path: root/vendor/gems/kubeclient/test/test_kubeclient.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/gems/kubeclient/test/test_kubeclient.rb')
1 files changed, 881 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/gems/kubeclient/test/test_kubeclient.rb b/vendor/gems/kubeclient/test/test_kubeclient.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f866bfc89df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vendor/gems/kubeclient/test/test_kubeclient.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,881 @@
+require_relative 'test_helper'
+# Kubernetes client entity tests
+class KubeclientTest < MiniTest::Test
+ def test_json
+ our_object =
+ = 'bar'
+ our_object.nested = {}
+ our_object.nested.again = {}
+ our_object.nested.again.again = {}
+ = 'aaron'
+ expected = {
+ 'foo' => 'bar',
+ 'nested' => { 'again' => { 'again' => { 'name' => 'aaron' } } }
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected, JSON.parse(JSON.dump(our_object.to_h)))
+ end
+ def test_pass_uri
+ # URI::Generic#hostname= was added in ruby 1.9.3 and will automatically
+ # wrap an ipv6 address in []
+ uri = 8080)
+ uri.hostname = 'localhost'
+ client =
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal('http://localhost:8080/api/v1', rest_client.url.to_s)
+ end
+ def test_no_path_in_uri
+ client ='http://localhost:8080', 'v1')
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal('http://localhost:8080/api/v1', rest_client.url.to_s)
+ end
+ def test_no_version_passed
+ client ='http://localhost:8080')
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal('http://localhost:8080/api/v1', rest_client.url.to_s)
+ end
+ def test_pass_proxy
+ uri = 'localhost', port: 8080)
+ proxy_uri = 'myproxyhost', port: 8888)
+ stub_core_api_list
+ client =, http_proxy_uri: proxy_uri)
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal(proxy_uri.to_s, rest_client.options[:proxy])
+ watch_client = client.watch_pods
+ assert_equal(watch_client.send(:build_client_options)[:proxy][:proxy_address],
+ assert_equal(watch_client.send(:build_client_options)[:proxy][:proxy_port], proxy_uri.port)
+ end
+ def test_pass_max_redirects
+ max_redirects = 0
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/', http_max_redirects: max_redirects)
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal(max_redirects, rest_client.options[:max_redirects])
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 302, headers: { location: 'http://localhost:1234/api' })
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.api }
+ assert_equal(302, exception.error_code)
+ end
+ def test_exception
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:post, %r{/services})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('namespace_exception.json'), status: 409)
+ service =
+ service.metadata = {}
+ = 'redisslave'
+ service.metadata.namespace = 'default'
+ # service.port = 80
+ # service.container_port = 6379
+ # service.protocol = 'TCP'
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) do
+ service = client.create_service(service)
+ end
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::HttpError, exception)
+ assert_equal("converting to : type names don't match (Pod, Namespace)",
+ exception.message)
+ assert_includes(exception.to_s, ' for POST http://localhost:8080/api')
+ assert_equal(409, exception.error_code)
+ end
+ def test_deprecated_exception
+ error_message = 'certificate verify failed'
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_raise(
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ exception = assert_raises(KubeException) { client.api }
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_api
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: open_test_file('versions_list.json'))
+ response = client.api
+ assert_includes(response, 'versions')
+ end
+ def test_api_ssl_failure
+ error_message = 'certificate verify failed'
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_raise(
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.api }
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_api_timeout
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api').to_timeout
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.api }
+ assert_match(/(timed out|timeout)/i, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_api_valid
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: open_test_file('versions_list.json'))
+ args = ['http://localhost:8080/api/']
+ [nil, 'v1beta3', 'v1'].each do |version|
+ client =*(version ? args + [version] : args))
+ assert client.api_valid?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_api_valid_with_invalid_version
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: open_test_file('versions_list.json'))
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/', 'foobar1')
+ refute client.api_valid?
+ end
+ def test_api_valid_with_unreported_versions
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: '{}')
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ refute client.api_valid?
+ end
+ def test_api_valid_with_invalid_json
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: '[]')
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ refute client.api_valid?
+ end
+ def test_api_valid_with_bad_endpoint
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: [404, 'Resource Not Found'])
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.api_valid? }
+ end
+ def test_api_valid_with_non_json
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api')
+ .to_return(status: 200, body: '<html></html>')
+ client ='http://localhost:8080/api/')
+ assert_raises(JSON::ParserError) { client.api_valid? }
+ end
+ def test_nonjson_exception
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/servic})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_illegal_json_404.json'), status: 404)
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::ResourceNotFoundError) do
+ client.get_services
+ end
+ assert(exception.message.include?('Not Found'))
+ assert_equal(404, exception.error_code)
+ end
+ def test_nonjson_exception_raw
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/servic})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_illegal_json_404.json'), status: 404)
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::ResourceNotFoundError) do
+ client.get_services(as: :raw)
+ end
+ assert(exception.message.include?('Not Found'))
+ assert_equal(404, exception.error_code)
+ end
+ def test_entity_list
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ services = client.get_services
+ refute_empty(services)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, services)
+ # Stripping of 'List' in collection.kind RecursiveOpenStruct mode only is historic.
+ assert_equal('Service', services.kind)
+ assert_equal(2, services.size)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, services[0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, services[1])
+ assert_requested(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services', times: 1)
+ end
+ def test_entity_list_raw
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ response = client.get_services(as: :raw)
+ refute_empty(response)
+ assert_equal(open_test_file('entity_list.json').read, response)
+ assert_requested(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services', times: 1)
+ end
+ def test_entity_list_parsed
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ response = client.get_services(as: :parsed)
+ assert_equal Hash, response.class
+ assert_equal 'ServiceList', response['kind']
+ assert_equal %w[metadata spec status], response['items'].first.keys
+ end
+ def test_entity_list_parsed_symbolized
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ response = client.get_services(as: :parsed_symbolized)
+ assert_equal Hash, response.class
+ assert_equal 'ServiceList', response[:kind]
+ assert_equal %i[metadata spec status], response[:items].first.keys
+ end
+ def test_entity_list_unknown
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) { client.get_services(as: :whoops) }
+ assert_equal 'Unsupported format :whoops', e.message
+ end
+ def test_entity_list_raw_failure
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/services})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('entity_list.json'), status: 500)
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.get_services(as: :raw) }
+ assert_equal('500 Internal Server Error', exception.message)
+ assert_equal(500, exception.error_code)
+ end
+ def test_entities_with_label_selector
+ selector = 'component=apiserver'
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ services = client.get_services(label_selector: selector)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, services)
+ assert_requested(
+ :get,
+ "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services?labelSelector=#{selector}",
+ times: 1
+ )
+ end
+ def test_entities_with_resource_version
+ version = '329'
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ services = client.get_services(resource_version: version)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, services)
+ assert_requested(
+ :get,
+ "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services?resourceVersion=#{version}",
+ times: 1
+ )
+ end
+ def test_entities_with_field_selector
+ selector = ''
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_get_services
+ services = client.get_services(field_selector: selector)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, services)
+ assert_requested(
+ :get,
+ "http://localhost:8080/api/v1/services?fieldSelector=#{selector}",
+ times: 1
+ )
+ end
+ def test_empty_list
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/pods})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('empty_pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ pods = client.get_pods
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, pods)
+ assert_equal(0, pods.size)
+ end
+ def test_get_all
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/bindings})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('bindings_list.json'), status: 404)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/configmaps})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('config_map_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/podtemplates})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_template_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/services})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/pods})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/nodes})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('node_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/replicationcontrollers})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('replication_controller_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/events})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('event_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/endpoints})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('endpoint_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/namespaces})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('namespace_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/secrets})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('secret_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/resourcequotas})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('resource_quota_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/limitranges})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('limit_range_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/persistentvolumes})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('persistent_volume_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/persistentvolumeclaims})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('persistent_volume_claim_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/componentstatuses})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('component_status_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/serviceaccounts})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_account_list.json'), status: 200)
+ result = client.all_entities
+ assert_equal(16, result.keys.size)
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['node'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['service'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['replication_controller'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['pod'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['event'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['namespace'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Common::EntityList, result['secret'])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['service'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['node'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['event'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['endpoint'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['namespace'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['secret'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['resource_quota'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['limit_range'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['persistent_volume'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['persistent_volume_claim'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['component_status'][0])
+ assert_instance_of(Kubeclient::Resource, result['service_account'][0])
+ end
+ def test_get_all_raw
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/bindings})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('bindings_list.json'), status: 404)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/configmaps})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('config_map_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/podtemplates})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_template_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/services})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/pods})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/nodes})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('node_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/replicationcontrollers})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('replication_controller_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/events})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('event_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/endpoints})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('endpoint_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/namespaces})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('namespace_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/secrets})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('secret_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/resourcequotas})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('resource_quota_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/limitranges})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('limit_range_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/persistentvolumes})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('persistent_volume_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/persistentvolumeclaims})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('persistent_volume_claim_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/componentstatuses})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('component_status_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/serviceaccounts})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('service_account_list.json'), status: 200)
+ result = client.all_entities(as: :raw)
+ assert_equal(16, result.keys.size)
+ %w[
+ component_status config_map endpoint event limit_range namespace node
+ persistent_volume persistent_volume_claim pod replication_controller
+ resource_quota secret service service_account
+ ].each do |entity|
+ assert_equal(open_test_file("#{entity}_list.json").read, result[entity])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_api_bearer_token_with_params_success
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods?labelSelector=name=redis-master')
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer valid_token' })
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/api/v1$})
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer valid_token' })
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('core_api_resource_list.json'), status: 200)
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'valid_token' }
+ )
+ pods = client.get_pods(label_selector: 'name=redis-master')
+ assert_equal('Pod', pods.kind)
+ assert_equal(1, pods.size)
+ end
+ def test_api_bearer_token_success
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods')
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer valid_token' })
+ .to_return(
+ body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200
+ )
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'valid_token' }
+ )
+ pods = client.get_pods
+ assert_equal('Pod', pods.kind)
+ assert_equal(1, pods.size)
+ end
+ def test_api_bearer_token_failure
+ error_message =
+ '"/api/v1" is forbidden because ' \
+ 'system:anonymous cannot list on pods in'
+ response = 401, message: error_message)
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer invalid_token' })
+ .to_raise(, error_message, response))
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'invalid_token' }
+ )
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.get_pods }
+ assert_equal(403, exception.error_code)
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ assert_equal(response, exception.response)
+ end
+ def test_api_bearer_token_failure_raw
+ error_message =
+ '"/api/v1" is forbidden because ' \
+ 'system:anonymous cannot list on pods in'
+ response = 401, message: error_message)
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer invalid_token' })
+ .to_raise(, error_message, response))
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'invalid_token' }
+ )
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.get_pods(as: :raw) }
+ assert_equal(403, exception.error_code)
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ assert_equal(response, exception.response)
+ end
+ def test_api_basic_auth_success
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('core_api_resource_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username', password: 'password' }
+ )
+ pods = client.get_pods
+ assert_equal('Pod', pods.kind)
+ assert_equal(1, pods.size)
+ assert_requested(
+ :get,
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods',
+ times: 1
+ )
+ end
+ def test_api_basic_auth_back_comp_success
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('core_api_resource_list.json'), status: 200)
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { user: 'username', password: 'password' }
+ )
+ pods = client.get_pods
+ assert_equal('Pod', pods.kind)
+ assert_equal(1, pods.size)
+ assert_requested(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods', times: 1)
+ end
+ def test_api_basic_auth_failure
+ error_message = 'HTTP status code 401, 401 Unauthorized'
+ response = 401, message: '401 Unauthorized')
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_raise(, error_message, response))
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username', password: 'password' }
+ )
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.get_pods }
+ assert_equal(401, exception.error_code)
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ assert_equal(response, exception.response)
+ assert_requested(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1', times: 1)
+ end
+ def test_api_basic_auth_failure_raw
+ error_message = 'HTTP status code 401, 401 Unauthorized'
+ response = 401, message: '401 Unauthorized')
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1')
+ .with(basic_auth: %w[username password])
+ .to_raise(, error_message, response))
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username', password: 'password' }
+ )
+ exception = assert_raises(Kubeclient::HttpError) { client.get_pods(as: :raw) }
+ assert_equal(401, exception.error_code)
+ assert_equal(error_message, exception.message)
+ assert_equal(response, exception.response)
+ assert_requested(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1', times: 1)
+ end
+ def test_init_username_no_password
+ expected_msg = 'Basic auth requires both username & password'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_init_user_no_password
+ expected_msg = 'Basic auth requires both username & password'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { user: 'username' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_init_username_and_bearer_token
+ expected_msg = 'Invalid auth options: specify only one of username/password,' \
+ ' bearer_token or bearer_token_file'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username', bearer_token: 'token' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_init_username_and_bearer_token_file
+ expected_msg = 'Invalid auth options: specify only one of username/password,' \
+ ' bearer_token or bearer_token_file'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { username: 'username', bearer_token_file: 'token-file' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_bearer_token_and_bearer_token_file
+ expected_msg =
+ 'Invalid auth options: specify only one of username/password,' \
+ ' bearer_token or bearer_token_file'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'token', bearer_token_file: 'token-file' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_bearer_token_file_not_exist
+ expected_msg = 'Token file token-file does not exist'
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ 'http://localhost:8080',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token_file: 'token-file' }
+ )
+ end
+ assert_equal(expected_msg, exception.message)
+ end
+ def test_api_bearer_token_file_success
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, 'http://localhost:8080/api/v1/pods')
+ .with(headers: { Authorization: 'Bearer valid_token' })
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('pod_list.json'), status: 200)
+ file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'valid_token_file')
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ auth_options: { bearer_token_file: file }
+ )
+ pods = client.get_pods
+ assert_equal('Pod', pods.kind)
+ assert_equal(1, pods.size)
+ end
+ def test_proxy_url
+ stub_core_api_list
+ client ='http://host:8080', 'v1')
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/namespaces/ns/services/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('service', 'srvname', 'srvportname', 'ns')
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/namespaces/ns/services/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('services', 'srvname', 'srvportname', 'ns')
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/namespaces/ns/pods/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('pod', 'srvname', 'srvportname', 'ns')
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/namespaces/ns/pods/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('pods', 'srvname', 'srvportname', 'ns')
+ )
+ # Check no namespace provided
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/nodes/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('nodes', 'srvname', 'srvportname')
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/nodes/srvname:srvportname/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('node', 'srvname', 'srvportname')
+ )
+ # Check integer port
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/nodes/srvname:5001/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('nodes', 'srvname', 5001)
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ 'http://host:8080/api/v1/nodes/srvname:5001/proxy',
+ client.proxy_url('node', 'srvname', 5001)
+ )
+ end
+ def test_attr_readers
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ ssl_options: { client_key: 'secret' },
+ auth_options: { bearer_token: 'token' }
+ )
+ assert_equal('/api', client.api_endpoint.path)
+ assert_equal('secret', client.ssl_options[:client_key])
+ assert_equal('token', client.auth_options[:bearer_token])
+ assert_equal('Bearer token', client.headers[:Authorization])
+ end
+ def test_nil_items
+ # handle
+ stub_core_api_list
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/persistentvolumeclaims})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('persistent_volume_claims_nil_items.json'), status: 200)
+ client.get_persistent_volume_claims
+ end
+ # Timeouts
+ def test_timeouts_defaults
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/'
+ )
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_default_open_timeout(rest_client.open_timeout)
+ assert_equal(60, rest_client.read_timeout)
+ end
+ def test_timeouts_open
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ timeouts: { open: 10 }
+ )
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal(10, rest_client.open_timeout)
+ assert_equal(60, rest_client.read_timeout)
+ end
+ def test_timeouts_read
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ timeouts: { read: 300 }
+ )
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_default_open_timeout(rest_client.open_timeout)
+ assert_equal(300, rest_client.read_timeout)
+ end
+ def test_timeouts_both
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ timeouts: { open: 10, read: 300 }
+ )
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_equal(10, rest_client.open_timeout)
+ assert_equal(300, rest_client.read_timeout)
+ end
+ def test_timeouts_infinite
+ client =
+ 'http://localhost:8080/api/',
+ timeouts: { open: nil, read: nil }
+ )
+ rest_client = client.rest_client
+ assert_nil(rest_client.open_timeout)
+ assert_nil(rest_client.read_timeout)
+ end
+ def assert_default_open_timeout(actual)
+ if RUBY_VERSION >= '2.3'
+ assert_equal(60, actual)
+ else
+ assert_nil(actual)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def stub_get_services
+ stub_request(:get, %r{/services})
+ .to_return(body: open_test_file('entity_list.json'), status: 200)
+ end
+ def client
+ @client ||='http://localhost:8080/api/', 'v1')
+ end
+ # dup method creates a shallow copy which is not good in this case
+ # since rename_keys changes the input hash
+ # hence need to create a deep_copy
+ def deep_copy(hash)
+ Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(hash))
+ end