path: root/app/services/projects
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app/services/projects')
3 files changed, 236 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app/services/projects/transfer_service.rb b/app/services/projects/transfer_service.rb
index 34ec575e808..20b049b5973 100644
--- a/app/services/projects/transfer_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/projects/transfer_service.rb
@@ -64,6 +64,9 @@ module Projects
# Move uploads, old_namespace.path, new_namespace.path)
+ # Move pages
+, old_namespace.path, new_namespace.path)
project.old_path_with_namespace = old_path, :transfer)
diff --git a/app/services/projects/update_pages_configuration_service.rb b/app/services/projects/update_pages_configuration_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..eb4809afa85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/projects/update_pages_configuration_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+module Projects
+ class UpdatePagesConfigurationService < BaseService
+ attr_reader :project
+ def initialize(project)
+ @project = project
+ end
+ def execute
+ update_file(pages_config_file, pages_config.to_json)
+ reload_daemon
+ success
+ rescue => e
+ error(e.message)
+ end
+ private
+ def pages_config
+ {
+ domains: pages_domains_config
+ }
+ end
+ def pages_domains_config
+ do |domain|
+ {
+ domain: domain.domain,
+ certificate: domain.certificate,
+ key: domain.key,
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def reload_daemon
+ # GitLab Pages daemon constantly watches for modification time of `pages.path`
+ # It reloads configuration when `pages.path` is modified
+ update_file(pages_update_file, SecureRandom.hex(64))
+ end
+ def pages_path
+ @pages_path ||= project.pages_path
+ end
+ def pages_config_file
+ File.join(pages_path, 'config.json')
+ end
+ def pages_update_file
+ File.join(::Settings.pages.path, '.update')
+ end
+ def update_file(file, data)
+ unless data
+ FileUtils.remove(file, force: true)
+ return
+ end
+ temp_file = "#{file}.#{SecureRandom.hex(16)}"
+, 'w') do |f|
+ f.write(data)
+ end
+ FileUtils.move(temp_file, file, force: true)
+ ensure
+ # In case if the updating fails
+ FileUtils.remove(temp_file, force: true)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/services/projects/update_pages_service.rb b/app/services/projects/update_pages_service.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f5f9ee88912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/services/projects/update_pages_service.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+module Projects
+ class UpdatePagesService < BaseService
+ BLOCK_SIZE = 32.kilobytes
+ MAX_SIZE = 1.terabyte
+ SITE_PATH = 'public/'
+ attr_reader :build
+ def initialize(project, build)
+ @project, @build = project, build
+ end
+ def execute
+ # Create status notifying the deployment of pages
+ @status = create_status
+ @status.enqueue!
+ raise 'missing pages artifacts' unless build.artifacts_file?
+ raise 'pages are outdated' unless latest?
+ # Create temporary directory in which we will extract the artifacts
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_path)
+ Dir.mktmpdir(nil, tmp_path) do |archive_path|
+ extract_archive!(archive_path)
+ # Check if we did extract public directory
+ archive_public_path = File.join(archive_path, 'public')
+ raise 'pages miss the public folder' unless Dir.exist?(archive_public_path)
+ raise 'pages are outdated' unless latest?
+ deploy_page!(archive_public_path)
+ success
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ error(e.message)
+ end
+ private
+ def success
+ @status.success
+ super
+ end
+ def error(message, http_status = nil)
+ @status.allow_failure = !latest?
+ @status.description = message
+ @status.drop
+ super
+ end
+ def create_status
+ project: project,
+ pipeline: build.pipeline,
+ user: build.user,
+ ref: build.ref,
+ stage: 'deploy',
+ name: 'pages:deploy'
+ )
+ end
+ def extract_archive!(temp_path)
+ if artifacts.ends_with?('.tar.gz') || artifacts.ends_with?('.tgz')
+ extract_tar_archive!(temp_path)
+ elsif artifacts.ends_with?('.zip')
+ extract_zip_archive!(temp_path)
+ else
+ raise 'unsupported artifacts format'
+ end
+ end
+ def extract_tar_archive!(temp_path)
+ results = Open3.pipeline(%W(gunzip -c #{artifacts}),
+ %W(dd bs=#{BLOCK_SIZE} count=#{blocks}),
+ %W(tar -x -C #{temp_path} #{SITE_PATH}),
+ err: '/dev/null')
+ raise 'pages failed to extract' unless results.compact.all?(&:success?)
+ end
+ def extract_zip_archive!(temp_path)
+ raise 'missing artifacts metadata' unless build.artifacts_metadata?
+ # Calculate page size after extract
+ public_entry = build.artifacts_metadata_entry(SITE_PATH, recursive: true)
+ if public_entry.total_size > max_size
+ raise "artifacts for pages are too large: #{public_entry.total_size}"
+ end
+ # Requires UnZip at least 6.00 Info-ZIP.
+ # -n never overwrite existing files
+ # We add * to end of SITE_PATH, because we want to extract SITE_PATH and all subdirectories
+ site_path = File.join(SITE_PATH, '*')
+ unless system(*%W(unzip -n #{artifacts} #{site_path} -d #{temp_path}))
+ raise 'pages failed to extract'
+ end
+ end
+ def deploy_page!(archive_public_path)
+ # Do atomic move of pages
+ # Move and removal may not be atomic, but they are significantly faster then extracting and removal
+ # 1. We move deployed public to previous public path (file removal is slow)
+ # 2. We move temporary public to be deployed public
+ # 3. We remove previous public path
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p(pages_path)
+ begin
+ FileUtils.move(public_path, previous_public_path)
+ rescue
+ end
+ FileUtils.move(archive_public_path, public_path)
+ ensure
+ FileUtils.rm_r(previous_public_path, force: true)
+ end
+ def latest?
+ # check if sha for the ref is still the most recent one
+ # this helps in case when multiple deployments happens
+ sha == latest_sha
+ end
+ def blocks
+ # Calculate dd parameters: we limit the size of pages
+ 1 + max_size / BLOCK_SIZE
+ end
+ def max_size
+ current_application_settings.max_pages_size.megabytes || MAX_SIZE
+ end
+ def tmp_path
+ @tmp_path ||= File.join(::Settings.pages.path, 'tmp')
+ end
+ def pages_path
+ @pages_path ||= project.pages_path
+ end
+ def public_path
+ @public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, 'public')
+ end
+ def previous_public_path
+ @previous_public_path ||= File.join(pages_path, "public.#{SecureRandom.hex}")
+ end
+ def ref
+ build.ref
+ end
+ def artifacts
+ build.artifacts_file.path
+ end
+ def latest_sha
+ project.commit(build.ref).try(:sha).to_s
+ end
+ def sha
+ build.sha
+ end
+ end