diff options
authorPatrick Bajao <>2019-08-23 14:15:33 +0800
committerPatrick Bajao <>2019-08-23 14:15:33 +0800
commitcb9b5447eb8cb8ae6535ebf90e5a5e9e724721bd (patch)
parent27ac932878d117d1cbffc0d190ed179f3353886c (diff)
Remove gitlab-keys scriptpb-remove-gitlab-keys
5 files changed, 1 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 806de08..915df1a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -76,24 +76,6 @@ Checks if GitLab API access and redis via internal API can be reached:
make check
-## Keys
-Add key:
- ./bin/gitlab-keys add-key key-782 "ssh-rsa AAAAx321..."
-Remove key:
- ./bin/gitlab-keys rm-key key-23 "ssh-rsa AAAAx321..."
-List all keys:
- ./bin/gitlab-keys list-keys
-Remove all keys from authorized_keys file:
- ./bin/gitlab-keys clear
## Testing
Run Ruby and Golang tests:
diff --git a/bin/check b/bin/check
index 2acee63..6d42f9b 100755
--- a/bin/check
+++ b/bin/check
@@ -29,14 +29,4 @@ rescue GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError
abort "FAILED: Failed to connect to internal API"
-config =
-abort("ERROR: missing option in config.yml") unless config.auth_file
-print "Access to #{config.auth_file}: "
-if system(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/gitlab-keys', 'check-permissions')
- print 'OK'
- abort "FAILED"
puts "\n"
diff --git a/bin/gitlab-keys b/bin/gitlab-keys
deleted file mode 100755
index 9eb1950..0000000
--- a/bin/gitlab-keys
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-# GitLab Keys shell. Add/remove keys from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
-# Ex.
-# /bin/gitlab-keys add-key key-782 "ssh-rsa AAAAx321..."
-# printf "key-782\tssh-rsa AAAAx321...\n" | /bin/gitlab-keys batch-add-keys
-# /bin/gitlab-keys rm-key key-23 "ssh-rsa AAAAx321..."
-# /bin/gitlab-keys list-keys
-# /bin/gitlab-keys clear
-require File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'gitlab_keys')
-# Return non-zero if command execution was not successful
- exit 0
- exit 1
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_keys.rb b/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
index 85ca797..f583ede 100644
--- a/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
+++ b/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
@@ -4,11 +4,9 @@ require_relative 'gitlab_config'
require_relative 'gitlab_logger'
require_relative 'gitlab_metrics'
-class GitlabKeys # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
+module GitlabKeys
class KeyError < StandardError; end
- attr_accessor :auth_file, :key
def self.command(whatever)
"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell #{whatever}"
@@ -44,147 +42,4 @@ class GitlabKeys # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
whatever_line(command_key(username_key_id), principal)
- def initialize
- @command = ARGV.shift
- @key_id = ARGV.shift
- key = ARGV.shift
- @key = key.dup if key
- @auth_file =
- end
- def exec
- GitlabMetrics.measure("command-#{@command}") do
- case @command
- when 'add-key'
- add_key
- when 'batch-add-keys'
- batch_add_keys
- when 'rm-key'
- rm_key
- when 'list-keys'
- list_keys
- when 'list-key-ids'
- list_key_ids
- when 'clear'
- clear
- when 'check-permissions'
- check_permissions
- else
- $logger.warn('Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-keys command', command: @command.inspect)
- puts 'not allowed'
- false
- end
- end
- end
- protected
- def add_key
- lock do
- $'Adding key', key_id: @key_id, public_key: @key)
- auth_line = self.class.key_line(@key_id, @key)
- open_auth_file('a') { |file| file.puts(auth_line) }
- end
- true
- end
- def list_keys
- $ 'Listing all keys'
- keys = ''
- File.readlines(auth_file).each do |line|
- # key_id & public_key
- # command=".../bin/gitlab-shell key-741" ... ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E\n
- # ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- matches = /^command=\".+?\s+(.+?)\".+?(?:ssh|ecdsa)-.*?\s(.+)\s*.*\n*$/.match(line)
- keys << "#{matches[1]} #{matches[2]}\n" unless matches.nil?
- end
- puts keys
- end
- def list_key_ids
- $ 'Listing all key IDs'
- open_auth_file('r') do |f|
- f.each_line do |line|
- matchd = line.match(/key-(\d+)/)
- next unless matchd
- puts matchd[1]
- end
- end
- end
- def batch_add_keys
- lock(300) do # Allow 300 seconds (5 minutes) for batch_add_keys
- open_auth_file('a') do |file|
- stdin.each_line do |input|
- tokens = input.strip.split("\t")
- abort("#{$0}: invalid input #{input.inspect}") unless tokens.count == 2
- key_id, public_key = tokens
- $'Adding key', key_id: key_id, public_key: public_key)
- file.puts(self.class.key_line(key_id, public_key))
- end
- end
- end
- true
- end
- def stdin
- $stdin
- end
- def rm_key
- lock do
- $'Removing key', key_id: @key_id)
- open_auth_file('r+') do |f|
- while line = f.gets # rubocop:disable Lint/AssignmentInCondition
- next unless line.start_with?("command=\"#{self.class.command_key(@key_id)}\"")
- # Overwrite the line with #'s. Because the 'line' variable contains
- # a terminating '\n', we write line.length - 1 '#' characters.
- f.write('#' * (line.length - 1))
- end
- end
- end
- true
- end
- def clear
- open_auth_file('w') { |file| file.puts '# Managed by gitlab-shell' }
- true
- end
- def check_permissions
- open_auth_file(File::RDWR | File::CREAT) { true }
- rescue => ex
- puts "error: could not open #{auth_file}: #{ex}"
- if File.exist?(auth_file)
- system('ls', '-l', auth_file)
- else
- # Maybe the parent directory is not writable?
- system('ls', '-ld', File.dirname(auth_file))
- end
- false
- end
- def lock(timeout = 10)
-, "w+") do |f|
- begin
- f.flock File::LOCK_EX
- Timeout.timeout(timeout) { yield }
- ensure
- f.flock File::LOCK_UN
- end
- end
- end
- def lock_file
- @lock_file ||= auth_file + '.lock'
- end
- def open_auth_file(mode)
- open(auth_file, mode, 0o600) do |file|
- file.chmod(0o600)
- yield file
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb
index 86128f6..1853918 100644
--- a/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb
@@ -61,316 +61,4 @@ describe GitlabKeys do
expect { described_class.principal_line('username-someuser', "sshUsers\nloginUsers") }.to raise_error(described_class::KeyError)
- describe :initialize do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('add-key', 'key-741', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E') }
- it { expect(gitlab_keys.key).to eq('ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E') }
- it { expect(gitlab_keys.instance_variable_get(:@command)).to eq('add-key') }
- it { expect(gitlab_keys.instance_variable_get(:@key_id)).to eq('key-741') }
- end
- describe :add_key do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('add-key', 'key-741', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E') }
- it "adds a line at the end of the file" do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- gitlab_keys.send :add_key
- auth_line = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-741\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"
- expect( eq("existing content\n#{auth_line}\n")
- end
- context "without file writing" do
- before { allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:open) }
- before { create_authorized_keys_fixture }
- it "should log an add-key event" do
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("Adding key", {:key_id=>"key-741", :public_key=>"ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"})
- gitlab_keys.send :add_key
- end
- it "should return true" do
- expect(gitlab_keys.send(:add_key)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- end
- describe ':list_keys' do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('list_keys') }
- let(:key_data) { "%s\n%s\n" % [described_class.key_line('key-741', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E'), described_class.key_line('key-742', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E')] }
- let(:key_output) { "key-741 AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E\nkey-742 AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E\n" }
- before do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture(
- existing_content:
- key_data
- )
- end
- it 'outputs the keys with IDs, separated by newlines' do
- expect { gitlab_keys.send(:list_keys) }.to output(key_output).to_stdout
- end
- end
- describe :list_key_ids do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('list-key-ids') }
- before do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture(
- existing_content:
- "key-1\tssh-dsa AAA\nkey-2\tssh-rsa BBB\nkey-3\tssh-rsa CCC\nkey-9000\tssh-rsa DDD\n"
- )
- end
- it 'outputs the key IDs, separated by newlines' do
- expect { gitlab_keys.send(:list_key_ids) }.to output("1\n2\n3\n9000\n").to_stdout
- end
- end
- describe :batch_add_keys do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('batch-add-keys') }
- let(:fake_stdin) {"key-12\tssh-dsa ASDFASGADG\nkey-123\tssh-rsa GFDGDFSGSDFG\n", 'r') }
- before do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:stdin).and_return(fake_stdin)
- end
- it "adds lines at the end of the file" do
- gitlab_keys.send :batch_add_keys
- auth_line1 = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-12\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-dsa ASDFASGADG"
- auth_line2 = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-123\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa GFDGDFSGSDFG"
- expect( eq("existing content\n#{auth_line1}\n#{auth_line2}\n")
- end
- context "with invalid input" do
- let(:fake_stdin) {"key-12\tssh-dsa ASDFASGADG\nkey-123\tssh-rsa GFDGDFSGSDFG\nfoo\tbar\tbaz\n", 'r') }
- it "aborts" do
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:abort)
- gitlab_keys.send :batch_add_keys
- end
- end
- context "without file writing" do
- before do
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:open).and_yield(double(:file, puts: nil, chmod: nil))
- end
- it "should log an add-key event" do
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("Adding key", key_id: 'key-12', public_key: "ssh-dsa ASDFASGADG")
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("Adding key", key_id: 'key-123', public_key: "ssh-rsa GFDGDFSGSDFG")
- gitlab_keys.send :batch_add_keys
- end
- it "should return true" do
- expect(gitlab_keys.send(:batch_add_keys)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- end
- describe :stdin do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys }
- subject { gitlab_keys.send :stdin }
- before { $stdin = 1 }
- it { equal(1) }
- end
- describe :rm_key do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('rm-key', 'key-741', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E') }
- it "removes the right line" do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- other_line = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-742\",options ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"
- delete_line = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-741\",options ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"
- open(tmp_authorized_keys_path, 'a') do |auth_file|
- auth_file.puts delete_line
- auth_file.puts other_line
- end
- gitlab_keys.send :rm_key
- erased_line = delete_line.gsub(/./, '#')
- expect( eq("existing content\n#{erased_line}\n#{other_line}\n")
- end
- context "without file writing" do
- before do
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:open)
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:lock).and_yield
- end
- it "should log an rm-key event" do
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("Removing key", key_id: "key-741")
- gitlab_keys.send :rm_key
- end
- it "should return true" do
- expect(gitlab_keys.send(:rm_key)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- context 'without key content' do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('rm-key', 'key-741') }
- it "removes the right line by key ID" do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- other_line = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-742\",options ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"
- delete_line = "command=\"#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-741\",options ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E"
- open(tmp_authorized_keys_path, 'a') do |auth_file|
- auth_file.puts delete_line
- auth_file.puts other_line
- end
- gitlab_keys.send :rm_key
- erased_line = delete_line.gsub(/./, '#')
- expect( eq("existing content\n#{erased_line}\n#{other_line}\n")
- end
- end
- end
- describe :clear do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('clear') }
- it "should return true" do
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:open)
- expect(gitlab_keys.send(:clear)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- describe :check_permissions do
- let(:gitlab_keys) { build_gitlab_keys('check-permissions') }
- it 'returns true when the file can be opened' do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- expect(gitlab_keys.exec).to eq(true)
- end
- it 'returns false if opening raises an exception' do
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:open_auth_file).and_raise("imaginary error")
- expect(gitlab_keys.exec).to eq(false)
- end
- it 'creates the keys file if it does not exist' do
- create_authorized_keys_fixture
- FileUtils.rm(tmp_authorized_keys_path)
- expect(gitlab_keys.exec).to eq(true)
- expect(File.exist?(tmp_authorized_keys_path)).to eq(true)
- end
- end
- describe :exec do
- it 'add-key arg should execute add_key method' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('add-key')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:add_key)
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'batch-add-keys arg should execute batch_add_keys method' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('batch-add-keys')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:batch_add_keys)
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'rm-key arg should execute rm_key method' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('rm-key')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:rm_key)
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'clear arg should execute clear method' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('clear')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:clear)
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'check-permissions arg should execute check_permissions method' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('check-permissions')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:check_permissions)
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'should puts message if unknown command arg' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('change-key')
- expect(gitlab_keys).to receive(:puts).with('not allowed')
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- it 'should log a warning on unknown commands' do
- gitlab_keys = build_gitlab_keys('nooope')
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:puts).and_return(nil)
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).with("Attempt to execute invalid gitlab-keys command", command: '"nooope"')
- gitlab_keys.exec
- end
- end
- describe :lock do
- before do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabKeys).to receive(:lock_file).and_return(tmp_lock_file_path)
- end
- it "should raise exception if operation lasts more then timeout" do
- key =
- expect do
- key.send :lock, 1 do
- sleep 2
- end
- raise_error(Timeout::Error, 'execution expired')
- end
- it "should actually lock file" do
- $global = ""
- key =
- thr1 = do
- key.send :lock do
- # Put bigger sleep here to test if main thread will
- # wait for lock file released before executing code
- sleep 1
- $global << "foo"
- end
- end
- # make sure main thread start lock command after
- # thread above
- sleep 0.5
- key.send :lock do
- $global << "bar"
- end
- thr1.join
- expect($global).to eq("foobar")
- end
- end
- def build_gitlab_keys(*args)
- argv(*args)
- end
- def argv(*args)
- args.each_with_index do |arg, i|
- ARGV[i] = arg.freeze
- end
- end
- def create_authorized_keys_fixture(existing_content: 'existing content')
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(tmp_authorized_keys_path))
- open(tmp_authorized_keys_path, 'w') { |file| file.puts(existing_content) }
- allow(gitlab_keys).to receive(:auth_file).and_return(tmp_authorized_keys_path)
- end
- def tmp_authorized_keys_path
- File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'authorized_keys')
- end
- def tmp_lock_file_path
- tmp_authorized_keys_path + '.lock'
- end
- def capture_stdout(&blk)
- old = $stdout
- $stdout = fake =
- fake.string
- ensure
- $stdout = old
- end