path: root/lib
diff options
authorGitLab Bot <>2022-03-03 00:20:18 +0000
committerGitLab Bot <>2022-03-03 00:20:18 +0000
commit475d5a7a176dcb87bd1fb8d55883ad2b3b2a7955 (patch)
tree93a6467c8d82d26468ce3dcebef5a7838c5a974b /lib
parentbd091da6d5cb036cf3c58d4ba5671f931c8381e1 (diff)
Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
10 files changed, 374 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/lib/api/entities/label_basic.rb b/lib/api/entities/label_basic.rb
index ed52688638e..7c846180558 100644
--- a/lib/api/entities/label_basic.rb
+++ b/lib/api/entities/label_basic.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,11 @@
module API
module Entities
class LabelBasic < Grape::Entity
- expose :id, :name, :color, :description, :description_html, :text_color
+ expose :id, :name, :description, :description_html, :text_color
+ expose :color do |label, options|
+ label.color.to_s
+ end
diff --git a/lib/api/validations/validators/file_path.rb b/lib/api/validations/validators/file_path.rb
index 246c445658f..268ddc29d4e 100644
--- a/lib/api/validations/validators/file_path.rb
+++ b/lib/api/validations/validators/file_path.rb
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ module API
options = @option.is_a?(Hash) ? @option : {}
path_allowlist = options.fetch(:allowlist, [])
path = params[attr_name]
- path = Gitlab::Utils.check_path_traversal!(path)
- Gitlab::Utils.check_allowed_absolute_path!(path, path_allowlist)
+ Gitlab::Utils.check_allowed_absolute_path_and_path_traversal!(path, path_allowlist)
rescue StandardError
params: [@scope.full_name(attr_name)],
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/background_migration/encrypt_integration_properties.rb b/lib/gitlab/background_migration/encrypt_integration_properties.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3843356af69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/background_migration/encrypt_integration_properties.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module BackgroundMigration
+ # Migrates the column from plaintext to encrypted text.
+ class EncryptIntegrationProperties
+ # The Integration model, with just the relevant bits.
+ class Integration < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include EachBatch
+ ALGORITHM = 'aes-256-gcm'
+ self.table_name = 'integrations'
+ self.inheritance_column = :_type_disabled
+ scope :with_properties, -> { where.not(properties: nil) }
+ scope :not_already_encrypted, -> { where(encrypted_properties: nil) }
+ scope :for_batch, ->(range) { where(id: range) }
+ attr_encrypted :encrypted_properties_tmp,
+ attribute: :encrypted_properties,
+ mode: :per_attribute_iv,
+ key: ::Settings.attr_encrypted_db_key_base_32,
+ algorithm: ALGORITHM,
+ marshal: true,
+ marshaler: ::Gitlab::Json,
+ encode: false,
+ encode_iv: false
+ # See 'Integration#reencrypt_properties'
+ def encrypt_properties
+ data = ::Gitlab::Json.parse(properties)
+ iv = generate_iv(ALGORITHM)
+ ep = self.class.encrypt(:encrypted_properties_tmp, data, { iv: iv })
+ [ep, iv]
+ end
+ end
+ def perform(start_id, stop_id)
+ batch_query = Integration.with_properties.not_already_encrypted.for_batch(start_id..stop_id)
+ encrypt_batch(batch_query)
+ mark_job_as_succeeded(start_id, stop_id)
+ end
+ private
+ def mark_job_as_succeeded(*arguments)
+ Gitlab::Database::BackgroundMigrationJob.mark_all_as_succeeded(
+ arguments
+ )
+ end
+ # represent binary string as a PSQL binary literal:
+ #
+ def bytea(value)
+ "'\\x#{value.unpack1('H*')}'::bytea"
+ end
+ def encrypt_batch(batch_query)
+ values =, :properties).map do |record|
+ encrypted_properties, encrypted_properties_iv = record.encrypt_properties
+ "(#{}, #{bytea(encrypted_properties)}, #{bytea(encrypted_properties_iv)})"
+ end
+ return if values.empty?
+ Integration.connection.execute(<<~SQL.squish)
+ WITH cte(cte_id, cte_encrypted_properties, cte_encrypted_properties_iv)
+ AS #{::Gitlab::Database::AsWithMaterialized.materialized_if_supported} (
+ FROM (VALUES #{values.join(',')}) AS t (id, encrypted_properties, encrypted_properties_iv)
+ )
+ UPDATE #{Integration.table_name}
+ SET encrypted_properties = cte_encrypted_properties
+ , encrypted_properties_iv = cte_encrypted_properties_iv
+ FROM cte
+ WHERE cte_id = id
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
index f57959f9547..ff8641c014d 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/parsers/security/common.rb
@@ -42,14 +42,19 @@ module Gitlab
attr_reader :json_data, :report, :validate
def valid?
- if Feature.enabled?(:enforce_security_report_validation)
- if !validate || schema_validator.valid?
- report.schema_validation_status = :valid_schema
- true
+ if Feature.enabled?(:show_report_validation_warnings)
+ # We want validation to happen regardless of VALIDATE_SCHEMA CI variable
+ schema_validation_passed = schema_validator.valid?
+ if validate
+ schema_validator.errors.each { |error| report.add_error('Schema', error) } unless schema_validation_passed
+ schema_validation_passed
- report.schema_validation_status = :invalid_schema
- schema_validator.errors.each { |error| report.add_error('Schema', error) }
- false
+ # We treat all schema validation errors as warnings
+ schema_validator.errors.each { |error| report.add_warning('Schema', error) }
+ true
return true if !validate || schema_validator.valid?
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/report.rb b/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/report.rb
index fbf8c81ac36..8c528056d0c 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/report.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/ci/reports/security/report.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module Gitlab
module Security
class Report
attr_reader :created_at, :type, :pipeline, :findings, :scanners, :identifiers
- attr_accessor :scan, :scanned_resources, :errors, :analyzer, :version, :schema_validation_status
+ attr_accessor :scan, :scanned_resources, :errors, :analyzer, :version, :schema_validation_status, :warnings
delegate :project_id, to: :pipeline
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ module Gitlab
@identifiers = {}
@scanned_resources = []
@errors = []
+ @warnings = []
def commit_sha
@@ -29,6 +30,10 @@ module Gitlab
errors << { type: type, message: message }
+ def add_warning(type, message)
+ warnings << { type: type, message: message }
+ end
def errored?
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/color.rb b/lib/gitlab/color.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e0caabb0ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/color.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ class Color
+ PATTERN = /\A\#(?:[0-9A-Fa-f]{3}){1,2}\Z/.freeze
+ def initialize(value)
+ @value = value&.strip&.freeze
+ end
+ module Constants
+ DARK ='#333333')
+ black: '#000000',
+ silver: '#C0C0C0',
+ gray: '#808080',
+ white: '#FFFFFF',
+ maroon: '#800000',
+ red: '#FF0000',
+ purple: '#800080',
+ fuchsia: '#FF00FF',
+ green: '#008000',
+ lime: '#00FF00',
+ olive: '#808000',
+ yellow: '#FFFF00',
+ navy: '#000080',
+ blue: '#0000FF',
+ teal: '#008080',
+ aqua: '#00FFFF',
+ orange: '#FFA500',
+ aliceblue: '#F0F8FF',
+ antiquewhite: '#FAEBD7',
+ aquamarine: '#7FFFD4',
+ azure: '#F0FFFF',
+ beige: '#F5F5DC',
+ bisque: '#FFE4C4',
+ blanchedalmond: '#FFEBCD',
+ blueviolet: '#8A2BE2',
+ brown: '#A52A2A',
+ burlywood: '#DEB887',
+ cadetblue: '#5F9EA0',
+ chartreuse: '#7FFF00',
+ chocolate: '#D2691E',
+ coral: '#FF7F50',
+ cornflowerblue: '#6495ED',
+ cornsilk: '#FFF8DC',
+ crimson: '#DC143C',
+ darkblue: '#00008B',
+ darkcyan: '#008B8B',
+ darkgoldenrod: '#B8860B',
+ darkgray: '#A9A9A9',
+ darkgreen: '#006400',
+ darkgrey: '#A9A9A9',
+ darkkhaki: '#BDB76B',
+ darkmagenta: '#8B008B',
+ darkolivegreen: '#556B2F',
+ darkorange: '#FF8C00',
+ darkorchid: '#9932CC',
+ darkred: '#8B0000',
+ darksalmon: '#E9967A',
+ darkseagreen: '#8FBC8F',
+ darkslateblue: '#483D8B',
+ darkslategray: '#2F4F4F',
+ darkslategrey: '#2F4F4F',
+ darkturquoise: '#00CED1',
+ darkviolet: '#9400D3',
+ deeppink: '#FF1493',
+ deepskyblue: '#00BFFF',
+ dimgray: '#696969',
+ dimgrey: '#696969',
+ dodgerblue: '#1E90FF',
+ firebrick: '#B22222',
+ floralwhite: '#FFFAF0',
+ forestgreen: '#228B22',
+ gainsboro: '#DCDCDC',
+ ghostwhite: '#F8F8FF',
+ gold: '#FFD700',
+ goldenrod: '#DAA520',
+ greenyellow: '#ADFF2F',
+ grey: '#808080',
+ honeydew: '#F0FFF0',
+ hotpink: '#FF69B4',
+ indianred: '#CD5C5C',
+ indigo: '#4B0082',
+ ivory: '#FFFFF0',
+ khaki: '#F0E68C',
+ lavender: '#E6E6FA',
+ lavenderblush: '#FFF0F5',
+ lawngreen: '#7CFC00',
+ lemonchiffon: '#FFFACD',
+ lightblue: '#ADD8E6',
+ lightcoral: '#F08080',
+ lightcyan: '#E0FFFF',
+ lightgoldenrodyellow: '#FAFAD2',
+ lightgray: '#D3D3D3',
+ lightgreen: '#90EE90',
+ lightgrey: '#D3D3D3',
+ lightpink: '#FFB6C1',
+ lightsalmon: '#FFA07A',
+ lightseagreen: '#20B2AA',
+ lightskyblue: '#87CEFA',
+ lightslategray: '#778899',
+ lightslategrey: '#778899',
+ lightsteelblue: '#B0C4DE',
+ lightyellow: '#FFFFE0',
+ limegreen: '#32CD32',
+ linen: '#FAF0E6',
+ mediumaquamarine: '#66CDAA',
+ mediumblue: '#0000CD',
+ mediumorchid: '#BA55D3',
+ mediumpurple: '#9370DB',
+ mediumseagreen: '#3CB371',
+ mediumslateblue: '#7B68EE',
+ mediumspringgreen: '#00FA9A',
+ mediumturquoise: '#48D1CC',
+ mediumvioletred: '#C71585',
+ midnightblue: '#191970',
+ mintcream: '#F5FFFA',
+ mistyrose: '#FFE4E1',
+ moccasin: '#FFE4B5',
+ navajowhite: '#FFDEAD',
+ oldlace: '#FDF5E6',
+ olivedrab: '#6B8E23',
+ orangered: '#FF4500',
+ orchid: '#DA70D6',
+ palegoldenrod: '#EEE8AA',
+ palegreen: '#98FB98',
+ paleturquoise: '#AFEEEE',
+ palevioletred: '#DB7093',
+ papayawhip: '#FFEFD5',
+ peachpuff: '#FFDAB9',
+ peru: '#CD853F',
+ pink: '#FFC0CB',
+ plum: '#DDA0DD',
+ powderblue: '#B0E0E6',
+ rosybrown: '#BC8F8F',
+ royalblue: '#4169E1',
+ saddlebrown: '#8B4513',
+ salmon: '#FA8072',
+ sandybrown: '#F4A460',
+ seagreen: '#2E8B57',
+ seashell: '#FFF5EE',
+ sienna: '#A0522D',
+ skyblue: '#87CEEB',
+ slateblue: '#6A5ACD',
+ slategray: '#708090',
+ slategrey: '#708090',
+ snow: '#FFFAFA',
+ springgreen: '#00FF7F',
+ steelblue: '#4682B4',
+ tan: '#D2B48C',
+ thistle: '#D8BFD8',
+ tomato: '#FF6347',
+ turquoise: '#40E0D0',
+ violet: '#EE82EE',
+ wheat: '#F5DEB3',
+ whitesmoke: '#F5F5F5',
+ yellowgreen: '#9ACD32',
+ rebeccapurple: '#663399'
+ }.stringify_keys.transform_values { }.freeze
+ end
+ def self.of(color)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'No color spec' unless color
+ return color if color.is_a?(self)
+ color = color.to_s.strip
+ Constants::COLOR_NAME_TO_HEX[color.downcase] || new(color)
+ end
+ def to_s
+ @value.to_s
+ end
+ def as_json(_options = nil)
+ to_s
+ end
+ def eql(other)
+ return false unless other.is_a?(self.class)
+ to_s == other.to_s
+ end
+ alias_method :==, :eql
+ def valid?
+ PATTERN.match?(@value)
+ end
+ def light?
+ valid? && rgb.sum > 500
+ end
+ def luminosity
+ return :light if light?
+ :dark
+ end
+ def contrast
+ return Constants::DARK if light?
+ Constants::LIGHT
+ end
+ private
+ def rgb
+ return [] unless valid?
+ @rgb ||= begin
+ if @value.length == 4
+ @value[1, 4].scan(/./).map { |v| (v * 2).hex }
+ else
+ @value[1, 7].scan(/.{2}/).map(&:hex)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/database/type/color.rb b/lib/gitlab/database/type/color.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..32ea33a42f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gitlab/database/type/color.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Gitlab
+ module Database
+ module Type
+ class Color < ActiveModel::Type::Value
+ def serialize(value)
+ value.to_s if value
+ end
+ def serializable?(value)
+ value.nil? || value.is_a?(::String) || value.is_a?(::Gitlab::Color)
+ end
+ def cast_value(value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/json.rb b/lib/gitlab/json.rb
index 368b621bdfb..9824b46554f 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/json.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/json.rb
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ module Gitlab
# @return [Boolean, String, Array, Hash]
# @raise [JSON::ParserError] raised if parsing fails
def parse(string, opts = {})
+ # Parse nil as nil
+ return if string.nil?
# First we should ensure this really is a string, not some other
# type which purports to be a string. This handles some legacy
# usage of the JSON class.
@@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ module Gitlab
alias_method :parse!, :parse
+ alias_method :load, :parse
# Restricted method for converting a Ruby object to JSON. If you
# need to pass options to this, you should use `.generate` instead,
@@ -67,6 +71,14 @@ module Gitlab
::JSON.pretty_generate(object, opts)
+ # The standard parser error we should be returning. Defined in a method
+ # so we can potentially override it later.
+ #
+ # @return [JSON::ParserError]
+ def parser_error
+ ::JSON::ParserError
+ end
# Convert JSON string into Ruby through toggleable adapters.
@@ -134,14 +146,6 @@ module Gitlab
- # The standard parser error we should be returning. Defined in a method
- # so we can potentially override it later.
- #
- # @return [JSON::ParserError]
- def parser_error
- ::JSON::ParserError
- end
# @param [Nil, Boolean] an extracted :legacy_mode key from the opts hash
# @return [Boolean]
def legacy_mode_enabled?(arg_value)
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/performance_bar/stats.rb b/lib/gitlab/performance_bar/stats.rb
index cf524e69454..8743772eef6 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/performance_bar/stats.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/performance_bar/stats.rb
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ module Gitlab
log_queries(id, data, 'active-record')
log_queries(id, data, 'gitaly')
log_queries(id, data, 'redis')
- rescue StandardError => err
- logger.error(message: "failed to process request id #{id}: #{err.message}")
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ logger.error(message: "failed to process request id #{id}: #{e.message}")
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ module Gitlab
def request(id)
# Peek gem stores request data under peek:requests:request_id key
json_data = @redis.get("peek:requests:#{id}")
+ raise "No data for #{id}" if json_data.nil?
diff --git a/lib/gitlab/utils.rb b/lib/gitlab/utils.rb
index 608545baf74..a337fcc43c4 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab/utils.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab/utils.rb
@@ -37,6 +37,13 @@ module Gitlab
raise StandardError, "path #{path} is not allowed"
+ def check_allowed_absolute_path_and_path_traversal!(path, path_allowlist)
+ traversal_path = check_path_traversal!(path)
+ raise StandardError, "path is not a string!" unless traversal_path.is_a?(String)
+ check_allowed_absolute_path!(traversal_path, path_allowlist)
+ end
def decode_path(encoded_path)
decoded = CGI.unescape(encoded_path)
if decoded != CGI.unescape(decoded)