path: root/data/icons
diff options
authorBastien Nocera <>2022-02-01 17:44:57 +0100
committerBastien Nocera <>2022-02-04 11:23:56 +0100
commit5e5805c58e34b870ebc3c37114b8c70b1674cb0b (patch)
tree4601cfa07558862685296797d3fd65aa109440b9 /data/icons
parent15db2b9f80e6ff2007ebd1e821908e0f5fe73cf7 (diff)
backend: Use better placeholder when there's no video
When there's no video because we're playing an audio-only file, or because a plugin is missing, show a placeholder that corresponds to that type of media. See
Diffstat (limited to 'data/icons')
3 files changed, 16 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/icons/ b/data/icons/
index 1d61003c2..f1a12b601 100644
--- a/data/icons/
+++ b/data/icons/
@@ -8,3 +8,15 @@ install_data(
rename : [application_id + '-symbolic.svg'],
install_dir: join_paths(totem_datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', 'symbolic', 'apps')
+icons = [
+ 'audio-only-symbolic.svg',
+ 'broken-video-symbolic.svg'
+foreach icon: icons
+ install_data(
+ join_paths('symbolic', icon),
+ install_dir: join_paths(totem_datadir, 'icons', 'hicolor', 'scalable', 'status')
+ )
diff --git a/data/icons/symbolic/audio-only-symbolic.svg b/data/icons/symbolic/audio-only-symbolic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53ef2e0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/symbolic/audio-only-symbolic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px"><path d="m 1.972656 3.773438 c -0.132812 0.007812 -0.257812 0.070312 -0.34375 0.167968 c -1.066406 1.210938 -1.628906 2.585938 -1.628906 3.984375 c 0 1.402344 0.558594 2.8125 1.617188 4.105469 c 0.175781 0.214844 0.488281 0.246094 0.703124 0.070312 c 0.214844 -0.175781 0.246094 -0.488281 0.070313 -0.703124 c -0.945313 -1.152344 -1.390625 -2.332032 -1.390625 -3.472657 c 0 -1.136719 0.441406 -2.261719 1.378906 -3.320312 c 0.089844 -0.101563 0.132813 -0.230469 0.125 -0.363281 c -0.007812 -0.132813 -0.070312 -0.257813 -0.171875 -0.347657 c -0.097656 -0.085937 -0.226562 -0.128906 -0.359375 -0.121093 z m 11.984375 0 c -0.105469 0.011718 -0.207031 0.054687 -0.285156 0.121093 c -0.101563 0.089844 -0.160156 0.214844 -0.167969 0.347657 c -0.007812 0.132812 0.035156 0.261718 0.121094 0.363281 c 0.9375 1.058593 1.378906 2.183593 1.378906 3.320312 c 0 1.140625 -0.445312 2.320313 -1.390625 3.472657 c -0.171875 0.214843 -0.140625 0.527343 0.074219 0.703124 c 0.210938 0.175782 0.527344 0.144532 0.699219 -0.070312 c 1.0625 -1.292969 1.617187 -2.703125 1.617187 -4.105469 c 0 -1.398437 -0.558594 -2.773437 -1.628906 -3.984375 c -0.105469 -0.121094 -0.261719 -0.183594 -0.417969 -0.167968 z m -8.101562 0.164062 c -0.480469 0.023438 -0.855469 0.417969 -0.855469 0.898438 v 6.359374 c 0 0.3125 0.167969 0.601563 0.441406 0.753907 c 0.273438 0.148437 0.605469 0.144531 0.871094 -0.023438 l 5.265625 -3.246093 c 0.238281 -0.144532 0.378906 -0.402344 0.382813 -0.679688 c 0 -0.277344 -0.144532 -0.535156 -0.378907 -0.683594 l -5.203125 -3.246094 c -0.15625 -0.097656 -0.339844 -0.144531 -0.523437 -0.132812 z m -2.359375 1.050781 c -0.160156 -0.003906 -0.3125 0.066407 -0.410156 0.195313 c -0.679688 0.886718 -1.070313 1.824218 -1.078126 2.792968 c -0.011718 0.964844 0.363282 1.921876 1.085938 2.835938 c 0.167969 0.214844 0.484375 0.25 0.699219 0.082031 c 0.214843 -0.171875 0.253906 -0.488281 0.082031 -0.703125 c -0.617188 -0.777344 -0.875 -1.5 -0.867188 -2.203125 c 0.003907 -0.707031 0.285157 -1.429687 0.871094 -2.195312 c 0.167969 -0.21875 0.128906 -0.53125 -0.089844 -0.699219 c -0.085937 -0.066406 -0.1875 -0.101562 -0.292968 -0.105469 z m 9.015625 0 c -0.109375 0.003907 -0.210938 0.039063 -0.292969 0.105469 c -0.21875 0.164062 -0.261719 0.480469 -0.09375 0.699219 c 0.585938 0.765625 0.867188 1.488281 0.875 2.195312 c 0.007812 0.703125 -0.253906 1.425781 -0.867188 2.203125 c -0.171874 0.214844 -0.136718 0.53125 0.078126 0.703125 c 0.21875 0.167969 0.53125 0.132813 0.703124 -0.082031 c 0.722657 -0.914062 1.097657 -1.871094 1.085938 -2.835938 c -0.011719 -0.96875 -0.398438 -1.90625 -1.082031 -2.792968 c -0.09375 -0.128906 -0.25 -0.199219 -0.40625 -0.195313 z m 0 0" fill="#2e3436"/></svg>
diff --git a/data/icons/symbolic/broken-video-symbolic.svg b/data/icons/symbolic/broken-video-symbolic.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..066e1fb26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/icons/symbolic/broken-video-symbolic.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<svg xmlns="" height="16px" viewBox="0 0 16 16" width="16px"><g fill="#2e3436"><path d="m 2.398438 3 c -1.328126 0 -2.398438 1.070312 -2.398438 2.398438 v 7.203124 c 0 1.328126 1.070312 2.398438 2.398438 2.398438 h 1.394531 l 1.707031 -6 h -1.5 l 1.5 -6 z m 0 0"/><path d="m 8 1 l -1.5 6 h 1.5 l -1.707031 6 h 3.308593 c 1.328126 0 2.398438 -1.070312 2.398438 -2.398438 v -7.203124 c 0 -1.328126 -1.070312 -2.398438 -2.398438 -2.398438 z m 4 6 l 3 3 h 1 v -6 h -1 z m 0 0"/></g></svg>