path: root/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_vue/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_vue/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 230 deletions
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_vue/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue b/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_vue/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue
deleted file mode 100644
index e235bfde394..00000000000
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_vue/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-import {
- GlIntersectionObserver,
- GlLoadingIcon,
- GlButton,
- GlSearchBoxByType,
- GlLink,
-} from '@gitlab/ui';
-import fuzzaldrinPlus from 'fuzzaldrin-plus';
-import { mapState, mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex';
-import { UP_KEY_CODE, DOWN_KEY_CODE, ENTER_KEY_CODE, ESC_KEY_CODE } from '~/lib/utils/keycodes';
-import LabelItem from './label_item.vue';
-// @deprecated This component should only be used when there is no GraphQL API.
-// In most cases you should use
-// `app/assets/javascripts/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_widget/dropdown_contents_labels_view.vue` instead.
-export default {
- components: {
- GlIntersectionObserver,
- GlLoadingIcon,
- GlButton,
- GlSearchBoxByType,
- GlLink,
- LabelItem,
- },
- data() {
- return {
- searchKey: '',
- currentHighlightItem: -1,
- };
- },
- computed: {
- ...mapState([
- 'allowLabelCreate',
- 'allowMultiselect',
- 'labelsManagePath',
- 'labels',
- 'labelsFetchInProgress',
- 'labelsListTitle',
- 'footerCreateLabelTitle',
- 'footerManageLabelTitle',
- ]),
- ...mapGetters(['selectedLabelsList', 'isDropdownVariantSidebar', 'isDropdownVariantEmbedded']),
- visibleLabels() {
- if (this.searchKey) {
- return fuzzaldrinPlus.filter(this.labels, this.searchKey, {
- key: ['title'],
- });
- }
- return this.labels;
- },
- showDropdownFooter() {
- return (
- (this.isDropdownVariantSidebar || this.isDropdownVariantEmbedded) &&
- (this.allowLabelCreate || this.labelsManagePath)
- );
- },
- showNoMatchingResultsMessage() {
- return Boolean(this.searchKey) && this.visibleLabels.length === 0;
- },
- },
- watch: {
- searchKey(value) {
- // When there is search string present
- // and there are matching results,
- // highlight first item by default.
- if (value && this.visibleLabels.length) {
- this.currentHighlightItem = 0;
- }
- },
- },
- methods: {
- ...mapActions([
- 'toggleDropdownContents',
- 'toggleDropdownContentsCreateView',
- 'fetchLabels',
- 'receiveLabelsSuccess',
- 'updateSelectedLabels',
- 'toggleDropdownContents',
- ]),
- isLabelSelected(label) {
- return this.selectedLabelsList.includes(;
- },
- /**
- * This method scrolls item from dropdown into
- * the view if it is off the viewable area of the
- * container.
- */
- scrollIntoViewIfNeeded() {
- const highlightedLabel = this.$refs.labelsListContainer.querySelector('.is-focused');
- if (highlightedLabel) {
- const container = this.$refs.labelsListContainer.getBoundingClientRect();
- const label = highlightedLabel.getBoundingClientRect();
- if (label.bottom > container.bottom) {
- this.$refs.labelsListContainer.scrollTop += label.bottom - container.bottom;
- } else if ( < {
- this.$refs.labelsListContainer.scrollTop -= -;
- }
- }
- },
- handleComponentAppear() {
- // We can avoid putting `catch` block here
- // as failure is handled within actions.js already.
- return this.fetchLabels().then(() => {
- this.$refs.searchInput.focusInput();
- });
- },
- /**
- * We want to remove loaded labels to ensure component
- * fetches fresh set of labels every time when shown.
- */
- handleComponentDisappear() {
- this.receiveLabelsSuccess([]);
- },
- handleCreateLabelClick() {
- this.receiveLabelsSuccess([]);
- this.toggleDropdownContentsCreateView();
- },
- /**
- * This method enables keyboard navigation support for
- * the dropdown.
- */
- handleKeyDown(e) {
- if (e.keyCode === UP_KEY_CODE && this.currentHighlightItem > 0) {
- this.currentHighlightItem -= 1;
- } else if (
- e.keyCode === DOWN_KEY_CODE &&
- this.currentHighlightItem < this.visibleLabels.length - 1
- ) {
- this.currentHighlightItem += 1;
- } else if (e.keyCode === ENTER_KEY_CODE && this.currentHighlightItem > -1) {
- this.updateSelectedLabels([this.visibleLabels[this.currentHighlightItem]]);
- this.searchKey = '';
- // Prevent parent form submission upon hitting enter.
- e.preventDefault();
- } else if (e.keyCode === ESC_KEY_CODE) {
- this.toggleDropdownContents();
- }
- if (e.keyCode !== ESC_KEY_CODE) {
- // Scroll the list only after highlighting
- // styles are rendered completely.
- this.$nextTick(() => {
- this.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded();
- });
- }
- },
- handleLabelClick(label) {
- this.updateSelectedLabels([label]);
- if (!this.allowMultiselect) this.toggleDropdownContents();
- },
- },
- <gl-intersection-observer @appear="handleComponentAppear" @disappear="handleComponentDisappear">
- <div class="labels-select-contents-list js-labels-list" @keydown="handleKeyDown">
- <div
- v-if="isDropdownVariantSidebar || isDropdownVariantEmbedded"
- class="dropdown-title gl-display-flex gl-align-items-center gl-pt-0 gl-pb-3!"
- data-testid="dropdown-title"
- >
- <span class="flex-grow-1">{{ labelsListTitle }}</span>
- <gl-button
- :aria-label="__('Close')"
- category="tertiary"
- size="small"
- class="dropdown-header-button gl-p-0!"
- icon="close"
- @click="toggleDropdownContents"
- />
- </div>
- <div class="dropdown-input" @click.stop="() => {}">
- <gl-search-box-by-type
- ref="searchInput"
- v-model="searchKey"
- :disabled="labelsFetchInProgress"
- data-qa-selector="dropdown_input_field"
- />
- </div>
- <div ref="labelsListContainer" class="dropdown-content" data-testid="dropdown-content">
- <gl-loading-icon
- v-if="labelsFetchInProgress"
- class="labels-fetch-loading gl-align-items-center w-100 h-100"
- size="lg"
- />
- <ul v-else class="list-unstyled gl-mb-0 gl-word-break-word">
- <label-item
- v-for="(label, index) in visibleLabels"
- :key=""
- :label="label"
- :is-label-set="label.set"
- :is-label-indeterminate="label.indeterminate"
- :highlight="index === currentHighlightItem"
- @clickLabel="handleLabelClick(label)"
- />
- <li v-show="showNoMatchingResultsMessage" class="gl-p-3 gl-text-center">
- {{ __('No matching results') }}
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <div v-if="showDropdownFooter" class="dropdown-footer" data-testid="dropdown-footer">
- <ul class="list-unstyled">
- <li v-if="allowLabelCreate">
- <gl-link
- class="gl-display-flex w-100 flex-row text-break-word label-item"
- @click="handleCreateLabelClick"
- >
- {{ footerCreateLabelTitle }}
- </gl-link>
- </li>
- <li v-if="labelsManagePath">
- <gl-link
- :href="labelsManagePath"
- class="gl-display-flex flex-row text-break-word label-item"
- >
- {{ footerManageLabelTitle }}
- </gl-link>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- </div>
- </gl-intersection-observer>