path: root/app/workers/pages_worker.rb
diff options
authorKamil Trzcinski <>2015-11-03 21:28:07 +0100
committerJames Edwards-Jones <>2017-01-31 22:50:39 +0000
commit120f9abaa15ce0feec1dc457ad3dc3787e4fbfc6 (patch)
tree4bb8bf5f7e47613ea967555e01fc2c7e27e994c6 /app/workers/pages_worker.rb
parent659cceb0e8694b58a8b665de3f338245244ef114 (diff)
Add GitLab Pages
- The pages are created when build artifacts for `pages` job are uploaded - Pages serve the content under: - Pages can be used to serve the group page, special project named as host: - User can provide own 403 and 404 error pages by creating 403.html and 404.html in group page project - Pages can be explicitly removed from the project by clicking Remove Pages in Project Settings - The size of pages is limited by Application Setting: max pages size, which limits the maximum size of unpacked archive (default: 100MB) - The public/ is extracted from artifacts and content is served as static pages - Pages asynchronous worker use `dd` to limit the unpacked tar size - Pages needs to be explicitly enabled and domain needs to be specified in gitlab.yml - Pages are part of backups - Pages notify the deployment status using Commit Status API - Pages use a new sidekiq queue: pages - Pages use a separate nginx config which needs to be explicitly added
Diffstat (limited to 'app/workers/pages_worker.rb')
1 files changed, 123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/workers/pages_worker.rb b/app/workers/pages_worker.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9aa3030264b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/workers/pages_worker.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+class PagesWorker
+ include Sidekiq::Worker
+ include Gitlab::CurrentSettings
+ BLOCK_SIZE = 32.kilobytes
+ MAX_SIZE = 1.terabyte
+ sidekiq_options queue: :pages
+ def perform(build_id)
+ @build_id = build_id
+ return unless valid?
+ # Create status notifying the deployment of pages
+ @status =
+ project: project,
+ commit: build.commit,
+ user: build.user,
+ ref: build.ref,
+ stage: 'deploy',
+ name: 'pages:deploy'
+ )
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_path)
+ # Calculate dd parameters: we limit the size of pages
+ max_size = current_application_settings.max_pages_size.megabytes
+ max_size ||= MAX_SIZE
+ blocks = 1 + max_size / BLOCK_SIZE
+ # Create temporary directory in which we will extract the artifacts
+ Dir.mktmpdir(nil, tmp_path) do |temp_path|
+ # We manually extract the archive and limit the archive size with dd
+ results = Open3.pipeline(%W(gunzip -c #{artifacts}),
+ %W(dd bs=#{BLOCK_SIZE} count=#{blocks}),
+ %W(tar -x -C #{temp_path} public/))
+ return unless results.compact.all?(&:success?)
+ # Check if we did extract public directory
+ temp_public_path = File.join(temp_path, 'public')
+ return unless Dir.exists?(temp_public_path)
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(pages_path)
+ # Lock file for time of deployment to prevent the two processes from doing the concurrent deployment
+, File::RDWR|File::CREAT, 0644) do |f|
+ f.flock(File::LOCK_EX)
+ return unless valid?
+ # Do atomic move of pages
+ # Move and removal may not be atomic, but they are significantly faster then extracting and removal
+ # 1. We move deployed public to previous public path (file removal is slow)
+ # 2. We move temporary public to be deployed public
+ # 3. We remove previous public path
+ if File.exists?(public_path)
+ FileUtils.move(public_path, previous_public_path)
+ end
+ FileUtils.move(temp_public_path, public_path)
+ end
+ if File.exists?(previous_public_path)
+ FileUtils.rm_r(previous_public_path, force: true)
+ end
+ @status.success
+ end
+ ensure
+ @status.drop if @status &&
+ end
+ private
+ def valid?
+ # check if sha for the ref is still the most recent one
+ # this helps in case when multiple deployments happens
+ build && build.artifacts_file? && sha == latest_sha
+ end
+ def build
+ @build ||= Ci::Build.find_by(id: @build_id)
+ end
+ def project
+ @project ||= build.project
+ end
+ def tmp_path
+ @tmp_path ||= File.join(Settings.pages.path, 'tmp')
+ end
+ def pages_path
+ @pages_path ||= project.pages_path
+ end
+ def public_path
+ @public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, 'public')
+ end
+ def previous_public_path
+ @previous_public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, "public.#{SecureRandom.hex}")
+ end
+ def lock_path
+ @lock_path ||= File.join(pages_path, 'deploy.lock')
+ end
+ def ref
+ build.ref
+ end
+ def artifacts
+ build.artifacts_file.path
+ end
+ def latest_sha
+ project.commit(build.ref).try(:sha).to_s
+ end
+ def sha
+ build.sha
+ end