path: root/doc/ci/triggers/
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+stage: Verify
+group: Pipeline Execution
+info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
+type: tutorial
+# Triggering pipelines through the API **(FREE)**
+Triggers can be used to force a pipeline rerun of a specific `ref` (branch or
+tag) with an API call.
+## Authentication tokens
+The following methods of authentication are supported:
+- [Trigger token](#trigger-token)
+- [CI job token](#ci-job-token)
+If using the `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE` [predefined CI/CD variable](../variables/
+to limit which jobs run in a pipeline, the value could be either `pipeline` or `trigger`,
+depending on which trigger method is used.
+| `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE` value | Trigger method |
+| `pipeline` | Using the `trigger:` keyword in the CI/CD configuration file, or using the trigger API with `$CI_JOB_TOKEN`. |
+| `trigger` | Using the trigger API using a generated trigger token |
+This also applies when using the `pipelines` or `triggers` keywords with the legacy [`only/except` basic syntax](../yaml/
+### Trigger token
+A unique trigger token can be obtained when [adding a new trigger](#adding-a-new-trigger).
+Passing plain text tokens in public projects is a security issue. Potential
+attackers can impersonate the user that exposed their trigger token publicly in
+their `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. Use [CI/CD variables](../variables/
+to protect trigger tokens.
+### CI job token
+You can use the `CI_JOB_TOKEN` [CI/CD variable](../variables/ (used to authenticate
+with the [GitLab Container Registry](../../user/packages/container_registry/ in the following cases.
+#### When used with multi-project pipelines
+> - Use of `CI_JOB_TOKEN` for multi-project pipelines was [introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 9.3.
+> - Use of `CI_JOB_TOKEN` for multi-project pipelines was [made available]( in all tiers in GitLab 12.4.
+This way of triggering can only be used when invoked inside `.gitlab-ci.yml`,
+and it creates a dependent pipeline relation visible on the
+[pipeline graph](../pipelines/ For example:
+ stage: deploy
+ script:
+ - curl --request POST --form "token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" --form ref=main ""
+ rules:
+ - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
+Pipelines triggered that way also expose a special variable:
+Read more about the [pipelines trigger API](../../api/
+#### When a pipeline depends on the artifacts of another pipeline **(PREMIUM)**
+> The use of `CI_JOB_TOKEN` in the artifacts download API was [introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 9.5.
+With the introduction of dependencies between different projects, one of
+them may need to access artifacts created by a previous one. This process
+must be granted for authorized accesses, and it can be done using the
+`CI_JOB_TOKEN` variable that identifies a specific job. For example:
+ image: debian
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - apt update && apt install -y unzip
+ - curl --location --output "$CI_JOB_TOKEN"
+ - unzip
+ rules:
+ - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
+This allows you to use that for multi-project pipelines and download artifacts
+from any project to which you have access as this follows the same principles
+with the [permission model](../../user/
+Read more about the [jobs API](../../api/
+## Adding a new trigger
+Go to your
+**Settings > CI/CD** under **Triggers** to add a new trigger. The **Add trigger** button creates
+a new token which you can then use to trigger a rerun of this
+particular project's pipeline.
+Every new trigger you create, gets assigned a different token which you can
+then use inside your scripts or `.gitlab-ci.yml`. You also have a nice
+overview of the time the triggers were last used.
+![Triggers page overview](img/triggers_page.png)
+## Revoking a trigger
+You can revoke a trigger any time by going at your project's
+**Settings > CI/CD** under **Triggers** and hitting the **Revoke** button.
+The action is irreversible.
+## Triggering a pipeline
+To trigger a pipeline you need to send a `POST` request to the GitLab API endpoint:
+POST /projects/:id/trigger/pipeline
+The required parameters are the [trigger's `token`](#authentication-tokens)
+and the Git `ref` on which the trigger is performed. Valid refs are
+branches or tags. The `:id` of a project can be found by
+[querying the API](../../api/ or by visiting the **CI/CD**
+settings page which provides self-explanatory examples.
+When a rerun of a pipeline is triggered, jobs are labeled as `triggered` in
+**CI/CD > Jobs**.
+You can see which trigger caused a job to run by visiting the single job page.
+A part of the trigger's token is exposed in the UI as you can see from the image
+![Marked as triggered on a single job page](img/trigger_single_job.png)
+By using cURL you can trigger a pipeline rerun with minimal effort, for example:
+curl --request POST \
+ --form token=TOKEN \
+ --form ref=main \
+ ""
+In this case, the pipeline for the project with ID `9` runs on the `main` branch.
+Alternatively, you can pass the `token` and `ref` arguments in the query string:
+curl --request POST \
+ ""
+You can also benefit by using triggers in your `.gitlab-ci.yml`. Let's say that
+you have two projects, A and B, and you want to trigger a pipeline on the `main`
+branch of project B whenever a tag on project A is created. This is the job you
+need to add in project A's `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
+ stage: deploy
+ script:
+ - 'curl --request POST --form token=TOKEN --form ref=main ""'
+ rules:
+ - if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG
+This means that whenever a new tag is pushed on project A, the job runs and the
+`trigger_pipeline` job is executed, triggering the pipeline for project B. The
+`stage: deploy` ensures that this job runs only after all jobs with
+`stage: test` complete successfully.
+## Triggering a pipeline from a webhook
+To trigger a job from a webhook of another project you need to add the following
+webhook URL for Push and Tag events (change the project ID, ref and token):
+You should pass `ref` as part of the URL, to take precedence over `ref` from
+the webhook body that designates the branch ref that fired the trigger in the
+source repository. Be sure to URL-encode `ref` if it contains slashes.
+### Using webhook payload in the triggered pipeline
+> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.9.
+> - [Feature flag removed]( in GitLab 13.11.
+If you trigger a pipeline by using a webhook, you can access the webhook payload with
+the `TRIGGER_PAYLOAD` [predefined CI/CD variable](../variables/
+The payload is exposed as a [file-type variable](../variables/,
+so you can access the data with `cat $TRIGGER_PAYLOAD` or a similar command.
+## Making use of trigger variables
+You can pass any number of arbitrary variables in the trigger API call and they
+are available in GitLab CI/CD so that they can be used in your `.gitlab-ci.yml`
+file. The parameter is of the form:
+This information is also exposed in the UI. Please note that _values_ are only viewable by Owners and Maintainers.
+![Job variables in UI](img/trigger_variables.png)
+Using trigger variables can be proven useful for a variety of reasons:
+- Identifiable jobs. Since the variable is exposed in the UI you can know
+ why the pipeline was triggered if you pass a variable that explains the
+ purpose.
+- Conditional job processing. You can have conditional jobs that run whenever
+ a certain variable is present.
+Consider the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` where we set three
+[stages](../yaml/ and the `upload_package` job is run only
+when all jobs from the test and build stages pass. When the `UPLOAD_TO_S3`
+variable is non-zero, `make upload` is run.
+ - test
+ - build
+ - package
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - make test
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ - make build
+ stage: package
+ script:
+ - if [ -n "${UPLOAD_TO_S3}" ]; then make upload; fi
+You can then trigger a pipeline while you pass the `UPLOAD_TO_S3` variable
+and the script of the `upload_package` job is run:
+curl --request POST \
+ --form token=TOKEN \
+ --form ref=main \
+ --form "variables[UPLOAD_TO_S3]=true" \
+ ""
+Trigger variables have the [highest priority](../variables/
+of all types of variables.
+## Using cron to trigger nightly pipelines
+Whether you craft a script or just run cURL directly, you can trigger jobs
+in conjunction with cron. The example below triggers a job on the `main` branch
+of project with ID `9` every night at `00:30`:
+30 0 * * * curl --request POST --form token=TOKEN --form ref=main ""
+This behavior can also be achieved through the GitLab UI with
+[pipeline schedules](../pipelines/
+## Legacy triggers
+Old triggers, created before GitLab 9.0 are marked as legacy.
+Triggers with the legacy label do not have an associated user and only have
+access to the current project. They are considered deprecated and might be
+removed with one of the future versions of GitLab.
+## Troubleshooting
+### '404 not found' when triggering a pipeline
+A response of `{"message":"404 Not Found"}` when triggering a pipeline might be caused
+by using a Personal Access Token instead of a trigger token. [Add a new trigger](#adding-a-new-trigger)
+and use that token to authenticate when triggering a pipeline.