Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Read the .page files instead of .xml for schema generationmallardShaun McCance2009-06-141-5/+5
* [mal2html] Adding a 'head' div for linktrailsShaun McCance2009-06-092-3/+6
* [gnome-doc-xslt.xml] Adding utils to documentationShaun McCance2009-06-091-0/+1
* [mal-link.xsl] Make mal.cache an xsl:paramShaun McCance2009-06-091-1/+1
* [mallard] Rename pages to .page, XSLT fixed for YelpShaun McCance2009-06-0878-137/+17
* Build and stylesheet changes prepping for Yelp workShaun McCance2009-06-0112-23/+159
* [mallard] Finishing info_credit and info_copyrightShaun McCance2009-06-012-13/+186
* [mallard] Finished info_titleShaun McCance2009-05-291-2/+95
* [mallard] Finished info_revisionShaun McCance2009-05-291-4/+132
* [mal2html] Changed mal:version to mal:revisionShaun McCance2009-05-291-22/+22
* [mallard] Changing version element to revisionShaun McCance2009-05-2963-70/+74
* [mallard] Finished info_licenseShaun McCance2009-05-291-1/+74
* [mallard] Adding rules to all notes tablesShaun McCance2009-05-294-4/+4
* [mal2html] Stylistic changes to status marker & link trailsShaun McCance2009-05-292-48/+43
* [mal2html] Added link trails, moved mallard.xml to index.xmlShaun McCance2009-05-293-1/+114
* [mallard] Finishing info_descShaun McCance2009-05-291-2/+54
* [mallard] Finished block_termsShaun McCance2009-05-281-8/+16
* [mallard] Finishing block_pShaun McCance2009-05-281-17/+32
* [mallard] Marking mal_block as ready for reviewShaun McCance2009-05-281-1/+1
* [mallard] Consolidating info elements to use mal_info as guideShaun McCance2009-05-289-40/+74
* [mallard] Various metadata and navigational changesShaun McCance2009-05-2810-16/+79
* [mallard] Finishing mal_page and mal_sectionShaun McCance2009-05-282-3/+102
* [mallard] Work on mal_page and mal_section pagesShaun McCance2009-05-273-17/+106
* [mallard] Edits to ITS in response to comments from Liam QuinShaun McCance2009-05-271-9/+19
* [mallard] Change explore.xml to guideShaun McCance2009-05-272-2/+3
* [mallard] Finished off ITS conformance doc for nowShaun McCance2009-05-271-16/+25
* [mallard] Added R015 and R022 to ITS ConformanceShaun McCance2009-05-261-0/+41
* Added ITS conformance page and stubs for i18n and l10n pagesShaun McCance2009-05-264-0/+347
* [mallard] Finished block_tree, plus other misc fixesShaun McCance2009-05-257-38/+153
* [mallard] Work on terms and tree listsShaun McCance2009-05-244-26/+229
* [mallard] Finished off block_steps and xslt implementation of mal:stepsShaun McCance2009-05-232-8/+169
* [mallard] Changed license to CC-BY-SA 3.0 plus exceptionShaun McCance2009-05-221-7/+7
* [mallard] Finishing block_list and xslt implementationShaun McCance2009-05-222-6/+119
* [mallard] Changing ulist and olist to list, more...Shaun McCance2009-05-2135-127/+154
* [mallard] Fixing content models for list typesShaun McCance2009-05-215-20/+191
* [mallard] Changing list.bullet to ulistShaun McCance2009-05-2032-84/+88
* [mallard] Finished inline_link and removed inline_quote.Shaun McCance2009-05-204-80/+51
* [mallard] Work on block_quote and block_synopsisShaun McCance2009-05-195-18/+233
* [mallard] Moving mal_title to mal_block_title and mal_subtitle to mal_block_s...Shaun McCance2009-05-1917-31/+31
* [mallard] Finishing block_figure and block_descShaun McCance2009-05-193-18/+135
* [mallard] Finishing block_listingShaun McCance2009-05-191-8/+68
* [mallard] Trying out 24x24 admonition iconsShaun McCance2009-05-187-1/+8
* [mallard] Finished off block_noteShaun McCance2009-05-182-9/+161
* [mal2html] Using old theme system, work on notesShaun McCance2009-05-185-192/+120
* [mallard] Adding notes about content model to block elementsShaun McCance2009-05-1412-22/+188
* [mallard] Adding info to mal_block, marking reviewShaun McCance2009-05-132-15/+68
* [mallard] Fixing all header information for inline element pagesShaun McCance2009-05-1316-19/+70
* [mallard] Finishing up some inline elements: input, sys, spanShaun McCance2009-05-133-8/+108
* [mallard] Adding info to mal_inline_linkShaun McCance2009-05-121-3/+71
* [mallard] Adding info about external namespacesShaun McCance2009-05-1228-55/+105