path: root/spec/frontend/branches
diff options
authorGitLab Bot <>2022-11-16 18:11:26 +0000
committerGitLab Bot <>2022-11-16 18:11:26 +0000
commit8fa0c53e26c947ac647b8067fde3e9673b77b1a6 (patch)
treeda32e7224125973e9e87d3856fb7e672ff41c8b1 /spec/frontend/branches
parent0552020767452da44de2bf5424096f2cb2ea6bf5 (diff)
Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/frontend/branches')
3 files changed, 289 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/frontend/branches/components/__snapshots__/delete_merged_branches_spec.js.snap b/spec/frontend/branches/components/__snapshots__/delete_merged_branches_spec.js.snap
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6aab3b51806
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/branches/components/__snapshots__/delete_merged_branches_spec.js.snap
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// Jest Snapshot v1,
+exports[`Delete merged branches component Delete merged branches confirmation modal matches snapshot 1`] = `
+ <b-button-stub
+ class="gl-mr-3 gl-button btn-danger-secondary"
+ data-qa-selector="delete_merged_branches_button"
+ size="md"
+ tag="button"
+ type="button"
+ variant="danger"
+ >
+ <!---->
+ <!---->
+ <span
+ class="gl-button-text"
+ >
+ Delete merged branches
+ </span>
+ </b-button-stub>
+ <div>
+ <form
+ action="/namespace/project/-/merged_branches"
+ method="post"
+ >
+ <p>
+ You are about to
+ <strong>
+ delete all branches
+ </strong>
+ that were merged into
+ <code>
+ master
+ </code>
+ .
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This may include merged branches that are not visible on the current screen.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ A branch won't be deleted if it is protected or associated with an open merge request.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This bulk action is
+ <strong>
+ permanent and cannot be undone or recovered
+ </strong>
+ .
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Plese type the following to confirm:
+ <code>
+ delete
+ </code>
+ .
+ <b-form-input-stub
+ aria-labelledby="input-label"
+ autocomplete="off"
+ class="gl-form-input gl-mt-2 gl-form-input-sm"
+ data-qa-selector="delete_merged_branches_input"
+ debounce="0"
+ formatter="[Function]"
+ type="text"
+ value=""
+ />
+ </p>
+ <input
+ name="_method"
+ type="hidden"
+ value="delete"
+ />
+ <input
+ name="authenticity_token"
+ type="hidden"
+ value="mock-csrf-token"
+ />
+ </form>
+ <div
+ class="gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-row gl-justify-content-end gl-flex-wrap gl-m-0 gl-mr-3"
+ >
+ <b-button-stub
+ class="gl-button"
+ data-testid="delete-merged-branches-cancel-button"
+ size="md"
+ tag="button"
+ type="button"
+ variant="default"
+ >
+ <!---->
+ <!---->
+ <span
+ class="gl-button-text"
+ >
+ Cancel
+ </span>
+ </b-button-stub>
+ <b-button-stub
+ class="gl-button"
+ data-qa-selector="delete_merged_branches_confirmation_button"
+ data-testid="delete-merged-branches-confirmation-button"
+ disabled="true"
+ size="md"
+ tag="button"
+ type="button"
+ variant="danger"
+ >
+ <!---->
+ <!---->
+ <span
+ class="gl-button-text"
+ >
+ Delete merged branches
+ </span>
+ </b-button-stub>
+ </div>
+ </div>
diff --git a/spec/frontend/branches/components/delete_merged_branches_spec.js b/spec/frontend/branches/components/delete_merged_branches_spec.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f1e772f4a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/branches/components/delete_merged_branches_spec.js
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+import { GlButton, GlModal, GlFormInput, GlSprintf } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
+import { shallowMountExtended } from 'helpers/vue_test_utils_helper';
+import { stubComponent } from 'helpers/stub_component';
+import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises';
+import { createMockDirective, getBinding } from 'helpers/vue_mock_directive';
+import DeleteMergedBranches, { i18n } from '~/branches/components/delete_merged_branches.vue';
+import { formPath, propsDataMock } from '../mock_data';
+jest.mock('~/lib/utils/csrf', () => ({ token: 'mock-csrf-token' }));
+let wrapper;
+const stubsData = {
+ GlModal: stubComponent(GlModal, {
+ template:
+ '<div><slot name="modal-title"></slot><slot></slot><slot name="modal-footer"></slot></div>',
+ }),
+ GlButton,
+ GlFormInput,
+ GlSprintf,
+const createComponent = (mountFn = shallowMountExtended, stubs = {}) => {
+ wrapper = mountFn(DeleteMergedBranches, {
+ propsData: {
+ ...propsDataMock,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ GlTooltip: createMockDirective(),
+ },
+ stubs,
+ });
+const findDeleteButton = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlButton);
+const findModal = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlModal);
+const findConfirmationButton = () =>
+ wrapper.findByTestId('delete-merged-branches-confirmation-button');
+const findCancelButton = () => wrapper.findByTestId('delete-merged-branches-cancel-button');
+const findFormInput = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlFormInput);
+const findForm = () => wrapper.find('form');
+const submitFormSpy = () => jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$refs.form, 'submit');
+describe('Delete merged branches component', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ createComponent();
+ });
+ describe('Delete merged branches button', () => {
+ it('has correct attributes, text and tooltip', () => {
+ expect(findDeleteButton().attributes()).toMatchObject({
+ category: 'secondary',
+ variant: 'danger',
+ });
+ expect(findDeleteButton().text()).toBe(i18n.deleteButtonText);
+ });
+ it('displays a tooltip', () => {
+ const tooltip = getBinding(findDeleteButton().element, 'gl-tooltip');
+ expect(tooltip).toBeDefined();
+ expect(tooltip.value).toBe(wrapper.vm.buttonTooltipText);
+ });
+ it('opens modal when clicked', () => {
+ createComponent(mount);
+ jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$refs.modal, 'show');
+ findDeleteButton().trigger('click');
+ expect(wrapper.vm.$;
+ });
+ });
+ describe('Delete merged branches confirmation modal', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ createComponent(shallowMountExtended, stubsData);
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ wrapper.destroy();
+ });
+ it('renders correct modal title and text', () => {
+ const modalText = findModal().text();
+ expect(findModal().props('title')).toBe(i18n.modalTitle);
+ expect(modalText).toContain(i18n.notVisibleBranchesWarning);
+ expect(modalText).toContain(i18n.protectedBranchWarning);
+ });
+ it('renders confirm and cancel buttons with correct text', () => {
+ expect(findConfirmationButton().text()).toContain(i18n.deleteButtonText);
+ expect(findCancelButton().text()).toContain(i18n.cancelButtonText);
+ });
+ it('renders form with correct attributes and hiden inputs', () => {
+ const form = findForm();
+ expect(form.attributes()).toEqual({
+ action: formPath,
+ method: 'post',
+ });
+ expect(form.find('input[name="_method"]').attributes('value')).toBe('delete');
+ expect(form.find('input[name="authenticity_token"]').attributes('value')).toBe(
+ 'mock-csrf-token',
+ );
+ });
+ it('matches snapshot', () => {
+ expect(wrapper.element).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
+ it('has a disabled confirm button by default', () => {
+ expect(findConfirmationButton().props('disabled')).toBe(true);
+ });
+ it('keeps disabled state when wrong input is provided', async () => {
+ findFormInput().vm.$emit('input', 'hello');
+ await waitForPromises();
+ expect(findConfirmationButton().props('disabled')).toBe(true);
+ findConfirmationButton().trigger('click');
+ expect(submitFormSpy()).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ findFormInput().trigger('keyup.enter');
+ expect(submitFormSpy()).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('submits form when correct amount is provided and the confirm button is clicked', async () => {
+ findFormInput().vm.$emit('input', 'delete');
+ await waitForPromises();
+ expect(findDeleteButton().props('disabled')).not.toBe(true);
+ findConfirmationButton().trigger('click');
+ expect(submitFormSpy()).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ it('calls hide on the modal when cancel button is clicked', () => {
+ const closeModalSpy = jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm.$refs.modal, 'hide');
+ findCancelButton().trigger('click');
+ expect(closeModalSpy).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/spec/frontend/branches/mock_data.js b/spec/frontend/branches/mock_data.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9e8839d8ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/frontend/branches/mock_data.js
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export const formPath = '/namespace/project/-/merged_branches';
+const defaultBranch = 'master';
+export const propsDataMock = {
+ formPath,
+ defaultBranch,