path: root/lib/gem_extensions/active_record/disable_joins/associations/association_scope.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/gem_extensions/active_record/disable_joins/associations/association_scope.rb')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/gem_extensions/active_record/disable_joins/associations/association_scope.rb b/lib/gem_extensions/active_record/disable_joins/associations/association_scope.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e4476330a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/gem_extensions/active_record/disable_joins/associations/association_scope.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module GemExtensions
+ module ActiveRecord
+ module DisableJoins
+ module Associations
+ class AssociationScope < ::ActiveRecord::Associations::AssociationScope # :nodoc:
+ def scope(association)
+ source_reflection = association.reflection
+ owner = association.owner
+ unscoped = association.klass.unscoped
+ reverse_chain = get_chain(source_reflection, association, unscoped.alias_tracker).reverse
+ previous_reflection, last_reflection, last_ordered, last_join_ids = last_scope_chain(reverse_chain, owner)
+ add_constraints(last_reflection, last_reflection.join_primary_key, last_join_ids, owner, last_ordered,
+ previous_reflection: previous_reflection)
+ end
+ private
+ def last_scope_chain(reverse_chain, owner)
+ # Pulled from
+ # Fixes cases where the foreign key is not id
+ first_item = reverse_chain.shift
+ first_scope = [nil, first_item, false, [owner._read_attribute(first_item.join_foreign_key)]]
+ reverse_chain.inject(first_scope) do |(previous_reflection, reflection, ordered, join_ids), next_reflection|
+ key = reflection.join_primary_key
+ records = add_constraints(reflection, key, join_ids, owner, ordered, previous_reflection: previous_reflection)
+ foreign_key = next_reflection.join_foreign_key
+ record_ids = records.pluck(foreign_key) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+ records_ordered = records && records.order_values.any?
+ [reflection, next_reflection, records_ordered, record_ids]
+ end
+ end
+ def add_constraints(reflection, key, join_ids, owner, ordered, previous_reflection: nil)
+ scope = reflection.build_scope(reflection.aliased_table).where(key => join_ids) # rubocop:disable CodeReuse/ActiveRecord
+ # Pulled from
+ # Fixes cases where used with an STI type
+ relation = reflection.klass.scope_for_association
+ scope.merge!(
+ relation.except(:select, :create_with, :includes, :preload, :eager_load, :joins, :left_outer_joins)
+ )
+ # Attempt to fix use case where we have a polymorphic relationship
+ # Build on an additional scope to filter by the polymorphic type
+ if reflection.type
+ polymorphic_class = previous_reflection.try(:klass) || owner.class
+ polymorphic_type = transform_value(polymorphic_class.polymorphic_name)
+ scope = apply_scope(scope, reflection.aliased_table, reflection.type, polymorphic_type)
+ end
+ scope = reflection.constraints.inject(scope) do |memo, scope_chain_item|
+ item = eval_scope(reflection, scope_chain_item, owner)
+ scope.unscope!(*item.unscope_values)
+ scope.where_clause += item.where_clause
+ scope.order_values = item.order_values | scope.order_values
+ scope
+ end
+ if scope.order_values.empty? && ordered
+ split_scope = DisableJoins::Relation.create(scope.klass, key, join_ids)
+ split_scope.where_clause += scope.where_clause
+ split_scope
+ else
+ scope
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end