path: root/vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js
diff options
authorLin Jen-Shin <>2017-05-23 02:10:29 +0800
committerLin Jen-Shin <>2017-05-23 02:10:29 +0800
commit1a4130d3a6cfb4956f8bb1186cc499ea549d8e18 (patch)
tree076adcb3e6f3800a1a7bbc6809839d5cb3b3f372 /vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js
parent3c8a6fba67998eb17240b15db85f8d1c8aff338e (diff)
parent18a6d9c5326bc2b90a1f0cc8664d638a39885924 (diff)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into 27377-preload-pipeline-entity27377-preload-pipeline-entity
* upstream/master: (2534 commits) Update VERSION to 9.3.0-pre Update for 9.2.0 removes unnecessary redundacy in usage ping doc Respect the typo as rubocop said Add a test to ensure this works on MySQL Change pipelines schedules help page path change domain to hostname in usage ping doc Fixes broken MySQL migration for retried Show password field mask while editing service settings Add notes for supported schedulers and cloud providers Move environment monitoring to environments doc Add docs for change of Cache/Artifact restore order" Avoid resource intensive login checks if password is not provided Change translation for 'coding' by 'desarrollo' for Spanish Add to docs: issues multiple assignees rename "Add emoji" and "Award emoji" to "Add reaction" where appropriate Add project and group notification settings info 32570 Fix border-bottom for project activity tab Add users endpoint to frontend API class Rename users on mysql ...
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js')
1 files changed, 12484 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js b/vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5d9c348ce35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/assets/javascripts/pdflab.js
@@ -0,0 +1,12484 @@
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+ if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+ module.exports = factory();
+ else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+ define("PDFLab", [], factory);
+ else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+ exports["PDFLab"] = factory();
+ else
+ root["PDFLab"] = factory();
+})(this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ // install a JSONP callback for chunk loading
+/******/ var parentJsonpFunction = window["webpackJsonpPDFLab"];
+/******/ window["webpackJsonpPDFLab"] = function webpackJsonpCallback(chunkIds, moreModules, executeModules) {
+/******/ // add "moreModules" to the modules object,
+/******/ // then flag all "chunkIds" as loaded and fire callback
+/******/ var moduleId, chunkId, i = 0, resolves = [], result;
+/******/ for(;i < chunkIds.length; i++) {
+/******/ chunkId = chunkIds[i];
+/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId])
+/******/ resolves.push(installedChunks[chunkId][0]);
+/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = 0;
+/******/ }
+/******/ for(moduleId in moreModules) {
+/******/ if(, moduleId)) {
+/******/ modules[moduleId] = moreModules[moduleId];
+/******/ }
+/******/ }
+/******/ if(parentJsonpFunction) parentJsonpFunction(chunkIds, moreModules, executeModules);
+/******/ while(resolves.length)
+/******/ resolves.shift()();
+/******/ };
+/******/ // The module cache
+/******/ var installedModules = {};
+/******/ // objects to store loaded and loading chunks
+/******/ var installedChunks = {
+/******/ 1: 0,
+/******/ 2: 0
+/******/ };
+/******/ // The require function
+/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ // Check if module is in cache
+/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
+/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ i: moduleId,
+/******/ l: false,
+/******/ exports: {}
+/******/ };
+/******/ // Execute the module function
+/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ module.l = true;
+/******/ // Return the exports of the module
+/******/ return module.exports;
+/******/ }
+/******/ // This file contains only the entry chunk.
+/******/ // The chunk loading function for additional chunks
+/******/ __webpack_require__.e = function requireEnsure(chunkId) {
+/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId] === 0)
+/******/ return Promise.resolve();
+/******/ // an Promise means "currently loading".
+/******/ if(installedChunks[chunkId]) {
+/******/ return installedChunks[chunkId][2];
+/******/ }
+/******/ // start chunk loading
+/******/ var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
+/******/ var script = document.createElement('script');
+/******/ script.type = 'text/javascript';
+/******/ script.charset = 'utf-8';
+/******/ script.async = true;
+/******/ script.timeout = 120000;
+/******/ if ( {
+/******/ script.setAttribute("nonce",;
+/******/ }
+/******/ script.src = __webpack_require__.p + "" + chunkId + ".js";
+/******/ var timeout = setTimeout(onScriptComplete, 120000);
+/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = onScriptComplete;
+/******/ function onScriptComplete() {
+/******/ // avoid mem leaks in IE.
+/******/ script.onerror = script.onload = null;
+/******/ clearTimeout(timeout);
+/******/ var chunk = installedChunks[chunkId];
+/******/ if(chunk !== 0) {
+/******/ if(chunk) chunk[1](new Error('Loading chunk ' + chunkId + ' failed.'));
+/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = undefined;
+/******/ }
+/******/ };
+/******/ var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+/******/ installedChunks[chunkId] = [resolve, reject];
+/******/ });
+/******/ installedChunks[chunkId][2] = promise;
+/******/ head.appendChild(script);
+/******/ return promise;
+/******/ };
+/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ // expose the module cache
+/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ // identity function for calling harmony imports with the correct context
+/******/ __webpack_require__.i = function(value) { return value; };
+/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
+/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
+/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
+/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
+/******/ configurable: false,
+/******/ enumerable: true,
+/******/ get: getter
+/******/ });
+/******/ }
+/******/ };
+/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
+/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
+/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
+/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
+/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
+/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
+/******/ return getter;
+/******/ };
+/******/ //
+/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
+/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
+/******/ // on error function for async loading
+/******/ __webpack_require__.oe = function(err) { console.error(err); throw err; };
+/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 23);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+// shim for using process in browser
+var process = module.exports = {};
+// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it
+// don't break things. But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is
+// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals. It's inside a
+// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.
+var cachedSetTimeout;
+var cachedClearTimeout;
+function defaultSetTimout() {
+ throw new Error('setTimeout has not been defined');
+function defaultClearTimeout () {
+ throw new Error('clearTimeout has not been defined');
+(function () {
+ try {
+ if (typeof setTimeout === 'function') {
+ cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
+ } else {
+ cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ cachedSetTimeout = defaultSetTimout;
+ }
+ try {
+ if (typeof clearTimeout === 'function') {
+ cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
+ } else {
+ cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ cachedClearTimeout = defaultClearTimeout;
+ }
+} ())
+function runTimeout(fun) {
+ if (cachedSetTimeout === setTimeout) {
+ //normal enviroments in sane situations
+ return setTimeout(fun, 0);
+ }
+ // if setTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
+ if ((cachedSetTimeout === defaultSetTimout || !cachedSetTimeout) && setTimeout) {
+ cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
+ return setTimeout(fun, 0);
+ }
+ try {
+ // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
+ return cachedSetTimeout(fun, 0);
+ } catch(e){
+ try {
+ // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
+ return, fun, 0);
+ } catch(e){
+ // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error
+ return, fun, 0);
+ }
+ }
+function runClearTimeout(marker) {
+ if (cachedClearTimeout === clearTimeout) {
+ //normal enviroments in sane situations
+ return clearTimeout(marker);
+ }
+ // if clearTimeout wasn't available but was latter defined
+ if ((cachedClearTimeout === defaultClearTimeout || !cachedClearTimeout) && clearTimeout) {
+ cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
+ return clearTimeout(marker);
+ }
+ try {
+ // when when somebody has screwed with setTimeout but no I.E. maddness
+ return cachedClearTimeout(marker);
+ } catch (e){
+ try {
+ // When we are in I.E. but the script has been evaled so I.E. doesn't trust the global object when called normally
+ return, marker);
+ } catch (e){
+ // same as above but when it's a version of I.E. that must have the global object for 'this', hopfully our context correct otherwise it will throw a global error.
+ // Some versions of I.E. have different rules for clearTimeout vs setTimeout
+ return, marker);
+ }
+ }
+var queue = [];
+var draining = false;
+var currentQueue;
+var queueIndex = -1;
+function cleanUpNextTick() {
+ if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
+ return;
+ }
+ draining = false;
+ if (currentQueue.length) {
+ queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
+ } else {
+ queueIndex = -1;
+ }
+ if (queue.length) {
+ drainQueue();
+ }
+function drainQueue() {
+ if (draining) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var timeout = runTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
+ draining = true;
+ var len = queue.length;
+ while(len) {
+ currentQueue = queue;
+ queue = [];
+ while (++queueIndex < len) {
+ if (currentQueue) {
+ currentQueue[queueIndex].run();
+ }
+ }
+ queueIndex = -1;
+ len = queue.length;
+ }
+ currentQueue = null;
+ draining = false;
+ runClearTimeout(timeout);
+process.nextTick = function (fun) {
+ var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
+ }
+ }
+ queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
+ if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
+ runTimeout(drainQueue);
+ }
+// v8 likes predictible objects
+function Item(fun, array) {
+ = fun;
+ this.array = array;
+} = function () {
+, this.array);
+process.title = 'browser';
+process.browser = true;
+process.env = {};
+process.argv = [];
+process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
+process.versions = {};
+function noop() {}
+process.on = noop;
+process.addListener = noop;
+process.once = noop; = noop;
+process.removeListener = noop;
+process.removeAllListeners = noop;
+process.emit = noop;
+process.binding = function (name) {
+ throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
+process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
+process.chdir = function (dir) {
+ throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
+process.umask = function() { return 0; };
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */,
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {/* Copyright 2017 Mozilla Foundation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+ if(true)
+ module.exports = factory();
+ else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+ define("pdfjs-dist/build/pdf", [], factory);
+ else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+ exports["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf"] = factory();
+ else
+ root["pdfjs-dist/build/pdf"] = root.pdfjsDistBuildPdf = factory();
+})(this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ // The module cache
+/******/ var installedModules = {};
+/******/ // The require function
+/******/ function __w_pdfjs_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ // Check if module is in cache
+/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId])
+/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ i: moduleId,
+/******/ l: false,
+/******/ exports: {}
+/******/ };
+/******/ // Execute the module function
+/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __w_pdfjs_require__);
+/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ module.l = true;
+/******/ // Return the exports of the module
+/******/ return module.exports;
+/******/ }
+/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ // expose the module cache
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ // identity function for calling harmony imports with the correct context
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.i = function(value) { return value; };
+/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
+/******/ if(!__w_pdfjs_require__.o(exports, name)) {
+/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
+/******/ configurable: false,
+/******/ enumerable: true,
+/******/ get: getter
+/******/ });
+/******/ }
+/******/ };
+/******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.n = function(module) {
+/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
+/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
+/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
+/******/ return getter;
+/******/ };
+/******/ //
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
+/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ __w_pdfjs_require__.p = "";
+/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ return __w_pdfjs_require__(__w_pdfjs_require__.s = 13);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {
+var compatibility = __w_pdfjs_require__(14);
+var globalScope = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : undefined;
+var FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX = [0.001, 0, 0, 0.001, 0, 0];
+var TextRenderingMode = {
+ FILL: 0,
+ STROKE: 1,
+var ImageKind = {
+ RGB_24BPP: 2,
+ RGBA_32BPP: 3
+var AnnotationType = {
+ TEXT: 1,
+ LINK: 2,
+ LINE: 4,
+ SQUARE: 5,
+ CIRCLE: 6,
+ STAMP: 13,
+ CARET: 14,
+ INK: 15,
+ POPUP: 16,
+ SOUND: 18,
+ MOVIE: 19,
+ WIDGET: 20,
+ SCREEN: 21,
+ TRAPNET: 23,
+ THREED: 25,
+ REDACT: 26
+var AnnotationFlag = {
+ INVISIBLE: 0x01,
+ HIDDEN: 0x02,
+ PRINT: 0x04,
+ NOZOOM: 0x08,
+ NOROTATE: 0x10,
+ NOVIEW: 0x20,
+ READONLY: 0x40,
+ LOCKED: 0x80,
+var AnnotationFieldFlag = {
+ READONLY: 0x0000001,
+ REQUIRED: 0x0000002,
+ NOEXPORT: 0x0000004,
+ MULTILINE: 0x0001000,
+ PASSWORD: 0x0002000,
+ NOTOGGLETOOFF: 0x0004000,
+ RADIO: 0x0008000,
+ PUSHBUTTON: 0x0010000,
+ COMBO: 0x0020000,
+ EDIT: 0x0040000,
+ SORT: 0x0080000,
+ FILESELECT: 0x0100000,
+ MULTISELECT: 0x0200000,
+ DONOTSCROLL: 0x0800000,
+ COMB: 0x1000000,
+ RICHTEXT: 0x2000000,
+ RADIOSINUNISON: 0x2000000,
+var AnnotationBorderStyleType = {
+ SOLID: 1,
+ DASHED: 2,
+ INSET: 4,
+var StreamType = {
+ FLATE: 1,
+ LZW: 2,
+ DCT: 3,
+ JPX: 4,
+ JBIG: 5,
+ A85: 6,
+ AHX: 7,
+ CCF: 8,
+ RL: 9
+var FontType = {
+ TYPE1: 1,
+ TYPE1C: 2,
+ TYPE3: 7,
+ TYPE0: 9,
+ MMTYPE1: 10
+ errors: 0,
+ warnings: 1,
+ infos: 5
+var CMapCompressionType = {
+ NONE: 0,
+ BINARY: 1,
+var OPS = {
+ dependency: 1,
+ setLineWidth: 2,
+ setLineCap: 3,
+ setLineJoin: 4,
+ setMiterLimit: 5,
+ setDash: 6,
+ setRenderingIntent: 7,
+ setFlatness: 8,
+ setGState: 9,
+ save: 10,
+ restore: 11,
+ transform: 12,
+ moveTo: 13,
+ lineTo: 14,
+ curveTo: 15,
+ curveTo2: 16,
+ curveTo3: 17,
+ closePath: 18,
+ rectangle: 19,
+ stroke: 20,
+ closeStroke: 21,
+ fill: 22,
+ eoFill: 23,
+ fillStroke: 24,
+ eoFillStroke: 25,
+ closeFillStroke: 26,
+ closeEOFillStroke: 27,
+ endPath: 28,
+ clip: 29,
+ eoClip: 30,
+ beginText: 31,
+ endText: 32,
+ setCharSpacing: 33,
+ setWordSpacing: 34,
+ setHScale: 35,
+ setLeading: 36,
+ setFont: 37,
+ setTextRenderingMode: 38,
+ setTextRise: 39,
+ moveText: 40,
+ setLeadingMoveText: 41,
+ setTextMatrix: 42,
+ nextLine: 43,
+ showText: 44,
+ showSpacedText: 45,
+ nextLineShowText: 46,
+ nextLineSetSpacingShowText: 47,
+ setCharWidth: 48,
+ setCharWidthAndBounds: 49,
+ setStrokeColorSpace: 50,
+ setFillColorSpace: 51,
+ setStrokeColor: 52,
+ setStrokeColorN: 53,
+ setFillColor: 54,
+ setFillColorN: 55,
+ setStrokeGray: 56,
+ setFillGray: 57,
+ setStrokeRGBColor: 58,
+ setFillRGBColor: 59,
+ setStrokeCMYKColor: 60,
+ setFillCMYKColor: 61,
+ shadingFill: 62,
+ beginInlineImage: 63,
+ beginImageData: 64,
+ endInlineImage: 65,
+ paintXObject: 66,
+ markPoint: 67,
+ markPointProps: 68,
+ beginMarkedContent: 69,
+ beginMarkedContentProps: 70,
+ endMarkedContent: 71,
+ beginCompat: 72,
+ endCompat: 73,
+ paintFormXObjectBegin: 74,
+ paintFormXObjectEnd: 75,
+ beginGroup: 76,
+ endGroup: 77,
+ beginAnnotations: 78,
+ endAnnotations: 79,
+ beginAnnotation: 80,
+ endAnnotation: 81,
+ paintJpegXObject: 82,
+ paintImageMaskXObject: 83,
+ paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: 84,
+ paintImageXObject: 85,
+ paintInlineImageXObject: 86,
+ paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: 87,
+ paintImageXObjectRepeat: 88,
+ paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat: 89,
+ paintSolidColorImageMask: 90,
+ constructPath: 91
+var verbosity = VERBOSITY_LEVELS.warnings;
+function setVerbosityLevel(level) {
+ verbosity = level;
+function getVerbosityLevel() {
+ return verbosity;
+function info(msg) {
+ if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_LEVELS.infos) {
+ console.log('Info: ' + msg);
+ }
+function warn(msg) {
+ if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_LEVELS.warnings) {
+ console.log('Warning: ' + msg);
+ }
+function deprecated(details) {
+ console.log('Deprecated API usage: ' + details);
+function error(msg) {
+ if (verbosity >= VERBOSITY_LEVELS.errors) {
+ console.log('Error: ' + msg);
+ console.log(backtrace());
+ }
+ throw new Error(msg);
+function backtrace() {
+ try {
+ throw new Error();
+ } catch (e) {
+ return e.stack ? e.stack.split('\n').slice(2).join('\n') : '';
+ }
+function assert(cond, msg) {
+ if (!cond) {
+ error(msg);
+ }
+ unknown: 'unknown',
+ forms: 'forms',
+ javaScript: 'javaScript',
+ smask: 'smask',
+ shadingPattern: 'shadingPattern',
+ font: 'font'
+function isSameOrigin(baseUrl, otherUrl) {
+ try {
+ var base = new URL(baseUrl);
+ if (!base.origin || base.origin === 'null') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var other = new URL(otherUrl, base);
+ return base.origin === other.origin;
+function isValidProtocol(url) {
+ if (!url) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ switch (url.protocol) {
+ case 'http:':
+ case 'https:':
+ case 'ftp:':
+ case 'mailto:':
+ case 'tel:':
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+function createValidAbsoluteUrl(url, baseUrl) {
+ if (!url) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ try {
+ var absoluteUrl = baseUrl ? new URL(url, baseUrl) : new URL(url);
+ if (isValidProtocol(absoluteUrl)) {
+ return absoluteUrl;
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {}
+ return null;
+function shadow(obj, prop, value) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj, prop, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true,
+ writable: false
+ });
+ return value;
+function getLookupTableFactory(initializer) {
+ var lookup;
+ return function () {
+ if (initializer) {
+ lookup = Object.create(null);
+ initializer(lookup);
+ initializer = null;
+ }
+ return lookup;
+ };
+var PasswordResponses = {
+var PasswordException = function PasswordExceptionClosure() {
+ function PasswordException(msg, code) {
+ = 'PasswordException';
+ this.message = msg;
+ this.code = code;
+ }
+ PasswordException.prototype = new Error();
+ PasswordException.constructor = PasswordException;
+ return PasswordException;
+var UnknownErrorException = function UnknownErrorExceptionClosure() {
+ function UnknownErrorException(msg, details) {
+ = 'UnknownErrorException';
+ this.message = msg;
+ this.details = details;
+ }
+ UnknownErrorException.prototype = new Error();
+ UnknownErrorException.constructor = UnknownErrorException;
+ return UnknownErrorException;
+var InvalidPDFException = function InvalidPDFExceptionClosure() {
+ function InvalidPDFException(msg) {
+ = 'InvalidPDFException';
+ this.message = msg;
+ }
+ InvalidPDFException.prototype = new Error();
+ InvalidPDFException.constructor = InvalidPDFException;
+ return InvalidPDFException;
+var MissingPDFException = function MissingPDFExceptionClosure() {
+ function MissingPDFException(msg) {
+ = 'MissingPDFException';
+ this.message = msg;
+ }
+ MissingPDFException.prototype = new Error();
+ MissingPDFException.constructor = MissingPDFException;
+ return MissingPDFException;
+var UnexpectedResponseException = function UnexpectedResponseExceptionClosure() {
+ function UnexpectedResponseException(msg, status) {
+ = 'UnexpectedResponseException';
+ this.message = msg;
+ this.status = status;
+ }
+ UnexpectedResponseException.prototype = new Error();
+ UnexpectedResponseException.constructor = UnexpectedResponseException;
+ return UnexpectedResponseException;
+var NotImplementedException = function NotImplementedExceptionClosure() {
+ function NotImplementedException(msg) {
+ this.message = msg;
+ }
+ NotImplementedException.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'NotImplementedException';
+ NotImplementedException.constructor = NotImplementedException;
+ return NotImplementedException;
+var MissingDataException = function MissingDataExceptionClosure() {
+ function MissingDataException(begin, end) {
+ this.begin = begin;
+ this.end = end;
+ this.message = 'Missing data [' + begin + ', ' + end + ')';
+ }
+ MissingDataException.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'MissingDataException';
+ MissingDataException.constructor = MissingDataException;
+ return MissingDataException;
+var XRefParseException = function XRefParseExceptionClosure() {
+ function XRefParseException(msg) {
+ this.message = msg;
+ }
+ XRefParseException.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'XRefParseException';
+ XRefParseException.constructor = XRefParseException;
+ return XRefParseException;
+var NullCharactersRegExp = /\x00/g;
+function removeNullCharacters(str) {
+ if (typeof str !== 'string') {
+ warn('The argument for removeNullCharacters must be a string.');
+ return str;
+ }
+ return str.replace(NullCharactersRegExp, '');
+function bytesToString(bytes) {
+ assert(bytes !== null && typeof bytes === 'object' && bytes.length !== undefined, 'Invalid argument for bytesToString');
+ var length = bytes.length;
+ var MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT = 8192;
+ if (length < MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT) {
+ return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, bytes);
+ }
+ var strBuf = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i += MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT) {
+ var chunkEnd = Math.min(i + MAX_ARGUMENT_COUNT, length);
+ var chunk = bytes.subarray(i, chunkEnd);
+ strBuf.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, chunk));
+ }
+ return strBuf.join('');
+function stringToBytes(str) {
+ assert(typeof str === 'string', 'Invalid argument for stringToBytes');
+ var length = str.length;
+ var bytes = new Uint8Array(length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ bytes[i] = str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ return bytes;
+function arrayByteLength(arr) {
+ if (arr.length !== undefined) {
+ return arr.length;
+ }
+ assert(arr.byteLength !== undefined);
+ return arr.byteLength;
+function arraysToBytes(arr) {
+ if (arr.length === 1 && arr[0] instanceof Uint8Array) {
+ return arr[0];
+ }
+ var resultLength = 0;
+ var i,
+ ii = arr.length;
+ var item, itemLength;
+ for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
+ item = arr[i];
+ itemLength = arrayByteLength(item);
+ resultLength += itemLength;
+ }
+ var pos = 0;
+ var data = new Uint8Array(resultLength);
+ for (i = 0; i < ii; i++) {
+ item = arr[i];
+ if (!(item instanceof Uint8Array)) {
+ if (typeof item === 'string') {
+ item = stringToBytes(item);
+ } else {
+ item = new Uint8Array(item);
+ }
+ }
+ itemLength = item.byteLength;
+ data.set(item, pos);
+ pos += itemLength;
+ }
+ return data;
+function string32(value) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(value >> 24 & 0xff, value >> 16 & 0xff, value >> 8 & 0xff, value & 0xff);
+function log2(x) {
+ var n = 1,
+ i = 0;
+ while (x > n) {
+ n <<= 1;
+ i++;
+ }
+ return i;
+function readInt8(data, start) {
+ return data[start] << 24 >> 24;
+function readUint16(data, offset) {
+ return data[offset] << 8 | data[offset + 1];
+function readUint32(data, offset) {
+ return (data[offset] << 24 | data[offset + 1] << 16 | data[offset + 2] << 8 | data[offset + 3]) >>> 0;
+function isLittleEndian() {
+ var buffer8 = new Uint8Array(2);
+ buffer8[0] = 1;
+ var buffer16 = new Uint16Array(buffer8.buffer);
+ return buffer16[0] === 1;
+function isEvalSupported() {
+ try {
+ new Function('');
+ return true;
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false;
+ }
+var Uint32ArrayView = function Uint32ArrayViewClosure() {
+ function Uint32ArrayView(buffer, length) {
+ this.buffer = buffer;
+ this.byteLength = buffer.length;
+ this.length = length === undefined ? this.byteLength >> 2 : length;
+ ensureUint32ArrayViewProps(this.length);
+ }
+ Uint32ArrayView.prototype = Object.create(null);
+ var uint32ArrayViewSetters = 0;
+ function createUint32ArrayProp(index) {
+ return {
+ get: function () {
+ var buffer = this.buffer,
+ offset = index << 2;
+ return (buffer[offset] | buffer[offset + 1] << 8 | buffer[offset + 2] << 16 | buffer[offset + 3] << 24) >>> 0;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ var buffer = this.buffer,
+ offset = index << 2;
+ buffer[offset] = value & 255;
+ buffer[offset + 1] = value >> 8 & 255;
+ buffer[offset + 2] = value >> 16 & 255;
+ buffer[offset + 3] = value >>> 24 & 255;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ function ensureUint32ArrayViewProps(length) {
+ while (uint32ArrayViewSetters < length) {
+ Object.defineProperty(Uint32ArrayView.prototype, uint32ArrayViewSetters, createUint32ArrayProp(uint32ArrayViewSetters));
+ uint32ArrayViewSetters++;
+ }
+ }
+ return Uint32ArrayView;
+exports.Uint32ArrayView = Uint32ArrayView;
+var IDENTITY_MATRIX = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
+var Util = function UtilClosure() {
+ function Util() {}
+ var rgbBuf = ['rgb(', 0, ',', 0, ',', 0, ')'];
+ Util.makeCssRgb = function Util_makeCssRgb(r, g, b) {
+ rgbBuf[1] = r;
+ rgbBuf[3] = g;
+ rgbBuf[5] = b;
+ return rgbBuf.join('');
+ };
+ Util.transform = function Util_transform(m1, m2) {
+ return [m1[0] * m2[0] + m1[2] * m2[1], m1[1] * m2[0] + m1[3] * m2[1], m1[0] * m2[2] + m1[2] * m2[3], m1[1] * m2[2] + m1[3] * m2[3], m1[0] * m2[4] + m1[2] * m2[5] + m1[4], m1[1] * m2[4] + m1[3] * m2[5] + m1[5]];
+ };
+ Util.applyTransform = function Util_applyTransform(p, m) {
+ var xt = p[0] * m[0] + p[1] * m[2] + m[4];
+ var yt = p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[3] + m[5];
+ return [xt, yt];
+ };
+ Util.applyInverseTransform = function Util_applyInverseTransform(p, m) {
+ var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
+ var xt = (p[0] * m[3] - p[1] * m[2] + m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d;
+ var yt = (-p[0] * m[1] + p[1] * m[0] + m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d;
+ return [xt, yt];
+ };
+ Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox = function Util_getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(r, m) {
+ var p1 = Util.applyTransform(r, m);
+ var p2 = Util.applyTransform(r.slice(2, 4), m);
+ var p3 = Util.applyTransform([r[0], r[3]], m);
+ var p4 = Util.applyTransform([r[2], r[1]], m);
+ return [Math.min(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]), Math.min(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1]), Math.max(p1[0], p2[0], p3[0], p4[0]), Math.max(p1[1], p2[1], p3[1], p4[1])];
+ };
+ Util.inverseTransform = function Util_inverseTransform(m) {
+ var d = m[0] * m[3] - m[1] * m[2];
+ return [m[3] / d, -m[1] / d, -m[2] / d, m[0] / d, (m[2] * m[5] - m[4] * m[3]) / d, (m[4] * m[1] - m[5] * m[0]) / d];
+ };
+ Util.apply3dTransform = function Util_apply3dTransform(m, v) {
+ return [m[0] * v[0] + m[1] * v[1] + m[2] * v[2], m[3] * v[0] + m[4] * v[1] + m[5] * v[2], m[6] * v[0] + m[7] * v[1] + m[8] * v[2]];
+ };
+ Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale = function Util_singularValueDecompose2dScale(m) {
+ var transpose = [m[0], m[2], m[1], m[3]];
+ var a = m[0] * transpose[0] + m[1] * transpose[2];
+ var b = m[0] * transpose[1] + m[1] * transpose[3];
+ var c = m[2] * transpose[0] + m[3] * transpose[2];
+ var d = m[2] * transpose[1] + m[3] * transpose[3];
+ var first = (a + d) / 2;
+ var second = Math.sqrt((a + d) * (a + d) - 4 * (a * d - c * b)) / 2;
+ var sx = first + second || 1;
+ var sy = first - second || 1;
+ return [Math.sqrt(sx), Math.sqrt(sy)];
+ };
+ Util.normalizeRect = function Util_normalizeRect(rect) {
+ var r = rect.slice(0);
+ if (rect[0] > rect[2]) {
+ r[0] = rect[2];
+ r[2] = rect[0];
+ }
+ if (rect[1] > rect[3]) {
+ r[1] = rect[3];
+ r[3] = rect[1];
+ }
+ return r;
+ };
+ Util.intersect = function Util_intersect(rect1, rect2) {
+ function compare(a, b) {
+ return a - b;
+ }
+ var orderedX = [rect1[0], rect1[2], rect2[0], rect2[2]].sort(compare),
+ orderedY = [rect1[1], rect1[3], rect2[1], rect2[3]].sort(compare),
+ result = [];
+ rect1 = Util.normalizeRect(rect1);
+ rect2 = Util.normalizeRect(rect2);
+ if (orderedX[0] === rect1[0] && orderedX[1] === rect2[0] || orderedX[0] === rect2[0] && orderedX[1] === rect1[0]) {
+ result[0] = orderedX[1];
+ result[2] = orderedX[2];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (orderedY[0] === rect1[1] && orderedY[1] === rect2[1] || orderedY[0] === rect2[1] && orderedY[1] === rect1[1]) {
+ result[1] = orderedY[1];
+ result[3] = orderedY[2];
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ Util.sign = function Util_sign(num) {
+ return num < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+ };
+ var ROMAN_NUMBER_MAP = ['', 'C', 'CC', 'CCC', 'CD', 'D', 'DC', 'DCC', 'DCCC', 'CM', '', 'X', 'XX', 'XXX', 'XL', 'L', 'LX', 'LXX', 'LXXX', 'XC', '', 'I', 'II', 'III', 'IV', 'V', 'VI', 'VII', 'VIII', 'IX'];
+ Util.toRoman = function Util_toRoman(number, lowerCase) {
+ assert(isInt(number) && number > 0, 'The number should be a positive integer.');
+ var pos,
+ romanBuf = [];
+ while (number >= 1000) {
+ number -= 1000;
+ romanBuf.push('M');
+ }
+ pos = number / 100 | 0;
+ number %= 100;
+ romanBuf.push(ROMAN_NUMBER_MAP[pos]);
+ pos = number / 10 | 0;
+ number %= 10;
+ romanBuf.push(ROMAN_NUMBER_MAP[10 + pos]);
+ romanBuf.push(ROMAN_NUMBER_MAP[20 + number]);
+ var romanStr = romanBuf.join('');
+ return lowerCase ? romanStr.toLowerCase() : romanStr;
+ };
+ Util.appendToArray = function Util_appendToArray(arr1, arr2) {
+ Array.prototype.push.apply(arr1, arr2);
+ };
+ Util.prependToArray = function Util_prependToArray(arr1, arr2) {
+ Array.prototype.unshift.apply(arr1, arr2);
+ };
+ Util.extendObj = function extendObj(obj1, obj2) {
+ for (var key in obj2) {
+ obj1[key] = obj2[key];
+ }
+ };
+ Util.getInheritableProperty = function Util_getInheritableProperty(dict, name, getArray) {
+ while (dict && !dict.has(name)) {
+ dict = dict.get('Parent');
+ }
+ if (!dict) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return getArray ? dict.getArray(name) : dict.get(name);
+ };
+ Util.inherit = function Util_inherit(sub, base, prototype) {
+ sub.prototype = Object.create(base.prototype);
+ sub.prototype.constructor = sub;
+ for (var prop in prototype) {
+ sub.prototype[prop] = prototype[prop];
+ }
+ };
+ Util.loadScript = function Util_loadScript(src, callback) {
+ var script = document.createElement('script');
+ var loaded = false;
+ script.setAttribute('src', src);
+ if (callback) {
+ script.onload = function () {
+ if (!loaded) {
+ callback();
+ }
+ loaded = true;
+ };
+ }
+ document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(script);
+ };
+ return Util;
+var PageViewport = function PageViewportClosure() {
+ function PageViewport(viewBox, scale, rotation, offsetX, offsetY, dontFlip) {
+ this.viewBox = viewBox;
+ this.scale = scale;
+ this.rotation = rotation;
+ this.offsetX = offsetX;
+ this.offsetY = offsetY;
+ var centerX = (viewBox[2] + viewBox[0]) / 2;
+ var centerY = (viewBox[3] + viewBox[1]) / 2;
+ var rotateA, rotateB, rotateC, rotateD;
+ rotation = rotation % 360;
+ rotation = rotation < 0 ? rotation + 360 : rotation;
+ switch (rotation) {
+ case 180:
+ rotateA = -1;
+ rotateB = 0;
+ rotateC = 0;
+ rotateD = 1;
+ break;
+ case 90:
+ rotateA = 0;
+ rotateB = 1;
+ rotateC = 1;
+ rotateD = 0;
+ break;
+ case 270:
+ rotateA = 0;
+ rotateB = -1;
+ rotateC = -1;
+ rotateD = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ rotateA = 1;
+ rotateB = 0;
+ rotateC = 0;
+ rotateD = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (dontFlip) {
+ rotateC = -rotateC;
+ rotateD = -rotateD;
+ }
+ var offsetCanvasX, offsetCanvasY;
+ var width, height;
+ if (rotateA === 0) {
+ offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetX;
+ offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetY;
+ width = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale;
+ height = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale;
+ } else {
+ offsetCanvasX = Math.abs(centerX - viewBox[0]) * scale + offsetX;
+ offsetCanvasY = Math.abs(centerY - viewBox[1]) * scale + offsetY;
+ width = Math.abs(viewBox[2] - viewBox[0]) * scale;
+ height = Math.abs(viewBox[3] - viewBox[1]) * scale;
+ }
+ this.transform = [rotateA * scale, rotateB * scale, rotateC * scale, rotateD * scale, offsetCanvasX - rotateA * scale * centerX - rotateC * scale * centerY, offsetCanvasY - rotateB * scale * centerX - rotateD * scale * centerY];
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.fontScale = scale;
+ }
+ PageViewport.prototype = {
+ clone: function PageViewPort_clone(args) {
+ args = args || {};
+ var scale = 'scale' in args ? args.scale : this.scale;
+ var rotation = 'rotation' in args ? args.rotation : this.rotation;
+ return new PageViewport(this.viewBox.slice(), scale, rotation, this.offsetX, this.offsetY, args.dontFlip);
+ },
+ convertToViewportPoint: function PageViewport_convertToViewportPoint(x, y) {
+ return Util.applyTransform([x, y], this.transform);
+ },
+ convertToViewportRectangle: function PageViewport_convertToViewportRectangle(rect) {
+ var tl = Util.applyTransform([rect[0], rect[1]], this.transform);
+ var br = Util.applyTransform([rect[2], rect[3]], this.transform);
+ return [tl[0], tl[1], br[0], br[1]];
+ },
+ convertToPdfPoint: function PageViewport_convertToPdfPoint(x, y) {
+ return Util.applyInverseTransform([x, y], this.transform);
+ }
+ };
+ return PageViewport;
+var PDFStringTranslateTable = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2D8, 0x2C7, 0x2C6, 0x2D9, 0x2DD, 0x2DB, 0x2DA, 0x2DC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x2022, 0x2020, 0x2021, 0x2026, 0x2014, 0x2013, 0x192, 0x2044, 0x2039, 0x203A, 0x2212, 0x2030, 0x201E, 0x201C, 0x201D, 0x2018, 0x2019, 0x201A, 0x2122, 0xFB01, 0xFB02, 0x141, 0x152, 0x160, 0x178, 0x17D, 0x131, 0x142, 0x153, 0x161, 0x17E, 0, 0x20AC];
+function stringToPDFString(str) {
+ var i,
+ n = str.length,
+ strBuf = [];
+ if (str[0] === '\xFE' && str[1] === '\xFF') {
+ for (i = 2; i < n; i += 2) {
+ strBuf.push(String.fromCharCode(str.charCodeAt(i) << 8 | str.charCodeAt(i + 1)));
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ var code = PDFStringTranslateTable[str.charCodeAt(i)];
+ strBuf.push(code ? String.fromCharCode(code) : str.charAt(i));
+ }
+ }
+ return strBuf.join('');
+function stringToUTF8String(str) {
+ return decodeURIComponent(escape(str));
+function utf8StringToString(str) {
+ return unescape(encodeURIComponent(str));
+function isEmptyObj(obj) {
+ for (var key in obj) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+function isBool(v) {
+ return typeof v === 'boolean';
+function isInt(v) {
+ return typeof v === 'number' && (v | 0) === v;
+function isNum(v) {
+ return typeof v === 'number';
+function isString(v) {
+ return typeof v === 'string';
+function isArray(v) {
+ return v instanceof Array;
+function isArrayBuffer(v) {
+ return typeof v === 'object' && v !== null && v.byteLength !== undefined;
+function isSpace(ch) {
+ return ch === 0x20 || ch === 0x09 || ch === 0x0D || ch === 0x0A;
+function isNodeJS() {
+ if (typeof __pdfjsdev_webpack__ === 'undefined') {
+ return typeof process === 'object' && process + '' === '[object process]';
+ }
+ return false;
+function createPromiseCapability() {
+ var capability = {};
+ capability.promise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ capability.resolve = resolve;
+ capability.reject = reject;
+ });
+ return capability;
+var StatTimer = function StatTimerClosure() {
+ function rpad(str, pad, length) {
+ while (str.length < length) {
+ str += pad;
+ }
+ return str;
+ }
+ function StatTimer() {
+ this.started = Object.create(null);
+ this.times = [];
+ this.enabled = true;
+ }
+ StatTimer.prototype = {
+ time: function StatTimer_time(name) {
+ if (!this.enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (name in this.started) {
+ warn('Timer is already running for ' + name);
+ }
+ this.started[name] =;
+ },
+ timeEnd: function StatTimer_timeEnd(name) {
+ if (!this.enabled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!(name in this.started)) {
+ warn('Timer has not been started for ' + name);
+ }
+ this.times.push({
+ 'name': name,
+ 'start': this.started[name],
+ 'end':
+ });
+ delete this.started[name];
+ },
+ toString: function StatTimer_toString() {
+ var i, ii;
+ var times = this.times;
+ var out = '';
+ var longest = 0;
+ for (i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var name = times[i]['name'];
+ if (name.length > longest) {
+ longest = name.length;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0, ii = times.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var span = times[i];
+ var duration = span.end - span.start;
+ out += rpad(span['name'], ' ', longest) + ' ' + duration + 'ms\n';
+ }
+ return out;
+ }
+ };
+ return StatTimer;
+var createBlob = function createBlob(data, contentType) {
+ if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined') {
+ return new Blob([data], { type: contentType });
+ }
+ warn('The "Blob" constructor is not supported.');
+var createObjectURL = function createObjectURLClosure() {
+ var digits = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
+ return function createObjectURL(data, contentType, forceDataSchema) {
+ if (!forceDataSchema && typeof URL !== 'undefined' && URL.createObjectURL) {
+ var blob = createBlob(data, contentType);
+ return URL.createObjectURL(blob);
+ }
+ var buffer = 'data:' + contentType + ';base64,';
+ for (var i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; i += 3) {
+ var b1 = data[i] & 0xFF;
+ var b2 = data[i + 1] & 0xFF;
+ var b3 = data[i + 2] & 0xFF;
+ var d1 = b1 >> 2,
+ d2 = (b1 & 3) << 4 | b2 >> 4;
+ var d3 = i + 1 < ii ? (b2 & 0xF) << 2 | b3 >> 6 : 64;
+ var d4 = i + 2 < ii ? b3 & 0x3F : 64;
+ buffer += digits[d1] + digits[d2] + digits[d3] + digits[d4];
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+function MessageHandler(sourceName, targetName, comObj) {
+ this.sourceName = sourceName;
+ this.targetName = targetName;
+ this.comObj = comObj;
+ this.callbackIndex = 1;
+ this.postMessageTransfers = true;
+ var callbacksCapabilities = this.callbacksCapabilities = Object.create(null);
+ var ah = this.actionHandler = Object.create(null);
+ this._onComObjOnMessage = function messageHandlerComObjOnMessage(event) {
+ var data =;
+ if (data.targetName !== this.sourceName) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (data.isReply) {
+ var callbackId = data.callbackId;
+ if (data.callbackId in callbacksCapabilities) {
+ var callback = callbacksCapabilities[callbackId];
+ delete callbacksCapabilities[callbackId];
+ if ('error' in data) {
+ callback.reject(data.error);
+ } else {
+ callback.resolve(;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error('Cannot resolve callback ' + callbackId);
+ }
+ } else if (data.action in ah) {
+ var action = ah[data.action];
+ if (data.callbackId) {
+ var sourceName = this.sourceName;
+ var targetName = data.sourceName;
+ Promise.resolve().then(function () {
+ return action[0].call(action[1],;
+ }).then(function (result) {
+ comObj.postMessage({
+ sourceName: sourceName,
+ targetName: targetName,
+ isReply: true,
+ callbackId: data.callbackId,
+ data: result
+ });
+ }, function (reason) {
+ if (reason instanceof Error) {
+ reason = reason + '';
+ }
+ comObj.postMessage({
+ sourceName: sourceName,
+ targetName: targetName,
+ isReply: true,
+ callbackId: data.callbackId,
+ error: reason
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ action[0].call(action[1],;
+ }
+ } else {
+ error('Unknown action from worker: ' + data.action);
+ }
+ }.bind(this);
+ comObj.addEventListener('message', this._onComObjOnMessage);
+MessageHandler.prototype = {
+ on: function messageHandlerOn(actionName, handler, scope) {
+ var ah = this.actionHandler;
+ if (ah[actionName]) {
+ error('There is already an actionName called "' + actionName + '"');
+ }
+ ah[actionName] = [handler, scope];
+ },
+ send: function messageHandlerSend(actionName, data, transfers) {
+ var message = {
+ sourceName: this.sourceName,
+ targetName: this.targetName,
+ action: actionName,
+ data: data
+ };
+ this.postMessage(message, transfers);
+ },
+ sendWithPromise: function messageHandlerSendWithPromise(actionName, data, transfers) {
+ var callbackId = this.callbackIndex++;
+ var message = {
+ sourceName: this.sourceName,
+ targetName: this.targetName,
+ action: actionName,
+ data: data,
+ callbackId: callbackId
+ };
+ var capability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this.callbacksCapabilities[callbackId] = capability;
+ try {
+ this.postMessage(message, transfers);
+ } catch (e) {
+ capability.reject(e);
+ }
+ return capability.promise;
+ },
+ postMessage: function (message, transfers) {
+ if (transfers && this.postMessageTransfers) {
+ this.comObj.postMessage(message, transfers);
+ } else {
+ this.comObj.postMessage(message);
+ }
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ this.comObj.removeEventListener('message', this._onComObjOnMessage);
+ }
+function loadJpegStream(id, imageUrl, objs) {
+ var img = new Image();
+ img.onload = function loadJpegStream_onloadClosure() {
+ objs.resolve(id, img);
+ };
+ img.onerror = function loadJpegStream_onerrorClosure() {
+ objs.resolve(id, null);
+ warn('Error during JPEG image loading');
+ };
+ img.src = imageUrl;
+exports.OPS = OPS;
+exports.AnnotationBorderStyleType = AnnotationBorderStyleType;
+exports.AnnotationFieldFlag = AnnotationFieldFlag;
+exports.AnnotationFlag = AnnotationFlag;
+exports.AnnotationType = AnnotationType;
+exports.FontType = FontType;
+exports.ImageKind = ImageKind;
+exports.CMapCompressionType = CMapCompressionType;
+exports.InvalidPDFException = InvalidPDFException;
+exports.MessageHandler = MessageHandler;
+exports.MissingDataException = MissingDataException;
+exports.MissingPDFException = MissingPDFException;
+exports.NotImplementedException = NotImplementedException;
+exports.PageViewport = PageViewport;
+exports.PasswordException = PasswordException;
+exports.PasswordResponses = PasswordResponses;
+exports.StatTimer = StatTimer;
+exports.StreamType = StreamType;
+exports.TextRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode;
+exports.UnexpectedResponseException = UnexpectedResponseException;
+exports.UnknownErrorException = UnknownErrorException;
+exports.Util = Util;
+exports.XRefParseException = XRefParseException;
+exports.arrayByteLength = arrayByteLength;
+exports.arraysToBytes = arraysToBytes;
+exports.assert = assert;
+exports.bytesToString = bytesToString;
+exports.createBlob = createBlob;
+exports.createPromiseCapability = createPromiseCapability;
+exports.createObjectURL = createObjectURL;
+exports.deprecated = deprecated;
+exports.error = error;
+exports.getLookupTableFactory = getLookupTableFactory;
+exports.getVerbosityLevel = getVerbosityLevel;
+exports.globalScope = globalScope; = info;
+exports.isArray = isArray;
+exports.isArrayBuffer = isArrayBuffer;
+exports.isBool = isBool;
+exports.isEmptyObj = isEmptyObj;
+exports.isInt = isInt;
+exports.isNum = isNum;
+exports.isString = isString;
+exports.isSpace = isSpace;
+exports.isNodeJS = isNodeJS;
+exports.isSameOrigin = isSameOrigin;
+exports.createValidAbsoluteUrl = createValidAbsoluteUrl;
+exports.isLittleEndian = isLittleEndian;
+exports.isEvalSupported = isEvalSupported;
+exports.loadJpegStream = loadJpegStream;
+exports.log2 = log2;
+exports.readInt8 = readInt8;
+exports.readUint16 = readUint16;
+exports.readUint32 = readUint32;
+exports.removeNullCharacters = removeNullCharacters;
+exports.setVerbosityLevel = setVerbosityLevel;
+exports.shadow = shadow;
+exports.string32 = string32;
+exports.stringToBytes = stringToBytes;
+exports.stringToPDFString = stringToPDFString;
+exports.stringToUTF8String = stringToUTF8String;
+exports.utf8StringToString = utf8StringToString;
+exports.warn = warn;
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __w_pdfjs_require__(6)))
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var assert = sharedUtil.assert;
+var removeNullCharacters = sharedUtil.removeNullCharacters;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var deprecated = sharedUtil.deprecated;
+var createValidAbsoluteUrl = sharedUtil.createValidAbsoluteUrl;
+var stringToBytes = sharedUtil.stringToBytes;
+var CMapCompressionType = sharedUtil.CMapCompressionType;
+var DEFAULT_LINK_REL = 'noopener noreferrer nofollow';
+function DOMCanvasFactory() {}
+DOMCanvasFactory.prototype = {
+ create: function DOMCanvasFactory_create(width, height) {
+ assert(width > 0 && height > 0, 'invalid canvas size');
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ return {
+ canvas: canvas,
+ context: context
+ };
+ },
+ reset: function DOMCanvasFactory_reset(canvasAndContextPair, width, height) {
+ assert(canvasAndContextPair.canvas, 'canvas is not specified');
+ assert(width > 0 && height > 0, 'invalid canvas size');
+ canvasAndContextPair.canvas.width = width;
+ canvasAndContextPair.canvas.height = height;
+ },
+ destroy: function DOMCanvasFactory_destroy(canvasAndContextPair) {
+ assert(canvasAndContextPair.canvas, 'canvas is not specified');
+ canvasAndContextPair.canvas.width = 0;
+ canvasAndContextPair.canvas.height = 0;
+ canvasAndContextPair.canvas = null;
+ canvasAndContextPair.context = null;
+ }
+var DOMCMapReaderFactory = function DOMCMapReaderFactoryClosure() {
+ function DOMCMapReaderFactory(params) {
+ this.baseUrl = params.baseUrl || null;
+ this.isCompressed = params.isCompressed || false;
+ }
+ DOMCMapReaderFactory.prototype = {
+ fetch: function (params) {
+ var name =;
+ if (!name) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('CMap name must be specified.'));
+ }
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ var url = this.baseUrl + name + (this.isCompressed ? '.bcmap' : '');
+ var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
+'GET', url, true);
+ if (this.isCompressed) {
+ request.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
+ }
+ request.onreadystatechange = function () {
+ if (request.readyState !== XMLHttpRequest.DONE) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (request.status === 200 || request.status === 0) {
+ var data;
+ if (this.isCompressed && request.response) {
+ data = new Uint8Array(request.response);
+ } else if (!this.isCompressed && request.responseText) {
+ data = stringToBytes(request.responseText);
+ }
+ if (data) {
+ resolve({
+ cMapData: data,
+ compressionType: this.isCompressed ? CMapCompressionType.BINARY : CMapCompressionType.NONE
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ reject(new Error('Unable to load ' + (this.isCompressed ? 'binary ' : '') + 'CMap at: ' + url));
+ }.bind(this);
+ request.send(null);
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ };
+ return DOMCMapReaderFactory;
+var CustomStyle = function CustomStyleClosure() {
+ var prefixes = ['ms', 'Moz', 'Webkit', 'O'];
+ var _cache = Object.create(null);
+ function CustomStyle() {}
+ CustomStyle.getProp = function get(propName, element) {
+ if (arguments.length === 1 && typeof _cache[propName] === 'string') {
+ return _cache[propName];
+ }
+ element = element || document.documentElement;
+ var style =,
+ prefixed,
+ uPropName;
+ if (typeof style[propName] === 'string') {
+ return _cache[propName] = propName;
+ }
+ uPropName = propName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + propName.slice(1);
+ for (var i = 0, l = prefixes.length; i < l; i++) {
+ prefixed = prefixes[i] + uPropName;
+ if (typeof style[prefixed] === 'string') {
+ return _cache[propName] = prefixed;
+ }
+ }
+ return _cache[propName] = 'undefined';
+ };
+ CustomStyle.setProp = function set(propName, element, str) {
+ var prop = this.getProp(propName);
+ if (prop !== 'undefined') {
+[prop] = str;
+ }
+ };
+ return CustomStyle;
+var RenderingCancelledException = function RenderingCancelledException() {
+ function RenderingCancelledException(msg, type) {
+ this.message = msg;
+ this.type = type;
+ }
+ RenderingCancelledException.prototype = new Error();
+ = 'RenderingCancelledException';
+ RenderingCancelledException.constructor = RenderingCancelledException;
+ return RenderingCancelledException;
+var hasCanvasTypedArrays;
+hasCanvasTypedArrays = function hasCanvasTypedArrays() {
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.width = canvas.height = 1;
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ var imageData = ctx.createImageData(1, 1);
+ return typeof !== 'undefined';
+var LinkTarget = {
+ NONE: 0,
+ SELF: 1,
+ BLANK: 2,
+ PARENT: 3,
+ TOP: 4
+var LinkTargetStringMap = ['', '_self', '_blank', '_parent', '_top'];
+function addLinkAttributes(link, params) {
+ var url = params && params.url;
+ link.href = link.title = url ? removeNullCharacters(url) : '';
+ if (url) {
+ var target =;
+ if (typeof target === 'undefined') {
+ target = getDefaultSetting('externalLinkTarget');
+ }
+ = LinkTargetStringMap[target];
+ var rel = params.rel;
+ if (typeof rel === 'undefined') {
+ rel = getDefaultSetting('externalLinkRel');
+ }
+ link.rel = rel;
+ }
+function getFilenameFromUrl(url) {
+ var anchor = url.indexOf('#');
+ var query = url.indexOf('?');
+ var end = Math.min(anchor > 0 ? anchor : url.length, query > 0 ? query : url.length);
+ return url.substring(url.lastIndexOf('/', end) + 1, end);
+function getDefaultSetting(id) {
+ var globalSettings = sharedUtil.globalScope.PDFJS;
+ switch (id) {
+ case 'pdfBug':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.pdfBug : false;
+ case 'disableAutoFetch':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableAutoFetch : false;
+ case 'disableStream':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableStream : false;
+ case 'disableRange':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableRange : false;
+ case 'disableFontFace':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableFontFace : false;
+ case 'disableCreateObjectURL':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableCreateObjectURL : false;
+ case 'disableWebGL':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableWebGL : true;
+ case 'cMapUrl':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.cMapUrl : null;
+ case 'cMapPacked':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.cMapPacked : false;
+ case 'postMessageTransfers':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.postMessageTransfers : true;
+ case 'workerPort':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.workerPort : null;
+ case 'workerSrc':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.workerSrc : null;
+ case 'disableWorker':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.disableWorker : false;
+ case 'maxImageSize':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.maxImageSize : -1;
+ case 'imageResourcesPath':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.imageResourcesPath : '';
+ case 'isEvalSupported':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.isEvalSupported : true;
+ case 'externalLinkTarget':
+ if (!globalSettings) {
+ return LinkTarget.NONE;
+ }
+ switch (globalSettings.externalLinkTarget) {
+ case LinkTarget.NONE:
+ case LinkTarget.SELF:
+ case LinkTarget.BLANK:
+ case LinkTarget.PARENT:
+ case LinkTarget.TOP:
+ return globalSettings.externalLinkTarget;
+ }
+ warn('PDFJS.externalLinkTarget is invalid: ' + globalSettings.externalLinkTarget);
+ globalSettings.externalLinkTarget = LinkTarget.NONE;
+ return LinkTarget.NONE;
+ case 'externalLinkRel':
+ return globalSettings ? globalSettings.externalLinkRel : DEFAULT_LINK_REL;
+ case 'enableStats':
+ return !!(globalSettings && globalSettings.enableStats);
+ case 'pdfjsNext':
+ return !!(globalSettings && globalSettings.pdfjsNext);
+ default:
+ throw new Error('Unknown default setting: ' + id);
+ }
+function isExternalLinkTargetSet() {
+ var externalLinkTarget = getDefaultSetting('externalLinkTarget');
+ switch (externalLinkTarget) {
+ case LinkTarget.NONE:
+ return false;
+ case LinkTarget.SELF:
+ case LinkTarget.BLANK:
+ case LinkTarget.PARENT:
+ case LinkTarget.TOP:
+ return true;
+ }
+function isValidUrl(url, allowRelative) {
+ deprecated('isValidUrl(), please use createValidAbsoluteUrl() instead.');
+ var baseUrl = allowRelative ? '' : null;
+ return createValidAbsoluteUrl(url, baseUrl) !== null;
+exports.CustomStyle = CustomStyle;
+exports.addLinkAttributes = addLinkAttributes;
+exports.isExternalLinkTargetSet = isExternalLinkTargetSet;
+exports.isValidUrl = isValidUrl;
+exports.getFilenameFromUrl = getFilenameFromUrl;
+exports.LinkTarget = LinkTarget;
+exports.RenderingCancelledException = RenderingCancelledException;
+exports.hasCanvasTypedArrays = hasCanvasTypedArrays;
+exports.getDefaultSetting = getDefaultSetting;
+exports.DOMCanvasFactory = DOMCanvasFactory;
+exports.DOMCMapReaderFactory = DOMCMapReaderFactory;
+/***/ }),
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var AnnotationBorderStyleType = sharedUtil.AnnotationBorderStyleType;
+var AnnotationType = sharedUtil.AnnotationType;
+var stringToPDFString = sharedUtil.stringToPDFString;
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var addLinkAttributes = displayDOMUtils.addLinkAttributes;
+var LinkTarget = displayDOMUtils.LinkTarget;
+var getFilenameFromUrl = displayDOMUtils.getFilenameFromUrl;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var CustomStyle = displayDOMUtils.CustomStyle;
+var getDefaultSetting = displayDOMUtils.getDefaultSetting;
+function AnnotationElementFactory() {}
+AnnotationElementFactory.prototype = {
+ create: function AnnotationElementFactory_create(parameters) {
+ var subtype =;
+ switch (subtype) {
+ case AnnotationType.LINK:
+ return new LinkAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.TEXT:
+ return new TextAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.WIDGET:
+ var fieldType =;
+ switch (fieldType) {
+ case 'Tx':
+ return new TextWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case 'Btn':
+ if ( {
+ return new RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ } else if ( {
+ return new CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ }
+ warn('Unimplemented button widget annotation: pushbutton');
+ break;
+ case 'Ch':
+ return new ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ }
+ return new WidgetAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.POPUP:
+ return new PopupAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.HIGHLIGHT:
+ return new HighlightAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.UNDERLINE:
+ return new UnderlineAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.SQUIGGLY:
+ return new SquigglyAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.STRIKEOUT:
+ return new StrikeOutAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ case AnnotationType.FILEATTACHMENT:
+ return new FileAttachmentAnnotationElement(parameters);
+ default:
+ return new AnnotationElement(parameters);
+ }
+ }
+var AnnotationElement = function AnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function AnnotationElement(parameters, isRenderable) {
+ this.isRenderable = isRenderable || false;
+ =;
+ this.layer = parameters.layer;
+ =;
+ this.viewport = parameters.viewport;
+ this.linkService = parameters.linkService;
+ this.downloadManager = parameters.downloadManager;
+ this.imageResourcesPath = parameters.imageResourcesPath;
+ this.renderInteractiveForms = parameters.renderInteractiveForms;
+ if (isRenderable) {
+ this.container = this._createContainer();
+ }
+ }
+ AnnotationElement.prototype = {
+ _createContainer: function AnnotationElement_createContainer() {
+ var data =,
+ page =,
+ viewport = this.viewport;
+ var container = document.createElement('section');
+ var width = data.rect[2] - data.rect[0];
+ var height = data.rect[3] - data.rect[1];
+ container.setAttribute('data-annotation-id',;
+ var rect = Util.normalizeRect([data.rect[0], page.view[3] - data.rect[1] + page.view[1], data.rect[2], page.view[3] - data.rect[3] + page.view[1]]);
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transform', container, 'matrix(' + viewport.transform.join(',') + ')');
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', container, -rect[0] + 'px ' + -rect[1] + 'px');
+ if (data.borderStyle.width > 0) {
+ = data.borderStyle.width + 'px';
+ if ( !== AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE) {
+ width = width - 2 * data.borderStyle.width;
+ height = height - 2 * data.borderStyle.width;
+ }
+ var horizontalRadius = data.borderStyle.horizontalCornerRadius;
+ var verticalRadius = data.borderStyle.verticalCornerRadius;
+ if (horizontalRadius > 0 || verticalRadius > 0) {
+ var radius = horizontalRadius + 'px / ' + verticalRadius + 'px';
+ CustomStyle.setProp('borderRadius', container, radius);
+ }
+ switch ( {
+ case AnnotationBorderStyleType.SOLID:
+ = 'solid';
+ break;
+ case AnnotationBorderStyleType.DASHED:
+ = 'dashed';
+ break;
+ case AnnotationBorderStyleType.BEVELED:
+ warn('Unimplemented border style: beveled');
+ break;
+ case AnnotationBorderStyleType.INSET:
+ warn('Unimplemented border style: inset');
+ break;
+ case AnnotationBorderStyleType.UNDERLINE:
+ = 'solid';
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ if (data.color) {
+ = Util.makeCssRgb(data.color[0] | 0, data.color[1] | 0, data.color[2] | 0);
+ } else {
+ = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ = rect[0] + 'px';
+ = rect[1] + 'px';
+ = width + 'px';
+ = height + 'px';
+ return container;
+ },
+ _createPopup: function AnnotationElement_createPopup(container, trigger, data) {
+ if (!trigger) {
+ trigger = document.createElement('div');
+ =;
+ =;
+ container.appendChild(trigger);
+ }
+ var popupElement = new PopupElement({
+ container: container,
+ trigger: trigger,
+ color: data.color,
+ title: data.title,
+ contents: data.contents,
+ hideWrapper: true
+ });
+ var popup = popupElement.render();
+ =;
+ container.appendChild(popup);
+ },
+ render: function AnnotationElement_render() {
+ throw new Error('Abstract method AnnotationElement.render called');
+ }
+ };
+ return AnnotationElement;
+var LinkAnnotationElement = function LinkAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function LinkAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+, parameters, true);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(LinkAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function LinkAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'linkAnnotation';
+ var link = document.createElement('a');
+ addLinkAttributes(link, {
+ url:,
+ target: ? LinkTarget.BLANK : undefined
+ });
+ if (! {
+ if ( {
+ this._bindNamedAction(link,;
+ } else {
+ this._bindLink(link,;
+ }
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(link);
+ return this.container;
+ },
+ _bindLink: function LinkAnnotationElement_bindLink(link, destination) {
+ var self = this;
+ link.href = this.linkService.getDestinationHash(destination);
+ link.onclick = function () {
+ if (destination) {
+ self.linkService.navigateTo(destination);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (destination) {
+ link.className = 'internalLink';
+ }
+ },
+ _bindNamedAction: function LinkAnnotationElement_bindNamedAction(link, action) {
+ var self = this;
+ link.href = this.linkService.getAnchorUrl('');
+ link.onclick = function () {
+ self.linkService.executeNamedAction(action);
+ return false;
+ };
+ link.className = 'internalLink';
+ }
+ });
+ return LinkAnnotationElement;
+var TextAnnotationElement = function TextAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function TextAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( || ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(TextAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function TextAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'textAnnotation';
+ var image = document.createElement('img');
+ =;
+ =;
+ image.src = this.imageResourcesPath + 'annotation-' + + '.svg';
+ image.alt = '[{{type}} Annotation]';
+ image.dataset.l10nId = 'text_annotation_type';
+ image.dataset.l10nArgs = JSON.stringify({ type: });
+ if (! {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, image,;
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(image);
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return TextAnnotationElement;
+var WidgetAnnotationElement = function WidgetAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function WidgetAnnotationElement(parameters, isRenderable) {
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(WidgetAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function WidgetAnnotationElement_render() {
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return WidgetAnnotationElement;
+var TextWidgetAnnotationElement = function TextWidgetAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ var TEXT_ALIGNMENT = ['left', 'center', 'right'];
+ function TextWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = parameters.renderInteractiveForms || ! && !!;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(TextWidgetAnnotationElement, WidgetAnnotationElement, {
+ render: function TextWidgetAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'textWidgetAnnotation';
+ var element = null;
+ if (this.renderInteractiveForms) {
+ if ( {
+ element = document.createElement('textarea');
+ element.textContent =;
+ } else {
+ element = document.createElement('input');
+ element.type = 'text';
+ element.setAttribute('value',;
+ }
+ element.disabled =;
+ if ( !== null) {
+ element.maxLength =;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ var fieldWidth =[2] -[0];
+ var combWidth = fieldWidth /;
+ element.classList.add('comb');
+ = 'calc(' + combWidth + 'px - 1ch)';
+ }
+ } else {
+ element = document.createElement('div');
+ element.textContent =;
+ = 'middle';
+ = 'table-cell';
+ var font = null;
+ if ( {
+ font =;
+ }
+ this._setTextStyle(element, font);
+ }
+ if ( !== null) {
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(element);
+ return this.container;
+ },
+ _setTextStyle: function TextWidgetAnnotationElement_setTextStyle(element, font) {
+ var style =;
+ style.fontSize = + 'px';
+ style.direction = < 0 ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
+ if (!font) {
+ return;
+ }
+ style.fontWeight = ? font.bold ? '900' : 'bold' : font.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal';
+ style.fontStyle = font.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';
+ var fontFamily = font.loadedName ? '"' + font.loadedName + '", ' : '';
+ var fallbackName = font.fallbackName || 'Helvetica, sans-serif';
+ style.fontFamily = fontFamily + fallbackName;
+ }
+ });
+ return TextWidgetAnnotationElement;
+var CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement = function CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+, parameters, parameters.renderInteractiveForms);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement, WidgetAnnotationElement, {
+ render: function CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'buttonWidgetAnnotation checkBox';
+ var element = document.createElement('input');
+ element.disabled =;
+ element.type = 'checkbox';
+ if ( && !== 'Off') {
+ element.setAttribute('checked', true);
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(element);
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return CheckboxWidgetAnnotationElement;
+var RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement = function RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+, parameters, parameters.renderInteractiveForms);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement, WidgetAnnotationElement, {
+ render: function RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'buttonWidgetAnnotation radioButton';
+ var element = document.createElement('input');
+ element.disabled =;
+ element.type = 'radio';
+ =;
+ if ( === {
+ element.setAttribute('checked', true);
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(element);
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return RadioButtonWidgetAnnotationElement;
+var ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement = function ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+, parameters, parameters.renderInteractiveForms);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement, WidgetAnnotationElement, {
+ render: function ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'choiceWidgetAnnotation';
+ var selectElement = document.createElement('select');
+ selectElement.disabled =;
+ if (! {
+ selectElement.size =;
+ if ( {
+ selectElement.multiple = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ii =; i < ii; i++) {
+ var option =[i];
+ var optionElement = document.createElement('option');
+ optionElement.textContent = option.displayValue;
+ optionElement.value = option.exportValue;
+ if ( >= 0) {
+ optionElement.setAttribute('selected', true);
+ }
+ selectElement.appendChild(optionElement);
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(selectElement);
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return ChoiceWidgetAnnotationElement;
+var PopupAnnotationElement = function PopupAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function PopupAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(PopupAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function PopupAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'popupAnnotation';
+ var selector = '[data-annotation-id="' + + '"]';
+ var parentElement = this.layer.querySelector(selector);
+ if (!parentElement) {
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ var popup = new PopupElement({
+ container: this.container,
+ trigger: parentElement,
+ color:,
+ title:,
+ contents:
+ });
+ var parentLeft = parseFloat(;
+ var parentWidth = parseFloat(;
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transformOrigin', this.container, -(parentLeft + parentWidth) + 'px -' +;
+ = parentLeft + parentWidth + 'px';
+ this.container.appendChild(popup.render());
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return PopupAnnotationElement;
+var PopupElement = function PopupElementClosure() {
+ function PopupElement(parameters) {
+ this.container = parameters.container;
+ this.trigger = parameters.trigger;
+ this.color = parameters.color;
+ this.title = parameters.title;
+ this.contents = parameters.contents;
+ this.hideWrapper = parameters.hideWrapper || false;
+ this.pinned = false;
+ }
+ PopupElement.prototype = {
+ render: function PopupElement_render() {
+ var wrapper = document.createElement('div');
+ wrapper.className = 'popupWrapper';
+ this.hideElement = this.hideWrapper ? wrapper : this.container;
+ this.hideElement.setAttribute('hidden', true);
+ var popup = document.createElement('div');
+ popup.className = 'popup';
+ var color = this.color;
+ if (color) {
+ var r = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[0]) + color[0];
+ var g = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[1]) + color[1];
+ var b = BACKGROUND_ENLIGHT * (255 - color[2]) + color[2];
+ = Util.makeCssRgb(r | 0, g | 0, b | 0);
+ }
+ var contents = this._formatContents(this.contents);
+ var title = document.createElement('h1');
+ title.textContent = this.title;
+ this.trigger.addEventListener('click', this._toggle.bind(this));
+ this.trigger.addEventListener('mouseover', this._show.bind(this, false));
+ this.trigger.addEventListener('mouseout', this._hide.bind(this, false));
+ popup.addEventListener('click', this._hide.bind(this, true));
+ popup.appendChild(title);
+ popup.appendChild(contents);
+ wrapper.appendChild(popup);
+ return wrapper;
+ },
+ _formatContents: function PopupElement_formatContents(contents) {
+ var p = document.createElement('p');
+ var lines = contents.split(/(?:\r\n?|\n)/);
+ for (var i = 0, ii = lines.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var line = lines[i];
+ p.appendChild(document.createTextNode(line));
+ if (i < ii - 1) {
+ p.appendChild(document.createElement('br'));
+ }
+ }
+ return p;
+ },
+ _toggle: function PopupElement_toggle() {
+ if (this.pinned) {
+ this._hide(true);
+ } else {
+ this._show(true);
+ }
+ },
+ _show: function PopupElement_show(pin) {
+ if (pin) {
+ this.pinned = true;
+ }
+ if (this.hideElement.hasAttribute('hidden')) {
+ this.hideElement.removeAttribute('hidden');
+ += 1;
+ }
+ },
+ _hide: function PopupElement_hide(unpin) {
+ if (unpin) {
+ this.pinned = false;
+ }
+ if (!this.hideElement.hasAttribute('hidden') && !this.pinned) {
+ this.hideElement.setAttribute('hidden', true);
+ -= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return PopupElement;
+var HighlightAnnotationElement = function HighlightAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function HighlightAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( || ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(HighlightAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function HighlightAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'highlightAnnotation';
+ if (! {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, null,;
+ }
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return HighlightAnnotationElement;
+var UnderlineAnnotationElement = function UnderlineAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function UnderlineAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( || ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(UnderlineAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function UnderlineAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'underlineAnnotation';
+ if (! {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, null,;
+ }
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return UnderlineAnnotationElement;
+var SquigglyAnnotationElement = function SquigglyAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function SquigglyAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( || ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(SquigglyAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function SquigglyAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'squigglyAnnotation';
+ if (! {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, null,;
+ }
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return SquigglyAnnotationElement;
+var StrikeOutAnnotationElement = function StrikeOutAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function StrikeOutAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+ var isRenderable = !!( || ||;
+, parameters, isRenderable);
+ }
+ Util.inherit(StrikeOutAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function StrikeOutAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'strikeoutAnnotation';
+ if (! {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, null,;
+ }
+ return this.container;
+ }
+ });
+ return StrikeOutAnnotationElement;
+var FileAttachmentAnnotationElement = function FileAttachmentAnnotationElementClosure() {
+ function FileAttachmentAnnotationElement(parameters) {
+, parameters, true);
+ var file =;
+ this.filename = getFilenameFromUrl(file.filename);
+ this.content = file.content;
+ this.linkService.onFileAttachmentAnnotation({
+ id: stringToPDFString(file.filename),
+ filename: file.filename,
+ content: file.content
+ });
+ }
+ Util.inherit(FileAttachmentAnnotationElement, AnnotationElement, {
+ render: function FileAttachmentAnnotationElement_render() {
+ this.container.className = 'fileAttachmentAnnotation';
+ var trigger = document.createElement('div');
+ =;
+ =;
+ trigger.addEventListener('dblclick', this._download.bind(this));
+ if (! && ( || {
+ this._createPopup(this.container, trigger,;
+ }
+ this.container.appendChild(trigger);
+ return this.container;
+ },
+ _download: function FileAttachmentAnnotationElement_download() {
+ if (!this.downloadManager) {
+ warn('Download cannot be started due to unavailable download manager');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.downloadManager.downloadData(this.content, this.filename, '');
+ }
+ });
+ return FileAttachmentAnnotationElement;
+var AnnotationLayer = function AnnotationLayerClosure() {
+ return {
+ render: function AnnotationLayer_render(parameters) {
+ var annotationElementFactory = new AnnotationElementFactory();
+ for (var i = 0, ii = parameters.annotations.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var data = parameters.annotations[i];
+ if (!data) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var element = annotationElementFactory.create({
+ data: data,
+ layer: parameters.div,
+ page:,
+ viewport: parameters.viewport,
+ linkService: parameters.linkService,
+ downloadManager: parameters.downloadManager,
+ imageResourcesPath: parameters.imageResourcesPath || getDefaultSetting('imageResourcesPath'),
+ renderInteractiveForms: parameters.renderInteractiveForms || false
+ });
+ if (element.isRenderable) {
+ parameters.div.appendChild(element.render());
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ update: function AnnotationLayer_update(parameters) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = parameters.annotations.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var data = parameters.annotations[i];
+ var element = parameters.div.querySelector('[data-annotation-id="' + + '"]');
+ if (element) {
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transform', element, 'matrix(' + parameters.viewport.transform.join(',') + ')');
+ }
+ }
+ parameters.div.removeAttribute('hidden');
+ }
+ };
+exports.AnnotationLayer = AnnotationLayer;
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayFontLoader = __w_pdfjs_require__(11);
+var displayCanvas = __w_pdfjs_require__(10);
+var displayMetadata = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var amdRequire;
+var InvalidPDFException = sharedUtil.InvalidPDFException;
+var MessageHandler = sharedUtil.MessageHandler;
+var MissingPDFException = sharedUtil.MissingPDFException;
+var PageViewport = sharedUtil.PageViewport;
+var PasswordException = sharedUtil.PasswordException;
+var StatTimer = sharedUtil.StatTimer;
+var UnexpectedResponseException = sharedUtil.UnexpectedResponseException;
+var UnknownErrorException = sharedUtil.UnknownErrorException;
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var createPromiseCapability = sharedUtil.createPromiseCapability;
+var error = sharedUtil.error;
+var deprecated = sharedUtil.deprecated;
+var getVerbosityLevel = sharedUtil.getVerbosityLevel;
+var info =;
+var isInt = sharedUtil.isInt;
+var isArray = sharedUtil.isArray;
+var isArrayBuffer = sharedUtil.isArrayBuffer;
+var isSameOrigin = sharedUtil.isSameOrigin;
+var loadJpegStream = sharedUtil.loadJpegStream;
+var stringToBytes = sharedUtil.stringToBytes;
+var globalScope = sharedUtil.globalScope;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var FontFaceObject = displayFontLoader.FontFaceObject;
+var FontLoader = displayFontLoader.FontLoader;
+var CanvasGraphics = displayCanvas.CanvasGraphics;
+var Metadata = displayMetadata.Metadata;
+var RenderingCancelledException = displayDOMUtils.RenderingCancelledException;
+var getDefaultSetting = displayDOMUtils.getDefaultSetting;
+var DOMCanvasFactory = displayDOMUtils.DOMCanvasFactory;
+var DOMCMapReaderFactory = displayDOMUtils.DOMCMapReaderFactory;
+var isWorkerDisabled = false;
+var workerSrc;
+var isPostMessageTransfersDisabled = false;
+var pdfjsFilePath = typeof document !== 'undefined' && document.currentScript ? document.currentScript.src : null;
+var fakeWorkerFilesLoader = null;
+var useRequireEnsure = false;
+if (typeof __pdfjsdev_webpack__ === 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
+ isWorkerDisabled = true;
+ if (false) {
+ require.ensure = require('node-ensure');
+ }
+ useRequireEnsure = true;
+ } else if (true) {
+ useRequireEnsure = true;
+ }
+ if (typeof requirejs !== 'undefined' && requirejs.toUrl) {
+ workerSrc = requirejs.toUrl('pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker.js');
+ }
+ var dynamicLoaderSupported = typeof requirejs !== 'undefined' && requirejs.load;
+ fakeWorkerFilesLoader = useRequireEnsure ? function (callback) {
+ __webpack_require__.e/* require.ensure */(0).then((function () {
+ var worker = __webpack_require__(1);
+ callback(worker.WorkerMessageHandler);
+ }).bind(null, __webpack_require__)).catch(__webpack_require__.oe);
+ } : dynamicLoaderSupported ? function (callback) {
+ requirejs(['pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker'], function (worker) {
+ callback(worker.WorkerMessageHandler);
+ });
+ } : null;
+function getDocument(src, pdfDataRangeTransport, passwordCallback, progressCallback) {
+ var task = new PDFDocumentLoadingTask();
+ if (arguments.length > 1) {
+ deprecated('getDocument is called with pdfDataRangeTransport, ' + 'passwordCallback or progressCallback argument');
+ }
+ if (pdfDataRangeTransport) {
+ if (!(pdfDataRangeTransport instanceof PDFDataRangeTransport)) {
+ pdfDataRangeTransport = Object.create(pdfDataRangeTransport);
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.length = src.length;
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.initialData = src.initialData;
+ if (!pdfDataRangeTransport.abort) {
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.abort = function () {};
+ }
+ }
+ src = Object.create(src);
+ src.range = pdfDataRangeTransport;
+ }
+ task.onPassword = passwordCallback || null;
+ task.onProgress = progressCallback || null;
+ var source;
+ if (typeof src === 'string') {
+ source = { url: src };
+ } else if (isArrayBuffer(src)) {
+ source = { data: src };
+ } else if (src instanceof PDFDataRangeTransport) {
+ source = { range: src };
+ } else {
+ if (typeof src !== 'object') {
+ error('Invalid parameter in getDocument, need either Uint8Array, ' + 'string or a parameter object');
+ }
+ if (!src.url && ! && !src.range) {
+ error('Invalid parameter object: need either .data, .range or .url');
+ }
+ source = src;
+ }
+ var params = {};
+ var rangeTransport = null;
+ var worker = null;
+ for (var key in source) {
+ if (key === 'url' && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ params[key] = new URL(source[key], window.location).href;
+ continue;
+ } else if (key === 'range') {
+ rangeTransport = source[key];
+ continue;
+ } else if (key === 'worker') {
+ worker = source[key];
+ continue;
+ } else if (key === 'data' && !(source[key] instanceof Uint8Array)) {
+ var pdfBytes = source[key];
+ if (typeof pdfBytes === 'string') {
+ params[key] = stringToBytes(pdfBytes);
+ } else if (typeof pdfBytes === 'object' && pdfBytes !== null && !isNaN(pdfBytes.length)) {
+ params[key] = new Uint8Array(pdfBytes);
+ } else if (isArrayBuffer(pdfBytes)) {
+ params[key] = new Uint8Array(pdfBytes);
+ } else {
+ error('Invalid PDF binary data: either typed array, string or ' + 'array-like object is expected in the data property.');
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ params[key] = source[key];
+ }
+ params.rangeChunkSize = params.rangeChunkSize || DEFAULT_RANGE_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ params.disableNativeImageDecoder = params.disableNativeImageDecoder === true;
+ var CMapReaderFactory = params.CMapReaderFactory || DOMCMapReaderFactory;
+ if (!worker) {
+ var workerPort = getDefaultSetting('workerPort');
+ worker = workerPort ? new PDFWorker(null, workerPort) : new PDFWorker();
+ task._worker = worker;
+ }
+ var docId = task.docId;
+ worker.promise.then(function () {
+ if (task.destroyed) {
+ throw new Error('Loading aborted');
+ }
+ return _fetchDocument(worker, params, rangeTransport, docId).then(function (workerId) {
+ if (task.destroyed) {
+ throw new Error('Loading aborted');
+ }
+ var messageHandler = new MessageHandler(docId, workerId, worker.port);
+ var transport = new WorkerTransport(messageHandler, task, rangeTransport, CMapReaderFactory);
+ task._transport = transport;
+ messageHandler.send('Ready', null);
+ });
+ }).catch(task._capability.reject);
+ return task;
+function _fetchDocument(worker, source, pdfDataRangeTransport, docId) {
+ if (worker.destroyed) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed'));
+ }
+ source.disableAutoFetch = getDefaultSetting('disableAutoFetch');
+ source.disableStream = getDefaultSetting('disableStream');
+ source.chunkedViewerLoading = !!pdfDataRangeTransport;
+ if (pdfDataRangeTransport) {
+ source.length = pdfDataRangeTransport.length;
+ source.initialData = pdfDataRangeTransport.initialData;
+ }
+ return worker.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetDocRequest', {
+ docId: docId,
+ source: source,
+ disableRange: getDefaultSetting('disableRange'),
+ maxImageSize: getDefaultSetting('maxImageSize'),
+ disableFontFace: getDefaultSetting('disableFontFace'),
+ disableCreateObjectURL: getDefaultSetting('disableCreateObjectURL'),
+ postMessageTransfers: getDefaultSetting('postMessageTransfers') && !isPostMessageTransfersDisabled,
+ docBaseUrl: source.docBaseUrl,
+ disableNativeImageDecoder: source.disableNativeImageDecoder
+ }).then(function (workerId) {
+ if (worker.destroyed) {
+ throw new Error('Worker was destroyed');
+ }
+ return workerId;
+ });
+var PDFDocumentLoadingTask = function PDFDocumentLoadingTaskClosure() {
+ var nextDocumentId = 0;
+ function PDFDocumentLoadingTask() {
+ this._capability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this._transport = null;
+ this._worker = null;
+ this.docId = 'd' + nextDocumentId++;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ this.onPassword = null;
+ this.onProgress = null;
+ this.onUnsupportedFeature = null;
+ }
+ PDFDocumentLoadingTask.prototype = {
+ get promise() {
+ return this._capability.promise;
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ var transportDestroyed = !this._transport ? Promise.resolve() : this._transport.destroy();
+ return transportDestroyed.then(function () {
+ this._transport = null;
+ if (this._worker) {
+ this._worker.destroy();
+ this._worker = null;
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ then: function PDFDocumentLoadingTask_then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ return this.promise.then.apply(this.promise, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ return PDFDocumentLoadingTask;
+var PDFDataRangeTransport = function pdfDataRangeTransportClosure() {
+ function PDFDataRangeTransport(length, initialData) {
+ this.length = length;
+ this.initialData = initialData;
+ this._rangeListeners = [];
+ this._progressListeners = [];
+ this._progressiveReadListeners = [];
+ this._readyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ }
+ PDFDataRangeTransport.prototype = {
+ addRangeListener: function PDFDataRangeTransport_addRangeListener(listener) {
+ this._rangeListeners.push(listener);
+ },
+ addProgressListener: function PDFDataRangeTransport_addProgressListener(listener) {
+ this._progressListeners.push(listener);
+ },
+ addProgressiveReadListener: function PDFDataRangeTransport_addProgressiveReadListener(listener) {
+ this._progressiveReadListeners.push(listener);
+ },
+ onDataRange: function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataRange(begin, chunk) {
+ var listeners = this._rangeListeners;
+ for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ listeners[i](begin, chunk);
+ }
+ },
+ onDataProgress: function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataProgress(loaded) {
+ this._readyCapability.promise.then(function () {
+ var listeners = this._progressListeners;
+ for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ listeners[i](loaded);
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ onDataProgressiveRead: function PDFDataRangeTransport_onDataProgress(chunk) {
+ this._readyCapability.promise.then(function () {
+ var listeners = this._progressiveReadListeners;
+ for (var i = 0, n = listeners.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ listeners[i](chunk);
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ transportReady: function PDFDataRangeTransport_transportReady() {
+ this._readyCapability.resolve();
+ },
+ requestDataRange: function PDFDataRangeTransport_requestDataRange(begin, end) {
+ throw new Error('Abstract method PDFDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange');
+ },
+ abort: function PDFDataRangeTransport_abort() {}
+ };
+ return PDFDataRangeTransport;
+var PDFDocumentProxy = function PDFDocumentProxyClosure() {
+ function PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, transport, loadingTask) {
+ this.pdfInfo = pdfInfo;
+ this.transport = transport;
+ this.loadingTask = loadingTask;
+ }
+ PDFDocumentProxy.prototype = {
+ get numPages() {
+ return this.pdfInfo.numPages;
+ },
+ get fingerprint() {
+ return this.pdfInfo.fingerprint;
+ },
+ getPage: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPage(pageNumber) {
+ return this.transport.getPage(pageNumber);
+ },
+ getPageIndex: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPageIndex(ref) {
+ return this.transport.getPageIndex(ref);
+ },
+ getDestinations: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDestinations() {
+ return this.transport.getDestinations();
+ },
+ getDestination: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDestination(id) {
+ return this.transport.getDestination(id);
+ },
+ getPageLabels: function PDFDocumentProxy_getPageLabels() {
+ return this.transport.getPageLabels();
+ },
+ getAttachments: function PDFDocumentProxy_getAttachments() {
+ return this.transport.getAttachments();
+ },
+ getJavaScript: function PDFDocumentProxy_getJavaScript() {
+ return this.transport.getJavaScript();
+ },
+ getOutline: function PDFDocumentProxy_getOutline() {
+ return this.transport.getOutline();
+ },
+ getMetadata: function PDFDocumentProxy_getMetadata() {
+ return this.transport.getMetadata();
+ },
+ getData: function PDFDocumentProxy_getData() {
+ return this.transport.getData();
+ },
+ getDownloadInfo: function PDFDocumentProxy_getDownloadInfo() {
+ return this.transport.downloadInfoCapability.promise;
+ },
+ getStats: function PDFDocumentProxy_getStats() {
+ return this.transport.getStats();
+ },
+ cleanup: function PDFDocumentProxy_cleanup() {
+ this.transport.startCleanup();
+ },
+ destroy: function PDFDocumentProxy_destroy() {
+ return this.loadingTask.destroy();
+ }
+ };
+ return PDFDocumentProxy;
+var PDFPageProxy = function PDFPageProxyClosure() {
+ function PDFPageProxy(pageIndex, pageInfo, transport) {
+ this.pageIndex = pageIndex;
+ this.pageInfo = pageInfo;
+ this.transport = transport;
+ this.stats = new StatTimer();
+ this.stats.enabled = getDefaultSetting('enableStats');
+ this.commonObjs = transport.commonObjs;
+ this.objs = new PDFObjects();
+ this.cleanupAfterRender = false;
+ this.pendingCleanup = false;
+ this.intentStates = Object.create(null);
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ }
+ PDFPageProxy.prototype = {
+ get pageNumber() {
+ return this.pageIndex + 1;
+ },
+ get rotate() {
+ return this.pageInfo.rotate;
+ },
+ get ref() {
+ return this.pageInfo.ref;
+ },
+ get userUnit() {
+ return this.pageInfo.userUnit;
+ },
+ get view() {
+ return this.pageInfo.view;
+ },
+ getViewport: function PDFPageProxy_getViewport(scale, rotate) {
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ rotate = this.rotate;
+ }
+ return new PageViewport(this.view, scale, rotate, 0, 0);
+ },
+ getAnnotations: function PDFPageProxy_getAnnotations(params) {
+ var intent = params && params.intent || null;
+ if (!this.annotationsPromise || this.annotationsIntent !== intent) {
+ this.annotationsPromise = this.transport.getAnnotations(this.pageIndex, intent);
+ this.annotationsIntent = intent;
+ }
+ return this.annotationsPromise;
+ },
+ render: function PDFPageProxy_render(params) {
+ var stats = this.stats;
+ stats.time('Overall');
+ this.pendingCleanup = false;
+ var renderingIntent = params.intent === 'print' ? 'print' : 'display';
+ var renderInteractiveForms = params.renderInteractiveForms === true ? true : false;
+ var canvasFactory = params.canvasFactory || new DOMCanvasFactory();
+ if (!this.intentStates[renderingIntent]) {
+ this.intentStates[renderingIntent] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[renderingIntent];
+ if (!intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
+ intentState.receivingOperatorList = true;
+ intentState.displayReadyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ intentState.operatorList = {
+ fnArray: [],
+ argsArray: [],
+ lastChunk: false
+ };
+ this.stats.time('Page Request');
+ this.transport.messageHandler.send('RenderPageRequest', {
+ pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1,
+ intent: renderingIntent,
+ renderInteractiveForms: renderInteractiveForms
+ });
+ }
+ var internalRenderTask = new InternalRenderTask(complete, params, this.objs, this.commonObjs, intentState.operatorList, this.pageNumber, canvasFactory);
+ internalRenderTask.useRequestAnimationFrame = renderingIntent !== 'print';
+ if (!intentState.renderTasks) {
+ intentState.renderTasks = [];
+ }
+ intentState.renderTasks.push(internalRenderTask);
+ var renderTask = internalRenderTask.task;
+ if (params.continueCallback) {
+ deprecated('render is used with continueCallback parameter');
+ renderTask.onContinue = params.continueCallback;
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ intentState.displayReadyCapability.promise.then(function pageDisplayReadyPromise(transparency) {
+ if (self.pendingCleanup) {
+ complete();
+ return;
+ }
+ stats.time('Rendering');
+ internalRenderTask.initializeGraphics(transparency);
+ internalRenderTask.operatorListChanged();
+ }, function pageDisplayReadPromiseError(reason) {
+ complete(reason);
+ });
+ function complete(error) {
+ var i = intentState.renderTasks.indexOf(internalRenderTask);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ intentState.renderTasks.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ if (self.cleanupAfterRender) {
+ self.pendingCleanup = true;
+ }
+ self._tryCleanup();
+ if (error) {
+ internalRenderTask.capability.reject(error);
+ } else {
+ internalRenderTask.capability.resolve();
+ }
+ stats.timeEnd('Rendering');
+ stats.timeEnd('Overall');
+ }
+ return renderTask;
+ },
+ getOperatorList: function PDFPageProxy_getOperatorList() {
+ function operatorListChanged() {
+ if (intentState.operatorList.lastChunk) {
+ intentState.opListReadCapability.resolve(intentState.operatorList);
+ var i = intentState.renderTasks.indexOf(opListTask);
+ if (i >= 0) {
+ intentState.renderTasks.splice(i, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var renderingIntent = 'oplist';
+ if (!this.intentStates[renderingIntent]) {
+ this.intentStates[renderingIntent] = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[renderingIntent];
+ var opListTask;
+ if (!intentState.opListReadCapability) {
+ opListTask = {};
+ opListTask.operatorListChanged = operatorListChanged;
+ intentState.receivingOperatorList = true;
+ intentState.opListReadCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ intentState.renderTasks = [];
+ intentState.renderTasks.push(opListTask);
+ intentState.operatorList = {
+ fnArray: [],
+ argsArray: [],
+ lastChunk: false
+ };
+ this.transport.messageHandler.send('RenderPageRequest', {
+ pageIndex: this.pageIndex,
+ intent: renderingIntent
+ });
+ }
+ return intentState.opListReadCapability.promise;
+ },
+ getTextContent: function PDFPageProxy_getTextContent(params) {
+ return this.transport.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetTextContent', {
+ pageIndex: this.pageNumber - 1,
+ normalizeWhitespace: params && params.normalizeWhitespace === true ? true : false,
+ combineTextItems: params && params.disableCombineTextItems === true ? false : true
+ });
+ },
+ _destroy: function PDFPageProxy_destroy() {
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ this.transport.pageCache[this.pageIndex] = null;
+ var waitOn = [];
+ Object.keys(this.intentStates).forEach(function (intent) {
+ if (intent === 'oplist') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
+ intentState.renderTasks.forEach(function (renderTask) {
+ var renderCompleted = renderTask.capability.promise.catch(function () {});
+ waitOn.push(renderCompleted);
+ renderTask.cancel();
+ });
+ }, this);
+ this.objs.clear();
+ this.annotationsPromise = null;
+ this.pendingCleanup = false;
+ return Promise.all(waitOn);
+ },
+ destroy: function () {
+ deprecated('page destroy method, use cleanup() instead');
+ this.cleanup();
+ },
+ cleanup: function PDFPageProxy_cleanup() {
+ this.pendingCleanup = true;
+ this._tryCleanup();
+ },
+ _tryCleanup: function PDFPageProxy_tryCleanup() {
+ if (!this.pendingCleanup || Object.keys(this.intentStates).some(function (intent) {
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
+ return intentState.renderTasks.length !== 0 || intentState.receivingOperatorList;
+ }, this)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.keys(this.intentStates).forEach(function (intent) {
+ delete this.intentStates[intent];
+ }, this);
+ this.objs.clear();
+ this.annotationsPromise = null;
+ this.pendingCleanup = false;
+ },
+ _startRenderPage: function PDFPageProxy_startRenderPage(transparency, intent) {
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
+ if (intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
+ intentState.displayReadyCapability.resolve(transparency);
+ }
+ },
+ _renderPageChunk: function PDFPageProxy_renderPageChunk(operatorListChunk, intent) {
+ var intentState = this.intentStates[intent];
+ var i, ii;
+ for (i = 0, ii = operatorListChunk.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ intentState.operatorList.fnArray.push(operatorListChunk.fnArray[i]);
+ intentState.operatorList.argsArray.push(operatorListChunk.argsArray[i]);
+ }
+ intentState.operatorList.lastChunk = operatorListChunk.lastChunk;
+ for (i = 0; i < intentState.renderTasks.length; i++) {
+ intentState.renderTasks[i].operatorListChanged();
+ }
+ if (operatorListChunk.lastChunk) {
+ intentState.receivingOperatorList = false;
+ this._tryCleanup();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return PDFPageProxy;
+var PDFWorker = function PDFWorkerClosure() {
+ var nextFakeWorkerId = 0;
+ function getWorkerSrc() {
+ if (typeof workerSrc !== 'undefined') {
+ return workerSrc;
+ }
+ if (getDefaultSetting('workerSrc')) {
+ return getDefaultSetting('workerSrc');
+ }
+ if (pdfjsFilePath) {
+ return pdfjsFilePath.replace(/\.js$/i, '.worker.js');
+ }
+ error('No PDFJS.workerSrc specified');
+ }
+ var fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability;
+ function setupFakeWorkerGlobal() {
+ var WorkerMessageHandler;
+ if (fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability) {
+ return fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.promise;
+ }
+ fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ var loader = fakeWorkerFilesLoader || function (callback) {
+ Util.loadScript(getWorkerSrc(), function () {
+ callback(window.pdfjsDistBuildPdfWorker.WorkerMessageHandler);
+ });
+ };
+ loader(fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.resolve);
+ return fakeWorkerFilesLoadedCapability.promise;
+ }
+ function FakeWorkerPort(defer) {
+ this._listeners = [];
+ this._defer = defer;
+ this._deferred = Promise.resolve(undefined);
+ }
+ FakeWorkerPort.prototype = {
+ postMessage: function (obj, transfers) {
+ function cloneValue(value) {
+ if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null) {
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (cloned.has(value)) {
+ return cloned.get(value);
+ }
+ var result;
+ var buffer;
+ if ((buffer = value.buffer) && isArrayBuffer(buffer)) {
+ var transferable = transfers && transfers.indexOf(buffer) >= 0;
+ if (value === buffer) {
+ result = value;
+ } else if (transferable) {
+ result = new value.constructor(buffer, value.byteOffset, value.byteLength);
+ } else {
+ result = new value.constructor(value);
+ }
+ cloned.set(value, result);
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = isArray(value) ? [] : {};
+ cloned.set(value, result);
+ for (var i in value) {
+ var desc,
+ p = value;
+ while (!(desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(p, i))) {
+ p = Object.getPrototypeOf(p);
+ }
+ if (typeof desc.value === 'undefined' || typeof desc.value === 'function') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ result[i] = cloneValue(desc.value);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (!this._defer) {
+ this._listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
+, { data: obj });
+ }, this);
+ return;
+ }
+ var cloned = new WeakMap();
+ var e = { data: cloneValue(obj) };
+ this._deferred.then(function () {
+ this._listeners.forEach(function (listener) {
+, e);
+ }, this);
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ addEventListener: function (name, listener) {
+ this._listeners.push(listener);
+ },
+ removeEventListener: function (name, listener) {
+ var i = this._listeners.indexOf(listener);
+ this._listeners.splice(i, 1);
+ },
+ terminate: function () {
+ this._listeners = [];
+ }
+ };
+ function createCDNWrapper(url) {
+ var wrapper = 'importScripts(\'' + url + '\');';
+ return URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([wrapper]));
+ }
+ function PDFWorker(name, port) {
+ = name;
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ this._readyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this._port = null;
+ this._webWorker = null;
+ this._messageHandler = null;
+ if (port) {
+ this._initializeFromPort(port);
+ return;
+ }
+ this._initialize();
+ }
+ PDFWorker.prototype = {
+ get promise() {
+ return this._readyCapability.promise;
+ },
+ get port() {
+ return this._port;
+ },
+ get messageHandler() {
+ return this._messageHandler;
+ },
+ _initializeFromPort: function PDFWorker_initializeFromPort(port) {
+ this._port = port;
+ this._messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', 'worker', port);
+ this._messageHandler.on('ready', function () {});
+ this._readyCapability.resolve();
+ },
+ _initialize: function PDFWorker_initialize() {
+ if (!isWorkerDisabled && !getDefaultSetting('disableWorker') && typeof Worker !== 'undefined') {
+ var workerSrc = getWorkerSrc();
+ try {
+ if (!isSameOrigin(window.location.href, workerSrc)) {
+ workerSrc = createCDNWrapper(new URL(workerSrc, window.location).href);
+ }
+ var worker = new Worker(workerSrc);
+ var messageHandler = new MessageHandler('main', 'worker', worker);
+ var terminateEarly = function () {
+ worker.removeEventListener('error', onWorkerError);
+ messageHandler.destroy();
+ worker.terminate();
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ this._readyCapability.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed'));
+ } else {
+ this._setupFakeWorker();
+ }
+ }.bind(this);
+ var onWorkerError = function (event) {
+ if (!this._webWorker) {
+ terminateEarly();
+ }
+ }.bind(this);
+ worker.addEventListener('error', onWorkerError);
+ messageHandler.on('test', function PDFWorker_test(data) {
+ worker.removeEventListener('error', onWorkerError);
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ terminateEarly();
+ return;
+ }
+ var supportTypedArray = data && data.supportTypedArray;
+ if (supportTypedArray) {
+ this._messageHandler = messageHandler;
+ this._port = worker;
+ this._webWorker = worker;
+ if (!data.supportTransfers) {
+ isPostMessageTransfersDisabled = true;
+ }
+ this._readyCapability.resolve();
+ messageHandler.send('configure', { verbosity: getVerbosityLevel() });
+ } else {
+ this._setupFakeWorker();
+ messageHandler.destroy();
+ worker.terminate();
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ messageHandler.on('console_log', function (data) {
+ console.log.apply(console, data);
+ });
+ messageHandler.on('console_error', function (data) {
+ console.error.apply(console, data);
+ });
+ messageHandler.on('ready', function (data) {
+ worker.removeEventListener('error', onWorkerError);
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ terminateEarly();
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ sendTest();
+ } catch (e) {
+ this._setupFakeWorker();
+ }
+ }.bind(this));
+ var sendTest = function () {
+ var postMessageTransfers = getDefaultSetting('postMessageTransfers') && !isPostMessageTransfersDisabled;
+ var testObj = new Uint8Array([postMessageTransfers ? 255 : 0]);
+ try {
+ messageHandler.send('test', testObj, [testObj.buffer]);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ info('Cannot use postMessage transfers');
+ testObj[0] = 0;
+ messageHandler.send('test', testObj);
+ }
+ };
+ sendTest();
+ return;
+ } catch (e) {
+ info('The worker has been disabled.');
+ }
+ }
+ this._setupFakeWorker();
+ },
+ _setupFakeWorker: function PDFWorker_setupFakeWorker() {
+ if (!isWorkerDisabled && !getDefaultSetting('disableWorker')) {
+ warn('Setting up fake worker.');
+ isWorkerDisabled = true;
+ }
+ setupFakeWorkerGlobal().then(function (WorkerMessageHandler) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ this._readyCapability.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed'));
+ return;
+ }
+ var isTypedArraysPresent = Uint8Array !== Float32Array;
+ var port = new FakeWorkerPort(isTypedArraysPresent);
+ this._port = port;
+ var id = 'fake' + nextFakeWorkerId++;
+ var workerHandler = new MessageHandler(id + '_worker', id, port);
+ WorkerMessageHandler.setup(workerHandler, port);
+ var messageHandler = new MessageHandler(id, id + '_worker', port);
+ this._messageHandler = messageHandler;
+ this._readyCapability.resolve();
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ destroy: function PDFWorker_destroy() {
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ if (this._webWorker) {
+ this._webWorker.terminate();
+ this._webWorker = null;
+ }
+ this._port = null;
+ if (this._messageHandler) {
+ this._messageHandler.destroy();
+ this._messageHandler = null;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return PDFWorker;
+var WorkerTransport = function WorkerTransportClosure() {
+ function WorkerTransport(messageHandler, loadingTask, pdfDataRangeTransport, CMapReaderFactory) {
+ this.messageHandler = messageHandler;
+ this.loadingTask = loadingTask;
+ this.pdfDataRangeTransport = pdfDataRangeTransport;
+ this.commonObjs = new PDFObjects();
+ this.fontLoader = new FontLoader(loadingTask.docId);
+ this.CMapReaderFactory = new CMapReaderFactory({
+ baseUrl: getDefaultSetting('cMapUrl'),
+ isCompressed: getDefaultSetting('cMapPacked')
+ });
+ this.destroyed = false;
+ this.destroyCapability = null;
+ this._passwordCapability = null;
+ this.pageCache = [];
+ this.pagePromises = [];
+ this.downloadInfoCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this.setupMessageHandler();
+ }
+ WorkerTransport.prototype = {
+ destroy: function WorkerTransport_destroy() {
+ if (this.destroyCapability) {
+ return this.destroyCapability.promise;
+ }
+ this.destroyed = true;
+ this.destroyCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ if (this._passwordCapability) {
+ this._passwordCapability.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed during onPassword callback'));
+ }
+ var waitOn = [];
+ this.pageCache.forEach(function (page) {
+ if (page) {
+ waitOn.push(page._destroy());
+ }
+ });
+ this.pageCache = [];
+ this.pagePromises = [];
+ var self = this;
+ var terminated = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('Terminate', null);
+ waitOn.push(terminated);
+ Promise.all(waitOn).then(function () {
+ self.fontLoader.clear();
+ if (self.pdfDataRangeTransport) {
+ self.pdfDataRangeTransport.abort();
+ self.pdfDataRangeTransport = null;
+ }
+ if (self.messageHandler) {
+ self.messageHandler.destroy();
+ self.messageHandler = null;
+ }
+ self.destroyCapability.resolve();
+ }, this.destroyCapability.reject);
+ return this.destroyCapability.promise;
+ },
+ setupMessageHandler: function WorkerTransport_setupMessageHandler() {
+ var messageHandler = this.messageHandler;
+ var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
+ var pdfDataRangeTransport = this.pdfDataRangeTransport;
+ if (pdfDataRangeTransport) {
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.addRangeListener(function (begin, chunk) {
+ messageHandler.send('OnDataRange', {
+ begin: begin,
+ chunk: chunk
+ });
+ });
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressListener(function (loaded) {
+ messageHandler.send('OnDataProgress', { loaded: loaded });
+ });
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.addProgressiveReadListener(function (chunk) {
+ messageHandler.send('OnDataRange', { chunk: chunk });
+ });
+ messageHandler.on('RequestDataRange', function transportDataRange(data) {
+ pdfDataRangeTransport.requestDataRange(data.begin, data.end);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ messageHandler.on('GetDoc', function transportDoc(data) {
+ var pdfInfo = data.pdfInfo;
+ this.numPages = data.pdfInfo.numPages;
+ var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
+ var pdfDocument = new PDFDocumentProxy(pdfInfo, this, loadingTask);
+ this.pdfDocument = pdfDocument;
+ loadingTask._capability.resolve(pdfDocument);
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('PasswordRequest', function transportPasswordRequest(exception) {
+ this._passwordCapability = createPromiseCapability();
+ if (loadingTask.onPassword) {
+ var updatePassword = function (password) {
+ this._passwordCapability.resolve({ password: password });
+ }.bind(this);
+ loadingTask.onPassword(updatePassword, exception.code);
+ } else {
+ this._passwordCapability.reject(new PasswordException(exception.message, exception.code));
+ }
+ return this._passwordCapability.promise;
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('PasswordException', function transportPasswordException(exception) {
+ loadingTask._capability.reject(new PasswordException(exception.message, exception.code));
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('InvalidPDF', function transportInvalidPDF(exception) {
+ this.loadingTask._capability.reject(new InvalidPDFException(exception.message));
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('MissingPDF', function transportMissingPDF(exception) {
+ this.loadingTask._capability.reject(new MissingPDFException(exception.message));
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('UnexpectedResponse', function transportUnexpectedResponse(exception) {
+ this.loadingTask._capability.reject(new UnexpectedResponseException(exception.message, exception.status));
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('UnknownError', function transportUnknownError(exception) {
+ this.loadingTask._capability.reject(new UnknownErrorException(exception.message, exception.details));
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('DataLoaded', function transportPage(data) {
+ this.downloadInfoCapability.resolve(data);
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('PDFManagerReady', function transportPage(data) {
+ if (this.pdfDataRangeTransport) {
+ this.pdfDataRangeTransport.transportReady();
+ }
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('StartRenderPage', function transportRender(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var page = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex];
+ page.stats.timeEnd('Page Request');
+ page._startRenderPage(data.transparency, data.intent);
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('RenderPageChunk', function transportRender(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var page = this.pageCache[data.pageIndex];
+ page._renderPageChunk(data.operatorList, data.intent);
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('commonobj', function transportObj(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var id = data[0];
+ var type = data[1];
+ if (this.commonObjs.hasData(id)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'Font':
+ var exportedData = data[2];
+ if ('error' in exportedData) {
+ var exportedError = exportedData.error;
+ warn('Error during font loading: ' + exportedError);
+ this.commonObjs.resolve(id, exportedError);
+ break;
+ }
+ var fontRegistry = null;
+ if (getDefaultSetting('pdfBug') && globalScope.FontInspector && globalScope['FontInspector'].enabled) {
+ fontRegistry = {
+ registerFont: function (font, url) {
+ globalScope['FontInspector'].fontAdded(font, url);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ var font = new FontFaceObject(exportedData, {
+ isEvalSuported: getDefaultSetting('isEvalSupported'),
+ disableFontFace: getDefaultSetting('disableFontFace'),
+ fontRegistry: fontRegistry
+ });
+ this.fontLoader.bind([font], function fontReady(fontObjs) {
+ this.commonObjs.resolve(id, font);
+ }.bind(this));
+ break;
+ case 'FontPath':
+ this.commonObjs.resolve(id, data[2]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ error('Got unknown common object type ' + type);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('obj', function transportObj(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var id = data[0];
+ var pageIndex = data[1];
+ var type = data[2];
+ var pageProxy = this.pageCache[pageIndex];
+ var imageData;
+ if (pageProxy.objs.hasData(id)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (type) {
+ case 'JpegStream':
+ imageData = data[3];
+ loadJpegStream(id, imageData, pageProxy.objs);
+ break;
+ case 'Image':
+ imageData = data[3];
+ pageProxy.objs.resolve(id, imageData);
+ var MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_STORE = 8000000;
+ if (imageData && 'data' in imageData && > MAX_IMAGE_SIZE_TO_STORE) {
+ pageProxy.cleanupAfterRender = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ error('Got unknown object type ' + type);
+ }
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('DocProgress', function transportDocProgress(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
+ if (loadingTask.onProgress) {
+ loadingTask.onProgress({
+ loaded: data.loaded,
+ total:
+ });
+ }
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('PageError', function transportError(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var page = this.pageCache[data.pageNum - 1];
+ var intentState = page.intentStates[data.intent];
+ if (intentState.displayReadyCapability) {
+ intentState.displayReadyCapability.reject(data.error);
+ } else {
+ error(data.error);
+ }
+ if (intentState.operatorList) {
+ intentState.operatorList.lastChunk = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < intentState.renderTasks.length; i++) {
+ intentState.renderTasks[i].operatorListChanged();
+ }
+ }
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('UnsupportedFeature', function transportUnsupportedFeature(data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var featureId = data.featureId;
+ var loadingTask = this.loadingTask;
+ if (loadingTask.onUnsupportedFeature) {
+ loadingTask.onUnsupportedFeature(featureId);
+ }
+ _UnsupportedManager.notify(featureId);
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('JpegDecode', function (data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed'));
+ }
+ if (typeof document === 'undefined') {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('"document" is not defined.'));
+ }
+ var imageUrl = data[0];
+ var components = data[1];
+ if (components !== 3 && components !== 1) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Only 3 components or 1 component can be returned'));
+ }
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ var img = new Image();
+ img.onload = function () {
+ var width = img.width;
+ var height = img.height;
+ var size = width * height;
+ var rgbaLength = size * 4;
+ var buf = new Uint8Array(size * components);
+ var tmpCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ tmpCanvas.width = width;
+ tmpCanvas.height = height;
+ var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext('2d');
+ tmpCtx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
+ var data = tmpCtx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;
+ var i, j;
+ if (components === 3) {
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j += 3) {
+ buf[j] = data[i];
+ buf[j + 1] = data[i + 1];
+ buf[j + 2] = data[i + 2];
+ }
+ } else if (components === 1) {
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < rgbaLength; i += 4, j++) {
+ buf[j] = data[i];
+ }
+ }
+ resolve({
+ data: buf,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ });
+ };
+ img.onerror = function () {
+ reject(new Error('JpegDecode failed to load image'));
+ };
+ img.src = imageUrl;
+ });
+ }, this);
+ messageHandler.on('FetchBuiltInCMap', function (data) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Worker was destroyed'));
+ }
+ return this.CMapReaderFactory.fetch({ name: });
+ }, this);
+ },
+ getData: function WorkerTransport_getData() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetData', null);
+ },
+ getPage: function WorkerTransport_getPage(pageNumber, capability) {
+ if (!isInt(pageNumber) || pageNumber <= 0 || pageNumber > this.numPages) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid page request'));
+ }
+ var pageIndex = pageNumber - 1;
+ if (pageIndex in this.pagePromises) {
+ return this.pagePromises[pageIndex];
+ }
+ var promise = this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetPage', { pageIndex: pageIndex }).then(function (pageInfo) {
+ if (this.destroyed) {
+ throw new Error('Transport destroyed');
+ }
+ var page = new PDFPageProxy(pageIndex, pageInfo, this);
+ this.pageCache[pageIndex] = page;
+ return page;
+ }.bind(this));
+ this.pagePromises[pageIndex] = promise;
+ return promise;
+ },
+ getPageIndex: function WorkerTransport_getPageIndexByRef(ref) {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetPageIndex', { ref: ref }).catch(function (reason) {
+ return Promise.reject(new Error(reason));
+ });
+ },
+ getAnnotations: function WorkerTransport_getAnnotations(pageIndex, intent) {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetAnnotations', {
+ pageIndex: pageIndex,
+ intent: intent
+ });
+ },
+ getDestinations: function WorkerTransport_getDestinations() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetDestinations', null);
+ },
+ getDestination: function WorkerTransport_getDestination(id) {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetDestination', { id: id });
+ },
+ getPageLabels: function WorkerTransport_getPageLabels() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetPageLabels', null);
+ },
+ getAttachments: function WorkerTransport_getAttachments() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetAttachments', null);
+ },
+ getJavaScript: function WorkerTransport_getJavaScript() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetJavaScript', null);
+ },
+ getOutline: function WorkerTransport_getOutline() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetOutline', null);
+ },
+ getMetadata: function WorkerTransport_getMetadata() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetMetadata', null).then(function transportMetadata(results) {
+ return {
+ info: results[0],
+ metadata: results[1] ? new Metadata(results[1]) : null
+ };
+ });
+ },
+ getStats: function WorkerTransport_getStats() {
+ return this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('GetStats', null);
+ },
+ startCleanup: function WorkerTransport_startCleanup() {
+ this.messageHandler.sendWithPromise('Cleanup', null).then(function endCleanup() {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = this.pageCache.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var page = this.pageCache[i];
+ if (page) {
+ page.cleanup();
+ }
+ }
+ this.commonObjs.clear();
+ this.fontLoader.clear();
+ }.bind(this));
+ }
+ };
+ return WorkerTransport;
+var PDFObjects = function PDFObjectsClosure() {
+ function PDFObjects() {
+ this.objs = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ PDFObjects.prototype = {
+ ensureObj: function PDFObjects_ensureObj(objId) {
+ if (this.objs[objId]) {
+ return this.objs[objId];
+ }
+ var obj = {
+ capability: createPromiseCapability(),
+ data: null,
+ resolved: false
+ };
+ this.objs[objId] = obj;
+ return obj;
+ },
+ get: function PDFObjects_get(objId, callback) {
+ if (callback) {
+ this.ensureObj(objId).capability.promise.then(callback);
+ return null;
+ }
+ var obj = this.objs[objId];
+ if (!obj || !obj.resolved) {
+ error('Requesting object that isn\'t resolved yet ' + objId);
+ }
+ return;
+ },
+ resolve: function PDFObjects_resolve(objId, data) {
+ var obj = this.ensureObj(objId);
+ obj.resolved = true;
+ = data;
+ obj.capability.resolve(data);
+ },
+ isResolved: function PDFObjects_isResolved(objId) {
+ var objs = this.objs;
+ if (!objs[objId]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return objs[objId].resolved;
+ },
+ hasData: function PDFObjects_hasData(objId) {
+ return this.isResolved(objId);
+ },
+ getData: function PDFObjects_getData(objId) {
+ var objs = this.objs;
+ if (!objs[objId] || !objs[objId].resolved) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return objs[objId].data;
+ },
+ clear: function PDFObjects_clear() {
+ this.objs = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ };
+ return PDFObjects;
+var RenderTask = function RenderTaskClosure() {
+ function RenderTask(internalRenderTask) {
+ this._internalRenderTask = internalRenderTask;
+ this.onContinue = null;
+ }
+ RenderTask.prototype = {
+ get promise() {
+ return this._internalRenderTask.capability.promise;
+ },
+ cancel: function RenderTask_cancel() {
+ this._internalRenderTask.cancel();
+ },
+ then: function RenderTask_then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
+ return this.promise.then.apply(this.promise, arguments);
+ }
+ };
+ return RenderTask;
+var InternalRenderTask = function InternalRenderTaskClosure() {
+ function InternalRenderTask(callback, params, objs, commonObjs, operatorList, pageNumber, canvasFactory) {
+ this.callback = callback;
+ this.params = params;
+ this.objs = objs;
+ this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
+ this.operatorListIdx = null;
+ this.operatorList = operatorList;
+ this.pageNumber = pageNumber;
+ this.canvasFactory = canvasFactory;
+ this.running = false;
+ this.graphicsReadyCallback = null;
+ this.graphicsReady = false;
+ this.useRequestAnimationFrame = false;
+ this.cancelled = false;
+ this.capability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this.task = new RenderTask(this);
+ this._continueBound = this._continue.bind(this);
+ this._scheduleNextBound = this._scheduleNext.bind(this);
+ this._nextBound = this._next.bind(this);
+ }
+ InternalRenderTask.prototype = {
+ initializeGraphics: function InternalRenderTask_initializeGraphics(transparency) {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (getDefaultSetting('pdfBug') && globalScope.StepperManager && globalScope.StepperManager.enabled) {
+ this.stepper = globalScope.StepperManager.create(this.pageNumber - 1);
+ this.stepper.init(this.operatorList);
+ this.stepper.nextBreakPoint = this.stepper.getNextBreakPoint();
+ }
+ var params = this.params;
+ this.gfx = new CanvasGraphics(params.canvasContext, this.commonObjs, this.objs, this.canvasFactory, params.imageLayer);
+ this.gfx.beginDrawing(params.transform, params.viewport, transparency);
+ this.operatorListIdx = 0;
+ this.graphicsReady = true;
+ if (this.graphicsReadyCallback) {
+ this.graphicsReadyCallback();
+ }
+ },
+ cancel: function InternalRenderTask_cancel() {
+ this.running = false;
+ this.cancelled = true;
+ if (getDefaultSetting('pdfjsNext')) {
+ this.callback(new RenderingCancelledException('Rendering cancelled, page ' + this.pageNumber, 'canvas'));
+ } else {
+ this.callback('cancelled');
+ }
+ },
+ operatorListChanged: function InternalRenderTask_operatorListChanged() {
+ if (!this.graphicsReady) {
+ if (!this.graphicsReadyCallback) {
+ this.graphicsReadyCallback = this._continueBound;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.stepper) {
+ this.stepper.updateOperatorList(this.operatorList);
+ }
+ if (this.running) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._continue();
+ },
+ _continue: function InternalRenderTask__continue() {
+ this.running = true;
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.task.onContinue) {
+ this.task.onContinue(this._scheduleNextBound);
+ } else {
+ this._scheduleNext();
+ }
+ },
+ _scheduleNext: function InternalRenderTask__scheduleNext() {
+ if (this.useRequestAnimationFrame && typeof window !== 'undefined') {
+ window.requestAnimationFrame(this._nextBound);
+ } else {
+ Promise.resolve(undefined).then(this._nextBound);
+ }
+ },
+ _next: function InternalRenderTask__next() {
+ if (this.cancelled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.operatorListIdx = this.gfx.executeOperatorList(this.operatorList, this.operatorListIdx, this._continueBound, this.stepper);
+ if (this.operatorListIdx === this.operatorList.argsArray.length) {
+ this.running = false;
+ if (this.operatorList.lastChunk) {
+ this.gfx.endDrawing();
+ this.callback();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return InternalRenderTask;
+var _UnsupportedManager = function UnsupportedManagerClosure() {
+ var listeners = [];
+ return {
+ listen: function (cb) {
+ deprecated('Global UnsupportedManager.listen is used: ' + ' use PDFDocumentLoadingTask.onUnsupportedFeature instead');
+ listeners.push(cb);
+ },
+ notify: function (featureId) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = listeners.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ listeners[i](featureId);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+exports.version = '1.8.172'; = '8ff1fbe7';
+exports.getDocument = getDocument;
+exports.PDFDataRangeTransport = PDFDataRangeTransport;
+exports.PDFWorker = PDFWorker;
+exports.PDFDocumentProxy = PDFDocumentProxy;
+exports.PDFPageProxy = PDFPageProxy;
+exports._UnsupportedManager = _UnsupportedManager;
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var ImageKind = sharedUtil.ImageKind;
+var OPS = sharedUtil.OPS;
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var isNum = sharedUtil.isNum;
+var isArray = sharedUtil.isArray;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var createObjectURL = sharedUtil.createObjectURL;
+ fontStyle: 'normal',
+ fontWeight: 'normal',
+ fillColor: '#000000'
+var convertImgDataToPng = function convertImgDataToPngClosure() {
+ var PNG_HEADER = new Uint8Array([0x89, 0x50, 0x4e, 0x47, 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x1a, 0x0a]);
+ var crcTable = new Int32Array(256);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
+ var c = i;
+ for (var h = 0; h < 8; h++) {
+ if (c & 1) {
+ c = 0xedB88320 ^ c >> 1 & 0x7fffffff;
+ } else {
+ c = c >> 1 & 0x7fffffff;
+ }
+ }
+ crcTable[i] = c;
+ }
+ function crc32(data, start, end) {
+ var crc = -1;
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
+ var a = (crc ^ data[i]) & 0xff;
+ var b = crcTable[a];
+ crc = crc >>> 8 ^ b;
+ }
+ return crc ^ -1;
+ }
+ function writePngChunk(type, body, data, offset) {
+ var p = offset;
+ var len = body.length;
+ data[p] = len >> 24 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 1] = len >> 16 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 2] = len >> 8 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 3] = len & 0xff;
+ p += 4;
+ data[p] = type.charCodeAt(0) & 0xff;
+ data[p + 1] = type.charCodeAt(1) & 0xff;
+ data[p + 2] = type.charCodeAt(2) & 0xff;
+ data[p + 3] = type.charCodeAt(3) & 0xff;
+ p += 4;
+ data.set(body, p);
+ p += body.length;
+ var crc = crc32(data, offset + 4, p);
+ data[p] = crc >> 24 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 1] = crc >> 16 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 2] = crc >> 8 & 0xff;
+ data[p + 3] = crc & 0xff;
+ }
+ function adler32(data, start, end) {
+ var a = 1;
+ var b = 0;
+ for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ a = (a + (data[i] & 0xff)) % 65521;
+ b = (b + a) % 65521;
+ }
+ return b << 16 | a;
+ }
+ function encode(imgData, kind, forceDataSchema) {
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var bitDepth, colorType, lineSize;
+ var bytes =;
+ switch (kind) {
+ case ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP:
+ colorType = 0;
+ bitDepth = 1;
+ lineSize = width + 7 >> 3;
+ break;
+ case ImageKind.RGB_24BPP:
+ colorType = 2;
+ bitDepth = 8;
+ lineSize = width * 3;
+ break;
+ case ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP:
+ colorType = 6;
+ bitDepth = 8;
+ lineSize = width * 4;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Error('invalid format');
+ }
+ var literals = new Uint8Array((1 + lineSize) * height);
+ var offsetLiterals = 0,
+ offsetBytes = 0;
+ var y, i;
+ for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
+ literals[offsetLiterals++] = 0;
+ literals.set(bytes.subarray(offsetBytes, offsetBytes + lineSize), offsetLiterals);
+ offsetBytes += lineSize;
+ offsetLiterals += lineSize;
+ }
+ if (kind === ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP) {
+ offsetLiterals = 0;
+ for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+ offsetLiterals++;
+ for (i = 0; i < lineSize; i++) {
+ literals[offsetLiterals++] ^= 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var ihdr = new Uint8Array([width >> 24 & 0xff, width >> 16 & 0xff, width >> 8 & 0xff, width & 0xff, height >> 24 & 0xff, height >> 16 & 0xff, height >> 8 & 0xff, height & 0xff, bitDepth, colorType, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]);
+ var len = literals.length;
+ var maxBlockLength = 0xFFFF;
+ var deflateBlocks = Math.ceil(len / maxBlockLength);
+ var idat = new Uint8Array(2 + len + deflateBlocks * 5 + 4);
+ var pi = 0;
+ idat[pi++] = 0x78;
+ idat[pi++] = 0x9c;
+ var pos = 0;
+ while (len > maxBlockLength) {
+ idat[pi++] = 0x00;
+ idat[pi++] = 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = 0x00;
+ idat[pi++] = 0x00;
+ idat.set(literals.subarray(pos, pos + maxBlockLength), pi);
+ pi += maxBlockLength;
+ pos += maxBlockLength;
+ len -= maxBlockLength;
+ }
+ idat[pi++] = 0x01;
+ idat[pi++] = len & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = len >> 8 & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = ~len & 0xffff & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = (~len & 0xffff) >> 8 & 0xff;
+ idat.set(literals.subarray(pos), pi);
+ pi += literals.length - pos;
+ var adler = adler32(literals, 0, literals.length);
+ idat[pi++] = adler >> 24 & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = adler >> 16 & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = adler >> 8 & 0xff;
+ idat[pi++] = adler & 0xff;
+ var pngLength = PNG_HEADER.length + CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE * 3 + ihdr.length + idat.length;
+ var data = new Uint8Array(pngLength);
+ var offset = 0;
+ data.set(PNG_HEADER, offset);
+ offset += PNG_HEADER.length;
+ writePngChunk('IHDR', ihdr, data, offset);
+ offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + ihdr.length;
+ writePngChunk('IDATA', idat, data, offset);
+ offset += CHUNK_WRAPPER_SIZE + idat.length;
+ writePngChunk('IEND', new Uint8Array(0), data, offset);
+ return createObjectURL(data, 'image/png', forceDataSchema);
+ }
+ return function convertImgDataToPng(imgData, forceDataSchema) {
+ var kind = imgData.kind === undefined ? ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP : imgData.kind;
+ return encode(imgData, kind, forceDataSchema);
+ };
+var SVGExtraState = function SVGExtraStateClosure() {
+ function SVGExtraState() {
+ this.fontSizeScale = 1;
+ this.fontWeight = SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight;
+ this.fontSize = 0;
+ this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.leading = 0;
+ this.x = 0;
+ this.y = 0;
+ this.lineX = 0;
+ this.lineY = 0;
+ this.charSpacing = 0;
+ this.wordSpacing = 0;
+ this.textHScale = 1;
+ this.textRise = 0;
+ this.fillColor = SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor;
+ this.strokeColor = '#000000';
+ this.fillAlpha = 1;
+ this.strokeAlpha = 1;
+ this.lineWidth = 1;
+ this.lineJoin = '';
+ this.lineCap = '';
+ this.miterLimit = 0;
+ this.dashArray = [];
+ this.dashPhase = 0;
+ this.dependencies = [];
+ this.activeClipUrl = null;
+ this.clipGroup = null;
+ this.maskId = '';
+ }
+ SVGExtraState.prototype = {
+ clone: function SVGExtraState_clone() {
+ return Object.create(this);
+ },
+ setCurrentPoint: function SVGExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ };
+ return SVGExtraState;
+var SVGGraphics = function SVGGraphicsClosure() {
+ function opListToTree(opList) {
+ var opTree = [];
+ var tmp = [];
+ var opListLen = opList.length;
+ for (var x = 0; x < opListLen; x++) {
+ if (opList[x].fn === 'save') {
+ opTree.push({
+ 'fnId': 92,
+ 'fn': 'group',
+ 'items': []
+ });
+ tmp.push(opTree);
+ opTree = opTree[opTree.length - 1].items;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (opList[x].fn === 'restore') {
+ opTree = tmp.pop();
+ } else {
+ opTree.push(opList[x]);
+ }
+ }
+ return opTree;
+ }
+ function pf(value) {
+ if (value === (value | 0)) {
+ return value.toString();
+ }
+ var s = value.toFixed(10);
+ var i = s.length - 1;
+ if (s[i] !== '0') {
+ return s;
+ }
+ do {
+ i--;
+ } while (s[i] === '0');
+ return s.substr(0, s[i] === '.' ? i : i + 1);
+ }
+ function pm(m) {
+ if (m[4] === 0 && m[5] === 0) {
+ if (m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0) {
+ if (m[0] === 1 && m[3] === 1) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return 'scale(' + pf(m[0]) + ' ' + pf(m[3]) + ')';
+ }
+ if (m[0] === m[3] && m[1] === -m[2]) {
+ var a = Math.acos(m[0]) * 180 / Math.PI;
+ return 'rotate(' + pf(a) + ')';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (m[0] === 1 && m[1] === 0 && m[2] === 0 && m[3] === 1) {
+ return 'translate(' + pf(m[4]) + ' ' + pf(m[5]) + ')';
+ }
+ }
+ return 'matrix(' + pf(m[0]) + ' ' + pf(m[1]) + ' ' + pf(m[2]) + ' ' + pf(m[3]) + ' ' + pf(m[4]) + ' ' + pf(m[5]) + ')';
+ }
+ function SVGGraphics(commonObjs, objs, forceDataSchema) {
+ this.current = new SVGExtraState();
+ this.transformMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.transformStack = [];
+ this.extraStack = [];
+ this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
+ this.objs = objs;
+ this.pendingEOFill = false;
+ this.embedFonts = false;
+ this.embeddedFonts = Object.create(null);
+ this.cssStyle = null;
+ this.forceDataSchema = !!forceDataSchema;
+ }
+ var NS = '';
+ var XML_NS = '';
+ var XLINK_NS = '';
+ var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square'];
+ var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel'];
+ var clipCount = 0;
+ var maskCount = 0;
+ SVGGraphics.prototype = {
+ save: function SVGGraphics_save() {
+ this.transformStack.push(this.transformMatrix);
+ var old = this.current;
+ this.extraStack.push(old);
+ this.current = old.clone();
+ },
+ restore: function SVGGraphics_restore() {
+ this.transformMatrix = this.transformStack.pop();
+ this.current = this.extraStack.pop();
+ this.tgrp = null;
+ },
+ group: function SVGGraphics_group(items) {
+ this.executeOpTree(items);
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ loadDependencies: function SVGGraphics_loadDependencies(operatorList) {
+ var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
+ var fnArrayLen = fnArray.length;
+ var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;
+ var self = this;
+ for (var i = 0; i < fnArrayLen; i++) {
+ if (OPS.dependency === fnArray[i]) {
+ var deps = argsArray[i];
+ for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) {
+ var obj = deps[n];
+ var common = obj.substring(0, 2) === 'g_';
+ var promise;
+ if (common) {
+ promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ self.commonObjs.get(obj, resolve);
+ });
+ } else {
+ promise = new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ self.objs.get(obj, resolve);
+ });
+ }
+ this.current.dependencies.push(promise);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Promise.all(this.current.dependencies);
+ },
+ transform: function SVGGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ var transformMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
+ this.transformMatrix = Util.transform(this.transformMatrix, transformMatrix);
+ this.tgrp = null;
+ },
+ getSVG: function SVGGraphics_getSVG(operatorList, viewport) {
+ this.viewport = viewport;
+ var svgElement = this._initialize(viewport);
+ return this.loadDependencies(operatorList).then(function () {
+ this.transformMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ var opTree = this.convertOpList(operatorList);
+ this.executeOpTree(opTree);
+ return svgElement;
+ }.bind(this));
+ },
+ convertOpList: function SVGGraphics_convertOpList(operatorList) {
+ var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;
+ var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
+ var fnArrayLen = fnArray.length;
+ var REVOPS = [];
+ var opList = [];
+ for (var op in OPS) {
+ REVOPS[OPS[op]] = op;
+ }
+ for (var x = 0; x < fnArrayLen; x++) {
+ var fnId = fnArray[x];
+ opList.push({
+ 'fnId': fnId,
+ 'fn': REVOPS[fnId],
+ 'args': argsArray[x]
+ });
+ }
+ return opListToTree(opList);
+ },
+ executeOpTree: function SVGGraphics_executeOpTree(opTree) {
+ var opTreeLen = opTree.length;
+ for (var x = 0; x < opTreeLen; x++) {
+ var fn = opTree[x].fn;
+ var fnId = opTree[x].fnId;
+ var args = opTree[x].args;
+ switch (fnId | 0) {
+ case OPS.beginText:
+ this.beginText();
+ break;
+ case OPS.setLeading:
+ this.setLeading(args);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setLeadingMoveText:
+ this.setLeadingMoveText(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setFont:
+ this.setFont(args);
+ break;
+ case OPS.showText:
+ this.showText(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.showSpacedText:
+ this.showText(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.endText:
+ this.endText();
+ break;
+ case OPS.moveText:
+ this.moveText(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setCharSpacing:
+ this.setCharSpacing(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setWordSpacing:
+ this.setWordSpacing(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setHScale:
+ this.setHScale(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setTextMatrix:
+ this.setTextMatrix(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setLineWidth:
+ this.setLineWidth(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setLineJoin:
+ this.setLineJoin(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setLineCap:
+ this.setLineCap(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setMiterLimit:
+ this.setMiterLimit(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setFillRGBColor:
+ this.setFillRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setStrokeRGBColor:
+ this.setStrokeRGBColor(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setDash:
+ this.setDash(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.setGState:
+ this.setGState(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.fill:
+ this.fill();
+ break;
+ case OPS.eoFill:
+ this.eoFill();
+ break;
+ case OPS.stroke:
+ this.stroke();
+ break;
+ case OPS.fillStroke:
+ this.fillStroke();
+ break;
+ case OPS.eoFillStroke:
+ this.eoFillStroke();
+ break;
+ case OPS.clip:
+ this.clip('nonzero');
+ break;
+ case OPS.eoClip:
+ this.clip('evenodd');
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintSolidColorImageMask:
+ this.paintSolidColorImageMask();
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintJpegXObject:
+ this.paintJpegXObject(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintImageXObject:
+ this.paintImageXObject(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintInlineImageXObject:
+ this.paintInlineImageXObject(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintImageMaskXObject:
+ this.paintImageMaskXObject(args[0]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintFormXObjectBegin:
+ this.paintFormXObjectBegin(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.paintFormXObjectEnd:
+ this.paintFormXObjectEnd();
+ break;
+ case OPS.closePath:
+ this.closePath();
+ break;
+ case OPS.closeStroke:
+ this.closeStroke();
+ break;
+ case OPS.closeFillStroke:
+ this.closeFillStroke();
+ break;
+ case OPS.nextLine:
+ this.nextLine();
+ break;
+ case OPS.transform:
+ this.transform(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.constructPath:
+ this.constructPath(args[0], args[1]);
+ break;
+ case OPS.endPath:
+ this.endPath();
+ break;
+ case 92:
+ break;
+ default:
+ warn('Unimplemented operator ' + fn);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setWordSpacing: function SVGGraphics_setWordSpacing(wordSpacing) {
+ this.current.wordSpacing = wordSpacing;
+ },
+ setCharSpacing: function SVGGraphics_setCharSpacing(charSpacing) {
+ this.current.charSpacing = charSpacing;
+ },
+ nextLine: function SVGGraphics_nextLine() {
+ this.moveText(0, this.current.leading);
+ },
+ setTextMatrix: function SVGGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ this.current.textMatrix = this.current.lineMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
+ current.xcoords = [];
+ current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
+ current.txtElement = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:text');
+ current.txtElement.appendChild(current.tspan);
+ },
+ beginText: function SVGGraphics_beginText() {
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
+ this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.current.lineMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
+ this.current.txtElement = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:text');
+ this.current.txtgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
+ this.current.xcoords = [];
+ },
+ moveText: function SVGGraphics_moveText(x, y) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y;
+ current.xcoords = [];
+ current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
+ },
+ showText: function SVGGraphics_showText(glyphs) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var font = current.font;
+ var fontSize = current.fontSize;
+ if (fontSize === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
+ var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
+ var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
+ var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
+ var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
+ var vertical = font.vertical;
+ var widthAdvanceScale = fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0];
+ var x = 0,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
+ var glyph = glyphs[i];
+ if (glyph === null) {
+ x += fontDirection * wordSpacing;
+ continue;
+ } else if (isNum(glyph)) {
+ x += -glyph * fontSize * 0.001;
+ continue;
+ }
+ current.xcoords.push(current.x + x * textHScale);
+ var width = glyph.width;
+ var character = glyph.fontChar;
+ var charWidth = width * widthAdvanceScale + charSpacing * fontDirection;
+ x += charWidth;
+ current.tspan.textContent += character;
+ }
+ if (vertical) {
+ current.y -= x * textHScale;
+ } else {
+ current.x += x * textHScale;
+ }
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'x',' '));
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-family', current.fontFamily);
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-size', pf(current.fontSize) + 'px');
+ if (current.fontStyle !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontStyle) {
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-style', current.fontStyle);
+ }
+ if (current.fontWeight !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fontWeight) {
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'font-weight', current.fontWeight);
+ }
+ if (current.fillColor !== SVG_DEFAULTS.fillColor) {
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);
+ }
+ current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(current.textMatrix) + ' scale(1, -1)');
+ current.txtElement.setAttributeNS(XML_NS, 'xml:space', 'preserve');
+ current.txtElement.appendChild(current.tspan);
+ current.txtgrp.appendChild(current.txtElement);
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(current.txtElement);
+ },
+ setLeadingMoveText: function SVGGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) {
+ this.setLeading(-y);
+ this.moveText(x, y);
+ },
+ addFontStyle: function SVGGraphics_addFontStyle(fontObj) {
+ if (!this.cssStyle) {
+ this.cssStyle = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:style');
+ this.cssStyle.setAttributeNS(null, 'type', 'text/css');
+ this.defs.appendChild(this.cssStyle);
+ }
+ var url = createObjectURL(, fontObj.mimetype, this.forceDataSchema);
+ this.cssStyle.textContent += '@font-face { font-family: "' + fontObj.loadedName + '";' + ' src: url(' + url + '); }\n';
+ },
+ setFont: function SVGGraphics_setFont(details) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(details[0]);
+ var size = details[1];
+ this.current.font = fontObj;
+ if (this.embedFonts && && !this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName]) {
+ this.addFontStyle(fontObj);
+ this.embeddedFonts[fontObj.loadedName] = fontObj;
+ }
+ current.fontMatrix = fontObj.fontMatrix ? fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ var bold = ? fontObj.bold ? 'bolder' : 'bold' : fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal';
+ var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';
+ if (size < 0) {
+ size = -size;
+ current.fontDirection = -1;
+ } else {
+ current.fontDirection = 1;
+ }
+ current.fontSize = size;
+ current.fontFamily = fontObj.loadedName;
+ current.fontWeight = bold;
+ current.fontStyle = italic;
+ current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
+ current.tspan.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-current.y));
+ current.xcoords = [];
+ },
+ endText: function SVGGraphics_endText() {},
+ setLineWidth: function SVGGraphics_setLineWidth(width) {
+ this.current.lineWidth = width;
+ },
+ setLineCap: function SVGGraphics_setLineCap(style) {
+ this.current.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style];
+ },
+ setLineJoin: function SVGGraphics_setLineJoin(style) {
+ this.current.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style];
+ },
+ setMiterLimit: function SVGGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) {
+ this.current.miterLimit = limit;
+ },
+ setStrokeRGBColor: function SVGGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) {
+ var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
+ this.current.strokeColor = color;
+ },
+ setFillRGBColor: function SVGGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) {
+ var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
+ this.current.fillColor = color;
+ this.current.tspan = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:tspan');
+ this.current.xcoords = [];
+ },
+ setDash: function SVGGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) {
+ this.current.dashArray = dashArray;
+ this.current.dashPhase = dashPhase;
+ },
+ constructPath: function SVGGraphics_constructPath(ops, args) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var x = current.x,
+ y = current.y;
+ current.path = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:path');
+ var d = [];
+ var opLength = ops.length;
+ for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < opLength; i++) {
+ switch (ops[i] | 0) {
+ case OPS.rectangle:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ var width = args[j++];
+ var height = args[j++];
+ var xw = x + width;
+ var yh = y + height;
+ d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y), 'L', pf(xw), pf(y), 'L', pf(xw), pf(yh), 'L', pf(x), pf(yh), 'Z');
+ break;
+ case OPS.moveTo:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ d.push('M', pf(x), pf(y));
+ break;
+ case OPS.lineTo:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ d.push('L', pf(x), pf(y));
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo:
+ x = args[j + 4];
+ y = args[j + 5];
+ d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(args[j + 2]), pf(args[j + 3]), pf(x), pf(y));
+ j += 6;
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo2:
+ x = args[j + 2];
+ y = args[j + 3];
+ d.push('C', pf(x), pf(y), pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(args[j + 2]), pf(args[j + 3]));
+ j += 4;
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo3:
+ x = args[j + 2];
+ y = args[j + 3];
+ d.push('C', pf(args[j]), pf(args[j + 1]), pf(x), pf(y), pf(x), pf(y));
+ j += 4;
+ break;
+ case OPS.closePath:
+ d.push('Z');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d.join(' '));
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-miterlimit', pf(current.miterLimit));
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linecap', current.lineCap);
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-linejoin', current.lineJoin);
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-width', pf(current.lineWidth) + 'px');
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dasharray',' '));
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke-dashoffset', pf(current.dashPhase) + 'px');
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(current.path);
+ current.element = current.path;
+ current.setCurrentPoint(x, y);
+ },
+ endPath: function SVGGraphics_endPath() {},
+ clip: function SVGGraphics_clip(type) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var clipId = 'clippath' + clipCount;
+ clipCount++;
+ var clipPath = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:clipPath');
+ clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', clipId);
+ clipPath.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));
+ var clipElement = current.element.cloneNode();
+ if (type === 'evenodd') {
+ clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'evenodd');
+ } else {
+ clipElement.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-rule', 'nonzero');
+ }
+ clipPath.appendChild(clipElement);
+ this.defs.appendChild(clipPath);
+ if (current.activeClipUrl) {
+ current.clipGroup = null;
+ this.extraStack.forEach(function (prev) {
+ prev.clipGroup = null;
+ });
+ }
+ current.activeClipUrl = 'url(#' + clipId + ')';
+ this.tgrp = null;
+ },
+ closePath: function SVGGraphics_closePath() {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var d = current.path.getAttributeNS(null, 'd');
+ d += 'Z';
+ current.path.setAttributeNS(null, 'd', d);
+ },
+ setLeading: function SVGGraphics_setLeading(leading) {
+ this.current.leading = -leading;
+ },
+ setTextRise: function SVGGraphics_setTextRise(textRise) {
+ this.current.textRise = textRise;
+ },
+ setHScale: function SVGGraphics_setHScale(scale) {
+ this.current.textHScale = scale / 100;
+ },
+ setGState: function SVGGraphics_setGState(states) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var state = states[i];
+ var key = state[0];
+ var value = state[1];
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'LW':
+ this.setLineWidth(value);
+ break;
+ case 'LC':
+ this.setLineCap(value);
+ break;
+ case 'LJ':
+ this.setLineJoin(value);
+ break;
+ case 'ML':
+ this.setMiterLimit(value);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ this.setDash(value[0], value[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'Font':
+ this.setFont(value);
+ break;
+ default:
+ warn('Unimplemented graphic state ' + key);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ fill: function SVGGraphics_fill() {
+ var current = this.current;
+ current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);
+ },
+ stroke: function SVGGraphics_stroke() {
+ var current = this.current;
+ current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'stroke', current.strokeColor);
+ current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', 'none');
+ },
+ eoFill: function SVGGraphics_eoFill() {
+ var current = this.current;
+ current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);
+ current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd');
+ },
+ fillStroke: function SVGGraphics_fillStroke() {
+ this.stroke();
+ this.fill();
+ },
+ eoFillStroke: function SVGGraphics_eoFillStroke() {
+ this.current.element.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill-rule', 'evenodd');
+ this.fillStroke();
+ },
+ closeStroke: function SVGGraphics_closeStroke() {
+ this.closePath();
+ this.stroke();
+ },
+ closeFillStroke: function SVGGraphics_closeFillStroke() {
+ this.closePath();
+ this.fillStroke();
+ },
+ paintSolidColorImageMask: function SVGGraphics_paintSolidColorImageMask() {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var rect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', '1px');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', '1px');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', current.fillColor);
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(rect);
+ },
+ paintJpegXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) {
+ var imgObj = this.objs.get(objId);
+ var imgEl = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:image');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgObj.src);
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', imgObj.width + 'px');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', imgObj.height + 'px');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-h));
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'scale(' + pf(1 / w) + ' ' + pf(-1 / h) + ')');
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(imgEl);
+ },
+ paintImageXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) {
+ var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
+ if (!imgData) {
+ warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData);
+ },
+ paintInlineImageXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask) {
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var imgSrc = convertImgDataToPng(imgData, this.forceDataSchema);
+ var cliprect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width));
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height));
+ this.current.element = cliprect;
+ this.clip('nonzero');
+ var imgEl = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:image');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(XLINK_NS, 'xlink:href', imgSrc);
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', pf(-height));
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width) + 'px');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height) + 'px');
+ imgEl.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', 'scale(' + pf(1 / width) + ' ' + pf(-1 / height) + ')');
+ if (mask) {
+ mask.appendChild(imgEl);
+ } else {
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(imgEl);
+ }
+ },
+ paintImageMaskXObject: function SVGGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject(imgData) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var fillColor = current.fillColor;
+ current.maskId = 'mask' + maskCount++;
+ var mask = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:mask');
+ mask.setAttributeNS(null, 'id', current.maskId);
+ var rect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', '0');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', '0');
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width));
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height));
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'fill', fillColor);
+ rect.setAttributeNS(null, 'mask', 'url(#' + current.maskId + ')');
+ this.defs.appendChild(mask);
+ this._ensureTransformGroup().appendChild(rect);
+ this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData, mask);
+ },
+ paintFormXObjectBegin: function SVGGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) {
+ if (isArray(matrix) && matrix.length === 6) {
+ this.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);
+ }
+ if (isArray(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
+ var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0];
+ var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1];
+ var cliprect = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:rect');
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'x', bbox[0]);
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'y', bbox[1]);
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', pf(width));
+ cliprect.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', pf(height));
+ this.current.element = cliprect;
+ this.clip('nonzero');
+ this.endPath();
+ }
+ },
+ paintFormXObjectEnd: function SVGGraphics_paintFormXObjectEnd() {},
+ _initialize: function SVGGraphics_initialize(viewport) {
+ var svg = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:svg');
+ svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'version', '1.1');
+ svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'width', viewport.width + 'px');
+ svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'height', viewport.height + 'px');
+ svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'preserveAspectRatio', 'none');
+ svg.setAttributeNS(null, 'viewBox', '0 0 ' + viewport.width + ' ' + viewport.height);
+ var definitions = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:defs');
+ svg.appendChild(definitions);
+ this.defs = definitions;
+ var rootGroup = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
+ rootGroup.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(viewport.transform));
+ svg.appendChild(rootGroup);
+ this.svg = rootGroup;
+ return svg;
+ },
+ _ensureClipGroup: function SVGGraphics_ensureClipGroup() {
+ if (!this.current.clipGroup) {
+ var clipGroup = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
+ clipGroup.setAttributeNS(null, 'clip-path', this.current.activeClipUrl);
+ this.svg.appendChild(clipGroup);
+ this.current.clipGroup = clipGroup;
+ }
+ return this.current.clipGroup;
+ },
+ _ensureTransformGroup: function SVGGraphics_ensureTransformGroup() {
+ if (!this.tgrp) {
+ this.tgrp = document.createElementNS(NS, 'svg:g');
+ this.tgrp.setAttributeNS(null, 'transform', pm(this.transformMatrix));
+ if (this.current.activeClipUrl) {
+ this._ensureClipGroup().appendChild(this.tgrp);
+ } else {
+ this.svg.appendChild(this.tgrp);
+ }
+ }
+ return this.tgrp;
+ }
+ };
+ return SVGGraphics;
+exports.SVGGraphics = SVGGraphics;
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var createPromiseCapability = sharedUtil.createPromiseCapability;
+var CustomStyle = displayDOMUtils.CustomStyle;
+var getDefaultSetting = displayDOMUtils.getDefaultSetting;
+var renderTextLayer = function renderTextLayerClosure() {
+ var MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER = 100000;
+ var NonWhitespaceRegexp = /\S/;
+ function isAllWhitespace(str) {
+ return !NonWhitespaceRegexp.test(str);
+ }
+ var styleBuf = ['left: ', 0, 'px; top: ', 0, 'px; font-size: ', 0, 'px; font-family: ', '', ';'];
+ function appendText(task, geom, styles) {
+ var textDiv = document.createElement('div');
+ var textDivProperties = {
+ style: null,
+ angle: 0,
+ canvasWidth: 0,
+ isWhitespace: false,
+ originalTransform: null,
+ paddingBottom: 0,
+ paddingLeft: 0,
+ paddingRight: 0,
+ paddingTop: 0,
+ scale: 1
+ };
+ task._textDivs.push(textDiv);
+ if (isAllWhitespace(geom.str)) {
+ textDivProperties.isWhitespace = true;
+ task._textDivProperties.set(textDiv, textDivProperties);
+ return;
+ }
+ var tx = Util.transform(task._viewport.transform, geom.transform);
+ var angle = Math.atan2(tx[1], tx[0]);
+ var style = styles[geom.fontName];
+ if (style.vertical) {
+ angle += Math.PI / 2;
+ }
+ var fontHeight = Math.sqrt(tx[2] * tx[2] + tx[3] * tx[3]);
+ var fontAscent = fontHeight;
+ if (style.ascent) {
+ fontAscent = style.ascent * fontAscent;
+ } else if (style.descent) {
+ fontAscent = (1 + style.descent) * fontAscent;
+ }
+ var left;
+ var top;
+ if (angle === 0) {
+ left = tx[4];
+ top = tx[5] - fontAscent;
+ } else {
+ left = tx[4] + fontAscent * Math.sin(angle);
+ top = tx[5] - fontAscent * Math.cos(angle);
+ }
+ styleBuf[1] = left;
+ styleBuf[3] = top;
+ styleBuf[5] = fontHeight;
+ styleBuf[7] = style.fontFamily;
+ = styleBuf.join('');
+ textDiv.setAttribute('style',;
+ textDiv.textContent = geom.str;
+ if (getDefaultSetting('pdfBug')) {
+ textDiv.dataset.fontName = geom.fontName;
+ }
+ if (angle !== 0) {
+ textDivProperties.angle = angle * (180 / Math.PI);
+ }
+ if (geom.str.length > 1) {
+ if (style.vertical) {
+ textDivProperties.canvasWidth = geom.height * task._viewport.scale;
+ } else {
+ textDivProperties.canvasWidth = geom.width * task._viewport.scale;
+ }
+ }
+ task._textDivProperties.set(textDiv, textDivProperties);
+ if (task._enhanceTextSelection) {
+ var angleCos = 1,
+ angleSin = 0;
+ if (angle !== 0) {
+ angleCos = Math.cos(angle);
+ angleSin = Math.sin(angle);
+ }
+ var divWidth = (style.vertical ? geom.height : geom.width) * task._viewport.scale;
+ var divHeight = fontHeight;
+ var m, b;
+ if (angle !== 0) {
+ m = [angleCos, angleSin, -angleSin, angleCos, left, top];
+ b = Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox([0, 0, divWidth, divHeight], m);
+ } else {
+ b = [left, top, left + divWidth, top + divHeight];
+ }
+ task._bounds.push({
+ left: b[0],
+ top: b[1],
+ right: b[2],
+ bottom: b[3],
+ div: textDiv,
+ size: [divWidth, divHeight],
+ m: m
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ function render(task) {
+ if (task._canceled) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var textLayerFrag = task._container;
+ var textDivs = task._textDivs;
+ var capability = task._capability;
+ var textDivsLength = textDivs.length;
+ if (textDivsLength > MAX_TEXT_DIVS_TO_RENDER) {
+ task._renderingDone = true;
+ capability.resolve();
+ return;
+ }
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.mozOpaque = true;
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d', { alpha: false });
+ var lastFontSize;
+ var lastFontFamily;
+ for (var i = 0; i < textDivsLength; i++) {
+ var textDiv = textDivs[i];
+ var textDivProperties = task._textDivProperties.get(textDiv);
+ if (textDivProperties.isWhitespace) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var fontSize =;
+ var fontFamily =;
+ if (fontSize !== lastFontSize || fontFamily !== lastFontFamily) {
+ ctx.font = fontSize + ' ' + fontFamily;
+ lastFontSize = fontSize;
+ lastFontFamily = fontFamily;
+ }
+ var width = ctx.measureText(textDiv.textContent).width;
+ textLayerFrag.appendChild(textDiv);
+ var transform = '';
+ if (textDivProperties.canvasWidth !== 0 && width > 0) {
+ textDivProperties.scale = textDivProperties.canvasWidth / width;
+ transform = 'scaleX(' + textDivProperties.scale + ')';
+ }
+ if (textDivProperties.angle !== 0) {
+ transform = 'rotate(' + textDivProperties.angle + 'deg) ' + transform;
+ }
+ if (transform !== '') {
+ textDivProperties.originalTransform = transform;
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transform', textDiv, transform);
+ }
+ task._textDivProperties.set(textDiv, textDivProperties);
+ }
+ task._renderingDone = true;
+ capability.resolve();
+ }
+ function expand(task) {
+ var bounds = task._bounds;
+ var viewport = task._viewport;
+ var expanded = expandBounds(viewport.width, viewport.height, bounds);
+ for (var i = 0; i < expanded.length; i++) {
+ var div = bounds[i].div;
+ var divProperties = task._textDivProperties.get(div);
+ if (divProperties.angle === 0) {
+ divProperties.paddingLeft = bounds[i].left - expanded[i].left;
+ divProperties.paddingTop = bounds[i].top - expanded[i].top;
+ divProperties.paddingRight = expanded[i].right - bounds[i].right;
+ divProperties.paddingBottom = expanded[i].bottom - bounds[i].bottom;
+ task._textDivProperties.set(div, divProperties);
+ continue;
+ }
+ var e = expanded[i],
+ b = bounds[i];
+ var m = b.m,
+ c = m[0],
+ s = m[1];
+ var points = [[0, 0], [0, b.size[1]], [b.size[0], 0], b.size];
+ var ts = new Float64Array(64);
+ points.forEach(function (p, i) {
+ var t = Util.applyTransform(p, m);
+ ts[i + 0] = c && (e.left - t[0]) / c;
+ ts[i + 4] = s && ( - t[1]) / s;
+ ts[i + 8] = c && (e.right - t[0]) / c;
+ ts[i + 12] = s && (e.bottom - t[1]) / s;
+ ts[i + 16] = s && (e.left - t[0]) / -s;
+ ts[i + 20] = c && ( - t[1]) / c;
+ ts[i + 24] = s && (e.right - t[0]) / -s;
+ ts[i + 28] = c && (e.bottom - t[1]) / c;
+ ts[i + 32] = c && (e.left - t[0]) / -c;
+ ts[i + 36] = s && ( - t[1]) / -s;
+ ts[i + 40] = c && (e.right - t[0]) / -c;
+ ts[i + 44] = s && (e.bottom - t[1]) / -s;
+ ts[i + 48] = s && (e.left - t[0]) / s;
+ ts[i + 52] = c && ( - t[1]) / -c;
+ ts[i + 56] = s && (e.right - t[0]) / s;
+ ts[i + 60] = c && (e.bottom - t[1]) / -c;
+ });
+ var findPositiveMin = function (ts, offset, count) {
+ var result = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ var t = ts[offset++];
+ if (t > 0) {
+ result = result ? Math.min(t, result) : t;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ var boxScale = 1 + Math.min(Math.abs(c), Math.abs(s));
+ divProperties.paddingLeft = findPositiveMin(ts, 32, 16) / boxScale;
+ divProperties.paddingTop = findPositiveMin(ts, 48, 16) / boxScale;
+ divProperties.paddingRight = findPositiveMin(ts, 0, 16) / boxScale;
+ divProperties.paddingBottom = findPositiveMin(ts, 16, 16) / boxScale;
+ task._textDivProperties.set(div, divProperties);
+ }
+ }
+ function expandBounds(width, height, boxes) {
+ var bounds = (box, i) {
+ return {
+ x1: box.left,
+ y1:,
+ x2: box.right,
+ y2: box.bottom,
+ index: i,
+ x1New: undefined,
+ x2New: undefined
+ };
+ });
+ expandBoundsLTR(width, bounds);
+ var expanded = new Array(boxes.length);
+ bounds.forEach(function (b) {
+ var i = b.index;
+ expanded[i] = {
+ left: b.x1New,
+ top: 0,
+ right: b.x2New,
+ bottom: 0
+ };
+ });
+ (box, i) {
+ var e = expanded[i],
+ b = bounds[i];
+ b.x1 =;
+ b.y1 = width - e.right;
+ b.x2 = box.bottom;
+ b.y2 = width - e.left;
+ b.index = i;
+ b.x1New = undefined;
+ b.x2New = undefined;
+ });
+ expandBoundsLTR(height, bounds);
+ bounds.forEach(function (b) {
+ var i = b.index;
+ expanded[i].top = b.x1New;
+ expanded[i].bottom = b.x2New;
+ });
+ return expanded;
+ }
+ function expandBoundsLTR(width, bounds) {
+ bounds.sort(function (a, b) {
+ return a.x1 - b.x1 || a.index - b.index;
+ });
+ var fakeBoundary = {
+ x1: -Infinity,
+ y1: -Infinity,
+ x2: 0,
+ y2: Infinity,
+ index: -1,
+ x1New: 0,
+ x2New: 0
+ };
+ var horizon = [{
+ start: -Infinity,
+ end: Infinity,
+ boundary: fakeBoundary
+ }];
+ bounds.forEach(function (boundary) {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < horizon.length && horizon[i].end <= boundary.y1) {
+ i++;
+ }
+ var j = horizon.length - 1;
+ while (j >= 0 && horizon[j].start >= boundary.y2) {
+ j--;
+ }
+ var horizonPart, affectedBoundary;
+ var q,
+ k,
+ maxXNew = -Infinity;
+ for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
+ horizonPart = horizon[q];
+ affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
+ var xNew;
+ if (affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x1) {
+ xNew = affectedBoundary.index > boundary.index ? affectedBoundary.x1New : boundary.x1;
+ } else if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
+ xNew = (affectedBoundary.x2 + boundary.x1) / 2;
+ } else {
+ xNew = affectedBoundary.x2New;
+ }
+ if (xNew > maxXNew) {
+ maxXNew = xNew;
+ }
+ }
+ boundary.x1New = maxXNew;
+ for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
+ horizonPart = horizon[q];
+ affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
+ if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
+ if (affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x1) {
+ if (affectedBoundary.index > boundary.index) {
+ affectedBoundary.x2New = affectedBoundary.x2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ affectedBoundary.x2New = maxXNew;
+ }
+ } else if (affectedBoundary.x2New > maxXNew) {
+ affectedBoundary.x2New = Math.max(maxXNew, affectedBoundary.x2);
+ }
+ }
+ var changedHorizon = [],
+ lastBoundary = null;
+ for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
+ horizonPart = horizon[q];
+ affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
+ var useBoundary = affectedBoundary.x2 > boundary.x2 ? affectedBoundary : boundary;
+ if (lastBoundary === useBoundary) {
+ changedHorizon[changedHorizon.length - 1].end = horizonPart.end;
+ } else {
+ changedHorizon.push({
+ start: horizonPart.start,
+ end: horizonPart.end,
+ boundary: useBoundary
+ });
+ lastBoundary = useBoundary;
+ }
+ }
+ if (horizon[i].start < boundary.y1) {
+ changedHorizon[0].start = boundary.y1;
+ changedHorizon.unshift({
+ start: horizon[i].start,
+ end: boundary.y1,
+ boundary: horizon[i].boundary
+ });
+ }
+ if (boundary.y2 < horizon[j].end) {
+ changedHorizon[changedHorizon.length - 1].end = boundary.y2;
+ changedHorizon.push({
+ start: boundary.y2,
+ end: horizon[j].end,
+ boundary: horizon[j].boundary
+ });
+ }
+ for (q = i; q <= j; q++) {
+ horizonPart = horizon[q];
+ affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
+ if (affectedBoundary.x2New !== undefined) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var used = false;
+ for (k = i - 1; !used && k >= 0 && horizon[k].start >= affectedBoundary.y1; k--) {
+ used = horizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
+ }
+ for (k = j + 1; !used && k < horizon.length && horizon[k].end <= affectedBoundary.y2; k++) {
+ used = horizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
+ }
+ for (k = 0; !used && k < changedHorizon.length; k++) {
+ used = changedHorizon[k].boundary === affectedBoundary;
+ }
+ if (!used) {
+ affectedBoundary.x2New = maxXNew;
+ }
+ }
+ Array.prototype.splice.apply(horizon, [i, j - i + 1].concat(changedHorizon));
+ });
+ horizon.forEach(function (horizonPart) {
+ var affectedBoundary = horizonPart.boundary;
+ if (affectedBoundary.x2New === undefined) {
+ affectedBoundary.x2New = Math.max(width, affectedBoundary.x2);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function TextLayerRenderTask(textContent, container, viewport, textDivs, enhanceTextSelection) {
+ this._textContent = textContent;
+ this._container = container;
+ this._viewport = viewport;
+ this._textDivs = textDivs || [];
+ this._textDivProperties = new WeakMap();
+ this._renderingDone = false;
+ this._canceled = false;
+ this._capability = createPromiseCapability();
+ this._renderTimer = null;
+ this._bounds = [];
+ this._enhanceTextSelection = !!enhanceTextSelection;
+ }
+ TextLayerRenderTask.prototype = {
+ get promise() {
+ return this._capability.promise;
+ },
+ cancel: function TextLayer_cancel() {
+ this._canceled = true;
+ if (this._renderTimer !== null) {
+ clearTimeout(this._renderTimer);
+ this._renderTimer = null;
+ }
+ this._capability.reject('canceled');
+ },
+ _render: function TextLayer_render(timeout) {
+ var textItems = this._textContent.items;
+ var textStyles = this._textContent.styles;
+ for (var i = 0, len = textItems.length; i < len; i++) {
+ appendText(this, textItems[i], textStyles);
+ }
+ if (!timeout) {
+ render(this);
+ } else {
+ var self = this;
+ this._renderTimer = setTimeout(function () {
+ render(self);
+ self._renderTimer = null;
+ }, timeout);
+ }
+ },
+ expandTextDivs: function TextLayer_expandTextDivs(expandDivs) {
+ if (!this._enhanceTextSelection || !this._renderingDone) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._bounds !== null) {
+ expand(this);
+ this._bounds = null;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ii = this._textDivs.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var div = this._textDivs[i];
+ var divProperties = this._textDivProperties.get(div);
+ if (divProperties.isWhitespace) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (expandDivs) {
+ var transform = '',
+ padding = '';
+ if (divProperties.scale !== 1) {
+ transform = 'scaleX(' + divProperties.scale + ')';
+ }
+ if (divProperties.angle !== 0) {
+ transform = 'rotate(' + divProperties.angle + 'deg) ' + transform;
+ }
+ if (divProperties.paddingLeft !== 0) {
+ padding += ' padding-left: ' + divProperties.paddingLeft / divProperties.scale + 'px;';
+ transform += ' translateX(' + -divProperties.paddingLeft / divProperties.scale + 'px)';
+ }
+ if (divProperties.paddingTop !== 0) {
+ padding += ' padding-top: ' + divProperties.paddingTop + 'px;';
+ transform += ' translateY(' + -divProperties.paddingTop + 'px)';
+ }
+ if (divProperties.paddingRight !== 0) {
+ padding += ' padding-right: ' + divProperties.paddingRight / divProperties.scale + 'px;';
+ }
+ if (divProperties.paddingBottom !== 0) {
+ padding += ' padding-bottom: ' + divProperties.paddingBottom + 'px;';
+ }
+ if (padding !== '') {
+ div.setAttribute('style', + padding);
+ }
+ if (transform !== '') {
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transform', div, transform);
+ }
+ } else {
+ = 0;
+ CustomStyle.setProp('transform', div, divProperties.originalTransform || '');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ function renderTextLayer(renderParameters) {
+ var task = new TextLayerRenderTask(renderParameters.textContent, renderParameters.container, renderParameters.viewport, renderParameters.textDivs, renderParameters.enhanceTextSelection);
+ task._render(renderParameters.timeout);
+ return task;
+ }
+ return renderTextLayer;
+exports.renderTextLayer = renderTextLayer;
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var g;
+g = function () {
+ return this;
+try {
+ g = g || Function("return this")() || (1, eval)("this");
+} catch (e) {
+ if (typeof window === "object") g = window;
+module.exports = g;
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var error = sharedUtil.error;
+function fixMetadata(meta) {
+ return meta.replace(/>\\376\\377([^<]+)/g, function (all, codes) {
+ var bytes = codes.replace(/\\([0-3])([0-7])([0-7])/g, function (code, d1, d2, d3) {
+ return String.fromCharCode(d1 * 64 + d2 * 8 + d3 * 1);
+ });
+ var chars = '';
+ for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
+ var code = bytes.charCodeAt(i) * 256 + bytes.charCodeAt(i + 1);
+ chars += code >= 32 && code < 127 && code !== 60 && code !== 62 && code !== 38 ? String.fromCharCode(code) : '&#x' + (0x10000 + code).toString(16).substring(1) + ';';
+ }
+ return '>' + chars;
+ });
+function Metadata(meta) {
+ if (typeof meta === 'string') {
+ meta = fixMetadata(meta);
+ var parser = new DOMParser();
+ meta = parser.parseFromString(meta, 'application/xml');
+ } else if (!(meta instanceof Document)) {
+ error('Metadata: Invalid metadata object');
+ }
+ this.metaDocument = meta;
+ this.metadata = Object.create(null);
+ this.parse();
+Metadata.prototype = {
+ parse: function Metadata_parse() {
+ var doc = this.metaDocument;
+ var rdf = doc.documentElement;
+ if (rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:rdf') {
+ rdf = rdf.firstChild;
+ while (rdf && rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:rdf') {
+ rdf = rdf.nextSibling;
+ }
+ }
+ var nodeName = rdf ? rdf.nodeName.toLowerCase() : null;
+ if (!rdf || nodeName !== 'rdf:rdf' || !rdf.hasChildNodes()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var children = rdf.childNodes,
+ desc,
+ entry,
+ name,
+ i,
+ ii,
+ length,
+ iLength;
+ for (i = 0, length = children.length; i < length; i++) {
+ desc = children[i];
+ if (desc.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'rdf:description') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (ii = 0, iLength = desc.childNodes.length; ii < iLength; ii++) {
+ if (desc.childNodes[ii].nodeName.toLowerCase() !== '#text') {
+ entry = desc.childNodes[ii];
+ name = entry.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+ this.metadata[name] = entry.textContent.trim();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ get: function Metadata_get(name) {
+ return this.metadata[name] || null;
+ },
+ has: function Metadata_has(name) {
+ return typeof this.metadata[name] !== 'undefined';
+ }
+exports.Metadata = Metadata;
+/***/ }),
+/* 8 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var shadow = sharedUtil.shadow;
+var getDefaultSetting = displayDOMUtils.getDefaultSetting;
+var WebGLUtils = function WebGLUtilsClosure() {
+ function loadShader(gl, code, shaderType) {
+ var shader = gl.createShader(shaderType);
+ gl.shaderSource(shader, code);
+ gl.compileShader(shader);
+ var compiled = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS);
+ if (!compiled) {
+ var errorMsg = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
+ throw new Error('Error during shader compilation: ' + errorMsg);
+ }
+ return shader;
+ }
+ function createVertexShader(gl, code) {
+ return loadShader(gl, code, gl.VERTEX_SHADER);
+ }
+ function createFragmentShader(gl, code) {
+ return loadShader(gl, code, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
+ }
+ function createProgram(gl, shaders) {
+ var program = gl.createProgram();
+ for (var i = 0, ii = shaders.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ gl.attachShader(program, shaders[i]);
+ }
+ gl.linkProgram(program);
+ var linked = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS);
+ if (!linked) {
+ var errorMsg = gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
+ throw new Error('Error during program linking: ' + errorMsg);
+ }
+ return program;
+ }
+ function createTexture(gl, image, textureId) {
+ gl.activeTexture(textureId);
+ var texture = gl.createTexture();
+ gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, gl.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
+ gl.texParameteri(gl.TEXTURE_2D, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.NEAREST);
+ gl.texImage2D(gl.TEXTURE_2D, 0, gl.RGBA, gl.RGBA, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
+ return texture;
+ }
+ var currentGL, currentCanvas;
+ function generateGL() {
+ if (currentGL) {
+ return;
+ }
+ currentCanvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ currentGL = currentCanvas.getContext('webgl', { premultipliedalpha: false });
+ }
+ var smaskVertexShaderCode = '\
+ attribute vec2 a_position; \
+ attribute vec2 a_texCoord; \
+ \
+ uniform vec2 u_resolution; \
+ \
+ varying vec2 v_texCoord; \
+ \
+ void main() { \
+ vec2 clipSpace = (a_position / u_resolution) * 2.0 - 1.0; \
+ gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1); \
+ \
+ v_texCoord = a_texCoord; \
+ } ';
+ var smaskFragmentShaderCode = '\
+ precision mediump float; \
+ \
+ uniform vec4 u_backdrop; \
+ uniform int u_subtype; \
+ uniform sampler2D u_image; \
+ uniform sampler2D u_mask; \
+ \
+ varying vec2 v_texCoord; \
+ \
+ void main() { \
+ vec4 imageColor = texture2D(u_image, v_texCoord); \
+ vec4 maskColor = texture2D(u_mask, v_texCoord); \
+ if (u_backdrop.a > 0.0) { \
+ maskColor.rgb = maskColor.rgb * maskColor.a + \
+ u_backdrop.rgb * (1.0 - maskColor.a); \
+ } \
+ float lum; \
+ if (u_subtype == 0) { \
+ lum = maskColor.a; \
+ } else { \
+ lum = maskColor.r * 0.3 + maskColor.g * 0.59 + \
+ maskColor.b * 0.11; \
+ } \
+ imageColor.a *= lum; \
+ imageColor.rgb *= imageColor.a; \
+ gl_FragColor = imageColor; \
+ } ';
+ var smaskCache = null;
+ function initSmaskGL() {
+ var canvas, gl;
+ generateGL();
+ canvas = currentCanvas;
+ currentCanvas = null;
+ gl = currentGL;
+ currentGL = null;
+ var vertexShader = createVertexShader(gl, smaskVertexShaderCode);
+ var fragmentShader = createFragmentShader(gl, smaskFragmentShaderCode);
+ var program = createProgram(gl, [vertexShader, fragmentShader]);
+ gl.useProgram(program);
+ var cache = {};
+ = gl;
+ cache.canvas = canvas;
+ cache.resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_resolution');
+ cache.positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_position');
+ cache.backdropLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_backdrop');
+ cache.subtypeLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_subtype');
+ var texCoordLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_texCoord');
+ var texLayerLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_image');
+ var texMaskLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_mask');
+ var texCoordBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, texCoordBuffer);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(texCoordLocation);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(texCoordLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.uniform1i(texLayerLocation, 0);
+ gl.uniform1i(texMaskLocation, 1);
+ smaskCache = cache;
+ }
+ function composeSMask(layer, mask, properties) {
+ var width = layer.width,
+ height = layer.height;
+ if (!smaskCache) {
+ initSmaskGL();
+ }
+ var cache = smaskCache,
+ canvas = cache.canvas,
+ gl =;
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);
+ gl.uniform2f(cache.resolutionLocation, width, height);
+ if (properties.backdrop) {
+ gl.uniform4f(cache.resolutionLocation, properties.backdrop[0], properties.backdrop[1], properties.backdrop[2], 1);
+ } else {
+ gl.uniform4f(cache.resolutionLocation, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ gl.uniform1i(cache.subtypeLocation, properties.subtype === 'Luminosity' ? 1 : 0);
+ var texture = createTexture(gl, layer, gl.TEXTURE0);
+ var maskTexture = createTexture(gl, mask, gl.TEXTURE1);
+ var buffer = gl.createBuffer();
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array([0, 0, width, 0, 0, height, 0, height, width, 0, width, height]), gl.STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(cache.positionLocation);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
+ gl.blendFunc(gl.ONE, gl.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
+ gl.flush();
+ gl.deleteTexture(texture);
+ gl.deleteTexture(maskTexture);
+ gl.deleteBuffer(buffer);
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ var figuresVertexShaderCode = '\
+ attribute vec2 a_position; \
+ attribute vec3 a_color; \
+ \
+ uniform vec2 u_resolution; \
+ uniform vec2 u_scale; \
+ uniform vec2 u_offset; \
+ \
+ varying vec4 v_color; \
+ \
+ void main() { \
+ vec2 position = (a_position + u_offset) * u_scale; \
+ vec2 clipSpace = (position / u_resolution) * 2.0 - 1.0; \
+ gl_Position = vec4(clipSpace * vec2(1, -1), 0, 1); \
+ \
+ v_color = vec4(a_color / 255.0, 1.0); \
+ } ';
+ var figuresFragmentShaderCode = '\
+ precision mediump float; \
+ \
+ varying vec4 v_color; \
+ \
+ void main() { \
+ gl_FragColor = v_color; \
+ } ';
+ var figuresCache = null;
+ function initFiguresGL() {
+ var canvas, gl;
+ generateGL();
+ canvas = currentCanvas;
+ currentCanvas = null;
+ gl = currentGL;
+ currentGL = null;
+ var vertexShader = createVertexShader(gl, figuresVertexShaderCode);
+ var fragmentShader = createFragmentShader(gl, figuresFragmentShaderCode);
+ var program = createProgram(gl, [vertexShader, fragmentShader]);
+ gl.useProgram(program);
+ var cache = {};
+ = gl;
+ cache.canvas = canvas;
+ cache.resolutionLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_resolution');
+ cache.scaleLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_scale');
+ cache.offsetLocation = gl.getUniformLocation(program, 'u_offset');
+ cache.positionLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_position');
+ cache.colorLocation = gl.getAttribLocation(program, 'a_color');
+ figuresCache = cache;
+ }
+ function drawFigures(width, height, backgroundColor, figures, context) {
+ if (!figuresCache) {
+ initFiguresGL();
+ }
+ var cache = figuresCache,
+ canvas = cache.canvas,
+ gl =;
+ canvas.width = width;
+ canvas.height = height;
+ gl.viewport(0, 0, gl.drawingBufferWidth, gl.drawingBufferHeight);
+ gl.uniform2f(cache.resolutionLocation, width, height);
+ var count = 0;
+ var i, ii, rows;
+ for (i = 0, ii = figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ switch (figures[i].type) {
+ case 'lattice':
+ rows = figures[i].coords.length / figures[i].verticesPerRow | 0;
+ count += (rows - 1) * (figures[i].verticesPerRow - 1) * 6;
+ break;
+ case 'triangles':
+ count += figures[i].coords.length;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var coords = new Float32Array(count * 2);
+ var colors = new Uint8Array(count * 3);
+ var coordsMap = context.coords,
+ colorsMap = context.colors;
+ var pIndex = 0,
+ cIndex = 0;
+ for (i = 0, ii = figures.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var figure = figures[i],
+ ps = figure.coords,
+ cs = figure.colors;
+ switch (figure.type) {
+ case 'lattice':
+ var cols = figure.verticesPerRow;
+ rows = ps.length / cols | 0;
+ for (var row = 1; row < rows; row++) {
+ var offset = row * cols + 1;
+ for (var col = 1; col < cols; col++, offset++) {
+ coords[pIndex] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols - 1]];
+ coords[pIndex + 1] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols - 1] + 1];
+ coords[pIndex + 2] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols]];
+ coords[pIndex + 3] = coordsMap[ps[offset - cols] + 1];
+ coords[pIndex + 4] = coordsMap[ps[offset - 1]];
+ coords[pIndex + 5] = coordsMap[ps[offset - 1] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1]];
+ colors[cIndex + 1] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 2] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols - 1] + 2];
+ colors[cIndex + 3] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols]];
+ colors[cIndex + 4] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 5] = colorsMap[cs[offset - cols] + 2];
+ colors[cIndex + 6] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1]];
+ colors[cIndex + 7] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 8] = colorsMap[cs[offset - 1] + 2];
+ coords[pIndex + 6] = coords[pIndex + 2];
+ coords[pIndex + 7] = coords[pIndex + 3];
+ coords[pIndex + 8] = coords[pIndex + 4];
+ coords[pIndex + 9] = coords[pIndex + 5];
+ coords[pIndex + 10] = coordsMap[ps[offset]];
+ coords[pIndex + 11] = coordsMap[ps[offset] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 9] = colors[cIndex + 3];
+ colors[cIndex + 10] = colors[cIndex + 4];
+ colors[cIndex + 11] = colors[cIndex + 5];
+ colors[cIndex + 12] = colors[cIndex + 6];
+ colors[cIndex + 13] = colors[cIndex + 7];
+ colors[cIndex + 14] = colors[cIndex + 8];
+ colors[cIndex + 15] = colorsMap[cs[offset]];
+ colors[cIndex + 16] = colorsMap[cs[offset] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 17] = colorsMap[cs[offset] + 2];
+ pIndex += 12;
+ cIndex += 18;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'triangles':
+ for (var j = 0, jj = ps.length; j < jj; j++) {
+ coords[pIndex] = coordsMap[ps[j]];
+ coords[pIndex + 1] = coordsMap[ps[j] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex] = colorsMap[cs[j]];
+ colors[cIndex + 1] = colorsMap[cs[j] + 1];
+ colors[cIndex + 2] = colorsMap[cs[j] + 2];
+ pIndex += 2;
+ cIndex += 3;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (backgroundColor) {
+ gl.clearColor(backgroundColor[0] / 255, backgroundColor[1] / 255, backgroundColor[2] / 255, 1.0);
+ } else {
+ gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
+ }
+ gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
+ var coordsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, coordsBuffer);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, coords, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(cache.positionLocation);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.positionLocation, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0);
+ var colorsBuffer = gl.createBuffer();
+ gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colorsBuffer);
+ gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, colors, gl.STATIC_DRAW);
+ gl.enableVertexAttribArray(cache.colorLocation);
+ gl.vertexAttribPointer(cache.colorLocation, 3, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE, false, 0, 0);
+ gl.uniform2f(cache.scaleLocation, context.scaleX, context.scaleY);
+ gl.uniform2f(cache.offsetLocation, context.offsetX, context.offsetY);
+ gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLES, 0, count);
+ gl.flush();
+ gl.deleteBuffer(coordsBuffer);
+ gl.deleteBuffer(colorsBuffer);
+ return canvas;
+ }
+ function cleanup() {
+ if (smaskCache && smaskCache.canvas) {
+ smaskCache.canvas.width = 0;
+ smaskCache.canvas.height = 0;
+ }
+ if (figuresCache && figuresCache.canvas) {
+ figuresCache.canvas.width = 0;
+ figuresCache.canvas.height = 0;
+ }
+ smaskCache = null;
+ figuresCache = null;
+ }
+ return {
+ get isEnabled() {
+ if (getDefaultSetting('disableWebGL')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var enabled = false;
+ try {
+ generateGL();
+ enabled = !!currentGL;
+ } catch (e) {}
+ return shadow(this, 'isEnabled', enabled);
+ },
+ composeSMask: composeSMask,
+ drawFigures: drawFigures,
+ clear: cleanup
+ };
+exports.WebGLUtils = WebGLUtils;
+/***/ }),
+/* 9 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var displayAPI = __w_pdfjs_require__(3);
+var displayAnnotationLayer = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);
+var displayTextLayer = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);
+var displayMetadata = __w_pdfjs_require__(7);
+var displaySVG = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);
+var globalScope = sharedUtil.globalScope;
+var deprecated = sharedUtil.deprecated;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var LinkTarget = displayDOMUtils.LinkTarget;
+var isWorker = typeof window === 'undefined';
+if (!globalScope.PDFJS) {
+ globalScope.PDFJS = {};
+var PDFJS = globalScope.PDFJS;
+PDFJS.version = '1.8.172'; = '8ff1fbe7';
+PDFJS.pdfBug = false;
+if (PDFJS.verbosity !== undefined) {
+ sharedUtil.setVerbosityLevel(PDFJS.verbosity);
+delete PDFJS.verbosity;
+Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'verbosity', {
+ get: function () {
+ return sharedUtil.getVerbosityLevel();
+ },
+ set: function (level) {
+ sharedUtil.setVerbosityLevel(level);
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+PDFJS.OPS = sharedUtil.OPS;
+PDFJS.isValidUrl = displayDOMUtils.isValidUrl;
+PDFJS.shadow = sharedUtil.shadow;
+PDFJS.createBlob = sharedUtil.createBlob;
+PDFJS.createObjectURL = function PDFJS_createObjectURL(data, contentType) {
+ return sharedUtil.createObjectURL(data, contentType, PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL);
+Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'isLittleEndian', {
+ configurable: true,
+ get: function PDFJS_isLittleEndian() {
+ var value = sharedUtil.isLittleEndian();
+ return sharedUtil.shadow(PDFJS, 'isLittleEndian', value);
+ }
+PDFJS.removeNullCharacters = sharedUtil.removeNullCharacters;
+PDFJS.PasswordResponses = sharedUtil.PasswordResponses;
+PDFJS.PasswordException = sharedUtil.PasswordException;
+PDFJS.UnknownErrorException = sharedUtil.UnknownErrorException;
+PDFJS.InvalidPDFException = sharedUtil.InvalidPDFException;
+PDFJS.MissingPDFException = sharedUtil.MissingPDFException;
+PDFJS.UnexpectedResponseException = sharedUtil.UnexpectedResponseException;
+PDFJS.Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+PDFJS.PageViewport = sharedUtil.PageViewport;
+PDFJS.createPromiseCapability = sharedUtil.createPromiseCapability;
+PDFJS.maxImageSize = PDFJS.maxImageSize === undefined ? -1 : PDFJS.maxImageSize;
+PDFJS.cMapUrl = PDFJS.cMapUrl === undefined ? null : PDFJS.cMapUrl;
+PDFJS.cMapPacked = PDFJS.cMapPacked === undefined ? false : PDFJS.cMapPacked;
+PDFJS.disableFontFace = PDFJS.disableFontFace === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableFontFace;
+PDFJS.imageResourcesPath = PDFJS.imageResourcesPath === undefined ? '' : PDFJS.imageResourcesPath;
+PDFJS.disableWorker = PDFJS.disableWorker === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableWorker;
+PDFJS.workerSrc = PDFJS.workerSrc === undefined ? null : PDFJS.workerSrc;
+PDFJS.workerPort = PDFJS.workerPort === undefined ? null : PDFJS.workerPort;
+PDFJS.disableRange = PDFJS.disableRange === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableRange;
+PDFJS.disableStream = PDFJS.disableStream === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableStream;
+PDFJS.disableAutoFetch = PDFJS.disableAutoFetch === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableAutoFetch;
+PDFJS.pdfBug = PDFJS.pdfBug === undefined ? false : PDFJS.pdfBug;
+PDFJS.postMessageTransfers = PDFJS.postMessageTransfers === undefined ? true : PDFJS.postMessageTransfers;
+PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL = PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL === undefined ? false : PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL;
+PDFJS.disableWebGL = PDFJS.disableWebGL === undefined ? true : PDFJS.disableWebGL;
+PDFJS.externalLinkTarget = PDFJS.externalLinkTarget === undefined ? LinkTarget.NONE : PDFJS.externalLinkTarget;
+PDFJS.externalLinkRel = PDFJS.externalLinkRel === undefined ? DEFAULT_LINK_REL : PDFJS.externalLinkRel;
+PDFJS.isEvalSupported = PDFJS.isEvalSupported === undefined ? true : PDFJS.isEvalSupported;
+PDFJS.pdfjsNext = PDFJS.pdfjsNext === undefined ? false : PDFJS.pdfjsNext;
+var savedOpenExternalLinksInNewWindow = PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow;
+delete PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow;
+Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'openExternalLinksInNewWindow', {
+ get: function () {
+ return PDFJS.externalLinkTarget === LinkTarget.BLANK;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+ if (value) {
+ deprecated('PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow, please use ' + '"PDFJS.externalLinkTarget = PDFJS.LinkTarget.BLANK" instead.');
+ }
+ if (PDFJS.externalLinkTarget !== LinkTarget.NONE) {
+ warn('PDFJS.externalLinkTarget is already initialized');
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFJS.externalLinkTarget = value ? LinkTarget.BLANK : LinkTarget.NONE;
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+if (savedOpenExternalLinksInNewWindow) {
+ PDFJS.openExternalLinksInNewWindow = savedOpenExternalLinksInNewWindow;
+PDFJS.getDocument = displayAPI.getDocument;
+PDFJS.PDFDataRangeTransport = displayAPI.PDFDataRangeTransport;
+PDFJS.PDFWorker = displayAPI.PDFWorker;
+Object.defineProperty(PDFJS, 'hasCanvasTypedArrays', {
+ configurable: true,
+ get: function PDFJS_hasCanvasTypedArrays() {
+ var value = displayDOMUtils.hasCanvasTypedArrays();
+ return sharedUtil.shadow(PDFJS, 'hasCanvasTypedArrays', value);
+ }
+PDFJS.CustomStyle = displayDOMUtils.CustomStyle;
+PDFJS.LinkTarget = LinkTarget;
+PDFJS.addLinkAttributes = displayDOMUtils.addLinkAttributes;
+PDFJS.getFilenameFromUrl = displayDOMUtils.getFilenameFromUrl;
+PDFJS.isExternalLinkTargetSet = displayDOMUtils.isExternalLinkTargetSet;
+PDFJS.AnnotationLayer = displayAnnotationLayer.AnnotationLayer;
+PDFJS.renderTextLayer = displayTextLayer.renderTextLayer;
+PDFJS.Metadata = displayMetadata.Metadata;
+PDFJS.SVGGraphics = displaySVG.SVGGraphics;
+PDFJS.UnsupportedManager = displayAPI._UnsupportedManager;
+exports.globalScope = globalScope;
+exports.isWorker = isWorker;
+exports.PDFJS = globalScope.PDFJS;
+/***/ }),
+/* 10 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var displayPatternHelper = __w_pdfjs_require__(12);
+var displayWebGL = __w_pdfjs_require__(8);
+var ImageKind = sharedUtil.ImageKind;
+var OPS = sharedUtil.OPS;
+var TextRenderingMode = sharedUtil.TextRenderingMode;
+var Uint32ArrayView = sharedUtil.Uint32ArrayView;
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var assert = sharedUtil.assert;
+var info =;
+var isNum = sharedUtil.isNum;
+var isArray = sharedUtil.isArray;
+var isLittleEndian = sharedUtil.isLittleEndian;
+var error = sharedUtil.error;
+var shadow = sharedUtil.shadow;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+var TilingPattern = displayPatternHelper.TilingPattern;
+var getShadingPatternFromIR = displayPatternHelper.getShadingPatternFromIR;
+var WebGLUtils = displayWebGL.WebGLUtils;
+var hasCanvasTypedArrays = displayDOMUtils.hasCanvasTypedArrays;
+var MIN_FONT_SIZE = 16;
+var MAX_FONT_SIZE = 100;
+var MAX_GROUP_SIZE = 4096;
+var MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR = 0.65;
+var MAX_SIZE_TO_COMPILE = 1000;
+var HasCanvasTypedArraysCached = {
+ get value() {
+ return shadow(HasCanvasTypedArraysCached, 'value', hasCanvasTypedArrays());
+ }
+var IsLittleEndianCached = {
+ get value() {
+ return shadow(IsLittleEndianCached, 'value', isLittleEndian());
+ }
+function addContextCurrentTransform(ctx) {
+ if (!ctx.mozCurrentTransform) {
+ ctx._originalSave =;
+ ctx._originalRestore = ctx.restore;
+ ctx._originalRotate = ctx.rotate;
+ ctx._originalScale = ctx.scale;
+ ctx._originalTranslate = ctx.translate;
+ ctx._originalTransform = ctx.transform;
+ ctx._originalSetTransform = ctx.setTransform;
+ ctx._transformMatrix = ctx._transformMatrix || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
+ ctx._transformStack = [];
+ Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransform', {
+ get: function getCurrentTransform() {
+ return this._transformMatrix;
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(ctx, 'mozCurrentTransformInverse', {
+ get: function getCurrentTransformInverse() {
+ var m = this._transformMatrix;
+ var a = m[0],
+ b = m[1],
+ c = m[2],
+ d = m[3],
+ e = m[4],
+ f = m[5];
+ var ad_bc = a * d - b * c;
+ var bc_ad = b * c - a * d;
+ return [d / ad_bc, b / bc_ad, c / bc_ad, a / ad_bc, (d * e - c * f) / bc_ad, (b * e - a * f) / ad_bc];
+ }
+ });
+ = function ctxSave() {
+ var old = this._transformMatrix;
+ this._transformStack.push(old);
+ this._transformMatrix = old.slice(0, 6);
+ this._originalSave();
+ };
+ ctx.restore = function ctxRestore() {
+ var prev = this._transformStack.pop();
+ if (prev) {
+ this._transformMatrix = prev;
+ this._originalRestore();
+ }
+ };
+ ctx.translate = function ctxTranslate(x, y) {
+ var m = this._transformMatrix;
+ m[4] = m[0] * x + m[2] * y + m[4];
+ m[5] = m[1] * x + m[3] * y + m[5];
+ this._originalTranslate(x, y);
+ };
+ ctx.scale = function ctxScale(x, y) {
+ var m = this._transformMatrix;
+ m[0] = m[0] * x;
+ m[1] = m[1] * x;
+ m[2] = m[2] * y;
+ m[3] = m[3] * y;
+ this._originalScale(x, y);
+ };
+ ctx.transform = function ctxTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ var m = this._transformMatrix;
+ this._transformMatrix = [m[0] * a + m[2] * b, m[1] * a + m[3] * b, m[0] * c + m[2] * d, m[1] * c + m[3] * d, m[0] * e + m[2] * f + m[4], m[1] * e + m[3] * f + m[5]];
+ ctx._originalTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
+ };
+ ctx.setTransform = function ctxSetTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ this._transformMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
+ ctx._originalSetTransform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
+ };
+ ctx.rotate = function ctxRotate(angle) {
+ var cosValue = Math.cos(angle);
+ var sinValue = Math.sin(angle);
+ var m = this._transformMatrix;
+ this._transformMatrix = [m[0] * cosValue + m[2] * sinValue, m[1] * cosValue + m[3] * sinValue, m[0] * -sinValue + m[2] * cosValue, m[1] * -sinValue + m[3] * cosValue, m[4], m[5]];
+ this._originalRotate(angle);
+ };
+ }
+var CachedCanvases = function CachedCanvasesClosure() {
+ function CachedCanvases(canvasFactory) {
+ this.canvasFactory = canvasFactory;
+ this.cache = Object.create(null);
+ }
+ CachedCanvases.prototype = {
+ getCanvas: function CachedCanvases_getCanvas(id, width, height, trackTransform) {
+ var canvasEntry;
+ if (this.cache[id] !== undefined) {
+ canvasEntry = this.cache[id];
+ this.canvasFactory.reset(canvasEntry, width, height);
+ canvasEntry.context.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ } else {
+ canvasEntry = this.canvasFactory.create(width, height);
+ this.cache[id] = canvasEntry;
+ }
+ if (trackTransform) {
+ addContextCurrentTransform(canvasEntry.context);
+ }
+ return canvasEntry;
+ },
+ clear: function () {
+ for (var id in this.cache) {
+ var canvasEntry = this.cache[id];
+ this.canvasFactory.destroy(canvasEntry);
+ delete this.cache[id];
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return CachedCanvases;
+function compileType3Glyph(imgData) {
+ var width = imgData.width,
+ height = imgData.height;
+ var i,
+ j,
+ j0,
+ width1 = width + 1;
+ var points = new Uint8Array(width1 * (height + 1));
+ var POINT_TYPES = new Uint8Array([0, 2, 4, 0, 1, 0, 5, 4, 8, 10, 0, 8, 0, 2, 1, 0]);
+ var lineSize = width + 7 & ~7,
+ data0 =;
+ var data = new Uint8Array(lineSize * height),
+ pos = 0,
+ ii;
+ for (i = 0, ii = data0.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var mask = 128,
+ elem = data0[i];
+ while (mask > 0) {
+ data[pos++] = elem & mask ? 0 : 255;
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ var count = 0;
+ pos = 0;
+ if (data[pos] !== 0) {
+ points[0] = 1;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
+ if (data[pos] !== data[pos + 1]) {
+ points[j] = data[pos] ? 2 : 1;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (data[pos] !== 0) {
+ points[j] = 2;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < height; i++) {
+ pos = i * lineSize;
+ j0 = i * width1;
+ if (data[pos - lineSize] !== data[pos]) {
+ points[j0] = data[pos] ? 1 : 8;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ var sum = (data[pos] ? 4 : 0) + (data[pos - lineSize] ? 8 : 0);
+ for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
+ sum = (sum >> 2) + (data[pos + 1] ? 4 : 0) + (data[pos - lineSize + 1] ? 8 : 0);
+ if (POINT_TYPES[sum]) {
+ points[j0 + j] = POINT_TYPES[sum];
+ ++count;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (data[pos - lineSize] !== data[pos]) {
+ points[j0 + j] = data[pos] ? 2 : 4;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if (count > POINT_TO_PROCESS_LIMIT) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ pos = lineSize * (height - 1);
+ j0 = i * width1;
+ if (data[pos] !== 0) {
+ points[j0] = 8;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ for (j = 1; j < width; j++) {
+ if (data[pos] !== data[pos + 1]) {
+ points[j0 + j] = data[pos] ? 4 : 8;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ pos++;
+ }
+ if (data[pos] !== 0) {
+ points[j0 + j] = 4;
+ ++count;
+ }
+ if (count > POINT_TO_PROCESS_LIMIT) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ var steps = new Int32Array([0, width1, -1, 0, -width1, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
+ var outlines = [];
+ for (i = 0; count && i <= height; i++) {
+ var p = i * width1;
+ var end = p + width;
+ while (p < end && !points[p]) {
+ p++;
+ }
+ if (p === end) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var coords = [p % width1, i];
+ var type = points[p],
+ p0 = p,
+ pp;
+ do {
+ var step = steps[type];
+ do {
+ p += step;
+ } while (!points[p]);
+ pp = points[p];
+ if (pp !== 5 && pp !== 10) {
+ type = pp;
+ points[p] = 0;
+ } else {
+ type = pp & 0x33 * type >> 4;
+ points[p] &= type >> 2 | type << 2;
+ }
+ coords.push(p % width1);
+ coords.push(p / width1 | 0);
+ --count;
+ } while (p0 !== p);
+ outlines.push(coords);
+ --i;
+ }
+ var drawOutline = function (c) {
+ c.scale(1 / width, -1 / height);
+ c.translate(0, -height);
+ c.beginPath();
+ for (var i = 0, ii = outlines.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var o = outlines[i];
+ c.moveTo(o[0], o[1]);
+ for (var j = 2, jj = o.length; j < jj; j += 2) {
+ c.lineTo(o[j], o[j + 1]);
+ }
+ }
+ c.fill();
+ c.beginPath();
+ c.restore();
+ };
+ return drawOutline;
+var CanvasExtraState = function CanvasExtraStateClosure() {
+ function CanvasExtraState(old) {
+ this.alphaIsShape = false;
+ this.fontSize = 0;
+ this.fontSizeScale = 1;
+ this.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.textMatrixScale = 1;
+ this.fontMatrix = FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.leading = 0;
+ this.x = 0;
+ this.y = 0;
+ this.lineX = 0;
+ this.lineY = 0;
+ this.charSpacing = 0;
+ this.wordSpacing = 0;
+ this.textHScale = 1;
+ this.textRenderingMode = TextRenderingMode.FILL;
+ this.textRise = 0;
+ this.fillColor = '#000000';
+ this.strokeColor = '#000000';
+ this.patternFill = false;
+ this.fillAlpha = 1;
+ this.strokeAlpha = 1;
+ this.lineWidth = 1;
+ this.activeSMask = null;
+ this.resumeSMaskCtx = null;
+ this.old = old;
+ }
+ CanvasExtraState.prototype = {
+ clone: function CanvasExtraState_clone() {
+ return Object.create(this);
+ },
+ setCurrentPoint: function CanvasExtraState_setCurrentPoint(x, y) {
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ };
+ return CanvasExtraState;
+var CanvasGraphics = function CanvasGraphicsClosure() {
+ var EXECUTION_TIME = 15;
+ function CanvasGraphics(canvasCtx, commonObjs, objs, canvasFactory, imageLayer) {
+ this.ctx = canvasCtx;
+ this.current = new CanvasExtraState();
+ this.stateStack = [];
+ this.pendingClip = null;
+ this.pendingEOFill = false;
+ this.res = null;
+ this.xobjs = null;
+ this.commonObjs = commonObjs;
+ this.objs = objs;
+ this.canvasFactory = canvasFactory;
+ this.imageLayer = imageLayer;
+ this.groupStack = [];
+ this.processingType3 = null;
+ this.baseTransform = null;
+ this.baseTransformStack = [];
+ this.groupLevel = 0;
+ this.smaskStack = [];
+ this.smaskCounter = 0;
+ this.tempSMask = null;
+ this.cachedCanvases = new CachedCanvases(this.canvasFactory);
+ if (canvasCtx) {
+ addContextCurrentTransform(canvasCtx);
+ }
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
+ }
+ function putBinaryImageData(ctx, imgData) {
+ if (typeof ImageData !== 'undefined' && imgData instanceof ImageData) {
+ ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ var height = imgData.height,
+ width = imgData.width;
+ var partialChunkHeight = height % FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
+ var fullChunks = (height - partialChunkHeight) / FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
+ var totalChunks = partialChunkHeight === 0 ? fullChunks : fullChunks + 1;
+ var chunkImgData = ctx.createImageData(width, FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
+ var srcPos = 0,
+ destPos;
+ var src =;
+ var dest =;
+ var i, j, thisChunkHeight, elemsInThisChunk;
+ if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.GRAYSCALE_1BPP) {
+ var srcLength = src.byteLength;
+ var dest32 = HasCanvasTypedArraysCached.value ? new Uint32Array(dest.buffer) : new Uint32ArrayView(dest);
+ var dest32DataLength = dest32.length;
+ var fullSrcDiff = width + 7 >> 3;
+ var white = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ var black = IsLittleEndianCached.value || !HasCanvasTypedArraysCached.value ? 0xFF000000 : 0x000000FF;
+ for (i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
+ thisChunkHeight = i < fullChunks ? FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT : partialChunkHeight;
+ destPos = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < thisChunkHeight; j++) {
+ var srcDiff = srcLength - srcPos;
+ var k = 0;
+ var kEnd = srcDiff > fullSrcDiff ? width : srcDiff * 8 - 7;
+ var kEndUnrolled = kEnd & ~7;
+ var mask = 0;
+ var srcByte = 0;
+ for (; k < kEndUnrolled; k += 8) {
+ srcByte = src[srcPos++];
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 128 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 64 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 32 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 16 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 8 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 4 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 2 ? white : black;
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & 1 ? white : black;
+ }
+ for (; k < kEnd; k++) {
+ if (mask === 0) {
+ srcByte = src[srcPos++];
+ mask = 128;
+ }
+ dest32[destPos++] = srcByte & mask ? white : black;
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ while (destPos < dest32DataLength) {
+ dest32[destPos++] = 0;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ } else if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.RGBA_32BPP) {
+ j = 0;
+ elemsInThisChunk = width * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT * 4;
+ for (i = 0; i < fullChunks; i++) {
+ dest.set(src.subarray(srcPos, srcPos + elemsInThisChunk));
+ srcPos += elemsInThisChunk;
+ ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, j);
+ }
+ if (i < totalChunks) {
+ elemsInThisChunk = width * partialChunkHeight * 4;
+ dest.set(src.subarray(srcPos, srcPos + elemsInThisChunk));
+ ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, j);
+ }
+ } else if (imgData.kind === ImageKind.RGB_24BPP) {
+ thisChunkHeight = FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
+ elemsInThisChunk = width * thisChunkHeight;
+ for (i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
+ if (i >= fullChunks) {
+ thisChunkHeight = partialChunkHeight;
+ elemsInThisChunk = width * thisChunkHeight;
+ }
+ destPos = 0;
+ for (j = elemsInThisChunk; j--;) {
+ dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
+ dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
+ dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
+ dest[destPos++] = 255;
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ } else {
+ error('bad image kind: ' + imgData.kind);
+ }
+ }
+ function putBinaryImageMask(ctx, imgData) {
+ var height = imgData.height,
+ width = imgData.width;
+ var partialChunkHeight = height % FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
+ var fullChunks = (height - partialChunkHeight) / FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT;
+ var totalChunks = partialChunkHeight === 0 ? fullChunks : fullChunks + 1;
+ var chunkImgData = ctx.createImageData(width, FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
+ var srcPos = 0;
+ var src =;
+ var dest =;
+ for (var i = 0; i < totalChunks; i++) {
+ var thisChunkHeight = i < fullChunks ? FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT : partialChunkHeight;
+ var destPos = 3;
+ for (var j = 0; j < thisChunkHeight; j++) {
+ var mask = 0;
+ for (var k = 0; k < width; k++) {
+ if (!mask) {
+ var elem = src[srcPos++];
+ mask = 128;
+ }
+ dest[destPos] = elem & mask ? 0 : 255;
+ destPos += 4;
+ mask >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.putImageData(chunkImgData, 0, i * FULL_CHUNK_HEIGHT);
+ }
+ }
+ function copyCtxState(sourceCtx, destCtx) {
+ var properties = ['strokeStyle', 'fillStyle', 'fillRule', 'globalAlpha', 'lineWidth', 'lineCap', 'lineJoin', 'miterLimit', 'globalCompositeOperation', 'font'];
+ for (var i = 0, ii = properties.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var property = properties[i];
+ if (sourceCtx[property] !== undefined) {
+ destCtx[property] = sourceCtx[property];
+ }
+ }
+ if (sourceCtx.setLineDash !== undefined) {
+ destCtx.setLineDash(sourceCtx.getLineDash());
+ destCtx.lineDashOffset = sourceCtx.lineDashOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ function composeSMaskBackdrop(bytes, r0, g0, b0) {
+ var length = bytes.length;
+ for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
+ var alpha = bytes[i];
+ if (alpha === 0) {
+ bytes[i - 3] = r0;
+ bytes[i - 2] = g0;
+ bytes[i - 1] = b0;
+ } else if (alpha < 255) {
+ var alpha_ = 255 - alpha;
+ bytes[i - 3] = bytes[i - 3] * alpha + r0 * alpha_ >> 8;
+ bytes[i - 2] = bytes[i - 2] * alpha + g0 * alpha_ >> 8;
+ bytes[i - 1] = bytes[i - 1] * alpha + b0 * alpha_ >> 8;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function composeSMaskAlpha(maskData, layerData, transferMap) {
+ var length = maskData.length;
+ var scale = 1 / 255;
+ for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
+ var alpha = transferMap ? transferMap[maskData[i]] : maskData[i];
+ layerData[i] = layerData[i] * alpha * scale | 0;
+ }
+ }
+ function composeSMaskLuminosity(maskData, layerData, transferMap) {
+ var length = maskData.length;
+ for (var i = 3; i < length; i += 4) {
+ var y = maskData[i - 3] * 77 + maskData[i - 2] * 152 + maskData[i - 1] * 28;
+ layerData[i] = transferMap ? layerData[i] * transferMap[y >> 8] >> 8 : layerData[i] * y >> 16;
+ }
+ }
+ function genericComposeSMask(maskCtx, layerCtx, width, height, subtype, backdrop, transferMap) {
+ var hasBackdrop = !!backdrop;
+ var r0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[0] : 0;
+ var g0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[1] : 0;
+ var b0 = hasBackdrop ? backdrop[2] : 0;
+ var composeFn;
+ if (subtype === 'Luminosity') {
+ composeFn = composeSMaskLuminosity;
+ } else {
+ composeFn = composeSMaskAlpha;
+ }
+ var PIXELS_TO_PROCESS = 1048576;
+ var chunkSize = Math.min(height, Math.ceil(PIXELS_TO_PROCESS / width));
+ for (var row = 0; row < height; row += chunkSize) {
+ var chunkHeight = Math.min(chunkSize, height - row);
+ var maskData = maskCtx.getImageData(0, row, width, chunkHeight);
+ var layerData = layerCtx.getImageData(0, row, width, chunkHeight);
+ if (hasBackdrop) {
+ composeSMaskBackdrop(, r0, g0, b0);
+ }
+ composeFn(,, transferMap);
+ maskCtx.putImageData(layerData, 0, row);
+ }
+ }
+ function composeSMask(ctx, smask, layerCtx) {
+ var mask = smask.canvas;
+ var maskCtx = smask.context;
+ ctx.setTransform(smask.scaleX, 0, 0, smask.scaleY, smask.offsetX, smask.offsetY);
+ var backdrop = smask.backdrop || null;
+ if (!smask.transferMap && WebGLUtils.isEnabled) {
+ var composed = WebGLUtils.composeSMask(layerCtx.canvas, mask, {
+ subtype: smask.subtype,
+ backdrop: backdrop
+ });
+ ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ ctx.drawImage(composed, smask.offsetX, smask.offsetY);
+ return;
+ }
+ genericComposeSMask(maskCtx, layerCtx, mask.width, mask.height, smask.subtype, backdrop, smask.transferMap);
+ ctx.drawImage(mask, 0, 0);
+ }
+ var LINE_CAP_STYLES = ['butt', 'round', 'square'];
+ var LINE_JOIN_STYLES = ['miter', 'round', 'bevel'];
+ var NORMAL_CLIP = {};
+ var EO_CLIP = {};
+ CanvasGraphics.prototype = {
+ beginDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_beginDrawing(transform, viewport, transparency) {
+ var width = this.ctx.canvas.width;
+ var height = this.ctx.canvas.height;
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255)';
+ this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ if (transparency) {
+ var transparentCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('transparent', width, height, true);
+ this.compositeCtx = this.ctx;
+ this.transparentCanvas = transparentCanvas.canvas;
+ this.ctx = transparentCanvas.context;
+ this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, this.compositeCtx.mozCurrentTransform);
+ }
+ if (transform) {
+ this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, transform);
+ }
+ this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, viewport.transform);
+ this.baseTransform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform.slice();
+ if (this.imageLayer) {
+ this.imageLayer.beginLayout();
+ }
+ },
+ executeOperatorList: function CanvasGraphics_executeOperatorList(operatorList, executionStartIdx, continueCallback, stepper) {
+ var argsArray = operatorList.argsArray;
+ var fnArray = operatorList.fnArray;
+ var i = executionStartIdx || 0;
+ var argsArrayLen = argsArray.length;
+ if (argsArrayLen === i) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ var chunkOperations = argsArrayLen - i > EXECUTION_STEPS && typeof continueCallback === 'function';
+ var endTime = chunkOperations ? + EXECUTION_TIME : 0;
+ var steps = 0;
+ var commonObjs = this.commonObjs;
+ var objs = this.objs;
+ var fnId;
+ while (true) {
+ if (stepper !== undefined && i === stepper.nextBreakPoint) {
+ stepper.breakIt(i, continueCallback);
+ return i;
+ }
+ fnId = fnArray[i];
+ if (fnId !== OPS.dependency) {
+ this[fnId].apply(this, argsArray[i]);
+ } else {
+ var deps = argsArray[i];
+ for (var n = 0, nn = deps.length; n < nn; n++) {
+ var depObjId = deps[n];
+ var common = depObjId[0] === 'g' && depObjId[1] === '_';
+ var objsPool = common ? commonObjs : objs;
+ if (!objsPool.isResolved(depObjId)) {
+ objsPool.get(depObjId, continueCallback);
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ if (i === argsArrayLen) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ if (chunkOperations && ++steps > EXECUTION_STEPS) {
+ if ( > endTime) {
+ continueCallback();
+ return i;
+ }
+ steps = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ endDrawing: function CanvasGraphics_endDrawing() {
+ if (this.current.activeSMask !== null) {
+ this.endSMaskGroup();
+ }
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ if (this.transparentCanvas) {
+ this.ctx = this.compositeCtx;
+ this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ this.ctx.drawImage(this.transparentCanvas, 0, 0);
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ this.transparentCanvas = null;
+ }
+ this.cachedCanvases.clear();
+ WebGLUtils.clear();
+ if (this.imageLayer) {
+ this.imageLayer.endLayout();
+ }
+ },
+ setLineWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setLineWidth(width) {
+ this.current.lineWidth = width;
+ this.ctx.lineWidth = width;
+ },
+ setLineCap: function CanvasGraphics_setLineCap(style) {
+ this.ctx.lineCap = LINE_CAP_STYLES[style];
+ },
+ setLineJoin: function CanvasGraphics_setLineJoin(style) {
+ this.ctx.lineJoin = LINE_JOIN_STYLES[style];
+ },
+ setMiterLimit: function CanvasGraphics_setMiterLimit(limit) {
+ this.ctx.miterLimit = limit;
+ },
+ setDash: function CanvasGraphics_setDash(dashArray, dashPhase) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ if (ctx.setLineDash !== undefined) {
+ ctx.setLineDash(dashArray);
+ ctx.lineDashOffset = dashPhase;
+ }
+ },
+ setRenderingIntent: function CanvasGraphics_setRenderingIntent(intent) {},
+ setFlatness: function CanvasGraphics_setFlatness(flatness) {},
+ setGState: function CanvasGraphics_setGState(states) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = states.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var state = states[i];
+ var key = state[0];
+ var value = state[1];
+ switch (key) {
+ case 'LW':
+ this.setLineWidth(value);
+ break;
+ case 'LC':
+ this.setLineCap(value);
+ break;
+ case 'LJ':
+ this.setLineJoin(value);
+ break;
+ case 'ML':
+ this.setMiterLimit(value);
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ this.setDash(value[0], value[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'RI':
+ this.setRenderingIntent(value);
+ break;
+ case 'FL':
+ this.setFlatness(value);
+ break;
+ case 'Font':
+ this.setFont(value[0], value[1]);
+ break;
+ case 'CA':
+ this.current.strokeAlpha = state[1];
+ break;
+ case 'ca':
+ this.current.fillAlpha = state[1];
+ this.ctx.globalAlpha = state[1];
+ break;
+ case 'BM':
+ if (value && && !== 'Normal') {
+ var mode =[A-Z])/g, function (c) {
+ return '-' + c.toLowerCase();
+ }).substring(1);
+ this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = mode;
+ if (this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation !== mode) {
+ warn('globalCompositeOperation "' + mode + '" is not supported');
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'SMask':
+ if (this.current.activeSMask) {
+ if (this.stateStack.length > 0 && this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].activeSMask === this.current.activeSMask) {
+ this.suspendSMaskGroup();
+ } else {
+ this.endSMaskGroup();
+ }
+ }
+ this.current.activeSMask = value ? this.tempSMask : null;
+ if (this.current.activeSMask) {
+ this.beginSMaskGroup();
+ }
+ this.tempSMask = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ beginSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_beginSMaskGroup() {
+ var activeSMask = this.current.activeSMask;
+ var drawnWidth = activeSMask.canvas.width;
+ var drawnHeight = activeSMask.canvas.height;
+ var cacheId = 'smaskGroupAt' + this.groupLevel;
+ var scratchCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(cacheId, drawnWidth, drawnHeight, true);
+ var currentCtx = this.ctx;
+ var currentTransform = currentCtx.mozCurrentTransform;
+ var groupCtx = scratchCanvas.context;
+ groupCtx.scale(1 / activeSMask.scaleX, 1 / activeSMask.scaleY);
+ groupCtx.translate(-activeSMask.offsetX, -activeSMask.offsetY);
+ groupCtx.transform.apply(groupCtx, currentTransform);
+ activeSMask.startTransformInverse = groupCtx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
+ copyCtxState(currentCtx, groupCtx);
+ this.ctx = groupCtx;
+ this.setGState([['BM', 'Normal'], ['ca', 1], ['CA', 1]]);
+ this.groupStack.push(currentCtx);
+ this.groupLevel++;
+ },
+ suspendSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endSMaskGroup() {
+ var groupCtx = this.ctx;
+ this.groupLevel--;
+ this.ctx = this.groupStack.pop();
+ composeSMask(this.ctx, this.current.activeSMask, groupCtx);
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ copyCtxState(groupCtx, this.ctx);
+ this.current.resumeSMaskCtx = groupCtx;
+ var deltaTransform = Util.transform(this.current.activeSMask.startTransformInverse, groupCtx.mozCurrentTransform);
+ this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, deltaTransform);
+ groupCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ groupCtx.clearRect(0, 0, groupCtx.canvas.width, groupCtx.canvas.height);
+ groupCtx.restore();
+ },
+ resumeSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endSMaskGroup() {
+ var groupCtx = this.current.resumeSMaskCtx;
+ var currentCtx = this.ctx;
+ this.ctx = groupCtx;
+ this.groupStack.push(currentCtx);
+ this.groupLevel++;
+ },
+ endSMaskGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endSMaskGroup() {
+ var groupCtx = this.ctx;
+ this.groupLevel--;
+ this.ctx = this.groupStack.pop();
+ composeSMask(this.ctx, this.current.activeSMask, groupCtx);
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ copyCtxState(groupCtx, this.ctx);
+ var deltaTransform = Util.transform(this.current.activeSMask.startTransformInverse, groupCtx.mozCurrentTransform);
+ this.ctx.transform.apply(this.ctx, deltaTransform);
+ },
+ save: function CanvasGraphics_save() {
+ var old = this.current;
+ this.stateStack.push(old);
+ this.current = old.clone();
+ this.current.resumeSMaskCtx = null;
+ },
+ restore: function CanvasGraphics_restore() {
+ if (this.current.resumeSMaskCtx) {
+ this.resumeSMaskGroup();
+ }
+ if (this.current.activeSMask !== null && (this.stateStack.length === 0 || this.stateStack[this.stateStack.length - 1].activeSMask !== this.current.activeSMask)) {
+ this.endSMaskGroup();
+ }
+ if (this.stateStack.length !== 0) {
+ this.current = this.stateStack.pop();
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ this.pendingClip = null;
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
+ }
+ },
+ transform: function CanvasGraphics_transform(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ this.ctx.transform(a, b, c, d, e, f);
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
+ },
+ constructPath: function CanvasGraphics_constructPath(ops, args) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var current = this.current;
+ var x = current.x,
+ y = current.y;
+ for (var i = 0, j = 0, ii = ops.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ switch (ops[i] | 0) {
+ case OPS.rectangle:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ var width = args[j++];
+ var height = args[j++];
+ if (width === 0) {
+ width = this.getSinglePixelWidth();
+ }
+ if (height === 0) {
+ height = this.getSinglePixelWidth();
+ }
+ var xw = x + width;
+ var yh = y + height;
+ this.ctx.moveTo(x, y);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(xw, y);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(xw, yh);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x, yh);
+ this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
+ this.ctx.closePath();
+ break;
+ case OPS.moveTo:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ ctx.moveTo(x, y);
+ break;
+ case OPS.lineTo:
+ x = args[j++];
+ y = args[j++];
+ ctx.lineTo(x, y);
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo:
+ x = args[j + 4];
+ y = args[j + 5];
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(args[j], args[j + 1], args[j + 2], args[j + 3], x, y);
+ j += 6;
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo2:
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(x, y, args[j], args[j + 1], args[j + 2], args[j + 3]);
+ x = args[j + 2];
+ y = args[j + 3];
+ j += 4;
+ break;
+ case OPS.curveTo3:
+ x = args[j + 2];
+ y = args[j + 3];
+ ctx.bezierCurveTo(args[j], args[j + 1], x, y, x, y);
+ j += 4;
+ break;
+ case OPS.closePath:
+ ctx.closePath();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ current.setCurrentPoint(x, y);
+ },
+ closePath: function CanvasGraphics_closePath() {
+ this.ctx.closePath();
+ },
+ stroke: function CanvasGraphics_stroke(consumePath) {
+ consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true;
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var strokeColor = this.current.strokeColor;
+ ctx.lineWidth = Math.max(this.getSinglePixelWidth() * MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR, this.current.lineWidth);
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.strokeAlpha;
+ if (strokeColor && strokeColor.hasOwnProperty('type') && strokeColor.type === 'Pattern') {
+ ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor.getPattern(ctx, this);
+ ctx.stroke();
+ ctx.restore();
+ } else {
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ if (consumePath) {
+ this.consumePath();
+ }
+ ctx.globalAlpha = this.current.fillAlpha;
+ },
+ closeStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeStroke() {
+ this.closePath();
+ this.stroke();
+ },
+ fill: function CanvasGraphics_fill(consumePath) {
+ consumePath = typeof consumePath !== 'undefined' ? consumePath : true;
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
+ var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
+ var needRestore = false;
+ if (isPatternFill) {
+ if (this.baseTransform) {
+ ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, this.baseTransform);
+ }
+ ctx.fillStyle = fillColor.getPattern(ctx, this);
+ needRestore = true;
+ }
+ if (this.pendingEOFill) {
+ ctx.fill('evenodd');
+ this.pendingEOFill = false;
+ } else {
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ if (needRestore) {
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ if (consumePath) {
+ this.consumePath();
+ }
+ },
+ eoFill: function CanvasGraphics_eoFill() {
+ this.pendingEOFill = true;
+ this.fill();
+ },
+ fillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_fillStroke() {
+ this.fill(false);
+ this.stroke(false);
+ this.consumePath();
+ },
+ eoFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_eoFillStroke() {
+ this.pendingEOFill = true;
+ this.fillStroke();
+ },
+ closeFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeFillStroke() {
+ this.closePath();
+ this.fillStroke();
+ },
+ closeEOFillStroke: function CanvasGraphics_closeEOFillStroke() {
+ this.pendingEOFill = true;
+ this.closePath();
+ this.fillStroke();
+ },
+ endPath: function CanvasGraphics_endPath() {
+ this.consumePath();
+ },
+ clip: function CanvasGraphics_clip() {
+ this.pendingClip = NORMAL_CLIP;
+ },
+ eoClip: function CanvasGraphics_eoClip() {
+ this.pendingClip = EO_CLIP;
+ },
+ beginText: function CanvasGraphics_beginText() {
+ this.current.textMatrix = IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ this.current.textMatrixScale = 1;
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
+ },
+ endText: function CanvasGraphics_endText() {
+ var paths = this.pendingTextPaths;
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ if (paths === undefined) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ for (var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) {
+ var path = paths[i];
+ ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, path.transform);
+ ctx.translate(path.x, path.y);
+ path.addToPath(ctx, path.fontSize);
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ ctx.clip();
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ delete this.pendingTextPaths;
+ },
+ setCharSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setCharSpacing(spacing) {
+ this.current.charSpacing = spacing;
+ },
+ setWordSpacing: function CanvasGraphics_setWordSpacing(spacing) {
+ this.current.wordSpacing = spacing;
+ },
+ setHScale: function CanvasGraphics_setHScale(scale) {
+ this.current.textHScale = scale / 100;
+ },
+ setLeading: function CanvasGraphics_setLeading(leading) {
+ this.current.leading = -leading;
+ },
+ setFont: function CanvasGraphics_setFont(fontRefName, size) {
+ var fontObj = this.commonObjs.get(fontRefName);
+ var current = this.current;
+ if (!fontObj) {
+ error('Can\'t find font for ' + fontRefName);
+ }
+ current.fontMatrix = fontObj.fontMatrix ? fontObj.fontMatrix : FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ if (current.fontMatrix[0] === 0 || current.fontMatrix[3] === 0) {
+ warn('Invalid font matrix for font ' + fontRefName);
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ size = -size;
+ current.fontDirection = -1;
+ } else {
+ current.fontDirection = 1;
+ }
+ this.current.font = fontObj;
+ this.current.fontSize = size;
+ if (fontObj.isType3Font) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var name = fontObj.loadedName || 'sans-serif';
+ var bold = ? '900' : fontObj.bold ? 'bold' : 'normal';
+ var italic = fontObj.italic ? 'italic' : 'normal';
+ var typeface = '"' + name + '", ' + fontObj.fallbackName;
+ var browserFontSize = size < MIN_FONT_SIZE ? MIN_FONT_SIZE : size > MAX_FONT_SIZE ? MAX_FONT_SIZE : size;
+ this.current.fontSizeScale = size / browserFontSize;
+ var rule = italic + ' ' + bold + ' ' + browserFontSize + 'px ' + typeface;
+ this.ctx.font = rule;
+ },
+ setTextRenderingMode: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRenderingMode(mode) {
+ this.current.textRenderingMode = mode;
+ },
+ setTextRise: function CanvasGraphics_setTextRise(rise) {
+ this.current.textRise = rise;
+ },
+ moveText: function CanvasGraphics_moveText(x, y) {
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX += x;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY += y;
+ },
+ setLeadingMoveText: function CanvasGraphics_setLeadingMoveText(x, y) {
+ this.setLeading(-y);
+ this.moveText(x, y);
+ },
+ setTextMatrix: function CanvasGraphics_setTextMatrix(a, b, c, d, e, f) {
+ this.current.textMatrix = [a, b, c, d, e, f];
+ this.current.textMatrixScale = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
+ this.current.x = this.current.lineX = 0;
+ this.current.y = this.current.lineY = 0;
+ },
+ nextLine: function CanvasGraphics_nextLine() {
+ this.moveText(0, this.current.leading);
+ },
+ paintChar: function CanvasGraphics_paintChar(character, x, y) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var current = this.current;
+ var font = current.font;
+ var textRenderingMode = current.textRenderingMode;
+ var fontSize = current.fontSize / current.fontSizeScale;
+ var fillStrokeMode = textRenderingMode & TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK;
+ var isAddToPathSet = !!(textRenderingMode & TextRenderingMode.ADD_TO_PATH_FLAG);
+ var addToPath;
+ if (font.disableFontFace || isAddToPathSet) {
+ addToPath = font.getPathGenerator(this.commonObjs, character);
+ }
+ if (font.disableFontFace) {
+ ctx.translate(x, y);
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ addToPath(ctx, fontSize);
+ if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL || fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
+ ctx.fill();
+ }
+ if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE || fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ } else {
+ if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL || fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
+ ctx.fillText(character, x, y);
+ }
+ if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE || fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
+ ctx.strokeText(character, x, y);
+ }
+ }
+ if (isAddToPathSet) {
+ var paths = this.pendingTextPaths || (this.pendingTextPaths = []);
+ paths.push({
+ transform: ctx.mozCurrentTransform,
+ x: x,
+ y: y,
+ fontSize: fontSize,
+ addToPath: addToPath
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ get isFontSubpixelAAEnabled() {
+ var ctx = this.canvasFactory.create(10, 10).context;
+ ctx.scale(1.5, 1);
+ ctx.fillText('I', 0, 10);
+ var data = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 10, 10).data;
+ var enabled = false;
+ for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i += 4) {
+ if (data[i] > 0 && data[i] < 255) {
+ enabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return shadow(this, 'isFontSubpixelAAEnabled', enabled);
+ },
+ showText: function CanvasGraphics_showText(glyphs) {
+ var current = this.current;
+ var font = current.font;
+ if (font.isType3Font) {
+ return this.showType3Text(glyphs);
+ }
+ var fontSize = current.fontSize;
+ if (fontSize === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var fontSizeScale = current.fontSizeScale;
+ var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
+ var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
+ var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
+ var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
+ var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
+ var vertical = font.vertical;
+ var spacingDir = vertical ? 1 : -1;
+ var defaultVMetrics = font.defaultVMetrics;
+ var widthAdvanceScale = fontSize * current.fontMatrix[0];
+ var simpleFillText = current.textRenderingMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL && !font.disableFontFace;
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix);
+ ctx.translate(current.x, current.y + current.textRise);
+ if (current.patternFill) {
+ ctx.fillStyle = current.fillColor.getPattern(ctx, this);
+ }
+ if (fontDirection > 0) {
+ ctx.scale(textHScale, -1);
+ } else {
+ ctx.scale(textHScale, 1);
+ }
+ var lineWidth = current.lineWidth;
+ var scale = current.textMatrixScale;
+ if (scale === 0 || lineWidth === 0) {
+ var fillStrokeMode = current.textRenderingMode & TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE_MASK;
+ if (fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.STROKE || fillStrokeMode === TextRenderingMode.FILL_STROKE) {
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
+ lineWidth = this.getSinglePixelWidth() * MIN_WIDTH_FACTOR;
+ }
+ } else {
+ lineWidth /= scale;
+ }
+ if (fontSizeScale !== 1.0) {
+ ctx.scale(fontSizeScale, fontSizeScale);
+ lineWidth /= fontSizeScale;
+ }
+ ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth;
+ var x = 0,
+ i;
+ for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
+ var glyph = glyphs[i];
+ if (isNum(glyph)) {
+ x += spacingDir * glyph * fontSize / 1000;
+ continue;
+ }
+ var restoreNeeded = false;
+ var spacing = (glyph.isSpace ? wordSpacing : 0) + charSpacing;
+ var character = glyph.fontChar;
+ var accent = glyph.accent;
+ var scaledX, scaledY, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY;
+ var width = glyph.width;
+ if (vertical) {
+ var vmetric, vx, vy;
+ vmetric = glyph.vmetric || defaultVMetrics;
+ vx = glyph.vmetric ? vmetric[1] : width * 0.5;
+ vx = -vx * widthAdvanceScale;
+ vy = vmetric[2] * widthAdvanceScale;
+ width = vmetric ? -vmetric[0] : width;
+ scaledX = vx / fontSizeScale;
+ scaledY = (x + vy) / fontSizeScale;
+ } else {
+ scaledX = x / fontSizeScale;
+ scaledY = 0;
+ }
+ if (font.remeasure && width > 0) {
+ var measuredWidth = ctx.measureText(character).width * 1000 / fontSize * fontSizeScale;
+ if (width < measuredWidth && this.isFontSubpixelAAEnabled) {
+ var characterScaleX = width / measuredWidth;
+ restoreNeeded = true;
+ ctx.scale(characterScaleX, 1);
+ scaledX /= characterScaleX;
+ } else if (width !== measuredWidth) {
+ scaledX += (width - measuredWidth) / 2000 * fontSize / fontSizeScale;
+ }
+ }
+ if (glyph.isInFont || font.missingFile) {
+ if (simpleFillText && !accent) {
+ ctx.fillText(character, scaledX, scaledY);
+ } else {
+ this.paintChar(character, scaledX, scaledY);
+ if (accent) {
+ scaledAccentX = scaledX + accent.offset.x / fontSizeScale;
+ scaledAccentY = scaledY - accent.offset.y / fontSizeScale;
+ this.paintChar(accent.fontChar, scaledAccentX, scaledAccentY);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var charWidth = width * widthAdvanceScale + spacing * fontDirection;
+ x += charWidth;
+ if (restoreNeeded) {
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ }
+ if (vertical) {
+ current.y -= x * textHScale;
+ } else {
+ current.x += x * textHScale;
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ },
+ showType3Text: function CanvasGraphics_showType3Text(glyphs) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var current = this.current;
+ var font = current.font;
+ var fontSize = current.fontSize;
+ var fontDirection = current.fontDirection;
+ var spacingDir = font.vertical ? 1 : -1;
+ var charSpacing = current.charSpacing;
+ var wordSpacing = current.wordSpacing;
+ var textHScale = current.textHScale * fontDirection;
+ var fontMatrix = current.fontMatrix || FONT_IDENTITY_MATRIX;
+ var glyphsLength = glyphs.length;
+ var isTextInvisible = current.textRenderingMode === TextRenderingMode.INVISIBLE;
+ var i, glyph, width, spacingLength;
+ if (isTextInvisible || fontSize === 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = null;
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, current.textMatrix);
+ ctx.translate(current.x, current.y);
+ ctx.scale(textHScale, fontDirection);
+ for (i = 0; i < glyphsLength; ++i) {
+ glyph = glyphs[i];
+ if (isNum(glyph)) {
+ spacingLength = spacingDir * glyph * fontSize / 1000;
+ this.ctx.translate(spacingLength, 0);
+ current.x += spacingLength * textHScale;
+ continue;
+ }
+ var spacing = (glyph.isSpace ? wordSpacing : 0) + charSpacing;
+ var operatorList = font.charProcOperatorList[glyph.operatorListId];
+ if (!operatorList) {
+ warn('Type3 character \"' + glyph.operatorListId + '\" is not available');
+ continue;
+ }
+ this.processingType3 = glyph;
+ ctx.scale(fontSize, fontSize);
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, fontMatrix);
+ this.executeOperatorList(operatorList);
+ this.restore();
+ var transformed = Util.applyTransform([glyph.width, 0], fontMatrix);
+ width = transformed[0] * fontSize + spacing;
+ ctx.translate(width, 0);
+ current.x += width * textHScale;
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ this.processingType3 = null;
+ },
+ setCharWidth: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidth(xWidth, yWidth) {},
+ setCharWidthAndBounds: function CanvasGraphics_setCharWidthAndBounds(xWidth, yWidth, llx, lly, urx, ury) {
+ this.ctx.rect(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly);
+ this.clip();
+ this.endPath();
+ },
+ getColorN_Pattern: function CanvasGraphics_getColorN_Pattern(IR) {
+ var pattern;
+ if (IR[0] === 'TilingPattern') {
+ var color = IR[1];
+ var baseTransform = this.baseTransform || this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform.slice();
+ var self = this;
+ var canvasGraphicsFactory = {
+ createCanvasGraphics: function (ctx) {
+ return new CanvasGraphics(ctx, self.commonObjs, self.objs, self.canvasFactory);
+ }
+ };
+ pattern = new TilingPattern(IR, color, this.ctx, canvasGraphicsFactory, baseTransform);
+ } else {
+ pattern = getShadingPatternFromIR(IR);
+ }
+ return pattern;
+ },
+ setStrokeColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeColorN() {
+ this.current.strokeColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments);
+ },
+ setFillColorN: function CanvasGraphics_setFillColorN() {
+ this.current.fillColor = this.getColorN_Pattern(arguments);
+ this.current.patternFill = true;
+ },
+ setStrokeRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setStrokeRGBColor(r, g, b) {
+ var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
+ this.ctx.strokeStyle = color;
+ this.current.strokeColor = color;
+ },
+ setFillRGBColor: function CanvasGraphics_setFillRGBColor(r, g, b) {
+ var color = Util.makeCssRgb(r, g, b);
+ this.ctx.fillStyle = color;
+ this.current.fillColor = color;
+ this.current.patternFill = false;
+ },
+ shadingFill: function CanvasGraphics_shadingFill(patternIR) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var pattern = getShadingPatternFromIR(patternIR);
+ ctx.fillStyle = pattern.getPattern(ctx, this, true);
+ var inv = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
+ if (inv) {
+ var canvas = ctx.canvas;
+ var width = canvas.width;
+ var height = canvas.height;
+ var bl = Util.applyTransform([0, 0], inv);
+ var br = Util.applyTransform([0, height], inv);
+ var ul = Util.applyTransform([width, 0], inv);
+ var ur = Util.applyTransform([width, height], inv);
+ var x0 = Math.min(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
+ var y0 = Math.min(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);
+ var x1 = Math.max(bl[0], br[0], ul[0], ur[0]);
+ var y1 = Math.max(bl[1], br[1], ul[1], ur[1]);
+ this.ctx.fillRect(x0, y0, x1 - x0, y1 - y0);
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.fillRect(-1e10, -1e10, 2e10, 2e10);
+ }
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ beginInlineImage: function CanvasGraphics_beginInlineImage() {
+ error('Should not call beginInlineImage');
+ },
+ beginImageData: function CanvasGraphics_beginImageData() {
+ error('Should not call beginImageData');
+ },
+ paintFormXObjectBegin: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectBegin(matrix, bbox) {
+ this.baseTransformStack.push(this.baseTransform);
+ if (isArray(matrix) && matrix.length === 6) {
+ this.transform.apply(this, matrix);
+ }
+ this.baseTransform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform;
+ if (isArray(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
+ var width = bbox[2] - bbox[0];
+ var height = bbox[3] - bbox[1];
+ this.ctx.rect(bbox[0], bbox[1], width, height);
+ this.clip();
+ this.endPath();
+ }
+ },
+ paintFormXObjectEnd: function CanvasGraphics_paintFormXObjectEnd() {
+ this.restore();
+ this.baseTransform = this.baseTransformStack.pop();
+ },
+ beginGroup: function CanvasGraphics_beginGroup(group) {
+ var currentCtx = this.ctx;
+ if (!group.isolated) {
+ info('TODO: Support non-isolated groups.');
+ }
+ if (group.knockout) {
+ warn('Knockout groups not supported.');
+ }
+ var currentTransform = currentCtx.mozCurrentTransform;
+ if (group.matrix) {
+ currentCtx.transform.apply(currentCtx, group.matrix);
+ }
+ assert(group.bbox, 'Bounding box is required.');
+ var bounds = Util.getAxialAlignedBoundingBox(group.bbox, currentCtx.mozCurrentTransform);
+ var canvasBounds = [0, 0, currentCtx.canvas.width, currentCtx.canvas.height];
+ bounds = Util.intersect(bounds, canvasBounds) || [0, 0, 0, 0];
+ var offsetX = Math.floor(bounds[0]);
+ var offsetY = Math.floor(bounds[1]);
+ var drawnWidth = Math.max(Math.ceil(bounds[2]) - offsetX, 1);
+ var drawnHeight = Math.max(Math.ceil(bounds[3]) - offsetY, 1);
+ var scaleX = 1,
+ scaleY = 1;
+ if (drawnWidth > MAX_GROUP_SIZE) {
+ scaleX = drawnWidth / MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
+ drawnWidth = MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
+ }
+ if (drawnHeight > MAX_GROUP_SIZE) {
+ scaleY = drawnHeight / MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
+ drawnHeight = MAX_GROUP_SIZE;
+ }
+ var cacheId = 'groupAt' + this.groupLevel;
+ if (group.smask) {
+ cacheId += '_smask_' + this.smaskCounter++ % 2;
+ }
+ var scratchCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(cacheId, drawnWidth, drawnHeight, true);
+ var groupCtx = scratchCanvas.context;
+ groupCtx.scale(1 / scaleX, 1 / scaleY);
+ groupCtx.translate(-offsetX, -offsetY);
+ groupCtx.transform.apply(groupCtx, currentTransform);
+ if (group.smask) {
+ this.smaskStack.push({
+ canvas: scratchCanvas.canvas,
+ context: groupCtx,
+ offsetX: offsetX,
+ offsetY: offsetY,
+ scaleX: scaleX,
+ scaleY: scaleY,
+ subtype: group.smask.subtype,
+ backdrop: group.smask.backdrop,
+ transferMap: group.smask.transferMap || null,
+ startTransformInverse: null
+ });
+ } else {
+ currentCtx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
+ currentCtx.translate(offsetX, offsetY);
+ currentCtx.scale(scaleX, scaleY);
+ }
+ copyCtxState(currentCtx, groupCtx);
+ this.ctx = groupCtx;
+ this.setGState([['BM', 'Normal'], ['ca', 1], ['CA', 1]]);
+ this.groupStack.push(currentCtx);
+ this.groupLevel++;
+ this.current.activeSMask = null;
+ },
+ endGroup: function CanvasGraphics_endGroup(group) {
+ this.groupLevel--;
+ var groupCtx = this.ctx;
+ this.ctx = this.groupStack.pop();
+ if (this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled !== undefined) {
+ this.ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = false;
+ }
+ if (group.smask) {
+ this.tempSMask = this.smaskStack.pop();
+ } else {
+ this.ctx.drawImage(groupCtx.canvas, 0, 0);
+ }
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ beginAnnotations: function CanvasGraphics_beginAnnotations() {
+ this.current = new CanvasExtraState();
+ if (this.baseTransform) {
+ this.ctx.setTransform.apply(this.ctx, this.baseTransform);
+ }
+ },
+ endAnnotations: function CanvasGraphics_endAnnotations() {
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ beginAnnotation: function CanvasGraphics_beginAnnotation(rect, transform, matrix) {
+ if (isArray(rect) && rect.length === 4) {
+ var width = rect[2] - rect[0];
+ var height = rect[3] - rect[1];
+ this.ctx.rect(rect[0], rect[1], width, height);
+ this.clip();
+ this.endPath();
+ }
+ this.transform.apply(this, transform);
+ this.transform.apply(this, matrix);
+ },
+ endAnnotation: function CanvasGraphics_endAnnotation() {
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ paintJpegXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintJpegXObject(objId, w, h) {
+ var domImage = this.objs.get(objId);
+ if (!domImage) {
+ warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');
+ return;
+ }
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ ctx.scale(1 / w, -1 / h);
+ ctx.drawImage(domImage, 0, 0, domImage.width, domImage.height, 0, -h, w, h);
+ if (this.imageLayer) {
+ var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
+ var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, 0);
+ this.imageLayer.appendImage({
+ objId: objId,
+ left: position[0],
+ top: position[1],
+ width: w / currentTransform[0],
+ height: h / currentTransform[3]
+ });
+ }
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ paintImageMaskXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObject(img) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var width = img.width,
+ height = img.height;
+ var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
+ var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
+ var glyph = this.processingType3;
+ if (COMPILE_TYPE3_GLYPHS && glyph && glyph.compiled === undefined) {
+ if (width <= MAX_SIZE_TO_COMPILE && height <= MAX_SIZE_TO_COMPILE) {
+ glyph.compiled = compileType3Glyph({
+ data:,
+ width: width,
+ height: height
+ });
+ } else {
+ glyph.compiled = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (glyph && glyph.compiled) {
+ glyph.compiled(ctx);
+ return;
+ }
+ var maskCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
+ var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;
+ putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, img);
+ maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
+ maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ? fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
+ maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ maskCtx.restore();
+ this.paintInlineImageXObject(maskCanvas.canvas);
+ },
+ paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectRepeat(imgData, scaleX, scaleY, positions) {
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
+ var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
+ var maskCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
+ var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;
+ putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, imgData);
+ maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
+ maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ? fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
+ maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ maskCtx.restore();
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ for (var i = 0, ii = positions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
+ ctx.transform(scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, positions[i], positions[i + 1]);
+ ctx.scale(1, -1);
+ ctx.drawImage(maskCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, width, height, 0, -1, 1, 1);
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ },
+ paintImageMaskXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageMaskXObjectGroup(images) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var fillColor = this.current.fillColor;
+ var isPatternFill = this.current.patternFill;
+ for (var i = 0, ii = images.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var image = images[i];
+ var width = image.width,
+ height = image.height;
+ var maskCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('maskCanvas', width, height);
+ var maskCtx = maskCanvas.context;
+ putBinaryImageMask(maskCtx, image);
+ maskCtx.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
+ maskCtx.fillStyle = isPatternFill ? fillColor.getPattern(maskCtx, this) : fillColor;
+ maskCtx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
+ maskCtx.restore();
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, image.transform);
+ ctx.scale(1, -1);
+ ctx.drawImage(maskCanvas.canvas, 0, 0, width, height, 0, -1, 1, 1);
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ },
+ paintImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObject(objId) {
+ var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
+ if (!imgData) {
+ warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');
+ return;
+ }
+ this.paintInlineImageXObject(imgData);
+ },
+ paintImageXObjectRepeat: function CanvasGraphics_paintImageXObjectRepeat(objId, scaleX, scaleY, positions) {
+ var imgData = this.objs.get(objId);
+ if (!imgData) {
+ warn('Dependent image isn\'t ready yet');
+ return;
+ }
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var map = [];
+ for (var i = 0, ii = positions.length; i < ii; i += 2) {
+ map.push({
+ transform: [scaleX, 0, 0, scaleY, positions[i], positions[i + 1]],
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ w: width,
+ h: height
+ });
+ }
+ this.paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map);
+ },
+ paintInlineImageXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObject(imgData) {
+ var width = imgData.width;
+ var height = imgData.height;
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ ctx.scale(1 / width, -1 / height);
+ var currentTransform = ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
+ var a = currentTransform[0],
+ b = currentTransform[1];
+ var widthScale = Math.max(Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b), 1);
+ var c = currentTransform[2],
+ d = currentTransform[3];
+ var heightScale = Math.max(Math.sqrt(c * c + d * d), 1);
+ var imgToPaint, tmpCanvas;
+ if (imgData instanceof HTMLElement || ! {
+ imgToPaint = imgData;
+ } else {
+ tmpCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('inlineImage', width, height);
+ var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
+ putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData);
+ imgToPaint = tmpCanvas.canvas;
+ }
+ var paintWidth = width,
+ paintHeight = height;
+ var tmpCanvasId = 'prescale1';
+ while (widthScale > 2 && paintWidth > 1 || heightScale > 2 && paintHeight > 1) {
+ var newWidth = paintWidth,
+ newHeight = paintHeight;
+ if (widthScale > 2 && paintWidth > 1) {
+ newWidth = Math.ceil(paintWidth / 2);
+ widthScale /= paintWidth / newWidth;
+ }
+ if (heightScale > 2 && paintHeight > 1) {
+ newHeight = Math.ceil(paintHeight / 2);
+ heightScale /= paintHeight / newHeight;
+ }
+ tmpCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas(tmpCanvasId, newWidth, newHeight);
+ tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
+ tmpCtx.clearRect(0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
+ tmpCtx.drawImage(imgToPaint, 0, 0, paintWidth, paintHeight, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
+ imgToPaint = tmpCanvas.canvas;
+ paintWidth = newWidth;
+ paintHeight = newHeight;
+ tmpCanvasId = tmpCanvasId === 'prescale1' ? 'prescale2' : 'prescale1';
+ }
+ ctx.drawImage(imgToPaint, 0, 0, paintWidth, paintHeight, 0, -height, width, height);
+ if (this.imageLayer) {
+ var position = this.getCanvasPosition(0, -height);
+ this.imageLayer.appendImage({
+ imgData: imgData,
+ left: position[0],
+ top: position[1],
+ width: width / currentTransform[0],
+ height: height / currentTransform[3]
+ });
+ }
+ this.restore();
+ },
+ paintInlineImageXObjectGroup: function CanvasGraphics_paintInlineImageXObjectGroup(imgData, map) {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ var w = imgData.width;
+ var h = imgData.height;
+ var tmpCanvas = this.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('inlineImage', w, h);
+ var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
+ putBinaryImageData(tmpCtx, imgData);
+ for (var i = 0, ii = map.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var entry = map[i];
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, entry.transform);
+ ctx.scale(1, -1);
+ ctx.drawImage(tmpCanvas.canvas, entry.x, entry.y, entry.w, entry.h, 0, -1, 1, 1);
+ if (this.imageLayer) {
+ var position = this.getCanvasPosition(entry.x, entry.y);
+ this.imageLayer.appendImage({
+ imgData: imgData,
+ left: position[0],
+ top: position[1],
+ width: w,
+ height: h
+ });
+ }
+ ctx.restore();
+ }
+ },
+ paintSolidColorImageMask: function CanvasGraphics_paintSolidColorImageMask() {
+ this.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ },
+ paintXObject: function CanvasGraphics_paintXObject() {
+ warn('Unsupported \'paintXObject\' command.');
+ },
+ markPoint: function CanvasGraphics_markPoint(tag) {},
+ markPointProps: function CanvasGraphics_markPointProps(tag, properties) {},
+ beginMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContent(tag) {},
+ beginMarkedContentProps: function CanvasGraphics_beginMarkedContentProps(tag, properties) {},
+ endMarkedContent: function CanvasGraphics_endMarkedContent() {},
+ beginCompat: function CanvasGraphics_beginCompat() {},
+ endCompat: function CanvasGraphics_endCompat() {},
+ consumePath: function CanvasGraphics_consumePath() {
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ if (this.pendingClip) {
+ if (this.pendingClip === EO_CLIP) {
+ ctx.clip('evenodd');
+ } else {
+ ctx.clip();
+ }
+ this.pendingClip = null;
+ }
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ },
+ getSinglePixelWidth: function CanvasGraphics_getSinglePixelWidth(scale) {
+ if (this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth === null) {
+ var inverse = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransformInverse;
+ this.ctx.restore();
+ this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth = Math.sqrt(Math.max(inverse[0] * inverse[0] + inverse[1] * inverse[1], inverse[2] * inverse[2] + inverse[3] * inverse[3]));
+ }
+ return this.cachedGetSinglePixelWidth;
+ },
+ getCanvasPosition: function CanvasGraphics_getCanvasPosition(x, y) {
+ var transform = this.ctx.mozCurrentTransform;
+ return [transform[0] * x + transform[2] * y + transform[4], transform[1] * x + transform[3] * y + transform[5]];
+ }
+ };
+ for (var op in OPS) {
+ CanvasGraphics.prototype[OPS[op]] = CanvasGraphics.prototype[op];
+ }
+ return CanvasGraphics;
+exports.CanvasGraphics = CanvasGraphics;
+/***/ }),
+/* 11 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var assert = sharedUtil.assert;
+var bytesToString = sharedUtil.bytesToString;
+var string32 = sharedUtil.string32;
+var shadow = sharedUtil.shadow;
+var warn = sharedUtil.warn;
+function FontLoader(docId) {
+ this.docId = docId;
+ this.styleElement = null;
+ this.nativeFontFaces = [];
+ this.loadTestFontId = 0;
+ this.loadingContext = {
+ requests: [],
+ nextRequestId: 0
+ };
+FontLoader.prototype = {
+ insertRule: function fontLoaderInsertRule(rule) {
+ var styleElement = this.styleElement;
+ if (!styleElement) {
+ styleElement = this.styleElement = document.createElement('style');
+ = 'PDFJS_FONT_STYLE_TAG_' + this.docId;
+ document.documentElement.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(styleElement);
+ }
+ var styleSheet = styleElement.sheet;
+ styleSheet.insertRule(rule, styleSheet.cssRules.length);
+ },
+ clear: function fontLoaderClear() {
+ if (this.styleElement) {
+ this.styleElement.remove();
+ this.styleElement = null;
+ }
+ this.nativeFontFaces.forEach(function (nativeFontFace) {
+ document.fonts.delete(nativeFontFace);
+ });
+ this.nativeFontFaces.length = 0;
+ }
+var getLoadTestFont = function () {
+Object.defineProperty(FontLoader.prototype, 'loadTestFont', {
+ get: function () {
+ return shadow(this, 'loadTestFont', getLoadTestFont());
+ },
+ configurable: true
+FontLoader.prototype.addNativeFontFace = function fontLoader_addNativeFontFace(nativeFontFace) {
+ this.nativeFontFaces.push(nativeFontFace);
+ document.fonts.add(nativeFontFace);
+FontLoader.prototype.bind = function fontLoaderBind(fonts, callback) {
+ var rules = [];
+ var fontsToLoad = [];
+ var fontLoadPromises = [];
+ var getNativeFontPromise = function (nativeFontFace) {
+ return nativeFontFace.loaded.catch(function (e) {
+ warn('Failed to load font "' + + '": ' + e);
+ });
+ };
+ var isFontLoadingAPISupported = FontLoader.isFontLoadingAPISupported && !FontLoader.isSyncFontLoadingSupported;
+ for (var i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ var font = fonts[i];
+ if (font.attached || font.loading === false) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ font.attached = true;
+ if (isFontLoadingAPISupported) {
+ var nativeFontFace = font.createNativeFontFace();
+ if (nativeFontFace) {
+ this.addNativeFontFace(nativeFontFace);
+ fontLoadPromises.push(getNativeFontPromise(nativeFontFace));
+ }
+ } else {
+ var rule = font.createFontFaceRule();
+ if (rule) {
+ this.insertRule(rule);
+ rules.push(rule);
+ fontsToLoad.push(font);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var request = this.queueLoadingCallback(callback);
+ if (isFontLoadingAPISupported) {
+ Promise.all(fontLoadPromises).then(function () {
+ request.complete();
+ });
+ } else if (rules.length > 0 && !FontLoader.isSyncFontLoadingSupported) {
+ this.prepareFontLoadEvent(rules, fontsToLoad, request);
+ } else {
+ request.complete();
+ }
+FontLoader.prototype.queueLoadingCallback = function FontLoader_queueLoadingCallback(callback) {
+ function LoadLoader_completeRequest() {
+ assert(!request.end, 'completeRequest() cannot be called twice');
+ request.end =;
+ while (context.requests.length > 0 && context.requests[0].end) {
+ var otherRequest = context.requests.shift();
+ setTimeout(otherRequest.callback, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ var context = this.loadingContext;
+ var requestId = 'pdfjs-font-loading-' + context.nextRequestId++;
+ var request = {
+ id: requestId,
+ complete: LoadLoader_completeRequest,
+ callback: callback,
+ started:
+ };
+ context.requests.push(request);
+ return request;
+FontLoader.prototype.prepareFontLoadEvent = function fontLoaderPrepareFontLoadEvent(rules, fonts, request) {
+ function int32(data, offset) {
+ return data.charCodeAt(offset) << 24 | data.charCodeAt(offset + 1) << 16 | data.charCodeAt(offset + 2) << 8 | data.charCodeAt(offset + 3) & 0xff;
+ }
+ function spliceString(s, offset, remove, insert) {
+ var chunk1 = s.substr(0, offset);
+ var chunk2 = s.substr(offset + remove);
+ return chunk1 + insert + chunk2;
+ }
+ var i, ii;
+ var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
+ canvas.width = 1;
+ canvas.height = 1;
+ var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ var called = 0;
+ function isFontReady(name, callback) {
+ called++;
+ if (called > 30) {
+ warn('Load test font never loaded.');
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ ctx.font = '30px ' + name;
+ ctx.fillText('.', 0, 20);
+ var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ if ([3] > 0) {
+ callback();
+ return;
+ }
+ setTimeout(isFontReady.bind(null, name, callback));
+ }
+ var loadTestFontId = 'lt' + + this.loadTestFontId++;
+ var data = this.loadTestFont;
+ var COMMENT_OFFSET = 976;
+ data = spliceString(data, COMMENT_OFFSET, loadTestFontId.length, loadTestFontId);
+ var XXXX_VALUE = 0x58585858;
+ var checksum = int32(data, CFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET);
+ for (i = 0, ii = loadTestFontId.length - 3; i < ii; i += 4) {
+ checksum = checksum - XXXX_VALUE + int32(loadTestFontId, i) | 0;
+ }
+ if (i < loadTestFontId.length) {
+ checksum = checksum - XXXX_VALUE + int32(loadTestFontId + 'XXX', i) | 0;
+ }
+ data = spliceString(data, CFF_CHECKSUM_OFFSET, 4, string32(checksum));
+ var url = 'url(data:font/opentype;base64,' + btoa(data) + ');';
+ var rule = '@font-face { font-family:"' + loadTestFontId + '";src:' + url + '}';
+ this.insertRule(rule);
+ var names = [];
+ for (i = 0, ii = fonts.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ names.push(fonts[i].loadedName);
+ }
+ names.push(loadTestFontId);
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ div.setAttribute('style', 'visibility: hidden;' + 'width: 10px; height: 10px;' + 'position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px;');
+ for (i = 0, ii = names.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var span = document.createElement('span');
+ span.textContent = 'Hi';
+ = names[i];
+ div.appendChild(span);
+ }
+ document.body.appendChild(div);
+ isFontReady(loadTestFontId, function () {
+ document.body.removeChild(div);
+ request.complete();
+ });
+FontLoader.isFontLoadingAPISupported = typeof document !== 'undefined' && !!document.fonts;
+var isSyncFontLoadingSupported = function isSyncFontLoadingSupported() {
+ if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var supported = false;
+ var m = /Mozilla\/5.0.*?rv:(\d+).*? Gecko/.exec(navigator.userAgent);
+ if (m && m[1] >= 14) {
+ supported = true;
+ }
+ return supported;
+Object.defineProperty(FontLoader, 'isSyncFontLoadingSupported', {
+ get: function () {
+ return shadow(FontLoader, 'isSyncFontLoadingSupported', isSyncFontLoadingSupported());
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+var IsEvalSupportedCached = {
+ get value() {
+ return shadow(this, 'value', sharedUtil.isEvalSupported());
+ }
+var FontFaceObject = function FontFaceObjectClosure() {
+ function FontFaceObject(translatedData, options) {
+ this.compiledGlyphs = Object.create(null);
+ for (var i in translatedData) {
+ this[i] = translatedData[i];
+ }
+ this.options = options;
+ }
+ FontFaceObject.prototype = {
+ createNativeFontFace: function FontFaceObject_createNativeFontFace() {
+ if (! {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.options.disableFontFace) {
+ this.disableFontFace = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ var nativeFontFace = new FontFace(this.loadedName,, {});
+ if (this.options.fontRegistry) {
+ this.options.fontRegistry.registerFont(this);
+ }
+ return nativeFontFace;
+ },
+ createFontFaceRule: function FontFaceObject_createFontFaceRule() {
+ if (! {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (this.options.disableFontFace) {
+ this.disableFontFace = true;
+ return null;
+ }
+ var data = bytesToString(new Uint8Array(;
+ var fontName = this.loadedName;
+ var url = 'url(data:' + this.mimetype + ';base64,' + btoa(data) + ');';
+ var rule = '@font-face { font-family:"' + fontName + '";src:' + url + '}';
+ if (this.options.fontRegistry) {
+ this.options.fontRegistry.registerFont(this, url);
+ }
+ return rule;
+ },
+ getPathGenerator: function FontFaceObject_getPathGenerator(objs, character) {
+ if (!(character in this.compiledGlyphs)) {
+ var cmds = objs.get(this.loadedName + '_path_' + character);
+ var current, i, len;
+ if (this.options.isEvalSupported && IsEvalSupportedCached.value) {
+ var args,
+ js = '';
+ for (i = 0, len = cmds.length; i < len; i++) {
+ current = cmds[i];
+ if (current.args !== undefined) {
+ args = current.args.join(',');
+ } else {
+ args = '';
+ }
+ js += 'c.' + current.cmd + '(' + args + ');\n';
+ }
+ this.compiledGlyphs[character] = new Function('c', 'size', js);
+ } else {
+ this.compiledGlyphs[character] = function (c, size) {
+ for (i = 0, len = cmds.length; i < len; i++) {
+ current = cmds[i];
+ if (current.cmd === 'scale') {
+ current.args = [size, -size];
+ }
+ c[current.cmd].apply(c, current.args);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ return this.compiledGlyphs[character];
+ }
+ };
+ return FontFaceObject;
+exports.FontFaceObject = FontFaceObject;
+exports.FontLoader = FontLoader;
+/***/ }),
+/* 12 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var sharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var displayWebGL = __w_pdfjs_require__(8);
+var Util = sharedUtil.Util;
+var info =;
+var isArray = sharedUtil.isArray;
+var error = sharedUtil.error;
+var WebGLUtils = displayWebGL.WebGLUtils;
+var ShadingIRs = {};
+ShadingIRs.RadialAxial = {
+ fromIR: function RadialAxial_fromIR(raw) {
+ var type = raw[1];
+ var colorStops = raw[2];
+ var p0 = raw[3];
+ var p1 = raw[4];
+ var r0 = raw[5];
+ var r1 = raw[6];
+ return {
+ type: 'Pattern',
+ getPattern: function RadialAxial_getPattern(ctx) {
+ var grad;
+ if (type === 'axial') {
+ grad = ctx.createLinearGradient(p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1]);
+ } else if (type === 'radial') {
+ grad = ctx.createRadialGradient(p0[0], p0[1], r0, p1[0], p1[1], r1);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ii = colorStops.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var c = colorStops[i];
+ grad.addColorStop(c[0], c[1]);
+ }
+ return grad;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+var createMeshCanvas = function createMeshCanvasClosure() {
+ function drawTriangle(data, context, p1, p2, p3, c1, c2, c3) {
+ var coords = context.coords,
+ colors = context.colors;
+ var bytes =,
+ rowSize = data.width * 4;
+ var tmp;
+ if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
+ tmp = p1;
+ p1 = p2;
+ p2 = tmp;
+ tmp = c1;
+ c1 = c2;
+ c2 = tmp;
+ }
+ if (coords[p2 + 1] > coords[p3 + 1]) {
+ tmp = p2;
+ p2 = p3;
+ p3 = tmp;
+ tmp = c2;
+ c2 = c3;
+ c3 = tmp;
+ }
+ if (coords[p1 + 1] > coords[p2 + 1]) {
+ tmp = p1;
+ p1 = p2;
+ p2 = tmp;
+ tmp = c1;
+ c1 = c2;
+ c2 = tmp;
+ }
+ var x1 = (coords[p1] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
+ var y1 = (coords[p1 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
+ var x2 = (coords[p2] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
+ var y2 = (coords[p2 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
+ var x3 = (coords[p3] + context.offsetX) * context.scaleX;
+ var y3 = (coords[p3 + 1] + context.offsetY) * context.scaleY;
+ if (y1 >= y3) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var c1r = colors[c1],
+ c1g = colors[c1 + 1],
+ c1b = colors[c1 + 2];
+ var c2r = colors[c2],
+ c2g = colors[c2 + 1],
+ c2b = colors[c2 + 2];
+ var c3r = colors[c3],
+ c3g = colors[c3 + 1],
+ c3b = colors[c3 + 2];
+ var minY = Math.round(y1),
+ maxY = Math.round(y3);
+ var xa, car, cag, cab;
+ var xb, cbr, cbg, cbb;
+ var k;
+ for (var y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) {
+ if (y < y2) {
+ k = y < y1 ? 0 : y1 === y2 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y2);
+ xa = x1 - (x1 - x2) * k;
+ car = c1r - (c1r - c2r) * k;
+ cag = c1g - (c1g - c2g) * k;
+ cab = c1b - (c1b - c2b) * k;
+ } else {
+ k = y > y3 ? 1 : y2 === y3 ? 0 : (y2 - y) / (y2 - y3);
+ xa = x2 - (x2 - x3) * k;
+ car = c2r - (c2r - c3r) * k;
+ cag = c2g - (c2g - c3g) * k;
+ cab = c2b - (c2b - c3b) * k;
+ }
+ k = y < y1 ? 0 : y > y3 ? 1 : (y1 - y) / (y1 - y3);
+ xb = x1 - (x1 - x3) * k;
+ cbr = c1r - (c1r - c3r) * k;
+ cbg = c1g - (c1g - c3g) * k;
+ cbb = c1b - (c1b - c3b) * k;
+ var x1_ = Math.round(Math.min(xa, xb));
+ var x2_ = Math.round(Math.max(xa, xb));
+ var j = rowSize * y + x1_ * 4;
+ for (var x = x1_; x <= x2_; x++) {
+ k = (xa - x) / (xa - xb);
+ k = k < 0 ? 0 : k > 1 ? 1 : k;
+ bytes[j++] = car - (car - cbr) * k | 0;
+ bytes[j++] = cag - (cag - cbg) * k | 0;
+ bytes[j++] = cab - (cab - cbb) * k | 0;
+ bytes[j++] = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function drawFigure(data, figure, context) {
+ var ps = figure.coords;
+ var cs = figure.colors;
+ var i, ii;
+ switch (figure.type) {
+ case 'lattice':
+ var verticesPerRow = figure.verticesPerRow;
+ var rows = Math.floor(ps.length / verticesPerRow) - 1;
+ var cols = verticesPerRow - 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
+ var q = i * verticesPerRow;
+ for (var j = 0; j < cols; j++, q++) {
+ drawTriangle(data, context, ps[q], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow], cs[q], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
+ drawTriangle(data, context, ps[q + verticesPerRow + 1], ps[q + 1], ps[q + verticesPerRow], cs[q + verticesPerRow + 1], cs[q + 1], cs[q + verticesPerRow]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'triangles':
+ for (i = 0, ii = ps.length; i < ii; i += 3) {
+ drawTriangle(data, context, ps[i], ps[i + 1], ps[i + 2], cs[i], cs[i + 1], cs[i + 2]);
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ error('illigal figure');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function createMeshCanvas(bounds, combinesScale, coords, colors, figures, backgroundColor, cachedCanvases) {
+ var EXPECTED_SCALE = 1.1;
+ var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000;
+ var BORDER_SIZE = 2;
+ var offsetX = Math.floor(bounds[0]);
+ var offsetY = Math.floor(bounds[1]);
+ var boundsWidth = Math.ceil(bounds[2]) - offsetX;
+ var boundsHeight = Math.ceil(bounds[3]) - offsetY;
+ var width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsWidth * combinesScale[0] * EXPECTED_SCALE)), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
+ var height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(boundsHeight * combinesScale[1] * EXPECTED_SCALE)), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
+ var scaleX = boundsWidth / width;
+ var scaleY = boundsHeight / height;
+ var context = {
+ coords: coords,
+ colors: colors,
+ offsetX: -offsetX,
+ offsetY: -offsetY,
+ scaleX: 1 / scaleX,
+ scaleY: 1 / scaleY
+ };
+ var paddedWidth = width + BORDER_SIZE * 2;
+ var paddedHeight = height + BORDER_SIZE * 2;
+ var canvas, tmpCanvas, i, ii;
+ if (WebGLUtils.isEnabled) {
+ canvas = WebGLUtils.drawFigures(width, height, backgroundColor, figures, context);
+ tmpCanvas = cachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', paddedWidth, paddedHeight, false);
+ tmpCanvas.context.drawImage(canvas, BORDER_SIZE, BORDER_SIZE);
+ canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;
+ } else {
+ tmpCanvas = cachedCanvases.getCanvas('mesh', paddedWidth, paddedHeight, false);
+ var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
+ var data = tmpCtx.createImageData(width, height);
+ if (backgroundColor) {
+ var bytes =;
+ for (i = 0, ii = bytes.length; i < ii; i += 4) {
+ bytes[i] = backgroundColor[0];
+ bytes[i + 1] = backgroundColor[1];
+ bytes[i + 2] = backgroundColor[2];
+ bytes[i + 3] = 255;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i = 0; i < figures.length; i++) {
+ drawFigure(data, figures[i], context);
+ }
+ tmpCtx.putImageData(data, BORDER_SIZE, BORDER_SIZE);
+ canvas = tmpCanvas.canvas;
+ }
+ return {
+ canvas: canvas,
+ offsetX: offsetX - BORDER_SIZE * scaleX,
+ offsetY: offsetY - BORDER_SIZE * scaleY,
+ scaleX: scaleX,
+ scaleY: scaleY
+ };
+ }
+ return createMeshCanvas;
+ShadingIRs.Mesh = {
+ fromIR: function Mesh_fromIR(raw) {
+ var coords = raw[2];
+ var colors = raw[3];
+ var figures = raw[4];
+ var bounds = raw[5];
+ var matrix = raw[6];
+ var background = raw[8];
+ return {
+ type: 'Pattern',
+ getPattern: function Mesh_getPattern(ctx, owner, shadingFill) {
+ var scale;
+ if (shadingFill) {
+ scale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(ctx.mozCurrentTransform);
+ } else {
+ scale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(owner.baseTransform);
+ if (matrix) {
+ var matrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(matrix);
+ scale = [scale[0] * matrixScale[0], scale[1] * matrixScale[1]];
+ }
+ }
+ var temporaryPatternCanvas = createMeshCanvas(bounds, scale, coords, colors, figures, shadingFill ? null : background, owner.cachedCanvases);
+ if (!shadingFill) {
+ ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, owner.baseTransform);
+ if (matrix) {
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, matrix);
+ }
+ }
+ ctx.translate(temporaryPatternCanvas.offsetX, temporaryPatternCanvas.offsetY);
+ ctx.scale(temporaryPatternCanvas.scaleX, temporaryPatternCanvas.scaleY);
+ return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas.canvas, 'no-repeat');
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ShadingIRs.Dummy = {
+ fromIR: function Dummy_fromIR() {
+ return {
+ type: 'Pattern',
+ getPattern: function Dummy_fromIR_getPattern() {
+ return 'hotpink';
+ }
+ };
+ }
+function getShadingPatternFromIR(raw) {
+ var shadingIR = ShadingIRs[raw[0]];
+ if (!shadingIR) {
+ error('Unknown IR type: ' + raw[0]);
+ }
+ return shadingIR.fromIR(raw);
+var TilingPattern = function TilingPatternClosure() {
+ var PaintType = {
+ };
+ var MAX_PATTERN_SIZE = 3000;
+ function TilingPattern(IR, color, ctx, canvasGraphicsFactory, baseTransform) {
+ this.operatorList = IR[2];
+ this.matrix = IR[3] || [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
+ this.bbox = Util.normalizeRect(IR[4]);
+ this.xstep = IR[5];
+ this.ystep = IR[6];
+ this.paintType = IR[7];
+ this.tilingType = IR[8];
+ this.color = color;
+ this.canvasGraphicsFactory = canvasGraphicsFactory;
+ this.baseTransform = baseTransform;
+ this.type = 'Pattern';
+ this.ctx = ctx;
+ }
+ TilingPattern.prototype = {
+ createPatternCanvas: function TilinPattern_createPatternCanvas(owner) {
+ var operatorList = this.operatorList;
+ var bbox = this.bbox;
+ var xstep = this.xstep;
+ var ystep = this.ystep;
+ var paintType = this.paintType;
+ var tilingType = this.tilingType;
+ var color = this.color;
+ var canvasGraphicsFactory = this.canvasGraphicsFactory;
+ info('TilingType: ' + tilingType);
+ var x0 = bbox[0],
+ y0 = bbox[1],
+ x1 = bbox[2],
+ y1 = bbox[3];
+ var topLeft = [x0, y0];
+ var botRight = [x0 + xstep, y0 + ystep];
+ var width = botRight[0] - topLeft[0];
+ var height = botRight[1] - topLeft[1];
+ var matrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.matrix);
+ var curMatrixScale = Util.singularValueDecompose2dScale(this.baseTransform);
+ var combinedScale = [matrixScale[0] * curMatrixScale[0], matrixScale[1] * curMatrixScale[1]];
+ width = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(width * combinedScale[0])), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
+ height = Math.min(Math.ceil(Math.abs(height * combinedScale[1])), MAX_PATTERN_SIZE);
+ var tmpCanvas = owner.cachedCanvases.getCanvas('pattern', width, height, true);
+ var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.context;
+ var graphics = canvasGraphicsFactory.createCanvasGraphics(tmpCtx);
+ graphics.groupLevel = owner.groupLevel;
+ this.setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(tmpCtx, paintType, color);
+ this.setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep);
+ this.transformToScale(graphics);
+ var tmpTranslate = [1, 0, 0, 1, -topLeft[0], -topLeft[1]];
+ graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpTranslate);
+ this.clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1);
+ graphics.executeOperatorList(operatorList);
+ return tmpCanvas.canvas;
+ },
+ setScale: function TilingPattern_setScale(width, height, xstep, ystep) {
+ this.scale = [width / xstep, height / ystep];
+ },
+ transformToScale: function TilingPattern_transformToScale(graphics) {
+ var scale = this.scale;
+ var tmpScale = [scale[0], 0, 0, scale[1], 0, 0];
+ graphics.transform.apply(graphics, tmpScale);
+ },
+ scaleToContext: function TilingPattern_scaleToContext() {
+ var scale = this.scale;
+ this.ctx.scale(1 / scale[0], 1 / scale[1]);
+ },
+ clipBbox: function clipBbox(graphics, bbox, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
+ if (isArray(bbox) && bbox.length === 4) {
+ var bboxWidth = x1 - x0;
+ var bboxHeight = y1 - y0;
+ graphics.ctx.rect(x0, y0, bboxWidth, bboxHeight);
+ graphics.clip();
+ graphics.endPath();
+ }
+ },
+ setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext: function setFillAndStrokeStyleToContext(context, paintType, color) {
+ switch (paintType) {
+ case PaintType.COLORED:
+ var ctx = this.ctx;
+ context.fillStyle = ctx.fillStyle;
+ context.strokeStyle = ctx.strokeStyle;
+ break;
+ case PaintType.UNCOLORED:
+ var cssColor = Util.makeCssRgb(color[0], color[1], color[2]);
+ context.fillStyle = cssColor;
+ context.strokeStyle = cssColor;
+ break;
+ default:
+ error('Unsupported paint type: ' + paintType);
+ }
+ },
+ getPattern: function TilingPattern_getPattern(ctx, owner) {
+ var temporaryPatternCanvas = this.createPatternCanvas(owner);
+ ctx = this.ctx;
+ ctx.setTransform.apply(ctx, this.baseTransform);
+ ctx.transform.apply(ctx, this.matrix);
+ this.scaleToContext();
+ return ctx.createPattern(temporaryPatternCanvas, 'repeat');
+ }
+ };
+ return TilingPattern;
+exports.getShadingPatternFromIR = getShadingPatternFromIR;
+exports.TilingPattern = TilingPattern;
+/***/ }),
+/* 13 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var pdfjsVersion = '1.8.172';
+var pdfjsBuild = '8ff1fbe7';
+var pdfjsSharedUtil = __w_pdfjs_require__(0);
+var pdfjsDisplayGlobal = __w_pdfjs_require__(9);
+var pdfjsDisplayAPI = __w_pdfjs_require__(3);
+var pdfjsDisplayTextLayer = __w_pdfjs_require__(5);
+var pdfjsDisplayAnnotationLayer = __w_pdfjs_require__(2);
+var pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils = __w_pdfjs_require__(1);
+var pdfjsDisplaySVG = __w_pdfjs_require__(4);
+exports.PDFJS = pdfjsDisplayGlobal.PDFJS; =;
+exports.version = pdfjsDisplayAPI.version;
+exports.getDocument = pdfjsDisplayAPI.getDocument;
+exports.PDFDataRangeTransport = pdfjsDisplayAPI.PDFDataRangeTransport;
+exports.PDFWorker = pdfjsDisplayAPI.PDFWorker;
+exports.renderTextLayer = pdfjsDisplayTextLayer.renderTextLayer;
+exports.AnnotationLayer = pdfjsDisplayAnnotationLayer.AnnotationLayer;
+exports.CustomStyle = pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils.CustomStyle;
+exports.createPromiseCapability = pdfjsSharedUtil.createPromiseCapability;
+exports.PasswordResponses = pdfjsSharedUtil.PasswordResponses;
+exports.InvalidPDFException = pdfjsSharedUtil.InvalidPDFException;
+exports.MissingPDFException = pdfjsSharedUtil.MissingPDFException;
+exports.SVGGraphics = pdfjsDisplaySVG.SVGGraphics;
+exports.UnexpectedResponseException = pdfjsSharedUtil.UnexpectedResponseException;
+exports.OPS = pdfjsSharedUtil.OPS;
+exports.isValidUrl = pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils.isValidUrl;
+exports.createValidAbsoluteUrl = pdfjsSharedUtil.createValidAbsoluteUrl;
+exports.createObjectURL = pdfjsSharedUtil.createObjectURL;
+exports.removeNullCharacters = pdfjsSharedUtil.removeNullCharacters;
+exports.shadow = pdfjsSharedUtil.shadow;
+exports.createBlob = pdfjsSharedUtil.createBlob;
+exports.RenderingCancelledException = pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils.RenderingCancelledException;
+exports.getFilenameFromUrl = pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils.getFilenameFromUrl;
+exports.addLinkAttributes = pdfjsDisplayDOMUtils.addLinkAttributes;
+/***/ }),
+/* 14 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __w_pdfjs_require__) {
+"use strict";
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {
+if (typeof PDFJS === 'undefined' || !PDFJS.compatibilityChecked) {
+ var globalScope = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : typeof global !== 'undefined' ? global : typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : undefined;
+ var userAgent = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.userAgent || '';
+ var isAndroid = /Android/.test(userAgent);
+ var isAndroidPre3 = /Android\s[0-2][^\d]/.test(userAgent);
+ var isAndroidPre5 = /Android\s[0-4][^\d]/.test(userAgent);
+ var isChrome = userAgent.indexOf('Chrom') >= 0;
+ var isChromeWithRangeBug = /Chrome\/(39|40)\./.test(userAgent);
+ var isIOSChrome = userAgent.indexOf('CriOS') >= 0;
+ var isIE = userAgent.indexOf('Trident') >= 0;
+ var isIOS = /\b(iPad|iPhone|iPod)(?=;)/.test(userAgent);
+ var isOpera = userAgent.indexOf('Opera') >= 0;
+ var isSafari = /Safari\//.test(userAgent) && !/(Chrome\/|Android\s)/.test(userAgent);
+ var hasDOM = typeof window === 'object' && typeof document === 'object';
+ if (typeof PDFJS === 'undefined') {
+ globalScope.PDFJS = {};
+ }
+ PDFJS.compatibilityChecked = true;
+ (function checkTypedArrayCompatibility() {
+ if (typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined') {
+ if (typeof Uint8Array.prototype.subarray === 'undefined') {
+ Uint8Array.prototype.subarray = function subarray(start, end) {
+ return new Uint8Array(this.slice(start, end));
+ };
+ Float32Array.prototype.subarray = function subarray(start, end) {
+ return new Float32Array(this.slice(start, end));
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof Float64Array === 'undefined') {
+ globalScope.Float64Array = Float32Array;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ function subarray(start, end) {
+ return new TypedArray(this.slice(start, end));
+ }
+ function setArrayOffset(array, offset) {
+ if (arguments.length < 2) {
+ offset = 0;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i, ++offset) {
+ this[offset] = array[i] & 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ function TypedArray(arg1) {
+ var result, i, n;
+ if (typeof arg1 === 'number') {
+ result = [];
+ for (i = 0; i < arg1; ++i) {
+ result[i] = 0;
+ }
+ } else if ('slice' in arg1) {
+ result = arg1.slice(0);
+ } else {
+ result = [];
+ for (i = 0, n = arg1.length; i < n; ++i) {
+ result[i] = arg1[i];
+ }
+ }
+ result.subarray = subarray;
+ result.buffer = result;
+ result.byteLength = result.length;
+ result.set = setArrayOffset;
+ if (typeof arg1 === 'object' && arg1.buffer) {
+ result.buffer = arg1.buffer;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ globalScope.Uint8Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Int8Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Uint32Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Int32Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Uint16Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Float32Array = TypedArray;
+ globalScope.Float64Array = TypedArray;
+ })();
+ (function normalizeURLObject() {
+ if (!globalScope.URL) {
+ globalScope.URL = globalScope.webkitURL;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkObjectDefinePropertyCompatibility() {
+ if (typeof Object.defineProperty !== 'undefined') {
+ var definePropertyPossible = true;
+ try {
+ if (hasDOM) {
+ Object.defineProperty(new Image(), 'id', { value: 'test' });
+ }
+ var Test = function Test() {};
+ Test.prototype = {
+ get id() {}
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(new Test(), 'id', {
+ value: '',
+ configurable: true,
+ enumerable: true,
+ writable: false
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ definePropertyPossible = false;
+ }
+ if (definePropertyPossible) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty = function objectDefineProperty(obj, name, def) {
+ delete obj[name];
+ if ('get' in def) {
+ obj.__defineGetter__(name, def['get']);
+ }
+ if ('set' in def) {
+ obj.__defineSetter__(name, def['set']);
+ }
+ if ('value' in def) {
+ obj.__defineSetter__(name, function objectDefinePropertySetter(value) {
+ this.__defineGetter__(name, function objectDefinePropertyGetter() {
+ return value;
+ });
+ return value;
+ });
+ obj[name] = def.value;
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ (function checkXMLHttpRequestResponseCompatibility() {
+ if (typeof XMLHttpRequest === 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ var xhrPrototype = XMLHttpRequest.prototype;
+ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ if (!('overrideMimeType' in xhr)) {
+ Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'overrideMimeType', {
+ value: function xmlHttpRequestOverrideMimeType(mimeType) {}
+ });
+ }
+ if ('responseType' in xhr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'responseType', {
+ get: function xmlHttpRequestGetResponseType() {
+ return this._responseType || 'text';
+ },
+ set: function xmlHttpRequestSetResponseType(value) {
+ if (value === 'text' || value === 'arraybuffer') {
+ this._responseType = value;
+ if (value === 'arraybuffer' && typeof this.overrideMimeType === 'function') {
+ this.overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ if (typeof VBArray !== 'undefined') {
+ Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'response', {
+ get: function xmlHttpRequestResponseGet() {
+ if (this.responseType === 'arraybuffer') {
+ return new Uint8Array(new VBArray(this.responseBody).toArray());
+ }
+ return this.responseText;
+ }
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(xhrPrototype, 'response', {
+ get: function xmlHttpRequestResponseGet() {
+ if (this.responseType !== 'arraybuffer') {
+ return this.responseText;
+ }
+ var text = this.responseText;
+ var i,
+ n = text.length;
+ var result = new Uint8Array(n);
+ for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
+ result[i] = text.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ return result.buffer;
+ }
+ });
+ })();
+ (function checkWindowBtoaCompatibility() {
+ if ('btoa' in globalScope) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var digits = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
+ globalScope.btoa = function (chars) {
+ var buffer = '';
+ var i, n;
+ for (i = 0, n = chars.length; i < n; i += 3) {
+ var b1 = chars.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF;
+ var b2 = chars.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xFF;
+ var b3 = chars.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xFF;
+ var d1 = b1 >> 2,
+ d2 = (b1 & 3) << 4 | b2 >> 4;
+ var d3 = i + 1 < n ? (b2 & 0xF) << 2 | b3 >> 6 : 64;
+ var d4 = i + 2 < n ? b3 & 0x3F : 64;
+ buffer += digits.charAt(d1) + digits.charAt(d2) + digits.charAt(d3) + digits.charAt(d4);
+ }
+ return buffer;
+ };
+ })();
+ (function checkWindowAtobCompatibility() {
+ if ('atob' in globalScope) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var digits = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';
+ globalScope.atob = function (input) {
+ input = input.replace(/=+$/, '');
+ if (input.length % 4 === 1) {
+ throw new Error('bad atob input');
+ }
+ for (var bc = 0, bs, buffer, idx = 0, output = ''; buffer = input.charAt(idx++); ~buffer && (bs = bc % 4 ? bs * 64 + buffer : buffer, bc++ % 4) ? output += String.fromCharCode(255 & bs >> (-2 * bc & 6)) : 0) {
+ buffer = digits.indexOf(buffer);
+ }
+ return output;
+ };
+ })();
+ (function checkFunctionPrototypeBindCompatibility() {
+ if (typeof Function.prototype.bind !== 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ Function.prototype.bind = function functionPrototypeBind(obj) {
+ var fn = this,
+ headArgs =, 1);
+ var bound = function functionPrototypeBindBound() {
+ var args = headArgs.concat(;
+ return fn.apply(obj, args);
+ };
+ return bound;
+ };
+ })();
+ (function checkDatasetProperty() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ if ('dataset' in div) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'dataset', {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._dataset) {
+ return this._dataset;
+ }
+ var dataset = {};
+ for (var j = 0, jj = this.attributes.length; j < jj; j++) {
+ var attribute = this.attributes[j];
+ if (, 5) !== 'data-') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ var key =\-([a-z])/g, function (all, ch) {
+ return ch.toUpperCase();
+ });
+ dataset[key] = attribute.value;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(this, '_dataset', {
+ value: dataset,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false
+ });
+ return dataset;
+ },
+ enumerable: true
+ });
+ })();
+ (function checkClassListProperty() {
+ function changeList(element, itemName, add, remove) {
+ var s = element.className || '';
+ var list = s.split(/\s+/g);
+ if (list[0] === '') {
+ list.shift();
+ }
+ var index = list.indexOf(itemName);
+ if (index < 0 && add) {
+ list.push(itemName);
+ }
+ if (index >= 0 && remove) {
+ list.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ element.className = list.join(' ');
+ return index >= 0;
+ }
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ if ('classList' in div) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var classListPrototype = {
+ add: function (name) {
+ changeList(this.element, name, true, false);
+ },
+ contains: function (name) {
+ return changeList(this.element, name, false, false);
+ },
+ remove: function (name) {
+ changeList(this.element, name, false, true);
+ },
+ toggle: function (name) {
+ changeList(this.element, name, true, true);
+ }
+ };
+ Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, 'classList', {
+ get: function () {
+ if (this._classList) {
+ return this._classList;
+ }
+ var classList = Object.create(classListPrototype, {
+ element: {
+ value: this,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: true
+ }
+ });
+ Object.defineProperty(this, '_classList', {
+ value: classList,
+ writable: false,
+ enumerable: false
+ });
+ return classList;
+ },
+ enumerable: true
+ });
+ })();
+ (function checkWorkerConsoleCompatibility() {
+ if (typeof importScripts === 'undefined' || 'console' in globalScope) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var consoleTimer = {};
+ var workerConsole = {
+ log: function log() {
+ var args =;
+ globalScope.postMessage({
+ targetName: 'main',
+ action: 'console_log',
+ data: args
+ });
+ },
+ error: function error() {
+ var args =;
+ globalScope.postMessage({
+ targetName: 'main',
+ action: 'console_error',
+ data: args
+ });
+ },
+ time: function time(name) {
+ consoleTimer[name] =;
+ },
+ timeEnd: function timeEnd(name) {
+ var time = consoleTimer[name];
+ if (!time) {
+ throw new Error('Unknown timer name ' + name);
+ }
+ this.log('Timer:', name, - time);
+ }
+ };
+ globalScope.console = workerConsole;
+ })();
+ (function checkConsoleCompatibility() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!('console' in window)) {
+ window.console = {
+ log: function () {},
+ error: function () {},
+ warn: function () {}
+ };
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!('bind' in console.log)) {
+ console.log = function (fn) {
+ return function (msg) {
+ return fn(msg);
+ };
+ }(console.log);
+ console.error = function (fn) {
+ return function (msg) {
+ return fn(msg);
+ };
+ }(console.error);
+ console.warn = function (fn) {
+ return function (msg) {
+ return fn(msg);
+ };
+ }(console.warn);
+ return;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkOnClickCompatibility() {
+ function ignoreIfTargetDisabled(event) {
+ if (isDisabled( {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ }
+ function isDisabled(node) {
+ return node.disabled || node.parentNode && isDisabled(node.parentNode);
+ }
+ if (isOpera) {
+ document.addEventListener('click', ignoreIfTargetDisabled, true);
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkOnBlobSupport() {
+ if (isIE || isIOSChrome) {
+ PDFJS.disableCreateObjectURL = true;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkNavigatorLanguage() {
+ if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ('language' in navigator) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PDFJS.locale = navigator.userLanguage || 'en-US';
+ })();
+ (function checkRangeRequests() {
+ if (isSafari || isAndroidPre3 || isChromeWithRangeBug || isIOS) {
+ PDFJS.disableRange = true;
+ PDFJS.disableStream = true;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkHistoryManipulation() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!history.pushState || isAndroidPre3) {
+ PDFJS.disableHistory = true;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkSetPresenceInImageData() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (window.CanvasPixelArray) {
+ if (typeof window.CanvasPixelArray.prototype.set !== 'function') {
+ window.CanvasPixelArray.prototype.set = function (arr) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ this[i] = arr[i];
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ var polyfill = false,
+ versionMatch;
+ if (isChrome) {
+ versionMatch = userAgent.match(/Chrom(e|ium)\/([0-9]+)\./);
+ polyfill = versionMatch && parseInt(versionMatch[2]) < 21;
+ } else if (isAndroid) {
+ polyfill = isAndroidPre5;
+ } else if (isSafari) {
+ versionMatch = userAgent.match(/Version\/([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+) Safari\//);
+ polyfill = versionMatch && parseInt(versionMatch[1]) < 6;
+ }
+ if (polyfill) {
+ var contextPrototype = window.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype;
+ var createImageData = contextPrototype.createImageData;
+ contextPrototype.createImageData = function (w, h) {
+ var imageData =, w, h);
+ = function (arr) {
+ for (var i = 0, ii = this.length; i < ii; i++) {
+ this[i] = arr[i];
+ }
+ };
+ return imageData;
+ };
+ contextPrototype = null;
+ }
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkRequestAnimationFrame() {
+ function installFakeAnimationFrameFunctions() {
+ window.requestAnimationFrame = function (callback) {
+ return window.setTimeout(callback, 20);
+ };
+ window.cancelAnimationFrame = function (timeoutID) {
+ window.clearTimeout(timeoutID);
+ };
+ }
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isIOS) {
+ installFakeAnimationFrameFunctions();
+ return;
+ }
+ if ('requestAnimationFrame' in window) {
+ return;
+ }
+ window.requestAnimationFrame = window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame;
+ if (!('requestAnimationFrame' in window)) {
+ installFakeAnimationFrameFunctions();
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkCanvasSizeLimitation() {
+ if (isIOS || isAndroid) {
+ PDFJS.maxCanvasPixels = 5242880;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkFullscreenSupport() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (isIE && window.parent !== window) {
+ PDFJS.disableFullscreen = true;
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkCurrentScript() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ('currentScript' in document) {
+ return;
+ }
+ Object.defineProperty(document, 'currentScript', {
+ get: function () {
+ var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName('script');
+ return scripts[scripts.length - 1];
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ })();
+ (function checkInputTypeNumberAssign() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var el = document.createElement('input');
+ try {
+ el.type = 'number';
+ } catch (ex) {
+ var inputProto = el.constructor.prototype;
+ var typeProperty = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(inputProto, 'type');
+ Object.defineProperty(inputProto, 'type', {
+ get: function () {
+ return;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+, value === 'number' ? 'text' : value);
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ }
+ })();
+ (function checkDocumentReadyState() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!document.attachEvent) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var documentProto = document.constructor.prototype;
+ var readyStateProto = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(documentProto, 'readyState');
+ Object.defineProperty(documentProto, 'readyState', {
+ get: function () {
+ var value =;
+ return value === 'interactive' ? 'loading' : value;
+ },
+ set: function (value) {
+, value);
+ },
+ enumerable: true,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ })();
+ (function checkChildNodeRemove() {
+ if (!hasDOM) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (typeof Element.prototype.remove !== 'undefined') {
+ return;
+ }
+ Element.prototype.remove = function () {
+ if (this.parentNode) {
+ this.parentNode.removeChild(this);
+ }
+ };
+ })();
+ (function checkPromise() {
+ if (globalScope.Promise) {
+ if (typeof globalScope.Promise.all !== 'function') {
+ globalScope.Promise.all = function (iterable) {
+ var count = 0,
+ results = [],
+ resolve,
+ reject;
+ var promise = new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve_, reject_) {
+ resolve = resolve_;
+ reject = reject_;
+ });
+ iterable.forEach(function (p, i) {
+ count++;
+ p.then(function (result) {
+ results[i] = result;
+ count--;
+ if (count === 0) {
+ resolve(results);
+ }
+ }, reject);
+ });
+ if (count === 0) {
+ resolve(results);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof globalScope.Promise.resolve !== 'function') {
+ globalScope.Promise.resolve = function (value) {
+ return new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve) {
+ resolve(value);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof globalScope.Promise.reject !== 'function') {
+ globalScope.Promise.reject = function (reason) {
+ return new globalScope.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ reject(reason);
+ });
+ };
+ }
+ if (typeof globalScope.Promise.prototype.catch !== 'function') {
+ globalScope.Promise.prototype.catch = function (onReject) {
+ return globalScope.Promise.prototype.then(undefined, onReject);
+ };
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ var HandlerManager = {
+ handlers: [],
+ running: false,
+ unhandledRejections: [],
+ pendingRejectionCheck: false,
+ scheduleHandlers: function scheduleHandlers(promise) {
+ if (promise._status === STATUS_PENDING) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.handlers = this.handlers.concat(promise._handlers);
+ promise._handlers = [];
+ if (this.running) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.running = true;
+ setTimeout(this.runHandlers.bind(this), 0);
+ },
+ runHandlers: function runHandlers() {
+ var RUN_TIMEOUT = 1;
+ var timeoutAt = + RUN_TIMEOUT;
+ while (this.handlers.length > 0) {
+ var handler = this.handlers.shift();
+ var nextStatus = handler.thisPromise._status;
+ var nextValue = handler.thisPromise._value;
+ try {
+ if (nextStatus === STATUS_RESOLVED) {
+ if (typeof handler.onResolve === 'function') {
+ nextValue = handler.onResolve(nextValue);
+ }
+ } else if (typeof handler.onReject === 'function') {
+ nextValue = handler.onReject(nextValue);
+ nextStatus = STATUS_RESOLVED;
+ if (handler.thisPromise._unhandledRejection) {
+ this.removeUnhandeledRejection(handler.thisPromise);
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (ex) {
+ nextStatus = STATUS_REJECTED;
+ nextValue = ex;
+ }
+ handler.nextPromise._updateStatus(nextStatus, nextValue);
+ if ( >= timeoutAt) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.handlers.length > 0) {
+ setTimeout(this.runHandlers.bind(this), 0);
+ return;
+ }
+ this.running = false;
+ },
+ addUnhandledRejection: function addUnhandledRejection(promise) {
+ this.unhandledRejections.push({
+ promise: promise,
+ time:
+ });
+ this.scheduleRejectionCheck();
+ },
+ removeUnhandeledRejection: function removeUnhandeledRejection(promise) {
+ promise._unhandledRejection = false;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.unhandledRejections.length; i++) {
+ if (this.unhandledRejections[i].promise === promise) {
+ this.unhandledRejections.splice(i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ scheduleRejectionCheck: function scheduleRejectionCheck() {
+ if (this.pendingRejectionCheck) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.pendingRejectionCheck = true;
+ setTimeout(function rejectionCheck() {
+ this.pendingRejectionCheck = false;
+ var now =;
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.unhandledRejections.length; i++) {
+ if (now - this.unhandledRejections[i].time > REJECTION_TIMEOUT) {
+ var unhandled = this.unhandledRejections[i].promise._value;
+ var msg = 'Unhandled rejection: ' + unhandled;
+ if (unhandled.stack) {
+ msg += '\n' + unhandled.stack;
+ }
+ try {
+ throw new Error(msg);
+ } catch (_) {
+ console.warn(msg);
+ }
+ this.unhandledRejections.splice(i);
+ i--;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.unhandledRejections.length) {
+ this.scheduleRejectionCheck();
+ }
+ }.bind(this), REJECTION_TIMEOUT);
+ }
+ };
+ var Promise = function Promise(resolver) {
+ this._status = STATUS_PENDING;
+ this._handlers = [];
+ try {
+, this._resolve.bind(this), this._reject.bind(this));
+ } catch (e) {
+ this._reject(e);
+ }
+ };
+ Promise.all = function Promise_all(promises) {
+ var resolveAll, rejectAll;
+ var deferred = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ resolveAll = resolve;
+ rejectAll = reject;
+ });
+ var unresolved = promises.length;
+ var results = [];
+ if (unresolved === 0) {
+ resolveAll(results);
+ return deferred;
+ }
+ function reject(reason) {
+ if (deferred._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ results = [];
+ rejectAll(reason);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0, ii = promises.length; i < ii; ++i) {
+ var promise = promises[i];
+ var resolve = function (i) {
+ return function (value) {
+ if (deferred._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ results[i] = value;
+ unresolved--;
+ if (unresolved === 0) {
+ resolveAll(results);
+ }
+ };
+ }(i);
+ if (Promise.isPromise(promise)) {
+ promise.then(resolve, reject);
+ } else {
+ resolve(promise);
+ }
+ }
+ return deferred;
+ };
+ Promise.isPromise = function Promise_isPromise(value) {
+ return value && typeof value.then === 'function';
+ };
+ Promise.resolve = function Promise_resolve(value) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve) {
+ resolve(value);
+ });
+ };
+ Promise.reject = function Promise_reject(reason) {
+ return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ reject(reason);
+ });
+ };
+ Promise.prototype = {
+ _status: null,
+ _value: null,
+ _handlers: null,
+ _unhandledRejection: null,
+ _updateStatus: function Promise__updateStatus(status, value) {
+ if (this._status === STATUS_RESOLVED || this._status === STATUS_REJECTED) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (status === STATUS_RESOLVED && Promise.isPromise(value)) {
+ value.then(this._updateStatus.bind(this, STATUS_RESOLVED), this._updateStatus.bind(this, STATUS_REJECTED));
+ return;
+ }
+ this._status = status;
+ this._value = value;
+ if (status === STATUS_REJECTED && this._handlers.length === 0) {
+ this._unhandledRejection = true;
+ HandlerManager.addUnhandledRejection(this);
+ }
+ HandlerManager.scheduleHandlers(this);
+ },
+ _resolve: function Promise_resolve(value) {
+ this._updateStatus(STATUS_RESOLVED, value);
+ },
+ _reject: function Promise_reject(reason) {
+ this._updateStatus(STATUS_REJECTED, reason);
+ },
+ then: function Promise_then(onResolve, onReject) {
+ var nextPromise = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
+ this.resolve = resolve;
+ this.reject = reject;
+ });
+ this._handlers.push({
+ thisPromise: this,
+ onResolve: onResolve,
+ onReject: onReject,
+ nextPromise: nextPromise
+ });
+ HandlerManager.scheduleHandlers(this);
+ return nextPromise;
+ },
+ catch: function Promise_catch(onReject) {
+ return this.then(undefined, onReject);
+ }
+ };
+ globalScope.Promise = Promise;
+ })();
+ (function checkWeakMap() {
+ if (globalScope.WeakMap) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var id = 0;
+ function WeakMap() {
+ = '$weakmap' + id++;
+ }
+ WeakMap.prototype = {
+ has: function (obj) {
+ return !!Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj,;
+ },
+ get: function (obj, defaultValue) {
+ return this.has(obj) ? obj[] : defaultValue;
+ },
+ set: function (obj, value) {
+ Object.defineProperty(obj,, {
+ value: value,
+ enumerable: false,
+ configurable: true
+ });
+ },
+ delete: function (obj) {
+ delete obj[];
+ }
+ };
+ globalScope.WeakMap = WeakMap;
+ })();
+ (function checkURLConstructor() {
+ var hasWorkingUrl = false;
+ try {
+ if (typeof URL === 'function' && typeof URL.prototype === 'object' && 'origin' in URL.prototype) {
+ var u = new URL('b', 'http://a');
+ u.pathname = 'c%20d';
+ hasWorkingUrl = u.href === 'http://a/c%20d';
+ }
+ } catch (e) {}
+ if (hasWorkingUrl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var relative = Object.create(null);
+ relative['ftp'] = 21;
+ relative['file'] = 0;
+ relative['gopher'] = 70;
+ relative['http'] = 80;
+ relative['https'] = 443;
+ relative['ws'] = 80;
+ relative['wss'] = 443;
+ var relativePathDotMapping = Object.create(null);
+ relativePathDotMapping['%2e'] = '.';
+ relativePathDotMapping['.%2e'] = '..';
+ relativePathDotMapping['%2e.'] = '..';
+ relativePathDotMapping['%2e%2e'] = '..';
+ function isRelativeScheme(scheme) {
+ return relative[scheme] !== undefined;
+ }
+ function invalid() {
+ this._isInvalid = true;
+ }
+ function IDNAToASCII(h) {
+ if (h === '') {
+ }
+ return h.toLowerCase();
+ }
+ function percentEscape(c) {
+ var unicode = c.charCodeAt(0);
+ if (unicode > 0x20 && unicode < 0x7F && [0x22, 0x23, 0x3C, 0x3E, 0x3F, 0x60].indexOf(unicode) === -1) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ return encodeURIComponent(c);
+ }
+ function percentEscapeQuery(c) {
+ var unicode = c.charCodeAt(0);
+ if (unicode > 0x20 && unicode < 0x7F && [0x22, 0x23, 0x3C, 0x3E, 0x60].indexOf(unicode) === -1) {
+ return c;
+ }
+ return encodeURIComponent(c);
+ }
+ var EOF,
+ ALPHA = /[a-zA-Z]/,
+ ALPHANUMERIC = /[a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]/;
+ function parse(input, stateOverride, base) {
+ function err(message) {
+ errors.push(message);
+ }
+ var state = stateOverride || 'scheme start',
+ cursor = 0,
+ buffer = '',
+ seenAt = false,
+ seenBracket = false,
+ errors = [];
+ loop: while ((input[cursor - 1] !== EOF || cursor === 0) && !this._isInvalid) {
+ var c = input[cursor];
+ switch (state) {
+ case 'scheme start':
+ if (c && ALPHA.test(c)) {
+ buffer += c.toLowerCase();
+ state = 'scheme';
+ } else if (!stateOverride) {
+ buffer = '';
+ state = 'no scheme';
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ err('Invalid scheme.');
+ break loop;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'scheme':
+ if (c && ALPHANUMERIC.test(c)) {
+ buffer += c.toLowerCase();
+ } else if (c === ':') {
+ this._scheme = buffer;
+ buffer = '';
+ if (stateOverride) {
+ break loop;
+ }
+ if (isRelativeScheme(this._scheme)) {
+ this._isRelative = true;
+ }
+ if (this._scheme === 'file') {
+ state = 'relative';
+ } else if (this._isRelative && base && base._scheme === this._scheme) {
+ state = 'relative or authority';
+ } else if (this._isRelative) {
+ state = 'authority first slash';
+ } else {
+ state = 'scheme data';
+ }
+ } else if (!stateOverride) {
+ buffer = '';
+ cursor = 0;
+ state = 'no scheme';
+ continue;
+ } else if (c === EOF) {
+ break loop;
+ } else {
+ err('Code point not allowed in scheme: ' + c);
+ break loop;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'scheme data':
+ if (c === '?') {
+ this._query = '?';
+ state = 'query';
+ } else if (c === '#') {
+ this._fragment = '#';
+ state = 'fragment';
+ } else {
+ if (c !== EOF && c !== '\t' && c !== '\n' && c !== '\r') {
+ this._schemeData += percentEscape(c);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'no scheme':
+ if (!base || !isRelativeScheme(base._scheme)) {
+ err('Missing scheme.');
+ } else {
+ state = 'relative';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'relative or authority':
+ if (c === '/' && input[cursor + 1] === '/') {
+ state = 'authority ignore slashes';
+ } else {
+ err('Expected /, got: ' + c);
+ state = 'relative';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'relative':
+ this._isRelative = true;
+ if (this._scheme !== 'file') {
+ this._scheme = base._scheme;
+ }
+ if (c === EOF) {
+ this._host = base._host;
+ this._port = base._port;
+ this._path = base._path.slice();
+ this._query = base._query;
+ this._username = base._username;
+ this._password = base._password;
+ break loop;
+ } else if (c === '/' || c === '\\') {
+ if (c === '\\') {
+ err('\\ is an invalid code point.');
+ }
+ state = 'relative slash';
+ } else if (c === '?') {
+ this._host = base._host;
+ this._port = base._port;
+ this._path = base._path.slice();
+ this._query = '?';
+ this._username = base._username;
+ this._password = base._password;
+ state = 'query';
+ } else if (c === '#') {
+ this._host = base._host;
+ this._port = base._port;
+ this._path = base._path.slice();
+ this._query = base._query;
+ this._fragment = '#';
+ this._username = base._username;
+ this._password = base._password;
+ state = 'fragment';
+ } else {
+ var nextC = input[cursor + 1];
+ var nextNextC = input[cursor + 2];
+ if (this._scheme !== 'file' || !ALPHA.test(c) || nextC !== ':' && nextC !== '|' || nextNextC !== EOF && nextNextC !== '/' && nextNextC !== '\\' && nextNextC !== '?' && nextNextC !== '#') {
+ this._host = base._host;
+ this._port = base._port;
+ this._username = base._username;
+ this._password = base._password;
+ this._path = base._path.slice();
+ this._path.pop();
+ }
+ state = 'relative path';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'relative slash':
+ if (c === '/' || c === '\\') {
+ if (c === '\\') {
+ err('\\ is an invalid code point.');
+ }
+ if (this._scheme === 'file') {
+ state = 'file host';
+ } else {
+ state = 'authority ignore slashes';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (this._scheme !== 'file') {
+ this._host = base._host;
+ this._port = base._port;
+ this._username = base._username;
+ this._password = base._password;
+ }
+ state = 'relative path';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'authority first slash':
+ if (c === '/') {
+ state = 'authority second slash';
+ } else {
+ err('Expected \'/\', got: ' + c);
+ state = 'authority ignore slashes';
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'authority second slash':
+ state = 'authority ignore slashes';
+ if (c !== '/') {
+ err('Expected \'/\', got: ' + c);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'authority ignore slashes':
+ if (c !== '/' && c !== '\\') {
+ state = 'authority';
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ err('Expected authority, got: ' + c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'authority':
+ if (c === '@') {
+ if (seenAt) {
+ err('@ already seen.');
+ buffer += '%40';
+ }
+ seenAt = true;
+ for (var i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
+ var cp = buffer[i];
+ if (cp === '\t' || cp === '\n' || cp === '\r') {
+ err('Invalid whitespace in authority.');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (cp === ':' && this._password === null) {
+ this._password = '';
+ continue;
+ }
+ var tempC = percentEscape(cp);
+ if (this._password !== null) {
+ this._password += tempC;
+ } else {
+ this._username += tempC;
+ }
+ }
+ buffer = '';
+ } else if (c === EOF || c === '/' || c === '\\' || c === '?' || c === '#') {
+ cursor -= buffer.length;
+ buffer = '';
+ state = 'host';
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ buffer += c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'file host':
+ if (c === EOF || c === '/' || c === '\\' || c === '?' || c === '#') {
+ if (buffer.length === 2 && ALPHA.test(buffer[0]) && (buffer[1] === ':' || buffer[1] === '|')) {
+ state = 'relative path';
+ } else if (buffer.length === 0) {
+ state = 'relative path start';
+ } else {
+ this._host =, buffer);
+ buffer = '';
+ state = 'relative path start';
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (c === '\t' || c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
+ err('Invalid whitespace in file host.');
+ } else {
+ buffer += c;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'host':
+ case 'hostname':
+ if (c === ':' && !seenBracket) {
+ this._host =, buffer);
+ buffer = '';
+ state = 'port';
+ if (stateOverride === 'hostname') {
+ break loop;
+ }
+ } else if (c === EOF || c === '/' || c === '\\' || c === '?' || c === '#') {
+ this._host =, buffer);
+ buffer = '';
+ state = 'relative path start';
+ if (stateOverride) {
+ break loop;
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (c !== '\t' && c !== '\n' && c !== '\r') {
+ if (c === '[') {
+ seenBracket = true;
+ } else if (c === ']') {
+ seenBracket = false;
+ }
+ buffer += c;
+ } else {
+ err('Invalid code point in host/hostname: ' + c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'port':
+ if (/[0-9]/.test(c)) {
+ buffer += c;
+ } else if (c === EOF || c === '/' || c === '\\' || c === '?' || c === '#' || stateOverride) {
+ if (buffer !== '') {
+ var temp = parseInt(buffer, 10);
+ if (temp !== relative[this._scheme]) {
+ this._port = temp + '';
+ }
+ buffer = '';
+ }
+ if (stateOverride) {
+ break loop;
+ }
+ state = 'relative path start';
+ continue;
+ } else if (c === '\t' || c === '\n' || c === '\r') {
+ err('Invalid code point in port: ' + c);
+ } else {
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'relative path start':
+ if (c === '\\') {
+ err('\'\\\' not allowed in path.');
+ }
+ state = 'relative path';
+ if (c !== '/' && c !== '\\') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'relative path':
+ if (c === EOF || c === '/' || c === '\\' || !stateOverride && (c === '?' || c === '#')) {
+ if (c === '\\') {
+ err('\\ not allowed in relative path.');
+ }
+ var tmp;
+ if (tmp = relativePathDotMapping[buffer.toLowerCase()]) {
+ buffer = tmp;
+ }
+ if (buffer === '..') {
+ this._path.pop();
+ if (c !== '/' && c !== '\\') {
+ this._path.push('');
+ }
+ } else if (buffer === '.' && c !== '/' && c !== '\\') {
+ this._path.push('');
+ } else if (buffer !== '.') {
+ if (this._scheme === 'file' && this._path.length === 0 && buffer.length === 2 && ALPHA.test(buffer[0]) && buffer[1] === '|') {
+ buffer = buffer[0] + ':';
+ }
+ this._path.push(buffer);
+ }
+ buffer = '';
+ if (c === '?') {
+ this._query = '?';
+ state = 'query';
+ } else if (c === '#') {
+ this._fragment = '#';
+ state = 'fragment';
+ }
+ } else if (c !== '\t' && c !== '\n' && c !== '\r') {
+ buffer += percentEscape(c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'query':
+ if (!stateOverride && c === '#') {
+ this._fragment = '#';
+ state = 'fragment';
+ } else if (c !== EOF && c !== '\t' && c !== '\n' && c !== '\r') {
+ this._query += percentEscapeQuery(c);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'fragment':
+ if (c !== EOF && c !== '\t' && c !== '\n' && c !== '\r') {
+ this._fragment += c;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ cursor++;
+ }
+ }
+ function clear() {
+ this._scheme = '';
+ this._schemeData = '';
+ this._username = '';
+ this._password = null;
+ this._host = '';
+ this._port = '';
+ this._path = [];
+ this._query = '';
+ this._fragment = '';
+ this._isInvalid = false;
+ this._isRelative = false;
+ }
+ function JURL(url, base) {
+ if (base !== undefined && !(base instanceof JURL)) {
+ base = new JURL(String(base));
+ }
+ this._url = url;
+ var input = url.replace(/^[ \t\r\n\f]+|[ \t\r\n\f]+$/g, '');
+, input, null, base);
+ }
+ JURL.prototype = {
+ toString: function () {
+ return this.href;
+ },
+ get href() {
+ if (this._isInvalid) {
+ return this._url;
+ }
+ var authority = '';
+ if (this._username !== '' || this._password !== null) {
+ authority = this._username + (this._password !== null ? ':' + this._password : '') + '@';
+ }
+ return this.protocol + (this._isRelative ? '//' + authority + : '') + this.pathname + this._query + this._fragment;
+ },
+ set href(href) {
+, href);
+ },
+ get protocol() {
+ return this._scheme + ':';
+ },
+ set protocol(protocol) {
+ if (this._isInvalid) {
+ return;
+ }
+, protocol + ':', 'scheme start');
+ },
+ get host() {
+ return this._isInvalid ? '' : this._port ? this._host + ':' + this._port : this._host;
+ },
+ set host(host) {
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) {
+ return;
+ }
+, host, 'host');
+ },
+ get hostname() {
+ return this._host;
+ },
+ set hostname(hostname) {
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) {
+ return;
+ }
+, hostname, 'hostname');
+ },
+ get port() {
+ return this._port;
+ },
+ set port(port) {
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) {
+ return;
+ }
+, port, 'port');
+ },
+ get pathname() {
+ return this._isInvalid ? '' : this._isRelative ? '/' + this._path.join('/') : this._schemeData;
+ },
+ set pathname(pathname) {
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._path = [];
+, pathname, 'relative path start');
+ },
+ get search() {
+ return this._isInvalid || !this._query || this._query === '?' ? '' : this._query;
+ },
+ set search(search) {
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._isRelative) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._query = '?';
+ if (search[0] === '?') {
+ search = search.slice(1);
+ }
+, search, 'query');
+ },
+ get hash() {
+ return this._isInvalid || !this._fragment || this._fragment === '#' ? '' : this._fragment;
+ },
+ set hash(hash) {
+ if (this._isInvalid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this._fragment = '#';
+ if (hash[0] === '#') {
+ hash = hash.slice(1);
+ }
+, hash, 'fragment');
+ },
+ get origin() {
+ var host;
+ if (this._isInvalid || !this._scheme) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ switch (this._scheme) {
+ case 'data':
+ case 'file':
+ case 'javascript':
+ case 'mailto':
+ return 'null';
+ }
+ host =;
+ if (!host) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return this._scheme + '://' + host;
+ }
+ };
+ var OriginalURL = globalScope.URL;
+ if (OriginalURL) {
+ JURL.createObjectURL = function (blob) {
+ return OriginalURL.createObjectURL.apply(OriginalURL, arguments);
+ };
+ JURL.revokeObjectURL = function (url) {
+ OriginalURL.revokeObjectURL(url);
+ };
+ }
+ globalScope.URL = JURL;
+ })();
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __w_pdfjs_require__(6)))
+/***/ })
+/******/ ]);
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(0)))
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(Buffer) {/*
+ MIT License
+ Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
+// css base code, injected by the css-loader
+module.exports = function(useSourceMap) {
+ var list = [];
+ // return the list of modules as css string
+ list.toString = function toString() {
+ return (item) {
+ var content = cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap);
+ if(item[2]) {
+ return "@media " + item[2] + "{" + content + "}";
+ } else {
+ return content;
+ }
+ }).join("");
+ };
+ // import a list of modules into the list
+ list.i = function(modules, mediaQuery) {
+ if(typeof modules === "string")
+ modules = [[null, modules, ""]];
+ var alreadyImportedModules = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
+ var id = this[i][0];
+ if(typeof id === "number")
+ alreadyImportedModules[id] = true;
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {
+ var item = modules[i];
+ // skip already imported module
+ // this implementation is not 100% perfect for weird media query combinations
+ // when a module is imported multiple times with different media queries.
+ // I hope this will never occur (Hey this way we have smaller bundles)
+ if(typeof item[0] !== "number" || !alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {
+ if(mediaQuery && !item[2]) {
+ item[2] = mediaQuery;
+ } else if(mediaQuery) {
+ item[2] = "(" + item[2] + ") and (" + mediaQuery + ")";
+ }
+ list.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ return list;
+function cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {
+ var content = item[1] || '';
+ var cssMapping = item[3];
+ if (!cssMapping) {
+ return content;
+ }
+ if (useSourceMap) {
+ var sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);
+ var sourceURLs = (source) {
+ return '/*# sourceURL=' + cssMapping.sourceRoot + source + ' */'
+ });
+ return [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\n');
+ }
+ return [content].join('\n');
+// Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)
+function toComment(sourceMap) {
+ var base64 = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)).toString('base64');
+ var data = 'sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,' + base64;
+ return '/*# ' + data + ' */';
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(10).Buffer))
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+// this module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will
+// be included in the final webpack user bundle
+module.exports = function normalizeComponent (
+ rawScriptExports,
+ compiledTemplate,
+ scopeId,
+ cssModules
+) {
+ var esModule
+ var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {}
+ // ES6 modules interop
+ var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default
+ if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') {
+ esModule = rawScriptExports
+ scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default
+ }
+ // Vue.extend constructor export interop
+ var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function'
+ ? scriptExports.options
+ : scriptExports
+ // render functions
+ if (compiledTemplate) {
+ options.render = compiledTemplate.render
+ options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns
+ }
+ // scopedId
+ if (scopeId) {
+ options._scopeId = scopeId
+ }
+ // inject cssModules
+ if (cssModules) {
+ var computed = Object.create(options.computed || null)
+ Object.keys(cssModules).forEach(function (key) {
+ var module = cssModules[key]
+ computed[key] = function () { return module }
+ })
+ options.computed = computed
+ }
+ return {
+ esModule: esModule,
+ exports: scriptExports,
+ options: options
+ }
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+ MIT License
+ Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
+ Modified by Evan You @yyx990803
+var hasDocument = typeof document !== 'undefined'
+if (typeof DEBUG !== 'undefined' && DEBUG) {
+ if (!hasDocument) {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'vue-style-loader cannot be used in a non-browser environment. ' +
+ "Use { target: 'node' } in your Webpack config to indicate a server-rendering environment."
+ ) }
+var listToStyles = __webpack_require__(21)
+type StyleObject = {
+ id: number;
+ parts: Array<StyleObjectPart>
+type StyleObjectPart = {
+ css: string;
+ media: string;
+ sourceMap: ?string
+var stylesInDom = {/*
+ [id: number]: {
+ id: number,
+ refs: number,
+ parts: Array<(obj?: StyleObjectPart) => void>
+ }
+var head = hasDocument && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0])
+var singletonElement = null
+var singletonCounter = 0
+var isProduction = false
+var noop = function () {}
+// Force single-tag solution on IE6-9, which has a hard limit on the # of <style>
+// tags it will allow on a page
+var isOldIE = typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && /msie [6-9]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase())
+module.exports = function (parentId, list, _isProduction) {
+ isProduction = _isProduction
+ var styles = listToStyles(parentId, list)
+ addStylesToDom(styles)
+ return function update (newList) {
+ var mayRemove = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
+ var item = styles[i]
+ var domStyle = stylesInDom[]
+ domStyle.refs--
+ mayRemove.push(domStyle)
+ }
+ if (newList) {
+ styles = listToStyles(parentId, newList)
+ addStylesToDom(styles)
+ } else {
+ styles = []
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < mayRemove.length; i++) {
+ var domStyle = mayRemove[i]
+ if (domStyle.refs === 0) {
+ for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
+ }
+ delete stylesInDom[]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function addStylesToDom (styles /* Array<StyleObject> */) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
+ var item = styles[i]
+ var domStyle = stylesInDom[]
+ if (domStyle) {
+ domStyle.refs++
+ for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
+ }
+ for (; j <; j++) {
+ }
+ if ( > {
+ =
+ }
+ } else {
+ var parts = []
+ for (var j = 0; j <; j++) {
+ parts.push(addStyle([j]))
+ }
+ stylesInDom[] = { id:, refs: 1, parts: parts }
+ }
+ }
+function createStyleElement () {
+ var styleElement = document.createElement('style')
+ styleElement.type = 'text/css'
+ head.appendChild(styleElement)
+ return styleElement
+function addStyle (obj /* StyleObjectPart */) {
+ var update, remove
+ var styleElement = document.querySelector('style[data-vue-ssr-id~="' + + '"]')
+ if (styleElement) {
+ if (isProduction) {
+ // has SSR styles and in production mode.
+ // simply do nothing.
+ return noop
+ } else {
+ // has SSR styles but in dev mode.
+ // for some reason Chrome can't handle source map in server-rendered
+ // style tags - source maps in <style> only works if the style tag is
+ // created and inserted dynamically. So we remove the server rendered
+ // styles and inject new ones.
+ styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement)
+ }
+ }
+ if (isOldIE) {
+ // use singleton mode for IE9.
+ var styleIndex = singletonCounter++
+ styleElement = singletonElement || (singletonElement = createStyleElement())
+ update = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, false)
+ remove = applyToSingletonTag.bind(null, styleElement, styleIndex, true)
+ } else {
+ // use multi-style-tag mode in all other cases
+ styleElement = createStyleElement()
+ update = applyToTag.bind(null, styleElement)
+ remove = function () {
+ styleElement.parentNode.removeChild(styleElement)
+ }
+ }
+ update(obj)
+ return function updateStyle (newObj /* StyleObjectPart */) {
+ if (newObj) {
+ if (newObj.css === obj.css &&
+ === &&
+ newObj.sourceMap === obj.sourceMap) {
+ return
+ }
+ update(obj = newObj)
+ } else {
+ remove()
+ }
+ }
+var replaceText = (function () {
+ var textStore = []
+ return function (index, replacement) {
+ textStore[index] = replacement
+ return textStore.filter(Boolean).join('\n')
+ }
+function applyToSingletonTag (styleElement, index, remove, obj) {
+ var css = remove ? '' : obj.css
+ if (styleElement.styleSheet) {
+ styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = replaceText(index, css)
+ } else {
+ var cssNode = document.createTextNode(css)
+ var childNodes = styleElement.childNodes
+ if (childNodes[index]) styleElement.removeChild(childNodes[index])
+ if (childNodes.length) {
+ styleElement.insertBefore(cssNode, childNodes[index])
+ } else {
+ styleElement.appendChild(cssNode)
+ }
+ }
+function applyToTag (styleElement, obj) {
+ var css = obj.css
+ var media =
+ var sourceMap = obj.sourceMap
+ if (media) {
+ styleElement.setAttribute('media', media)
+ }
+ if (sourceMap) {
+ //
+ // this makes source maps inside style tags work properly in Chrome
+ css += '\n/*# sourceURL=' + sourceMap.sources[0] + ' */'
+ //
+ css += '\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,' + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap)))) + ' */'
+ }
+ if (styleElement.styleSheet) {
+ styleElement.styleSheet.cssText = css
+ } else {
+ while (styleElement.firstChild) {
+ styleElement.removeChild(styleElement.firstChild)
+ }
+ styleElement.appendChild(document.createTextNode(css))
+ }
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+/* styles */
+var Component = __webpack_require__(4)(
+ /* script */
+ __webpack_require__(7),
+ /* template */
+ __webpack_require__(17),
+ /* scopeId */
+ null,
+ /* cssModules */
+ null
+module.exports = Component.exports
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+var _pdfjsDist = __webpack_require__(2);
+var _pdfjsDist2 = _interopRequireDefault(_pdfjsDist);
+var _index = __webpack_require__(16);
+var _index2 = _interopRequireDefault(_index);
+function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }
+exports.default = {
+ props: {
+ pdf: {
+ type: [String, Uint8Array],
+ required: true
+ }
+ },
+ data: function data() {
+ return {
+ loading: false,
+ pages: []
+ };
+ },
+ components: { page: _index2.default },
+ watch: { pdf: 'load' },
+ computed: {
+ document: function document() {
+ return typeof this.pdf === 'string' ? this.pdf : { data: this.pdf };
+ },
+ hasPDF: function hasPDF() {
+ return this.pdf && this.pdf.length > 0;
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ load: function load() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.pages = [];
+ return _pdfjsDist2.default.getDocument(this.document).then(this.renderPages).then(function () {
+ return _this.$emit('pdflabload');
+ }).catch(function (error) {
+ return _this.$emit('pdflaberror', error);
+ }).then(function () {
+ _this.loading = false;
+ });
+ },
+ renderPages: function renderPages(pdf) {
+ var _this2 = this;
+ var pagePromises = [];
+ this.loading = true;
+ for (var num = 1; num <= pdf.numPages; num += 1) {
+ pagePromises.push(pdf.getPage(num).then(function (p) {
+ return _this2.pages.push(p);
+ }));
+ }
+ return Promise.all(pagePromises);
+ }
+ },
+ mounted: function mounted() {
+ if (this.hasPDF) this.load();
+ }
+/***/ }),
+/* 8 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
+ value: true
+exports.default = {
+ props: {
+ page: {
+ type: Object,
+ required: true
+ },
+ number: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: true
+ }
+ },
+ data: function data() {
+ return {
+ scale: 4,
+ rendering: false
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ viewport: function viewport() {
+ return;
+ },
+ context: function context() {
+ return this.$refs.canvas.getContext('2d');
+ },
+ renderContext: function renderContext() {
+ return {
+ canvasContext: this.context,
+ viewport: this.viewport
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ mounted: function mounted() {
+ var _this = this;
+ this.$refs.canvas.height = this.viewport.height;
+ this.$refs.canvas.width = this.viewport.width;
+ this.rendering = true;
+ () {
+ _this.rendering = false;
+ });
+ }
+/***/ }),
+/* 9 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+exports.byteLength = byteLength
+exports.toByteArray = toByteArray
+exports.fromByteArray = fromByteArray
+var lookup = []
+var revLookup = []
+var Arr = typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? Uint8Array : Array
+var code = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/'
+for (var i = 0, len = code.length; i < len; ++i) {
+ lookup[i] = code[i]
+ revLookup[code.charCodeAt(i)] = i
+revLookup['-'.charCodeAt(0)] = 62
+revLookup['_'.charCodeAt(0)] = 63
+function placeHoldersCount (b64) {
+ var len = b64.length
+ if (len % 4 > 0) {
+ throw new Error('Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4')
+ }
+ // the number of equal signs (place holders)
+ // if there are two placeholders, than the two characters before it
+ // represent one byte
+ // if there is only one, then the three characters before it represent 2 bytes
+ // this is just a cheap hack to not do indexOf twice
+ return b64[len - 2] === '=' ? 2 : b64[len - 1] === '=' ? 1 : 0
+function byteLength (b64) {
+ // base64 is 4/3 + up to two characters of the original data
+ return b64.length * 3 / 4 - placeHoldersCount(b64)
+function toByteArray (b64) {
+ var i, j, l, tmp, placeHolders, arr
+ var len = b64.length
+ placeHolders = placeHoldersCount(b64)
+ arr = new Arr(len * 3 / 4 - placeHolders)
+ // if there are placeholders, only get up to the last complete 4 chars
+ l = placeHolders > 0 ? len - 4 : len
+ var L = 0
+ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < l; i += 4, j += 3) {
+ tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 18) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 12) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] << 6) | revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 3)]
+ arr[L++] = (tmp >> 16) & 0xFF
+ arr[L++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
+ arr[L++] = tmp & 0xFF
+ }
+ if (placeHolders === 2) {
+ tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 2) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] >> 4)
+ arr[L++] = tmp & 0xFF
+ } else if (placeHolders === 1) {
+ tmp = (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i)] << 10) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 1)] << 4) | (revLookup[b64.charCodeAt(i + 2)] >> 2)
+ arr[L++] = (tmp >> 8) & 0xFF
+ arr[L++] = tmp & 0xFF
+ }
+ return arr
+function tripletToBase64 (num) {
+ return lookup[num >> 18 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 12 & 0x3F] + lookup[num >> 6 & 0x3F] + lookup[num & 0x3F]
+function encodeChunk (uint8, start, end) {
+ var tmp
+ var output = []
+ for (var i = start; i < end; i += 3) {
+ tmp = (uint8[i] << 16) + (uint8[i + 1] << 8) + (uint8[i + 2])
+ output.push(tripletToBase64(tmp))
+ }
+ return output.join('')
+function fromByteArray (uint8) {
+ var tmp
+ var len = uint8.length
+ var extraBytes = len % 3 // if we have 1 byte left, pad 2 bytes
+ var output = ''
+ var parts = []
+ var maxChunkLength = 16383 // must be multiple of 3
+ // go through the array every three bytes, we'll deal with trailing stuff later
+ for (var i = 0, len2 = len - extraBytes; i < len2; i += maxChunkLength) {
+ parts.push(encodeChunk(uint8, i, (i + maxChunkLength) > len2 ? len2 : (i + maxChunkLength)))
+ }
+ // pad the end with zeros, but make sure to not forget the extra bytes
+ if (extraBytes === 1) {
+ tmp = uint8[len - 1]
+ output += lookup[tmp >> 2]
+ output += lookup[(tmp << 4) & 0x3F]
+ output += '=='
+ } else if (extraBytes === 2) {
+ tmp = (uint8[len - 2] << 8) + (uint8[len - 1])
+ output += lookup[tmp >> 10]
+ output += lookup[(tmp >> 4) & 0x3F]
+ output += lookup[(tmp << 2) & 0x3F]
+ output += '='
+ }
+ parts.push(output)
+ return parts.join('')
+/***/ }),
+/* 10 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(global) {/*!
+ * The buffer module from node.js, for the browser.
+ *
+ * @author Feross Aboukhadijeh <> <>
+ * @license MIT
+ */
+/* eslint-disable no-proto */
+var base64 = __webpack_require__(9)
+var ieee754 = __webpack_require__(13)
+var isArray = __webpack_require__(14)
+exports.Buffer = Buffer
+exports.SlowBuffer = SlowBuffer
+exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50
+ * === true Use Uint8Array implementation (fastest)
+ * === false Use Object implementation (most compatible, even IE6)
+ *
+ * Browsers that support typed arrays are IE 10+, Firefox 4+, Chrome 7+, Safari 5.1+,
+ * Opera 11.6+, iOS 4.2+.
+ *
+ * Due to various browser bugs, sometimes the Object implementation will be used even
+ * when the browser supports typed arrays.
+ *
+ * Note:
+ *
+ * - Firefox 4-29 lacks support for adding new properties to `Uint8Array` instances,
+ * See:
+ *
+ * - Chrome 9-10 is missing the `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function.
+ *
+ * - IE10 has a broken `TypedArray.prototype.subarray` function which returns arrays of
+ * incorrect length in some situations.
+ * We detect these buggy browsers and set `Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT` to `false` so they
+ * get the Object implementation, which is slower but behaves correctly.
+ */
+Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = global.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT !== undefined
+ : typedArraySupport()
+ * Export kMaxLength after typed array support is determined.
+ */
+exports.kMaxLength = kMaxLength()
+function typedArraySupport () {
+ try {
+ var arr = new Uint8Array(1)
+ arr.__proto__ = {__proto__: Uint8Array.prototype, foo: function () { return 42 }}
+ return === 42 && // typed array instances can be augmented
+ typeof arr.subarray === 'function' && // chrome 9-10 lack `subarray`
+ arr.subarray(1, 1).byteLength === 0 // ie10 has broken `subarray`
+ } catch (e) {
+ return false
+ }
+function kMaxLength () {
+ ? 0x7fffffff
+ : 0x3fffffff
+function createBuffer (that, length) {
+ if (kMaxLength() < length) {
+ throw new RangeError('Invalid typed array length')
+ }
+ // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance
+ that = new Uint8Array(length)
+ that.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
+ } else {
+ // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class
+ if (that === null) {
+ that = new Buffer(length)
+ }
+ that.length = length
+ }
+ return that
+ * The Buffer constructor returns instances of `Uint8Array` that have their
+ * prototype changed to `Buffer.prototype`. Furthermore, `Buffer` is a subclass of
+ * `Uint8Array`, so the returned instances will have all the node `Buffer` methods
+ * and the `Uint8Array` methods. Square bracket notation works as expected -- it
+ * returns a single octet.
+ *
+ * The `Uint8Array` prototype remains unmodified.
+ */
+function Buffer (arg, encodingOrOffset, length) {
+ if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT && !(this instanceof Buffer)) {
+ return new Buffer(arg, encodingOrOffset, length)
+ }
+ // Common case.
+ if (typeof arg === 'number') {
+ if (typeof encodingOrOffset === 'string') {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'If encoding is specified then the first argument must be a string'
+ )
+ }
+ return allocUnsafe(this, arg)
+ }
+ return from(this, arg, encodingOrOffset, length)
+Buffer.poolSize = 8192 // not used by this implementation
+// TODO: Legacy, not needed anymore. Remove in next major version.
+Buffer._augment = function (arr) {
+ arr.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
+ return arr
+function from (that, value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
+ if (typeof value === 'number') {
+ throw new TypeError('"value" argument must not be a number')
+ }
+ if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && value instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
+ return fromArrayBuffer(that, value, encodingOrOffset, length)
+ }
+ if (typeof value === 'string') {
+ return fromString(that, value, encodingOrOffset)
+ }
+ return fromObject(that, value)
+ * Functionally equivalent to Buffer(arg, encoding) but throws a TypeError
+ * if value is a number.
+ * Buffer.from(str[, encoding])
+ * Buffer.from(array)
+ * Buffer.from(buffer)
+ * Buffer.from(arrayBuffer[, byteOffset[, length]])
+ **/
+Buffer.from = function (value, encodingOrOffset, length) {
+ return from(null, value, encodingOrOffset, length)
+ Buffer.prototype.__proto__ = Uint8Array.prototype
+ Buffer.__proto__ = Uint8Array
+ if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.species &&
+ Buffer[Symbol.species] === Buffer) {
+ // Fix subarray() in ES2016. See:
+ Object.defineProperty(Buffer, Symbol.species, {
+ value: null,
+ configurable: true
+ })
+ }
+function assertSize (size) {
+ if (typeof size !== 'number') {
+ throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be a number')
+ } else if (size < 0) {
+ throw new RangeError('"size" argument must not be negative')
+ }
+function alloc (that, size, fill, encoding) {
+ assertSize(size)
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ return createBuffer(that, size)
+ }
+ if (fill !== undefined) {
+ // Only pay attention to encoding if it's a string. This
+ // prevents accidentally sending in a number that would
+ // be interpretted as a start offset.
+ return typeof encoding === 'string'
+ ? createBuffer(that, size).fill(fill, encoding)
+ : createBuffer(that, size).fill(fill)
+ }
+ return createBuffer(that, size)
+ * Creates a new filled Buffer instance.
+ * alloc(size[, fill[, encoding]])
+ **/
+Buffer.alloc = function (size, fill, encoding) {
+ return alloc(null, size, fill, encoding)
+function allocUnsafe (that, size) {
+ assertSize(size)
+ that = createBuffer(that, size < 0 ? 0 : checked(size) | 0)
+ if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+ that[i] = 0
+ }
+ }
+ return that
+ * Equivalent to Buffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
+ * */
+Buffer.allocUnsafe = function (size) {
+ return allocUnsafe(null, size)
+ * Equivalent to SlowBuffer(num), by default creates a non-zero-filled Buffer instance.
+ */
+Buffer.allocUnsafeSlow = function (size) {
+ return allocUnsafe(null, size)
+function fromString (that, string, encoding) {
+ if (typeof encoding !== 'string' || encoding === '') {
+ encoding = 'utf8'
+ }
+ if (!Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
+ throw new TypeError('"encoding" must be a valid string encoding')
+ }
+ var length = byteLength(string, encoding) | 0
+ that = createBuffer(that, length)
+ var actual = that.write(string, encoding)
+ if (actual !== length) {
+ // Writing a hex string, for example, that contains invalid characters will
+ // cause everything after the first invalid character to be ignored. (e.g.
+ // 'abxxcd' will be treated as 'ab')
+ that = that.slice(0, actual)
+ }
+ return that
+function fromArrayLike (that, array) {
+ var length = array.length < 0 ? 0 : checked(array.length) | 0
+ that = createBuffer(that, length)
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
+ that[i] = array[i] & 255
+ }
+ return that
+function fromArrayBuffer (that, array, byteOffset, length) {
+ array.byteLength // this throws if `array` is not a valid ArrayBuffer
+ if (byteOffset < 0 || array.byteLength < byteOffset) {
+ throw new RangeError('\'offset\' is out of bounds')
+ }
+ if (array.byteLength < byteOffset + (length || 0)) {
+ throw new RangeError('\'length\' is out of bounds')
+ }
+ if (byteOffset === undefined && length === undefined) {
+ array = new Uint8Array(array)
+ } else if (length === undefined) {
+ array = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset)
+ } else {
+ array = new Uint8Array(array, byteOffset, length)
+ }
+ // Return an augmented `Uint8Array` instance, for best performance
+ that = array
+ that.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
+ } else {
+ // Fallback: Return an object instance of the Buffer class
+ that = fromArrayLike(that, array)
+ }
+ return that
+function fromObject (that, obj) {
+ if (Buffer.isBuffer(obj)) {
+ var len = checked(obj.length) | 0
+ that = createBuffer(that, len)
+ if (that.length === 0) {
+ return that
+ }
+ obj.copy(that, 0, 0, len)
+ return that
+ }
+ if (obj) {
+ if ((typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' &&
+ obj.buffer instanceof ArrayBuffer) || 'length' in obj) {
+ if (typeof obj.length !== 'number' || isnan(obj.length)) {
+ return createBuffer(that, 0)
+ }
+ return fromArrayLike(that, obj)
+ }
+ if (obj.type === 'Buffer' && isArray( {
+ return fromArrayLike(that,
+ }
+ }
+ throw new TypeError('First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.')
+function checked (length) {
+ // Note: cannot use `length < kMaxLength()` here because that fails when
+ // length is NaN (which is otherwise coerced to zero.)
+ if (length >= kMaxLength()) {
+ throw new RangeError('Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum ' +
+ 'size: 0x' + kMaxLength().toString(16) + ' bytes')
+ }
+ return length | 0
+function SlowBuffer (length) {
+ if (+length != length) { // eslint-disable-line eqeqeq
+ length = 0
+ }
+ return Buffer.alloc(+length)
+Buffer.isBuffer = function isBuffer (b) {
+ return !!(b != null && b._isBuffer)
+ = function compare (a, b) {
+ if (!Buffer.isBuffer(a) || !Buffer.isBuffer(b)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Arguments must be Buffers')
+ }
+ if (a === b) return 0
+ var x = a.length
+ var y = b.length
+ for (var i = 0, len = Math.min(x, y); i < len; ++i) {
+ if (a[i] !== b[i]) {
+ x = a[i]
+ y = b[i]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (x < y) return -1
+ if (y < x) return 1
+ return 0
+Buffer.isEncoding = function isEncoding (encoding) {
+ switch (String(encoding).toLowerCase()) {
+ case 'hex':
+ case 'utf8':
+ case 'utf-8':
+ case 'ascii':
+ case 'latin1':
+ case 'binary':
+ case 'base64':
+ case 'ucs2':
+ case 'ucs-2':
+ case 'utf16le':
+ case 'utf-16le':
+ return true
+ default:
+ return false
+ }
+Buffer.concat = function concat (list, length) {
+ if (!isArray(list)) {
+ throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')
+ }
+ if (list.length === 0) {
+ return Buffer.alloc(0)
+ }
+ var i
+ if (length === undefined) {
+ length = 0
+ for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
+ length += list[i].length
+ }
+ }
+ var buffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(length)
+ var pos = 0
+ for (i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) {
+ var buf = list[i]
+ if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) {
+ throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers')
+ }
+ buf.copy(buffer, pos)
+ pos += buf.length
+ }
+ return buffer
+function byteLength (string, encoding) {
+ if (Buffer.isBuffer(string)) {
+ return string.length
+ }
+ if (typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && typeof ArrayBuffer.isView === 'function' &&
+ (ArrayBuffer.isView(string) || string instanceof ArrayBuffer)) {
+ return string.byteLength
+ }
+ if (typeof string !== 'string') {
+ string = '' + string
+ }
+ var len = string.length
+ if (len === 0) return 0
+ // Use a for loop to avoid recursion
+ var loweredCase = false
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (encoding) {
+ case 'ascii':
+ case 'latin1':
+ case 'binary':
+ return len
+ case 'utf8':
+ case 'utf-8':
+ case undefined:
+ return utf8ToBytes(string).length
+ case 'ucs2':
+ case 'ucs-2':
+ case 'utf16le':
+ case 'utf-16le':
+ return len * 2
+ case 'hex':
+ return len >>> 1
+ case 'base64':
+ return base64ToBytes(string).length
+ default:
+ if (loweredCase) return utf8ToBytes(string).length // assume utf8
+ encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
+ loweredCase = true
+ }
+ }
+Buffer.byteLength = byteLength
+function slowToString (encoding, start, end) {
+ var loweredCase = false
+ // No need to verify that "this.length <= MAX_UINT32" since it's a read-only
+ // property of a typed array.
+ // This behaves neither like String nor Uint8Array in that we set start/end
+ // to their upper/lower bounds if the value passed is out of range.
+ // undefined is handled specially as per ECMA-262 6th Edition,
+ // Section Runtime Semantics: KeyedBindingInitialization.
+ if (start === undefined || start < 0) {
+ start = 0
+ }
+ // Return early if start > this.length. Done here to prevent potential uint32
+ // coercion fail below.
+ if (start > this.length) {
+ return ''
+ }
+ if (end === undefined || end > this.length) {
+ end = this.length
+ }
+ if (end <= 0) {
+ return ''
+ }
+ // Force coersion to uint32. This will also coerce falsey/NaN values to 0.
+ end >>>= 0
+ start >>>= 0
+ if (end <= start) {
+ return ''
+ }
+ if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
+ while (true) {
+ switch (encoding) {
+ case 'hex':
+ return hexSlice(this, start, end)
+ case 'utf8':
+ case 'utf-8':
+ return utf8Slice(this, start, end)
+ case 'ascii':
+ return asciiSlice(this, start, end)
+ case 'latin1':
+ case 'binary':
+ return latin1Slice(this, start, end)
+ case 'base64':
+ return base64Slice(this, start, end)
+ case 'ucs2':
+ case 'ucs-2':
+ case 'utf16le':
+ case 'utf-16le':
+ return utf16leSlice(this, start, end)
+ default:
+ if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
+ encoding = (encoding + '').toLowerCase()
+ loweredCase = true
+ }
+ }
+// The property is used by `Buffer.isBuffer` and `is-buffer` (in Safari 5-7) to detect
+// Buffer instances.
+Buffer.prototype._isBuffer = true
+function swap (b, n, m) {
+ var i = b[n]
+ b[n] = b[m]
+ b[m] = i
+Buffer.prototype.swap16 = function swap16 () {
+ var len = this.length
+ if (len % 2 !== 0) {
+ throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits')
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 2) {
+ swap(this, i, i + 1)
+ }
+ return this
+Buffer.prototype.swap32 = function swap32 () {
+ var len = this.length
+ if (len % 4 !== 0) {
+ throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits')
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 4) {
+ swap(this, i, i + 3)
+ swap(this, i + 1, i + 2)
+ }
+ return this
+Buffer.prototype.swap64 = function swap64 () {
+ var len = this.length
+ if (len % 8 !== 0) {
+ throw new RangeError('Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits')
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; i += 8) {
+ swap(this, i, i + 7)
+ swap(this, i + 1, i + 6)
+ swap(this, i + 2, i + 5)
+ swap(this, i + 3, i + 4)
+ }
+ return this
+Buffer.prototype.toString = function toString () {
+ var length = this.length | 0
+ if (length === 0) return ''
+ if (arguments.length === 0) return utf8Slice(this, 0, length)
+ return slowToString.apply(this, arguments)
+Buffer.prototype.equals = function equals (b) {
+ if (!Buffer.isBuffer(b)) throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
+ if (this === b) return true
+ return, b) === 0
+Buffer.prototype.inspect = function inspect () {
+ var str = ''
+ var max = exports.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES
+ if (this.length > 0) {
+ str = this.toString('hex', 0, max).match(/.{2}/g).join(' ')
+ if (this.length > max) str += ' ... '
+ }
+ return '<Buffer ' + str + '>'
+ = function compare (target, start, end, thisStart, thisEnd) {
+ if (!Buffer.isBuffer(target)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Argument must be a Buffer')
+ }
+ if (start === undefined) {
+ start = 0
+ }
+ if (end === undefined) {
+ end = target ? target.length : 0
+ }
+ if (thisStart === undefined) {
+ thisStart = 0
+ }
+ if (thisEnd === undefined) {
+ thisEnd = this.length
+ }
+ if (start < 0 || end > target.length || thisStart < 0 || thisEnd > this.length) {
+ throw new RangeError('out of range index')
+ }
+ if (thisStart >= thisEnd && start >= end) {
+ return 0
+ }
+ if (thisStart >= thisEnd) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ if (start >= end) {
+ return 1
+ }
+ start >>>= 0
+ end >>>= 0
+ thisStart >>>= 0
+ thisEnd >>>= 0
+ if (this === target) return 0
+ var x = thisEnd - thisStart
+ var y = end - start
+ var len = Math.min(x, y)
+ var thisCopy = this.slice(thisStart, thisEnd)
+ var targetCopy = target.slice(start, end)
+ for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ if (thisCopy[i] !== targetCopy[i]) {
+ x = thisCopy[i]
+ y = targetCopy[i]
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (x < y) return -1
+ if (y < x) return 1
+ return 0
+// Finds either the first index of `val` in `buffer` at offset >= `byteOffset`,
+// OR the last index of `val` in `buffer` at offset <= `byteOffset`.
+// Arguments:
+// - buffer - a Buffer to search
+// - val - a string, Buffer, or number
+// - byteOffset - an index into `buffer`; will be clamped to an int32
+// - encoding - an optional encoding, relevant is val is a string
+// - dir - true for indexOf, false for lastIndexOf
+function bidirectionalIndexOf (buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
+ // Empty buffer means no match
+ if (buffer.length === 0) return -1
+ // Normalize byteOffset
+ if (typeof byteOffset === 'string') {
+ encoding = byteOffset
+ byteOffset = 0
+ } else if (byteOffset > 0x7fffffff) {
+ byteOffset = 0x7fffffff
+ } else if (byteOffset < -0x80000000) {
+ byteOffset = -0x80000000
+ }
+ byteOffset = +byteOffset // Coerce to Number.
+ if (isNaN(byteOffset)) {
+ // byteOffset: it it's undefined, null, NaN, "foo", etc, search whole buffer
+ byteOffset = dir ? 0 : (buffer.length - 1)
+ }
+ // Normalize byteOffset: negative offsets start from the end of the buffer
+ if (byteOffset < 0) byteOffset = buffer.length + byteOffset
+ if (byteOffset >= buffer.length) {
+ if (dir) return -1
+ else byteOffset = buffer.length - 1
+ } else if (byteOffset < 0) {
+ if (dir) byteOffset = 0
+ else return -1
+ }
+ // Normalize val
+ if (typeof val === 'string') {
+ val = Buffer.from(val, encoding)
+ }
+ // Finally, search either indexOf (if dir is true) or lastIndexOf
+ if (Buffer.isBuffer(val)) {
+ // Special case: looking for empty string/buffer always fails
+ if (val.length === 0) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ return arrayIndexOf(buffer, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir)
+ } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
+ val = val & 0xFF // Search for a byte value [0-255]
+ typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf === 'function') {
+ if (dir) {
+ return, val, byteOffset)
+ } else {
+ return, val, byteOffset)
+ }
+ }
+ return arrayIndexOf(buffer, [ val ], byteOffset, encoding, dir)
+ }
+ throw new TypeError('val must be string, number or Buffer')
+function arrayIndexOf (arr, val, byteOffset, encoding, dir) {
+ var indexSize = 1
+ var arrLength = arr.length
+ var valLength = val.length
+ if (encoding !== undefined) {
+ encoding = String(encoding).toLowerCase()
+ if (encoding === 'ucs2' || encoding === 'ucs-2' ||
+ encoding === 'utf16le' || encoding === 'utf-16le') {
+ if (arr.length < 2 || val.length < 2) {
+ return -1
+ }
+ indexSize = 2
+ arrLength /= 2
+ valLength /= 2
+ byteOffset /= 2
+ }
+ }
+ function read (buf, i) {
+ if (indexSize === 1) {
+ return buf[i]
+ } else {
+ return buf.readUInt16BE(i * indexSize)
+ }
+ }
+ var i
+ if (dir) {
+ var foundIndex = -1
+ for (i = byteOffset; i < arrLength; i++) {
+ if (read(arr, i) === read(val, foundIndex === -1 ? 0 : i - foundIndex)) {
+ if (foundIndex === -1) foundIndex = i
+ if (i - foundIndex + 1 === valLength) return foundIndex * indexSize
+ } else {
+ if (foundIndex !== -1) i -= i - foundIndex
+ foundIndex = -1
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (byteOffset + valLength > arrLength) byteOffset = arrLength - valLength
+ for (i = byteOffset; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var found = true
+ for (var j = 0; j < valLength; j++) {
+ if (read(arr, i + j) !== read(val, j)) {
+ found = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if (found) return i
+ }
+ }
+ return -1
+Buffer.prototype.includes = function includes (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return this.indexOf(val, byteOffset, encoding) !== -1
+Buffer.prototype.indexOf = function indexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, true)
+Buffer.prototype.lastIndexOf = function lastIndexOf (val, byteOffset, encoding) {
+ return bidirectionalIndexOf(this, val, byteOffset, encoding, false)
+function hexWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ offset = Number(offset) || 0
+ var remaining = buf.length - offset
+ if (!length) {
+ length = remaining
+ } else {
+ length = Number(length)
+ if (length > remaining) {
+ length = remaining
+ }
+ }
+ // must be an even number of digits
+ var strLen = string.length
+ if (strLen % 2 !== 0) throw new TypeError('Invalid hex string')
+ if (length > strLen / 2) {
+ length = strLen / 2
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ var parsed = parseInt(string.substr(i * 2, 2), 16)
+ if (isNaN(parsed)) return i
+ buf[offset + i] = parsed
+ }
+ return i
+function utf8Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ return blitBuffer(utf8ToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)
+function asciiWrite (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ return blitBuffer(asciiToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
+function latin1Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ return asciiWrite(buf, string, offset, length)
+function base64Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ return blitBuffer(base64ToBytes(string), buf, offset, length)
+function ucs2Write (buf, string, offset, length) {
+ return blitBuffer(utf16leToBytes(string, buf.length - offset), buf, offset, length)
+Buffer.prototype.write = function write (string, offset, length, encoding) {
+ // Buffer#write(string)
+ if (offset === undefined) {
+ encoding = 'utf8'
+ length = this.length
+ offset = 0
+ // Buffer#write(string, encoding)
+ } else if (length === undefined && typeof offset === 'string') {
+ encoding = offset
+ length = this.length
+ offset = 0
+ // Buffer#write(string, offset[, length][, encoding])
+ } else if (isFinite(offset)) {
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (isFinite(length)) {
+ length = length | 0
+ if (encoding === undefined) encoding = 'utf8'
+ } else {
+ encoding = length
+ length = undefined
+ }
+ // legacy write(string, encoding, offset, length) - remove in v0.13
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(
+ 'Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported'
+ )
+ }
+ var remaining = this.length - offset
+ if (length === undefined || length > remaining) length = remaining
+ if ((string.length > 0 && (length < 0 || offset < 0)) || offset > this.length) {
+ throw new RangeError('Attempt to write outside buffer bounds')
+ }
+ if (!encoding) encoding = 'utf8'
+ var loweredCase = false
+ for (;;) {
+ switch (encoding) {
+ case 'hex':
+ return hexWrite(this, string, offset, length)
+ case 'utf8':
+ case 'utf-8':
+ return utf8Write(this, string, offset, length)
+ case 'ascii':
+ return asciiWrite(this, string, offset, length)
+ case 'latin1':
+ case 'binary':
+ return latin1Write(this, string, offset, length)
+ case 'base64':
+ // Warning: maxLength not taken into account in base64Write
+ return base64Write(this, string, offset, length)
+ case 'ucs2':
+ case 'ucs-2':
+ case 'utf16le':
+ case 'utf-16le':
+ return ucs2Write(this, string, offset, length)
+ default:
+ if (loweredCase) throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
+ encoding = ('' + encoding).toLowerCase()
+ loweredCase = true
+ }
+ }
+Buffer.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON () {
+ return {
+ type: 'Buffer',
+ data: || this, 0)
+ }
+function base64Slice (buf, start, end) {
+ if (start === 0 && end === buf.length) {
+ return base64.fromByteArray(buf)
+ } else {
+ return base64.fromByteArray(buf.slice(start, end))
+ }
+function utf8Slice (buf, start, end) {
+ end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
+ var res = []
+ var i = start
+ while (i < end) {
+ var firstByte = buf[i]
+ var codePoint = null
+ var bytesPerSequence = (firstByte > 0xEF) ? 4
+ : (firstByte > 0xDF) ? 3
+ : (firstByte > 0xBF) ? 2
+ : 1
+ if (i + bytesPerSequence <= end) {
+ var secondByte, thirdByte, fourthByte, tempCodePoint
+ switch (bytesPerSequence) {
+ case 1:
+ if (firstByte < 0x80) {
+ codePoint = firstByte
+ }
+ break
+ case 2:
+ secondByte = buf[i + 1]
+ if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
+ tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0x1F) << 0x6 | (secondByte & 0x3F)
+ if (tempCodePoint > 0x7F) {
+ codePoint = tempCodePoint
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 3:
+ secondByte = buf[i + 1]
+ thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
+ if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
+ tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0xC | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (thirdByte & 0x3F)
+ if (tempCodePoint > 0x7FF && (tempCodePoint < 0xD800 || tempCodePoint > 0xDFFF)) {
+ codePoint = tempCodePoint
+ }
+ }
+ break
+ case 4:
+ secondByte = buf[i + 1]
+ thirdByte = buf[i + 2]
+ fourthByte = buf[i + 3]
+ if ((secondByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (thirdByte & 0xC0) === 0x80 && (fourthByte & 0xC0) === 0x80) {
+ tempCodePoint = (firstByte & 0xF) << 0x12 | (secondByte & 0x3F) << 0xC | (thirdByte & 0x3F) << 0x6 | (fourthByte & 0x3F)
+ if (tempCodePoint > 0xFFFF && tempCodePoint < 0x110000) {
+ codePoint = tempCodePoint
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (codePoint === null) {
+ // we did not generate a valid codePoint so insert a
+ // replacement char (U+FFFD) and advance only 1 byte
+ codePoint = 0xFFFD
+ bytesPerSequence = 1
+ } else if (codePoint > 0xFFFF) {
+ // encode to utf16 (surrogate pair dance)
+ codePoint -= 0x10000
+ res.push(codePoint >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800)
+ codePoint = 0xDC00 | codePoint & 0x3FF
+ }
+ res.push(codePoint)
+ i += bytesPerSequence
+ }
+ return decodeCodePointsArray(res)
+// Based on, the browser with
+// the lowest limit is Chrome, with 0x10000 args.
+// We go 1 magnitude less, for safety
+function decodeCodePointsArray (codePoints) {
+ var len = codePoints.length
+ if (len <= MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH) {
+ return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, codePoints) // avoid extra slice()
+ }
+ // Decode in chunks to avoid "call stack size exceeded".
+ var res = ''
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < len) {
+ res += String.fromCharCode.apply(
+ String,
+ codePoints.slice(i, i += MAX_ARGUMENTS_LENGTH)
+ )
+ }
+ return res
+function asciiSlice (buf, start, end) {
+ var ret = ''
+ end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
+ for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i] & 0x7F)
+ }
+ return ret
+function latin1Slice (buf, start, end) {
+ var ret = ''
+ end = Math.min(buf.length, end)
+ for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ ret += String.fromCharCode(buf[i])
+ }
+ return ret
+function hexSlice (buf, start, end) {
+ var len = buf.length
+ if (!start || start < 0) start = 0
+ if (!end || end < 0 || end > len) end = len
+ var out = ''
+ for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ out += toHex(buf[i])
+ }
+ return out
+function utf16leSlice (buf, start, end) {
+ var bytes = buf.slice(start, end)
+ var res = ''
+ for (var i = 0; i < bytes.length; i += 2) {
+ res += String.fromCharCode(bytes[i] + bytes[i + 1] * 256)
+ }
+ return res
+Buffer.prototype.slice = function slice (start, end) {
+ var len = this.length
+ start = ~~start
+ end = end === undefined ? len : ~~end
+ if (start < 0) {
+ start += len
+ if (start < 0) start = 0
+ } else if (start > len) {
+ start = len
+ }
+ if (end < 0) {
+ end += len
+ if (end < 0) end = 0
+ } else if (end > len) {
+ end = len
+ }
+ if (end < start) end = start
+ var newBuf
+ newBuf = this.subarray(start, end)
+ newBuf.__proto__ = Buffer.prototype
+ } else {
+ var sliceLen = end - start
+ newBuf = new Buffer(sliceLen, undefined)
+ for (var i = 0; i < sliceLen; ++i) {
+ newBuf[i] = this[i + start]
+ }
+ }
+ return newBuf
+ * Need to make sure that buffer isn't trying to write out of bounds.
+ */
+function checkOffset (offset, ext, length) {
+ if ((offset % 1) !== 0 || offset < 0) throw new RangeError('offset is not uint')
+ if (offset + ext > length) throw new RangeError('Trying to access beyond buffer length')
+Buffer.prototype.readUIntLE = function readUIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
+ var val = this[offset]
+ var mul = 1
+ var i = 0
+ while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ val += this[offset + i] * mul
+ }
+ return val
+Buffer.prototype.readUIntBE = function readUIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
+ }
+ var val = this[offset + --byteLength]
+ var mul = 1
+ while (byteLength > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ val += this[offset + --byteLength] * mul
+ }
+ return val
+Buffer.prototype.readUInt8 = function readUInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
+ return this[offset]
+Buffer.prototype.readUInt16LE = function readUInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
+ return this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
+Buffer.prototype.readUInt16BE = function readUInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
+ return (this[offset] << 8) | this[offset + 1]
+Buffer.prototype.readUInt32LE = function readUInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return ((this[offset]) |
+ (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
+ (this[offset + 2] << 16)) +
+ (this[offset + 3] * 0x1000000)
+Buffer.prototype.readUInt32BE = function readUInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return (this[offset] * 0x1000000) +
+ ((this[offset + 1] << 16) |
+ (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
+ this[offset + 3])
+Buffer.prototype.readIntLE = function readIntLE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
+ var val = this[offset]
+ var mul = 1
+ var i = 0
+ while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ val += this[offset + i] * mul
+ }
+ mul *= 0x80
+ if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)
+ return val
+Buffer.prototype.readIntBE = function readIntBE (offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, byteLength, this.length)
+ var i = byteLength
+ var mul = 1
+ var val = this[offset + --i]
+ while (i > 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ val += this[offset + --i] * mul
+ }
+ mul *= 0x80
+ if (val >= mul) val -= Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength)
+ return val
+Buffer.prototype.readInt8 = function readInt8 (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 1, this.length)
+ if (!(this[offset] & 0x80)) return (this[offset])
+ return ((0xff - this[offset] + 1) * -1)
+Buffer.prototype.readInt16LE = function readInt16LE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
+ var val = this[offset] | (this[offset + 1] << 8)
+ return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
+Buffer.prototype.readInt16BE = function readInt16BE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 2, this.length)
+ var val = this[offset + 1] | (this[offset] << 8)
+ return (val & 0x8000) ? val | 0xFFFF0000 : val
+Buffer.prototype.readInt32LE = function readInt32LE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return (this[offset]) |
+ (this[offset + 1] << 8) |
+ (this[offset + 2] << 16) |
+ (this[offset + 3] << 24)
+Buffer.prototype.readInt32BE = function readInt32BE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return (this[offset] << 24) |
+ (this[offset + 1] << 16) |
+ (this[offset + 2] << 8) |
+ (this[offset + 3])
+Buffer.prototype.readFloatLE = function readFloatLE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return, offset, true, 23, 4)
+Buffer.prototype.readFloatBE = function readFloatBE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 4, this.length)
+ return, offset, false, 23, 4)
+Buffer.prototype.readDoubleLE = function readDoubleLE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
+ return, offset, true, 52, 8)
+Buffer.prototype.readDoubleBE = function readDoubleBE (offset, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) checkOffset(offset, 8, this.length)
+ return, offset, false, 52, 8)
+function checkInt (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
+ if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance')
+ if (value > max || value < min) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds')
+ if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
+Buffer.prototype.writeUIntLE = function writeUIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
+ checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)
+ }
+ var mul = 1
+ var i = 0
+ this[offset] = value & 0xFF
+ while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF
+ }
+ return offset + byteLength
+Buffer.prototype.writeUIntBE = function writeUIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ byteLength = byteLength | 0
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ var maxBytes = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength) - 1
+ checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, maxBytes, 0)
+ }
+ var i = byteLength - 1
+ var mul = 1
+ this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
+ while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ this[offset + i] = (value / mul) & 0xFF
+ }
+ return offset + byteLength
+Buffer.prototype.writeUInt8 = function writeUInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0xff, 0)
+ if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ return offset + 1
+function objectWriteUInt16 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
+ if (value < 0) value = 0xffff + value + 1
+ for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 2); i < j; ++i) {
+ buf[offset + i] = (value & (0xff << (8 * (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i)))) >>>
+ (littleEndian ? i : 1 - i) * 8
+ }
+Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function writeUInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
+ }
+ return offset + 2
+Buffer.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function writeUInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0xffff, 0)
+ this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
+ }
+ return offset + 2
+function objectWriteUInt32 (buf, value, offset, littleEndian) {
+ if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
+ for (var i = 0, j = Math.min(buf.length - offset, 4); i < j; ++i) {
+ buf[offset + i] = (value >>> (littleEndian ? i : 3 - i) * 8) & 0xff
+ }
+Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function writeUInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
+ this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
+ this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
+ }
+ return offset + 4
+Buffer.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function writeUInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0xffffffff, 0)
+ this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
+ this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
+ }
+ return offset + 4
+Buffer.prototype.writeIntLE = function writeIntLE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1)
+ checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)
+ }
+ var i = 0
+ var mul = 1
+ var sub = 0
+ this[offset] = value & 0xFF
+ while (++i < byteLength && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i - 1] !== 0) {
+ sub = 1
+ }
+ this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF
+ }
+ return offset + byteLength
+Buffer.prototype.writeIntBE = function writeIntBE (value, offset, byteLength, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ var limit = Math.pow(2, 8 * byteLength - 1)
+ checkInt(this, value, offset, byteLength, limit - 1, -limit)
+ }
+ var i = byteLength - 1
+ var mul = 1
+ var sub = 0
+ this[offset + i] = value & 0xFF
+ while (--i >= 0 && (mul *= 0x100)) {
+ if (value < 0 && sub === 0 && this[offset + i + 1] !== 0) {
+ sub = 1
+ }
+ this[offset + i] = ((value / mul) >> 0) - sub & 0xFF
+ }
+ return offset + byteLength
+Buffer.prototype.writeInt8 = function writeInt8 (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 1, 0x7f, -0x80)
+ if (!Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) value = Math.floor(value)
+ if (value < 0) value = 0xff + value + 1
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ return offset + 1
+Buffer.prototype.writeInt16LE = function writeInt16LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, true)
+ }
+ return offset + 2
+Buffer.prototype.writeInt16BE = function writeInt16BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 2, 0x7fff, -0x8000)
+ this[offset] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value & 0xff)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt16(this, value, offset, false)
+ }
+ return offset + 2
+Buffer.prototype.writeInt32LE = function writeInt32LE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
+ this[offset] = (value & 0xff)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 16)
+ this[offset + 3] = (value >>> 24)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, true)
+ }
+ return offset + 4
+Buffer.prototype.writeInt32BE = function writeInt32BE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ value = +value
+ offset = offset | 0
+ if (!noAssert) checkInt(this, value, offset, 4, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000)
+ if (value < 0) value = 0xffffffff + value + 1
+ this[offset] = (value >>> 24)
+ this[offset + 1] = (value >>> 16)
+ this[offset + 2] = (value >>> 8)
+ this[offset + 3] = (value & 0xff)
+ } else {
+ objectWriteUInt32(this, value, offset, false)
+ }
+ return offset + 4
+function checkIEEE754 (buf, value, offset, ext, max, min) {
+ if (offset + ext > buf.length) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
+ if (offset < 0) throw new RangeError('Index out of range')
+function writeFloat (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 4, 3.4028234663852886e+38, -3.4028234663852886e+38)
+ }
+ ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 23, 4)
+ return offset + 4
+Buffer.prototype.writeFloatLE = function writeFloatLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ return writeFloat(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
+Buffer.prototype.writeFloatBE = function writeFloatBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ return writeFloat(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
+function writeDouble (buf, value, offset, littleEndian, noAssert) {
+ if (!noAssert) {
+ checkIEEE754(buf, value, offset, 8, 1.7976931348623157E+308, -1.7976931348623157E+308)
+ }
+ ieee754.write(buf, value, offset, littleEndian, 52, 8)
+ return offset + 8
+Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function writeDoubleLE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ return writeDouble(this, value, offset, true, noAssert)
+Buffer.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function writeDoubleBE (value, offset, noAssert) {
+ return writeDouble(this, value, offset, false, noAssert)
+// copy(targetBuffer, targetStart=0, sourceStart=0, sourceEnd=buffer.length)
+Buffer.prototype.copy = function copy (target, targetStart, start, end) {
+ if (!start) start = 0
+ if (!end && end !== 0) end = this.length
+ if (targetStart >= target.length) targetStart = target.length
+ if (!targetStart) targetStart = 0
+ if (end > 0 && end < start) end = start
+ // Copy 0 bytes; we're done
+ if (end === start) return 0
+ if (target.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0
+ // Fatal error conditions
+ if (targetStart < 0) {
+ throw new RangeError('targetStart out of bounds')
+ }
+ if (start < 0 || start >= this.length) throw new RangeError('sourceStart out of bounds')
+ if (end < 0) throw new RangeError('sourceEnd out of bounds')
+ // Are we oob?
+ if (end > this.length) end = this.length
+ if (target.length - targetStart < end - start) {
+ end = target.length - targetStart + start
+ }
+ var len = end - start
+ var i
+ if (this === target && start < targetStart && targetStart < end) {
+ // descending copy from end
+ for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
+ target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start]
+ }
+ } else if (len < 1000 || !Buffer.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT) {
+ // ascending copy from start
+ for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+ target[i + targetStart] = this[i + start]
+ }
+ } else {
+ target,
+ this.subarray(start, start + len),
+ targetStart
+ )
+ }
+ return len
+// Usage:
+// buffer.fill(number[, offset[, end]])
+// buffer.fill(buffer[, offset[, end]])
+// buffer.fill(string[, offset[, end]][, encoding])
+Buffer.prototype.fill = function fill (val, start, end, encoding) {
+ // Handle string cases:
+ if (typeof val === 'string') {
+ if (typeof start === 'string') {
+ encoding = start
+ start = 0
+ end = this.length
+ } else if (typeof end === 'string') {
+ encoding = end
+ end = this.length
+ }
+ if (val.length === 1) {
+ var code = val.charCodeAt(0)
+ if (code < 256) {
+ val = code
+ }
+ }
+ if (encoding !== undefined && typeof encoding !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('encoding must be a string')
+ }
+ if (typeof encoding === 'string' && !Buffer.isEncoding(encoding)) {
+ throw new TypeError('Unknown encoding: ' + encoding)
+ }
+ } else if (typeof val === 'number') {
+ val = val & 255
+ }
+ // Invalid ranges are not set to a default, so can range check early.
+ if (start < 0 || this.length < start || this.length < end) {
+ throw new RangeError('Out of range index')
+ }
+ if (end <= start) {
+ return this
+ }
+ start = start >>> 0
+ end = end === undefined ? this.length : end >>> 0
+ if (!val) val = 0
+ var i
+ if (typeof val === 'number') {
+ for (i = start; i < end; ++i) {
+ this[i] = val
+ }
+ } else {
+ var bytes = Buffer.isBuffer(val)
+ ? val
+ : utf8ToBytes(new Buffer(val, encoding).toString())
+ var len = bytes.length
+ for (i = 0; i < end - start; ++i) {
+ this[i + start] = bytes[i % len]
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+// ================
+var INVALID_BASE64_RE = /[^+\/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g
+function base64clean (str) {
+ // Node strips out invalid characters like \n and \t from the string, base64-js does not
+ str = stringtrim(str).replace(INVALID_BASE64_RE, '')
+ // Node converts strings with length < 2 to ''
+ if (str.length < 2) return ''
+ // Node allows for non-padded base64 strings (missing trailing ===), base64-js does not
+ while (str.length % 4 !== 0) {
+ str = str + '='
+ }
+ return str
+function stringtrim (str) {
+ if (str.trim) return str.trim()
+ return str.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
+function toHex (n) {
+ if (n < 16) return '0' + n.toString(16)
+ return n.toString(16)
+function utf8ToBytes (string, units) {
+ units = units || Infinity
+ var codePoint
+ var length = string.length
+ var leadSurrogate = null
+ var bytes = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ codePoint = string.charCodeAt(i)
+ // is surrogate component
+ if (codePoint > 0xD7FF && codePoint < 0xE000) {
+ // last char was a lead
+ if (!leadSurrogate) {
+ // no lead yet
+ if (codePoint > 0xDBFF) {
+ // unexpected trail
+ if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
+ continue
+ } else if (i + 1 === length) {
+ // unpaired lead
+ if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
+ continue
+ }
+ // valid lead
+ leadSurrogate = codePoint
+ continue
+ }
+ // 2 leads in a row
+ if (codePoint < 0xDC00) {
+ if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
+ leadSurrogate = codePoint
+ continue
+ }
+ // valid surrogate pair
+ codePoint = (leadSurrogate - 0xD800 << 10 | codePoint - 0xDC00) + 0x10000
+ } else if (leadSurrogate) {
+ // valid bmp char, but last char was a lead
+ if ((units -= 3) > -1) bytes.push(0xEF, 0xBF, 0xBD)
+ }
+ leadSurrogate = null
+ // encode utf8
+ if (codePoint < 0x80) {
+ if ((units -= 1) < 0) break
+ bytes.push(codePoint)
+ } else if (codePoint < 0x800) {
+ if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
+ bytes.push(
+ codePoint >> 0x6 | 0xC0,
+ codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
+ )
+ } else if (codePoint < 0x10000) {
+ if ((units -= 3) < 0) break
+ bytes.push(
+ codePoint >> 0xC | 0xE0,
+ codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
+ codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
+ )
+ } else if (codePoint < 0x110000) {
+ if ((units -= 4) < 0) break
+ bytes.push(
+ codePoint >> 0x12 | 0xF0,
+ codePoint >> 0xC & 0x3F | 0x80,
+ codePoint >> 0x6 & 0x3F | 0x80,
+ codePoint & 0x3F | 0x80
+ )
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Invalid code point')
+ }
+ }
+ return bytes
+function asciiToBytes (str) {
+ var byteArray = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
+ // Node's code seems to be doing this and not & 0x7F..
+ byteArray.push(str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF)
+ }
+ return byteArray
+function utf16leToBytes (str, units) {
+ var c, hi, lo
+ var byteArray = []
+ for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
+ if ((units -= 2) < 0) break
+ c = str.charCodeAt(i)
+ hi = c >> 8
+ lo = c % 256
+ byteArray.push(lo)
+ byteArray.push(hi)
+ }
+ return byteArray
+function base64ToBytes (str) {
+ return base64.toByteArray(base64clean(str))
+function blitBuffer (src, dst, offset, length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ if ((i + offset >= dst.length) || (i >= src.length)) break
+ dst[i + offset] = src[i]
+ }
+ return i
+function isnan (val) {
+ return val !== val // eslint-disable-line no-self-compare
+/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(22)))
+/***/ }),
+/* 11 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(3)(undefined);
+// imports
+// module
+exports.push([module.i, ".pdf-viewer{background:url(" + __webpack_require__(15) + ");display:flex;flex-flow:column nowrap}", ""]);
+// exports
+/***/ }),
+/* 12 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+exports = module.exports = __webpack_require__(3)(undefined);
+// imports
+// module
+exports.push([module.i, ".pdf-page{margin:8px auto 0;border-top:1px solid #ddd;border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;width:100%}.pdf-page:first-child{margin-top:0;border-top:0}.pdf-page:last-child{margin-bottom:0;border-bottom:0}", ""]);
+// exports
+/***/ }),
+/* 13 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+ = function (buffer, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
+ var e, m
+ var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1
+ var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
+ var eBias = eMax >> 1
+ var nBits = -7
+ var i = isLE ? (nBytes - 1) : 0
+ var d = isLE ? -1 : 1
+ var s = buffer[offset + i]
+ i += d
+ e = s & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
+ s >>= (-nBits)
+ nBits += eLen
+ for (; nBits > 0; e = e * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}
+ m = e & ((1 << (-nBits)) - 1)
+ e >>= (-nBits)
+ nBits += mLen
+ for (; nBits > 0; m = m * 256 + buffer[offset + i], i += d, nBits -= 8) {}
+ if (e === 0) {
+ e = 1 - eBias
+ } else if (e === eMax) {
+ return m ? NaN : ((s ? -1 : 1) * Infinity)
+ } else {
+ m = m + Math.pow(2, mLen)
+ e = e - eBias
+ }
+ return (s ? -1 : 1) * m * Math.pow(2, e - mLen)
+exports.write = function (buffer, value, offset, isLE, mLen, nBytes) {
+ var e, m, c
+ var eLen = nBytes * 8 - mLen - 1
+ var eMax = (1 << eLen) - 1
+ var eBias = eMax >> 1
+ var rt = (mLen === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0)
+ var i = isLE ? 0 : (nBytes - 1)
+ var d = isLE ? 1 : -1
+ var s = value < 0 || (value === 0 && 1 / value < 0) ? 1 : 0
+ value = Math.abs(value)
+ if (isNaN(value) || value === Infinity) {
+ m = isNaN(value) ? 1 : 0
+ e = eMax
+ } else {
+ e = Math.floor(Math.log(value) / Math.LN2)
+ if (value * (c = Math.pow(2, -e)) < 1) {
+ e--
+ c *= 2
+ }
+ if (e + eBias >= 1) {
+ value += rt / c
+ } else {
+ value += rt * Math.pow(2, 1 - eBias)
+ }
+ if (value * c >= 2) {
+ e++
+ c /= 2
+ }
+ if (e + eBias >= eMax) {
+ m = 0
+ e = eMax
+ } else if (e + eBias >= 1) {
+ m = (value * c - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
+ e = e + eBias
+ } else {
+ m = value * Math.pow(2, eBias - 1) * Math.pow(2, mLen)
+ e = 0
+ }
+ }
+ for (; mLen >= 8; buffer[offset + i] = m & 0xff, i += d, m /= 256, mLen -= 8) {}
+ e = (e << mLen) | m
+ eLen += mLen
+ for (; eLen > 0; buffer[offset + i] = e & 0xff, i += d, e /= 256, eLen -= 8) {}
+ buffer[offset + i - d] |= s * 128
+/***/ }),
+/* 14 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+var toString = {}.toString;
+module.exports = Array.isArray || function (arr) {
+ return == '[object Array]';
+/***/ }),
+/* 15 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+module.exports = ""
+/***/ }),
+/* 16 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+/* styles */
+var Component = __webpack_require__(4)(
+ /* script */
+ __webpack_require__(8),
+ /* template */
+ __webpack_require__(18),
+ /* scopeId */
+ null,
+ /* cssModules */
+ null
+module.exports = Component.exports
+/***/ }),
+/* 17 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
+ return (_vm.hasPDF) ? _c('div', {
+ staticClass: "pdf-viewer"
+ }, _vm._l((_vm.pages), function(page, index) {
+ return _c('page', {
+ key: index,
+ attrs: {
+ "v-if": !_vm.loading,
+ "page": page,
+ "number": index + 1
+ }
+ })
+ })) : _vm._e()
+},staticRenderFns: []}
+/***/ }),
+/* 18 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h;
+ return _c('canvas', {
+ ref: "canvas",
+ staticClass: "pdf-page",
+ attrs: {
+ "data-page": _vm.number
+ }
+ })
+},staticRenderFns: []}
+/***/ }),
+/* 19 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
+// load the styles
+var content = __webpack_require__(11);
+if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
+if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
+// add the styles to the DOM
+var update = __webpack_require__(5)("59cf066f", content, true);
+// Hot Module Replacement
+if(false) {
+ // When the styles change, update the <style> tags
+ if(!content.locals) {
+"!!../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?minimize!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index.js?{\"id\":\"data-v-7c7bed7e\",\"scoped\":false,\"hasInlineConfig\":false}!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./index.vue", function() {
+ var newContent = require("!!../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?minimize!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index.js?{\"id\":\"data-v-7c7bed7e\",\"scoped\":false,\"hasInlineConfig\":false}!../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./index.vue");
+ if(typeof newContent === 'string') newContent = [[, newContent, '']];
+ update(newContent);
+ });
+ }
+ // When the module is disposed, remove the <style> tags
+ { update(); });
+/***/ }),
+/* 20 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+// style-loader: Adds some css to the DOM by adding a <style> tag
+// load the styles
+var content = __webpack_require__(12);
+if(typeof content === 'string') content = [[module.i, content, '']];
+if(content.locals) module.exports = content.locals;
+// add the styles to the DOM
+var update = __webpack_require__(5)("09f1e2d8", content, true);
+// Hot Module Replacement
+if(false) {
+ // When the styles change, update the <style> tags
+ if(!content.locals) {
+"!!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?minimize!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index.js?{\"id\":\"data-v-7e912b1a\",\"scoped\":false,\"hasInlineConfig\":false}!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./index.vue", function() {
+ var newContent = require("!!../../node_modules/css-loader/index.js?minimize!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/style-compiler/index.js?{\"id\":\"data-v-7e912b1a\",\"scoped\":false,\"hasInlineConfig\":false}!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/selector.js?type=styles&index=0!./index.vue");
+ if(typeof newContent === 'string') newContent = [[, newContent, '']];
+ update(newContent);
+ });
+ }
+ // When the module is disposed, remove the <style> tags
+ { update(); });
+/***/ }),
+/* 21 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+ * Translates the list format produced by css-loader into something
+ * easier to manipulate.
+ */
+module.exports = function listToStyles (parentId, list) {
+ var styles = []
+ var newStyles = {}
+ for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+ var item = list[i]
+ var id = item[0]
+ var css = item[1]
+ var media = item[2]
+ var sourceMap = item[3]
+ var part = {
+ id: parentId + ':' + i,
+ css: css,
+ media: media,
+ sourceMap: sourceMap
+ }
+ if (!newStyles[id]) {
+ styles.push(newStyles[id] = { id: id, parts: [part] })
+ } else {
+ newStyles[id].parts.push(part)
+ }
+ }
+ return styles
+/***/ }),
+/* 22 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports) {
+var g;
+// This works in non-strict mode
+g = (function() {
+ return this;
+try {
+ // This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)
+ g = g || Function("return this")() || (1,eval)("this");
+} catch(e) {
+ // This works if the window reference is available
+ if(typeof window === "object")
+ g = window;
+// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...
+// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's
+// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}
+module.exports = g;
+/***/ }),
+/* 23 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+var PDF = __webpack_require__(6);
+var pdfjsLib = __webpack_require__(2);
+module.exports = {
+ install: function install(_vue) {
+ var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
+ pdfjsLib.PDFJS.workerSrc = options.workerSrc || '';
+ _vue.component('pdf-lab', PDF);
+ }
+/***/ })
+/******/ ]);
+}); \ No newline at end of file