path: root/.gitlab-ci.yml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.gitlab-ci.yml')
1 files changed, 162 insertions, 190 deletions
diff --git a/.gitlab-ci.yml b/.gitlab-ci.yml
index 85730e1b687..3dc48a89463 100644
--- a/.gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/.gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ image: "ruby:2.1"
- mysql:latest
- - redis:latest
+ - redis:alpine
key: "ruby21"
@@ -13,229 +13,201 @@ variables:
# retry tests only in CI environment
+ RAILS_ENV: "test"
+ SIMPLECOV: "true"
+ USE_DB: "true"
- source ./scripts/
- - ruby -v
- - which ruby
- - retry gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
- cp config/gitlab.yml.example config/gitlab.yml
- - touch log/application.log
- - touch log/test.log
- - retry bundle install --without postgres production --jobs $(nproc) "${FLAGS[@]}"
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate
+ - bundle --version
+ - '[ "$USE_BUNDLE_INSTALL" != "true" ] || retry bundle install --without postgres production --jobs $(nproc) "${FLAGS[@]}"'
+ - retry gem install knapsack
+ - '[ "$USE_DB" != "true" ] || bundle exec rake db:drop db:create db:schema:load db:migrate'
+- prepare
- test
-- notifications
+- post-test
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:feature
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:api
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:models
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:lib
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:services
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:other
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:project:half
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:project:rest
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:other
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec teaspoon
- stage: test
- script:
- - bundle exec rubocop
- stage: test
- script:
- - bundle exec rake scss_lint
+# Prepare and merge knapsack tests
- stage: test
- script:
- - bundle exec rake brakeman
+.knapsack-state: &knapsack-state
+ services: []
+ variables:
+ USE_DB: "false"
+ cache:
+ key: "knapsack"
+ paths:
+ - knapsack/
+ artifacts:
+ paths:
+ - knapsack/
- stage: test
+ <<: *knapsack-state
+ stage: prepare
- - bundle exec rake flog
+ - mkdir -p knapsack/
+ - '[[ -f knapsack/rspec_report.json ]] || echo "{}" > knapsack/rspec_report.json'
+ - '[[ -f knapsack/spinach_report.json ]] || echo "{}" > knapsack/spinach_report.json'
- stage: test
+ <<: *knapsack-state
+ stage: post-test
- - bundle exec rake flay
- stage: test
+ - scripts/merge-reports knapsack/rspec_report.json knapsack/rspec_node_*.json
+ - scripts/merge-reports knapsack/spinach_report.json knapsack/spinach_node_*.json
+ - rm -f knapsack/*_node_*.json
- master
- script:
- - "bundle exec bundle-audit check --update --ignore OSVDB-115941"
- stage: test
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate:reset
-# Ruby 2.2 jobs
+# Execute all testing suites
+.rspec-knapsack: &rspec-knapsack
stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:feature
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
+ - bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
+ - export CI_NODE_INDEX=${JOB_NAME[1]}
+ - export CI_NODE_TOTAL=${JOB_NAME[2]}
+ - export KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH=knapsack/rspec_node_${CI_NODE_INDEX}_${CI_NODE_TOTAL}_report.json
+ - cp knapsack/rspec_report.json ${KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH}
+ - knapsack rspec
+ artifacts:
- - vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:api
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:models
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:lib
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
+ - knapsack/
+.spinach-knapsack: &spinach-knapsack
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
+ - export CI_NODE_INDEX=${JOB_NAME[1]}
+ - export CI_NODE_TOTAL=${JOB_NAME[2]}
+ - export KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH=knapsack/spinach_node_${CI_NODE_INDEX}_${CI_NODE_TOTAL}_report.json
+ - cp knapsack/spinach_report.json ${KNAPSACK_REPORT_PATH}
+ - knapsack spinach "-r rerun"
+ # retry failed tests 3 times
+ - retry '[ ! -e tmp/spinach-rerun.txt ] || bin/spinach -r rerun $(cat tmp/spinach-rerun.txt)'
+ artifacts:
- - vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
+ - knapsack/
+rspec 0 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 1 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 2 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 3 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 4 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 5 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 6 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 7 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 8 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 9 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 10 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 11 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 12 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 13 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 14 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 15 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 16 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 17 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 18 20: *rspec-knapsack
+rspec 19 20: *rspec-knapsack
+spinach 0 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 1 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 2 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 3 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 4 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 5 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 6 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 7 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 8 10: *spinach-knapsack
+spinach 9 10: *spinach-knapsack
+# Execute all testing suites against Ruby 2.2
+.ruby-22: &ruby-22
+ image: "ruby:2.2"
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:services
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spec:other
+ - master
key: "ruby22"
- vendor
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:project:half
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
+.rspec-knapsack-ruby22: &rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+ <<: *rspec-knapsack
+ <<: *ruby-22
+.spinach-knapsack-ruby22: &spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+ <<: *spinach-knapsack
+ <<: *ruby-22
+rspec 0 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 1 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 2 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 3 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 4 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 5 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 6 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 7 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 8 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 9 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 10 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 11 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 12 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 13 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 14 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 15 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 16 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 17 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 18 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+rspec 19 20 ruby22: *rspec-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 0 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 1 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 2 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 3 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 4 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 5 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 6 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 7 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 8 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+spinach 9 10 ruby22: *spinach-knapsack-ruby22
+# Other generic tests
+.exec: &exec
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - bundle exec $CI_BUILD_NAME
+teaspoon: *exec
+rubocop: *exec
+rake scss_lint: *exec
+rake brakeman: *exec
+rake flog: *exec
+rake flay: *exec
+rake db:migrate:reset: *exec
+license_finder: *exec
stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- - master
+ - master
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:project:rest
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
+ - "bundle exec bundle-audit check --update --ignore OSVDB-115941"
- stage: test
- image: ruby:2.2
- only:
- - master
- script:
- - RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake assets:precompile 2>/dev/null
- - RAILS_ENV=test SIMPLECOV=true bundle exec rake spinach:other
- cache:
- key: "ruby22"
- paths:
- - vendor
+# Notify slack in the end
- stage: notifications
+ stage: post-test
- ./scripts/ "#builds" "Build on \`$CI_BUILD_REF_NAME\` failed! Commit \`$(git log -1 --oneline)\` See <$(basename "$PWD")/commit/"$CI_BUILD_REF"/builds>"
when: on_failure