path: root/doc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
12 files changed, 709 insertions, 215 deletions
diff --git a/doc/api/ b/doc/api/
index 86eaf3028cf..58026f5e25f 100644
--- a/doc/api/
+++ b/doc/api/
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ GET /projects/:id/packages
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" ""
+> **Deprecation:**
+> The `pipelines` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of the package pipelines endpoint, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 16.0. The `pipelines` attribute always returns an empty array if the feature flag is enabled.
+> The `pipeline` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipelines`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 13.6. Both are available until 13.7.
+> The `build_info` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipeline`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 12.10.
Example response:
@@ -46,14 +52,16 @@ Example response:
"name": "com/mycompany/my-app",
"version": "1.0-SNAPSHOT",
"package_type": "maven",
- "created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z"
+ "created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z",
+ "pipelines": []
"id": 2,
"name": "@foo/bar",
"version": "1.0.3",
"package_type": "npm",
- "created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z"
+ "created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z",
+ "pipelines": []
"id": 3,
@@ -66,7 +74,8 @@ Example response:
"delete_api_path": ""
"created_at": "2029-12-16T20:33:34.316Z",
- "tags": []
+ "tags": [],
+ "pipelines": []
@@ -106,6 +115,7 @@ curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "
> **Deprecation:**
+> The `pipelines` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of the package pipelines endpoint, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 16.0. The `pipelines` attribute always returns an empty array if the feature flag is enabled.
> The `pipeline` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipelines`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 13.6. Both are available until 13.7.
> The `build_info` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipeline`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 12.10.
@@ -123,21 +133,7 @@ Example response:
"delete_api_path": "/namespace1/project1/-/packages/1"
"created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z",
- "pipelines": [
- {
- "id": 123,
- "status": "pending",
- "ref": "new-pipeline",
- "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
- "web_url": "",
- "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
- "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
- "user": {
- "name": "Administrator",
- "avatar_url": ""
- }
- }
- ]
+ "pipelines": []
"id": 2,
@@ -149,21 +145,7 @@ Example response:
"delete_api_path": "/namespace1/project1/-/packages/1"
"created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z",
- "pipelines": [
- {
- "id": 123,
- "status": "pending",
- "ref": "new-pipeline",
- "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
- "web_url": "",
- "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
- "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
- "user": {
- "name": "Administrator",
- "avatar_url": ""
- }
- }
- ]
+ "pipelines": []
@@ -197,6 +179,7 @@ curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "
> **Deprecation:**
+> The `pipelines` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of the package pipelines endpoint, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 16.0. The `pipelines` attribute always returns an empty array if the feature flag is enabled.
> The `pipeline` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipelines`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 13.6. Both are available until 13.7.
> The `build_info` attribute in the response is deprecated in favor of `pipeline`, which was [introduced]( in GitLab 12.10.
@@ -214,21 +197,7 @@ Example response:
"created_at": "2019-11-27T03:37:38.711Z",
"last_downloaded_at": "2022-09-07T07:51:50.504Z"
- "pipelines": [
- {
- "id": 123,
- "status": "pending",
- "ref": "new-pipeline",
- "sha": "a91957a858320c0e17f3a0eca7cfacbff50ea29a",
- "web_url": "",
- "created_at": "2016-08-11T11:28:34.085Z",
- "updated_at": "2016-08-11T11:32:35.169Z",
- "user": {
- "name": "Administrator",
- "avatar_url": ""
- }
- }
- ],
+ "pipelines": [],
"versions": [
diff --git a/doc/ci/ b/doc/ci/
index c4316a33980..175a63dc3b9 100644
--- a/doc/ci/
+++ b/doc/ci/
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
type: reference
-# Mobile DevOps
+# Mobile DevOps (Experimental)
-GitLab Mobile DevOps is a collection of features and tools designed for mobile developers
-and teams to automate their build and release process using GitLab CI/CD. Mobile DevOps
-is an experimental feature developed by [GitLab Incubation Engineering](
+Use GitLab Mobile DevOps to quickly build, sign, and release native and cross-platform mobile apps
+for Android and iOS using GitLab CI/CD. Mobile DevOps is an experimental feature developed by
+[GitLab Incubation Engineering](
Mobile DevOps is still in development, but you can:
@@ -17,14 +17,399 @@ Mobile DevOps is still in development, but you can:
- [Report a bug](
- [Share feedback](
+## Build environments
+Get started quickly by using [ SaaS runners](../ci/runners/,
+or set up [self-managed runners](
+for complete control over the build environment.
+### Android build environments
+Set up an Android build environment by selecting an appropriate Docker image
+and adding it to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file. [Fabernovel](
+provides a variety of supported Android versions.
+For example:
+ image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - fastlane test
+### iOS build environments
+GitLab SaaS runners on macOS are currently available in beta. Follow the [instructions to request access](../ci/runners/saas/
+for your project.
+After you are granted access to the beta macOS runners, [choose an image](../ci/runners/saas/macos/
+and add it to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
+For example:
+ image: macos-12-xcode-14
+ stage: test
+ script:
+ - fastlane test
+ tags:
+ - saas-macos-medium-m1
## Code signing
-With [project-level secure files](secure_files/, you can manage key stores and provision profiles
-and signing certificates directly in a GitLab project.
+All Android and iOS apps must be securely signed before being distributed through
+the various app stores. Signing ensures that applications haven't been tampered with
+before reaching a user's device.
+With [project-level secure files](secure_files/, you can store the following
+in GitLab, so that they can be used to securely sign apps in CI/CD builds:
+- Keystores
+- Provision profiles
+- Signing certificates
<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
For an overview, see [Project-level secure files demo](
+### Code signing Android projects with fastlane & Gradle
+To set up code signing for Android:
+1. Upload your keystore and keystore properties files to project-level secure files.
+1. Update the Gradle configuration to use those files in the build.
+<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+For an overview, see [How to build and release an Android app to Google Play with GitLab](
+#### Create a keystore
+Run the following command to generate a keystore file if you don't already have one:
+keytool -genkey -v -keystore release-keystore.jks -storepass password -alias release -keypass password -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
+Next, put the keystore configuration in a file called ``,
+which should look similar to this example:
+After these files are created:
+- [Upload them as Secure Files](secure_files/ in the GitLab project
+ so they can be used in CI/CD jobs.
+- Add both files to your `.gitignore` file so they aren't committed to version control.
+#### Configure Gradle
+The next step is to configure Gradle to use the newly created keystore. In the app's `build.gradle` file:
+1. Immediately after the plugins section, add:
+ ```gradle
+ def keystoreProperties = new Properties()
+ def keystorePropertiesFile = rootProject.file('.secure_files/')
+ if (keystorePropertiesFile.exists()) {
+ keystoreProperties.load(new FileInputStream(keystorePropertiesFile))
+ }
+ ```
+1. Anywhere within the `android` block, add:
+ ```gradle
+ signingConfigs {
+ release {
+ keyAlias keystoreProperties['keyAlias']
+ keyPassword keystoreProperties['keyPassword']
+ storeFile keystoreProperties['storeFile'] ? file(keystoreProperties['storeFile']) : null
+ storePassword keystoreProperties['storePassword']
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+1. Add the `signingConfig` to the release build type:
+ ```gradle
+ signingConfig signingConfigs.release
+ ```
+With this configuration in place, you can use fastlane to build & sign the app
+with the files stored in secure files.
+For example:
+- Sample `fastlane/Fastfile` file:
+ ```ruby
+ default_platform(:android)
+ platform :android do
+ desc "Create and sign a new build"
+ lane :build do
+ gradle(tasks: ["clean", "assembleRelease", "bundleRelease"])
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+- Sample `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
+ ```yaml
+ build:
+ image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ - apt update -y && apt install -y curl
+ - curl --silent "" | bash
+ - fastlane build
+ ```
+### Code sign iOS projects with fastlane
+To set up code signing for iOS, you must:
+1. Install fastlane locally so you can upload your signing certificates to GitLab.
+1. Configure the build to use those files.
+<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+For an overview, see [How to build and release an iOS app to Test Flight with GitLab](
+#### Initialize fastlane
+With fastlane installed, start by running:
+fastlane init
+This command creates a `fastlane` folder in the project with an `Appfile` and a stubbed-out `fastfile`.
+This process asks you for login credentials to App Store Connect
+to generate an app identifier and App Store app if they don't already exist.
+The next step sets up fastlane match to manage code signing files for the project.
+Run the following command to generate a `Matchfile` with the configuration:
+fastlane match init
+This command prompts you to:
+- Choose which storage backend you want to use, you must select `gitlab_secure_files`.
+- Input your project path, for example `gitlab-org/gitlab`.
+#### Generate and upload certificates
+Run the following command to generate certificates and profiles in the Apple Developer portal
+and upload those files to GitLab:
+PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match development
+In this example:
+- `YOUR-TOKEN` must be either a personal or project access token with Maintainer role for the GitLab project.
+- Replace `development` with the type of build you want to sign, for example `appstore` or `ad-hoc`.
+You can view the files in your project's CI/CD settings as soon as the command completes.
+#### Upload-only
+If you have already created signing certificates and provisioning profiles for your project,
+you can optionally use `fastlane match import` to load your existing files into GitLab:
+PRIVATE_TOKEN=YOUR-TOKEN bundle exec fastlane match import
+You are prompted to input the path to your files. After you provide those details,
+your files are uploaded and visible in your project's CI/CD settings.
+If prompted for the `git_url` during the import, it is safe to leave it blank and press <kbd>enter</kbd>.
+With this configuration in place, you can use fastlane to build and sign the app with
+the files stored in secure files.
+For example:
+- Sample `fastlane/Fastfile` file:
+ ```ruby
+ default_platform(:ios)
+ platform :ios do
+ desc "Build and sign the application for development"
+ lane :build do
+ setup_ci
+ match(type: 'development', readonly: is_ci)
+ build_app(
+ project: "ios demo.xcodeproj",
+ scheme: "ios demo",
+ configuration: "Debug",
+ export_method: "development"
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+- Sample `.gitlab-ci.yml` file:
+ ```yaml
+ build_ios:
+ image: macos-12-xcode-14
+ stage: build
+ script:
+ - fastlane build
+ tags:
+ - shared-macos-amd64
+ ```
+## Distribution
+Signed builds can be uploaded to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store by using
+the Mobile DevOps Distribution integrations.
+### Android distribution with Google Play integration and fastlane
+To create an Android distribution with Google Play integration and fastlane, you must:
+1. [Create a Google service account](
+ in Google Cloud Platform and grant that account access to the project in Google Play.
+1. [Enable the Google Play integration](#enable-google-play-integration).
+1. Add the release step to your pipeline.
+<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+For an overview, see [Google Play integration demo](
+#### Enable Google Play Integration
+Use the [Google Play integration](../user/project/integrations/,
+to configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to the [Google Play Console](
+to build and release Android apps. To enable the integration:
+1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Projects** and find your project.
+1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > Integrations**.
+1. Select **Google Play**.
+1. In **Enable integration**, select the **Active** checkbox.
+1. In **Package name**, enter the package name of the app. For example, `com.gitlab.app_name`.
+1. In **Service account key (.JSON)** drag or upload your key file.
+1. Select **Save changes**.
+With the integration enabled, you can use fastlane to distribute a build to Google Play.
+For example:
+- Sample `fastlane/Fastfile`:
+ ```ruby
+ default_platform(:android)
+ platform :android do
+ desc "Submit a new Beta build to the Google Play store"
+ lane :beta do
+ upload_to_play_store(
+ track: 'internal',
+ aab: 'app/build/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab',
+ release_status: 'draft'
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+- Sample `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
+ ```yaml
+ beta:
+ image: fabernovel/android:api-33-v1.7.0
+ stage: beta
+ script:
+ - fastlane beta
+ ```
+### iOS distribution Apple Store integration and fastlane
+To create an iOS distribution with the Apple Store integration and fastlane, you must:
+1. Generate an API Key for App Store Connect API. In the Apple App Store Connect portal,
+ [generate a new private key for your project](
+1. [Enable the Apple App Store integration](#enable-apple-app-store-integration).
+1. Add the release step to your pipeline and fastlane configuration.
+<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
+For an overview, see [Apple App Store integration demo](
+#### Enable Apple App Store Integration
+Use the [Apple App Store integration](../user/project/integrations/
+to configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to [App Store Connect](
+to build and release apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS. To enable the integration:
+1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Projects** and find your project.
+1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > Integrations**.
+1. Select **Apple App Store**.
+1. Turn on the **Active** toggle under **Enable Integration**.
+1. Provide the Apple App Store Connect configuration information:
+ - **Issuer ID**: You can find the Apple App Store Connect Issuer ID in the **Keys** section under **Users and Access** in the Apple App Store Connect portal.
+ - **Key ID**: The key ID of the new private key that was just generated.
+ - **Private Key**: The private key that was just generated. You can only download this key one time.
+1. Select **Save changes**.
+With the integration enabled, you can use fastlane to distribute a build to TestFlight
+and the Apple App Store.
+For example:
+- Sample `fastlane/Fastfile`:
+ ```ruby
+ default_platform(:ios)
+ platform :ios do
+ desc "Build and sign the application for distribution, upload to TestFlight"
+ lane :beta do
+ setup_ci
+ match(type: 'appstore', readonly: is_ci)
+ app_store_connect_api_key
+ increment_build_number(
+ build_number: latest_testflight_build_number(initial_build_number: 1) + 1,
+ xcodeproj: "ios demo.xcodeproj"
+ )
+ build_app(
+ project: "ios demo.xcodeproj",
+ scheme: "ios demo",
+ configuration: "Release",
+ export_method: "app-store"
+ )
+ upload_to_testflight
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+- Sample `.gitlab-ci.yml`:
+ ```yaml
+ beta_ios:
+ image: macos-12-xcode-14
+ stage: beta
+ script:
+ - fastlane beta
+ ```
## Review apps for mobile
You can use [review apps](review_apps/ to preview changes directly from a merge request.
@@ -42,11 +427,14 @@ to run static analyzers on code to check for known security vulnerabilities. Mob
expands this functionality for mobile teams with an [experimental SAST feature](../user/application_security/sast/
based on [Mobile Security Framework (MobSF)](
-## Automated releases
+## Sample Reference Projects
-With the [Apple App Store integration](../user/project/integrations/, you can configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to [App Store Connect]( to build and release apps for iOS, iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and watchOS.
+See the sample reference projects below for complete build, sign, and release pipeline examples for various platforms. A list of all available projects can be found in [the Mobile DevOps Demo Projects group](
-<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
-For an overview, see [Apple App Store integration demo](
+- [Android Demo](
+- [iOS Demo](
+- [Flutter Demo](
+## Mobile DevOps Blog
-With the [Google Play integration](../user/project/integrations/, you can configure your CI/CD pipelines to connect to the [Google Play Console]( to build and release apps for Android devices.
+Additional reference material can be found in the [#mobile section]( of the GitLab blog.
diff --git a/doc/gitlab-basics/ b/doc/gitlab-basics/
index b86765a318e..fd322b67abe 100644
--- a/doc/gitlab-basics/
+++ b/doc/gitlab-basics/
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ between your computer and GitLab.
If you have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA) on your account, you cannot use your account password. Instead, you can do one of the following:
- [Clone using a token](#clone-using-a-token) with `read_repository` or `write_repository` permissions.
- - Install [Git Credential Manager](../user/profile/account/
+ - Install an [OAuth credential helper](../user/profile/account/
If you have not enabled 2FA, use your account password.
diff --git a/doc/integration/jira/ b/doc/integration/jira/
index e6d5f392798..25aafb6089f 100644
--- a/doc/integration/jira/
+++ b/doc/integration/jira/
@@ -37,14 +37,21 @@ To configure your project settings in GitLab:
[closing reference](../../user/project/issues/
is made in GitLab, select **Enable Jira transitions**.
1. Provide Jira configuration information:
- - **Web URL**: The base URL to the Jira instance web interface you're linking to
- this GitLab project, such as ``.
- - **Jira API URL**: The base URL to the Jira instance API, such as ``.
- Defaults to the **Web URL** value if not set. Leave blank if using **Jira on Atlassian cloud**.
- - **Username or Email**:
- For **Jira Server**, use `username`. For **Jira on Atlassian cloud**, use `email`.
- - **Password/API token**:
- Use `password` for **Jira Server** or `API token` for **Jira on Atlassian cloud**.
+ - **Web URL**: The base URL for the Jira instance web interface you're linking to
+ this GitLab project (for example, ``).
+ - **Jira API URL**: The base URL for the Jira instance API (for example, ``).
+ If this URL is not set, the **Web URL** value is used by default. Leave blank if you use **Jira Cloud**.
+ - **Authentication type**: From the dropdown list, select:
+ - **Basic**
+ - **Jira personal access token (Jira Data Center and Jira Server only)**
+ - **Email or username** (relevant to **Basic** authentication only):
+ - For Jira Cloud, enter an email.
+ - For Jira Data Center and Jira Server, enter a username.
+ - **New API token, password, or Jira personal access token**:
+ - For **Basic** authentication:
+ - For Jira Cloud, enter an API token.
+ - For Jira Data Center and Jira Server, enter a password.
+ - For **Jira personal access token** authentication, enter the token.
1. To enable users to [view Jira issues]( inside the GitLab project, select **Enable Jira issues** and
enter a Jira project key.
diff --git a/doc/integration/ b/doc/integration/
index aa3e02abc29..f59824c8db6 100644
--- a/doc/integration/
+++ b/doc/integration/
@@ -2975,8 +2975,7 @@ Users authenticated with SSO or SAML must not use a password for Git operations
over HTTPS. These users can instead:
- Set up a [personal access token](../user/profile/
-- Use the [Git Credential Manager](../user/profile/account/
- which securely authenticates using OAuth.
+- Use an [OAuth credential helper](../user/profile/account/
## Link SAML identity for an existing user
diff --git a/doc/operations/ b/doc/operations/
index 8931f3ef833..db68abf0778 100644
--- a/doc/operations/
+++ b/doc/operations/
@@ -6,12 +6,6 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Error Tracking **(FREE)**
-> [Deprecated]( in GitLab 15.9.
-This feature is in its end-of-life process. It is [deprecated](
-for use in GitLab 15.9, and is planned for removal in GitLab 16.0. We are replacing this feature with functionality in the [GitLab Observability UI]( Please also reference our direction for [Observability]( and [data visualization](
Error Tracking allows developers to discover and view errors generated by their application. Because error information is surfaced where the code is being developed, efficiency and awareness are increased.
## How error tracking works
diff --git a/doc/user/analytics/ b/doc/user/analytics/
index 9e4b828f4c2..771a7334c4e 100644
--- a/doc/user/analytics/
+++ b/doc/user/analytics/
@@ -68,14 +68,69 @@ You can customize the Value Streams Dashboard and configure what subgroups and p
A view can display maximum four subgroups or projects.
+### Using query parameters
To display multiple subgroups and projects, specify their path as a URL parameter.
-For example, the parameter `query=gitlab-org/gitlab-foss,gitlab-org/gitlab,gitlab-org/gitlab-design,gitlab-org/gitlab-docs` displays three separate panels, one each for the:
+For example, the parameter `query=gitlab-org/gitlab-ui,gitlab-org/plan-stage` displays three separate panels, one each for the:
- `gitlab-org` group
- `gitlab-ui` project
- `gitlab-org/plan-stage` subgroup
+### Using YAML configuration
+To change the default content of the page, you need to create a YAML configuration file in a project of your choice. Query parameters can still be used to override the YAML configuration.
+First, you need to set up the project.
+- You must have at least the Maintainer role for the group.
+1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Groups** and find your group.
+1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings > General**.
+1. Scroll to **Analytics Dashboards** and select **Expand**.
+1. Select the project where you would like to store your YAML configuration file.
+1. Select **Save changes**.
+After you have set up the project, set up the configuration file:
+1. On the top bar, select **Main menu > Projects** and find your project.
+1. In the default branch, create the configuration file: `.gitlab/analytics/dashboards/value_streams/value_streams.yaml`.
+1. In the `value_streams.yaml` configuration file, fill in the configuration options:
+# title - Change the title of the Value Streams Dashboard. [optional]
+title: 'Custom Dashboard title'
+# description - Change the description of the Value Streams Dashboard. [optional]
+description: 'Custom description'
+# widgets - List of widgets that contain panel settings.
+# title - Change the title of the panel. [optional]
+# data.namespace - The Group or Project path to use for the chart panel.
+ - title: 'My Custom Project'
+ data:
+ namespace: group/my-custom-project
+ - data:
+ namespace: group/another-project
+ - title: 'My Custom Group'
+ data:
+ namespace: group/my-custom-group
+ - data:
+ namespace: group/another-group
+ The following example has an option configuration for a widget for the `my-group` namespace:
+ ```yaml
+ widgets:
+ - data:
+ namespace: my-group
+ ```
## Dashboard metrics and drill-down reports
| Metric | Description | Drill-down report | Documentation page |
diff --git a/doc/user/application_security/dast/ b/doc/user/application_security/dast/
index 8b71e340a43..f65501712cc 100644
--- a/doc/user/application_security/dast/
+++ b/doc/user/application_security/dast/
@@ -358,37 +358,36 @@ including a large number of false positives.
| CI/CD variable | Type | Description |
-| `DAST_ADVERTISE_SCAN` | boolean | Set to `true` to add a `Via` header to every request sent, advertising that the request was sent as part of a GitLab DAST scan. [Introduced]( in GitLab 14.1. |
-| `DAST_AGGREGATE_VULNERABILITIES` | boolean | Vulnerability aggregation is set to `true` by default. To disable this feature and see each vulnerability individually set to `false`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 14.0. |
+| `DAST_ADVERTISE_SCAN` | boolean | Set to `true` to add a `Via` header to every request sent, advertising that the request was sent as part of a GitLab DAST scan. |
+| `DAST_AGGREGATE_VULNERABILITIES` | boolean | Vulnerability aggregation is set to `true` by default. To disable this feature and see each vulnerability individually set to `false`. |
| `DAST_ALLOWED_HOSTS` | Comma-separated list of strings | Hostnames included in this variable are considered in scope when crawled. By default the `DAST_WEBSITE` hostname is included in the allowed hosts list. Headers set using `DAST_REQUEST_HEADERS` are added to every request made to these hostnames. Example, `,`. |
-| `DAST_API_HOST_OVERRIDE` <sup>1</sup> | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. Replaced by [DAST API scan](../dast_api/ Used to override domains defined in API specification files. Only supported when importing the API specification from a URL. Example: ``. |
-| `DAST_API_SPECIFICATION` <sup>1</sup> | URL or string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. Replaced by [DAST API scan](../dast_api/ The API specification to import. The specification can be hosted at a URL, or the name of a file present in the `/zap/wrk` directory. The variable `DAST_WEBSITE` must be specified if this is omitted. |
+| `DAST_API_HOST_OVERRIDE` <sup>1</sup> | string | **{warning}** **[Removed](** in GitLab 16.0. Replaced by [DAST API scan](../dast_api/ |
+| `DAST_API_SPECIFICATION` <sup>1</sup> | URL or string | **{warning}** **[Removed](** in GitLab 16.0. Replaced by [DAST API scan](../dast_api/ |
| `DAST_AUTH_EXCLUDE_URLS` | URLs | **{warning}** **[Removed](** in GitLab 14.0. Replaced by `DAST_EXCLUDE_URLS`. The URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated. Regular expression syntax can be used to match multiple URLs. For example, `.*` matches an arbitrary character sequence. |
| `DAST_AUTO_UPDATE_ADDONS` | boolean | ZAP add-ons are pinned to specific versions in the DAST Docker image. Set to `true` to download the latest versions when the scan starts. Default: `false`. |
-| `DAST_DEBUG` <sup>1</sup> | boolean | Enable debug message output. Default: `false`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of Vulnerability Rule IDs to exclude them from running during the scan. Rule IDs are numbers and can be found from the DAST log or on the [ZAP project]( For example, `HTTP Parameter Override` has a rule ID of `10026`. Cannot be used when `DAST_ONLY_INCLUDE_RULES` is set. **Note:** In earlier versions of GitLab the excluded rules were executed but vulnerabilities they generated were suppressed. [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.10. |
+| `DAST_DEBUG` <sup>1</sup> | boolean | Enable debug message output. Default: `false`. |
+| `DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of Vulnerability Rule IDs to exclude them from running during the scan. Rule IDs are numbers and can be found from the DAST log or on the [ZAP project]( For example, `HTTP Parameter Override` has a rule ID of `10026`. Cannot be used when `DAST_ONLY_INCLUDE_RULES` is set. **Note:** In earlier versions of GitLab the excluded rules were executed but vulnerabilities they generated were suppressed. |
| `DAST_EXCLUDE_URLS` <sup>1</sup> | URLs | The URLs to skip during the authenticated scan; comma-separated. Regular expression syntax can be used to match multiple URLs. For example, `.*` matches an arbitrary character sequence. Example, ``. |
-| `DAST_FULL_SCAN_DOMAIN_VALIDATION_REQUIRED` | boolean | **{warning}** **[Removed](** in GitLab 14.0. Set to `true` to require domain validation when running DAST full scans. Default: `false` |
| `DAST_FULL_SCAN_ENABLED` <sup>1</sup> | boolean | Set to `true` to run a [ZAP Full Scan]( instead of a [ZAP Baseline Scan]( Default: `false` |
-| `DAST_HTML_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the HTML report written at the end of a scan. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_INCLUDE_ALPHA_VULNERABILITIES` | boolean | Set to `true` to include alpha passive and active scan rules. Default: `false`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_MARKDOWN_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the Markdown report written at the end of a scan. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_MASK_HTTP_HEADERS` | string | Comma-separated list of request and response headers to be masked (GitLab 13.1). Must contain **all** headers to be masked. Refer to [list of headers that are masked by default](#hide-sensitive-information). |
-| `DAST_MAX_URLS_PER_VULNERABILITY` | number | The maximum number of URLs reported for a single vulnerability. `DAST_MAX_URLS_PER_VULNERABILITY` is set to `50` by default. To list all the URLs set to `0`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.12. |
-| `DAST_ONLY_INCLUDE_RULES` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of Vulnerability Rule IDs to configure the scan to run only them. Rule IDs are numbers and can be found from the DAST log or on the [ZAP project]( Cannot be used when `DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES` is set. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.12. |
-| `DAST_PATHS` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of URLs for DAST to scan. For example, `/page1.html,/category1/page3.html,/page2.html`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.4. |
-| `DAST_PATHS_FILE` | string | The file path containing the paths within `DAST_WEBSITE` to scan. The file must be plain text with one path per line. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.6. |
+| `DAST_HTML_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the HTML report written at the end of a scan. |
+| `DAST_INCLUDE_ALPHA_VULNERABILITIES` | boolean | Set to `true` to include alpha passive and active scan rules. Default: `false`. |
+| `DAST_MARKDOWN_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the Markdown report written at the end of a scan. |
+| `DAST_MASK_HTTP_HEADERS` | string | Comma-separated list of request and response headers to be masked. Must contain **all** headers to be masked. Refer to [list of headers that are masked by default](#hide-sensitive-information). |
+| `DAST_MAX_URLS_PER_VULNERABILITY` | number | The maximum number of URLs reported for a single vulnerability. `DAST_MAX_URLS_PER_VULNERABILITY` is set to `50` by default. To list all the URLs set to `0`. |
+| `DAST_ONLY_INCLUDE_RULES` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of Vulnerability Rule IDs to configure the scan to run only them. Rule IDs are numbers and can be found from the DAST log or on the [ZAP project]( Cannot be used when `DAST_EXCLUDE_RULES` is set. |
+| `DAST_PATHS` | string | Set to a comma-separated list of URLs for DAST to scan. For example, `/page1.html,/category1/page3.html,/page2.html`. |
+| `DAST_PATHS_FILE` | string | The file path containing the paths within `DAST_WEBSITE` to scan. The file must be plain text with one path per line. |
| `DAST_PKCS12_CERTIFICATE_BASE64` | string | The PKCS12 certificate used for sites that require Mutual TLS. Must be encoded as base64 text. |
| `DAST_PKCS12_PASSWORD` | string | The password of the certificate used in `DAST_PKCS12_CERTIFICATE_BASE64`. |
| `DAST_REQUEST_HEADERS` <sup>1</sup> | string | Set to a comma-separated list of request header names and values. Headers are added to every request made by DAST. For example, `Cache-control: no-cache,User-Agent: DAST/1.0` |
-| `DAST_SKIP_TARGET_CHECK` | boolean | Set to `true` to prevent DAST from checking that the target is available before scanning. Default: `false`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.8. |
-| `DAST_SPIDER_MINS` <sup>1</sup> | number | The maximum duration of the spider scan in minutes. Set to `0` for unlimited. Default: One minute, or unlimited when the scan is a full scan. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_SPIDER_START_AT_HOST` | boolean | Set to `false` to prevent DAST from resetting the target to its host before scanning. When `true`, non-host targets `` is reset to `` before scan. Default: `true`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.6. |
+| `DAST_SKIP_TARGET_CHECK` | boolean | Set to `true` to prevent DAST from checking that the target is available before scanning. Default: `false`. |
+| `DAST_SPIDER_MINS` <sup>1</sup> | number | The maximum duration of the spider scan in minutes. Set to `0` for unlimited. Default: One minute, or unlimited when the scan is a full scan. |
+| `DAST_SPIDER_START_AT_HOST` | boolean | Set to `false` to prevent DAST from resetting the target to its host before scanning. When `true`, non-host targets `` is reset to `` before scan. Default: `true`. |
| `DAST_TARGET_AVAILABILITY_TIMEOUT` <sup>1</sup> | number | Time limit in seconds to wait for target availability. |
-| `DAST_USE_AJAX_SPIDER` <sup>1</sup> | boolean | Set to `true` to use the AJAX spider in addition to the traditional spider, useful for crawling sites that require JavaScript. Default: `false`. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
-| `DAST_XML_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the XML report written at the end of a scan. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
+| `DAST_USE_AJAX_SPIDER` <sup>1</sup> | boolean | Set to `true` to use the AJAX spider in addition to the traditional spider, useful for crawling sites that require JavaScript. Default: `false`. |
+| `DAST_XML_REPORT` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. The filename of the XML report written at the end of a scan. |
| `DAST_WEBSITE` <sup>1</sup> | URL | The URL of the website to scan. |
-| `DAST_ZAP_CLI_OPTIONS` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. ZAP server command-line options. For example, `-Xmx3072m` would set the Java maximum memory allocation pool size. [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.1. |
+| `DAST_ZAP_CLI_OPTIONS` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. ZAP server command-line options. For example, `-Xmx3072m` would set the Java maximum memory allocation pool size. |
| `DAST_ZAP_LOG_CONFIGURATION` | string | **{warning}** **[Deprecated](** in GitLab 15.7. Set to a semicolon-separated list of additional log4j properties for the ZAP Server. Example: `;logger.httpsender.level=debug;;logger.sitemap.level=debug;` |
| `SECURE_ANALYZERS_PREFIX` | URL | Set the Docker registry base address from which to download the analyzer. |
diff --git a/doc/user/packages/maven_repository/ b/doc/user/packages/maven_repository/
index 72bd7fd5b09..fd8049d9b75 100644
--- a/doc/user/packages/maven_repository/
+++ b/doc/user/packages/maven_repository/
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ Supported clients:
- `mvn`. Learn how to build a [Maven](../workflows/ package.
- `gradle`. Learn how to build a [Gradle](../workflows/ package.
+- `sbt`.
+ - `sbt` can only be used to [pull dependencies](#install-a-package).
+ See this [issue 408479]( for more details.
## Publish to the GitLab Package Registry
@@ -124,6 +127,44 @@ file:
+:::TabTitle `sbt`
+| Token type | Name must be | Token |
+| Personal access token | The username of the user | Paste token as-is, or define an environment variable to hold the token |
+| Deploy token | The username of deploy token | Paste token as-is, or define an environment variable to hold the token |
+| CI Job token | `gitlab-ci-token` | `sys.env.get("CI_JOB_TOKEN").get` |
+Authentication for [SBT]( is based on
+[basic HTTP Authentication](
+You must to provide a name and a password.
+The name field must be named to match the token you chose.
+To install a package from the Maven GitLab Package Registry by using `sbt`, you must configure
+a [Maven resolver](
+If you're accessing a private or an internal project or group, you need to set up
+After configuring the resolver and authentication, you can install a package
+from a project, group, or namespace.
+In your [`build.sbt`](, add the following lines:
+resolvers += ("gitlab" at "<endpoint url>")
+credentials += Credentials("GitLab Packages Registry", "<host>", "<name>", "<token>")
+In this example:
+- `<endpoint url>` is the [endpoint URL](#endpoint-urls).
+Example: `<project_id>/packages/maven`.
+- `<host>` is the host present in the `<endpoint url>` without the protocol
+scheme or the port. Example: ``.
+- `<name>` and `<token>` are explained in the table above.
### Naming convention
@@ -403,6 +444,22 @@ To install a package by using `gradle`:
gradle install
+:::TabTitle `sbt`
+To install a package by using `sbt`:
+1. Add an [inline dependency]( to `build.sbt`:
+ ```scala
+ libraryDependencies += "com.mycompany.mydepartment" % "my-project" % "8.4"
+ ```
+1. In your project, run the following:
+ ```shell
+ sbt update
+ ```
## Helpful hints
diff --git a/doc/user/packages/package_registry/ b/doc/user/packages/package_registry/
index aab35f4e8ac..ca174c43565 100644
--- a/doc/user/packages/package_registry/
+++ b/doc/user/packages/package_registry/
@@ -13,58 +13,64 @@ and pulling packages, request forwarding, managing duplicates, and authenticatio
Packages can be published to your project, group, or instance.
-| Package type | Project | Group | Instance |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Y | N | N |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N | Y | N |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Y | N | Y |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y | N | N |
+| Package type | Project | Group | Instance |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | N | N | N |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Y | N | N |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N | Y | N |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Y | N | Y |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y | N | N |
## Pulling packages **(FREE)**
Packages can be pulled from your project, group, or instance.
-| Package type | Project | Group | Instance |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | Y | Y | Y |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Y | N | Y |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N | Y | N |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Y | N | Y |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y | N | N |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Y | N | Y |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y | N | N |
+| Package type | Project | Group | Instance |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | Y | Y | Y |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | Y | Y | Y |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | Y | Y | Y |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Y | N | Y |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N | Y | N |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | Y | Y | N |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Y | N | Y |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y | N | N |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Y | N | Y |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y | N | N |
## Forwarding requests **(PREMIUM)**
Requests for packages not found in your GitLab project are forwarded to the public registry. For example, Maven Central, npmjs, or PyPI.
-| Package type | Supports request forwarding |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | [Yes (disabled by default)](../../admin_area/settings/ |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | [Yes](../../admin_area/settings/ |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | N |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | [Yes](../../admin_area/settings/ |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | N |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | N |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | N |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | N |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | N |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | N |
+| Package type | Supports request forwarding |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | [Yes (disabled by default)](../../admin_area/settings/ |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | [Yes (disabled by default)](../../admin_area/settings/ |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | [Yes (disabled by default)](../../admin_area/settings/ |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | [Yes](../../admin_area/settings/ |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | N |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | [Yes](../../admin_area/settings/ |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | N |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | N |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | N |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | N |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | N |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | N |
### Deleting packages
@@ -87,20 +93,22 @@ To reduce the associated security risks, before deleting a package you can:
By default, the GitLab package registry either allows or prevents duplicates based on the default of that specific package manager format.
-| Package type | Duplicates allowed? |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | Y (configurable) |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | N |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | N |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y (configurable) |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | N |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | N |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y |
+| Package type | Duplicates allowed? |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | Y (configurable) |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | Y (configurable) |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | Y (configurable) |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | N |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Y |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | N |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Y (configurable) |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | N |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | N |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | N |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Y |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Y |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | N |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Y |
## Authentication tokens **(FREE)**
@@ -108,39 +116,45 @@ GitLab tokens are used to authenticate with the GitLab Package Registry.
The following tokens are supported:
-| Package type | Supported tokens |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, project access |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Personal access, job tokens, project access |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
+| Package type | Supported tokens |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group), project access |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, project access |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Personal access, job tokens, project access |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Personal access, job tokens, deploy (project or group) |
## Authentication protocols **(FREE)**
The following authentication protocols are supported:
-| Package type | Supported auth protocols |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | Headers |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | OAuth |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Basic auth |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Basic auth |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Basic auth |
-| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Token |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | OAuth |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | OAuth, Basic auth |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Basic auth |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Basic auth |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Basic auth |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Token |
+| Package type | Supported auth protocols |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | Headers, Basic auth ([pulling](#pulling-packages) only) (1) |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | Headers, Basic auth ([pulling](#pulling-packages) only) (1) |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | Basic auth (1) |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | OAuth |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | Basic auth |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | Basic auth |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | Basic auth |
+| [Terraform](../terraform_module_registry/ | Token |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | OAuth |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | OAuth, Basic auth |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | Basic auth |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | Basic auth |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | Basic auth |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | Token |
+1. Basic authentication for Maven packages [introduced]( in GitLab 16.0.
## Supported hash types **(FREE)**
@@ -148,16 +162,18 @@ Hash values are used to ensure you are using the correct package. You can view t
The Package Registry supports the following hash types:
-| Package type | Supported hashes |
-| [Maven](../maven_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
-| [npm](../npm_registry/ | SHA1 |
-| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | not applicable |
-| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | MD5, SHA256 |
-| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | SHA256 |
-| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | not applicable |
-| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
-| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | not applicable |
-| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 |
-| [Go](../go_proxy/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 |
-| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 (gemspec only) |
+| Package type | Supported hashes |
+| [Maven (with `mvn`)](../maven_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
+| [Maven (with `gradle`)](../maven_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
+| [Maven (with `sbt`)](../maven_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
+| [npm](../npm_registry/ | SHA1 |
+| [NuGet](../nuget_repository/ | not applicable |
+| [PyPI](../pypi_repository/ | MD5, SHA256 |
+| [Generic packages](../generic_packages/ | SHA256 |
+| [Composer](../composer_repository/ | not applicable |
+| [Conan](../conan_repository/ | MD5, SHA1 |
+| [Helm](../helm_repository/ | not applicable |
+| [Debian](../debian_repository/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 |
+| [Go](../go_proxy/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 |
+| [Ruby gems](../rubygems_registry/ | MD5, SHA1, SHA256 (gemspec only) |
diff --git a/doc/user/profile/account/ b/doc/user/profile/account/
index a26f027f329..8827e1e27c5 100644
--- a/doc/user/profile/account/
+++ b/doc/user/profile/account/
@@ -24,19 +24,28 @@ If you set up a device, also set up a TOTP so you can still access your account
When 2FA is enabled, you can't use your password to authenticate with Git over HTTPS or the [GitLab API](../../../api/rest/
You can use a [personal access token](../ instead.
-## Git Credential Manager
+## OAuth credential helpers
-For Git over HTTPS, [Git Credential Manager]( (GCM) offers an alternative to personal access tokens. By default, GCM
-authenticates using OAuth, opening GitLab in your web browser. The first time you authenticate, GitLab asks you to authorize the app. If you remain signed in to GitLab, subsequent
-authentication requires no interaction.
+The following Git credential helpers authenticate to GitLab using OAuth. This is compatible with two-factor authentication. The first time you authenticate, the helper opens the web browser and GitLab asks you to authorize the app. Subsequent authentication requires no interaction.
-So you don't need to reauthenticate on every push, GCM supports caching as well as a variety of platform-specific credential stores that persist between sessions. This feature is useful whether you use personal access tokens or OAuth.
+### Git Credential Manager
-GCM supports out the box. To use with self-managed GitLab, see [GitLab support](
+[Git Credential Manager]( (GCM) authenticates by default using OAuth. GCM supports without any manual configuration. To use GCM with self-managed GitLab, see [GitLab support](
+So you do not need to re-authenticate on every push, GCM supports caching as well as a variety of platform-specific credential stores that persist between sessions. This feature is useful whether you use personal access tokens or OAuth.
+Git for Windows includes Git Credential Manager.
Git Credential Manager is developed primarily by GitHub, Inc. It is an open-source project and is supported by the community.
+### git-credential-oauth
+[git-credential-oauth]( supports and several popular public hosts without any manual configuration needed. To use with self-managed GitLab, see the [git-credential-oauth custom hosts documentation](
+Many Linux distributions include git-credential-oauth as a package.
+git-credential-oauth is an open-source project supported by the community.
## Enable two-factor authentication
> - Account email confirmation requirement [introduced]( in GitLab 14.3. [Deployed behind the `ensure_verified_primary_email_for_2fa` flag](../../../administration/, enabled by default.
@@ -485,23 +494,25 @@ access token instead of a password.
This error occurs in the following scenarios:
- You have 2FA enabled and have attempted to authenticate with a username and
- password. For 2FA-enabled users, a [personal access token](../ (PAT)
- must be used instead of a password. To authenticate:
- - Git requests over HTTP(S), a PAT with `read_repository` or `write_repository` scope is required.
- - [GitLab Container Registry](../../packages/container_registry/ requests, a PAT
- with `read_registry` or `write_registry` scope is required.
- - [Dependency Proxy](../../packages/dependency_proxy/ requests, a PAT with
- `read_registry` and `write_registry` scopes is required.
+ password.
- You do not have 2FA enabled and have sent an incorrect username or password
with your request.
- You do not have 2FA enabled but an administrator has enabled the
[enforce 2FA for all users](../../../security/ setting.
- You do not have 2FA enabled, but an administrator has disabled the
[password authentication enabled for Git over HTTP(S)](../../admin_area/settings/
- setting. You can authenticate Git requests:
- - Over HTTP(S) using a [personal access token](../
- - In your browser using [Git Credential Manager](#git-credential-manager).
- - If you have configured LDAP, over HTTP(S) using an [LDAP password](../../../administration/auth/ldap/
+ setting.
+Instead you can authenticate:
+- Using a [personal access token](../ (PAT):
+ - For Git requests over HTTP(S), a PAT with `read_repository` or `write_repository` scope is required.
+ - For [GitLab Container Registry](../../packages/container_registry/ requests, a PAT
+ with `read_registry` or `write_registry` scope is required.
+ - For [Dependency Proxy](../../packages/dependency_proxy/ requests, a PAT with
+ `read_registry` and `write_registry` scopes is required.
+- If you have configured LDAP, using an [LDAP password](../../../administration/auth/ldap/
+- Using an [OAuth credential helper](#oauth-credential-helpers).
### Error: "invalid pin code"
diff --git a/doc/user/profile/ b/doc/user/profile/
index 68c9a5a4356..0d886519766 100644
--- a/doc/user/profile/
+++ b/doc/user/profile/
@@ -249,5 +249,4 @@ Running the following commands changes data directly. This could be damaging if
## Alternatives to personal access tokens
-For Git over HTTPS, an alternative to personal access tokens is [Git Credential Manager](account/,
-which securely authenticates using OAuth.
+For Git over HTTPS, an alternative to personal access tokens is to use an [OAuth credential helper](account/