path: root/spec/lib/generators/gitlab/partitioning/foreign_keys_generator_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/lib/generators/gitlab/partitioning/foreign_keys_generator_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/lib/generators/gitlab/partitioning/foreign_keys_generator_spec.rb b/spec/lib/generators/gitlab/partitioning/foreign_keys_generator_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7c7ca8207ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/lib/generators/gitlab/partitioning/foreign_keys_generator_spec.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+require 'active_support/testing/stream'
+RSpec.describe Gitlab::Partitioning::ForeignKeysGenerator, :migration, :silence_stdout,
+feature_category: :continuous_integration do
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
+ include MigrationsHelpers
+ before do
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
+ create_table :_test_tmp_builds, force: :cascade do |t|
+ t.integer :partition_id
+ t.index [:id, :partition_id], unique: true
+ end
+ create_table :_test_tmp_metadata, force: :cascade do |t|
+ t.integer :partition_id
+ t.references :builds, foreign_key: { to_table: :_test_tmp_builds, on_delete: :cascade }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ after do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(destination_root)
+ table(:schema_migrations).where(version:
+ active_record_base.connection.execute(<<~SQL)
+ DROP TABLE _test_tmp_metadata;
+ DROP TABLE _test_tmp_builds;
+ end
+ let_it_be(:destination_root) { File.expand_path("../tmp", __dir__) }
+ let(:generator_config) { { destination_root: destination_root } }
+ let(:generator_args) { ['--source', '_test_tmp_metadata', '--target', '_test_tmp_builds', '--database', 'main'] }
+ context 'without foreign keys' do
+ let(:generator_args) { ['--source', '_test_tmp_metadata', '--target', 'projects', '--database', 'main'] }
+ it 'does not generate migrations' do
+ output = capture(:stderr) { run_generator }
+ expect(migrations).to be_empty
+ expect(output).to match(/No FK found between _test_tmp_metadata and projects/)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with one FK' do
+ it 'generates foreign key migrations' do
+ run_generator
+ expect(migrations.sort_by(&:version).map(&:name)).to eq(%w[
+ AddFkIndexToTestTmpMetadataOnPartitionIdAndBuildsId
+ AddFkToTestTmpMetadataOnPartitionIdAndBuildsId
+ ValidateFkOnTestTmpMetadataPartitionIdAndBuildsId
+ RemoveFkToTestTmpBuildsTestTmpMetadataOnBuildsId
+ ])
+ schema_migrate_up!
+ fks = Gitlab::Database::PostgresForeignKey
+ .by_referenced_table_identifier('public._test_tmp_builds')
+ .by_constrained_table_identifier('public._test_tmp_metadata')
+ expect(fks.size).to eq(1)
+ foreign_key = fks.first
+ expect( end_with('_p')
+ expect(foreign_key.constrained_columns).to eq(%w[partition_id builds_id])
+ expect(foreign_key.referenced_columns).to eq(%w[partition_id id])
+ expect(foreign_key.on_delete_action).to eq('cascade')
+ expect(foreign_key.on_update_action).to eq('cascade')
+ index = active_record_base.connection.indexes('_test_tmp_metadata').find do |index|
+ index.columns == %w[partition_id builds_id]
+ end
+ expect(index).to be_present
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with many FKs' do
+ before do
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
+ add_reference :_test_tmp_metadata, :job,
+ foreign_key: { to_table: :_test_tmp_builds, on_delete: :cascade }
+ end
+ end
+ it 'generates migrations for the selected FK' do
+ expect(Thor::LineEditor)
+ .to receive(:readline)
+ .with('Please select one: [0, 1] (0) ', { default: '0', limited_to: %w[0 1] })
+ .and_return('1')
+ run_generator
+ expect(migrations.sort_by(&:version).map(&:name)).to eq(%w[
+ AddFkIndexToTestTmpMetadataOnPartitionIdAndJobId
+ AddFkToTestTmpMetadataOnPartitionIdAndJobId
+ ValidateFkOnTestTmpMetadataPartitionIdAndJobId
+ RemoveFkToTestTmpBuildsTestTmpMetadataOnJobId
+ ])
+ end
+ end
+ def run_generator(args = generator_args, config = generator_config)
+ described_class.start(args, config)
+ end
+ # We want to execute only the newly generated migrations
+ def migrations_paths
+ [File.join(destination_root, 'db', 'post_migrate')]
+ end
+ # There is no need to migrate down before executing the tests because these
+ # migrations were not already executed and we don't need to run it after
+ # the tests because we're removing the tables.
+ def schema_migrate_down!
+ # no-op
+ end