
+ }, {
+ activity: [],
+ people: [],
+ nature: [],
+ food: [],
+ travel: [],
+ objects: [],
+ symbols: [],
+ flags: [],
+ });
+function renderCategory(name, emojiList) {
+ return `
+ <h5 class="emoji-menu-title">
+ ${name}
+ </h5>
+ <ul class="clearfix emoji-menu-list">
+ ${ => `
+ <li class="emoji-menu-list-item">
+ <button class="emoji-menu-btn text-center js-emoji-btn" type="button">
+ ${glEmojiTag(emojiName, {
+ sprite: true,
+ })}
+ </button>
+ </li>
+ `).join('\n')}
+ </ul>
+ `;
+function AwardsHandler() {
+ this.eventListeners = [];
+ this.aliases = emojiAliases;
+ // If the user shows intent let's pre-build the menu
+ this.registerEventListener('one', $(document), 'mouseenter focus', '.js-add-award', 'mouseenter focus', () => {
+ const $menu = $('.emoji-menu');
+ if ($menu.length === 0) {
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ this.createEmojiMenu();
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.positionMenu = function($menu, $addBtn) {
- var css, position;
- position = $'position');
- // The menu could potentially be off-screen or in a hidden overflow element
- // So we position the element absolute in the body
- css = {
- top: ($addBtn.offset().top + $addBtn.outerHeight()) + "px"
- };
- if (position === 'right') {
- css.left = (($addBtn.offset().left - $menu.outerWidth()) + 20) + "px";
- $menu.addClass('is-aligned-right');
- } else {
- css.left = ($addBtn.offset().left) + "px";
- $menu.removeClass('is-aligned-right');
- }
- return $menu.css(css);
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.addAward = function(votesBlock, awardUrl, emoji, checkMutuality, callback) {
- if (checkMutuality == null) {
- checkMutuality = true;
- }
- emoji = this.normilizeEmojiName(emoji);
- this.postEmoji(awardUrl, emoji, (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- _this.addAwardToEmojiBar(votesBlock, emoji, checkMutuality);
- return typeof callback === "function" ? callback() : void 0;
- };
- })(this));
- return $('.emoji-menu').removeClass('is-visible');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.addAwardToEmojiBar = function(votesBlock, emoji, checkForMutuality) {
- var $emojiButton, counter;
- if (checkForMutuality == null) {
- checkForMutuality = true;
- }
- if (checkForMutuality) {
- this.checkMutuality(votesBlock, emoji);
- }
- this.addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList(emoji);
- emoji = this.normilizeEmojiName(emoji);
- $emojiButton = this.findEmojiIcon(votesBlock, emoji).parent();
- if ($emojiButton.length > 0) {
- if (this.isActive($emojiButton)) {
- return this.decrementCounter($emojiButton, emoji);
- } else {
- counter = $emojiButton.find('.js-counter');
- counter.text(parseInt(counter.text(), 10) + 1);
- $emojiButton.addClass('active');
- this.addYouToUserList(votesBlock, emoji);
- return this.animateEmoji($emojiButton);
- }
- } else {
- votesBlock.removeClass('hidden');
- return this.createEmoji(votesBlock, emoji);
- }
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.getVotesBlock = function() {
- var currentBlock;
- currentBlock = $('.js-awards-block.current');
- if (currentBlock.length) {
- return currentBlock;
- } else {
- return $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
- }
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.getAwardUrl = function() {
- return this.getVotesBlock().data('award-url');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.checkMutuality = function(votesBlock, emoji) {
- var $emojiButton, awardUrl, isAlreadyVoted, mutualVote;
- awardUrl = this.getAwardUrl();
- if (emoji === 'thumbsup' || emoji === 'thumbsdown') {
- mutualVote = emoji === 'thumbsup' ? 'thumbsdown' : 'thumbsup';
- $emojiButton = votesBlock.find("[data-emoji=" + mutualVote + "]").parent();
- isAlreadyVoted = $emojiButton.hasClass('active');
- if (isAlreadyVoted) {
- this.addAward(votesBlock, awardUrl, mutualVote, false);
- }
- }
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.isActive = function($emojiButton) {
- return $emojiButton.hasClass('active');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.decrementCounter = function($emojiButton, emoji) {
- var counter, counterNumber;
- counter = $('.js-counter', $emojiButton);
- counterNumber = parseInt(counter.text(), 10);
- if (counterNumber > 1) {
- counter.text(counterNumber - 1);
- this.removeYouFromUserList($emojiButton, emoji);
- } else if (emoji === 'thumbsup' || emoji === 'thumbsdown') {
- $emojiButton.tooltip('destroy');
- counter.text('0');
- this.removeYouFromUserList($emojiButton, emoji);
- if ($emojiButton.parents('.note').length) {
- this.removeEmoji($emojiButton);
- }
- } else {
- this.removeEmoji($emojiButton);
- }
- return $emojiButton.removeClass('active');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.removeEmoji = function($emojiButton) {
- var $votesBlock;
- $emojiButton.tooltip('destroy');
- $emojiButton.remove();
- $votesBlock = this.getVotesBlock();
- if ($votesBlock.find('.js-emoji-btn').length === 0) {
- return $votesBlock.addClass('hidden');
- }
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.getAwardTooltip = function($awardBlock) {
- return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') || $awardBlock.attr('data-title') || '';
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.toSentence = function(list) {
- if (list.length <= 2) {
- return list.join(' and ');
+ }
+ // Prebuild the categoryMap
+ categoryMap = categoryMap || buildCategoryMap();
+ });
+ this.registerEventListener('on', $(document), 'click', '.js-add-award', (e) => {
+ e.stopPropagation();
+ e.preventDefault();
+ this.showEmojiMenu($(e.currentTarget));
+ });
+ this.registerEventListener('on', $('html'), 'click', (e) => {
+ const $target = $(;
+ if (!$target.closest('.emoji-menu-content').length) {
+ $('.js-awards-block.current').removeClass('current');
+ }
+ if (!$target.closest('.emoji-menu').length) {
+ if ($('.emoji-menu').is(':visible')) {
+ $('').removeClass('is-active');
+ $('.emoji-menu').removeClass('is-visible');
- else {
- return list.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + ', and ' + list[list.length - 1];
+ }
+ });
+ this.registerEventListener('on', $(document), 'click', '.js-emoji-btn', (e) => {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ const $target = $(e.currentTarget);
+ const $glEmojiElement = $target.find('gl-emoji');
+ const $spriteIconElement = $target.find('.icon');
+ const emoji = ($glEmojiElement.length ? $glEmojiElement : $spriteIconElement).data('name');
+ $target.closest('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
+ return this.addAward(this.getVotesBlock(), this.getAwardUrl(), emoji);
+ });
+AwardsHandler.prototype.registerEventListener = function registerEventListener(method = 'on', element, ...args) {
+ element[method].call(element, ...args);
+ this.eventListeners.push({
+ element,
+ args,
+ });
+AwardsHandler.prototype.showEmojiMenu = function showEmojiMenu($addBtn) {
+ if ($addBtn.hasClass('js-note-emoji')) {
+ $addBtn.closest('.note').find('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
+ } else {
+ $addBtn.closest('.js-awards-block').addClass('current');
+ }
+ const $menu = $('.emoji-menu');
+ if ($menu.length) {
+ if ($'.is-visible')) {
+ $addBtn.removeClass('is-active');
+ $menu.removeClass('is-visible');
+ $('#emoji_search').blur();
+ } else {
+ $addBtn.addClass('is-active');
+ this.positionMenu($menu, $addBtn);
+ $menu.addClass('is-visible');
+ $('#emoji_search').focus();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $addBtn.addClass('is-loading is-active');
+ this.createEmojiMenu(() => {
+ const $createdMenu = $('.emoji-menu');
+ $addBtn.removeClass('is-loading');
+ this.positionMenu($createdMenu, $addBtn);
+ if (!this.frequentEmojiBlockRendered) {
+ this.renderFrequentlyUsedBlock();
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.removeYouFromUserList = function($emojiButton, emoji) {
- var authors, awardBlock, newAuthors, originalTitle;
- awardBlock = $emojiButton;
- originalTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
- authors = originalTitle.split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
- authors.splice(authors.indexOf('You'), 1);
- return awardBlock
- .closest('.js-emoji-btn')
- .removeData('title')
- .removeAttr('data-title')
- .removeAttr('data-original-title')
- .attr('title', this.toSentence(authors))
- .tooltip('fixTitle');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.addYouToUserList = function(votesBlock, emoji) {
- var awardBlock, origTitle, users;
- awardBlock = this.findEmojiIcon(votesBlock, emoji).parent();
- origTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
- users = [];
- if (origTitle) {
- users = origTitle.trim().split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
+ return setTimeout(() => {
+ $createdMenu.addClass('is-visible');
+ $('#emoji_search').focus();
+ }, 200);
+ });
+ }
+// Create the emoji menu with the first category of emojis.
+// Then after the emoji menu has been expanded(and CSS transition has ended),
+// render the remaining categories of emojis one by one to avoid jank.
+AwardsHandler.prototype.createEmojiMenu = function createEmojiMenu(callback) {
+ if (this.isCreatingEmojiMenu) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.isCreatingEmojiMenu = true;
+ // Render the first category
+ categoryMap = categoryMap || buildCategoryMap();
+ const categoryNameKey = Object.keys(categoryMap)[0];
+ const emojisInCategory = categoryMap[categoryNameKey];
+ const firstCategory = renderCategory(categoryLabelMap[categoryNameKey], emojisInCategory);
+ const emojiMenuMarkup = `
+ <div class="emoji-menu">
+ <input type="text" name="emoji_search" id="emoji_search" value="" class="emoji-search search-input form-control" placeholder="Search emoji" />
+ <div class="emoji-menu-content">
+ ${firstCategory}
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ `;
+ document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', emojiMenuMarkup);
+ this.addRemainingEmojiMenuCategories();
+ this.setupSearch();
+ if (callback) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ .prototype
+ .addRemainingEmojiMenuCategories = function addRemainingEmojiMenuCategories() {
+ if (this.isAddingRemainingEmojiMenuCategories) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.isAddingRemainingEmojiMenuCategories = true;
+ categoryMap = categoryMap || buildCategoryMap();
+ // Avoid the jank and render the remaining categories separately
+ // This will take more time, but makes UI more responsive
+ const emojiContentElement = document.querySelector('.emoji-menu .emoji-menu-content');
+ const remainingCategories = Object.keys(categoryMap).slice(1);
+ const allCategoriesAddedPromise = remainingCategories.reduce(
+ (promiseChain, categoryNameKey) =>
+ promiseChain.then(() =>
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ const emojisInCategory = categoryMap[categoryNameKey];
+ const categoryMarkup = renderCategory(
+ categoryLabelMap[categoryNameKey],
+ emojisInCategory,
+ );
+ requestAnimationFrame(() => {
+ emojiContentElement.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', categoryMarkup);
+ resolve();
+ });
+ }),
+ ),
+ Promise.resolve(),
+ );
+ allCategoriesAddedPromise.then(() => {
+ // Used for tests
+ // We check for the menu in case it was destroyed in the meantime
+ const menu = document.querySelector('.emoji-menu');
+ if (menu) {
+ menu.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('build-emoji-menu-finish'));
- users.unshift('You');
- return awardBlock
- .attr('title', this.toSentence(users))
- .tooltip('fixTitle');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.createEmoji_ = function(votesBlock, emoji) {
- var $emojiButton, buttonHtml, emojiCssClass;
- emojiCssClass = this.resolveNameToCssClass(emoji);
- buttonHtml = "<button class='btn award-control js-emoji-btn has-tooltip active' title='You' data-placement='bottom'> <div class='icon emoji-icon " + emojiCssClass + "' data-emoji='" + emoji + "'></div> <span class='award-control-text js-counter'>1</span> </button>";
- $emojiButton = $(buttonHtml);
- $emojiButton.insertBefore(votesBlock.find('.js-award-holder')).find('.emoji-icon').data('emoji', emoji);
+ });
+ };
+AwardsHandler.prototype.positionMenu = function positionMenu($menu, $addBtn) {
+ const position = $'position');
+ // The menu could potentially be off-screen or in a hidden overflow element
+ // So we position the element absolute in the body
+ const css = {
+ top: `${$addBtn.offset().top + $addBtn.outerHeight()}px`,
+ };
+ if (position === 'right') {
+ css.left = `${($addBtn.offset().left - $menu.outerWidth()) + 20}px`;
+ $menu.addClass('is-aligned-right');
+ } else {
+ css.left = `${$addBtn.offset().left}px`;
+ $menu.removeClass('is-aligned-right');
+ }
+ return $menu.css(css);
+AwardsHandler.prototype.addAward = function addAward(
+ votesBlock,
+ awardUrl,
+ emoji,
+ checkMutuality,
+ callback,
+) {
+ const normalizedEmoji = this.normalizeEmojiName(emoji);
+ this.postEmoji(awardUrl, normalizedEmoji, () => {
+ this.addAwardToEmojiBar(votesBlock, normalizedEmoji, checkMutuality);
+ return typeof callback === 'function' ? callback() : undefined;
+ });
+ return $('.emoji-menu').removeClass('is-visible');
+AwardsHandler.prototype.addAwardToEmojiBar = function addAwardToEmojiBar(
+ votesBlock,
+ emoji,
+ checkForMutuality,
+) {
+ if (checkForMutuality || checkForMutuality === null) {
+ this.checkMutuality(votesBlock, emoji);
+ }
+ this.addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList(emoji);
+ const normalizedEmoji = this.normalizeEmojiName(emoji);
+ const $emojiButton = this.findEmojiIcon(votesBlock, normalizedEmoji).parent();
+ if ($emojiButton.length > 0) {
+ if (this.isActive($emojiButton)) {
+ this.decrementCounter($emojiButton, normalizedEmoji);
+ } else {
+ const counter = $emojiButton.find('.js-counter');
+ counter.text(parseInt(counter.text(), 10) + 1);
+ $emojiButton.addClass('active');
+ this.addYouToUserList(votesBlock, normalizedEmoji);
- $('.award-control').tooltip();
- return votesBlock.removeClass('current');
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.animateEmoji = function($emoji) {
- var className = 'pulse animated once short';
- $emoji.addClass(className);
+ }
+ } else {
+ votesBlock.removeClass('hidden');
+ this.createEmoji(votesBlock, normalizedEmoji);
+ }
+AwardsHandler.prototype.getVotesBlock = function getVotesBlock() {
+ const currentBlock = $('.js-awards-block.current');
+ let resultantVotesBlock = currentBlock;
+ if (currentBlock.length === 0) {
+ resultantVotesBlock = $('.js-awards-block').eq(0);
+ }
+ return resultantVotesBlock;
+AwardsHandler.prototype.getAwardUrl = function getAwardUrl() {
+ return this.getVotesBlock().data('award-url');
+AwardsHandler.prototype.checkMutuality = function checkMutuality(votesBlock, emoji) {
+ const awardUrl = this.getAwardUrl();
+ if (emoji === 'thumbsup' || emoji === 'thumbsdown') {
+ const mutualVote = emoji === 'thumbsup' ? 'thumbsdown' : 'thumbsup';
+ const $emojiButton = votesBlock.find(`[data-name="${mutualVote}"]`).parent();
+ const isAlreadyVoted = $emojiButton.hasClass('active');
+ if (isAlreadyVoted) {
+ this.addAward(votesBlock, awardUrl, mutualVote, false);
+ }
+ }
+AwardsHandler.prototype.isActive = function isActive($emojiButton) {
+ return $emojiButton.hasClass('active');
+AwardsHandler.prototype.decrementCounter = function decrementCounter($emojiButton, emoji) {
+ const counter = $('.js-counter', $emojiButton);
+ const counterNumber = parseInt(counter.text(), 10);
+ if (counterNumber > 1) {
+ counter.text(counterNumber - 1);
+ this.removeYouFromUserList($emojiButton);
+ } else if (emoji === 'thumbsup' || emoji === 'thumbsdown') {
+ $emojiButton.tooltip('destroy');
+ counter.text('0');
+ this.removeYouFromUserList($emojiButton);
+ if ($emojiButton.parents('.note').length) {
+ this.removeEmoji($emojiButton);
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.removeEmoji($emojiButton);
+ }
+ return $emojiButton.removeClass('active');
+AwardsHandler.prototype.removeEmoji = function removeEmoji($emojiButton) {
+ $emojiButton.tooltip('destroy');
+ $emojiButton.remove();
+ const $votesBlock = this.getVotesBlock();
+ if ($votesBlock.find('.js-emoji-btn').length === 0) {
+ $votesBlock.addClass('hidden');
+ }
+AwardsHandler.prototype.getAwardTooltip = function getAwardTooltip($awardBlock) {
+ return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') || $awardBlock.attr('data-title') || '';
+AwardsHandler.prototype.toSentence = function toSentence(list) {
+ let sentence;
+ if (list.length <= 2) {
+ sentence = list.join(' and ');
+ } else {
+ sentence = `${list.slice(0, -1).join(', ')}, and ${list[list.length - 1]}`;
+ }
+ return sentence;
+AwardsHandler.prototype.removeYouFromUserList = function removeYouFromUserList($emojiButton) {
+ const awardBlock = $emojiButton;
+ const originalTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
+ const authors = originalTitle.split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
+ authors.splice(authors.indexOf('You'), 1);
+ return awardBlock
+ .closest('.js-emoji-btn')
+ .removeData('title')
+ .removeAttr('data-title')
+ .removeAttr('data-original-title')
+ .attr('title', this.toSentence(authors))
+ .tooltip('fixTitle');
+AwardsHandler.prototype.addYouToUserList = function addYouToUserList(votesBlock, emoji) {
+ const awardBlock = this.findEmojiIcon(votesBlock, emoji).parent();
+ const origTitle = this.getAwardTooltip(awardBlock);
+ let users = [];
+ if (origTitle) {
+ users = origTitle.trim().split(FROM_SENTENCE_REGEX);
+ }
+ users.unshift('You');
+ return awardBlock
+ .attr('title', this.toSentence(users))
+ .tooltip('fixTitle');
+ .prototype
+ .createAwardButtonForVotesBlock = function createAwardButtonForVotesBlock(votesBlock, emojiName) {
+ const buttonHtml = `
+ <button class="btn award-control js-emoji-btn has-tooltip active" title="You" data-placement="bottom">
+ ${glEmojiTag(emojiName)}
+ <span class="award-control-text js-counter">1</span>
+ </button>
+ `;
+ const $emojiButton = $(buttonHtml);
+ $emojiButton.insertBefore(votesBlock.find('.js-award-holder')).find('.emoji-icon').data('name', emojiName);
+ this.animateEmoji($emojiButton);
+ $('.award-control').tooltip();
+ votesBlock.removeClass('current');
+ };
+AwardsHandler.prototype.animateEmoji = function animateEmoji($emoji) {
+ const className = 'pulse animated once short';
+ $emoji.addClass(className);
+ this.registerEventListener('on', $emoji, animationEndEventString, (e) => {
+ $(e.currentTarget).removeClass(className);
+ });
+AwardsHandler.prototype.createEmoji = function createEmoji(votesBlock, emoji) {
+ if ($('.emoji-menu').length) {
+ this.createAwardButtonForVotesBlock(votesBlock, emoji);
+ }
+ this.createEmojiMenu(() => {
+ this.createAwardButtonForVotesBlock(votesBlock, emoji);
+ });
+AwardsHandler.prototype.postEmoji = function postEmoji(awardUrl, emoji, callback) {
+ return $.post(awardUrl, {
+ name: emoji,
+ }, (data) => {
+ if (data.ok) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ });
+AwardsHandler.prototype.findEmojiIcon = function findEmojiIcon(votesBlock, emoji) {
+ return votesBlock.find(`.js-emoji-btn [data-name="${emoji}"]`);
+AwardsHandler.prototype.scrollToAwards = function scrollToAwards() {
+ const options = {
+ scrollTop: $('.awards').offset().top - 110,
+ };
+ return $('body, html').animate(options, 200);
+AwardsHandler.prototype.normalizeEmojiName = function normalizeEmojiName(emoji) {
+ return this.aliases[emoji] || emoji;
+ .prototype
+ .addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList = function addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList(emoji) {
+ const frequentlyUsedEmojis = this.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis();
+ frequentlyUsedEmojis.push(emoji);
+ Cookies.set('frequently_used_emojis', frequentlyUsedEmojis.join(','), { expires: 365 });
+ };
+AwardsHandler.prototype.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis = function getFrequentlyUsedEmojis() {
+ const frequentlyUsedEmojis = (Cookies.get('frequently_used_emojis') || '').split(',');
+ return _.compact(_.uniq(frequentlyUsedEmojis));
+AwardsHandler.prototype.renderFrequentlyUsedBlock = function renderFrequentlyUsedBlock() {
+ if (Cookies.get('frequently_used_emojis')) {
+ const frequentlyUsedEmojis = this.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis();
+ const ul = $('<ul class="clearfix emoji-menu-list frequent-emojis">');
+ for (let i = 0, len = frequentlyUsedEmojis.length; i < len; i += 1) {
+ const emoji = frequentlyUsedEmojis[i];
+ $(`.emoji-menu-content [data-name="${emoji}"]`).closest('li').clone().appendTo(ul);
+ }
+ $('.emoji-menu-content').prepend(ul).prepend($('<h5>').text('Frequently used'));
+ }
+ this.frequentEmojiBlockRendered = true;
+AwardsHandler.prototype.setupSearch = function setupSearch() {
+ this.registerEventListener('on', $('input.emoji-search'), 'input', (e) => {
+ const term = $(;
+ // Clean previous search results
+ $('ul.emoji-menu-search, h5.emoji-search').remove();
+ if (term.length > 0) {
+ // Generate a search result block
+ const h5 = $('<h5 class="emoji-search" />').text('Search results');
+ const foundEmojis = this.searchEmojis(term).show();
+ const ul = $('<ul>').addClass('emoji-menu-list emoji-menu-search').append(foundEmojis);
+ $('.emoji-menu-content ul, .emoji-menu-content h5').hide();
+ $('.emoji-menu-content').append(h5).append(ul);
+ } else {
+ $('.emoji-menu-content').children().show();
+ }
+ });
- $emoji.on('webkitAnimationEnd animationEnd', function() {
- $(this).removeClass(className);
- });
- };
+AwardsHandler.prototype.searchEmojis = function searchEmojis(term) {
+ const safeTerm = term.toLowerCase();
- AwardsHandler.prototype.createEmoji = function(votesBlock, emoji) {
- if ($('.emoji-menu').length) {
- return this.createEmoji_(votesBlock, emoji);
- }
- return this.createEmojiMenu(this.getAwardMenuUrl(), (function(_this) {
- return function() {
- return _this.createEmoji_(votesBlock, emoji);
- };
- })(this));
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.getAwardMenuUrl = function() {
- return gon.award_menu_url;
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.resolveNameToCssClass = function(emoji) {
- var emojiIcon, unicodeName;
- emojiIcon = $(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='" + emoji + "']");
- if (emojiIcon.length > 0) {
- unicodeName ='unicode-name');
- } else {
- // Find by alias
- unicodeName = $(".emoji-menu-content [data-aliases*=':" + emoji + ":']").data('unicode-name');
- }
- return "emoji-" + unicodeName;
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.postEmoji = function(awardUrl, emoji, callback) {
- return $.post(awardUrl, {
- name: emoji
- }, function(data) {
- if (data.ok) {
- return callback();
- }
- });
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.findEmojiIcon = function(votesBlock, emoji) {
- return votesBlock.find(".js-emoji-btn [data-emoji='" + emoji + "']");
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.scrollToAwards = function() {
- var options;
- options = {
- scrollTop: $('.awards').offset().top - 110
- };
- return $('body, html').animate(options, 200);
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.normilizeEmojiName = function(emoji) {
- return this.aliases[emoji] || emoji;
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList = function(emoji) {
- var frequentlyUsedEmojis;
- frequentlyUsedEmojis = this.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis();
- frequentlyUsedEmojis.push(emoji);
- Cookies.set('frequently_used_emojis', frequentlyUsedEmojis.join(','), { expires: 365 });
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis = function() {
- var frequentlyUsedEmojis;
- frequentlyUsedEmojis = (Cookies.get('frequently_used_emojis') || '').split(',');
- return _.compact(_.uniq(frequentlyUsedEmojis));
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.renderFrequentlyUsedBlock = function() {
- var emoji, frequentlyUsedEmojis, i, len, ul;
- if (Cookies.get('frequently_used_emojis')) {
- frequentlyUsedEmojis = this.getFrequentlyUsedEmojis();
- ul = $("<ul class='clearfix emoji-menu-list frequent-emojis'>");
- for (i = 0, len = frequentlyUsedEmojis.length; i < len; i += 1) {
- emoji = frequentlyUsedEmojis[i];
- $(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='" + emoji + "']").closest('li').clone().appendTo(ul);
- }
- $('.emoji-menu-content').prepend(ul).prepend($('<h5>').text('Frequently used'));
- }
- return this.frequentEmojiBlockRendered = true;
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.setupSearch = function() {
- return $('input.emoji-search').on('keyup', (function(_this) {
- return function(ev) {
- var found_emojis, h5, term, ul;
- term = $(;
- // Clean previous search results
- $('ul.emoji-menu-search, h5.emoji-search').remove();
- if (term) {
- // Generate a search result block
- h5 = $('<h5 class="emoji-search" />').text('Search results');
- found_emojis = _this.searchEmojis(term).show();
- ul = $('<ul>').addClass('emoji-menu-list emoji-menu-search').append(found_emojis);
- $('.emoji-menu-content ul, .emoji-menu-content h5').hide();
- return $('.emoji-menu-content').append(h5).append(ul);
- } else {
- return $('.emoji-menu-content').children().show();
- }
- };
- })(this));
- };
- AwardsHandler.prototype.searchEmojis = function(term) {
- return $(".emoji-menu-list:not(.frequent-emojis) [data-emoji*='" + term + "']").closest('li').clone();
- };
- return AwardsHandler;
- })();
+ const namesMatchingAlias = [];
+ Object.keys(emojiAliases).forEach((alias) => {
+ if (alias.indexOf(safeTerm) >= 0) {
+ namesMatchingAlias.push(emojiAliases[alias]);
+ }
+ });
+ const $matchingElements = namesMatchingAlias.concat(safeTerm)
+ .reduce(
+ ($result, searchTerm) =>
+ $result.add($(`.emoji-menu-list:not(.frequent-emojis) [data-name*="${searchTerm}"]`)),
+ $([]),
+ );
+ return $matchingElements.closest('li').clone();
+AwardsHandler.prototype.destroy = function destroy() {
+ this.eventListeners.forEach((entry) => {
+, ...entry.args);
+ });
+ $('.emoji-menu').remove();
+module.exports = AwardsHandler;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji.js b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d1efdfd51a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji.js
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+const installCustomElements = require('document-register-element');
+const emojiMap = require('emoji-map');
+const emojiAliases = require('emoji-aliases');
+const generatedUnicodeSupportMap = require('./gl_emoji/unicode_support_map');
+const spreadString = require('./gl_emoji/spread_string');
+function emojiImageTag(name, src) {
+ return `<img class="emoji" title=":${name}:" alt=":${name}:" src="${src}" width="20" height="20" align="absmiddle" />`;
+const glEmojiTagDefaults = {
+ sprite: false,
+ forceFallback: false,
+function glEmojiTag(inputName, options) {
+ const opts = Object.assign({}, glEmojiTagDefaults, options);
+ const name = emojiAliases[inputName] || inputName;
+ const emojiInfo = emojiMap[name];
+ const fallbackImageSrc = `${gon.relative_url_root || ''}/assets/emoji/${name}-${emojiInfo.digest}.png`;
+ const fallbackSpriteClass = `emoji-${name}`;
+ const classList = [];
+ if (opts.forceFallback && opts.sprite) {
+ classList.push('emoji-icon');
+ classList.push(fallbackSpriteClass);
+ }
+ const classAttribute = classList.length > 0 ? `class="${classList.join(' ')}"` : '';
+ const fallbackSpriteAttribute = opts.sprite ? `data-fallback-sprite-class="${fallbackSpriteClass}"` : '';
+ let contents = emojiInfo.moji;
+ if (opts.forceFallback && !opts.sprite) {
+ contents = emojiImageTag(name, fallbackImageSrc);
+ }
+ return `
+ <gl-emoji
+ ${classAttribute}
+ data-name="${name}"
+ data-fallback-src="${fallbackImageSrc}"
+ ${fallbackSpriteAttribute}
+ data-unicode-version="${emojiInfo.unicodeVersion}"
+ >
+ ${contents}
+ </gl-emoji>
+ `;
+// On Windows, flags render as two-letter country codes, see
+const flagACodePoint = 127462; // parseInt('1F1E6', 16)
+const flagZCodePoint = 127487; // parseInt('1F1FF', 16)
+function isFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ const cp = emojiUnicode.codePointAt(0);
+ // Length 4 because flags are made of 2 characters which are surrogate pairs
+ return emojiUnicode.length === 4 && cp >= flagACodePoint && cp <= flagZCodePoint;
+// Chrome <57 renders keycaps oddly
+// See
+// Same issue on Windows also fixed in Chrome 57,
+function isKeycapEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ return emojiUnicode.length === 3 && emojiUnicode[2] === '\u20E3';
+// Check for a skin tone variation emoji which aren't always supported
+const tone1 = 127995;// parseInt('1F3FB', 16)
+const tone5 = 127999;// parseInt('1F3FF', 16)
+function isSkinToneComboEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ return emojiUnicode.length > 2 && spreadString(emojiUnicode).some((char) => {
+ const cp = char.codePointAt(0);
+ return cp >= tone1 && cp <= tone5;
+ });
+// macOS supports most skin tone emoji's but
+// doesn't support the skin tone versions of horse racing
+const horseRacingCodePoint = 127943;// parseInt('1F3C7', 16)
+function isHorceRacingSkinToneComboEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ return spreadString(emojiUnicode)[0].codePointAt(0) === horseRacingCodePoint &&
+ isSkinToneComboEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+// Check for `family_*`, `kiss_*`, `couple_*`
+// For ex. Windows 8.1 Firefox 51.0.1, doesn't support these
+const zwj = 8205; // parseInt('200D', 16)
+const personStartCodePoint = 128102; // parseInt('1F466', 16)
+const personEndCodePoint = 128105; // parseInt('1F469', 16)
+function isPersonZwjEmoji(emojiUnicode) {
+ let hasPersonEmoji = false;
+ let hasZwj = false;
+ spreadString(emojiUnicode).forEach((character) => {
+ const cp = character.codePointAt(0);
+ if (cp === zwj) {
+ hasZwj = true;
+ } else if (cp >= personStartCodePoint && cp <= personEndCodePoint) {
+ hasPersonEmoji = true;
+ }
+ });
+ return hasPersonEmoji && hasZwj;
+// Helper so we don't have to run `isFlagEmoji` twice
+// in `isEmojiUnicodeSupported` logic
+function checkFlagEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) {
+ const isFlagResult = isFlagEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+ return (
+ (unicodeSupportMap.flag && isFlagResult) ||
+ !isFlagResult
+ );
+// Helper so we don't have to run `isSkinToneComboEmoji` twice
+// in `isEmojiUnicodeSupported` logic
+function checkSkinToneModifierSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) {
+ const isSkinToneResult = isSkinToneComboEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+ return (
+ (unicodeSupportMap.skinToneModifier && isSkinToneResult) ||
+ !isSkinToneResult
+ );
+// Helper func so we don't have to run `isHorceRacingSkinToneComboEmoji` twice
+// in `isEmojiUnicodeSupported` logic
+function checkHorseRacingSkinToneComboEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) {
+ const isHorseRacingSkinToneResult = isHorceRacingSkinToneComboEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+ return (
+ (unicodeSupportMap.horseRacing && isHorseRacingSkinToneResult) ||
+ !isHorseRacingSkinToneResult
+ );
+// Helper so we don't have to run `isPersonZwjEmoji` twice
+// in `isEmojiUnicodeSupported` logic
+function checkPersonEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) {
+ const isPersonZwjResult = isPersonZwjEmoji(emojiUnicode);
+ return (
+ (unicodeSupportMap.personZwj && isPersonZwjResult) ||
+ !isPersonZwjResult
+ );
+// Takes in a support map and determines whether
+// the given unicode emoji is supported on the platform.
+// Combines all the edge case tests into a one-stop shop method
+function isEmojiUnicodeSupported(unicodeSupportMap = {}, emojiUnicode, unicodeVersion) {
+ const isOlderThanChrome57 = unicodeSupportMap.meta && unicodeSupportMap.meta.isChrome &&
+ unicodeSupportMap.meta.chromeVersion < 57;
+ // For comments about each scenario, see the comments above each individual respective function
+ return unicodeSupportMap[unicodeVersion] &&
+ !(isOlderThanChrome57 && isKeycapEmoji(emojiUnicode)) &&
+ checkFlagEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) &&
+ checkSkinToneModifierSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) &&
+ checkHorseRacingSkinToneComboEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode) &&
+ checkPersonEmojiSupport(unicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode);
+const GlEmojiElementProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype);
+GlEmojiElementProto.createdCallback = function createdCallback() {
+ const emojiUnicode = this.textContent.trim();
+ const {
+ unicodeVersion,
+ fallbackSrc,
+ fallbackSpriteClass,
+ } = this.dataset;
+ const isEmojiUnicode = this.childNodes &&
+ this.childNodes,
+ childNode => childNode.nodeType === 3,
+ );
+ const hasImageFallback = fallbackSrc && fallbackSrc.length > 0;
+ const hasCssSpriteFalback = fallbackSpriteClass && fallbackSpriteClass.length > 0;
+ if (
+ isEmojiUnicode &&
+ !isEmojiUnicodeSupported(generatedUnicodeSupportMap, emojiUnicode, unicodeVersion)
+ ) {
+ // CSS sprite fallback takes precedence over image fallback
+ if (hasCssSpriteFalback) {
+ // IE 11 doesn't like adding multiple at once :(
+ this.classList.add('emoji-icon');
+ this.classList.add(fallbackSpriteClass);
+ } else if (hasImageFallback) {
+ const emojiName =;
+ this.innerHTML = emojiImageTag(emojiName, fallbackSrc);
+ }
+ }
+document.registerElement('gl-emoji', {
+ prototype: GlEmojiElementProto,
+module.exports = {
+ emojiImageTag,
+ glEmojiTag,
+ isEmojiUnicodeSupported,
+ isFlagEmoji,
+ isKeycapEmoji,
+ isSkinToneComboEmoji,
+ isHorceRacingSkinToneComboEmoji,
+ isPersonZwjEmoji,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/spread_string.js b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/spread_string.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2380349c4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/spread_string.js
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+function knownCharCodeAt(givenString, index) {
+ const str = `${givenString}`;
+ const end = str.length;
+ const surrogatePairs = /[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFF]/g;
+ let idx = index;
+ while ((surrogatePairs.exec(str)) != null) {
+ const li = surrogatePairs.lastIndex;
+ if (li - 2 < idx) {
+ idx += 1;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (idx >= end || idx < 0) {
+ return NaN;
+ }
+ const code = str.charCodeAt(idx);
+ let high;
+ let low;
+ if (code >= 0xD800 && code <= 0xDBFF) {
+ high = code;
+ low = str.charCodeAt(idx + 1);
+ // Go one further, since one of the "characters" is part of a surrogate pair
+ return ((high - 0xD800) * 0x400) + (low - 0xDC00) + 0x10000;
+ }
+ return code;
+// See
+// ES5/PhantomJS compatible version of spreading a string
+// [...'foo'] -> ['f', 'o', 'o']
+// [...'🖐🏿'] -> ['🖐', '🏿']
+function spreadString(str) {
+ const arr = [];
+ let i = 0;
+ while (!isNaN(knownCharCodeAt(str, i))) {
+ const codePoint = knownCharCodeAt(str, i);
+ arr.push(String.fromCodePoint(codePoint));
+ i += 1;
+ }
+ return arr;
+module.exports = spreadString;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/unicode_support_map.js b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/unicode_support_map.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f6798c6cee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/behaviors/gl_emoji/unicode_support_map.js
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+const unicodeSupportTestMap = {
+ // man, student (emojione does not have any of these yet),
+ // occupationZwj: '\u{1F468}\u{200D}\u{1F393}',
+ // woman, biking (emojione does not have any of these yet),
+ // sexZwj: '\u{1F6B4}\u{200D}\u{2640}',
+ // family_mwgb
+ // Windows 8.1, Firefox 51.0.1 does not support `family_`, `kiss_`, `couple_`
+ personZwj: '\u{1F468}\u{200D}\u{1F469}\u{200D}\u{1F467}\u{200D}\u{1F466}',
+ // horse_racing_tone5
+ // Special case that is not supported on macOS 10.12 even though `skinToneModifier` succeeds
+ horseRacing: '\u{1F3C7}\u{1F3FF}',
+ // US flag,
+ flag: '\u{1F1FA}\u{1F1F8}',
+ //
+ skinToneModifier: [
+ // spy_tone5
+ '\u{1F575}\u{1F3FF}',
+ // person_with_ball_tone5
+ '\u{26F9}\u{1F3FF}',
+ // angel_tone5
+ '\u{1F47C}\u{1F3FF}',
+ ],
+ // rofl,
+ '9.0': '\u{1F923}',
+ // metal,
+ '8.0': '\u{1F918}',
+ // spy,
+ '7.0': '\u{1F575}',
+ // expressionless,
+ 6.1: '\u{1F611}',
+ // japanese_goblin,
+ '6.0': '\u{1F47A}',
+ // sailboat,
+ 5.2: '\u{26F5}',
+ // mahjong,
+ 5.1: '\u{1F004}',
+ // gear,
+ 4.1: '\u{2699}',
+ // zap,
+ '4.0': '\u{26A1}',
+ // recycle,
+ 3.2: '\u{267B}',
+ // information_source,
+ '3.0': '\u{2139}',
+ // heart,
+ 1.1: '\u{2764}',
+function checkPixelInImageDataArray(pixelOffset, imageDataArray) {
+ // `4 *` because RGBA
+ const indexOffset = 4 * pixelOffset;
+ const hasColor = imageDataArray[indexOffset + 0] ||
+ imageDataArray[indexOffset + 1] ||
+ imageDataArray[indexOffset + 2];
+ const isVisible = imageDataArray[indexOffset + 3];
+ // Check for some sort of color other than black
+ if (hasColor && isVisible) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const chromeMatches = navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrom(?:e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
+const isChrome = chromeMatches && chromeMatches.length > 0;
+const chromeVersion = chromeMatches && chromeMatches[1] && parseInt(chromeMatches[1], 10);
+// We use 16px because mobile Safari (iOS 9.3) doesn't properly scale emojis :/
+// See 32px,
+// See 16px,
+const fontSize = 16;
+function testUnicodeSupportMap(testMap) {
+ const testMapKeys = Object.keys(testMap);
+ const numTestEntries = testMapKeys
+ .reduce((list, testKey) => list.concat(testMap[testKey]), []).length;
+ const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ canvas.width = (2 * fontSize);
+ canvas.height = (numTestEntries * fontSize);
+ ctx.fillStyle = '#000000';
+ ctx.textBaseline = 'middle';
+ ctx.font = `${fontSize}px "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"`;
+ // Write each emoji to the canvas vertically
+ let writeIndex = 0;
+ testMapKeys.forEach((testKey) => {
+ const testEntry = testMap[testKey];
+ [].concat(testEntry).forEach((emojiUnicode) => {
+ ctx.fillText(emojiUnicode, 0, (writeIndex * fontSize) + (fontSize / 2));
+ writeIndex += 1;
+ });
+ });
+ // Read from the canvas
+ const resultMap = {};
+ let readIndex = 0;
+ testMapKeys.forEach((testKey) => {
+ const testEntry = testMap[testKey];
+ const isTestSatisfied = [].concat(testEntry).every(() => {
+ // Sample along the vertical-middle for a couple of characters
+ const imageData = ctx.getImageData(
+ 0,
+ (readIndex * fontSize) + (fontSize / 2),
+ 2 * fontSize,
+ 1,
+ ).data;
+ let isValidEmoji = false;
+ for (let currentPixel = 0; currentPixel < 64; currentPixel += 1) {
+ const isLookingAtFirstChar = currentPixel < fontSize;
+ const isLookingAtSecondChar = currentPixel >= (fontSize + (fontSize / 2));
+ // Check for the emoji somewhere along the row
+ if (isLookingAtFirstChar && checkPixelInImageDataArray(currentPixel, imageData)) {
+ isValidEmoji = true;
+ // Check to see that nothing is rendered next to the first character
+ // to ensure that the ZWJ sequence rendered as one piece
+ } else if (isLookingAtSecondChar && checkPixelInImageDataArray(currentPixel, imageData)) {
+ isValidEmoji = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ readIndex += 1;
+ return isValidEmoji;
+ });
+ resultMap[testKey] = isTestSatisfied;
+ });
+ resultMap.meta = {
+ isChrome,
+ chromeVersion,
+ };
+ return resultMap;
+let unicodeSupportMap;
+const userAgentFromCache = window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-user-agent');
+try {
+ unicodeSupportMap = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem('gl-emoji-unicode-support-map'));
+} catch (err) {
+ // swallow
+if (!unicodeSupportMap || userAgentFromCache !== navigator.userAgent) {
+ unicodeSupportMap = testUnicodeSupportMap(unicodeSupportTestMap);
+ window.localStorage.setItem('gl-emoji-user-agent', navigator.userAgent);
+ window.localStorage.setItem('gl-emoji-unicode-support-map', JSON.stringify(unicodeSupportMap));
+module.exports = unicodeSupportMap;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js b/app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js
index 2bc3d85fba4..7e63d6ea07b 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ require('./lib/utils/common_utils');
EmojiFilter: {
- 'img.emoji'(el, text) {
- return el.getAttribute('alt');
+ 'gl-emoji'(el, text) {
+ return `:${el.getAttribute('data-name')}:`;
ImageLinkFilter: {
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/extensions/string.js b/app/assets/javascripts/extensions/string.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fe23be0bbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/extensions/string.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js b/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
index 60d6658dc16..1bc04a5ad96 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/gfm_auto_complete.js
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-template-curly-in-string, comma-dangle, object-shorthand, quotes, dot-notation, no-else-return, one-var, no-var, no-underscore-dangle, one-var-declaration-per-line, no-param-reassign, no-useless-escape, prefer-template, consistent-return, wrap-iife, prefer-arrow-callback, camelcase, no-unused-vars, no-useless-return, vars-on-top, max-len */
+const emojiMap = require('emoji-map');
+const emojiAliases = require('emoji-aliases');
+const glEmoji = require('./behaviors/gl_emoji');
+const glEmojiTag = glEmoji.glEmojiTag;
// Creates the variables for setting up GFM auto-completion
(function() {
if ( == null) {
@@ -26,7 +32,12 @@
// Emoji
Emoji: {
- template: '<li>${name} <img alt="${name}" height="20" src="${path}" width="20" /></li>'
+ templateFunction: function(name) {
+ return `<li>
+ ${name} ${glEmojiTag(name)}
+ </li>
+ `;
+ }
// Team Members
Members: {
@@ -113,7 +124,7 @@
at: ':',
displayTpl: function(value) {
- return value.path != null ? this.Emoji.template : this.Loading.template;
+ return value && ? this.Emoji.templateFunction( : this.Loading.template;
insertTpl: ':${name}:',
skipSpecialCharacterTest: true,
@@ -355,6 +366,8 @@
this.isLoadingData[at] = true;
if (this.cachedData[at]) {
this.loadData($input, at, this.cachedData[at]);
+ } else if (this.atTypeMap[at] === 'emojis') {
+ this.loadData($input, at, Object.keys(emojiMap).concat(Object.keys(emojiAliases)));
} else {
$.getJSON(this.dataSources[this.atTypeMap[at]], (data) => {
this.loadData($input, at, data);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/main.js b/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
index 798553c16ac..327c9c9c9b1 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/main.js
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
/* global Cookies */
/* global Flash */
/* global ConfirmDangerModal */
-/* global AwardsHandler */
/* global Aside */
import jQuery from 'jquery';
@@ -19,6 +18,15 @@ require('mousetrap/plugins/pause/mousetrap-pause');
+// extensions
// expose common libraries as globals (TODO: remove these)
window.jQuery = jQuery;
window.$ = jQuery;
@@ -61,13 +69,6 @@ require('./templates/issuable_template_selectors');
-// extensions
// lib/utils
@@ -99,7 +100,7 @@ require('./ajax_loading_spinner');
+const AwardsHandler = require('./awards_handler');