path: root/lib/gitlab/i18n
diff options
authorBob Van Landuyt <>2017-08-25 09:04:50 +0200
committerBob Van Landuyt <>2017-08-31 21:13:00 +0200
commit0fa0ed7d854761c5f055e421464adb0ff3522411 (patch)
treebb6c42fd67bfb6ab3cfbcb156bf7ce675c308a78 /lib/gitlab/i18n
parent49b38194775a6f0043a0f7f2d01932fcdea69810 (diff)
Move `PoLinter` into `Gitlab::I18n`
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gitlab/i18n')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/i18n/po_linter.rb b/lib/gitlab/i18n/po_linter.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..201d73cfe1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/i18n/po_linter.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+require 'simple_po_parser'
+module Gitlab
+ module I18n
+ class PoLinter
+ attr_reader :po_path, :entries, :locale
+ VARIABLE_REGEX = /%{\w*}|%[a-z]/.freeze
+ def initialize(po_path, locale = I18n.locale.to_s)
+ @po_path = po_path
+ @locale = locale
+ end
+ def errors
+ @errors ||= validate_po
+ end
+ def validate_po
+ if parse_error = parse_po
+ return 'PO-syntax errors' => [parse_error]
+ end
+ validate_entries
+ end
+ def parse_po
+ @entries = SimplePoParser.parse(po_path)
+ nil
+ rescue SimplePoParser::ParserError => e
+ @entries = []
+ e.message
+ end
+ def validate_entries
+ errors = {}
+ entries.each do |entry|
+ # Skip validation of metadata
+ next if entry[:msgid].empty?
+ errors_for_entry = validate_entry(entry)
+ errors[join_message(entry[:msgid])] = errors_for_entry if errors_for_entry.any?
+ end
+ errors
+ end
+ def validate_entry(entry)
+ errors = []
+ validate_flags(errors, entry)
+ validate_variables(errors, entry)
+ validate_newlines(errors, entry)
+ errors
+ end
+ def validate_newlines(errors, entry)
+ message_id = join_message(entry[:msgid])
+ if entry[:msgid].is_a?(Array)
+ errors << "<#{message_id}> is defined over multiple lines, this breaks some tooling."
+ end
+ if translations_in_entry(entry).any? { |translation| translation.is_a?(Array) }
+ errors << "<#{message_id}> has translations defined over multiple lines, this breaks some tooling."
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_variables(errors, entry)
+ if entry[:msgid_plural].present?
+ validate_variables_in_message(errors, entry[:msgid], entry['msgstr[0]'])
+ # Validate all plurals
+ { |key_name| key_name =~ /msgstr\[[1-9]\]/ }.each do |plural_key|
+ validate_variables_in_message(errors, entry[:msgid_plural], entry[plural_key])
+ end
+ else
+ validate_variables_in_message(errors, entry[:msgid], entry[:msgstr])
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_variables_in_message(errors, message_id, message_translation)
+ message_id = join_message(message_id)
+ required_variables = message_id.scan(VARIABLE_REGEX)
+ validate_unnamed_variables(errors, required_variables)
+ validate_translation(errors, message_id, required_variables)
+ validate_variable_usage(errors, message_translation, required_variables)
+ end
+ def validate_translation(errors, message_id, used_variables)
+ variables = fill_in_variables(used_variables)
+ begin
+ Gitlab::I18n.with_locale(locale) do
+ translated = if message_id.include?('|')
+ FastGettext::Translation.s_(message_id)
+ else
+ FastGettext::Translation._(message_id)
+ end
+ translated % variables
+ end
+ # `sprintf` could raise an `ArgumentError` when invalid passing something
+ # other than a Hash when using named variables
+ #
+ # `sprintf` could raise `TypeError` when passing a wrong type when using
+ # unnamed variables
+ #
+ # FastGettext::Translation could raise `RuntimeError` (raised as a string),
+ # or as subclassess `NoTextDomainConfigured` & `InvalidFormat`
+ #
+ # `FastGettext::Translation` could raise `ArgumentError` as subclassess
+ # `InvalidEncoding`, `IllegalSequence` & `InvalidCharacter`
+ rescue ArgumentError, TypeError, RuntimeError => e
+ errors << "Failure translating to #{locale} with #{variables}: #{e.message}"
+ end
+ end
+ def fill_in_variables(variables)
+ if variables.empty?
+ []
+ elsif variables.any? { |variable| unnamed_variable?(variable) }
+ do |variable|
+ variable == '%d' ? Random.rand(1000) : Gitlab::Utils.random_string
+ end
+ else
+ variables.inject({}) do |hash, variable|
+ variable_name = variable[/\w+/]
+ hash[variable_name] = Gitlab::Utils.random_string
+ hash
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_unnamed_variables(errors, variables)
+ if variables.size > 1 && variables.any? { |variable_name| unnamed_variable?(variable_name) }
+ errors << 'is combining multiple unnamed variables'
+ end
+ end
+ def validate_variable_usage(errors, translation, required_variables)
+ translation = join_message(translation)
+ # We don't need to validate when the message is empty.
+ # Translations could fallback to the default, or we could be validating a
+ # language that does not have plurals.
+ return if translation.empty?
+ found_variables = translation.scan(VARIABLE_REGEX)
+ missing_variables = required_variables - found_variables
+ if missing_variables.any?
+ errors << "<#{translation}> is missing: [#{missing_variables.to_sentence}]"
+ end
+ unknown_variables = found_variables - required_variables
+ if unknown_variables.any?
+ errors << "<#{translation}> is using unknown variables: [#{unknown_variables.to_sentence}]"
+ end
+ end
+ def unnamed_variable?(variable_name)
+ !variable_name.start_with?('%{')
+ end
+ def validate_flags(errors, entry)
+ if flag = entry[:flag]
+ errors << "is marked #{flag}"
+ end
+ end
+ def join_message(message)
+ Array(message).join
+ end
+ def translations_in_entry(entry)
+ if entry[:msgid_plural].present?
+ entry.fetch_values(*plural_translation_keys_in_entry(entry))
+ else
+ [entry[:msgstr]]
+ end
+ end
+ def plural_translation_keys_in_entry(entry)
+ { |key| key =~ /msgstr\[\d*\]/ }
+ end
+ end
+ end