diff options
39 files changed, 5 insertions, 3140 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8b3caf8..40ae699 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -14,15 +14,9 @@ verify_golang:
test: test_ruby test_golang
+# The Ruby tests are now all integration specs that test the Go implementation.
- # bin/gitlab-shell, bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check and
- # bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check must exist and need to be
- # the Ruby version for rspec to be able to test.
- cp bin/gitlab-shell-ruby bin/gitlab-shell
- cp bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check-ruby bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check
- cp bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check-ruby bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check
- bundle exec rspec --color --tag '~go' --format d spec
- rm -f bin/gitlab-shell bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check
+ bundle exec rspec --color --format d spec
diff --git a/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check-ruby b/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check-ruby
deleted file mode 100755
index 2ea1a74..0000000
--- a/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check-ruby
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# GitLab shell authorized_keys helper. Query GitLab API to get the authorized
-# command for a given ssh key fingerprint
-# Ex.
-# bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check <username> <public-key>
-# Returns
-# command="/bin/gitlab-shell key-#",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAA...
-# Expects to be called by the SSH daemon, via configuration like:
-# AuthorizedKeysCommandUser git
-# AuthorizedKeysCommand /bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check git %u %k
-abort "# Wrong number of arguments. #{ARGV.size}. Usage:
-# gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check <expected-username> <actual-username> <key>" unless ARGV.size == 3
-expected_username = ARGV[0]
-abort '# No username provided' if expected_username.nil? || expected_username == ''
-actual_username = ARGV[1]
-abort '# No username provided' if actual_username.nil? || actual_username == ''
-# Only check access if the requested username matches the configured username.
-# Normally, these would both be 'git', but it can be configured by the user
-exit 0 unless expected_username == actual_username
-key = ARGV[2]
-abort "# No key provided" if key.nil? || key == ''
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_net'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_keys'
-authorized_key =
-if authorized_key.nil?
- puts "# No key was found for #{key}"
- puts GitlabKeys.key_line("key-#{authorized_key['id']}", authorized_key['key'])
diff --git a/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check-ruby b/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check-ruby
deleted file mode 100755
index 25ee612..0000000
--- a/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check-ruby
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# GitLab shell authorized principals helper. Emits the same sort of
-# command="..." line as gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check, with
-# the right options.
-# Ex.
-# bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check <key-id> <principal1> [<principal2>...]
-# Returns one line per principal passed in, e.g.:
-# command="/bin/gitlab-shell username-{KEY_ID}",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty {PRINCIPAL}
-# [command="/bin/gitlab-shell username-{KEY_ID}",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty {PRINCIPAL2}]
-# Expects to be called by the SSH daemon, via configuration like:
-# AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser root
-# AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand /bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check git %i sshUsers
-abort "# Wrong number of arguments. #{ARGV.size}. Usage:
-# gitlab-shell-authorized-principals-check <key-id> <principal1> [<principal2>...]" unless ARGV.size >= 2
-key_id = ARGV[0]
-abort '# No key_id provided' if key_id.nil? || key_id == ''
-principals = ARGV[1..-1]
-principals.each { |principal|
- abort '# An invalid principal was provided' if principal.nil? || principal == ''
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_net'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_keys'
-principals.each { |principal|
- puts GitlabKeys.principal_line("username-#{key_id}", principal.dup)
diff --git a/bin/gitlab-shell-ruby b/bin/gitlab-shell-ruby
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d43cf1..0000000
--- a/bin/gitlab-shell-ruby
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
- puts "Only ssh allowed"
- exit
-original_cmd = ENV.delete('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND')
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-# GitLab shell, invoked from ~/.ssh/authorized_keys or from an
-# AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand in the key-less SSH CERT mode.
-require File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'lib', 'gitlab_shell')
-# We must match e.g. "key-12345" anywhere on the command-line. See
-who = /\b(?:(?:key)-[0-9]+|username-\S+)\b/.match(ARGV.join(' ')).to_s
- exit 0
- exit 1
diff --git a/bin/test-logger b/bin/test-logger
deleted file mode 100755
index 11b2a55..0000000
--- a/bin/test-logger
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-# The purpose of this executable is to test that gitlab-shell logging
-# works correctly in combination with Kernel.exec.
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_init'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_logger'
diff --git a/lib/action.rb b/lib/action.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 28c1c14..0000000
--- a/lib/action.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'action/custom'
-module Action
diff --git a/lib/action/custom.rb b/lib/action/custom.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4efb0a8..0000000
--- a/lib/action/custom.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-require 'base64'
-require_relative '../http_helper'
-require_relative '../console_helper'
-module Action
- class Custom
- include HTTPHelper
- include ConsoleHelper
- class BaseError < StandardError; end
- class MissingPayloadError < BaseError; end
- class MissingAPIEndpointsError < BaseError; end
- class MissingDataError < BaseError; end
- class UnsuccessfulError < BaseError; end
- NO_MESSAGE_TEXT = 'No message'.freeze
- DEFAULT_HEADERS = { 'Content-Type' => CONTENT_TYPE_JSON }.freeze
- def initialize(gl_id, payload)
- @gl_id = gl_id
- @payload = payload
- end
- def execute
- validate!
- inform_client(info_message) if info_message
- process_api_endpoints!
- end
- private
- attr_reader :gl_id, :payload
- def process_api_endpoints!
- output = ''
- resp = nil
- data_with_gl_id = data.merge('gl_id' => gl_id)
- api_endpoints.each do |endpoint|
- url = "#{base_url}#{endpoint}"
- json = { 'data' => data_with_gl_id, 'output' => output }
- resp = post(url, {}, headers: DEFAULT_HEADERS, options: { json: json })
- # Net::HTTPSuccess is the parent of Net::HTTPOK, Net::HTTPCreated etc.
- case resp
- when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPMultipleChoices
- true
- else
- raise_unsuccessful!(resp)
- end
- begin
- body = JSON.parse(resp.body)
- rescue JSON::ParserError
- raise UnsuccessfulError, 'Response was not valid JSON'
- end
- print_flush(body['result'])
- # In the context of the git push sequence of events, it's necessary to read
- # stdin in order to capture output to pass onto subsequent commands
- output = read_stdin
- end
- resp
- end
- def base_url
- config.gitlab_url
- end
- def data
- @data ||= payload['data']
- end
- def api_endpoints
- data['api_endpoints']
- end
- def info_message
- data['info_message']
- end
- def config
- @config ||=
- end
- def api
- @api ||=
- end
- def read_stdin
- Base64.encode64($
- end
- def print_flush(str)
- return false unless str
- $stdout.print(Base64.decode64(str))
- $stdout.flush
- end
- def inform_client(str)
- $stderr.puts(format_gitlab_output(str))
- end
- def format_gitlab_output(str)
- format_for_stderr(str.split("\n")).join("\n")
- end
- def validate!
- validate_payload!
- validate_data!
- validate_api_endpoints!
- end
- def validate_payload!
- raise MissingPayloadError if !payload.is_a?(Hash) || payload.empty?
- end
- def validate_data!
- raise MissingDataError unless data.is_a?(Hash)
- end
- def validate_api_endpoints!
- raise MissingAPIEndpointsError if !api_endpoints.is_a?(Array) ||
- api_endpoints.empty?
- end
- def raise_unsuccessful!(result)
- message = "#{exception_message_for(result.body)} (#{result.code})"
- raise UnsuccessfulError, format_gitlab_output(message)
- end
- def exception_message_for(body)
- body = JSON.parse(body)
- return body['message'] unless body['message'].to_s.empty?
- body['result'].to_s.empty? ? NO_MESSAGE_TEXT : Base64.decode64(body['result'])
- rescue JSON::ParserError
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/console_helper.rb b/lib/console_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c8bb83..0000000
--- a/lib/console_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-module ConsoleHelper
- LINE_PREFACE = '> GitLab:'
- def write_stderr(messages)
- format_for_stderr(messages).each do |message|
- $stderr.puts(message)
- end
- end
- def format_for_stderr(messages)
- Array(messages).each_with_object([]) do |message, all|
- all << "#{LINE_PREFACE} #{message}" unless message.empty?
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_access_status.rb b/lib/gitlab_access_status.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 22e11a2..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_access_status.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-require 'json'
-class GitAccessStatus
- HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = '300'.freeze
- attr_reader :message, :gl_repository, :gl_project_path, :gl_id, :gl_username,
- :gitaly, :git_protocol, :git_config_options, :payload,
- :gl_console_messages
- def initialize(status, status_code, message, gl_repository: nil,
- gl_project_path: nil, gl_id: nil,
- gl_username: nil, gitaly: nil, git_protocol: nil,
- git_config_options: nil, payload: nil, gl_console_messages: [])
- @status = status
- @status_code = status_code
- @message = message
- @gl_repository = gl_repository
- @gl_project_path = gl_project_path
- @gl_id = gl_id
- @gl_username = gl_username
- @git_config_options = git_config_options
- @gitaly = gitaly
- @git_protocol = git_protocol
- @payload = payload
- @gl_console_messages = gl_console_messages
- end
- def self.create_from_json(json, status_code)
- values = JSON.parse(json)
- new(values["status"],
- status_code,
- values["message"],
- gl_repository: values["gl_repository"],
- gl_project_path: values["gl_project_path"],
- gl_id: values["gl_id"],
- gl_username: values["gl_username"],
- git_config_options: values["git_config_options"],
- gitaly: values["gitaly"],
- git_protocol: values["git_protocol"],
- payload: values["payload"],
- gl_console_messages: values["gl_console_messages"])
- end
- def allowed?
- @status
- end
- def custom_action?
- @status_code == HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_config.rb b/lib/gitlab_config.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 85aa889..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_config.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-require 'yaml'
-class GitlabConfig
- attr_reader :config
- def initialize
- @config = YAML.load_file(File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'config.yml'))
- end
- def home
- end
- def auth_file
- @config['auth_file'] ||= File.join(home, ".ssh/authorized_keys")
- end
- def secret_file
- @config['secret_file'] ||= File.join(ROOT_PATH, '.gitlab_shell_secret')
- end
- # Pass a default value because this is called from a repo's context; in which
- # case, the repo's hooks directory should be the default.
- #
- def custom_hooks_dir(default: nil)
- @config['custom_hooks_dir'] || default
- end
- def gitlab_url
- (@config['gitlab_url'] ||= "http://localhost:8080").sub(%r{/*$}, '')
- end
- def http_settings
- @config['http_settings'] ||= {}
- end
- def log_file
- @config['log_file'] ||= File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'gitlab-shell.log')
- end
- def log_level
- @config['log_level'] ||= 'INFO'
- end
- def log_format
- @config['log_format'] ||= 'text'
- end
- def audit_usernames
- @config['audit_usernames'] ||= false
- end
- def metrics_log_file
- @config['metrics_log_file'] ||= File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'gitlab-shell-metrics.log')
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_init.rb b/lib/gitlab_init.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bd4e8f..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_init.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-ROOT_PATH = ENV.fetch('GITLAB_SHELL_DIR', File.expand_path('..', __dir__))
-# We are transitioning parts of gitlab-shell into the gitaly project. In
-# gitaly, GITALY_EMBEDDED will be true.
-require_relative 'gitlab_config'
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_keys.rb b/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4742c45..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_keys.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-module GitlabKeys
- class KeyError < StandardError; end
- def self.command(whatever)
- "#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell #{whatever}"
- end
- def self.command_key(key_id)
- unless /\A[a-z0-9-]+\z/ =~ key_id
- raise KeyError, "Invalid key_id: #{key_id.inspect}"
- end
- command(key_id)
- end
- def self.whatever_line(command, trailer)
- "command=\"#{command}\",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty #{trailer}"
- end
- def self.key_line(key_id, public_key)
- public_key.chomp!
- if public_key.include?("\n")
- raise KeyError, "Invalid public_key: #{public_key.inspect}"
- end
- whatever_line(command_key(key_id), public_key)
- end
- def self.principal_line(username_key_id, principal)
- principal.chomp!
- if principal.include?("\n")
- raise KeyError, "Invalid principal: #{principal.inspect}"
- end
- whatever_line(command_key(username_key_id), principal)
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_lfs_authentication.rb b/lib/gitlab_lfs_authentication.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 574dc98..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_lfs_authentication.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-require 'base64'
-require 'json'
-class GitlabLfsAuthentication
- # TODO: These don't need to be public
- attr_accessor :username, :lfs_token, :repository_http_path
- def initialize(username, lfs_token, repository_http_path, expires_in = nil)
- @username = username
- @lfs_token = lfs_token
- @repository_http_path = repository_http_path
- @expires_in = expires_in
- end
- def self.build_from_json(json)
- values = JSON.parse(json)
- new(values['username'],
- values['lfs_token'],
- values['repository_http_path'],
- values['expires_in'])
- rescue
- nil
- end
- # Source:
- #
- def authentication_payload
- payload = { header: { Authorization: authorization }, href: href }
- payload[:expires_in] = @expires_in if @expires_in
- JSON.generate(payload)
- end
- private
- def authorization
- "Basic #{Base64.strict_encode64("#{username}:#{lfs_token}")}"
- end
- def href
- "#{repository_http_path}/info/lfs"
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_logger.rb b/lib/gitlab_logger.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 67f6030..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_logger.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,120 +0,0 @@
-require 'json'
-require 'logger'
-require 'time'
-require_relative 'gitlab_config'
-def convert_log_level(log_level)
- Logger.const_get(log_level.upcase)
-rescue NameError
- $stderr.puts "WARNING: Unrecognized log level #{log_level.inspect}."
- $stderr.puts "WARNING: Falling back to INFO."
- Logger::INFO
-class GitlabLogger
- # Emulate the quoting logic of logrus
- #
- SHOULD_QUOTE = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\-._\/@^+]/
- LEVELS = {
- Logger::INFO => 'info'.freeze,
- Logger::DEBUG => 'debug'.freeze,
- Logger::WARN => 'warn'.freeze,
- Logger::ERROR => 'error'.freeze
- }.freeze
- def initialize(level, path, log_format)
- @level = level
- @log_file =, 'ab')
- # By default Ruby will buffer writes. This is a problem when we exec
- # into a new command before Ruby flushed its buffers. Setting 'sync' to
- # true disables Ruby's buffering.
- @log_file.sync = true
- @log_format = log_format
- end
- def info(message, data = {})
- log_at(Logger::INFO, message, data)
- end
- def debug(message, data = {})
- log_at(Logger::DEBUG, message, data)
- end
- def warn(message, data = {})
- log_at(Logger::WARN, message, data)
- end
- def error(message, data = {})
- log_at(Logger::ERROR, message, data)
- end
- private
- attr_reader :log_file, :log_format
- def log_at(level, message, data)
- return unless @level <= level
- data[:pid] = pid
- data[:level] = LEVELS[level]
- data[:msg] = message
- # Use RFC3339 to match logrus in the Go parts of gitlab-shell
- data[:time] = time_now.to_datetime.rfc3339
- case log_format
- when 'json'
- # Don't use IO#puts because of
- log_file.print("#{format_json(data)}\n")
- else
- log_file.print("#{format_text(data)}\n")
- end
- end
- def pid
- end
- def time_now
- end
- def format_text(data)
- # We start the line with these fields to match the behavior of logrus
- result = [
- format_key_value(:time, data.delete(:time)),
- format_key_value(:level, data.delete(:level)),
- format_key_value(:msg, data.delete(:msg))
- ]
- data.sort.each { |k, v| result << format_key_value(k, v) }
- result.join(' ')
- end
- def format_key_value(key, value)
- value_string = value.to_s
- value_string = value_string.inspect if SHOULD_QUOTE =~ value_string
- "#{key}=#{value_string}"
- end
- def format_json(data)
- data.each do |key, value|
- next unless value.is_a?(String)
- value = value.dup.force_encoding('utf-8')
- value = value.inspect unless value.valid_encoding?
- data[key] = value.freeze
- end
- data.to_json
- end
-config =
-$logger =, config.log_file, config.log_format)
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_metrics.rb b/lib/gitlab_metrics.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 917a489..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_metrics.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'gitlab_config'
-require_relative 'gitlab_logger'
-module GitlabMetrics
- module System
- # THREAD_CPUTIME is not supported on OS X
- if Process.const_defined?(:CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID)
- def self.cpu_time
- Process.
- clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, :millisecond)
- end
- else
- def self.cpu_time
- Process.
- clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID, :millisecond)
- end
- end
- # Returns the current monotonic clock time in a given precision.
- #
- # Returns the time as a Fixnum.
- def self.monotonic_time
- if defined?(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
- Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :millisecond)
- else
- Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :millisecond)
- end
- end
- end
- def self.logger
- $logger
- end
- # Measures the execution time of a block.
- #
- # Example:
- #
- # GitlabMetrics.measure(:find_by_username_duration) do
- # User.find_by_username(some_username)
- # end
- #
- # name - The name of the field to store the execution time in.
- #
- # Returns the value yielded by the supplied block.
- def self.measure(name)
- start_real = System.monotonic_time
- start_cpu = System.cpu_time
- retval = yield
- real_time = System.monotonic_time - start_real
- cpu_time = System.cpu_time - start_cpu
- logger.debug('metrics', name: name, wall_time: real_time, cpu_time: cpu_time)
- retval
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_net.rb b/lib/gitlab_net.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 09767da..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_net.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-require 'net/http'
-require 'openssl'
-require 'json'
-require_relative 'gitlab_config'
-require_relative 'gitlab_access_status'
-require_relative 'gitlab_lfs_authentication'
-require_relative 'http_helper'
-class GitlabNet # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
- include HTTPHelper
- API_INACCESSIBLE_MESSAGE = 'API is not accessible'.freeze
- def check_access(cmd, gl_repository, repo, who, changes, protocol, env: {})
- changes = changes.join("\n") unless changes.is_a?(String)
- params = {
- action: cmd,
- changes: changes,
- gl_repository: gl_repository,
- project: sanitize_path(repo),
- protocol: protocol,
- env: env
- }
- who_sym, _, who_v = self.class.parse_who(who)
- params[who_sym] = who_v
- url = "#{internal_api_endpoint}/allowed"
- resp = post(url, params)
- case resp
- when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPMultipleChoices, Net::HTTPUnauthorized,
- Net::HTTPNotFound, Net::HTTPServiceUnavailable
- if resp.content_type == CONTENT_TYPE_JSON
- return GitAccessStatus.create_from_json(resp.body, resp.code)
- end
- end
- end
- def discover(who)
- _, who_k, who_v = self.class.parse_who(who)
- resp = get("#{internal_api_endpoint}/discover?#{who_k}=#{who_v}")
- JSON.parse(resp.body) rescue nil
- end
- def lfs_authenticate(gl_id, repo, operation)
- id_sym, _, id = self.class.parse_who(gl_id)
- params = { project: sanitize_path(repo), operation: operation }
- case id_sym
- when :key_id
- params[:key_id] = id
- when :user_id
- params[:user_id] = id
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "lfs_authenticate() got unsupported GL_ID='#{gl_id}'!"
- end
- resp = post("#{internal_api_endpoint}/lfs_authenticate", params)
- GitlabLfsAuthentication.build_from_json(resp.body) if resp.code == '200'
- end
- def broadcast_message
- resp = get("#{internal_api_endpoint}/broadcast_message")
- JSON.parse(resp.body) rescue {}
- end
- def merge_request_urls(gl_repository, repo_path, changes)
- changes = changes.join("\n") unless changes.is_a?(String)
- changes = changes.encode('UTF-8', 'ASCII', invalid: :replace, replace: '')
- url = "#{internal_api_endpoint}/merge_request_urls?project=#{URI.escape(repo_path)}&changes=#{URI.escape(changes)}"
- url += "&gl_repository=#{URI.escape(gl_repository)}" if gl_repository
- resp = get(url)
- if resp.code == '200'
- JSON.parse(resp.body)
- else
- []
- end
- rescue
- []
- end
- def check
- get("#{internal_api_endpoint}/check", options: { read_timeout: CHECK_TIMEOUT })
- end
- def authorized_key(key)
- resp = get("#{internal_api_endpoint}/authorized_keys?key=#{URI.escape(key, '+/=')}")
- JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == "200"
- rescue
- nil
- end
- def two_factor_recovery_codes(gl_id)
- id_sym, _, id = self.class.parse_who(gl_id)
- resp = post("#{internal_api_endpoint}/two_factor_recovery_codes", id_sym => id)
- JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == '200'
- rescue
- {}
- end
- def notify_post_receive(gl_repository, repo_path)
- params = { gl_repository: gl_repository, project: repo_path }
- resp = post("#{internal_api_endpoint}/notify_post_receive", params)
- resp.code == '200'
- rescue
- false
- end
- def post_receive(gl_repository, identifier, changes, push_options)
- params = {
- gl_repository: gl_repository,
- identifier: identifier,
- changes: changes,
- :"push_options[]" => push_options, # rubocop:disable Style/HashSyntax
- }
- resp = post("#{internal_api_endpoint}/post_receive", params)
- raise NotFound if resp.code == '404'
- JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == '200'
- end
- def pre_receive(gl_repository)
- resp = post("#{internal_api_endpoint}/pre_receive", gl_repository: gl_repository)
- raise NotFound if resp.code == '404'
- JSON.parse(resp.body) if resp.code == '200'
- end
- def self.parse_who(who)
- if who.start_with?("key-")
- value = who.gsub("key-", "")
- raise ArgumentError, "who='#{who}' is invalid!" unless value =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/
- [:key_id, 'key_id', value]
- elsif who.start_with?("user-")
- value = who.gsub("user-", "")
- raise ArgumentError, "who='#{who}' is invalid!" unless value =~ /\A[0-9]+\z/
- [:user_id, 'user_id', value]
- elsif who.start_with?("username-")
- [:username, 'username', who.gsub("username-", "")]
- else
- raise ArgumentError, "who='#{who}' is invalid!"
- end
- end
- protected
- def sanitize_path(repo)
- repo.delete("'")
- end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_net/errors.rb b/lib/gitlab_net/errors.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f32b3d8..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_net/errors.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-class GitlabNet
- class ApiUnreachableError < StandardError; end
- class NotFound < StandardError; end
diff --git a/lib/gitlab_shell.rb b/lib/gitlab_shell.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 303f4d5..0000000
--- a/lib/gitlab_shell.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require 'shellwords'
-require 'pathname'
-require_relative 'gitlab_net'
-require_relative 'gitlab_metrics'
-require_relative 'action'
-require_relative 'console_helper'
-class GitlabShell # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
- include ConsoleHelper
- class AccessDeniedError < StandardError; end
- class DisallowedCommandError < StandardError; end
- class InvalidRepositoryPathError < StandardError; end
- GIT_UPLOAD_PACK_COMMAND = 'git-upload-pack'
- GIT_RECEIVE_PACK_COMMAND = 'git-receive-pack'
- GIT_UPLOAD_ARCHIVE_COMMAND = 'git-upload-archive'
- GIT_LFS_AUTHENTICATE_COMMAND = 'git-lfs-authenticate'
- GIT_UPLOAD_PACK_COMMAND => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-upload-pack'),
- GIT_UPLOAD_ARCHIVE_COMMAND => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-upload-archive'),
- GIT_RECEIVE_PACK_COMMAND => File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'bin', 'gitaly-receive-pack')
- }.freeze
- TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_COMMAND = '2fa_recovery_codes'
- GL_PROTOCOL = 'ssh'
- attr_accessor :gl_id, :gl_repository, :gl_project_path, :repo_name, :command, :git_access, :git_protocol
- def initialize(who)
- who_sym, = GitlabNet.parse_who(who)
- if who_sym == :username
- @who = who
- else
- @gl_id = who
- end
- @config =
- end
- # The origin_cmd variable contains UNTRUSTED input. If the user ran
- # ssh 'evil command', then origin_cmd contains
- # 'evil command'.
- def exec(origin_cmd)
- unless origin_cmd
- puts "Welcome to GitLab, #{username}!"
- return true
- end
- args = Shellwords.shellwords(origin_cmd)
- args = parse_cmd(args)
- access_status = nil
- if GIT_COMMANDS.include?(args.first)
- access_status = GitlabMetrics.measure('verify-access') { verify_access }
- @gl_repository = access_status.gl_repository
- @git_protocol = ENV['GIT_PROTOCOL']
- @gl_project_path = access_status.gl_project_path
- @gitaly = access_status.gitaly
- @username = access_status.gl_username
- @git_config_options = access_status.git_config_options
- @gl_id = access_status.gl_id if defined?(@who)
- write_stderr(access_status.gl_console_messages)
- elsif !defined?(@gl_id)
- # We're processing an API command like 2fa_recovery_codes, but
- # don't have a @gl_id yet, that means we're in the "username"
- # mode and need to materialize it, calling the "user" method
- # will do that and call the /discover method.
- user
- end
- if @command == GIT_RECEIVE_PACK_COMMAND && access_status.custom_action?
- # If the response from /api/v4/allowed is a HTTP 300, we need to perform
- # a Custom Action and therefore should return and not call process_cmd()
- #
- return process_custom_action(access_status)
- end
- process_cmd(args)
- true
- rescue GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError
- write_stderr('Failed to authorize your Git request: internal API unreachable')
- false
- rescue AccessDeniedError => ex
- $logger.warn('Access denied', command: origin_cmd, user: log_username)
- write_stderr(ex.message)
- false
- rescue DisallowedCommandError
- $logger.warn('Denied disallowed command', command: origin_cmd, user: log_username)
- write_stderr('Disallowed command')
- false
- rescue InvalidRepositoryPathError
- write_stderr('Invalid repository path')
- false
- rescue Action::Custom::BaseError => ex
- $logger.warn('Custom action error', exception: ex.class, message: ex.message,
- command: origin_cmd, user: log_username)
- $stderr.puts ex.message
- false
- end
- protected
- def parse_cmd(args)
- # Handle Git for Windows 2.14 using "git upload-pack" instead of git-upload-pack
- if args.length == 3 && args.first == 'git'
- @command = "git-#{args[1]}"
- args = [@command, args.last]
- else
- @command = args.first
- end
- @git_access = @command
- return args if TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_COMMAND == @command
- raise DisallowedCommandError unless GIT_COMMANDS.include?(@command)
- case @command
- raise DisallowedCommandError unless args.count >= 2
- @repo_name = args[1]
- case args[2]
- when 'download'
- when 'upload'
- else
- raise DisallowedCommandError
- end
- else
- raise DisallowedCommandError unless args.count == 2
- @repo_name = args.last
- end
- args
- end
- def verify_access
- status = api.check_access(@git_access, nil, @repo_name, @who || @gl_id, '_any', GL_PROTOCOL)
- raise AccessDeniedError, status.message unless status.allowed?
- status
- end
- def process_custom_action(access_status)
-, access_status.payload).execute
- end
- def process_cmd(args)
- return api_2fa_recovery_codes if TWO_FACTOR_RECOVERY_COMMAND == @command
- GitlabMetrics.measure('lfs-authenticate') do
- operation = args[2]
- $'Processing LFS authentication', operation: operation, user: log_username)
- lfs_authenticate(operation)
- end
- return
- end
- # TODO: instead of building from pieces here in gitlab-shell, build the
- # entire gitaly_request in gitlab-ce and pass on as-is here.
- args = JSON.dump(
- 'repository' => @gitaly['repository'],
- 'gl_repository' => @gl_repository,
- 'gl_project_path' => @gl_project_path,
- 'gl_id' => @gl_id,
- 'gl_username' => @username,
- 'git_config_options' => @git_config_options,
- 'git_protocol' => @git_protocol
- )
- gitaly_address = @gitaly['address']
- executable = GITALY_COMMANDS.fetch(@command)
- gitaly_bin = File.basename(executable)
- args_string = [gitaly_bin, gitaly_address, args].join(' ')
- $'executing git command', command: args_string, user: log_username)
- exec_cmd(executable, gitaly_address: gitaly_address, token: @gitaly['token'], json_args: args)
- end
- # This method is not covered by Rspec because it ends the current Ruby process.
- def exec_cmd(executable, gitaly_address:, token:, json_args:)
- env = { 'GITALY_TOKEN' => token }
- args = [executable, gitaly_address, json_args]
- # We use 'chdir: ROOT_PATH' to let the next executable know where config.yml is.
- Kernel.exec(env, *args, unsetenv_others: true, chdir: ROOT_PATH)
- end
- def api
- end
- def user
- return @user if defined?(@user)
- begin
- if defined?(@who)
- @user =
- @gl_id = "user-#{@user['id']}" if @user && @user.key?('id')
- else
- @user =
- end
- rescue GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError
- @user = nil
- end
- end
- def username_from_discover
- return nil unless user && user['username']
- "@#{user['username']}"
- end
- def username
- @username ||= username_from_discover || 'Anonymous'
- end
- # User identifier to be used in log messages.
- def log_username
- @config.audit_usernames ? username : "user with id #{@gl_id}"
- end
- def lfs_authenticate(operation)
- lfs_access = api.lfs_authenticate(@gl_id, @repo_name, operation)
- return unless lfs_access
- puts lfs_access.authentication_payload
- end
- private
- def continue?(question)
- puts "#{question} (yes/no)"
- STDOUT.flush # Make sure the question gets output before we wait for input
- continue = STDIN.gets.chomp
- puts '' # Add a buffer in the output
- continue == 'yes'
- end
- def api_2fa_recovery_codes
- continue = continue?(
- "Are you sure you want to generate new two-factor recovery codes?\n" \
- "Any existing recovery codes you saved will be invalidated."
- )
- unless continue
- puts 'New recovery codes have *not* been generated. Existing codes will remain valid.'
- return
- end
- resp = api.two_factor_recovery_codes(@gl_id)
- if resp['success']
- codes = resp['recovery_codes'].join("\n")
- puts "Your two-factor authentication recovery codes are:\n\n" \
- "#{codes}\n\n" \
- "During sign in, use one of the codes above when prompted for\n" \
- "your two-factor code. Then, visit your Profile Settings and add\n" \
- "a new device so you do not lose access to your account again."
- else
- puts "An error occurred while trying to generate new recovery codes.\n" \
- "#{resp['message']}"
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/hooks_utils.rb b/lib/hooks_utils.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index b11317c..0000000
--- a/lib/hooks_utils.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-module HooksUtils
- module_function
- # Gets an array of Git push options from the environment
- def get_push_options
- count = ENV['GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT'].to_i
- result = []
- count.times do |i|
- result.push(ENV["GIT_PUSH_OPTION_#{i}"])
- end
- result
- end
diff --git a/lib/http_helper.rb b/lib/http_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c6a4bb8..0000000
--- a/lib/http_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'httpunix'
-require_relative 'gitlab_logger'
-require_relative 'gitlab_net/errors'
-module HTTPHelper
- CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = 'application/json'.freeze
- protected
- def config
- @config ||=
- end
- def base_api_endpoint
- "#{config.gitlab_url}/api/v4"
- end
- def internal_api_endpoint
- "#{base_api_endpoint}/internal"
- end
- def http_client_for(uri, options = {})
- http = if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPUNIX)
- else
-, uri.port)
- end
- http.read_timeout = options[:read_timeout] || read_timeout
- if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
- http.use_ssl = true
- http.cert_store = cert_store
- http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE if config.http_settings['self_signed_cert']
- end
- http
- end
- def http_request_for(method, uri, params: {}, headers: {}, options: {})
- request_klass = method == :get ? Net::HTTP::Get : Net::HTTP::Post
- request =, headers)
- user = config.http_settings['user']
- password = config.http_settings['password']
- request.basic_auth(user, password) if user && password
- if options[:json]
- request.body = options[:json].merge(secret_token: secret_token).to_json
- else
- request.set_form_data(params.merge(secret_token: secret_token))
- end
- if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTPUNIX)
- # The HTTPUNIX HTTP client does not set a correct Host header. This can
- # lead to 400 Bad Request responses.
- request['Host'] = 'localhost'
- end
- request
- end
- def request(method, url, params: {}, headers: {}, options: {})
- $logger.debug('Performing request', method: method.to_s.upcase, url: url)
- uri = URI.parse(url)
- http = http_client_for(uri, options)
- request = http_request_for(method, uri,
- params: params,
- headers: headers,
- options: options)
- begin
- start_time =
- response = http.start { http.request(request) }
- rescue => e
- $logger.warn('Failed to connect', method: method.to_s.upcase, url: url, error: e)
- raise GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError
- ensure
- fields = { method: method.to_s.upcase, url: url, duration: - start_time, gitaly_embedded: GITALY_EMBEDDED }
- $'finished HTTP request', fields)
- end
- case response
- when Net::HTTPSuccess, Net::HTTPMultipleChoices
- $logger.debug('Received response', code: response.code, body: response.body)
- else
- $logger.error('Call failed', method: method.to_s.upcase, url: url, code: response.code, body: response.body)
- end
- response
- end
- def get(url, headers: {}, options: {})
- request(:get, url, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def post(url, params, headers: {}, options: {})
- request(:post, url, params: params, headers: headers, options: options)
- end
- def cert_store
- @cert_store ||= begin
- store =
- store.set_default_paths
- ca_file = config.http_settings['ca_file']
- store.add_file(ca_file) if ca_file
- ca_path = config.http_settings['ca_path']
- store.add_path(ca_path) if ca_path
- store
- end
- end
- def secret_token
- @secret_token ||= config.secret_file
- end
- def read_timeout
- config.http_settings['read_timeout'] || READ_TIMEOUT
- end
diff --git a/lib/httpunix.rb b/lib/httpunix.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d00f71..0000000
--- a/lib/httpunix.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-# support for http+unix://... connection scheme
-# The URI scheme has the same structure as the similar one for python requests. See:
-require 'uri'
-require 'net/http'
-module URI
- def hostname
- # decode %XX from path to file
- v = host
- URI.decode(v)
- end
- # port is not allowed in URI
- def set_port(v)
- return v unless v
- raise InvalidURIError, "http+unix:// cannot contain port"
- end
- end
- @@schemes['HTTP+UNIX'] = HTTPUNIX
-# Based on:
-# -
-# - Net::HTTP::connect
-module Net
- def initialize(socketpath, port = nil)
- super(socketpath, port)
- @port = nil # HTTP will set it to default - override back -> set DEFAULT_PORT
- end
- # override to prevent ":<port>" being appended to HTTP_HOST
- def addr_port
- address
- end
- def connect
- D "opening connection to #{address} ..."
- s =
- D "opened"
- @socket =
- @socket.read_timeout = @read_timeout
- @socket.continue_timeout = @continue_timeout
- @socket.debug_output = @debug_output
- on_connect
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/object_dirs_helper.rb b/lib/object_dirs_helper.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e175a03..0000000
--- a/lib/object_dirs_helper.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-require 'pathname'
-class ObjectDirsHelper
- class << self
- def all_attributes
- {
- "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES" => absolute_alt_object_dirs,
- "GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES_RELATIVE" => relative_alt_object_dirs,
- "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY" => absolute_object_dir,
- "GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY_RELATIVE" => relative_object_dir
- }
- end
- def absolute_object_dir
- end
- def relative_object_dir
- relative_path(absolute_object_dir)
- end
- def absolute_alt_object_dirs
- end
- def relative_alt_object_dirs
- { |dir| relative_path(dir) }.compact
- end
- private
- def relative_path(absolute_path)
- return if absolute_path.nil?
- repo_dir = Dir.pwd
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/action/custom_spec.rb b/spec/action/custom_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef7977..0000000
--- a/spec/action/custom_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-require_relative '../spec_helper'
-require_relative '../../lib/action/custom'
-describe Action::Custom do
- let(:repo_name) { 'gitlab-ci.git' }
- let(:gl_id) { 'key-1' }
- let(:secret) { "0a3938d9d95d807e94d937af3a4fbbea" }
- let(:base_url) { 'http://localhost:3000' }
- subject {, payload) }
- describe '#execute' do
- context 'with an empty payload' do
- let(:payload) { {} }
- it 'raises a MissingPayloadError exception' do
- expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(Action::Custom::MissingPayloadError)
- end
- end
- context 'with api_endpoints defined' do
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:base_url).and_return(base_url)
- allow(subject).to receive(:secret_token).and_return(secret)
- allow($stdin).to receive(:read).and_return('')
- end
- context 'that are valid' do
- let(:payload) do
- {
- 'action' => 'geo_proxy_to_primary',
- 'data' => {
- 'api_endpoints' => %w{/api/v4/fake/info_refs /api/v4/fake/push},
- 'primary_repo' => 'http://localhost:3001/user1/repo1.git'
- }
- }
- end
- context 'and responds correctly' do
- it 'prints a Base64 encoded result to $stdout' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-ok") do
- expect($stdout).to receive(:print).with('info_refs-result').ordered
- expect($stdout).to receive(:print).with('push-result').ordered
- subject.execute
- end
- end
- context 'with results printed to $stdout' do
- before do
- allow($stdout).to receive(:print).with('info_refs-result')
- allow($stdout).to receive(:print).with('push-result')
- end
- it 'returns an instance of Net::HTTPCreated' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-ok") do
- expect(subject.execute).to be_instance_of(Net::HTTPCreated)
- end
- end
- context 'and with an information message provided' do
- before do
- payload['data']['info_message'] = 'Important message here.'
- end
- it 'prints said informational message to $stderr' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-ok-with-message") do
- expect { subject.execute }.to output(/Important message here./).to_stderr
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context 'but responds incorrectly' do
- it 'raises an UnsuccessfulError exception' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-ok-not-json") do
- expect do
- subject.execute
- raise_error(Action::Custom::UnsuccessfulError, 'Response was not valid JSON')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context 'that are invalid' do
- context 'where api_endpoints gl_id is missing' do
- let(:payload) do
- {
- 'action' => 'geo_proxy_to_primary',
- 'data' => {
- 'primary_repo' => 'http://localhost:3001/user1/repo1.git'
- }
- }
- end
- it 'raises a MissingAPIEndpointsError exception' do
- expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(Action::Custom::MissingAPIEndpointsError)
- end
- end
- context 'where api_endpoints are empty' do
- let(:payload) do
- {
- 'action' => 'geo_proxy_to_primary',
- 'data' => {
- 'api_endpoints' => [],
- 'primary_repo' => 'http://localhost:3001/user1/repo1.git'
- }
- }
- end
- it 'raises a MissingAPIEndpointsError exception' do
- expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(Action::Custom::MissingAPIEndpointsError)
- end
- end
- context 'where data gl_id is missing' do
- let(:payload) { { 'api_endpoints' => %w{/api/v4/fake/info_refs /api/v4/fake/push} } }
- it 'raises a MissingDataError exception' do
- expect { subject.execute }.to raise_error(Action::Custom::MissingDataError)
- end
- end
- context 'where API endpoints are bad' do
- let(:payload) do
- {
- 'action' => 'geo_proxy_to_primary',
- 'data' => {
- 'api_endpoints' => %w{/api/v4/fake/info_refs_bad /api/v4/fake/push_bad},
- 'primary_repo' => 'http://localhost:3001/user1/repo1.git'
- }
- }
- end
- context 'and response is JSON' do
- it 'raises an UnsuccessfulError exception' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-not-ok-json") do
- expect do
- subject.execute
- raise_error(Action::Custom::UnsuccessfulError, '> GitLab: You cannot perform write operations on a read-only instance (403)')
- end
- end
- end
- context 'and response is not JSON' do
- it 'raises an UnsuccessfulError exception' do
- VCR.use_cassette("custom-action-not-ok-not-json") do
- expect do
- subject.execute
- raise_error(Action::Custom::UnsuccessfulError, '> GitLab: No message (403)')
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/console_helper_spec.rb b/spec/console_helper_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index cafc7cb..0000000
--- a/spec/console_helper_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/console_helper'
-describe ConsoleHelper do
- using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
- class DummyClass
- include ConsoleHelper
- end
- subject { }
- describe '#write_stderr' do
- where(:messages, :stderr_output) do
- 'test' | "> GitLab: test\n"
- %w{test1 test2} | "> GitLab: test1\n> GitLab: test2\n"
- end
- with_them do
- it 'puts to $stderr, prefaced with > GitLab:' do
- expect { subject.write_stderr(messages) }.to output(stderr_output).to_stderr
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#format_for_stderr' do
- where(:messages, :result) do
- 'test' | ['> GitLab: test']
- %w{test1 test2} | ['> GitLab: test1', '> GitLab: test2']
- end
- with_them do
- it 'returns message(s), prefaced with > GitLab:' do
- expect(subject.format_for_stderr(messages)).to eq(result)
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_config_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_config_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d12b657..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_config_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_config'
-describe GitlabConfig do
- let(:config) { }
- let(:config_data) { {} }
- before { expect(YAML).to receive(:load_file).and_return(config_data) }
- describe '#gitlab_url' do
- let(:url) { '' }
- subject { config.gitlab_url }
- before { config_data['gitlab_url'] = url }
- it { is_expected.not_to be_empty }
- it { eq(url) }
- context 'remove trailing slashes' do
- before { config_data['gitlab_url'] = url + '//' }
- it { eq(url) }
- end
- end
- describe '#audit_usernames' do
- subject { config.audit_usernames }
- it("returns false by default") { eq(false) }
- end
- describe '#log_format' do
- subject { config.log_format }
- it 'returns "text" by default' do
- eq('text')
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1853918..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_keys_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_keys'
-require 'stringio'
-describe GitlabKeys do
- before do
- $logger = double('logger').as_null_object
- end
- describe '.command' do
- it 'the internal "command" utility function' do
- command = "#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell does-not-validate"
- expect(described_class.command('does-not-validate')).to eq(command)
- end
- it 'does not raise a KeyError on invalid input' do
- command = "#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell foo\nbar\nbaz\n"
- expect(described_class.command("foo\nbar\nbaz\n")).to eq(command)
- end
- end
- describe '.command_key' do
- it 'returns the "command" part of the key line' do
- command = "#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-123"
- expect(described_class.command_key('key-123')).to eq(command)
- end
- it 'raises KeyError on invalid input' do
- expect { described_class.command_key("\nssh-rsa AAA") }.to raise_error(described_class::KeyError)
- end
- end
- describe '.key_line' do
- let(:line) { %(command="#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell key-741",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E) }
- it 'returns the key line' do
- expect(described_class.key_line('key-741', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E')).to eq(line)
- end
- it 'silently removes a trailing newline' do
- expect(described_class.key_line('key-741', "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaDAxx2E\n")).to eq(line)
- end
- it 'raises KeyError on invalid input' do
- expect { described_class.key_line('key-741', "ssh-rsa AAA\nssh-rsa AAA") }.to raise_error(described_class::KeyError)
- end
- end
- describe '.principal_line' do
- let(:line) { %(command="#{ROOT_PATH}/bin/gitlab-shell username-someuser",no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-pty sshUsers) }
- it 'returns the key line' do
- expect(described_class.principal_line('username-someuser', 'sshUsers')).to eq(line)
- end
- it 'silently removes a trailing newline' do
- expect(described_class.principal_line('username-someuser', "sshUsers\n")).to eq(line)
- end
- it 'raises KeyError on invalid input' do
- expect { described_class.principal_line('username-someuser', "sshUsers\nloginUsers") }.to raise_error(described_class::KeyError)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_lfs_authentication_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_lfs_authentication_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index acc9e3d..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_lfs_authentication_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-require 'spec_helper'
-require 'gitlab_lfs_authentication'
-require 'json'
-describe GitlabLfsAuthentication do
- let(:payload_from_gitlab_api) do
- {
- username: 'dzaporozhets',
- lfs_token: 'wsnys8Zm8Jn7zyhHTAAK',
- repository_http_path: ''
- }
- end
- subject do
- GitlabLfsAuthentication.build_from_json(
- JSON.generate(payload_from_gitlab_api)
- )
- end
- describe '#build_from_json' do
- it { expect(subject.username).to eq('dzaporozhets') }
- it { expect(subject.lfs_token).to eq('wsnys8Zm8Jn7zyhHTAAK') }
- it { expect(subject.repository_http_path).to eq('') }
- end
- describe '#authentication_payload' do
- shared_examples 'a valid payload' do
- it 'should be proper JSON' do
- payload = subject.authentication_payload
- json_payload = JSON.parse(payload)
- expect(json_payload['header']['Authorization']).to eq('Basic ZHphcG9yb3poZXRzOndzbnlzOFptOEpuN3p5aEhUQUFL')
- expect(json_payload['href']).to eq('')
- end
- end
- context 'without expires_in' do
- let(:result) { { 'header' => { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ZHphcG9yb3poZXRzOndzbnlzOFptOEpuN3p5aEhUQUFL' }, 'href' => '' }.to_json }
- it { expect(subject.authentication_payload).to eq(result) }
- it_behaves_like 'a valid payload'
- end
- context 'with expires_in' do
- let(:result) { { 'header' => { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ZHphcG9yb3poZXRzOndzbnlzOFptOEpuN3p5aEhUQUFL' }, 'href' => '', 'expires_in' => 1800 }.to_json }
- before do
- payload_from_gitlab_api[:expires_in] = 1800
- end
- it { expect(subject.authentication_payload).to eq(result) }
- it_behaves_like 'a valid payload'
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_logger_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_logger_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a9cd3fb..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_logger_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_logger'
-require 'securerandom'
-describe :convert_log_level do
- subject { convert_log_level :extreme }
- it "converts invalid log level to Logger::INFO" do
- expect($stderr).to receive(:puts).at_least(:once)
- eq(Logger::INFO)
- end
-describe GitlabLogger do
- subject {, '/dev/null', format) }
- let(:format) { 'text' }
- let(:output) { }
- let(:level) { Logger::INFO }
- let(:time) { } # '1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00'
- let(:pid) { 1234 }
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:log_file).and_return(output)
- allow(subject).to receive(:time_now).and_return(time)
- allow(subject).to receive(:pid).and_return(pid)
- end
- def first_line
- output.string.lines.first.chomp
- end
- describe 'field sorting' do
- it 'sorts fields, except time, level, msg' do
- # Intentionally put 'foo' before 'baz' to see the effect of sorting
-'hello world', foo: 'bar', baz: 'qux')
- expect(first_line).to eq('time="1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00" level=info msg="hello world" baz=qux foo=bar pid=1234')
- end
- end
- describe '#error' do
- context 'when the log level is too high' do
- let(:level) { Logger::FATAL }
- it 'does nothing' do
-'hello world')
- expect(output.string).to eq('')
- end
- end
- it 'logs data' do
- subject.error('hello world', foo: 'bar')
- expect(first_line).to eq('time="1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00" level=error msg="hello world" foo=bar pid=1234')
- end
- end
- describe '#info' do
- context 'when the log level is too high' do
- let(:level) { Logger::ERROR }
- it 'does nothing' do
-'hello world')
- expect(output.string).to eq('')
- end
- end
- it 'logs data' do
-'hello world', foo: 'bar')
- expect(first_line).to eq('time="1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00" level=info msg="hello world" foo=bar pid=1234')
- end
- end
- describe '#warn' do
- context 'when the log level is too high' do
- let(:level) { Logger::ERROR }
- it 'does nothing' do
- subject.warn('hello world')
- expect(output.string).to eq('')
- end
- end
- it 'logs data' do
- subject.warn('hello world', foo: 'bar')
- expect(first_line).to eq('time="1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00" level=warn msg="hello world" foo=bar pid=1234')
- end
- end
- describe '#debug' do
- it 'does nothing' do
- subject.debug('hello world')
- expect(output.string).to eq('')
- end
- context 'when the log level is low enough' do
- let(:level) { Logger::DEBUG }
- it 'logs data' do
- subject.debug('hello world', foo: 'bar')
- expect(first_line).to eq('time="1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00" level=debug msg="hello world" foo=bar pid=1234')
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'json logging' do
- let(:format) { 'json' }
- it 'writes valid JSON data' do
-'hello world', foo: 'bar')
- expect(JSON.parse(first_line)).to eq(
- 'foo' => 'bar',
- 'level' => 'info',
- 'msg' => 'hello world',
- 'pid' => 1234,
- 'time' => '1973-11-29T21:33:09+00:00'
- )
- end
- it 'handles non-UTF8 string values' do
- expect(JSON.parse(first_line)).to include('msg' => '"hello\x80world"')
- end
- end
- describe 'log flushing' do
- it 'logs get written even when calling Kernel.exec' do
- msg = SecureRandom.hex(12)
- test_logger_status = system('bin/test-logger', msg)
- expect(test_logger_status).to eq(true)
- grep_status = system('grep', '-q', '-e', msg,
- expect(grep_status).to eq(true)
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_metrics_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_metrics_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 00e94b5..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_metrics_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_metrics'
-describe GitlabMetrics do
- describe '.measure' do
- before do
- $logger = double('logger').as_null_object
- end
- it 'returns the return value of the block' do
- val = described_class.measure('foo') { 10 }
- expect(val).to eq(10)
- end
- it 'writes the metrics data to a log file' do
- expect($logger).to receive(:debug).
- with('metrics', a_metrics_log_message('foo'))
- described_class.measure('foo') { 10 }
- end
- it 'calls proper measure methods' do
- expect(described_class::System).to receive(:monotonic_time).twice.and_call_original
- expect(described_class::System).to receive(:cpu_time).twice.and_call_original
- described_class.measure('foo') { 10 }
- end
- end
-RSpec::Matchers.define :a_metrics_log_message do |x|
- match do |actual|
- [
- actual.fetch(:name) == x,
- actual.fetch(:wall_time).is_a?(Numeric),
- actual.fetch(:cpu_time).is_a?(Numeric),
- ].all?
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_net_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_net_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index d7c46dc..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_net_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,558 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_net'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_access_status'
-describe GitlabNet, vcr: true do
- using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
- let(:gitlab_net) { }
- let(:changes) { ['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 92d0970eefd7acb6d548878925ce2208cfe2d2ec refs/heads/branch4'] }
- let(:base_api_endpoint) { 'http://localhost:3000/api/v4' }
- let(:internal_api_endpoint) { 'http://localhost:3000/api/v4/internal' }
- let(:project) { 'gitlab-org/gitlab-test.git' }
- let(:key) { 'key-1' }
- let(:key2) { 'key-2' }
- let(:secret) { "0a3938d9d95d807e94d937af3a4fbbea\n" }
- before do
- $logger = double('logger').as_null_object
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive(:base_api_endpoint).and_return(base_api_endpoint)
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive(:secret_token).and_return(secret)
- end
- describe '#check' do
- it 'should return 200 code for gitlab check' do
- VCR.use_cassette("check-ok") do
- result = gitlab_net.check
- expect(result.code).to eq('200')
- end
- end
- it 'adds the secret_token to request' do
- VCR.use_cassette("check-ok") do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(secret_token: secret))
- gitlab_net.check
- end
- end
- it "raises an exception if the connection fails" do
- allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_raise(StandardError)
- expect { gitlab_net.check }.to raise_error(GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError)
- end
- end
- describe '#discover' do
- it 'should return user has based on key id' do
- VCR.use_cassette("discover-ok") do
- user =
- expect(user['name']).to eq('Administrator')
- expect(user['username']).to eq('root')
- end
- end
- it 'adds the secret_token to request' do
- VCR.use_cassette("discover-ok") do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(secret_token: secret))
- end
- end
- it "raises an exception if the connection fails" do
- VCR.use_cassette("discover-ok") do
- allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_raise(StandardError)
- expect { }.to raise_error(GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#lfs_authenticate' do
- context 'lfs authentication succeeded' do
- let(:repository_http_path) { URI.join(internal_api_endpoint.sub('/api/v4', ''), project).to_s }
- context 'for download operation' do
- it 'should return the correct data' do
- VCR.use_cassette('lfs-authenticate-ok-download') do
- lfs_access = gitlab_net.lfs_authenticate(key, project, 'download')
- expect(lfs_access.username).to eq('root')
- expect(lfs_access.lfs_token).to eq('Hyzhyde_wLUeyUQsR3tHGTG8eNocVQm4ssioTEsBSdb6KwCSzQ')
- expect(lfs_access.repository_http_path).to eq(repository_http_path)
- end
- end
- end
- context 'for upload operation' do
- it 'should return the correct data' do
- VCR.use_cassette('lfs-authenticate-ok-upload') do
- lfs_access = gitlab_net.lfs_authenticate(key, project, 'upload')
- expect(lfs_access.username).to eq('root')
- expect(lfs_access.lfs_token).to eq('Hyzhyde_wLUeyUQsR3tHGTG8eNocVQm4ssioTEsBSdb6KwCSzQ')
- expect(lfs_access.repository_http_path).to eq(repository_http_path)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#broadcast_message' do
- context "broadcast message exists" do
- it 'should return message' do
- VCR.use_cassette("broadcast_message-ok") do
- result = gitlab_net.broadcast_message
- expect(result["message"]).to eq("Message")
- end
- end
- end
- context "broadcast message doesn't exist" do
- it 'should return nil' do
- VCR.use_cassette("broadcast_message-none") do
- result = gitlab_net.broadcast_message
- expect(result).to eq({})
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#merge_request_urls' do
- let(:gl_repository) { "project-1" }
- let(:changes) { "123456 789012 refs/heads/test\n654321 210987 refs/tags/tag" }
- let(:encoded_changes) { "123456%20789012%20refs/heads/test%0A654321%20210987%20refs/tags/tag" }
- it "sends the given arguments as encoded URL parameters" do
- expect(gitlab_net).to receive(:get).with("#{internal_api_endpoint}/merge_request_urls?project=#{project}&changes=#{encoded_changes}&gl_repository=#{gl_repository}")
- gitlab_net.merge_request_urls(gl_repository, project, changes)
- end
- it "omits the gl_repository parameter if it's nil" do
- expect(gitlab_net).to receive(:get).with("#{internal_api_endpoint}/merge_request_urls?project=#{project}&changes=#{encoded_changes}")
- gitlab_net.merge_request_urls(nil, project, changes)
- end
- it "returns an empty array when the result cannot be parsed as JSON" do
- response = double(:response, code: '200', body: '')
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive(:get).and_return(response)
- expect(gitlab_net.merge_request_urls(gl_repository, project, changes)).to eq([])
- end
- it "returns an empty array when the result's status is not 200" do
- response = double(:response, code: '500', body: '[{}]')
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive(:get).and_return(response)
- expect(gitlab_net.merge_request_urls(gl_repository, project, changes)).to eq([])
- end
- end
- describe '#pre_receive' do
- let(:gl_repository) { "project-1" }
- let(:params) { { gl_repository: gl_repository } }
- subject { gitlab_net.pre_receive(gl_repository) }
- it 'sends the correct parameters and returns the request body parsed' do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Post).to receive(:set_form_data)
- .with(hash_including(params))
- VCR.use_cassette("pre-receive") { subject }
- end
- it 'calls /internal/pre-receive' do
- VCR.use_cassette("pre-receive") do
- expect(subject['reference_counter_increased']).to be(true)
- end
- end
- it 'throws a NotFound error when pre-receive is not available' do
- VCR.use_cassette("pre-receive-not-found") do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(GitlabNet::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#post_receive' do
- let(:gl_repository) { "project-1" }
- let(:changes) { "123456 789012 refs/heads/test\n654321 210987 refs/tags/tag" }
- let(:push_options) { ["ci-skip", "something unexpected"] }
- let(:params) do
- { gl_repository: gl_repository, identifier: key, changes: changes, :"push_options[]" => push_options }
- end
- let(:merge_request_urls) do
- [{
- "branch_name" => "test",
- "url" => "http://localhost:3000/gitlab-org/gitlab-test/merge_requests/7",
- "new_merge_request" => false
- }]
- end
- subject { gitlab_net.post_receive(gl_repository, key, changes, push_options) }
- it 'sends the correct parameters' do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Post).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(params))
- VCR.use_cassette("post-receive") do
- subject
- end
- end
- it 'calls /internal/post-receive' do
- VCR.use_cassette("post-receive") do
- expect(subject['merge_request_urls']).to eq(merge_request_urls)
- expect(subject['broadcast_message']).to eq('Message')
- expect(subject['reference_counter_decreased']).to eq(true)
- end
- end
- it 'throws a NotFound error when post-receive is not available' do
- VCR.use_cassette("post-receive-not-found") do
- expect { subject }.to raise_error(GitlabNet::NotFound)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#authorized_key' do
- let (:ssh_key) { "rsa-key" }
- it "should return nil when the resource is not implemented" do
- VCR.use_cassette("ssh-key-not-implemented") do
- result = gitlab_net.authorized_key("whatever")
- expect(result).to be_nil
- end
- end
- it "should return nil when the fingerprint is not found" do
- VCR.use_cassette("ssh-key-not-found") do
- result = gitlab_net.authorized_key("whatever")
- expect(result).to be_nil
- end
- end
- it "should return a ssh key with a valid fingerprint" do
- VCR.use_cassette("ssh-key-ok") do
- result = gitlab_net.authorized_key(ssh_key)
- expect(result).to eq({
- "can_push" => false,
- "created_at" => "2017-06-21T09:50:07.150Z",
- "id" => 99,
- "key" => "ssh-rsa rsa-key",
- "title" => "untitled"
- })
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#two_factor_recovery_codes' do
- it 'returns two factor recovery codes' do
- VCR.use_cassette('two-factor-recovery-codes') do
- result = gitlab_net.two_factor_recovery_codes(key)
- expect(result['success']).to be_truthy
- expect(result['recovery_codes']).to eq(['f67c514de60c4953','41278385fc00c1e0'])
- end
- end
- it 'returns false when recovery codes cannot be generated' do
- VCR.use_cassette('two-factor-recovery-codes-fail') do
- result = gitlab_net.two_factor_recovery_codes('key-777')
- expect(result['success']).to be_falsey
- expect(result['message']).to eq('Could not find the given key')
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#notify_post_receive' do
- let(:gl_repository) { 'project-1' }
- let(:repo_path) { '/path/to/my/repo.git' }
- let(:params) do
- { gl_repository: gl_repository, project: repo_path }
- end
- it 'sets the arguments as form parameters' do
- VCR.use_cassette('notify-post-receive') do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Post).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(params))
- gitlab_net.notify_post_receive(gl_repository, repo_path)
- end
- end
- it 'returns true if notification was succesful' do
- VCR.use_cassette('notify-post-receive') do
- expect(gitlab_net.notify_post_receive(gl_repository, repo_path)).to be_truthy
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#check_access' do
- context 'ssh key with access nil, to project' do
- it 'should allow push access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette("allowed-push") do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_truthy
- expect(access.gl_project_path).to eq('gitlab-org/gitlab.test')
- end
- end
- context 'but project not found' do
- where(:desc, :cassette, :message) do
- 'deny push access for host' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found' | 'The project you were looking for could not be found.'
- 'deny push access for host (when text/html)' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found-text-html' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny push access for host (when text/plain)' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found-text-plain' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny push access for host (when 404 is returned)' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found-404' | 'The project you were looking for could not be found.'
- 'deny push access for host (when 404 is returned with text/html)' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found-404-text-html' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny push access for host (when 404 is returned with text/plain)' | 'allowed-push-project-not-found-404-text-plain' | 'API is not accessible'
- end
- with_them do
- it 'should deny push access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette(cassette) do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eql(message)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- it 'adds the secret_token to the request' do
- VCR.use_cassette("allowed-push") do
- expect_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP::Post).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(secret_token: secret))
- gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- end
- end
- it 'should allow pull access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette("allowed-pull") do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_truthy
- expect(access.gl_project_path).to eq('gitlab-org/gitlab.test')
- end
- end
- end
- context 'ssh access has been disabled' do
- it 'should deny pull access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette('ssh-pull-disabled') do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eq 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- end
- end
- it 'should deny push access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette('ssh-push-disabled') do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eq 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- end
- end
- end
- context 'http access has been disabled' do
- it 'should deny pull access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette('http-pull-disabled') do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'http')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eq 'Pulling over HTTP is not allowed.'
- end
- end
- it 'should deny push access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette("http-push-disabled") do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key, changes, 'http')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eq 'Pushing over HTTP is not allowed.'
- end
- end
- end
- context 'ssh key without access to project' do
- where(:desc, :cassette, :message) do
- 'deny push access for host' | 'ssh-push-project-denied' | 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- 'deny push access for host (when 401 is returned)' | 'ssh-push-project-denied-401' | 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- 'deny push access for host (when 401 is returned with text/html)' | 'ssh-push-project-denied-401-text-html' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny push access for host (when 401 is returned with text/plain)' | 'ssh-push-project-denied-401-text-plain' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny pull access for host' | 'ssh-pull-project-denied' | 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- 'deny pull access for host (when 401 is returned)' | 'ssh-pull-project-denied-401' | 'Git access over SSH is not allowed'
- 'deny pull access for host (when 401 is returned with text/html)' | 'ssh-pull-project-denied-401-text-html' | 'API is not accessible'
- 'deny pull access for host (when 401 is returned with text/plain)' | 'ssh-pull-project-denied-401-text-plain' | 'API is not accessible'
- end
- with_them do
- it 'should deny push access for host' do
- VCR.use_cassette(cassette) do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-receive-pack', nil, project, key2, changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eql(message)
- end
- end
- end
- it 'should deny pull access for host (with user)' do
- VCR.use_cassette("ssh-pull-project-denied-with-user") do
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, 'user-2', changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access.allowed?).to be_falsey
- expect(access.message).to eql('Git access over SSH is not allowed')
- end
- end
- end
- it 'handles non 200 status codes' do
- resp = double(:resp, code: 501)
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive(:post).and_return(resp)
- access = gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, 'user-2', changes, 'ssh')
- expect(access).not_to be_allowed
- end
- it "raises an exception if the connection fails" do
- allow_any_instance_of(Net::HTTP).to receive(:request).and_raise(StandardError)
- expect {
- gitlab_net.check_access('git-upload-pack', nil, project, 'user-1', changes, 'ssh')
- }.to raise_error(GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError)
- end
- end
- describe '#base_api_endpoint' do
- let(:net) { }
- subject { net.send :base_api_endpoint }
- it { include(net.send(:config).gitlab_url) }
- it("uses API version 4") { end_with("api/v4") }
- end
- describe '#internal_api_endpoint' do
- let(:net) { }
- subject { net.send :internal_api_endpoint }
- it { include(net.send(:config).gitlab_url) }
- it("uses API version 4") { end_with("api/v4/internal") }
- end
- describe '#http_client_for' do
- subject { gitlab_net.send :http_client_for, URI('https://localhost/') }
- before do
- allow(gitlab_net).to receive :cert_store
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config)).to receive(:http_settings) { {'self_signed_cert' => true} }
- end
- it { expect(subject.verify_mode).to eq(OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE) }
- end
- describe '#http_request_for' do
- context 'with stub' do
- let(:get) { double(Net::HTTP::Get) }
- let(:user) { 'user' }
- let(:password) { 'password' }
- let(:url) { URI 'http://localhost/' }
- let(:params) { { 'key1' => 'value1' } }
- let(:headers) { { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'} }
- let(:options) { { json: { 'key2' => 'value2' } } }
- context 'with no params, options or headers' do
- subject { gitlab_net.send :http_request_for, :get, url }
- before do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('user') { user }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('password') { password }
- expect(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with('/', {}).and_return(get)
- expect(get).to receive(:basic_auth).with(user, password).once
- expect(get).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(secret_token: secret)).once
- end
- it { is_expected.not_to be_nil }
- end
- context 'with params' do
- subject { gitlab_net.send :http_request_for, :get, url, params: params, headers: headers }
- before do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('user') { user }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('password') { password }
- expect(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with('/', headers).and_return(get)
- expect(get).to receive(:basic_auth).with(user, password).once
- expect(get).to receive(:set_form_data).with({ 'key1' => 'value1', secret_token: secret }).once
- end
- it { is_expected.not_to be_nil }
- end
- context 'with headers' do
- subject { gitlab_net.send :http_request_for, :get, url, headers: headers }
- before do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('user') { user }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('password') { password }
- expect(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with('/', headers).and_return(get)
- expect(get).to receive(:basic_auth).with(user, password).once
- expect(get).to receive(:set_form_data).with(hash_including(secret_token: secret)).once
- end
- it { is_expected.not_to be_nil }
- end
- context 'with options' do
- context 'with json' do
- subject { gitlab_net.send :http_request_for, :get, url, options: options }
- before do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('user') { user }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('password') { password }
- expect(Net::HTTP::Get).to receive(:new).with('/', {}).and_return(get)
- expect(get).to receive(:basic_auth).with(user, password).once
- expect(get).to receive(:body=).with({ 'key2' => 'value2', secret_token: secret }.to_json).once
- expect(get).not_to receive(:set_form_data)
- end
- it { is_expected.not_to be_nil }
- end
- end
- end
- context 'Unix socket' do
- it 'sets the Host header to "localhost"' do
- gitlab_net =
- expect(gitlab_net).to receive(:secret_token).and_return(secret)
- request = gitlab_net.send(:http_request_for, :get, URI('http+unix://%2Ffoo'))
- expect(request['Host']).to eq('localhost')
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#cert_store' do
- let(:store) do
- double(OpenSSL::X509::Store).tap do |store|
- allow(OpenSSL::X509::Store).to receive(:new) { store }
- end
- end
- before :each do
- expect(store).to receive(:set_default_paths).once
- end
- after do
- gitlab_net.send :cert_store
- end
- it "calls add_file with http_settings['ca_file']" do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('ca_file') { 'test_file' }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('ca_path') { nil }
- expect(store).to receive(:add_file).with('test_file')
- expect(store).not_to receive(:add_path)
- end
- it "calls add_path with http_settings['ca_path']" do
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('ca_file') { nil }
- allow(gitlab_net.send(:config).http_settings).to receive(:[]).with('ca_path') { 'test_path' }
- expect(store).not_to receive(:add_file)
- expect(store).to receive(:add_path).with('test_path')
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb b/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a059aa..0000000
--- a/spec/gitlab_shell_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,497 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_shell'
-require_relative '../lib/gitlab_access_status'
-describe GitlabShell do
- before do
- $logger = double('logger').as_null_object
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(tmp_repos_path)
- end
- after do
- FileUtils.rm_rf(tmp_repos_path)
- end
- subject do
- ARGV[0] = gl_id
- do |shell|
- allow(shell).to receive(:exec_cmd).and_return(:exec_called)
- allow(shell).to receive(:api).and_return(api)
- end
- end
- let(:git_config_options) { ['receive.MaxInputSize=10000'] }
- let(:gitaly_check_access) do
- true,
- '200',
- 'ok',
- gl_repository: gl_repository,
- gl_project_path: gl_project_path,
- gl_id: gl_id,
- gl_username: gl_username,
- git_config_options: git_config_options,
- gitaly: { 'repository' => { 'relative_path' => repo_name, 'storage_name' => 'default'} , 'address' => 'unix:gitaly.socket' },
- git_protocol: git_protocol,
- gl_console_messages: gl_console_messages
- )
- end
- let(:api) do
- double(GitlabNet).tap do |api|
- allow(api).to receive(:discover).and_return({ 'name' => 'John Doe', 'username' => 'testuser' })
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(
- true,
- '200',
- 'ok',
- gl_repository: gl_repository,
- gl_project_path: gl_project_path,
- gl_id: gl_id,
- gl_username: gl_username,
- git_config_options: nil,
- gitaly: nil,
- git_protocol: git_protocol))
- allow(api).to receive(:two_factor_recovery_codes).and_return({
- 'success' => true,
- 'recovery_codes' => %w[f67c514de60c4953 41278385fc00c1e0]
- })
- end
- end
- let(:gl_id) { "key-#{rand(100) + 100}" }
- let(:ssh_cmd) { nil }
- let(:tmp_repos_path) { File.join(ROOT_PATH, 'tmp', 'repositories') }
- let(:repo_name) { 'gitlab-ci.git' }
- let(:gl_repository) { 'project-1' }
- let(:gl_project_path) { 'group/subgroup/gitlab-ci' }
- let(:gl_id) { 'user-1' }
- let(:gl_username) { 'testuser' }
- let(:git_config_options) { ['receive.MaxInputSize=10000'] }
- let(:git_protocol) { 'version=2' }
- let(:gl_console_messages) { nil }
- before do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:audit_usernames).and_return(false)
- end
- describe '#initialize' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { 'git-receive-pack' }
- it { expect(subject.gl_id).to eq gl_id }
- end
- describe '#parse_cmd' do
- describe 'git' do
- context 'w/o namespace' do
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git) }
- before do
- subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args
- end
- it 'has the correct attributes' do
- expect(subject.repo_name).to eq 'gitlab-ci.git'
- expect(subject.command).to eq 'git-upload-pack'
- end
- end
- context 'namespace' do
- let(:repo_name) { 'dmitriy.zaporozhets/gitlab-ci.git' }
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(git-upload-pack dmitriy.zaporozhets/gitlab-ci.git) }
- before do
- subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args
- end
- it 'has the correct attributes' do
- expect(subject.repo_name).to eq 'dmitriy.zaporozhets/gitlab-ci.git'
- expect(subject.command).to eq 'git-upload-pack'
- end
- end
- context 'with an invalid number of arguments' do
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(foobar) }
- it "should raise an DisallowedCommandError" do
- expect { subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args }.to raise_error(GitlabShell::DisallowedCommandError)
- end
- end
- context 'with an API command' do
- before do
- subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args
- end
- context 'when generating recovery codes' do
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(2fa_recovery_codes) }
- it 'sets the correct command' do
- expect(subject.command).to eq('2fa_recovery_codes')
- end
- it 'does not set repo name' do
- expect(subject.repo_name).to be_nil
- end
- end
- end
- end
- describe 'git-lfs' do
- let(:repo_name) { 'dzaporozhets/gitlab.git' }
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(git-lfs-authenticate dzaporozhets/gitlab.git download) }
- before do
- subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args
- end
- it 'has the correct attributes' do
- expect(subject.repo_name).to eq 'dzaporozhets/gitlab.git'
- expect(subject.command).to eq 'git-lfs-authenticate'
- expect(subject.git_access).to eq 'git-upload-pack'
- end
- end
- describe 'git-lfs old clients' do
- let(:repo_name) { 'dzaporozhets/gitlab.git' }
- let(:ssh_args) { %w(git-lfs-authenticate dzaporozhets/gitlab.git download long_oid) }
- before do
- subject.send :parse_cmd, ssh_args
- end
- it 'has the correct attributes' do
- expect(subject.repo_name).to eq 'dzaporozhets/gitlab.git'
- expect(subject.command).to eq 'git-lfs-authenticate'
- expect(subject.git_access).to eq 'git-upload-pack'
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#exec' do
- let(:gitaly_message) do
- JSON.dump(
- 'repository' => { 'relative_path' => repo_name, 'storage_name' => 'default' },
- 'gl_repository' => gl_repository,
- 'gl_project_path' => gl_project_path,
- 'gl_id' => gl_id,
- 'gl_username' => gl_username,
- 'git_config_options' => git_config_options,
- 'git_protocol' => git_protocol
- )
- end
- before do
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('GIT_PROTOCOL').and_return(git_protocol)
- end
- shared_examples_for 'upload-pack' do |command|
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "#{command} gitlab-ci.git" }
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should process the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git))
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with('git-upload-pack')
- end
- it "should log the command execution" do
- message = "executing git command"
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "git-upload-pack", user: user_string)
- end
- it "should use usernames if configured to do so" do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:audit_usernames).and_return(true)
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("executing git command", hash_including(user: 'testuser'))
- end
- end
- context 'gitaly-upload-pack' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
- end
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should process the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git))
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-upload-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
- end
- it "should log the command execution" do
- message = "executing git command"
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "gitaly-upload-pack unix:gitaly.socket #{gitaly_message}", user: user_string)
- end
- it "should use usernames if configured to do so" do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:audit_usernames).and_return(true)
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("executing git command", hash_including(user: 'testuser'))
- end
- end
- context 'git-receive-pack' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
- end
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should process the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git))
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-receive-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
- end
- it "should log the command execution" do
- message = "executing git command"
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "gitaly-receive-pack unix:gitaly.socket #{gitaly_message}", user: user_string)
- end
- context 'with a custom action' do
- let(:fake_payload) { { 'api_endpoints' => [ '/fake/api/endpoint' ], 'data' => {} } }
- let(:custom_action_gitlab_access_status) do
- true,
- '300',
- 'Multiple Choices',
- payload: fake_payload
- )
- end
- let(:action_custom) { double(Action::Custom) }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(custom_action_gitlab_access_status)
- end
- it "should not process the command" do
- expect(subject).to_not receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git))
- expect(Action::Custom).to receive(:new).with(gl_id, fake_payload).and_return(action_custom)
- expect(action_custom).to receive(:execute)
- end
- end
- end
- context 'gitaly-receive-pack' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
- end
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should process the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git))
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin/gitaly-receive-pack"), gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil)
- end
- it "should log the command execution" do
- message = "executing git command"
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: "gitaly-receive-pack unix:gitaly.socket #{gitaly_message}", user: user_string)
- end
- it "should use usernames if configured to do so" do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:audit_usernames).and_return(true)
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("executing git command", hash_including(user: 'testuser'))
- end
- end
- shared_examples_for 'upload-archive' do |command|
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "#{command} gitlab-ci.git" }
- let(:exec_cmd_log_params) { exec_cmd_params }
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should process the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:process_cmd).with(%w(git-upload-archive gitlab-ci.git))
- end
- it "should execute the command" do
- expect(subject).to receive(:exec_cmd).with(*exec_cmd_params)
- end
- it "should log the command execution" do
- message = "executing git command"
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with(message, command: exec_cmd_log_params.join(' '), user: user_string)
- end
- it "should use usernames if configured to do so" do
- allow_any_instance_of(GitlabConfig).to receive(:audit_usernames).and_return(true)
- expect($logger).to receive(:info).with("executing git command", hash_including(user: 'testuser'))
- end
- end
- context 'gitaly-upload-archive' do
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
- end
- it_behaves_like 'upload-archive', 'git-upload-archive' do
- let(:gitaly_executable) { "gitaly-upload-archive" }
- let(:exec_cmd_params) do
- [
- File.join(ROOT_PATH, "bin", gitaly_executable),
- { gitaly_address: 'unix:gitaly.socket', json_args: gitaly_message, token: nil }
- ]
- end
- let(:exec_cmd_log_params) do
- [gitaly_executable, 'unix:gitaly.socket', gitaly_message]
- end
- end
- end
- context 'arbitrary command' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { 'arbitrary command' }
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should not process the command" do
- expect(subject).not_to receive(:process_cmd)
- end
- it "should not execute the command" do
- expect(subject).not_to receive(:exec_cmd)
- end
- it "should log the attempt" do
- message = 'Denied disallowed command'
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).with(message, command: 'arbitrary command', user: user_string)
- end
- end
- context 'no command' do
- after { subject.exec(nil) }
- it "should call" do
- expect(api).to receive(:discover).with(gl_id)
- end
- end
- context "failed connection" do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { 'git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git' }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_raise(GitlabNet::ApiUnreachableError)
- end
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should not process the command" do
- expect(subject).not_to receive(:process_cmd)
- end
- it "should not execute the command" do
- expect(subject).not_to receive(:exec_cmd)
- end
- end
- context 'with an API command' do
- before do
- allow(subject).to receive(:continue?).and_return(true)
- end
- context 'when generating recovery codes' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { '2fa_recovery_codes' }
- after do
- subject.exec(ssh_cmd)
- end
- it 'does not call verify_access' do
- expect(subject).not_to receive(:verify_access)
- end
- it 'calls the corresponding method' do
- expect(subject).to receive(:api_2fa_recovery_codes)
- end
- it 'outputs recovery codes' do
- expect($stdout).to receive(:puts)
- .with(/f67c514de60c4953\n41278385fc00c1e0/)
- end
- context 'when the process is unsuccessful' do
- it 'displays the error to the user' do
- allow(api).to receive(:two_factor_recovery_codes).and_return({
- 'success' => false,
- 'message' => 'Could not find the given key'
- })
- expect($stdout).to receive(:puts)
- .with(/Could not find the given key/)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context 'with a console message' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-receive-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
- let(:gl_console_messages) { 'Very important message' }
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(gitaly_check_access)
- end
- it 'displays the message on $stderr' do
- expect { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }.to output("> GitLab: #{gl_console_messages}\n").to_stderr
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#validate_access' do
- let(:ssh_cmd) { "git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git" }
- describe 'check access with api' do
- before do
- allow(api).to receive(:check_access).and_return(
- false,
- 'denied',
- gl_repository: nil,
- gl_project_path: nil,
- gl_id: nil,
- gl_username: nil,
- git_config_options: nil,
- gitaly: nil,
- git_protocol: nil))
- end
- after { subject.exec(ssh_cmd) }
- it "should call api.check_access" do
- expect(api).to receive(:check_access).with('git-upload-pack', nil, 'gitlab-ci.git', gl_id, '_any', 'ssh')
- end
- it "should disallow access and log the attempt if check_access returns false status" do
- message = 'Access denied'
- user_string = "user with id #{gl_id}"
- expect($logger).to receive(:warn).with(message, command: 'git-upload-pack gitlab-ci.git', user: user_string)
- end
- end
- end
- describe '#api' do
- let(:shell) { }
- subject { shell.send :api }
- it { be_a(GitlabNet) }
- end
diff --git a/spec/hooks_utils_spec.rb b/spec/hooks_utils_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2113239..0000000
--- a/spec/hooks_utils_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/hooks_utils.rb'
-describe :get_push_options do
- context "when GIT_PUSH_OPTION_COUNT is not set" do
- it { expect(HooksUtils.get_push_options).to eq([]) }
- end
- context "when one option is given" do
- before do
- ENV['GIT_PUSH_OPTION_0'] = 'aaa'
- end
- it { expect(HooksUtils.get_push_options).to eq(['aaa']) }
- end
- context "when multiple options are given" do
- before do
- ENV['GIT_PUSH_OPTION_0'] = 'aaa'
- ENV['GIT_PUSH_OPTION_1'] = 'bbb'
- ENV['GIT_PUSH_OPTION_2'] = 'ccc'
- end
- it { expect(HooksUtils.get_push_options).to eq(['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc']) }
- end
diff --git a/spec/httpunix_spec.rb b/spec/httpunix_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 719a855..0000000
--- a/spec/httpunix_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/httpunix'
-describe URI::HTTPUNIX do
- describe :parse do
- uri = URI::parse('http+unix://%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fsocket/img.jpg')
- subject { uri }
- it { be_an_instance_of(URI::HTTPUNIX) }
- it 'has the correct attributes' do
- expect(subject.scheme).to eq('http+unix')
- expect(subject.hostname).to eq('/path/to/socket')
- expect(subject.path).to eq('/img.jpg')
- end
- end
-describe Net::HTTPUNIX do
- def tmp_socket_path
- # This has to be a relative path shorter than 100 bytes due to
- # limitations in how Unix sockets work.
- 'tmp/test-socket'
- end
- before(:all) do
- # "hello world" over unix socket server in background thread
- FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(tmp_socket_path))
- @server = tmp_socket_path)
- @server.mount_proc '/' do |req, resp|
- resp.body = "Hello World (at #{req.path})"
- end
- @webrick_thread = { @server.start }
- sleep(0.1) while @webrick_thread.alive? && @server.status != :Running
- raise "Couldn't start HTTPUNIXServer" unless @server.status == :Running
- end
- after(:all) do
- @server.shutdown if @server
- @webrick_thread.join if @webrick_thread
- end
- it "talks via HTTP ok" do
- VCR.turned_off do
- begin
- WebMock.allow_net_connect!
- http =
- expect(http.get('/').body).to eq('Hello World (at /)')
- expect(http.get('/path').body).to eq('Hello World (at /path)')
- ensure
- WebMock.disable_net_connect!
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/object_dirs_helper_spec.rb b/spec/object_dirs_helper_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c2d0db7..0000000
--- a/spec/object_dirs_helper_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-require_relative 'spec_helper'
-require_relative '../lib/object_dirs_helper'
-describe ObjectDirsHelper do
- before do
- allow(Dir).to receive(:pwd).and_return('/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git')
- end
- describe '.all_attributes' do
- it do
- expect(described_class.all_attributes.keys).to include(*%w[
- ])
- end
- end
- describe '.absolute_object_dir' do
- subject { described_class.absolute_object_dir }
- context 'when GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is set' do
- let(:dir) { '/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./objects' }
- before do
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY').and_return(dir)
- end
- it { expect(subject).to eq(dir) }
- end
- context 'when GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is not set' do
- it { expect(subject).to be_nil }
- end
- end
- describe '.absolute_alt_object_dirs' do
- subject { described_class.absolute_alt_object_dirs }
- context 'when GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES is set' do
- let(:dirs) { [
- '/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./incoming-UKU6Gl',
- '/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./incoming-AcU7Qr'
- ] }
- before do
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES').and_return(dirs.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR))
- end
- it { expect(subject).to eq(dirs) }
- end
- context 'when GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES is not set' do
- it { expect(subject).to eq([]) }
- end
- end
- describe '.relative_alt_object_dirs' do
- subject { described_class.relative_alt_object_dirs }
- context 'when GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES is set' do
- let(:dirs) { [
- '/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./objects/incoming-UKU6Gl',
- '/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./objects/incoming-AcU7Qr'
- ] }
- before do
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES').and_return(dirs.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR))
- end
- it { expect(subject).to eq(['objects/incoming-UKU6Gl', 'objects/incoming-AcU7Qr']) }
- end
- context 'when GIT_ALTERNATE_OBJECT_DIRECTORIES is not set' do
- it { expect(subject).to eq([]) }
- end
- end
- describe '.relative_object_dir' do
- subject { described_class.relative_object_dir }
- context 'when GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is set' do
- before do
- allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with('GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY').and_return('/home/git/repositories/foo/bar.git/./objects')
- end
- it { expect(subject).to eq('objects') }
- end
- context 'when GIT_OBJECT_DIRECTORY is not set' do
- it { expect(subject).to be_nil }
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/spec_helper.rb b/spec/spec_helper.rb
index be5ff9c..9e69fb1 100644
--- a/spec/spec_helper.rb
+++ b/spec/spec_helper.rb
@@ -3,15 +3,11 @@ require 'rspec-parameterized'
require 'simplecov'
-require 'gitlab_init'
+ROOT_PATH = File.expand_path('..', __dir__)
Dir[File.expand_path('support/**/*.rb', __dir__)].each { |f| require f }
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
config.filter_run :focus
- config.before(:each) do
- stub_const('ROOT_PATH', File.expand_path('..', __dir__))
- end
diff --git a/spec/support/gitlab_shell_setup.rb b/spec/support/gitlab_shell_setup.rb
index eddd2d1..07ad56f 100644
--- a/spec/support/gitlab_shell_setup.rb
+++ b/spec/support/gitlab_shell_setup.rb
@@ -45,9 +45,8 @@ RSpec.shared_context 'gitlab shell', shared_context: :metadata do
raise "Couldn't start stub GitlabNet server" unless @server.status == :Running
system(original_root_path, 'bin/compile')
- copy_dirs = ['bin', 'lib']
- FileUtils.rm_rf( { |d| File.join(tmp_root_path, d) })
- FileUtils.cp_r(copy_dirs, tmp_root_path)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(tmp_root_path, 'bin'))
+ FileUtils.cp_r('bin', tmp_root_path)
after(:all) do
diff --git a/spec/support/gl_id_test_hook b/spec/support/gl_id_test_hook
deleted file mode 100755
index bf5874d..0000000
--- a/spec/support/gl_id_test_hook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-printenv GL_ID | grep -q '^key_1$'
diff --git a/spec/support/hook_fail b/spec/support/hook_fail
deleted file mode 100755
index 4420796..0000000
--- a/spec/support/hook_fail
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#echo "fail: $0"
-exit 1
diff --git a/spec/support/hook_ok b/spec/support/hook_ok
deleted file mode 100755
index eb1e3bc..0000000
--- a/spec/support/hook_ok
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-#echo "ok: $0"
-exit 0