path: root/vendor/gems/kubeclient/lib/kubeclient/config.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gems/kubeclient/lib/kubeclient/config.rb')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gems/kubeclient/lib/kubeclient/config.rb b/vendor/gems/kubeclient/lib/kubeclient/config.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3598afe83fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gems/kubeclient/lib/kubeclient/config.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+require 'yaml'
+require 'base64'
+require 'pathname'
+module Kubeclient
+ # Kubernetes client configuration class
+ class Config
+ # Kubernetes client configuration context class
+ class Context
+ attr_reader :api_endpoint, :api_version, :ssl_options, :auth_options, :namespace
+ def initialize(api_endpoint, api_version, ssl_options, auth_options, namespace)
+ @api_endpoint = api_endpoint
+ @api_version = api_version
+ @ssl_options = ssl_options
+ @auth_options = auth_options
+ @namespace = namespace
+ end
+ end
+ # data (Hash) - Parsed kubeconfig data.
+ # kcfg_path (string) - Base directory for resolving relative references to external files.
+ # If set to nil, all external lookups & commands are disabled (even for absolute paths).
+ # See also the more convenient
+ def initialize(data, kcfg_path)
+ @kcfg = data
+ @kcfg_path = kcfg_path
+ raise 'Unknown kubeconfig version' if @kcfg['apiVersion'] != 'v1'
+ end
+ # Builds Config instance by parsing given file, with lookups relative to file's directory.
+ def
+ parsed =
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.6'
+ YAML.safe_load(, permitted_classes: [Date, Time])
+ else
+ YAML.safe_load(, [Date, Time])
+ end
+, File.dirname(filename))
+ end
+ def contexts
+ @kcfg['contexts'].map { |x| x['name'] }
+ end
+ def context(context_name = nil)
+ cluster, user, namespace = fetch_context(context_name || @kcfg['current-context'])
+ if user.key?('exec')
+ exec_opts = expand_command_option(user['exec'], 'command')
+ user['exec_result'] =
+ end
+ client_cert_data = fetch_user_cert_data(user)
+ client_key_data = fetch_user_key_data(user)
+ auth_options = fetch_user_auth_options(user)
+ ssl_options = {}
+ ssl_options[:verify_ssl] = if cluster['insecure-skip-tls-verify'] == true
+ else
+ end
+ if cluster_ca_data?(cluster)
+ cert_store =
+ populate_cert_store_from_cluster_ca_data(cluster, cert_store)
+ ssl_options[:cert_store] = cert_store
+ end
+ unless client_cert_data.nil?
+ ssl_options[:client_cert] =
+ end
+ unless client_key_data.nil?
+ ssl_options[:client_key] =
+ end
+['server'], @kcfg['apiVersion'], ssl_options, auth_options, namespace)
+ end
+ private
+ def allow_external_lookups?
+ @kcfg_path != nil
+ end
+ def ext_file_path(path)
+ unless allow_external_lookups?
+ raise "Kubeclient::Config: external lookups disabled, can't load '#{path}'"
+ end
+ Pathname(path).absolute? ? path : File.join(@kcfg_path, path)
+ end
+ def ext_command_path(path)
+ unless allow_external_lookups?
+ raise "Kubeclient::Config: external lookups disabled, can't execute '#{path}'"
+ end
+ # Like go client,
+ # distinguish 3 cases:
+ # - absolute (e.g. /path/to/foo)
+ # - $PATH-based (e.g. curl)
+ # - relative to config file's dir (e.g. ./foo)
+ if Pathname(path).absolute?
+ path
+ elsif File.basename(path) == path
+ path
+ else
+ File.join(@kcfg_path, path)
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_context(context_name)
+ context = @kcfg['contexts'].detect do |x|
+ break x['context'] if x['name'] == context_name
+ end
+ raise KeyError, "Unknown context #{context_name}" unless context
+ cluster = @kcfg['clusters'].detect do |x|
+ break x['cluster'] if x['name'] == context['cluster']
+ end
+ raise KeyError, "Unknown cluster #{context['cluster']}" unless cluster
+ user = @kcfg['users'].detect do |x|
+ break x['user'] if x['name'] == context['user']
+ end || {}
+ namespace = context['namespace']
+ [cluster, user, namespace]
+ end
+ def cluster_ca_data?(cluster)
+ cluster.key?('certificate-authority') || cluster.key?('certificate-authority-data')
+ end
+ def populate_cert_store_from_cluster_ca_data(cluster, cert_store)
+ if cluster.key?('certificate-authority')
+ cert_store.add_file(ext_file_path(cluster['certificate-authority']))
+ elsif cluster.key?('certificate-authority-data')
+ ca_cert_data = Base64.decode64(cluster['certificate-authority-data'])
+ cert_store.add_cert(
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_user_cert_data(user)
+ if user.key?('client-certificate')
+ elsif user.key?('client-certificate-data')
+ Base64.decode64(user['client-certificate-data'])
+ elsif user.key?('exec_result') && user['exec_result'].key?('clientCertificateData')
+ user['exec_result']['clientCertificateData']
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_user_key_data(user)
+ if user.key?('client-key')
+ elsif user.key?('client-key-data')
+ Base64.decode64(user['client-key-data'])
+ elsif user.key?('exec_result') && user['exec_result'].key?('clientKeyData')
+ user['exec_result']['clientKeyData']
+ end
+ end
+ def fetch_user_auth_options(user)
+ options = {}
+ if user.key?('token')
+ options[:bearer_token] = user['token']
+ elsif user.key?('exec_result') && user['exec_result'].key?('token')
+ options[:bearer_token] = user['exec_result']['token']
+ elsif user.key?('auth-provider')
+ options[:bearer_token] = fetch_token_from_provider(user['auth-provider'])
+ else
+ %w[username password].each do |attr|
+ options[attr.to_sym] = user[attr] if user.key?(attr)
+ end
+ end
+ options
+ end
+ def fetch_token_from_provider(auth_provider)
+ case auth_provider['name']
+ when 'gcp'
+ config = expand_command_option(auth_provider['config'], 'cmd-path')
+ Kubeclient::GCPAuthProvider.token(config)
+ when 'oidc'
+ Kubeclient::OIDCAuthProvider.token(auth_provider['config'])
+ end
+ end
+ def expand_command_option(config, key)
+ config = config.dup
+ config[key] = ext_command_path(config[key]) if config[key]
+ config
+ end
+ end