path: root/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees')
3 files changed, 349 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a9ad3708514
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignee_title.js
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+export default {
+ name: 'AssigneeTitle',
+ props: {
+ loading: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: false,
+ default: false,
+ },
+ numberOfAssignees: {
+ type: Number,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ editable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ assigneeTitle() {
+ const assignees = this.numberOfAssignees;
+ return assignees > 1 ? `${assignees} Assignees` : 'Assignee';
+ },
+ },
+ template: `
+ <div class="title hide-collapsed">
+ {{assigneeTitle}}
+ <i
+ v-if="loading"
+ aria-hidden="true"
+ class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin block-loading"
+ />
+ <a
+ v-if="editable"
+ class="edit-link pull-right"
+ href="#"
+ >
+ Edit
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ `,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignees.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignees.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7e5feac622c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/assignees.js
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+export default {
+ name: 'Assignees',
+ data() {
+ return {
+ defaultRenderCount: 5,
+ defaultMaxCounter: 99,
+ showLess: true,
+ };
+ },
+ props: {
+ rootPath: {
+ type: String,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ users: {
+ type: Array,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ editable: {
+ type: Boolean,
+ required: true,
+ },
+ },
+ computed: {
+ firstUser() {
+ return this.users[0];
+ },
+ hasMoreThanTwoAssignees() {
+ return this.users.length > 2;
+ },
+ hasMoreThanOneAssignee() {
+ return this.users.length > 1;
+ },
+ hasAssignees() {
+ return this.users.length > 0;
+ },
+ hasNoUsers() {
+ return !this.users.length;
+ },
+ hasOneUser() {
+ return this.users.length === 1;
+ },
+ renderShowMoreSection() {
+ return this.users.length > this.defaultRenderCount;
+ },
+ numberOfHiddenAssignees() {
+ return this.users.length - this.defaultRenderCount;
+ },
+ isHiddenAssignees() {
+ return this.numberOfHiddenAssignees > 0;
+ },
+ hiddenAssigneesLabel() {
+ return `+ ${this.numberOfHiddenAssignees} more`;
+ },
+ collapsedTooltipTitle() {
+ const maxRender = Math.min(this.defaultRenderCount, this.users.length);
+ const renderUsers = this.users.slice(0, maxRender);
+ const names = =>;
+ if (this.users.length > maxRender) {
+ names.push(`+ ${this.users.length - maxRender} more`);
+ }
+ return names.join(', ');
+ },
+ sidebarAvatarCounter() {
+ let counter = `+${this.users.length - 1}`;
+ if (this.users.length > this.defaultMaxCounter) {
+ counter = `${this.defaultMaxCounter}+`;
+ }
+ return counter;
+ },
+ },
+ methods: {
+ assignSelf() {
+ this.$emit('assign-self');
+ },
+ toggleShowLess() {
+ this.showLess = !this.showLess;
+ },
+ renderAssignee(index) {
+ return !this.showLess || (index < this.defaultRenderCount && this.showLess);
+ },
+ avatarUrl(user) {
+ return user.avatar || user.avatar_url;
+ },
+ assigneeUrl(user) {
+ return `${this.rootPath}${user.username}`;
+ },
+ assigneeAlt(user) {
+ return `${}'s avatar`;
+ },
+ assigneeUsername(user) {
+ return `@${user.username}`;
+ },
+ shouldRenderCollapsedAssignee(index) {
+ const firstTwo = this.users.length <= 2 && index <= 2;
+ return index === 0 || firstTwo;
+ },
+ },
+ template: `
+ <div>
+ <div
+ class="sidebar-collapsed-icon sidebar-collapsed-user"
+ :class="{ 'multiple-users': hasMoreThanOneAssignee, 'has-tooltip': hasAssignees }"
+ data-container="body"
+ data-placement="left"
+ :title="collapsedTooltipTitle"
+ >
+ <i
+ v-if="hasNoUsers"
+ aria-label="No Assignee"
+ class="fa fa-user"
+ />
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn-link"
+ v-for="(user, index) in users"
+ v-if="shouldRenderCollapsedAssignee(index)"
+ >
+ <img
+ width="24"
+ class="avatar avatar-inline s24"
+ :alt="assigneeAlt(user)"
+ :src="avatarUrl(user)"
+ />
+ <span class="author">
+ {{ }}
+ </span>
+ </button>
+ <button
+ v-if="hasMoreThanTwoAssignees"
+ class="btn-link"
+ type="button"
+ >
+ <span
+ class="avatar-counter sidebar-avatar-counter"
+ >
+ {{ sidebarAvatarCounter }}
+ </span>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ <div class="value hide-collapsed">
+ <template v-if="hasNoUsers">
+ <span class="assign-yourself no-value">
+ No assignee
+ <template v-if="editable">
+ -
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn-link"
+ @click="assignSelf"
+ >
+ assign yourself
+ </button>
+ </template>
+ </span>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else-if="hasOneUser">
+ <a
+ class="author_link bold"
+ :href="assigneeUrl(firstUser)"
+ >
+ <img
+ width="32"
+ class="avatar avatar-inline s32"
+ :alt="assigneeAlt(firstUser)"
+ :src="avatarUrl(firstUser)"
+ />
+ <span class="author">
+ {{ }}
+ </span>
+ <span class="username">
+ {{ assigneeUsername(firstUser) }}
+ </span>
+ </a>
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ <div class="user-list">
+ <div
+ class="user-item"
+ v-for="(user, index) in users"
+ v-if="renderAssignee(index)"
+ >
+ <a
+ class="user-link has-tooltip"
+ data-placement="bottom"
+ :href="assigneeUrl(user)"
+ :data-title=""
+ >
+ <img
+ width="32"
+ class="avatar avatar-inline s32"
+ :alt="assigneeAlt(user)"
+ :src="avatarUrl(user)"
+ />
+ </a>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div
+ v-if="renderShowMoreSection"
+ class="user-list-more"
+ >
+ <button
+ type="button"
+ class="btn-link"
+ @click="toggleShowLess"
+ >
+ <template v-if="showLess">
+ {{ hiddenAssigneesLabel }}
+ </template>
+ <template v-else>
+ - show less
+ </template>
+ </button>
+ </div>
+ </template>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ `,
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/sidebar_assignees.js b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/sidebar_assignees.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1488a66c695
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/sidebar/components/assignees/sidebar_assignees.js
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+/* global Flash */
+import AssigneeTitle from './assignee_title';
+import Assignees from './assignees';
+import Store from '../../stores/sidebar_store';
+import Mediator from '../../sidebar_mediator';
+import eventHub from '../../event_hub';
+export default {
+ name: 'SidebarAssignees',
+ data() {
+ return {
+ mediator: new Mediator(),
+ store: new Store(),
+ loading: false,
+ field: '',
+ };
+ },
+ components: {
+ 'assignee-title': AssigneeTitle,
+ assignees: Assignees,
+ },
+ methods: {
+ assignSelf() {
+ // Notify gl dropdown that we are now assigning to current user
+ this.$el.parentElement.dispatchEvent(new Event('assignYourself'));
+ this.mediator.assignYourself();
+ this.saveAssignees();
+ },
+ saveAssignees() {
+ this.loading = true;
+ function setLoadingFalse() {
+ this.loading = false;
+ }
+ this.mediator.saveAssignees(this.field)
+ .then(setLoadingFalse.bind(this))
+ .catch(() => {
+ setLoadingFalse();
+ return new Flash('Error occurred when saving assignees');
+ });
+ },
+ },
+ created() {
+ this.removeAssignee =;
+ this.addAssignee =;
+ this.removeAllAssignees =;
+ // Get events from glDropdown
+ eventHub.$on('sidebar.removeAssignee', this.removeAssignee);
+ eventHub.$on('sidebar.addAssignee', this.addAssignee);
+ eventHub.$on('sidebar.removeAllAssignees', this.removeAllAssignees);
+ eventHub.$on('sidebar.saveAssignees', this.saveAssignees);
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ eventHub.$off('sidebar.removeAssignee', this.removeAssignee);
+ eventHub.$off('sidebar.addAssignee', this.addAssignee);
+ eventHub.$off('sidebar.removeAllAssignees', this.removeAllAssignees);
+ eventHub.$off('sidebar.saveAssignees', this.saveAssignees);
+ },
+ beforeMount() {
+ this.field = this.$el.dataset.field;
+ },
+ template: `
+ <div>
+ <assignee-title
+ :number-of-assignees="store.assignees.length"
+ :loading="loading"
+ :editable="store.editable"
+ />
+ <assignees
+ class="value"
+ :root-path="store.rootPath"
+ :users="store.assignees"
+ :editable="store.editable"
+ @assign-self="assignSelf"
+ />
+ </div>
+ `,