path: root/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list')
13 files changed, 989 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/clusters_util.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/clusters_util.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9b870134512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/clusters_util.js
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+export function generateAgentRegistrationCommand(agentToken, kasAddress) {
+ return `docker run --pull=always --rm \\
+ generate \\
+ --agent-token=${agentToken} \\
+ --kas-address=${kasAddress} \\
+ --agent-version stable \\
+ --namespace gitlab-kubernetes-agent | kubectl apply -f -`;
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_empty_state.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_empty_state.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..405339b3d36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_empty_state.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import { GlButton, GlEmptyState, GlLink, GlSprintf, GlAlert, GlModalDirective } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL_ID } from '../constants';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ GlButton,
+ GlEmptyState,
+ GlLink,
+ GlSprintf,
+ GlAlert,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ GlModalDirective,
+ },
+ inject: [
+ 'emptyStateImage',
+ 'projectPath',
+ 'agentDocsUrl',
+ 'installDocsUrl',
+ 'getStartedDocsUrl',
+ 'integrationDocsUrl',
+ ],
+ props: {
+ hasConfigurations: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ repositoryPath() {
+ return `/${this.projectPath}`;
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-empty-state
+ :svg-path="emptyStateImage"
+ :title="s__('ClusterAgents|Integrate Kubernetes with a GitLab Agent')"
+ class="empty-state--agent"
+ >
+ <template #description>
+ <p class="mw-460 gl-mx-auto">
+ <gl-sprintf
+ :message="
+ s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|The GitLab Kubernetes Agent allows an Infrastructure as Code, GitOps approach to integrating Kubernetes clusters with GitLab. %{linkStart}Learn more.%{linkEnd}',
+ )
+ "
+ >
+ <template #link="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="agentDocsUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="agent-docs-link">
+ {{ content }}
+ </gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ <p class="mw-460 gl-mx-auto">
+ <gl-sprintf
+ :message="
+ s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|The GitLab Agent also requires %{linkStart}enabling the Agent Server%{linkEnd}',
+ )
+ "
+ >
+ <template #link="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="installDocsUrl" target="_blank" data-testid="install-docs-link">
+ {{ content }}
+ </gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ <gl-alert
+ v-if="!hasConfigurations"
+ variant="warning"
+ class="gl-mb-5 text-left"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ >
+ {{
+ s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|To install an Agent you should create an agent directory in the Repository first. We recommend that you add the Agent configuration to the directory before you start the installation process.',
+ )
+ }}
+ <template #actions>
+ <gl-button
+ category="primary"
+ variant="info"
+ :href="getStartedDocsUrl"
+ target="_blank"
+ class="gl-ml-0!"
+ >
+ {{ s__('ClusterAgents|Read more about getting started') }}
+ </gl-button>
+ <gl-button category="secondary" variant="info" :href="repositoryPath">
+ {{ s__('ClusterAgents|Go to the repository') }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </template>
+ </gl-alert>
+ </template>
+ <template #actions>
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-modal-directive="$options.modalId"
+ :disabled="!hasConfigurations"
+ data-testid="integration-primary-button"
+ category="primary"
+ variant="success"
+ >
+ {{ s__('ClusterAgents|Integrate with the GitLab Agent') }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </template>
+ </gl-empty-state>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_table.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_table.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..487e512c06d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agent_table.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+import {
+ GlButton,
+ GlLink,
+ GlModalDirective,
+ GlTable,
+ GlIcon,
+ GlSprintf,
+ GlTooltip,
+ GlPopover,
+} from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { s__ } from '~/locale';
+import TimeAgoTooltip from '~/vue_shared/components/time_ago_tooltip.vue';
+import timeagoMixin from '~/vue_shared/mixins/timeago';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ GlButton,
+ GlLink,
+ GlTable,
+ GlIcon,
+ GlSprintf,
+ GlTooltip,
+ GlPopover,
+ TimeAgoTooltip,
+ },
+ directives: {
+ GlModalDirective,
+ },
+ mixins: [timeagoMixin],
+ inject: ['integrationDocsUrl'],
+ props: {
+ agents: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Array,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ fields() {
+ return [
+ {
+ key: 'name',
+ label: s__('ClusterAgents|Name'),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'status',
+ label: s__('ClusterAgents|Connection status'),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'lastContact',
+ label: s__('ClusterAgents|Last contact'),
+ },
+ {
+ key: 'configuration',
+ label: s__('ClusterAgents|Configuration'),
+ },
+ ];
+ },
+ },
+ <div>
+ <div class="gl-display-block gl-text-right gl-my-3">
+ <gl-button
+ v-gl-modal-directive="$options.INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL_ID"
+ variant="confirm"
+ category="primary"
+ >{{ s__('ClusterAgents|Install a new GitLab Agent') }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </div>
+ <gl-table
+ :items="agents"
+ :fields="fields"
+ stacked="md"
+ head-variant="white"
+ thead-class="gl-border-b-solid gl-border-b-1 gl-border-b-gray-100"
+ data-testid="cluster-agent-list-table"
+ >
+ <template #cell(name)="{ item }">
+ <gl-link :href="item.webPath" data-testid="cluster-agent-name-link">
+ {{ }}
+ </gl-link>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(status)="{ item }">
+ <span
+ :id="`connection-status-${}`"
+ class="gl-pr-5"
+ data-testid="cluster-agent-connection-status"
+ >
+ <span :class="$options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].class" class="gl-mr-3">
+ <gl-icon :name="$options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].icon" :size="12" /></span
+ >{{ $options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].name }}
+ </span>
+ <gl-tooltip
+ v-if="item.status === 'active'"
+ :target="`connection-status-${}`"
+ placement="right"
+ >
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].tooltip.title"
+ ><template #timeAgo>{{ timeFormatted(item.lastContact) }}</template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </gl-tooltip>
+ <gl-popover
+ v-else
+ :target="`connection-status-${}`"
+ :title="$options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].tooltip.title"
+ placement="right"
+ container="viewport"
+ >
+ <p>
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.AGENT_STATUSES[item.status].tooltip.body"
+ ><template #timeAgo>{{ timeFormatted(item.lastContact) }}</template></gl-sprintf
+ >
+ </p>
+ <p class="gl-mb-0">
+ {{ s__('ClusterAgents|For more troubleshooting information go to') }}
+ <gl-link :href="$options.TROUBLESHOOTING_LINK" target="_blank" class="gl-font-sm">
+ {{ $options.TROUBLESHOOTING_LINK }}</gl-link
+ >
+ </p>
+ </gl-popover>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(lastContact)="{ item }">
+ <span data-testid="cluster-agent-last-contact">
+ <time-ago-tooltip v-if="item.lastContact" :time="item.lastContact" />
+ <span v-else>{{ s__('ClusterAgents|Never') }}</span>
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ <template #cell(configuration)="{ item }">
+ <span data-testid="cluster-agent-configuration-link">
+ <!-- eslint-disable @gitlab/vue-require-i18n-strings -->
+ <gl-link v-if="item.configFolder" :href="item.configFolder.webPath">
+ .gitlab/agents/{{ }}
+ </gl-link>
+ <span v-else>.gitlab/agents/{{ }}</span>
+ <!-- eslint-enable @gitlab/vue-require-i18n-strings -->
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ </gl-table>
+ </div>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agents.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agents.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ed44c1f5fa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/agents.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import { GlAlert, GlKeysetPagination, GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { MAX_LIST_COUNT, ACTIVE_CONNECTION_TIME } from '../constants';
+import getAgentsQuery from '../graphql/queries/get_agents.query.graphql';
+import AgentEmptyState from './agent_empty_state.vue';
+import AgentTable from './agent_table.vue';
+import InstallAgentModal from './install_agent_modal.vue';
+export default {
+ apollo: {
+ agents: {
+ query: getAgentsQuery,
+ variables() {
+ return {
+ defaultBranchName: this.defaultBranchName,
+ projectPath: this.projectPath,
+ ...this.cursor,
+ };
+ },
+ update(data) {
+ this.updateTreeList(data);
+ return data;
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ components: {
+ AgentEmptyState,
+ AgentTable,
+ InstallAgentModal,
+ GlAlert,
+ GlKeysetPagination,
+ GlLoadingIcon,
+ },
+ inject: ['projectPath'],
+ props: {
+ defaultBranchName: {
+ default: '.noBranch',
+ required: false,
+ type: String,
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ cursor: {
+ first: MAX_LIST_COUNT,
+ last: null,
+ },
+ folderList: {},
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ agentList() {
+ let list = this.agents?.project?.clusterAgents?.nodes;
+ if (list) {
+ list = => {
+ const configFolder = this.folderList[];
+ const lastContact = this.getLastContact(agent);
+ const status = this.getStatus(lastContact);
+ return { ...agent, configFolder, lastContact, status };
+ });
+ }
+ return list;
+ },
+ agentPageInfo() {
+ return this.agents?.project?.clusterAgents?.pageInfo || {};
+ },
+ isLoading() {
+ return this.$apollo.queries.agents.loading;
+ },
+ showPagination() {
+ return this.agentPageInfo.hasPreviousPage || this.agentPageInfo.hasNextPage;
+ },
+ treePageInfo() {
+ return this.agents?.project?.repository?.tree?.trees?.pageInfo || {};
+ },
+ hasConfigurations() {
+ return Boolean(this.agents?.project?.repository?.tree?.trees?.nodes?.length);
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ reloadAgents() {
+ this.$apollo.queries.agents.refetch();
+ },
+ nextPage() {
+ this.cursor = {
+ first: MAX_LIST_COUNT,
+ last: null,
+ afterAgent: this.agentPageInfo.endCursor,
+ afterTree: this.treePageInfo.endCursor,
+ };
+ },
+ prevPage() {
+ this.cursor = {
+ first: null,
+ beforeAgent: this.agentPageInfo.startCursor,
+ beforeTree: this.treePageInfo.endCursor,
+ };
+ },
+ updateTreeList(data) {
+ const configFolders = data?.project?.repository?.tree?.trees?.nodes;
+ if (configFolders) {
+ configFolders.forEach((folder) => {
+ this.folderList[] = folder;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ getLastContact(agent) {
+ const tokens = agent?.tokens?.nodes;
+ let lastContact = null;
+ if (tokens?.length) {
+ tokens.forEach((token) => {
+ const lastContactToDate = new Date(token.lastUsedAt).getTime();
+ if (lastContactToDate > lastContact) {
+ lastContact = lastContactToDate;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return lastContact;
+ },
+ getStatus(lastContact) {
+ if (lastContact) {
+ const now = new Date().getTime();
+ const diff = now - lastContact;
+ return diff > ACTIVE_CONNECTION_TIME ? 'inactive' : 'active';
+ }
+ return 'unused';
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-loading-icon v-if="isLoading" size="md" class="gl-mt-3" />
+ <section v-else-if="agentList" class="gl-mt-3">
+ <div v-if="agentList.length">
+ <AgentTable :agents="agentList" />
+ <div v-if="showPagination" class="gl-display-flex gl-justify-content-center gl-mt-5">
+ <gl-keyset-pagination v-bind="agentPageInfo" @prev="prevPage" @next="nextPage" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <AgentEmptyState v-else :has-configurations="hasConfigurations" />
+ <InstallAgentModal @agentRegistered="reloadAgents" />
+ </section>
+ <gl-alert v-else variant="danger" :dismissible="false">
+ {{ s__('ClusterAgents|An error occurred while loading your GitLab Agents') }}
+ </gl-alert>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/available_agents_dropdown.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/available_agents_dropdown.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9fb020d2f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/available_agents_dropdown.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem } from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { I18N_AVAILABLE_AGENTS_DROPDOWN } from '../constants';
+import agentConfigurations from '../graphql/queries/agent_configurations.query.graphql';
+export default {
+ name: 'AvailableAgentsDropdown',
+ components: {
+ GlDropdown,
+ GlDropdownItem,
+ },
+ inject: ['projectPath'],
+ props: {
+ isRegistering: {
+ required: true,
+ type: Boolean,
+ },
+ },
+ apollo: {
+ agents: {
+ query: agentConfigurations,
+ variables() {
+ return {
+ projectPath: this.projectPath,
+ };
+ },
+ update(data) {
+ this.populateAvailableAgents(data);
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ availableAgents: [],
+ selectedAgent: null,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ isLoading() {
+ return this.$apollo.queries.agents.loading;
+ },
+ dropdownText() {
+ if (this.isRegistering) {
+ return this.$options.i18n.registeringAgent;
+ } else if (this.selectedAgent === null) {
+ return this.$options.i18n.selectAgent;
+ }
+ return this.selectedAgent;
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ selectAgent(agent) {
+ this.$emit('agentSelected', agent);
+ this.selectedAgent = agent;
+ },
+ isSelected(agent) {
+ return this.selectedAgent === agent;
+ },
+ populateAvailableAgents(data) {
+ const installedAgents = data?.project?.clusterAgents? => ?? [];
+ const configuredAgents =
+ data?.project?.agentConfigurations? => config.agentName) ?? [];
+ this.availableAgents = configuredAgents.filter((agent) => !installedAgents.includes(agent));
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-dropdown :text="dropdownText" :loading="isLoading || isRegistering">
+ <gl-dropdown-item
+ v-for="agent in availableAgents"
+ :key="agent"
+ :is-checked="isSelected(agent)"
+ is-check-item
+ @click="selectAgent(agent)"
+ >
+ {{ agent }}
+ </gl-dropdown-item>
+ </gl-dropdown>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/install_agent_modal.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/install_agent_modal.vue
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5f192fe4d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/components/install_agent_modal.vue
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+import {
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlFormGroup,
+ GlFormInputGroup,
+ GlLink,
+ GlModal,
+ GlSprintf,
+} from '@gitlab/ui';
+import { helpPagePath } from '~/helpers/help_page_helper';
+import ClipboardButton from '~/vue_shared/components/clipboard_button.vue';
+import CodeBlock from '~/vue_shared/components/code_block.vue';
+import { generateAgentRegistrationCommand } from '../clusters_util';
+import { INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL_ID, I18N_INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL } from '../constants';
+import createAgent from '../graphql/mutations/create_agent.mutation.graphql';
+import createAgentToken from '../graphql/mutations/create_agent_token.mutation.graphql';
+import AvailableAgentsDropdown from './available_agents_dropdown.vue';
+export default {
+ components: {
+ AvailableAgentsDropdown,
+ ClipboardButton,
+ CodeBlock,
+ GlAlert,
+ GlButton,
+ GlFormGroup,
+ GlFormInputGroup,
+ GlLink,
+ GlModal,
+ GlSprintf,
+ },
+ inject: ['projectPath', 'kasAddress'],
+ data() {
+ return {
+ registering: false,
+ agentName: null,
+ agentToken: null,
+ error: null,
+ };
+ },
+ computed: {
+ registered() {
+ return Boolean(this.agentToken);
+ },
+ nextButtonDisabled() {
+ return !this.registering && this.agentName !== null;
+ },
+ canCancel() {
+ return !this.registered && !this.registering;
+ },
+ agentRegistrationCommand() {
+ return generateAgentRegistrationCommand(this.agentToken, this.kasAddress);
+ },
+ basicInstallPath() {
+ return helpPagePath('user/clusters/agent/index', {
+ anchor: 'install-the-agent-into-the-cluster',
+ });
+ },
+ advancedInstallPath() {
+ return helpPagePath('user/clusters/agent/index', { anchor: 'advanced-installation' });
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ setAgentName(name) {
+ this.agentName = name;
+ },
+ cancelClicked() {
+ this.$refs.modal.hide();
+ },
+ doneClicked() {
+ this.$emit('agentRegistered');
+ this.$refs.modal.hide();
+ },
+ resetModal() {
+ this.registering = null;
+ this.agentName = null;
+ this.agentToken = null;
+ this.error = null;
+ },
+ createAgentMutation() {
+ return this.$apollo
+ .mutate({
+ mutation: createAgent,
+ variables: {
+ input: {
+ name: this.agentName,
+ projectPath: this.projectPath,
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ .then(({ data: { createClusterAgent } }) => createClusterAgent);
+ },
+ createAgentTokenMutation(agendId) {
+ return this.$apollo
+ .mutate({
+ mutation: createAgentToken,
+ variables: {
+ input: {
+ clusterAgentId: agendId,
+ name: this.agentName,
+ },
+ },
+ })
+ .then(({ data: { clusterAgentTokenCreate } }) => clusterAgentTokenCreate);
+ },
+ async registerAgent() {
+ this.registering = true;
+ this.error = null;
+ try {
+ const { errors: agentErrors, clusterAgent } = await this.createAgentMutation();
+ if (agentErrors?.length > 0) {
+ throw new Error(agentErrors[0]);
+ }
+ const { errors: tokenErrors, secret } = await this.createAgentTokenMutation(
+ );
+ if (tokenErrors?.length > 0) {
+ throw new Error(tokenErrors[0]);
+ }
+ this.agentToken = secret;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error) {
+ this.error = error.message;
+ } else {
+ this.error = this.$options.i18n.unknownError;
+ }
+ } finally {
+ this.registering = false;
+ }
+ },
+ },
+ <gl-modal
+ ref="modal"
+ :modal-id="$options.modalId"
+ :title="$options.i18n.modalTitle"
+ static
+ lazy
+ @hidden="resetModal"
+ >
+ <template v-if="!registered">
+ <p>
+ <strong>{{ $options.i18n.selectAgentTitle }}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.i18n.selectAgentBody">
+ <template #link="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="basicInstallPath" target="_blank"> {{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ <form>
+ <gl-form-group label-for="agent-name">
+ <available-agents-dropdown
+ class="gl-w-70p"
+ :is-registering="registering"
+ @agentSelected="setAgentName"
+ />
+ </gl-form-group>
+ </form>
+ <p v-if="error">
+ <gl-alert
+ :title="$options.i18n.registrationErrorTitle"
+ variant="danger"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ >
+ {{ error }}
+ </gl-alert>
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ <p>
+ <strong>{{ $options.i18n.tokenTitle }}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.i18n.tokenBody">
+ <template #link="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="basicInstallPath" target="_blank"> {{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-alert
+ :title="$options.i18n.tokenSingleUseWarningTitle"
+ variant="warning"
+ :dismissible="false"
+ >
+ {{ $options.i18n.tokenSingleUseWarningBody }}
+ </gl-alert>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-form-input-group readonly :value="agentToken" :select-on-click="true">
+ <template #append>
+ <clipboard-button :text="agentToken" :title="$options.i18n.copyToken" />
+ </template>
+ </gl-form-input-group>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>{{ $options.i18n.basicInstallTitle }}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ {{ $options.i18n.basicInstallBody }}
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <code-block :code="agentRegistrationCommand" />
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong>{{ $options.i18n.advancedInstallTitle }}</strong>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <gl-sprintf :message="$options.i18n.advancedInstallBody">
+ <template #link="{ content }">
+ <gl-link :href="advancedInstallPath" target="_blank"> {{ content }}</gl-link>
+ </template>
+ </gl-sprintf>
+ </p>
+ </template>
+ <template #modal-footer>
+ <gl-button v-if="canCancel" @click="cancelClicked">{{ $options.i18n.cancel }} </gl-button>
+ <gl-button v-if="registered" variant="confirm" category="primary" @click="doneClicked"
+ >{{ $options.i18n.done }}
+ </gl-button>
+ <gl-button
+ v-else
+ :disabled="!nextButtonDisabled"
+ variant="confirm"
+ category="primary"
+ @click="registerAgent"
+ >{{ $ }}
+ </gl-button>
+ </template>
+ </gl-modal>
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/constants.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/constants.js
index f39678b73dc..0bade1fc281 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/constants.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/constants.js
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
-import { __, s__ } from '~/locale';
+import { __, s__, sprintf } from '~/locale';
+export const MAX_LIST_COUNT = 25;
+export const INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL_ID = 'install-agent';
+export const ACTIVE_CONNECTION_TIME = 480000;
+ '';
export const CLUSTER_ERRORS = {
default: {
@@ -58,3 +64,80 @@ export const STATUSES = {
deleting: { title: __('Deleting') },
creating: { title: __('Creating') },
+export const I18N_INSTALL_AGENT_MODAL = {
+ next: __('Next'),
+ done: __('Done'),
+ cancel: __('Cancel'),
+ modalTitle: s__('ClusterAgents|Install new Agent'),
+ selectAgentTitle: s__('ClusterAgents|Select which Agent you want to install'),
+ selectAgentBody: s__(
+ `ClusterAgents|Select the Agent you want to register with GitLab and install on your cluster. To learn more about the Kubernetes Agent registration process %{linkStart}go to the documentation%{linkEnd}.`,
+ ),
+ copyToken: s__('ClusterAgents|Copy token'),
+ tokenTitle: s__('ClusterAgents|Registration token'),
+ tokenBody: s__(
+ `ClusterAgents|The registration token will be used to connect the Agent on your cluster to GitLab. To learn more about the registration tokens and how they are used %{linkStart}go to the documentation%{linkEnd}.`,
+ ),
+ tokenSingleUseWarningTitle: s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|The token value will not be shown again after you close this window.',
+ ),
+ tokenSingleUseWarningBody: s__(
+ `ClusterAgents|The recommended installation method provided below includes the token. If you want to follow the alternative installation method provided in the docs make sure you save the token value before you close the window.`,
+ ),
+ basicInstallTitle: s__('ClusterAgents|Recommended installation method'),
+ basicInstallBody: s__(
+ `Open a CLI and connect to the cluster you want to install the Agent in. Use this installation method to minimize any manual steps. The token is already included in the command.`,
+ ),
+ advancedInstallTitle: s__('ClusterAgents|Alternative installation methods'),
+ advancedInstallBody: s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|For alternative installation methods %{linkStart}go to the documentation%{linkEnd}.',
+ ),
+ registrationErrorTitle: s__('Failed to register Agent'),
+ unknownError: s__('ClusterAgents|An unknown error occurred. Please try again.'),
+ selectAgent: s__('ClusterAgents|Select an Agent'),
+ registeringAgent: s__('ClusterAgents|Registering Agent'),
+export const AGENT_STATUSES = {
+ active: {
+ name: s__('ClusterAgents|Connected'),
+ icon: 'status-success',
+ class: 'text-success-500',
+ tooltip: {
+ title: sprintf(s__('ClusterAgents|Last connected %{timeAgo}.')),
+ },
+ },
+ inactive: {
+ name: s__('ClusterAgents|Not connected'),
+ icon: 'severity-critical',
+ class: 'text-danger-800',
+ tooltip: {
+ title: s__('ClusterAgents|Agent might not be connected to GitLab'),
+ body: sprintf(
+ s__(
+ 'ClusterAgents|The Agent has not been connected in a long time. There might be a connectivity issue. Last contact was %{timeAgo}.',
+ ),
+ ),
+ },
+ },
+ unused: {
+ name: s__('ClusterAgents|Never connected'),
+ icon: 'status-neutral',
+ class: 'text-secondary-400',
+ tooltip: {
+ title: s__('ClusterAgents|Agent never connected to GitLab'),
+ body: s__('ClusterAgents|Make sure you are using a valid token.'),
+ },
+ },
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent.mutation.graphql b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent.mutation.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c29756159f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent.mutation.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+mutation createClusterAgent($input: CreateClusterAgentInput!) {
+ createClusterAgent(input: $input) {
+ clusterAgent {
+ id
+ }
+ errors
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent_token.mutation.graphql b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent_token.mutation.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e93580cf416
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/mutations/create_agent_token.mutation.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+mutation createClusterAgentToken($input: ClusterAgentTokenCreateInput!) {
+ clusterAgentTokenCreate(input: $input) {
+ secret
+ token {
+ id
+ }
+ errors
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/agent_configurations.query.graphql b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/agent_configurations.query.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..40b61337024
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/agent_configurations.query.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+query agentConfigurations($projectPath: ID!) {
+ project(fullPath: $projectPath) {
+ agentConfigurations {
+ nodes {
+ agentName
+ }
+ }
+ clusterAgents {
+ nodes {
+ name
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/get_agents.query.graphql b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/get_agents.query.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..61989e00d9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/graphql/queries/get_agents.query.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#import "~/graphql_shared/fragments/pageInfo.fragment.graphql"
+query getAgents(
+ $defaultBranchName: String!
+ $projectPath: ID!
+ $first: Int
+ $last: Int
+ $afterAgent: String
+ $afterTree: String
+ $beforeAgent: String
+ $beforeTree: String
+) {
+ project(fullPath: $projectPath) {
+ clusterAgents(first: $first, last: $last, before: $beforeAgent, after: $afterAgent) {
+ nodes {
+ id
+ name
+ webPath
+ tokens {
+ nodes {
+ lastUsedAt
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pageInfo {
+ ...PageInfo
+ }
+ }
+ repository {
+ tree(path: ".gitlab/agents", ref: $defaultBranchName) {
+ trees(first: $first, last: $last, after: $afterTree, before: $beforeTree) {
+ nodes {
+ name
+ path
+ webPath
+ }
+ pageInfo {
+ ...PageInfo
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/index.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/index.js
index daa82892773..de18965abbd 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/index.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/index.js
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
import Vue from 'vue';
+import VueApollo from 'vue-apollo';
import loadClusters from './load_clusters';
+import loadAgents from './load_agents';
export default () => {
+ loadAgents(Vue, VueApollo);
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/load_agents.js b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/load_agents.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b77d386df20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/clusters_list/load_agents.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import createDefaultClient from '~/lib/graphql';
+import Agents from './components/agents.vue';
+export default (Vue, VueApollo) => {
+ const el = document.querySelector('#js-cluster-agents-list');
+ if (!el) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ const defaultClient = createDefaultClient({}, { assumeImmutableResults: true });
+ const {
+ emptyStateImage,
+ defaultBranchName,
+ projectPath,
+ agentDocsUrl,
+ installDocsUrl,
+ getStartedDocsUrl,
+ integrationDocsUrl,
+ kasAddress,
+ } = el.dataset;
+ return new Vue({
+ el,
+ apolloProvider: new VueApollo({ defaultClient }),
+ provide: {
+ emptyStateImage,
+ projectPath,
+ agentDocsUrl,
+ installDocsUrl,
+ getStartedDocsUrl,
+ integrationDocsUrl,
+ kasAddress,
+ },
+ render(createElement) {
+ return createElement(Agents, {
+ props: {
+ defaultBranchName,
+ },
+ });
+ },
+ });