path: root/app/views
diff options
authorPhil Hughes <>2017-10-02 09:49:49 +0100
committerPhil Hughes <>2017-10-02 14:36:20 +0100
commit075f5ed9fcbaf00ebcc79fdb688cee966610c588 (patch)
tree2fdb11e1a048a52605c1d69d7d34fe263e1192fd /app/views
parent83fa3de408d9b34ddfd691e569aadc4bec53ff9a (diff)
Cleanup the fork layout
- Cleans the fork project layout by removing the grid & reverting back to full flexbox to allow for the layout to correctly expand. - Removes duplicated markup - Fixes a bug where the forked project would trigger the load indicator
Diffstat (limited to 'app/views')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/app/views/projects/forks/new.html.haml b/app/views/projects/forks/new.html.haml
index 906774a21e3..d17cdbd5612 100644
--- a/app/views/projects/forks/new.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/projects/forks/new.html.haml
@@ -9,50 +9,35 @@
Forking a repository allows you to make changes without affecting the original project.
- .fork-namespaces
- - if @namespaces.present?
- %label.label-light
- %span
- Click to fork the project
- - @namespaces.in_groups_of(6, false) do |group|
- .row
- - group.each do |namespace|
- - avatar = namespace_icon(namespace, 100)
- - if fork = namespace.find_fork_of(@project)
- .fork-thumbnail.forked
- = link_to project_path(fork) do
- - if /no_((\w*)_)*avatar/.match(avatar)
- .no-avatar
- = icon 'question'
- - else
- = image_tag avatar
- .caption
- = namespace.human_name
- - else
- - can_create_project = current_user.can?(:create_projects, namespace)
- .fork-thumbnail{ class: ("disabled" unless can_create_project) }
- = link_to project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key:,
- method: "POST",
- class: ("disabled has-tooltip" unless can_create_project),
- title: (_('You have reached your project limit') unless can_create_project) do
- - if /no_((\w*)_)*avatar/.match(avatar)
- .no-avatar
- = icon 'question'
- - else
- = image_tag avatar
- .caption
- = namespace.human_name
- - else
- %label.label-light
- %span
- No available namespaces to fork the project.
- %br
- %small
- You must have permission to create a project in a namespace before forking.
+ - if @namespaces.present?
+ .fork-thumbnail-container.js-fork-content
+ %h5.prepend-top-0.append-bottom-0.prepend-left-default.append-right-default
+ Click to fork the project
+ - @namespaces.each do |namespace|
+ - avatar = namespace_icon(namespace, 100)
+ - can_create_project = current_user.can?(:create_projects, namespace)
+ - forked_project = namespace.find_fork_of(@project)
+ - fork_path = forked_project ? project_path(forked_project) : project_forks_path(@project, namespace_key:
+ .bordered-box.fork-thumbnail.text-center.prepend-left-default.append-right-default.prepend-top-default.append-bottom-default{ class: [("disabled" unless can_create_project), ("forked" if forked_project)] }
+ = link_to fork_path,
+ class: [("js-fork-thumbnail" unless forked_project), ("disabled has-tooltip" unless can_create_project)],
+ title: (_('You have reached your project limit') unless can_create_project) do
+ - if /no_((\w*)_)*avatar/.match(avatar)
+ = project_identicon(namespace, class: "avatar s100 identicon")
+ - else
+ .avatar-container.s100
+ = image_tag(avatar, class: "avatar s100")
+ %h5.prepend-top-default
+ = namespace.human_name
+ - else
+ %strong
+ No available namespaces to fork the project.
+ %p.prepend-top-default
+ You must have permission to create a project in a namespace before forking.
- .save-project-loader.hide
- .center
- %h2
- %i.fa.fa-spinner.fa-spin
- Forking repository
- %p Please wait a moment, this page will automatically refresh when ready.
+ .save-project-loader.hide.js-fork-content
+ %h2.text-center
+ = icon('spinner spin')
+ Forking repository
+ %p.text-center
+ Please wait a moment, this page will automatically refresh when ready.