path: root/spec/presenters/projects/security/configuration_presenter_spec.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/presenters/projects/security/configuration_presenter_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 301 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/spec/presenters/projects/security/configuration_presenter_spec.rb b/spec/presenters/projects/security/configuration_presenter_spec.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..836753d0483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spec/presenters/projects/security/configuration_presenter_spec.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'spec_helper'
+RSpec.describe Projects::Security::ConfigurationPresenter do
+ include Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers
+ using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
+ let(:project_with_repo) { create(:project, :repository) }
+ let(:project_with_no_repo) { create(:project) }
+ let(:current_user) { create(:user) }
+ let(:presenter) {, current_user: current_user) }
+ before do
+ stub_licensed_features(licensed_scan_types.to_h { |type| [type, true] })
+ stub_feature_flags(corpus_management: false)
+ end
+ describe '#to_html_data_attribute' do
+ subject(:html_data) { presenter.to_html_data_attribute }
+ context 'when latest default branch pipeline`s source is not auto devops' do
+ let(:project) { project_with_repo }
+ let(:pipeline) do
+ create(
+ :ci_pipeline,
+ project: project,
+ ref: project.default_branch,
+ sha: project.commit.sha
+ )
+ end
+ let!(:build_sast) { create(:ci_build, :sast, pipeline: pipeline) }
+ let!(:build_dast) { create(:ci_build, :dast, pipeline: pipeline) }
+ let!(:build_license_scanning) { create(:ci_build, :license_scanning, pipeline: pipeline) }
+ it 'includes links to auto devops and secure product docs' do
+ expect(html_data[:auto_devops_help_page_path]).to eq(help_page_path('topics/autodevops/index'))
+ expect(html_data[:help_page_path]).to eq(help_page_path('user/application_security/index'))
+ end
+ it 'returns info that Auto DevOps is not enabled' do
+ expect(html_data[:auto_devops_enabled]).to eq(false)
+ expect(html_data[:auto_devops_path]).to eq(project_settings_ci_cd_path(project, anchor: 'autodevops-settings'))
+ end
+ it 'includes a link to the latest pipeline' do
+ expect(html_data[:latest_pipeline_path]).to eq(project_pipeline_path(project, pipeline))
+ end
+ it 'has stubs for autofix' do
+ expect(html_data.keys).to include(:can_toggle_auto_fix_settings, :auto_fix_enabled, :auto_fix_user_path)
+ end
+ context "while retrieving information about user's ability to enable auto_devops" do
+ where(:is_admin, :archived, :feature_available, :result) do
+ true | true | true | false
+ false | true | true | false
+ true | false | true | true
+ false | false | true | false
+ true | true | false | false
+ false | true | false | false
+ true | false | false | false
+ false | false | false | false
+ end
+ with_them do
+ before do
+ allow_next_instance_of(described_class) do |presenter|
+ allow(presenter).to receive(:can?).and_return(is_admin)
+ allow(presenter).to receive(:archived?).and_return(archived)
+ allow(presenter).to receive(:feature_available?).and_return(feature_available)
+ end
+ end
+ it 'includes can_enable_auto_devops' do
+ expect(html_data[:can_enable_auto_devops]).to eq(result)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'includes feature information' do
+ feature = Gitlab::Json.parse(html_data[:features]).find { |scan| scan['type'] == 'sast' }
+ expect(feature['type']).to eq('sast')
+ expect(feature['configured']).to eq(true)
+ expect(feature['configuration_path']).to eq(project_security_configuration_sast_path(project))
+ expect(feature['available']).to eq(true)
+ end
+ context 'when checking features configured status' do
+ let(:features) { Gitlab::Json.parse(html_data[:features]) }
+ where(:type, :configured) do
+ :dast | true
+ :dast_profiles | true
+ :sast | true
+ :sast_iac | false
+ :container_scanning | false
+ :cluster_image_scanning | false
+ :dependency_scanning | false
+ :license_scanning | true
+ :secret_detection | false
+ :coverage_fuzzing | false
+ :api_fuzzing | false
+ :corpus_management | true
+ end
+ with_them do
+ it 'returns proper configuration status' do
+ feature = features.find { |scan| scan['type'] == type.to_s }
+ expect(feature['configured']).to eq(configured)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the job has more than one report' do
+ let(:features) { Gitlab::Json.parse(html_data[:features]) }
+ let!(:artifacts) do
+ { artifacts: { reports: { other_job: ['gl-other-report.json'], sast: ['gl-sast-report.json'] } } }
+ end
+ let!(:complicated_job) { build_stubbed(:ci_build, options: artifacts) }
+ before do
+ allow_next_instance_of(::Security::SecurityJobsFinder) do |finder|
+ allow(finder).to receive(:execute).and_return([complicated_job])
+ end
+ end
+ where(:type, :configured) do
+ :dast | false
+ :dast_profiles | true
+ :sast | true
+ :sast_iac | false
+ :container_scanning | false
+ :cluster_image_scanning | false
+ :dependency_scanning | false
+ :license_scanning | true
+ :secret_detection | false
+ :coverage_fuzzing | false
+ :api_fuzzing | false
+ :corpus_management | true
+ end
+ with_them do
+ it 'properly detects security jobs' do
+ feature = features.find { |scan| scan['type'] == type.to_s }
+ expect(feature['configured']).to eq(configured)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'includes a link to the latest pipeline' do
+ expect(subject[:latest_pipeline_path]).to eq(project_pipeline_path(project, pipeline))
+ end
+ context "while retrieving information about gitlab ci file" do
+ context 'when a .gitlab-ci.yml file exists' do
+ let!(:ci_config) do
+ project.repository.create_file(
+ project.creator,
+ Gitlab::FileDetector::PATTERNS[:gitlab_ci],
+ 'contents go here',
+ message: 'test',
+ branch_name: 'master')
+ end
+ it 'expects gitlab_ci_present to be true' do
+ expect(html_data[:gitlab_ci_present]).to eq(true)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when a .gitlab-ci.yml file does not exist' do
+ it 'expects gitlab_ci_present to be false if the file is not present' do
+ expect(html_data[:gitlab_ci_present]).to eq(false)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'includes the path to gitlab_ci history' do
+ expect(subject[:gitlab_ci_history_path]).to eq(project_blame_path(project, 'master/.gitlab-ci.yml'))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the project is empty' do
+ let(:project) { project_with_no_repo }
+ it 'includes a blank gitlab_ci history path' do
+ expect(html_data[:gitlab_ci_history_path]).to eq('')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the project has no default branch set' do
+ let(:project) { project_with_repo }
+ it 'includes the path to gitlab_ci history' do
+ allow(project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return(nil)
+ expect(html_data[:gitlab_ci_history_path]).to eq(project_blame_path(project, 'master/.gitlab-ci.yml'))
+ end
+ end
+ context "when the latest default branch pipeline's source is auto devops" do
+ let(:project) { project_with_repo }
+ let(:pipeline) do
+ create(
+ :ci_pipeline,
+ :auto_devops_source,
+ project: project,
+ ref: project.default_branch,
+ sha: project.commit.sha
+ )
+ end
+ let!(:build_sast) { create(:ci_build, :sast, pipeline: pipeline, status: 'success') }
+ let!(:build_dast) { create(:ci_build, :dast, pipeline: pipeline, status: 'success') }
+ let!(:ci_build) { create(:ci_build, :secret_detection, pipeline: pipeline, status: 'pending') }
+ it 'reports that auto devops is enabled' do
+ expect(html_data[:auto_devops_enabled]).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context 'when gathering feature data' do
+ let(:features) { Gitlab::Json.parse(html_data[:features]) }
+ where(:type, :configured) do
+ :dast | true
+ :dast_profiles | true
+ :sast | true
+ :sast_iac | false
+ :container_scanning | false
+ :cluster_image_scanning | false
+ :dependency_scanning | false
+ :license_scanning | false
+ :secret_detection | true
+ :coverage_fuzzing | false
+ :api_fuzzing | false
+ :corpus_management | true
+ end
+ with_them do
+ it 'reports that all scanners are configured for which latest pipeline has builds' do
+ feature = features.find { |scan| scan['type'] == type.to_s }
+ expect(feature['configured']).to eq(configured)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the project has no default branch pipeline' do
+ let(:project) { project_with_repo }
+ it 'reports that auto devops is disabled' do
+ expect(html_data[:auto_devops_enabled]).to be_falsy
+ end
+ it 'includes a link to CI pipeline docs' do
+ expect(html_data[:latest_pipeline_path]).to eq(help_page_path('ci/pipelines'))
+ end
+ context 'when gathering feature data' do
+ let(:features) { Gitlab::Json.parse(html_data[:features]) }
+ where(:type, :configured) do
+ :dast | false
+ :dast_profiles | true
+ :sast | false
+ :sast_iac | false
+ :container_scanning | false
+ :cluster_image_scanning | false
+ :dependency_scanning | false
+ :license_scanning | false
+ :secret_detection | false
+ :coverage_fuzzing | false
+ :api_fuzzing | false
+ :corpus_management | true
+ end
+ with_them do
+ it 'reports all security jobs as unconfigured with exception of "fake" jobs' do
+ feature = features.find { |scan| scan['type'] == type.to_s }
+ expect(feature['configured']).to eq(configured)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def licensed_scan_types
+ ::Security::SecurityJobsFinder.allowed_job_types + ::Security::LicenseComplianceJobsFinder.allowed_job_types - [:cluster_image_scanning]
+ end
+ end