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authorNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2003-11-27 21:52:50 +0000
committerNikos Mavrogiannopoulos <>2003-11-27 21:52:50 +0000
commit2c39ed5e0101593043a4656e22c95c219b29ca8c (patch)
parent84d04f0b3dcc9905c9d8942b6c872a0c44850ade (diff)
Added historical documents. Got from
3 files changed, 5843 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/protocol/draft-benaloh-pct-00.txt b/doc/protocol/draft-benaloh-pct-00.txt
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+Internet Draft Josh Benaloh
+ Butler Lampson
+ Daniel Simon
+ Terence Spies
+ Bennet Yee
+ Microsoft Corp.
+ October 1995
+ The Private Communication Technology Protocol
+ <draft-benaloh-pct-00.txt>
+1. Status of this Memo
+This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
+documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".
+To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
+"1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
+Directories on (US East Coast),
+(Europe), (US West Coast), or (Pacific Rim).
+This Internet-Draft expires 27 March 1996.
+2. Abstract
+This document specifies Version 1 of the Private Communication
+Technology (PCT) protocol, a security protocol that provides privacy
+over the Internet. Like SSL (see [1]), the protocol is intended to
+prevent eavesdropping on communications in client/server applications,
+with servers always being authenticated and clients being
+authenticated at the server's option. However, this protocol corrects
+or improves on several weaknesses of SSL.
+3. Introduction
+The Private Communication Technology (PCT) Protocol is designed to
+provide privacy between two communicating applications (a client and a
+server), and to authenticate the server and (optionally) the client.
+PCT assumes a reliable transport protocol (e.g. TCP) for data
+transmission and reception.
+The PCT Protocol is application protocol-independent. A "higher
+level" application protocol (e.g. HTTP, FTP, TELNET, etc.) can layer
+on top of the PCT Protocol transparently. The PCT Protocol begins
+with a handshake phase that negotiates an encryption algorithm and
+(symmetric) session key as well as authenticating a server to the
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 1]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+client (and, optionally, vice versa), based on certified asymmetric
+public keys. Once transmission of application protocol data begins,
+all data is encrypted using the session key negotiated during the
+It should be noted that the PCT protocol does not specify any details
+about verification of certificates with respect to certification
+authorities, revocation lists, and so on. Rather, it is assumed that
+protocol implementations have access to a "black box" which is capable
+of ruling on the validity of received certificates in a manner
+satisfactory to the implementation's user. Such a ruling may, for
+instance, involve remote consultation with a trusted service, or even
+with the actual user through a text or graphic interface.
+In addition to encryption and authentication, the PCT protocol
+verifies the integrity of messages using a hash function-based message
+authentication code (MAC).
+The PCT protocol's record format is compatible with that of SSL (see
+[1]). Servers implementing both protocols can distinguish between PCT
+and SSL clients because the version number field occurs in the same
+position in the first handshake message in both protocols. In PCT,
+the most significant bit of the protocol version number is set to one.
+The PCT protocol differs from SSL chiefly in the design of its
+handshake phase, which differs from SSL's in a number of respects:
+- The round and message structures are considerably shorter and
+ simpler: a reconnected session without client authentication
+ requires only one message in each direction, and no other type of
+ connection requires more than two messages in each direction.
+- Negotiation for the choice of cryptographic algorithms and formats
+ to use in a session has been extended to cover more protocol
+ characteristics and to allow different characteristics to be
+ negotiated independently. The PCT client and server negotiate, in
+ addition to a cipher type and server certificate type, a hash
+ function type and a key exchange type. If client authentication is
+ requested, a client certificate type and signature type are also
+ negotiated.
+- Message authentication has been revamped so that it now uses
+ different keys from the encryption keys. Thus, message
+ authentication keys may be much longer (and message authentication
+ therefore much more secure) than the encryption keys, which may be
+ weak or even non-existent.
+- A security hole in SSL's client authentication has been repaired;
+ the PCT client's authentication challenge response now depends on
+ the type of cipher negotiated for the session. SSL's client
+ authentication is independent of the cipher strength used in the
+ session and also of whether the authentication is being performed
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+ for a reconnection of an old session or for a new one. As a result,
+ a "man-in-the-middle" attacker who has obtained the session key for
+ a session using weak cryptography can use this broken session to
+ authenticate as the client in a session using strong cryptography.
+ If, for example, the server normally restricts certain sensitive
+ functions to high-security sessions, then this security hole allows
+ intruders to circumvent the restriction.
+- A "verify-prelude" field has been added to the handshake phase,
+ with which the client and server can check that the cipher type
+ (and other) negotiations carried out in the clear have not been
+ tampered with. (SSL version 3 uses a similar mechanism, but its
+ complete version 2 compatibility negates its security function,
+ by allowing adversaries simply to alter version numbers as well
+ as cipher types.)
+4. PCT Record Protocol Specification
+4.1 PCT Record Header Format
+For compatibility with SSL, the PCT protocol uses the same basic
+record format as SSL. In PCT, all data sent is encapsulated in a
+record, an object which is composed of a header and some non-zero
+amount of data. Each record header contains a two- or three-byte
+length code. If the most significant bit is set in the first byte of
+the record length code then the record has no padding and the total
+header length is two bytes; otherwise the record has padding and the
+total header length is three bytes. The record header is transmitted
+before the data portion of the record.
+Note that in the long header case (three bytes total), the second most
+significant bit in the first byte has special meaning. When zero, the
+record being sent is a data record. When one, the record being sent
+is a security escape, and the first byte of the record is an
+ESCAPE_TYPE_CODE that indicates the type of escape. (Currently, the
+two examples of security escapes are the "out-of-band data" escape and
+the "redo handshake" escape.) In either case, the length code
+describes how much data is in the record as transmitted; this may be
+greater than the amount of data after decryption, particularly if
+padding was used.
+The record length code does not include the number of bytes consumed
+by the record header (two or three). For the two-byte header, the
+record length is computed by (using a "C"-like notation):
+RECORD_LENGTH = ((byte[0] & 0x7f) << 8)) | byte[1],
+where byte[0] represents the first byte received and byte[1] the
+second byte received. When the three-byte header is used, the record
+length is computed as follows (using a "C"-like notation):
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 3]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+RECORD_LENGTH = ((byte[0] & 0x3f) << 8)) | byte[1];
+IS_ESCAPE = (byte[0] & 0x40) != 0;
+PADDING_LENGTH = byte[2];
+The record header defines a value called PADDING_LENGTH. The
+PADDING_LENGTH value specifies how many bytes of data were appended
+to the original record by the sender. The padding data is used to
+make the record length a multiple of the block cipher's block size
+when a block cipher is used for encryption.
+The sender of a "padded" record appends the padding data to the end of
+its normal data and then encrypts the total amount (which is now a
+multiple of the block cipher's block size). The actual value of the
+padding data is unimportant, but the encrypted form of it must be
+transmitted for the receiver to decrypt the record properly. Once the
+total amount being transmitted is known the header can be properly
+constructed with the PADDING value set appropriately.
+The receiver of a padded record uses the PADDING_LENGTH value from the
+header when determining the length of the ACTUAL_DATA in the data
+record (see section 4.2).
+4.2 PCT Record Data Format
+The format of the data portion of an encrypted PCT record is slightly
+different from that of SSL. However, not only is the record header
+format identical in both protocols, but the first handshake message
+sent in each direction is also sent in the clear, and contains a
+version number field in the same location in both protocols. (In PCT
+protocol handshake messages, the most significant bit of this field is
+1.) Hence, PCT is still compatible with SSL, in the sense that PCT
+handshake messages can be recognized and distinguished from SSL
+handshake messages by examination of the version number.
+The PCT record is composed of two fields (transmitted and received in
+the order shown):
+The ENCRYPTED_DATA field contains an encryption of the concatenation
+of ACTUAL_DATA (the N bytes of actual data being transmitted) and
+PADDING_DATA (the use of which is explained below). The MAC_DATA
+field contains the "Message Authentication Code" (MAC).
+PCT handshake records are sent in the clear, and no MAC is used.
+Consequently PADDING_LENGTH will be zero and MAC_LENGTH will be zero.
+For non-handshake data records, the sender appends a PADDING_DATA
+field containing arbitrary data, so that N + PADDING_LENGTH is the
+appropriate length for the cipher being used to encrypt the data. (In
+the case where a block cipher is used, PADDING_LENGTH must be the
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+minimum value such that the length of the concatenation of ACTUAL_DATA
+and PADDING_DATA is an exact multiple of the cipher's block size.
+Otherwise, PADDING_LENGTH is zero.)
+MAC_DATA is computed as follows:
+If the client is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY is the
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY; if the server is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY
+is the SERVER_MAC_KEY. (The details of the derivation of these keys
+are given in section 5.3.1.) The selection of the hash function used
+to compute MAC_DATA is discussed in sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2. The
+parameters of the inner invocation of the hash function are input into
+the hash function in the order shown above, with SEQUENCE_NUMBER
+represented in network byte order or "big endian" order. If the
+length of MAC_KEY is not an exact multiple of eight bits, then MAC_KEY
+is considered, for the purposes of MAC computation, to have (fewer
+than eight) zero bits appended to it, to create a string of an
+integral number of bytes for input into the MAC hash function.
+The SEQUENCE_NUMBER is a counter which is incremented by both the
+sender and the receiver. For each transmission direction, a pair of
+counters is kept (one by the sender, one by the receiver). Before the
+first (handshake) record is sent or received in a PCT connection all
+sequence numbers are initialized to zero (except in the case of a
+restarting connection with a token-based exchange type, in which case
+the entire cipher state is preserved; see section 5.2.2). The
+sender's sender-to-receiver sequence number is incremented after every
+record sent, and the receiver's sender-to-receiver sequence number is
+incremented after every record received. Sequence numbers are 32-bit
+unsigned quantities, and may not increment past 0xFFFFFFFF. (See
+section 4.3.2.)
+The receiver of a record (whether PCT client or server) first uses the
+sender's WRITE_KEY to decrypt the concatenated ACTUAL_DATA and
+PADDING_DATA fields, then uses the sender's MAC_KEY, the ACTUAL_DATA,
+the PADDING_DATA, and the expected value of the sequence number as
+input into the MAC_DATA function described above (the hash function
+algorithm used is determined the same way for the receiver as for the
+sender). The computed MAC_DATA must agree bit for bit with the
+transmitted MAC_DATA. If the two are not identical, then an
+INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED error occurs, and it is recommended that the
+record be treated as though it contained no data. (See section 5.4.)
+The same error occurs if N + PADDING_LENGTH is not correct for the
+block cipher used.
+The PCT Record Layer is used for all PCT communications, including
+handshake messages, security escapes and application data transfers.
+The PCT Record Layer is used by both the client and the server at all
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 5]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+For a two-byte header, the maximum record length is 32767 bytes. For
+a three-byte header, the maximum record length is 16383 bytes. The
+PCT Handshake Protocol messages are constrained to fit in a single PCT
+Record Protocol record. Application protocol messages are allowed to
+consume multiple PCT Record Protocol records.
+4.3 Security Escapes
+4.3.1 Out-Of-Band Data
+PCT, like SSL, supports the transmission and reception of "out-of-band
+data". Out of band data is normally defined at the TCP/IP protocol
+level, but because of PCT's privacy enhancements and support for block
+ciphers, this becomes difficult to support.
+To send out-of-band data, the sender sends an escape record whose body
+contains a single byte of data which is the ESCAPE_TYPE_CODE value
+PCT_ET_OOB_DATA. The record following the escape record will be
+interpreted as "out-of-band" data and will only be made available to
+the receiver through an unspecified mechanism that is different from
+the receiver's normal data reception method. The escape record and
+the transmitted data record are transmitted normally (i.e. encryption,
+MAC computations, and block cipher padding remain in effect).
+Note that the escape record and the associated data record are sent
+using normal TCP sending mechanisms, not using the "out of band"
+mechanisms. Note also that a "Redo Handshake" escape record (see
+below) and its associated handshake messages may be interposed between
+an "Out-of-Band Data" escape record and its associated data record.
+In such a case, the first non-escape, non-handshake record following
+the "Out-of-Band Data" escape record is treated as out-of-band data.
+4.3.2 Redo Handshake
+PCT allows either the client or the server to request, at any time
+after the handshake phase has been completed for a connection, that
+another handshake phase be performed for that connection. For
+example, either party is required to request another handshake phase
+rather than allow its sequence number to "wrap" beyond 0xFFFFFFFF. In
+addition, it is recommended that implementations enforce limits on the
+duration of both connections and sessions, with respect to the total
+number of bytes sent, the number of records sent, the actual time
+elapsed since the beginning of the connection or session, and, in the
+case of sessions, the number of reconnections made. These limits
+serve to ensure that keys are not used more or longer than it is safe
+to do so; hence the limits may depend on the type and strength of
+cipher, key exchange and authentication used, and may, at the
+implementer's discretion, include indications from the application as
+to the sensitivity of the data being transmitted or received.
+To request a new handshake phase for this connection, the sender
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+(client or server) sends an escape record whose body contains a single
+byte of data which is the ESCAPE_TYPE_CODE value PCT_ET_REDO_CONN.
+The escape record is transmitted normally (i.e. encryption, MAC
+computations, and block cipher padding remain in effect).
+There are several cases to consider to ensure that the message
+pipeline gets flushed and to enable handshake messages to be
+distinguished from data records. The following rules ensure that the
+first messages in the redone handshake are always immediately preceded
+by a "Redo Handshake" escape message.
+If the client initiates the "Redo Handshake", it sends the "Redo
+Handshake" escape message immediately followed by a normal
+CLIENT_HELLO message; the server, on receiving the "Redo Handshake"
+escape message, may be in one of two states. If the last message it
+sent was a "Redo Handshake" escape message, then it simply waits for
+the CLIENT_HELLO message; otherwise, it sends a "Redo Handshake"
+escape message in response, and then waits for the CLIENT_HELLO
+If the server initiates the "Redo Handshake", then the server sends
+the "Redo Handshake" escape message and simply waits for a "Redo
+Handshake" escape message in response; this "Redo Handshake" should be
+immediately followed by a normal CLIENT_HELLO message. The client, on
+receiving the server's "Redo Handshake" escape message, may be in one
+of two states. If the last two messages it sent were a "Redo
+Handshake" escape message followed by a CLIENT_HELLO message, then it
+simply waits for a SERVER_HELLO message; otherwise, it sends a "Redo
+Handshake" escape message in response, followed by a CLIENT_HELLO
+message, and then waits for a SERVER_HELLO message.
+In all cases, the sender of the "Redo Handshake" escape message
+continues to process incoming messages, but may not send any
+non-handshake messages until the new handshake completes.
+The handshake phase that follows the "Redo Handshake" escape message
+is a normal one in most respects; the client may request the
+reconnection of an old session or request that a new session be
+initiated, and the server, on receiving a reconnection request, can
+accept the reconnection or demand that a new session be initiated
+instead. If a new session is being established, then the server must
+request client authentication if and only if client authentication
+was requested during the previous session. Otherwise, client
+authentication is optional. Both parties must verify that the
+specifications negotiated previously in the session (cipher type, key
+exchange type, certificate type, hash function type, client
+certificate type, and signature type), as well as any certificates
+exchanged, are identical to those found in the new handshake phase.
+A mismatch results in a SPECS_MISMATCH or BAD_CERTIFICATE error (see
+section 5.4.) This ensures that the security properties of the
+communication channel do not change.
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+5. PCT Handshake Protocol Specification
+5.1 PCT Handshake Protocol Flow
+The PCT Handshake Protocol is used to negotiate security enhancements
+to data sent using the PCT Record Protocol. The security enhancements
+consist of authentication, symmetric encryption, and message
+integrity. Symmetric encryption is facilitated using a "Key Exchange
+Algorithm". PCT version 1 supports RSA {TM} -based key exchange (see
+[13]), Diffie-Hellman key exchange, and FORTEZZA token key exchange.
+The PCT Handshake Protocol consists of four messages, sent
+respectively by the client, then server, then client, then server, in
+that order. (Moreover, under certain circumstances, the last two
+messages are omitted.) The messages are named, in order,
+The general contents of the messages depend upon two criteria: whether
+the connection being made is a reconnection (a continuation of a
+previous session) or a new session and whether the client is to be
+authenticated. (The server is always authenticated.) The first
+criterion is determined by the client and server together; the
+CLIENT_HELLO will have different contents depending on whether a new
+session is being initiated or an old one continued, and the
+SERVER_HELLO message will either confirm a requested continuation of
+an old session, or require that a new session be initiated. The
+second criterion is determined by the server, whose SERVER_HELLO may
+contain a demand for authentication of the client. If the server does
+not require client authentication, and the reconnection of an old
+session is requested by the client and accepted by the server, then
+the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY and SERVER_VERIFY messages are unnecessary, and
+are omitted.
+The CLIENT_HELLO message contains a random authentication challenge
+to the server and a request for the type and level of cryptography
+and certification to be used for the session. If the client is
+attempting to continue an old session, then it also supplies that
+session's ID.
+In the case of a new session, the SERVER_HELLO message contains a
+certificate and a random connection identifier; this identifier
+doubles as an authentication challenge to the client if the server
+desires client authentication. The CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message sent by
+the client in response includes the master key for the session (from
+which session keys are derived), encrypted using the public key from
+the server's certificate, as well as a certificate and response to the
+server's authentication challenge, if requested. To ensure that
+previous unencrypted handshake messages were not tampered with, their
+keyed hash is included with the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message. Finally,
+the server sends a SERVER_VERIFY message which includes a response to
+the client's challenge and a random session id for the session.
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+If the server accepts the old session id, then the SERVER_HELLO
+message contains a response to the client's challenge, and a random
+connection identifier which again doubles as a random challenge to the
+client, if the server requires client authentication. If no client
+authentication is requested, the handshake is finished (although an
+authentication of the client is implicit in the MAC included with the
+client's first data message). Otherwise, the subsequent
+CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message contains the client's response, and the
+SERVER_VERIFY message simply signals to the client to continue.
+For a new session, the handshake phase has the following form (items
+in square brackets are included only if client authentication is
+Client Server
+------ ------
+client challenge;
+client's cipher, hash,
+ server-certificate,
+ and key-exchange
+ specification lists
+ connection id/server challenge;
+ server's cipher, hash,
+ server-certificate,
+ and key-exchange
+ specification choices;
+ server certificate
+ [; server's signature-type
+ and client-certificate
+ specification lists]
+master key, encrypted with
+ server's public key;
+authentication of previous two
+ messages
+[; client's signature-type and
+ client-certificate
+ specification choices;
+client's certificate;
+client's challenge response]
+ session id;
+ server's challenge response
+For a reconnection of an old session, the handshake phase has the
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+following form (items in square brackets are included if client
+authentication is required):
+Client Server
+------ ------
+client challenge;
+session id;
+client's cipher, hash,
+ server-certificate,
+ and key-exchange
+ specification lists
+ connection id/server challenge;
+ old session's cipher, hash,
+ server-certificate,
+ and key-exchange
+ specification choices;
+ server's challenge response
+ [; server's signature-type
+ and client-certificate
+ specification lists]
+client's certificate;
+client's challenge response]
+Note that the protocol is asymmetric between client and server. The
+client authenticates the server because only the server can decrypt
+the master key which is encrypted with the server's public key, and
+the server's challenge response depends on knowing that master key.
+The server authenticates the client because the client signs its
+challenge response with its public key. The reason for the asymmetry
+is that when there is no client authentication there is no client
+public key, so the client must choose the master key and encrypt it
+with the server public key to hide it from everyone except the server.
+Usually the client can safely send data on the underlying transport
+immediately following the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, without waiting
+for the SERVER_VERIFY; we call this "initial data". Sending initial
+data is good because it means that PCT adds only one round trip; it is
+not possible to do better without exposing the server to a replay
+attack. However, it is unwise to send initial data if for some reason
+it is important for the client to be sure of being in contact with the
+correct server before sending any data.
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+5.2 PCT Handshake Protocol Messages
+The PCT Handshake Protocol messages are sent using the PCT Record
+Protocol and consist of a single byte message type code, followed by
+some data. The client and server exchange messages as described
+above, sending either one or two messages each. Once the handshake
+has been completed successfully, the client sends its first actual
+Handshake protocol messages are sent in the clear, with the exception
+of the key-exchange-related fields in the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message,
+some of which involve (public-key) encryption.
+The following notation is used for PCT messages:
+char FIELD1
+char FIELD2
+char THING_DATA[(MSB << 8)|LSB];
+This notation defines the data in the protocol message, including the
+message type code. The order is presented top to bottom, with the
+topmost element being transmitted first.
+For the "THING_DATA" entry, the MSB and LSB values are actually
+THING_LENGTH_MSB and THING_LENGTH_LSB (respectively) and define the
+number of bytes of data actually present in the message. For example,
+if THING_LENGTH_MSB were one and THING_LENGTH_LSB were four then the
+THING_DATA array would be exactly 260 bytes long. This shorthand is
+used below. Occasionally, a "THING_DATA" field is referred to as
+"THING", with the word "DATA" omitted.
+The names of message elements have prefixes that identify the messages
+in which they appear; these prefixes are sometimes omitted in the text
+when the containing messages are obvious.
+Length codes are unsigned values, and when the MSB and LSB are
+combined the result is an unsigned value. Length values are in bytes.
+5.2.1 CLIENT_HELLO (Sent in the clear)
+char CH_PAD
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+char CH_KEY_ARG_DATA[(MSB << 8)|LSB]
+When a client first connects to a server it is required to send the
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The server is expecting this message from the
+client as its first message. It is an ILLEGAL_MESSAGE error for a
+client to send anything else as its first message. The CLIENT_HELLO
+message begins with the PCT version number, and two fixed-length
+fields followed by an offset to the variable length data. The
+CH_OFFSET field contains the number of bytes used by the various
+fields (currently only length fields) that follow the offset field and
+precede the variable-length fields. For PCT version 1, this offset
+value is always PCT_CH_OFFSET_V1, i.e., ten. However, inclusion of
+this field will allow future versions to be compatible with version 1,
+even if the number of these fields changes: a version 1 server should
+be able to find all the PCT version 1 fields in a higher-version
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The CH_PAD field may contain any value.
+The CLIENT_HELLO message includes a string of random bytes used as
+challenge data from the client. Also, if the client finds a session
+identifier in its cache for the server, then that session-identifier
+data is sent. Otherwise, the special PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE value is
+used. In either case, the client specifies in CIPHER_SPECS_DATA,
+choices of symmetric cipher, key lengths, hash function, certificate,
+and asymmetric key exchange algorithm. However, if a session
+identifier is sent, then these choices are only relevant in the case
+where the server cannot recognize the session identifier, and a new
+session must therefore be initiated. If the server recognizes the
+session, then these fields are ignored by the server.
+The CHALLENGE_DATA field contains 32 bytes of random bits, to be used
+to authenticate the server. The CHALLENGE_DATA should be
+cryptographically random, in the same sense as the MASTER_KEY (see
+section 5.3.1).
+The CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field contains a list of possible symmetric
+ciphers supported by the client, in order of (the client's)
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+preference. Each element in the list is a four-byte field, of which
+the first two bytes contain a code representing a cipher type, the
+third byte contains the encryption key length in bits (0-255), and the
+fourth byte contains the MAC key length in bits, minus 64 (values
+0-255, representing lengths 64-319; this encoding enforces the
+requirement that the MAC key length be at least 64 bits). The entire
+list's length in bytes (four times the number of elements) is placed
+The HASH_SPECS_DATA field contains a list of possible hash functions
+supported by the client, in order of (the client's) preference. The
+server will choose one of these to be used for computing MACs and
+deriving keys. Each element in the list is a two-byte field
+containing a code representing a hash function choice. The entire
+length of the list (twice the number of elements) is placed in
+The CERT_SPECS_DATA field contains a list of possible certificate
+formats supported by the client, in order of (the client's)
+preference. Each element in the list is a two-byte field containing a
+code representing a certificate format. The entire length of the list
+(twice the number of elements) is placed in CERT_SPECS_LENGTH.
+The EXCH_SPECS_DATA field contains a list of possible asymmetric key
+exchange algorithms supported by the client, in order of (the
+client's) preference. Each element in the list is a two-byte field
+containing a code representing a key exchange algorithm type. The
+entire length of the list (twice the number of elements) is placed in
+The KEY_ARG_DATA field contains an initialization vector to be used in
+a reconnected session when the cipher type is a block cipher (any
+cipher type except PCT_CIPHER_RC4, and any key exchange type except
+PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1_TOKEN_RC4). If a new session is being requested
+(i.e., the value of CH_SESSION_ID_DATA is PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE), then
+KEY_ARG_LENGTH must be zero.
+The CLIENT_HELLO message must be the first message sent by the client
+to the server. After the message is sent the client waits for a
+SERVER_HELLO message. Any other message returned by the server (other
+than ERROR) generates the PCT_ERR_ILLEGAL_MESSAGE error.
+The server, on receiving a CLIENT_HELLO message, checks the version
+number and the offset field to determine where the variable-length
+data fields start. (The OFFSET value should be at least
+PCT_CH_OFFSET_V1.) The server then checks whether there is a non-null
+SESSION_ID field, and if so, whether it recognizes the SESSION_ID. In
+that case, the server responds with a SERVER_HELLO message containing
+a non-zero RESTART_SESSION_OK field, and the appropriate value (see
+below) in the RESPONSE and CONNECTION_ID fields. Otherwise, it checks
+in the CLIENT_HELLO message each contain at least one type supported
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+by the server. If so, then the server sends a SERVER_HELLO message to
+the client as described below; otherwise, the server detects a
+5.2.2 SERVER_HELLO (Sent in the clear)
+char SH_PAD
+The server sends this message after receiving the client's
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The PCT version number in SH_SERVER_VERSION is
+always the maximum protocol version that the server supports; the
+remainder of the message and all subsequent messages will conform to
+the format specified by the protocol version corresponding to the
+minimum of the client and server protocol version numbers. Unless
+there is an error, the server always returns a random value 32 bytes
+in length in the CONNECTION_ID field. This value doubles as challenge
+data if the server requests client authentication, and should
+therefore be random in the same sense as the challenge data in the
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The SH_PAD field may contain any value.
+There are two cases for RESTART_SESSION_OK. In the first case, the
+server returns a zero RESTART_SESSION_OK flag because the CLIENT_HELLO
+message did not contain a session id or because the one it contained
+is unrecognized by the server. In this case, the server must behave
+as follows:
+The server selects any choice with which it is compatible, from each
+lists supplied in the CLIENT_HELLO message. (These values are
+returned to the client in the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA,
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+respectively.) The certificate of the type specified in
+CERTIFICATE_DATA field. The SH_RESPONSE_DATA field is empty, and its
+length is zero.
+In the second case, the server returns a non-zero RESTART_SESSION_OK
+flag because the CLIENT_HELLO message contained a session-identifier
+known by the server (i.e. in the server's session-identifier cache).
+In this case, the server must behave as follows:
+The server omits the CERTIFICATE_DATA field (with CERTIFICATE_LENGTH
+set to zero), and sets the CIPHER_SPECS_DATA, HASH_SPECS_DATA,
+CERT_SPECS_DATA and EXCH_SPECS_DATA values to the values stored along
+with the session identifier. There are two subcases: (1) If the
+SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA does not refer to a TOKEN type, then the
+rederived using the MASTER_KEY from the old session, as well as the
+CLIENT_HELLO messages, respectively, for this connection. (2) If the
+SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA refers to a TOKEN type, then the keys from the
+on-going session are reused. In order to obtain fresh key material or
+change the sequence number, TOKEN implementations must use the redo
+handshake mechanism (PCT_ET_REDO_CONN security escape). When this
+mechanism is used with a TOKEN exchange type, the client must send
+PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE in the CH_SESSION_ID_DATA field of the subsequent
+CLIENT_HELLO message.
+The RESPONSE_DATA is constructed by computing the function
+The CH_CHALLENGE_DATA and CH_SESSION_ID_DATA values are found in the
+CLIENT_HELLO message for this connection. The SH_CONNECTION_ID_DATA
+value is from this SERVER_HELLO message. The SERVER_MAC_KEY is the
+one rederived for this connection as described in section 5.3.1. If
+the length of SERVER_MAC_KEY is not an exact multiple of eight bits,
+then SERVER_MAC_KEY is considered, for the purposes of MAC
+computation, to have (fewer than eight) zero bits appended to it, to
+create a string of an integral number of bytes for input into the MAC
+hash function. The hash function choice used is determined by the
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA field in this SERVER_HELLO message. The values are
+input into the interior invocation of the hash function in the exact
+order specified above, with the string in quotation marks representing
+actual ASCII text.
+In both reconnection cases, if the server requires client
+authentication, then the CLIENT_AUTH_REQ field is set to a non-zero
+value. Also, a list of (client) certificate types acceptable to the
+server, in order of (the server's) preference, is placed in the
+CLIENT_CERT_SPECS_DATA field, and a list of (client's) signature
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+algorithms supported by the server, in order of (the server's)
+preference, is placed in the CLIENT_SIG_SPECS_DATA field. The
+certificate type values in the list are from the same set of two byte
+codes used for the CERT_SPECS list appearing in the CLIENT_HELLO
+message, and the signature algorithm type codes are also two bytes
+long. (See section 5.3.4 and 5.3.5 below.) The lengths of the lists
+in bytes (twice the number of elements) are placed in the
+client authentication is required, then these length fields, as well
+as the CLIENT_AUTH_REQ field, are set to zero, and the corresponding
+data fields are empty.
+When the client receives a SERVER_HELLO message, it checks whether the
+server has accepted a reconnection of an old session or is
+establishing a new session. If a new session is being initiated, and
+client authentication is requested, then the client checks whether it
+is compatible with any of the certificate and signature types listed
+in the CLIENT_CERT_SPECS and CLIENT_SIG_SPECS lists. (Note that the
+server can make client authentication optional for the client simply
+by including PCT_CERT_NONE and PCT_SIG_NONE as a "last resort".) If
+the client can provide a compatible certificate, then it sends a
+CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message as described below; otherwise, it generates
+If the session is an old one, then the client establishes the new
+according to the cipher-specific rules described below in section
+5.3.1. The client then checks the contents of the RESPONSE_DATA field
+in the SERVER_HELLO message for correctness. If the response matches
+the value calculated by the client (exactly as described above for the
+server), then the handshake is finished, and the client begins sending
+data; otherwise, a SERVER_AUTH_FAILED error occurs.
+5.2.3 CLIENT_MASTER_KEY (sent in the clear, except for encrypted keys)
+char CMK_PAD
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+char CMK_KEY_ARG_DATA[(MSB << 8)|LSB]
+The client sends this message after receiving the SERVER_HELLO message
+from the server if a new session is being started or if client
+authentication has been requested. If no client authentication has
+been requested in the SERVER_HELLO message and an old session is being
+reconnected (i.e., if the CLIENT_AUTH_REQ field is zero and the
+RESTART_SESSION_OK field is nonzero), then the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY
+message is not sent.
+For TOKEN exchange types, both client and server (re)set the sequence
+numbers to zero when this message is sent/received.
+The contents of the CLEAR_KEY_DATA, ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA, and
+KEY_ARG_DATA fields depend on the contents of the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA
+and SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA fields in the preceding SERVER_HELLO message.
+These will be described for each possible choice of these values in
+section 5.3.1 and 5.3.2, along with how the various keys
+SERVER_MAC_KEY) are derived in each case. The CMK_PAD field may
+contain any value.
+The CMK_VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA field contains the value
+If the length of CLIENT_MAC_KEY is not an exact multiple of eight
+bits, then CLIENT_MAC_KEY is considered, for the purposes of MAC
+computation, to have (fewer than eight) zero bits appended to it, to
+create a string of an integral number of bytes for input into the MAC
+hash function. The hash function used is the one specified in
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA. The parameters are input into the hash function
+in the order presented above, with the strings in quotation marks
+representing ASCII text. Note that the client need only keep a
+"running hash" of all the values passed in these first two messages as
+they appear, then hash the result using the CLIENT_MAC_KEY when
+generated, to compute the value of VERIFY_PRELUDE.
+CMK_CLIENT_SIG_SPECS_DATA are both zero, and the CMK_CLIENT_CERT and
+CMK_RESPONSE_DATA fields are empty. Otherwise, the CMK_RESPONSE_DATA
+field contains the client's authentication response, and the
+contain the client's choices from the SH_CLIENT_CERT_SPECS_DATA and
+SH_CLIENT_SIG_SPECS_DATA lists, respectively. The
+CMK_CLIENT_CERT_DATA field contains the client's certificate, which
+must match the certificate type specified in the
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+CMK_CLIENT_CERT_SPECS_DATA field. Also, the public key in the
+certificate must be a signature key of the type specified in
+CMK_CLIENT_SIG_SPECS_DATA, which in turn must match one of the types
+CMK_RESPONSE_DATA is simply a digital signature, using the private
+signature key associated with the public key in the client's
+certificate, of the value in the CMK_VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA field. The
+signature algorithm is determined by the CMK_CLIENT_SIG_SPECS_DATA
+field. (Note that the signature algorithm may itself require that a
+hash function be applied to the data being signed, apart from the one
+used to compute the value in CMK_VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA.)
+Upon receiving a CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, the server performs the
+cipher-specific functions described in section 5.3 to establish the
+SERVER_MAC_KEY. The server then checks the VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA value,
+the client certificate, and the client response for correctness and
+validity (the latter two only if client authentication had been
+requested). The checks of the VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA and RESPONSE_DATA
+are performed by recomputing their correct value, and comparing with
+the values received. The certificate is verified using whatever
+mechanism has been implemented to validate certificates, and the
+signature in the RESPONSE_DATA field is verified using the
+verification algorithm associated with the signature scheme being
+used. If all of these values pass their checks, then the server sends
+the SERVER_VERIFY message; otherwise, an error occurs
+5.2.4 SERVER_VERIFY (Sent in the clear)
+char SV_PAD
+The server sends this message upon receiving a valid CLIENT_MASTER_KEY
+message from the client. The SV_PAD field may contain any value. If
+an old session is being reconnected, then the RESPONSE_DATA field is
+empty, its length is zero, and the SESSION_ID_DATA field may contain
+any value. Otherwise, the SV_SESSION_ID_DATA field contains a value
+32 bytes in length, which should be generated randomly (in the same
+sense as the CHALLENGE_DATA field in the CLIENT_HELLO message). The
+value PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE should not be used as a SV_SESSION_ID_DATA
+value. The contents of the SV_RESPONSE_DATA field are constructed by
+computing the function
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+The CH_CHALLENGE_DATA and SH_CONNECTION_ID_DATA values, the choice of
+hash function used, and the value of SERVER_MAC_KEY are determined by
+messages, respectively, immediately preceding the SERVER_VERIFY
+message. The values are input into the interior invocation of the
+hash function in the exact order specified above, with the string in
+quotation marks representing actual ASCII text. If the length of
+SERVER_MAC_KEY is not an exact multiple of eight bits, then
+SERVER_MAC_KEY is considered, for the purposes of MAC computation, to
+have (fewer than eight) zero bits appended to it, to create a string
+of an integral number of bytes for intput into the MAC hash function.
+When the client receives this message, it verifies the correctness of
+the response data, by computing the hash value as described above and
+comparing it with the one received. If it is correct, then the client
+proceeds with the first data record transmission; otherwise, a
+SERVER_AUTH_FAILED error occurs. An implementation may choose to send
+initial data immediately after the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, without
+waiting for the SERVER_VERIFY message to arrive, if verifying the
+server's identity before sending it any data is unimportant.
+5.3 Algorithm and Certificate Types
+5.3.1 Key Exchange Algorithms
+PCT version 1 permits the following key exchange types:
+Note that the token-based key exchange types specify cipher as well
+(including, implicitly, the FORTEZZA key exchange type); if one of
+these is chosen, then its choice of cipher overrides whatever choice
+of cipher appears in the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field of the
+SERVER_HELLO message.
+For the PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1 key exchange type, a MASTER_KEY value is
+generated by the client, which should be random in the following
+strong sense: attackers must not be able to predict any of the bits in
+the MASTER_KEY. It is recommended that the bits used be either truly
+random and uniformly generated (using some random physical process) or
+else generated using a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number
+generator, which was in turn seeded with a truly random and uniformly
+generated seed. This MASTER_KEY value is encrypted using the server's
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+public encryption key, as obtained from the server's certificate in
+the SH_CERTIFICATE_DATA field of the SERVER_HELLO message. The
+encryption must follow the RSA PKCS#1 standard format (see [2]), block
+type 2. This encryption is sent to the server in the
+CMK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA field of the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, and is
+decrypted by the server to obtain the MASTER_KEY.
+For the PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 key exchange type, a random private value x
+(generated in the same way as the MASTER_KEY above) and corresponding
+public value y are generated by the client following RSA PKCS#3
+standard format (see [3]). The value y is then sent to the server in
+The client's private value x, along with the public value y' included
+in the server's certificate in the SH_CERTIFICATE_DATA field of the
+SERVER_HELLO message, is used to generate the MASTER_KEY. The server
+uses its private value, x', along with the y value sent by the client,
+to obtain the same MASTER_KEY value.
+For the various TOKEN key exchange types, all the key material is
+contained in the CMK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA field, but the format of the
+data is defined by the token implementation, or by other future
+The length of the MASTER_KEY depends on the key exchange type. For
+the PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1 and PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 exchange types, the
+MASTER_KEY is a 128-bit value. The CLIENT_WRITE_KEY and
+SERVER_WRITE_KEY are computed as follows:
+CLIENT_WRITE_KEY_i = Hash( i, "cw", MASTER_KEY, "cw"^i,
+SERVER_WRITE_KEY_i = Hash( i, "svw", MASTER_KEY, "svw"^i,
+The values in quotation marks are treated as (sequences of) ASCII
+characters; "x"^i denotes i copies of the string "x" concatenated
+together. The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA. The parameters are input into the hash function
+in the order presented above; the variable i is input as a single-byte
+unsigned integer. The WRITE_KEYs (i.e., CLIENT_WRITE_KEY and
+SERVER_WRITE_KEY) are obtained by concatenating WRITE_KEY_1 through
+WRITE_KEY_m, where m is the negotiated encryption key length (the
+value in the third byte of the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field) divided by
+the hash output length, in bits, rounded up to the nearest integer.
+This resulting string is then truncated if necessary (by removing bits
+from the end) to produce a string of the correct length.
+The CLIENT_MAC_KEY and SERVER_MAC_KEY are computed as follows:
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY_i = Hash( i, MASTER_KEY, "cmac"^i,
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+CH_CHALLENGE_DATA, "cmac"^i )
+SERVER_MAC_KEY_i = Hash( i, MASTER_KEY, "svmac"^i,
+The values in quotation marks are treated as (sequences of) ASCII
+characters; "x"^i denotes i copies of the string "x" concatenated
+together. The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA. The parameters are input into the hash function
+in the order presented above; the variable i is input as a single-byte
+unsigned integer. The MAC_KEYs (ie., CLIENT_MAC_KEY and
+SERVER_MAC_KEY) are obtained by concatenating MAC_KEY_1 through
+MAC_KEY_m, where m is the negotiated MAC key length (64 plus the value
+in the fourth byte of the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field) divided by the
+hash output length, in bits, rounded up to the nearest integer. This
+resulting string is then truncated if necessary (by removing bits from
+the end) to produce a string of the correct length.
+Note that tokens which are capable of deriving keys using "keyed
+hashes", as described above, are free to use the PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1
+or PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 key exchange type to exchange the MASTER_KEY,
+and then to derive the rest of the keys normally. The TOKEN key
+exchange types are for tokens that cannot do such keyed-hash key
+derivation, and can only use an exchanged key for bulk encryption
+(of, for example, other keys). Such tokens can exchange multiple
+keys by using an initially exchanged MASTER_KEY to encrypt other
+keys, as described above.
+5.3.2 Cipher Types
+PCT version 1 permits the following cipher types to be specified:
+Each of these types is denoted by a two-byte code, and is followed in
+CIPHER_SPECS_DATA fields by two one-byte length specifications, as
+described in section 5.2.1. An encryption length specification of
+zero associated with any cipher denotes the choice of no encryption; a
+key exchange is performed in such cases solely to share keys for MAC
+computation. The MAC key length must always be at least 64 bits (see
+section 5.2.1).
+The CLEAR_KEY_DATA field is used only when encryption keys of length
+less than the standard length for the specified cipher are used;
+otherwise, the field is empty. When a key length is specified which
+is less than the standard key length for the specified cipher, then
+keys of the specified length are derived normally as described in
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+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+section 5.3.1, and then "expanded" to derive standard-length keys.
+The expansion proceeds as follows:
+1. Assign to d the result of dividing the standard key length for
+the cipher, in bits, by the output length of the hash function, in
+bits, rounded up to the nearest integer.
+2. Divide CLEAR_KEY_DATA sequentially into d equal subsegments.
+(Note that the length of the CLEAR_KEY_DATA field must therefore be a
+multiple of d bytes, and that no two of its d equal parts, when so
+divided, may be identical.) Denote these subsegments CLEAR_KEY_DATA_1
+through CLEAR_KEY_DATA_d.
+3. Compute the d hash values
+STANDARD_LENGTH_KEY_i := Hash( i, "sl"^i, WRITE_KEY, "sl"^i,
+The values in quotation marks are treated as (sequences of) ASCII
+characters; "x"^i denotes i copies of the string "x" concatenated
+together. The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA. The parameters are input into the hash function
+in the order presented above; the variable i is input as a
+single-byte unsigned integer. The WRITE_KEY is the encryption key
+(CLIENT_WRITE_KEY or SERVER_WRITE_KEY) being expanded to standard
+length. If the length of the WRITE_KEY is not an exact number of
+bytes, then its final byte is padded with zeroes to increase its
+length to an exact number of bytes.
+and then truncate as necessary (by removing bits from the end) to
+produce the STANDARD_LENGTH_KEY which is actually used for encryption.
+The KEY_ARG_DATA field contains a random eight-byte value to be used
+as an initialization vector (IV) for the first encrypted message when
+a block cipher (any cipher except RC4) is used. The IV for the first
+block encrypted in any subsequent encrypted message is simply the last
+encrypted block of the previous message. The KEY_ARG_DATA field is
+empty when cipher type PCT_CIPHER_RC4 (or key exchange type
+PCT_CIPHER_DES denotes DES (see [4]). Its standard key length is 56
+bits. PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 and PCT_CIPHER_DES_168 denote ciphers in
+which the input is first encrypted under DES with a first key, then
+"decrypted" under DES with a second key, then encrypted under DES with
+a third key. For PCT_CIPHER_DES_112, the first and third keys are
+identical, and correspond to the initial 56 bits of the 112-bit
+WRITE_KEY. The second key corresponds to the final 56 bits of the
+WRITE_KEY. For PCT_CIPHER_DES_168, the three keys are distinct, and
+correspond to the first, second, and third 56-bit subsegments of the
+WRITE_KEY. All three of these DES-based cipher types have 64-bit data
+blocks and are used with cipher block chaining (CBC).
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+The standard key lengths for PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 and PCT_CIPHER_DES_168
+are 112 bits and 168 bits, respectively. If a key length less than
+the standard length is specified for one of these ciphers (or for
+PCT_CIPHER_DES), then the WRITE_KEY is expanded to the standard length
+as described above.
+Note that before use, each 56-bit DES key must be "adjusted" to add
+eight parity bits to form an eight-byte DES key (see [4]). Similarly,
+if the specified WRITE_KEY length is less than its corresponding
+standard length, then each WRITE_KEY is expanded to the standard
+length using CLEAR_KEY_DATA as described above, to produce one, two,
+or three keys of 56 bits each, which are then each "adjusted" by
+adding parity bits to form an eight-byte key.
+PCT_CIPHER_IDEA denotes the IDEA block cipher (see [5]), with 64-bit
+data blocks and cipher block chaining. This cipher has a standard key
+length of 128 bits.
+PCT_CIPHER_RC2 denotes the RC2 block cipher, with 64-bit blocks and
+cipher block chaining. Like IDEA, this cipher has a standard key
+length of 128 bits.
+PCT_CIPHER_RC4 denotes the RC4 stream cipher. Like the IDEA and RC2
+block ciphers, this cipher has a standard key length of 128 bits.
+5.3.3 Hash Types
+PCT version 1 permits the following hash function types to be
+PCT_CIPHER_MD5 denotes the MD5 hash function (see [6]), with 128-bit
+output. PCT_CIPHER_MD5_TRUNC_64 denotes the MD5 hash function, with
+its 128-bit output truncated to 64 bits. PCT_HASH_SHA denotes the
+Secure Hash Algorithm (see [7]), with 160-bit output.
+PCT_HASH_SHA_TRUNC_80 denotes the Secure Hash Algorithm, with its
+160-bit output truncated to 80 bits. PCT_HASH_DES_DM denotes the
+DES-based Davies-Meyer hash algorithm (see [8]), with 64-bit output.
+5.3.4 Certificate Types
+PCT version 1 permits the following certificate types to be specified:
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+These types apply equally to the client's and server's certificates.
+PCT_CERT_NONE denotes that no certificate is necessary; this type can
+be included by, say, the server as a choice, thereby making
+authentication optional for the client. PCT_CERT_X509 denotes a
+CCITT X.509 standard-conformant certificate (see [9]).
+PCT_CERT_PKCS7 denotes an RSA PKCS#7 standard-conformant certificate
+(see [10]).
+5.3.5 Signature Types
+PCT version 1 permits the following signature key types to be
+PCT_SIG_NONE denotes that no signature is necessary; this type can be
+included by the server as a choice, thereby making authentication
+optional for the client. PCT_SIG_RSA_MD5 denotes the signature scheme
+consisting of hashing the data to be signed using the MD5 hash
+algorithm, and then performing an RSA private-key signature function
+(the inverse of RSA encryption) on the result. The signature must
+conform to RSA PKCS#1, block type 1 (see [2]). PCT_SIG_RSA_SHA
+denotes the same signature scheme with SHA substituted for MD5.
+PCT_SIG_DSA_SHA denotes the signature scheme consisting of hashing the
+data to be signed using the SHA hash algorithm, then computing a
+signature of the resulting value using the Digital Signature Algorithm
+(DSA; see [11]).
+5.4 Errors
+Error handling in the PCT protocol is very simple. When an error is
+detected during the handshake phase, the detecting party sends a
+message to the other party indicating the error so that both parties
+will know about it, and then closes the connection. If a party
+detects an error after it has sent its last handshake message, the
+detecting party simply closes the connection without sending an error
+message. In the second case there are only two possible errors, and
+the party that does not detect the error can distinguish them as
+follows: if the server sees an aborted connection and the most recent
+message it sent the client was a handshake message, then the error was
+Receiving an error message also causes the receiving party to close
+the connection. Servers and clients should not make any further use
+of any keys, challenges, connection identifiers, or session
+identifiers associated with such an aborted connection.
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+It is recommended that implementations perform some kind of alert or
+logging function when errors are generated to facilitate monitoring of
+various types of attack on the system.
+The message sent in the event of a handshake-phase error has the
+following form:
+The ERROR_INFO_LENGTH field is zero except in the case of the
+SPECS_MISMATCH error message, which has a six-byte ERROR_INFO_DATA
+The PCT Handshake Protocol defines the following errors:
+This error occurs when the client receives a SERVER_HELLO message in
+which the certificate is invalid, either because one or more of the
+signatures in the certificate is invalid, or because the identity or
+attributes on the certificate are in some way incorrect.
+This error occurs when the server receives a CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message
+from the client in which the client's authentication response is
+incorrect. The certificate may be invalid, the signature may be
+invalid, or the contents of the signed response may be incorrect.
+This error occurs under a number of circumstances. For example, it
+occurs when an unrecognized security escape code is received, when an
+unrecognized handshake message is encountered, or when the value of
+CH_OFFSET is to large for its CLIENT_HELLO message.
+This error occurs when either the client or the server receives a
+message in which the MAC_DATA is incorrect. It is also recommended
+that the record be treated as if it contained no data, in order to
+ensure that applications do not receive and process invalid data
+before learning that it has failed its integrity check.
+This error also occurs when the VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA value sent by the
+client in the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message (during the handshake phase)
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 25]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+is incorrect. In this case, an error message is sent.
+This error occurs when the client receives a SERVER_HELLO or
+SERVER_VERIFY message in which the authentication response is
+This error occurs when a server cannot find a cipher, hash function,
+certificate type, or key exchange algorithm it supports in the lists
+supplied by the client in the CLIENT_HELLO message. It also occurs
+when the client cannot find a certificate or signature type it
+supports in the list supplied by the server in a SERVER_HELLO message
+that requests client authentication. (Note that the client or server
+can select the "NONE" option as the last resort for any security
+feature it wishes to make optional. For example, the server can make
+client authentication optional for the client by passing a list of
+certificate and signature types, each list containing the "NONE" type
+as the last entry.) This error may also occur as a result of a
+mismatch in cipher specifications or client authentication requests
+between the initial specifications and those that resulted from a redo
+handshake sequence.
+The error message for this error includes a six-byte informational
+field, defined as follows:
+Each field is set to a non-zero value if and only if the corresponding
+list resulted in a mismatch. For example, if and only if the
+SPECS_MISMATCH error message is being sent because server failed to
+find a certificate type it supports in the list supplied by the client
+in the CH_CERT_SPECS_DATA field, then the SPECS_MISMATCH_CERT field in
+the error message would be non-zero.
+5.5 Constants
+Following is a list of constant values used in the PCT protocol
+version 1.
+5.5.1 Message type codes
+These codes are each placed in the first byte of the corresponding
+PCT handshake phase message.
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 26]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+PCT_MSG_ERROR := 0x05
+5.5.2 Specification Type Codes
+These are codes used to specify types of cipher, key exchange, hash
+function, certificate, and digital signature in the protocol.
+PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1 := 0x0001
+PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 := 0x0006
+PCT_CIPHER_DES := 0x0001
+PCT_CIPHER_IDEA := 0x0002
+PCT_CIPHER_RC2 := 0x0003
+PCT_CIPHER_RC4 := 0x0004
+PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 := 0x0005
+PCT_CIPHER_DES_168 := 0x0006
+PCT_HASH_MD5 := 0x0001
+PCT_HASH_MD5_TRUNC_64 := 0x0002
+PCT_HASH_SHA := 0x0003
+PCT_HASH_SHA_TRUNC_80 := 0x0004
+PCT_HASH_DES_DM := 0x0005
+PCT_CERT_NONE := 0x0000
+PCT_CERT_X509 := 0x0001
+PCT_CERT_PKCS7 := 0x0002
+PCT_SIG_NONE := 0x0000
+PCT_SIG_RSA_MD5 := 0x0001
+PCT_SIG_RSA_SHA := 0x0002
+PCT_SIG_DSA_SHA := 0x0003
+5.5.3 Error Codes
+These codes are used to identify errors, when they occur, in error
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 27]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+5.5.4 Miscellaneous Codes
+These include escape type codes, version numbers, and assorted
+constants associated with the PCT protocol.
+PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE := 0x00 (32 bytes of zeros)
+PCT_ET_OOB_DATA := 0x01
+PCT_VERSION_1 := 0x8001
+PCT_CH_OFFSET_V1 := 0x000A
+6. Security Considerations
+This entire document is about security.
+[1] K. Hickman and T. Elgamal. The SSL Protocol. Internet-draft,
+June 1995.
+[2] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard", Version
+1.5, November 1993.
+[3] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #3: "Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement
+Standard", Version 1.4, November 1993.
+[4] NBS FIPS PUB 46, "Data Encryption Standard", National Bureau of
+Standards, US Department of Commerce, Jan. 1977.
+[5] X. Lai, "On the Design and Security of Block Ciphers", ETH Series
+in Information Processing, v. 1, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 1992.
+[6] R. Rivest, RFC 1321: "The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm", April
+[7] NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, "Secure Hash Standard", National Institute
+of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce, Apr. 1995.
+[8] ISO/IEC 9797, "Data Cryptographic Techniques--Data Integrity
+Mechanism Using a Cryptographic Check Function Employing a Block
+Cipher Algorithm", 1989.
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 28]
+ Internet Draft The PCT Protocol November 1995
+[9] CCITT. Recommendation X.509: "The Directory - Authentication
+Framework". 1988.
+[10] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #7: Cryptographc Message Syntax
+Standard", Version 1.5, November 1993.
+[11] NIST FIPS PUB 186, "Digital Signature Standard", National
+Institute of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce, May
+[12] B. Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and
+Source Code in C", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994.
+[13] R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, L. Adelman, "A Method for Obtaining
+Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems" MIT Laboratory for
+Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, S.L. Graham,
+R.L. Rivest ed. Communications of the ACM, February 1978 (Vol 21,
+No. 2) pages 120-126.
+Patent Statement
+This version of the PCT protocol relies on the use of patented public
+key encryption technology for authentication and encryption. The
+Internet Standards Process as defined in RFC 1310 requires a written
+statement from the Patent holder that a license will be made
+available to applicants under reasonable terms and conditions prior
+to approving a specification as a Proposed, Draft or Internet
+See existing RFCs, including RFC 1170, that discuss known public key
+cryptography patents and licensing terms and conditions.
+The Internet Society, Internet Architecture Board, Internet
+Engineering Steering Group and the Corporation for National Research
+Initiatives take no position on the validity or scope of the patents
+and patent applications, nor on the appropriateness of the terms of
+the assurance. The Internet Society and other groups mentioned above
+have not made any determination as to any other intellectual property
+rights which may apply to the practice of this standard. Any further
+consideration of these matters is the user's own responsibility.
+Author's Address
+Josh Benaloh/Butler Lampson/Daniel R. Simon/Terence Spies/Bennet Yee
+Microsoft Corp.
+One Microsoft Way
+Redmond WA 98052
+This Internet-Draft expires 27 March 1996.
+Benaloh/Lampson/Simon/Spies/Yee [Page 29]
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+Internet Draft Daniel Simon
+ Microsoft Corp.
+ April 1996
+ The Private Communication Technology Protocol
+ <draft-benaloh-pct-01.txt>
+1. Status of this Memo
+This document is an Internet-Draft. Internet-Drafts are working
+documents of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas,
+and its working groups. Note that other groups may also distribute
+working documents as Internet-Drafts.
+Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
+material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".
+To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the
+"1id-abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet-Drafts Shadow
+Directories on (US East Coast),
+(Europe), (US West Coast), or (Pacific Rim).
+This Internet-Draft expires 10 October 1996.
+2. Abstract
+This document specifies Version 2 of the Private Communication
+Technology (PCT) protocol, a security protocol that provides privacy
+over the Internet. The protocol is intended to prevent eavesdropping
+on connection-based communications in client/server applications,
+with at least one of the two always being authenticated, and each
+having the option of requiring authentication of the other. PCT is
+somewhat similar to SSL ([1]); however, PCT version 1 corrects
+or improves on several weaknesses of SSL, and version 2 also adds a
+number of new features. PCT version 2 is fully compatible with PCT
+version 1.
+3. Introduction
+The Private Communication Technology (PCT) Protocol is designed to
+provide privacy between two communicating applications (a client and a
+server), and to authenticate at least one of the two (typically the
+server) to the other. The PCT Protocol is application
+protocol-independent. A "higher level" application protocol (e.g.
+HTTP, FTP, TELNET, etc.) can layer on top of the PCT Protocol
+In the PCT protocol, all data is transmitted in the form of
+variable-length records, each of which has a record header. These
+records are used to transmit both PCT protocol messages (including
+handshake, error, and key management messages) and application data
+messages. Exchanges of records between a client and server are
+grouped into "connections", which are in turn grouped into "sessions".
+Every PCT connection belongs to some particular session.
+Every PCT protocol connection begins with a handshake phase, during
+which a sequence of handshake messages (comprising the PCT Handshake
+Protocol) are exchanged, which negotiate a (symmetric) session key
+for the connection, as well as performing the requested
+authentications based on certified asymmetric public (signature or
+key exchange) keys (or on previously shared private "password" keys).
+Once transmission of application protocol data messages begins in a
+connection, all data (including error and key management messages) is
+encrypted using encryption keys derived from a "master key" exchanged
+during some handshake phase of the connection's session, as well as
+from the handshake messages that began the connection. In addition
+to encryption and authentication, the PCT protocol verifies the
+integrity of messages using a hash function-based message
+authentication code (MAC).
+PCT assumes a reliable transport protocol (e.g. TCP) for PCT record
+transmission and reception during the handshake phase (and
+afterwards as well in version 1); however, use of datagram records
+in version 2 makes it possible for individual records to be sent
+independently (as "datagrams"), with neither order nor eventual
+delivery guaranteed.
+It should be noted that the PCT protocol does not specify any details
+about verification of identities or certificates with respect to
+account administrators, certification authorities, revocation lists,
+and so on. Rather, it is assumed that protocol implementations have
+access to a "black box" which is capable of ruling on the validity of
+received identities and certificates in a manner satisfactory to the
+implementation's user. Such a ruling may, for instance, involve
+remote consultation with a trusted service, or even with the actual
+user through a text or graphic interface.
+The PCT protocol's compatibility with, and differences from, SSL
+([1]) are outlined in the specification of PCT version 1 ([2]).
+PCT version 2 is fully compatible with PCT version 1, in that an
+implementation of version 1 is a valid (though less feature-rich)
+implementation of version 2. If either the client or server (or
+both) identifies itself during the handshake phase as using PCT
+version 1, then the session conforms to the PCT version 1
+specification, and features introduced in version 2 are not available.
+PCT version 1 compatibility details are given in section 8.
+PCT version 2 is different from PCT version 1 in the following
+- PCT version 2 has a revised record format which allows handshake
+ records, error records and data records, as well as "key management"
+ and "datagram" records (two new record types) to be explicitly
+ recognized and distinguished from each other based on header
+ information. Record headers can also indicate continuations of
+ previous records, allowing protocol messages of any type to span
+ multiple records, just as user data already does in PCT version 1.
+ Finally, encapsulating user data in a new "data message" format
+ allows the invocation (using assigned data message types) of
+ intermediate processing, such as compression/decompression,
+- PCT version 2 "datagram" records are independently decryptable,
+ allowing encrypted data to be sent securely across unreliable
+ transports, where neither delivery nor correct order are
+ guaranteed.
+- PCT version 2 "key management" records allow encryption and/or
+ message authentication keys to be temporarily changed within a
+ session, to support the transport of pre-encrypted data.
+- PCT version 2 adds a "closing connection" key management message to
+ ensure that connections aren't prematurely closed by someone
+ unauthorized to do so.
+- PCT version 2 message authentication is altered to include record
+ headers.
+- The handshake phase of PCT version 2 allows a wider, more symmetrical
+ variety of authentication options: either client or server or both
+ may be authenticated, each by means of either a key exchange or
+ signature public key and certificate.
+- PCT version 2 allows a new "private" authentication type, in which
+ authentication is based on a previously shared identity-associated
+ private key, rather than a certified public key.
+4. PCT Record Protocol Specification
+4.1 Notation
+The following notation is used in this specification to represent
+data field formats in various protocol messages:
+char FIELD1
+char FIELD2
+char THING_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char ANOTHER_THING_DATA[([0]<<24)|([1]<<16)|([2]<<8)|[3]]
+The order is presented top to bottom, with the topmost field being
+transmitted first. The "FIELD1" and "FIELD2" fields are each one
+byte long; the "THING_LENGTH" and "ANOTHER_THING_LENGTH" fields have
+lengths of two and four bytes, respectively, as indicated by the
+numbers in square brackets following the field labels. Their bytes
+are indexed by their offset from the beginning of the field, starting
+with THING_LENGTH[0] and ANOTHER_THING_LENGTH[0], which are the
+first bytes transmitted in their respective fields.
+In the "THING_DATA" and "ANOTHER_THING_DATA" entries, the values in
+square brackets indicate byte offset indices in THING_LENGTH and
+ANOTHER_THING_LENGTH, respectively. As presented above, the notation
+refers to combining the bytes of the LENGTH field in order to form an
+unsigned integer, with the bytes arranged in decreasing order of
+significance. This integer defines the number of bytes of data in
+the corresponding DATA field. For example, if THING_LENGTH[0] were
+one and THING_LENGTH[1] were four then the THING_DATA array would be
+exactly 260 bytes long. And if the values of the four bytes of
+ANOTHER_THING_LENGTH were zero, one, two and four, respectively, then
+ANOTHER_THING_DATA would be exactly 66,052 bytes long. This
+shorthand form is used throughout the specification; occasionally, a
+"THING_DATA" field is referred to as "THING", with the word "DATA"
+Individual bits within a data field are denoted as follows:
+These bit identifiers correspond to the least, second-least and
+third-least significant bits (in that order) in a two-byte data
+field. The associated hexadecimal values consist of all zero bits
+except for the identified bit.
+Computations involving a hash function (sometimes iterated) are
+denoted as follows:
+COMPUTATION_RESULT_i = Hash( "ASCII string hash input 1"^i,
+HASH_INPUT_2, HASH_INPUT_3^i, Hash( "ASCII string hash input 4",
+HASH_INPUT_5, i ) )
+The values in quotation marks are treated as (sequences of) ASCII
+characters; "x"^i (or VARIABLE^i) denotes i copies of the string
+"x" (or variable VARIABLE, respectively) concatenated together. The
+parameters are input into the hash function in the order presented;
+the variable i, wherever it appears as an input value, is input as a
+single-byte unsigned integer. If any input has a length which is not
+an integral number of bytes, then (fewer than eight) zero bits are
+appended to its last byte to produce an input which is an integral
+number of bytes. The value of COMPUTATION_RESULT is obtained by
+concatenating the COMPUTATION_RESULT_i values in order, for values of
+i in a specified range. (If no subscript i is present in the
+specified formula, then the implied range includes only the value 1.)
+If the resulting value requires truncation, then the truncation is
+performed by removing bits from the end to obtain a string of the
+required length.
+In the case of elements of specifically named records or messages,
+the names of record or message elements have prefixes that identify
+the messages in which they appear. These prefixes are sometimes
+omitted in the text when the containing messages are obvious, or
+when the same elements have more than one possible prefix.
+4.2 PCT Record Format
+4.2.1 Record header format
+A PCT record consists of a four-byte header followed by a
+variable-length body. The maximum length of the body is 32763
+The PCT record header formats differ in versions 1 and 2. The
+version 2 record header will be described in this section; its
+compatibility with the version 1 header (which is described fully
+in [2]) is explained in section 8.
+The PCT version 2 record header has the following structure:
+RECORD_LENGTH is an unsigned integer representing the length of the
+(cleartext) data following the length field in the record header
+(including the RH_RECORD_TYPE field and the subsequent record body).
+The first (most significant) bit of the first (most significant)
+byte of this field is set to one, for backward compatibility reasons
+(see section 9); this bit must be reset to zero to obtain the
+correct unsigned integer value. Note that if encryption expands the
+length of the data, the length of the (fully or partially encrypted)
+record body plus RH_RECORD_TYPE field will not match the value in
+RECORD_LENGTH; the effect of each cipher on data length is described
+in section 6.1.5.
+RECORD_TYPE is a two-byte field indicating the type of contents in the
+record, and in particular, how the record should be processed. PCT
+version 2 defines a number of record type values for specific record
+types; other record types are used to identify PCT version 1 (or
+SSL version 2 or 3) connections, for appropriate processing. These
+RT_SSL_VERSION_2_SH and RT_SSL_VERSION_3, respectively. (Note that
+type RT_SSL_VERSION_3 is defined only on the first, or most
+significant, byte; the second, or least significant byte can have
+any value.) The normal PCT version 2 record types are RT_HANDSHAKE,
+associated record data formats are described in section 4.3. All
+other defined record types are reserved, and must never be used.
+One of them, RT_CD_RESERVED, is also explicitly defined to preclude
+use in future versions.
+4.3 PCT Record Body Formats
+4.3.1 Handshake Record Body Format
+PCT version 2 Handshake records (those with RECORD_TYPE
+RT_HANDSHAKE) have a very simple body format:
+char HS_MSG_TYPE[2]
+The possible HS_MSG_TYPE values are HS_CLIENT_HELLO,
+HS_CLIENT_VERIFY. HS_RECORD_FLAGS is a two-byte field containing
+informational flags about the handshake record. The only two flags
+defined in PCT version 2 are the last (least significant) two bits
+HS_FLAG_TO_BE_CONTD := 0x0001
+The last (least significant) bit, HS_FLAG_TO_BE_CONTD, indicates
+when set that the next record received of the same type is to be
+considered a continuation of the current one. The
+second-least-significant bit, HS_FLAG_CONTINUATION, indicates when
+set that the record is to be considered a continuation of the
+previous record received of the same type. (For PCT version 1
+compatibility reasons, a CLIENT_HELLO message must not be continued
+over more than one handshake record.) The remaining flag bits are
+reserved, and must be set to zero.
+The HS_HANDSHAKE_DATA field contains data from a PCT handshake
+message; the structure of these messages is described in section
+5.2. Note that a single handshake message may stretch across more
+than one handshake record; in that case the appropriate flags are set
+in the record header. (A restriction on how a handshake message is
+fragmented among records is given in section 5.2.)
+4.3.2 Datagram Records
+A datagram record is an independently decryptable data record; its
+enclosed data message can be decrypted, and its MAC checked,
+regardless of whether previous records were delivered in order (or
+at all). Datagrams can hence be used if the underlying transport
+does not guarantee in-order delivery of records; for example, it
+makes possible the transmission of "out-of-band" data for rapid
+delivery in a TCP connection.
+The format of PCT version 2 datagram records is as follows:
+char DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+The DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA field contains the key information necessary
+to perform decryption and MAC verification of the datagram record; its
+contents are described in section 6.1.3. The DG_ENCRYPTED_DATA field
+contains an encryption of ACTUAL_DATA (consisting of the ACTUAL_LENGTH
+bytes of the datagram's enclosed data message). The DG_MAC_DATA field
+contains the "Message Authentication Code" (MAC); its contents are
+described in section 7.3. Note that ACTUAL_LENGTH can be calculated
+length of the encrypted datagram record body plus RH_RECORD_TYPE field
+may be greater than RECORD_LENGTH, as a result of expansion during
+encryption; see section 6.1.5.
+4.3.3 Other Record Types
+The bodies of PCT version 2 key management, error and user data
+records (those with RECORD_TYPE RT_KEY_MGMT, RT_ERROR and
+RT_USER_DATA, respectively) contain encrypted data, in the following
+data format:
+The ENCRYPTED_DATA field contains an encryption of ACTUAL_DATA
+(consisting of the ACTUAL_LENGTH bytes of the enclosed data message).
+The MAC_DATA field contains the "Message Authentication Code" (MAC);
+its contents are described in section 7.3. ACTUAL_LENGTH can be
+calculated directly as RECORD_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH - 2.
+4.4 Key Management Messages
+Key management messages have the following format:
+char KM_WRITE_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+There are four possible values of KM_KEY_MGMT_TYPE:
+KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY (setting up the transmission of pre-encrypted data),
+KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY (used to end transmission of pre-encrypted data),
+KM_TYPE_REDO_HANDSHAKE (triggering a new run of the handshake
+protocol), and KM_TYPE_CLOSE_CONN (preceding the closure of a
+4.4.1 Preencrypted data
+A KM_KEY_MGMT_TYPE value of KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY indicates that the key
+management message contains a fixed encryption key with which
+subsequent data records will be encrypted until further notice.
+Using this type of key management message, a client or server can
+send data that has been pre-encrypted and stored in encrypted form.
+Note that pre-encrypted data can be pre-MAC'd as well. (See section
+7.3.) Note also that a key management message of this type must not
+be sent unless both client and server have indicated support for the
+pre-encrypted data feature during the handshake phase associated with
+this connection; see sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.
+In a message of type KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY, KM_NEW_CIPHER_TYPE contains a
+cipher type code, and KM_NEW_HASH_TYPE contains a hash function type
+code (see sections 6.2 and 6.3, respectively). These types must be
+supported by the receiver of this message, as indicated in during the
+handshake phase for this connection. (See sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2.)
+The fixed encryption key (WRITE_KEY) is sent in the field
+Note that the encryption and MAC calculation used for the key
+management message itself, and for subsequent non-data records, are
+not altered. However, subsequent data records in the same direction
+are encrypted using the WRITE_KEY sent in the KM_WRITE_KEY_DATA
+field, until a key management message of type KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY or
+KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY is sent and received, or until the connection
+closes. (Note that pre-encrypted data is not "nested"; a
+KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY message is treated as a KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY message
+immediately followed by a KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY message.)
+4.4.2 Restoring original key
+A key management message of type KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY restores the value
+of the encryption key used for data records transmitted in the same
+direction to the value originally negotiated during the handshake
+phase of the current connection. This key is used until the
+connection closes, or until a key management message of type
+In this message, the KM_CIPHER_TYPE and KM_HASH_TYPE messages are set
+to their original values negotiated during the handshake phase for
+the current connection. (See section 5.2.2.) The remaining data
+fields are empty, and their length is zero.
+4.4.3 Closing connection
+If both client and server indicated support for the "closing
+connection" feature during the handshake phase of the current
+connection (see sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2), then the connection is
+"closure-monitored", and closure of a connection is handled in a
+special way. Whenever a client or server is about to close a
+closure-monitored connection without an error, at any point following
+the completion of the handshake phase of the protocol, an exchange of
+key management messages of type KM_TYPE_CLOSE_CONN is initiated
+first. In both messages, the KM_NEW_CIPHER_TYPE and KM_NEW_HASH_TYPE
+fields contain the current cipher and hash types, respectively, and
+the remaining data fields are empty, with length zero. The sender of
+one of these messages simply waits for a message of the same type to
+be received in reply, then closes the connection; a receiver of such
+a message who has not yet sent one replies with a message of the same
+type, then closes the connection. A closure-monitored connection
+closed without an error before receipt of a message of this type
+results in a CONN_BROKEN error (see section 4.6).
+4.4.4 Redo handshake
+If both client and server indicated support for the "redo handshake"
+feature during the handshake phase of the current connection (see
+sections 5.2.1 and 5.2.2), then the connection is "redo-enabled", and
+either the client or the server may request, at any time after the
+handshake phase has been completed for a connection, that another
+handshake phase be performed for that connection. For example,
+either party may request another handshake phase instead of closing
+the connection in order to avoid allowing a sequence number to "wrap"
+beyond 0xFFFFFFFF (see section 7.3). In addition, it is recommended
+that implementations enforce limits on the duration of both
+connections and sessions, with respect to the total number of bytes
+sent, the number of records sent, the actual time elapsed since the
+beginning of the connection or session, and, in the case of sessions,
+the number of reconnections made. These limits serve to ensure that
+keys are not used more or longer than it is safe to do so; hence the
+limits may depend on the type and strength of cipher, key exchange and
+authentication used, and may, at the implementer's discretion, include
+indications from the application as to the sensitivity of the data
+being transmitted or received. They may be enforced using closure of
+the connection or (in a redo-enabled connection) "redo handshake" key
+management messages.
+To request a new handshake phase for the current connection, the
+sender (client or server) sends a key management message of type
+fields contain the current cipher and hash types, respectively, and
+the remaining data fields are empty, with length zero.
+There are several cases to consider to ensure that messages are
+dealt with in the correct order. The following rules ensure that the
+first messages in the redone handshake are always immediately preceded
+by a "redo handshake" key management message.
+If the client initiates the "redo handshake", it sends the "redo
+handshake" message immediately followed by a normal CLIENT_HELLO
+handshake message; the server, on receiving the "redo handshake"
+message, may be in one of two states. If the last message it sent
+was a "redo handshake" message, then it simply waits for the
+CLIENT_HELLO message; otherwise, it sends a "redo handshake" message
+in response, and then waits for the CLIENT_HELLO message.
+If the server initiates the "redo handshake", then the server sends
+the "redo handshake" message and simply waits for a "Redo Handshake"
+message in response; this "redo handshake" message should be
+immediately followed by a normal CLIENT_HELLO handshake message. The
+client, on receiving the server's "redo handshake" message, may be in
+one of two states. If the last two messages it sent were a "redo
+handshake" message followed by a CLIENT_HELLO message, then it simply
+waits for a SERVER_HELLO handshake message; otherwise, it sends a
+"redo handshake" message in response, followed by a CLIENT_HELLO
+message, and then waits for a SERVER_HELLO message.
+In all cases, the sender of the "redo handshake" message continues to
+process incoming messages, but may not send any non-handshake messages
+until the new handshake completes. If the connection is
+closure-monitored (see section 4.4.3), then the sending of an
+unprovoked "closing connection" key management message between the
+sending of a "redo handshake" message and the completion of the
+subsequent handshake is not permitted. However, in such connections
+the sender of a "redo handshake" message must be prepared to receive a
+"closing connection" message instead of a "redo handshake" message; in
+this case the sender responds with a "closing connection" message and
+closes the connection.
+The handshake phase that follows a "redo handshake" message exchange
+is a normal one in most respects; the client may request the
+reconnection of an old session or request that a new session be
+initiated, and the server, on receiving a reconnection request, can
+accept the reconnection or demand that a new session be initiated
+instead. If a new session is being established, then both client and
+server must request the same type of authentication requested in the
+previous session; if one or the other was not authenticated in the
+previous session, then requesting authentication from the
+non-authenticated party in the new handshake phase is permitted. Both
+parties must verify that the specifications negotiated previously in
+the session (cipher type, key exchange type, certificate type and
+certifier, hash function type, signature types, and so on), as well as
+any certificates exchanged, are identical to those found in the new
+handshake phase (with the exception of new types and certificates for
+an authentication performed in this handshake, but not in the previous
+one). A mismatch results in a SPECS_MISMATCH or BAD_CERTIFICATE
+error (see section 4.6.) This ensures that the security properties
+of the communication channel do not change for the worse.
+4.5 Data messages
+Data messages contain user data to be delivered back to the
+application using PCT. Each data record or datagram record contains
+exactly one data message (corresponding to the ACTUAL_DATA field
+in the description of these records), and data messages are never
+continued across multiple messages.
+PCT version 2 Data messages have the following format:
+The only defined MESSAGE_TYPE in PCT version 2 is DM_TYPE_USER_DATA;
+the data in messages of this type is presented directly to the
+application. However, implementations of PCT can assign types to
+other values to indicate types of preprocessing, such as particular
+compression/decompression algorithms, to be performed before passing
+the data in MESSAGE_DATA to the application. Such implementations
+should allow messages to be nested in the obvious way, with each
+preprocessing step yielding another data message of the correct
+format, and the last step yielding a data message of type
+DM_TYPE_USER_DATA. The permissible message types for a particular
+connection are negotiated during the handshake phase; see sections
+5.2.1 and 5.2.2. An unrecognized message type results in an
+ILLEGAL_MESSAGE error (see section 4.6).
+For message type DM_TYPE_USER_DATA, the DM_MESSAGE_DATA field
+contains user data to be passed to the application. For other
+message types, DM_MESSAGE_DATA contains data which, after the
+preprocessing determined by the message type, yields another data
+message. MESSAGE_LENGTH (for the data message directly contained in
+the data or datagram record) is calculated as ACTUAL_LENGTH - 2, or
+is contained in a datagram record and RECORD_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH - 4
+if it is contained in a data record.
+4.6 Error messages
+Error handling in the PCT protocol is very simple. When an error is
+detected before a connection is closed, the detecting party sends a
+message to the other party indicating the error so that both parties
+will know about it, and then closes the connection. In the case of
+closure-monitored connections (see section 4.4.3), the error message
+replaces the "closing connection" key management message. Receiving
+an error message also causes the receiving party to close the
+connection. (No "closing connection" message is ever sent in reply to
+an error message before closure.)
+Servers and clients should not make any further use of any keys,
+challenges, connection identifiers, or session identifiers associated
+with a connection aborted due to an error. It is recommended that
+implementations perform some kind of alert or logging function when
+errors are generated to facilitate monitoring of various types of
+attack on the system.
+Error messages have the following format:
+char ER_ERROR_TYPE[2]
+char ER_ERROR_INFO_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+The ERROR_INFO_LENGTH field is zero except in the case of the
+SPECS_MISMATCH error message, which has a two-byte ERROR_INFO_DATA
+field. Note that when an error message is sent before the end of
+the handshake phase of the protocol, the record containing it is left
+unencrypted, and its MAC is omitted.
+The following errors are defined in PCT version 2:
+This error occurs when the client or server receives a handshake
+message in which a key-exchange public key certificate is invalid,
+either because one or more of the signatures in the certificate is
+invalid, or because the identity or attributes on the certificate
+are in some way incorrect.
+This error occurs when the server receives a CLIENT_MASTER_KEY or
+CLENT_VERIFY message from the client in which the client's
+authentication response is incorrect. The certificate may be
+invalid, the signature may be invalid, or the contents of the signed
+response may be incorrect.
+This error occurs when a closure-monitored connection (see section
+4.4.3) is closed without an error message or a "closing connection"
+key management message having been received. Since this error only
+occurs after a connection has been closed, no error message is sent.
+This error occurs under a number of circumstances. For example, it
+occurs when an unrecognized handshake message is encountered, or when
+the value of CH_OFFSET is to large for its CLIENT_HELLO message.
+This error occurs when either the client or the server receives a
+record in which the MAC_DATA is incorrect. It is also recommended
+that such a record be treated as if had not been received, in order
+to ensure that applications do not receive and process invalid data
+before learning that it has failed its integrity check.
+This error occurs when the client receives a SERVER_HELLO or
+SERVER_VERIFY message in which the authentication response is
+This error occurs when a server cannot find a cipher, hash function,
+certificate type, or key exchange algorithm it supports in the lists
+supplied by the client in the CLIENT_HELLO message. This error may
+also occur as a result of a mismatch in cipher specifications or
+client authentication requests between the initial specifications and
+those that resulted from a redo handshake sequence.
+The error message for this error includes a two-byte informational
+field, with eight flags defined as follows:
+Each flag is set if and only if the corresponding list resulted in
+a mismatch. For example, if and only if the SPECS_MISMATCH error
+message is being sent because server failed to find a certificate
+type it supports in the list supplied by the client in the
+CH_CERT_LIST_DATA field, then the SPECS_MISMATCH_CERT flag in
+the error message would be non-zero. The SPECS_MISMATCH_COMBINATION
+flag indicates that while there were matches found in each
+individual category, all available certificates were incompatible
+with all the type entries in at least one of the relevant lists
+5. PCT Handshake Phase
+5.1 PCT handshake protocol overview
+5.1.1 PCT handshake protocol introduction
+The PCT Handshake Protocol (version 2) is performed during the
+handshake phase at the start of every connection, and is used to
+negotiate security enhancements (authentication, symmetric
+encryption, and message integrity) to data sent during the rest of
+the connection.
+The version 2 PCT Handshake Protocol consists of five messages, sent
+respectively by the client, then server, then client, then server,
+then client, in that order. (Moreover, under certain circumstances,
+some or all of the last three messages are omitted.) The messages
+The general contents of these messages depend upon two criteria:
+how/if a "master key" for the session is to be exchanged, and how/if
+each of the client and server are to be authenticated. At least one
+of the two must be authenticated by some means; authentication of
+either--or both--may be based on either a key exchange, a digital
+signature, or (for one of the two) a previously shared "password"
+key, or, in the case of a connection in the same session as a
+previous one, on a "master key" shared previously in the session.
+The first criterion is determined by the client and server together:
+first, the CLIENT_HELLO message may contain a request to "reconnect"
+using a previously shared master key from a particular session (in
+which case no new key exchange is necessary). The SERVER_HELLO
+message will either confirm a requested continuation of the session
+through the new connection, or require that a new session be
+initiated, with a new key exchange. PCT version 2 supports
+RSA {TM} -based key exchange (see [14], [3]), Diffie-Hellman key
+exchange (see [4], [15]) and FORTEZZA KEA token key exchange. The
+chosen key exchange is used by client and server in the case of a new
+session to obtain a new shared master key. This master key is used to
+derive keys for encryption and message integrity (or "message
+authentication") for the connection and for other connections
+associated with the same session. Note that key exchanges have an
+implicit associated direction, with a master key being, in effect,
+sent from one party to the other (literally in the case of RSA key
+exchange, and more metaphorically in the case of
+Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA key exchange). Hence a direction must
+also be chosen for the exchange. In fact, the parties may agree to
+perform two key exchanges, one in each direction; in that case, the
+master key for the session is computed using both of the sent keys.
+In this document, the term "encrypted master key" refers either to an
+RSA-encrypted master key, or to the second (typically uncertified)
+Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA public value sent in a Diffie-Hellman or
+FORTEZZA KEA key exchange. The key exchange is said to be directed
+towards the receiver of this encrypted master key.
+The second criterion is determined in a similar fashion: if the
+connection is the first of a new session, then the client may request
+authentication of the server by key exchange, or by digital signature,
+or by private password, or by any one of a specified subset of these
+options. The client also offers the server a choice among the client
+authentication options (from among these choices) available. The
+server, in turn, selects a preferred authentication method if a choice
+is offered, and may make a similar request from among the client
+authentication options offered. All these authentications are "linked"
+to the key exchange performed during the handshake, so that not only
+the identity of the authenticated party, but also that party's
+association to the handshake's key exchange as performed, is verified.
+If no key exchange is performed, then both client and server are
+authenticated using the shared master key for the reconnected session,
+rather than any of the methods described above.
+In addition to key exchange and authentication, the handshake protocol
+performs two other tasks: negotiation of cryptographic parameters,
+and handshake verification. The first is accomplished by the
+CLIENT_HELLO and SERVER_HELLO messages. The CLIENT_HELLO includes a
+list of codes for acceptable types of symmetric cipher and
+cryptographic hash function for use during the session, as well as
+key exchange and signature algorithms, certificate types and
+certifiers, and authentication methods acceptable for use during the
+handshake protocol. The server responds in the SERVER_HELLO message
+with its choices from among these lists of acceptable types. The
+second task is performed during the first authentication; it is based
+on a cryptographic hash of all the handshake message data passed up to
+that point. Verification of this authenticated hash value by its
+receiver assures that the handshake was not tampered with in transit.
+5.1.2 PCT handshake authentication
+The four types of authentication permissible in PCT version 2 are
+key-exchange, digital signature, private password, and reconnection.
+Each follows a particular protocol flow, which is essentially
+independent of which party is being authenticated (except regarding
+the assignment of roles to the client and server). In each case,
+client and server both issue random challenges (in the CLIENT_HELLO
+and SERVER_HELLO messages, respectively); these challenges, and
+all information exchanged up to and including the completion of
+the key exchange(s), are incorporated into an authentication
+response by the party being authenticated (the "responder", as
+opposed to the "challenger", to whom the response is sent). Hence
+the authentication response cannot be sent until the sending of both
+challenges, as well as the key exchange(s), have been completed
+(although it may appear in the last message which contributes to one
+of these).
+In key-exchange-based authentication, the responder sends a certified
+public key, which the authenticating party (the "challenger") uses to
+send a master key. In the case of Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA key
+exchange, the challenger's value is normally randomly chosen, whereas
+the responder's is fixed and certified; the master key computed by
+the challenger can also be derived using the responder's private key
+and the challenger's sent value. In the case of RSA key exchange, the
+master key is randomly chosen at the time of the key exchange by the
+challenger and encrypted using the responder's certified public key.
+The responder then combines the received master key (which may first
+be combined with another sent master key, in the case of two-way key
+exchange) with all handshake message data sent so far, including both
+challenges and all of the key exchange data, to compute a response.
+This response is in the form of a keyed hash, which is verified by the
+challenger to confirm that the responder could derive the master key
+correctly, and therefore holds the correct private key. (A keyed hash
+is simply the application of a cryptographic hash function to a key
+and some other input data; the assumed properties of the hash function
+make the function result for any other data input infeasible to
+compute for anyone not possessing the key.)
+A key-exchange-based authentication therefore has the following
+message flow:
+Challenger Responder
+---------- ---------
+Challenger's Responder's
+Challenge Challenge
+ [Certified public
+ key-exchange key]
+Random encrypted
+master key/public
+Diffie-Hellman value
+ Keyed hash response
+The challenges always appear in the CLIENT_HELLO and SERVER_HELLO
+messages. The certified key may not need to be sent, if the
+responder already possesses it (perhaps from a previous session).
+In signature-based authentication, the responder simply sends a
+certified digital signature public key, accompanied by a digital
+signature, using the associated private key, of a cryptographic hash
+of all handshake messages up to the one being sent. (Note that this
+value is therefore derived from the completed key exchange, as well
+as both challenges). The challenger verifies the signature using
+the responder's certified public key. A signature-based
+authentication has the following message flow:
+Challenger Responder
+---------- ---------
+Challenger's Responder's
+Challenge Challenge
+ Key Exchange(s)
+ Certified public
+ signature key,
+ signature response
+Again, the challenge messages always appear in the CLIENT_HELLO and
+SERVER_HELLO messages. The public key certificate may not be
+necessary, but is sent regardless, since it can accompany the
+digital signature in the same message, and therefore has no cost in
+extra messages. A certificate-identifying code may be used in its
+place if understood by both parties; see section 6.4.
+Password-based authentication is similar to signature-based
+authentication; the exchanged master key is combined with the
+shared password and all the handshake message data sent so far,
+including the identity of the responder, the exchanged master key
+and both challenges, to produce a keyed hash response which is sent
+by the responder and verified by the challenger.
+A special case of this authentication is a doubly-certified
+Diffie-Hellman key exchange, in which one party is authenticated by
+certified Diffie-Hellman key-exchange public key, and the challenger's
+sent value is not random but rather another certified Diffie-Hellman
+public key. In this case, the challenger's identity is represented
+by the certificate for the public value sent, and the exchanged
+master key received by the responder is also treated simultaneously
+as the challenger's password. (If both parties are to be
+authenticated by certified Diffie-Hellman key exchange, then each
+sends a randomly chosen public value to the other, and the final
+master key is obtained by combining the two keys exchanged.)
+It is recommended that shared private keys used for password-based
+authentication be machine-generated and cryptographically random in
+the same sense as the master key (see section 6.1.3). However,
+because the distribution of password-style shared private keys is
+outside the scope of this protocol, and is therefore vulnerable to
+possible insecure implementations, the following constraints on
+password-based authentication are imposed:
+1. Only one of the client and server, not both, may be
+authenticated using password-based authentication.
+2. Password-based authentication may only be used if the other party
+is also authenticated, using either key exchange- or signature-based
+3. If the other party is authenticated using signature-based
+authentication, then the password-based authentication response must
+be sent only after the other party's authentication response has been
+sent and verified.
+These constraints protect poorly chosen password-style shared private
+keys from off-line brute force attacks. However, even a well-chosen
+shared private key is vulnerable if not kept strictly confidential
+by both parties sharing it. Implementations must therefore ensure
+this confidentiality. Poorly-chosen or poorly-guarded passwords are
+of course still vulnerable to other attacks.
+A password-based authentication has the following message flow:
+Challenger Responder
+---------- ---------
+Challenger's Responder's
+Challenge Challenge
+ Key Exchange(s)
+ responder's identity/
+ certified D-H public
+ value, keyed hash response
+Finally, in the case of authentication based on a master key exchanged
+earlier in the session, the response is computed from both challenges,
+the shared master key, and the session identifier. (The client's
+response is in fact implicit; by computing a correct MAC for its first
+data message, the client demonstrates its possession of the session's
+master key.) This authentication has the following flow:
+Challenger Responder
+---------- ---------
+Challenger's Responder's
+Challenge Challenge
+ keyed hash response
+5.1.3 Handshake key exchange
+In the full handshake protocol, authentications are interleaved with
+at least one key exchange (and with each other, if both client and
+server are being authenticated). The interleaving is designed to
+compress the authentications and key exchange(s) into as few
+messages as possible. For example, a client has the option of
+sending an encrypted public key and/or (possibly certified)
+key-exchange public key in the CLIENT_HELLO message, along with its
+challenge. The latter allows the client to "receive" a
+client-directed key exchange, while the former initiates a
+server-directed key exchange. However, the client may not have the
+server's key-exchange public key, and may not anticipate a request for
+a client-directed key exchange; hence, sending of the encrypted master
+key and/or client key-exchange certificate may be postponed to the
+In general, each possible key exchange has a "regular" and "quick"
+flow. A client-directed key exchange may occur beginning in the
+CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, when the client sends a (possibly
+certified) key-exchange public key, then continues in the
+SERVER_VERIFY message with the server sending an encrypted master
+key. In the quick version, the client may (or may not) send the
+(certified) public key in the CLIENT_HELLO message, and the server,
+upon receiving it (or having received it at some time in the past)
+sends an encrypted master key in the SERVER_HELLO message. Similarly,
+normal server-directed key exchange begins in the SERVER_HELLO message
+with a (possibly certified) key-exchange public key, and continues
+with an encrypted master key in the following CLIENT_MASTER_KEY
+message. In the quick version, the client, having received the
+server's public key previously, sends an encrypted master key
+immediately, in the CLIENT_HELLO message.
+5.1.4 PCT Handshake Protocol flow
+The contents of PCT version 2 handshake protocol can be summarized as
+The CLIENT_HELLO message contains a random authentication challenge
+to the server and a request for the type and level of cryptography,
+certification, authentication and (if necessary) digital signature
+to be used for the session, if it is to be a new one. If the client
+is attempting to continue an old session, then it also supplies that
+session's identifier. The client can also send a "quick
+certificate", in anticipation of a client authentication request from
+the server, and even a "quick master key", if the client already has
+a satisfactory server's key-exchange public key.
+If the server accepts the old session identifier, then the
+SERVER_HELLO message contains a response to the client's challenge,
+and a random connection identifier which doubles as a random challenge
+to the client. The handshake is then finished (although an
+authentication of the client is implicit in the MAC included with the
+client's first data message).
+In the case of a new session, the SERVER_HELLO message contains a
+random connection identifier; this identifier doubles as an
+authentication challenge to the client if the server desires client
+authentication. The server also responds with its choices for type
+and level of cryptography, certification, authentication and (if
+necessary) digital signature (from among those offered by the
+client). In addition, the server sends a certificate for the type of
+authentication requested by the client (if any), and sends a "quick
+master key" and/or "quick response" in response to the client's
+"quick certificate" and/or "quick master key", respectively, if
+appropriate. In the latter case, the response may require an
+accompanying digital signature public-key certificate or "identity
+indicator" (directing the client to the correct shared password),
+and the handshake protocol completes at this point if no client
+authentication is required.
+The CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message sent by the client (assuming that it
+is necessary) includes a (possibly certified) key-exchange public key,
+if requested by the server. It also contains an encrypted master key,
+if the server sent a key-exchange public key, and an authentication
+response (accompanied by an identity indicator or digital signature
+public key certificate, if appropriate) if client authentication by
+signature or password was requested, and the key exchange has been
+completed. If the server's authentication response has also been
+received (or was not required), then the handshake protocol completes
+at this point.
+The SERVER_VERIFY message sent next by the server, if necessary,
+contains an encrypted master key sent to the client, if requested,
+and/or an authentication response (possibly accompanied by a digital
+signature public key certificate or identity indicator) to the
+encrypted master key sent in the previous message. Unless the former
+requires an authentication response, the protocol completes at this
+Finally, the CLIENT_VERIFY message, if needed, contains the client's
+authentication response to the key exchange completed by the
+encrypted master key sent in the SERVER_VERIFY message.
+Usually the client or server can safely begin sending data records
+on the underlying transport immediately following its own last
+handshake message, without waiting for a response even if one is
+expected. In most instances, therefore, PCT adds only a single
+round-trip to the connection's setup cost. Sometimes the cost is
+even less; for instance, a server can begin sending data immediately
+after sending the SERVER_HELLO message if the client initiated a
+quick server-directed key exchange and only server authentication
+is required, or if a successful reconnection of an established
+session has occurred (note that in this case the client cannot send
+data until receiving the SERVER_HELLO message containing the server's
+5.2 PCT Handshake messages
+PCT version 2 Handshake messages are sent in handshake records, whose
+format is described in section 4.3.1. These records are sent in the
+clear (unencrypted), although some of the key-exchange-related fields
+involve (public-key) encryption. A single handshake message may span
+across more than one handshake record; however, only data fields
+associated with four-byte length fields may do so. These fields are
+always the last ones in a message; the remaining ones (including all
+length fields) must be contained within the first handshake record
+used for the handshake message. (Note that for PCT version 1
+compatibility reasions, the CLIENT_HELLO message has no such fields.)
+char CH_OFFSET[2]
+char CH_CIPHER_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_HASH_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_CERT_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_EXCH_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_KEY_ARG_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_MSG_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_SIG_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_CERTIFIER_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_QUICK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA[([1] << 8)|[1]]
+char CH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+When a client first connects to a server it is required to send the
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The server is expecting this message from the
+client as its first message. It is an ILLEGAL_MESSAGE error for a
+client to send anything else as its first message. The CLIENT_HELLO
+message begins with two fixed-length fields followed by a two-byte
+version number and an offset to the variable length data. The
+version number field CH_CLIENT_VERSION is always set to
+PCT_VERSION_V2 in PCT version 2. The CH_OFFSET field contains the
+number of bytes used by the various fields (length fields plus the
+AUTH_OPTIONS field) that follow the offset field and precede the
+variable-length fields. For PCT version 2, this offset value is
+always PCT_CH_OFFSET_V2, i.e., 24. However, inclusion of this field
+will allow future versions to be compatible with version 2, even if
+the number of these fields changes, just as inclusion of this field
+helps make PCT version 2 CLIENT_HELLO messages understandable to PCT
+version 1 servers.
+The CH_CHALLENGE_DATA field is a string of 30 bytes of random bits, to
+be used as authentication challenge data from the client. The
+CHALLENGE_DATA should be cryptographically random, in the same sense
+as the MASTER_KEY (see section 6.1.3). If the client finds a
+session identifier in its cache for the server, then that
+session-identifier data is sent in the field CH_SESSION_ID_DATA.
+Otherwise, the special PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE value is used. In either
+case, the client specifies in CIPHER_LIST_DATA, HASH_LIST_DATA,
+EXCH_LIST_DATA and SIG_LIST_DATA its preferred choices of symmetric
+cipher, key lengths, hash function, asymmetric key exchange algorithm
+and digital signature algorithm. However, if a session identifier is
+sent, then these choices are only relevant in the case where the
+server cannot recognize the session identifier, and a new session
+must therefore be initiated. If the server recognizes the session,
+then these fields are ignored by the server. Similarly, if the
+client requires server authentication in the event of a new session
+initiation, then the CERT_LIST_DATA and CERTIFIER_LIST_DATA lists
+contain the client's preferred choices of certificate type and
+certifier; otherwise, these lists are empty, and their length is
+zero. Finally, the MSG_LIST_DATA list contains a list of data
+message types (other than the DM_TYPE_USER_DATA) supported by the
+client; if the client supplies a session identifier and the server
+recognizes it, then this list is ignored, and the list negotiated
+previously in the session is used instead.
+The AUTH_OPTIONS field contains the values of twelve flags that
+determine the flow of the remainder of the protocol if a new session
+is being initiated. The flags are associated with the twelve
+low-order bits of the AUTH_OPTIONS field, and are named, in order
+(from least to most significant bit), as follows:
+CH_OFFER_AUTH_SIG := 0x0040
+If the CH_DEMAND_KEY_EXCH_SEND flag is set to one, then the client
+requires that the server accept an encrypted master key from the
+client as part of the key exchange. If the CH_OFFER_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE
+flag is set to one, then the client is willing to receive an encrypted
+master key from the server as part of the key exchange. If both flags
+are set, then both conditions hold; the client requires that the
+server receive a key exchange, and will also accept one, at the
+server's option. In the case of uncertified Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA
+KEA key exchange, the flags simply refer to the "receiver" sending the
+public value first, followed by the "sender"; in other cases, the
+holder of the private key associated with the RSA public key or
+certified Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA public value is always the
+"receiver". (Doubly certified Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA key
+exchange is discussed in section 5.1.2.) Note that both client and
+server are assumed willing to be the (possibly sole) sender of an
+encrypted master key; hence, even if the CH_DEMAND_KEY_EXCH_SEND flag
+is set to zero, and the CH_OFFER_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE flag is set to one,
+the client has neither ruled out being the sender, nor demanded to be
+the receiver, of an encrypted master key.
+The six AUTH flags refer to types of authentication: the client
+requires the server to authenticate by one of the means for which the
+associated CH_DEMAND_AUTH flag is set to one, and offers to
+authenticate itself, at the server's option, by any of the means for
+which the associated CH_OFFER_AUTH flag is set to one. (The
+abbreviations "KEY_EXCH", "SIG" and "PASSWORD" stand for
+key-exchange-based, digital signature-based and shared password-based
+authentication, respectively.) The settings of the flags must be
+consistent with at least one key exchange and one authentication
+occurring; i.e., at least one of the six authentication flags and at
+least one of the two key exchange flags must be set to one. Moreover,
+the constraints on password-based authentication must be obeyed. (See
+sections 5.1.2 and 7.2.)
+The CH_REQUEST_RECONNECT flag indicates, when set to one, that the
+client is requesting that the current connection be part of an
+existing session; in this case, the CH_SESSION_ID field must contain
+that session's identifier. The CH_REQUEST_CLOSURE_MON flag
+indicates, when set to one, that the client wishes the current session
+to be closure-monitored (see section 4.4.3). The
+CH_REQUEST_REDO_ENABLE flag indicates, when set to one, that the
+client wishes the current session to be redo-enabled (see section
+4.4.4). Finally, the CH_OFFER_CERTIFIER_TRYOUT flag indicates, when
+set to one, that the list of acceptable certifiers in
+CH_CERTIFIER_LIST is not exhaustive (see below).
+The CIPHER_LIST_DATA field contains a list of possible symmetric
+ciphers supported by the client, in order of (the client's)
+preference. Each element in the list is a four-byte field, of which
+the first two bytes contain a code representing a cipher type, the
+third byte contains the encryption key length in bits (0-255), and the
+fourth byte contains the MAC key length in bits, minus 64 (values
+0-255, representing lengths 64-319; this encoding enforces the
+requirement that the MAC key length be at least 64 bits). The entire
+list's length in bytes (four times the number of elements) is placed
+The HASH_LIST_DATA field contains a list of possible hash functions
+supported by the client, in order of (the client's) preference. The
+server will choose one of these to be used for computing MACs and
+deriving keys. Each element in the list is a two-byte field
+containing a code representing a hash function choice. The entire
+length of the list (twice the number of elements) is placed in
+The CERT_LIST_DATA field contains a list of possible certificate
+formats supported by the client, in order of (the client's)
+preference. Each element in the list is a two-byte field containing a
+code representing a certificate format. The entire length of the list
+(twice the number of elements) is placed in CERT_LIST_LENGTH.
+The EXCH_LIST_DATA field contains a list of possible asymmetric key
+exchange algorithms supported by the client, in order of (the
+client's) preference. Each element in the list is a two-byte field
+containing a code representing a key exchange algorithm type. The
+entire length of the list (twice the number of elements) is placed
+The KEY_ARG_DATA field contains an initialization vector to be used in
+a reconnected session when the cipher type is a block cipher (see
+section 6.1.5). If a new session is being requested (i.e., if the
+CH_REQUEST_RECONNECT flag is set to zero), then KEY_ARG_LENGTH must
+be zero.
+The MSG_LIST_DATA field contains a list of data message types (other
+than DM_TYPE_USER_DATA) supported by the client. Each element in the
+list is a two-byte field containing a code representing a data message
+type. The entire length of the list (twice the number of elements) is
+placed in MSG_LIST_LENGTH.
+The SIG_LIST_DATA field contains a list of possible signature
+algorithms supported by the client, in order of (the client's)
+preference. Each element in the list is a two-byte field containing
+a code representing a signature algorithm type. The entire length
+of the list (twice the number of elements) is placed in
+The CERTIFIER_LIST_DATA field contains a list of identifiers of
+possible certificate sources recognized by the client, in order of
+(the client's) preference. Each element in the list is a
+zero-delimited string. The entire length of the list is placed in
+CERTIFIER_LIST_LENGTH. A client may indicate, by setting the
+CH_OFFER_CERTIFIER_TRYOUT flag to one, that the certifier list does
+not imply rejection of all other certifiers; for example, the client
+may provide an abbreviated (or even empty) certifier list to avoid
+constructing an exhaustive list of accepted certifiers, or may lack
+a naming convention for certifiers known to be compatible with that
+of the server. The client may still in that case reject a
+certificate offered by the server.
+The CH_QUICK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field may, at the client's option,
+contain a (possibly certified) key-exchange public key. If the
+field is non-empty, then the CH_OFFER_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE flag must
+be set to one. If the CH_OFFER_AUTH_KEY_EXCH flag is also set to
+one, then the CH_QUICK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field, if non-empty,
+contains a certificate (including key-exchange public key); otherwise
+the field, if non-empty, contains an uncertified key exchange public
+value. The exact format of this field is described in section
+6.1.2. If the client expects the server to demand client
+authentication by key exchange, then this public key/certificate may
+expedite the expected key exchange/authentication; however, the server
+may still indicate in the subsequent SERVER_HELLO message that a
+public key or certificate of another type (or from a different
+certifier) is required.
+fields may, at the client's option, contain, respectively, the public
+value from a key-exchange public key certificate attributed to the
+server, and an encrypted master key (or Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA
+public value) decryptable by the holder of the private key associated
+with the certified key-exchange public key. The format of these
+fields is described in section 6.1.2. If the client already
+possesses a certified key-exchange public key belonging to the server,
+then use of these fields will expedite the resulting key exchange.
+However, in unusual circumstances, the server may still "disavow" the
+key exchange--that is, refuse to receive it, and offer only some
+other key exchange type, direction or certificate. (For example, the
+public key used by the client may be incorrect or out-of-date.) Note
+that if these fields are used by the client, then the
+CH_REQUEST_KEY_EXCH_SEND flag must be set to one.
+The server, on receiving a CLIENT_HELLO message, checks the version
+number and the offset field to determine where the variable-length
+data fields start. (The OFFSET value should be at least
+PCT_CH_OFFSET_V2 for versions 2 and higher.) The server then checks
+whether the CH_REQUEST_RECONNECT flag is set to one, and if so,
+whether it recognizes the SESSION_ID. In that case, the server
+responds with a SERVER_HELLO message with the SH_ACCEPT_RECONNECT
+flag set, and the appropriate values (see below) in the RESPONSE and
+Otherwise, it examines the CIPHER_LIST and HASH_LIST lists in the
+CLIENT_HELLO message to select a cipher and hash function. The
+server also examines the AUTH_OPTIONS flags and CERT_LIST,
+CERTIFIER_LIST, SIG_LIST and EXCH_LIST lists to select a key
+exchange type and direction(s) and an authentication combination for
+itself (including authentication type, certificate type and
+certifier) which is acceptable to both the client and the server, if
+one or more of the CH_DEMAND_AUTH flags were set. Finally, the
+server examines the same lists to choose a sublist from each with
+which it is compatible, if it requires client authentication as well.
+If such selections are possible, then the server sends a SERVER_HELLO
+message to the client as described below; otherwise, the server
+detects a SPECS_MISMATCH error. The server also examines the quick
+key-exchange public value (if sent) for compatibility, and/or
+decrypts the quick encrypted master key, if possible.
+char SH_ALT_CIPHER_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_ALT_HASH_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_MSG_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_EXCH_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_CERT_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_SIG_LIST_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_RESPONSE_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SH_CERTIFIER_LIST_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+char SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+char SH_SIG_CERT_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+The server sends this message after receiving the client's
+CLIENT_HELLO message. The PCT version number in SH_SERVER_VERSION
+is always the maximum protocol version that the server supports; the
+remainder of the SERVER_HELLO message and all subsequent messages
+will conform to the format specified by the protocol version
+corresponding to the minimum of the client and server protocol
+version numbers, as indicated by the CH_CLIENT_VERSION and
+SH_SERVER_VERSION fields. Unless there is an error, the server always
+returns a random value 30 bytes in length in the CONNECTION_ID field.
+This value doubles as challenge data if the server requests client
+authentication, and should therefore be random in the same sense as
+the challenge data in the CLIENT_HELLO message.
+The SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field contains twelve flags, associated with the
+twelve low-order bits of the SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field; they are named,
+in order (from least to most significant bit), as follows:
+The SH_ACCEPT_CLOSURE_MON flag is set to one if and only if the
+CH_REQUEST_CLOSURE_MON flag is set to one, and the server also
+prefers the current connection to be closure-monitored (see section
+4.4.3). The SH_ACCEPT_REDO_ENABLE flag is set to one if and only if
+the CH_REQUEST_REDO_ENABLE flag is set to one, and the server also
+prefers the current connection to be redo-enabled (see section 4.4.4).
+If the server recognizes the contents of the CH_SESSION_ID_DATA
+field of the CLIENT_HELLO message as session identifier for a session
+for which the master key is still available to the server, then the
+SH_ACCEPT_RECONNECT flag in the SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field is set to one.
+Also, the SH_SESSION_ID_DATA field echoes the CH_SESSION_ID_DATA
+field. Moreover, the server sets the CIPHER_SPECS_DATA and
+HASH_SPECS_DATA fields to the values stored along with the session
+identifier. There are two subcases: (1) If the SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA
+value does not refer to a TOKEN type (see section 6.1), then the
+rederived using the MASTER_KEY from the old session, as well as the
+CLIENT_HELLO messages, respectively, for this connection. (2) If the
+SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA refers to a TOKEN type, then the keys from the
+ongoing session continue to be used. In order to obtain fresh key
+material or reset the sequence number, TOKEN implementations must use
+the redo handshake mechanism (KM_REDO_HANDSHAKE key management
+message), or else not request (or not accept) reconnections of an
+established session. When this mechanism is used with a TOKEN
+exchange type, the client must set the CH_REQUEST_RECONNECT flag to
+one and send PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE in the CH_SESSION_ID_DATA field of
+the subsequent CLIENT_HELLO message. (See section 4.4.4.)
+In the case of a reconnection, all the remaining data fields are
+empty except for SH_RESPONSE_DATA, whose contents are described in
+section 7.2. Also, all of the flags in SH_AUTH_OPTIONS are set to
+If the server does not recognize the session identifier provided by
+the client (or if the CH_REQUEST_RECONNECT flag was set to zero),
+then the server sets the SH_ACCEPT_RECONNECT flag to zero in the
+SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field. A unique session identifier (which must not
+equal PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE) is also placed in the SH_SESSION_ID_DATA
+field; this value need not be cryptographically random, but values
+should not be used repeatedly (a continually increasing counter, for
+instance, would be sufficient). The server then selects any choice
+with which it is compatible, from each of the CH_CIPHER_LIST,
+CH_HASH_LIST and CH_EXCH_LIST lists supplied in the CLIENT_HELLO
+message. (These values are returned to the client in the
+fields, respectively.) If no cipher type (respectively, hash type,
+key exchange type) from the CH_CIPHER_LIST (respectively,
+CH_HASH_LIST, CH_EXCH_LIST) is acceptable to the server, then a
+SPECS_MISMATCH error occurs.
+Alternate cipher and hash types from CH_CIPHER_LIST and CH_HASH_LIST,
+respectively, with which the server is compatible may be placed in the
+SH_ALT_CIPHER_LIST and SH_ALT_HASH_LIST lists (whose formats are
+identical to those of CH_CIPHER_LIST and CH_HASH_LIST, respectively);
+these lists can then be used by the client in determining whether
+pre-encrypted, pre-MAC'd data will be understandable to the server.
+(Filling these lists is optional for the server; an empty list simply
+means that the client has no assurance that the server supports any
+cipher or hash type other than the one selected for the session.)
+Finally, the SH_MSG_LIST list contains a list of those data message
+types from CH_MSG_LIST which the server also supports; the format of
+the two message type lists is identical.
+The server also examines the CH_AUTH_OPTIONS flags to select server
+authentication and key exchange options acceptable to both (as
+indicated by the CH_AUTH_OPTIONS flags and the server's own
+requirements/compatibilities), and to offer a set of acceptable
+client authentication options. In particular, these must include a
+server authentication type if any of the CH_DEMAND_AUTH flags is set
+to one, at least one client authentication type if client
+authentication is required by the server, and a key exchange
+direction (or two) acceptable to both client and server, as indicated
+and the server's own requirements. (The restrictions on
+password-based authentication must also be obeyed; see section 5.1.2.)
+If no such set of types is available that is acceptable to both client
+and server, then a SPECS_MISMATCH error occurs. If at least one such
+set of types is found, then the server sets the associated flags in
+SH_AUTH_OPTIONS (at most one SH_ACCEDE_AUTH flag and at least one
+SH_ACCEDE/ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH flag); these determine the type of server
+authentication to be performed, if any, and the direction of the key
+exchange(s), as well as the set of client authentication options
+acceptable to the server. The type of the key exchange(s) (they must
+both be of the same type, if there are two) is selected by the server,
+and indicated by the code in the SH_EXCH_SPECS field.
+If the server requires client authentication, then the server also
+selects those choices from the CH_SIG_LIST, CH_CERT_LIST and
+CH_CERTIFIER_LIST lists that are also acceptable
+CH_OFFER_CERTIFIER_TRYOUT is set to one). These server-selected
+lists are placed in the SH_SIG_LIST_DATA, SH_CERT_LIST_DATA and
+SH_CERTIFIER_LIST_DATA fields, respectively; their format is
+identical to those of the corresponding fields in the CLIENT_HELLO
+message. If the server does not require client authentication, then
+empty, and their length is zero. The server may also, like the
+client, demand certificate-based authentication but set the
+SH_OFFER_CERTIFIER_TRYOUT flag to one. In this case, the server
+simply reserves the right to reject certificates from unacceptable
+certifiers, and its list of acceptable ones is not assumed
+If the SH_ACCEDE_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE flag is set to one and the
+CH_QUICK_SERVER_CERT field is either empty or contains an
+incorrect public value, then the SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field contains
+a (possibly certified) key-exchange public key of a type compatible
+with the chosen key exchange type specified in the
+SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA field. If, moreover, the
+SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_KEY_EXCH flag is set to one, then the key-exchange
+public key is contained in a certificate whose type and certifier
+are found in the CH_CERT_LIST and CH_CERTIFIER_LIST lists,
+respectively (if CH_CERTIFIER_LIST is non-empty). Otherwise, the
+public key is uncertified. The format of the SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA
+field is described in section 6.1.2. If the
+SH_ACCEDE_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE flag is set to zero, then the
+SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field is empty, and its length is zero.
+If the client sent an acceptable key-exchange public key certificate
+in the CH_QUICK_PUBLIC_VALUE field of the CLIENT_HELLO message, then
+the server responds with an RSA-encrypted master key (or randomly
+chosen Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA public value) in the
+SH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY field of the SERVER_HELLO message. (The
+format of this field is described in section 6.1.2.)
+If the client sent an acceptable certified server key-exchange
+public key and encrypted master key in the CH_QUICK_SERVER_CERT and
+CH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY fields of the CLIENT_HELLO message, and if the
+SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND flag in the SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field is set to
+zero, then the key exchange is completed, and the server must place an
+authentication response, constructed as described in section 7.2, in
+SH_RESPONSE_DATA if one of the CH_DEMAND_AUTH flags is set to one. If
+the SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_SIG flag is set to one, then the SH_SIG_CERT_DATA
+field contains a certified digital signature public key acceptable to
+the client (as indicated by the CH_SIG_LIST, CH_CERT_LIST and
+CH_CERTIFIER_LIST lists), in the format of a PUBLIC_VALUE field of
+type PV_CERTIFICATE (see section 6.1.2). If the
+SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_PASSWORD flag is set to one, then an identity indicator
+(such as an account identifier or, in the case of doubly certified
+Diffie-Hellman key exchange, a certificate for the Diffie-Hellman
+public value supplied by the server in the key exchange) is placed in
+the SH_SIG_CERT_DATA field. Otherwise the SH_SIG_CERT_DATA field is
+empty, and its length is zero.
+When the client receives a SERVER_HELLO message, it checks whether the
+server has accepted a reconnection of an old session or is
+establishing a new session. If the session is an old one, then the
+client establishes the new CLIENT_WRITE_KEY, SERVER_WRITE_KEY,
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY and SERVER_MAC_KEY according to the cipher-specific
+rules described in section 6.1.4. The client then checks the
+contents of the RESPONSE_DATA field in the SERVER_HELLO message for
+correctness. If the response exactly matches the value calculated by
+the client (following the procedures in sections 7.1 and 7.2), then
+the handshake is finished, and the client proceeds to the
+CLIENT_MASTER_KEY messsage, if necessary, or else begins sending
+data; otherwise, a SERVER_AUTH_FAILED error occurs.
+If a new session is being initiated, the client records the chosen
+cipher, hash, key exchange and signature types, and the lists of
+alternate cipher and hash types and supported data message types.
+If certificate-based client authentication is required the client
+checks the list of certificate types and certifiers to see if it has
+a satisfactory certificate; lack of one results in a SPECS_MISMATCH
+error. If an acceptable quick encrypted master key was sent, the
+client decrypts the master key for use in obtaining a MAC_KEY and
+WRITE_KEY for each transmission direction as described in section
+6.1.4. Finally, if a non-empty RESPONSE_DATA field was included, then
+the client checks it for correctness. If it exactly matches the
+value calculated by the client (following the procedures in sections
+7.1 and 7.2), then the client proceeds to the CLIENT_MASTER_KEY
+handshake message (or, if the handshake is completed, begins sending
+data); otherwise, a SERVER_AUTH_FAILED error occurs.
+char CMK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CMK_RESPONSE_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CMK_SIG_CERT_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+char CMK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+The client sends this message after receiving the SERVER_HELLO message
+from the server if not all the key exchanges and authentications (as
+indicated by the SH_AUTH_OPTIONS field) have yet been completed.
+If SH_ACCEPT_AUTH_SIG is set to one, and no other client
+authentication option is both acceptable to the server and preferred
+by the client, then CMK_SIG_CERT_DATA contains a certified digital
+signature public key acceptable to the server (as indicated by the
+(SH_CERT_LIST, SH_CERTIFIER_LIST and SH_SIG_LIST lists), in the form
+of a PUBLIC_VALUE field of type PV_CERTIFICATE (see section 6.1.2).
+contains an identity indicator (such as an account identifier, or, in
+the case of doubly certified Diffie-Hellman key exchange, a
+certificate for the Diffie-Hellman public value supplied by the
+server in the key exchange). Otherwise the CMK_SIG_CERT_DATA field
+is empty, and its length is zero.
+If SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND is set to one, and an acceptable
+encrypted master key has not already been sent in the
+SH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY field of the SERVER_HELLO message, then
+CMK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA contains an RSA key exchange public key or
+Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA KEA public value. If
+SH_ACCEPT_AUTH_KEY_EXCH is set to one, and no other client
+authentication option is both acceptable to the server and preferred
+by the client, then this public value is contained in a certificate
+acceptable to the server (as indicated by the SH_EXCH_SPECS_DATA
+field and the SH_CERT_LIST and SH_CERTIFIER_LIST lists); otherwise,
+the value is uncertified. If the SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND flag is set
+to zero, or if an acceptable encrypted master key was sent in the
+SERVER_HELLO message, then CMK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA is empty.
+If SH_ACCEDE_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE is set to one, and if
+SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA was not empty (indicating that the contents of
+the CH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY field in the CLIENT_HELLO message were
+either absent or not acceptable), then CMK_ENCRYPTED_KEY contains an
+RSA-encrypted master key (or randomly chosen Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA
+KEA public value); see section 6.1.2. If SH_ACCEDE_KEY_EXCH_RECEIVE
+is set to one, or if SH_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA is empty, then
+CMK_ENCRYPTED_KEY is empty, with length zero.
+If all key exchanges are completed by the sending of the
+CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, and if one of the SH_ACCEPT_AUTH flags is
+set to one, then the contents of the CMK_RESPONSE field are as
+described in section 7.2; otherwise, this field is empty, and its
+length is zero.
+Upon receiving a CLIENT_MASTER_KEY message, the server verifies the
+certificates and/or authentication response, if they are required;
+errors in any of these result in a BAD_CERTIFICATE or
+CLIENT_AUTH_FAILED error, respectively. If an encrypted master key
+was sent, the server decrypts the master key for use in obtaining a
+MAC_KEY and WRITE_KEY for each transmission direction as described in
+section 6.1.4. The server then proceeds to the SERVER_VERIFY
+message, if necessary, or else begins transmitting data.
+char SV_ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SV_RESPONSE_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char SV_SIG_CERT_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+The server sends this message upon receiving a valid CLIENT_MASTER_KEY
+message from the client, if not all key exchanges and authentications
+have been completed.
+If SH_SIG_CERT_DATA was empty, and either SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_SIG or
+field must not be empty. If SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_SIG is set to one,
+then SV_SIG_CERT_DATA must contains a certified digital signature
+public key acceptable to the client (as indicated by the
+(CH_SIG_LIST, CH_CERT_LIST and CH_CERTIFIER_LIST lists), in the form
+of a PUBLIC_VALUE field of type PV_CERTIFICATE (see section 6.1.2).
+contains an identity indicator (such as an account identifier, or, in
+the case of doubly certified Diffie-Hellman key exchange, a
+certificate for the Diffie-Hellman public value supplied by the
+server in the key exchange). Otherwise the SV_SIG_CERT_DATA field is
+empty, and its length is zero.
+If SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND is set to one, and if
+CMK_PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA was not empty (indicating that the contents of
+the SH_QUICK_ENCRYPTED_KEY field in the SERVER_HELLO message were
+either absent or not acceptable), then SV_ENCRYPTED_KEY contains an
+RSA-encrypted master key (or randomly chosen Diffie-Hellman/FORTEZZA
+KEA public value). The format of this field is described in section
+6.1.2. If SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND is set to one, or if
+CMK_PUBLIC_VALUE is empty, then SV_ENCRYPTED_KEY is empty, with
+length zero.
+If one of the SH_ACCEPT_AUTH flags is set to one, then the contents
+of the SV_RESPONSE field are as described in section 7.2; otherwise,
+this field is empty, and its length is zero.
+Upon receiving the SERVER_VERIFY message, the client verifies the
+certificates and/or authentication response, if they are required;
+errors in any of these result in a BAD_CERTIFICATE or
+SERVER_AUTH_FAILED error, respectively. If an encrypted master key
+was sent, the client decrypts the master key for use in obtaining a
+MAC_KEY and WRITE_KEY for each transmission direction as described
+in section 6.1.4. The client then proceeds to the CLIENT_VERIFY
+message, if necessary, or else begins transmitting data.
+char CV_RESPONSE_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char CV_SIG_CERT_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+The client sends this message upon receiving a valid SERVER_VERIFY
+message from the client, if client authentication has not been
+completed. This message is never necessary unless
+SH_ACCEPT_KEY_EXCH_SEND was set to one.
+then the CV_SIG_CERT_DATA field must not be empty. If
+SH_ACCEDE_AUTH_SIG is set to one, then CV_SIG_CERT_DATA must contain
+a certified digital signature public key acceptable to the server (as
+lists), in the form of a PUBLIC_VALUE field of type PV_CERTIFICATE
+(see section 6.1.2). If SH_ACCEPT_AUTH_PASSWORD is set to one, then
+CV_SIG_CERT_DATA contains an identity indicator (such as an account
+identifier, or, in the case of doubly certified Diffie-Hellman key
+exchange, a certificate for the Diffie-Hellman public value supplied
+by the server in the key exchange). Otherwise the CV_SIG_CERT_DATA
+field is empty, and its length is zero. The contents of the
+CV_RESPONSE field are as described in section 7.2.
+Upon receiving the CLIENT_VERIFY message, the server verifies the
+certificate, if required, and the authentication response; errors in
+either of these result in a BAD_CERTIFICATE or CLIENT_AUTH_FAILED
+error, respectively. The server may then begin transmitting data.
+6. Algorithm and Certificate Types
+6.1 Key exchange algorithms
+6.1.1 Key exchange algorithm types
+PCT version 2 permits the following key exchange types:
+Note that the token-based key exchange types (those types whose
+labels contain the word TOKEN) specify cipher as well (including,
+implicitly, the FORTEZZA KEA key exchange type); if one of these is
+chosen, then its choice of cipher overrides whatever choice of
+cipher appears in the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field of the SERVER_HELLO
+These key exchanges may use the (QUICK_)PUBLIC_VALUE field in any
+handshake message, as well as the (QUICK_)ENCRYPTED_KEY field in the
+subsequent handshake message. The (first) public value sent is said
+to be sent by (or previously obtained from) the "receiver", and the
+second value by the "sender". If the sender is the client, then the
+key exchange is said to be "server-directed"; if the sender is the
+server, then it is said to be "client-directed".
+6.1.2 Key exchange field formats
+The format of the (QUICK_)PUBLIC_VALUE field in any handshake
+message in which it appears is as follows:
+char PV_USER_INFO_DATA[([0] << 24)|([1] << 16)|([2] << 8)|[3]]
+char PV_PARAMETER_1_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char PV_PARAMETER_2_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+There are five permissible values for PUBLIC_VALUE_TYPE. If
+PV_TYPE_CERTIFICATE is specified, then a certificate of a type
+acceptable to the key exchange sender (as indicated by the
+CH_CERT_LIST in the CLIENT_HELLO message, or the SH_CERT_LIST list,
+in the SERVER_HELLO message, as appropriate) appears in the
+PV_USER_INFO field, and both PV_PARAMETER fields are empty, with
+length zero. (The PV_PARAMETER_1_LENGTH field contains the
+two-byte certificate type code identifying the type of the
+certificate sent; this field is not, however, interpreted as the
+length of the PV_PARAMETER_1_LENGTH field, which is still empty;
+see section 6.4.) If PV_TYPE_PKCS_TOKEN is specified, then the
+PV_USER_INFO field contains a PKCS-format public key of the type
+(RSA or Diffie-Hellman) indicated by the SH_EXCH_SPECS field in the
+SERVER_HELLO message. If PV_TYPE_KEA is specified, then the
+PV_USER_INFO field contains a KEA public value exactly as generated
+by the FORTEZZA token, and both PV_PARAMETER fields are empty, with
+length zero. If PV_TYPE_EPHEMERAL_RSA is specified, then
+PV_USER_INFO contains the RSA modulus from the RSA public value
+being sent; PV_PARAMETER_1 contains the associated RSA exponent; and
+PV_PARAMETER_2 is empty, with length zero. If PV_TYPE_EPHEMERAL_DH
+is specified, then PV_USER_INFO contains the actual Diffie-Hellman
+public value; PV_PARAMETER_1 contains the generator used to
+construct it; and PV_PARAMETER_2 contains the prime modulus used to
+construct it. For both EPHEMERAL public value types, the values in
+all fields are represented with the most significant byte first, and
+in descending order, with the least significant byte last.
+The (QUICK_)ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA field in any handshake message in
+which it appears has the following format:
+char EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_1_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_3_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char EK_KEY_ARG_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+Details of the use of these subfields is described below.
+6.1.3 Master key exchange
+For the PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1 key exchange type, a MASTER_KEY value is
+generated by the sender, which should be random in the following
+strong sense: attackers must not be able to predict any of the bits in
+the MASTER_KEY. It is recommended that the bits used be either truly
+random and uniformly generated (using some random physical process) or
+else generated using a cryptographically secure pseudorandom number
+generator, which was in turn seeded with a truly random and uniformly
+generated seed. This MASTER_KEY value is encrypted using the
+receiver's (possibly certified) public encryption key, as obtained
+from the (QUICK_)PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field of some handshake message
+(or possibly some time earlier, if the key is certified). The
+encryption must follow the RSA PKCS#1 standard format (see [3]),
+block type 2. This encryption is sent to the server in the
+field of the handshake message following the one containing the public
+value used (or the sender's first handshake message, if the public
+key was obtained at an earlier time). The encrypted key is decrypted
+by the receiver to obtain the MASTER_KEY. If two key exchanges of
+this type are performed (one in each direction), then the MASTER_KEY
+value is simply the concatenation of the two values, in the order in
+which they were sent. Use of the ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield is
+described in section 6.1.5; the ENCRYPTED_KEY_3_DATA subfield is left
+empty, with length zero.
+For the PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 key exchange type, a random private value x
+(generated in the same way as the MASTER_KEY above) and corresponding
+public value y are generated by the sender following RSA PKCS#3
+standard format (see [4]). The value y is then sent to the receiver
+in the EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_1_DATA subfield of the
+(QUICK_)ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA field of some handshake message. The
+sender's private value x, along with the (possibly certified) public
+value y' included in the (QUICK_)PUBLIC_VALUE_DATA field of the
+previous handshake message (or possibly obtained earlier), is used to
+generate the MASTER_KEY. The receiver uses its private value, x',
+along with the y value sent by the sender, to obtain the same
+MASTER_KEY value. If two key exchanges of this type are performed
+(one in each direction), then the MASTER_KEY is simply the
+concatenation of the two values, in the order in which they were sent.
+Use of the ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield is described in section
+6.1.5; the ENCRYPTED_KEY_3_DATA subfield is left empty, with length
+For the various TOKEN key exchange types, an encrypted
+CLIENT_WRITE_KEY is contained in the ENCRYPTED_KEY_1_DATA subfield,
+and an encrypted SERVER_WRITE_KEY is contained in the
+ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield of the (QUICK_)ENCRYPTED_KEY field.
+The format of the data is defined by the token implementation. For
+example, in the case of FORTEZZA tokens, the ENCRYPTED_KEY_1_DATA
+subfield (like the (QUICK_)PUBLIC_VALUE field sent before it, or
+obtained earlier), contains a KEA public value generated by the token
+for key exchange. The result is a CLIENT_WRITE_KEY shared by sender
+and receiver, which is used, along with the initialization vector in
+the accompanying EK_KEY_ARG_DATA field, if needed (see section
+6.1.5), to encrypt the SERVER_WRITE_KEY sent in the
+ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield. In all token types, this shared
+encryption key is used to encrypt a 128-bit MASTER_KEY value for
+MAC_KEY derivation (as described below). This MASTER_KEY is sent in
+the EK_ENCYRYPTED_KEY_3_DATA field of the ENCRYPTED_KEY_DATA subfield
+accompanying the encryption key material, and uses the initialization
+vector in the accompanying EK_KEY_ARG_DATA field, if needed (see
+section 6.1.5).
+The length of the MASTER_KEY depends on the key exchange type, and on
+how many key exchanges were performed. It is 128 bits if one RSA
+key exchange was performed, and 256 bits if two exchanges were
+performed and the results concatenated. For Diffie-Hellman key
+exchange, it is the length of the receiver's public value if one key
+exchange was performed, and the sum of the lengths of each receiver's
+public value if two key exchanges were performed. For token-based
+key exchange types, the MASTER_KEY (which is only relevant for MAC
+derivation) is 128 bits long.
+6.1.4 Key derivation
+non-token key exchange types) to compute the CLIENT_WRITE_KEY and
+SERVER_WRITE_KEY, respectively. They are computed as follows:
+CLIENT_WRITE_KEY_SEED_i = Hash( i, "cw", MASTER_KEY, "cw"^i,
+SERVER_WRITE_KEY_SEED_i = Hash( i, "svw", MASTER_KEY, "svw"^i,
+The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA (see section 5.2.2). The value of i ranges from
+1 to m, where m is the negotiated encryption key length (the value in
+the third byte of the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field) divided by the hash
+output length, in bits, rounded up to the nearest integer. This
+resulting string is then truncated if necessary to produce a string
+of the correct length.
+When a token key exchange type is used, no WRITE_KEY_SEED values are
+computed, and the client and server WRITE_KEY values are defined by
+the specific key exchange method for the token. For example, the
+encryption keys exchanged in the KEA key exchange process described
+in section 6.1.3 become the CLIENT_WRITE_KEY and SERVER_WRITE_KEY for
+the session.
+The CLIENT_MAC_KEY_SEED and SERVER_MAC_KEY_SEED are always computed
+as follows:
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY_SEED_i = Hash( i, MASTER_KEY, "cmac"^i,
+CH_CHALLENGE_DATA, "cmac"^i )
+SERVER_MAC_KEY_SEED_i = Hash( i, MASTER_KEY, "svmac"^i,
+The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA (see section 5.2.2). The value of i ranges from
+1 through m, where m is the negotiated MAC key length (64 plus the
+value in the fourth byte of the SH_CIPHER_SPECS_DATA field) divided
+by the hash output length, in bits, rounded up to the nearest integer.
+The resulting string is then truncated if necessary to produce a
+string (CLIENT_MAC_KEY_SEED or SERVER_MAC_KEY_SEED) of the correct
+MAC_KEY length. This string is then padded, by repeatedly appending
+the byte PCT_MAC_KEY_PAD_BYTE , until it is the standard key length
+for the hash function used in MAC computation (each hash function has
+an associated standard MAC key length; see section 6.3). This final
+Note that tokens which are capable of deriving keys using "keyed
+hashes", as described above, are free to use the PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1
+or PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 key exchange type to exchange the MASTER_KEY,
+and then to derive the rest of the keys normally. The TOKEN key
+exchange types are for tokens that cannot do such keyed-hash key
+derivation, and can only use an exchanged key for bulk encryption
+(of, for example, the MASTER_KEY value used for MAC_KEY derivation).
+Such tokens can exchange multiple keys by using an initially
+exchanged encryption key to encrypt other keys, as described above.
+Key derivation for datagram records is somewhat different from normal
+key derivation. In a datagram record, the necessary key information
+is contained in the DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY field at the beginning of a
+datagram record. Its ENCRYPTED_KEY_1_DATA subfield contains a
+16-byte random value, which should be cryptographically random in the
+same sense as the MASTER_KEY (see section 6.1.3). This value is used
+to generate the new WRITE_KEY (in the case of non-token key exchange
+types) and the MAC_KEY for the datagram. These are generated by
+computing a temporary MASTER_KEY as follows:
+TEMP_MASTER_KEY_i = Hash( i, MASTER_KEY, "tmk"^i,
+The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA in the most recent SERVER_HELLO handshake message
+for this connection (see section 5.2.2). The value of i ranges from
+1 through m, where m is 128 divided by the hash output length, in
+bits, rounded up to the nearest integer. The resulting concatenated
+string is then truncated if necessary to produce a 128-bit string.
+The new WRITE_KEYs (in the case of non-token key exchange types) and
+new MAC_KEYs are then computed normally, except that MASTER_KEY is
+replaced with TEMP_MASTER_KEY.
+If the current keys were generated using a token-type key exchange,
+then the DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield contains the key information
+necessary to decrypt the datagram, encrypted in a manner that the
+token can decrypt. (Note that the token type must support this type
+of context-independent encryption of keys; otherwise, this type of key
+management message is not permitted.) For example, when FORTEZZA
+tokens are used, the DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield contains the
+WRITE_KEY encrypted, as a key, using the current WRITE_KEY.
+The DG_KEY_ARG_DATA subfield contains an arbitrary initialization
+vector, whose use is also explained in section 6.1.5, if a block
+cipher is being used; otherwise, the field is empty, and its length is
+6.1.5 Key expansion and cipher use
+Every cipher has an associated standard key length (see section 6.2).
+When a non-token key exchange type has been used, and encryption keys
+of standard length for the specified cipher have been specified in
+the SH_CIPHER_SPECS field, then the values of CLIENT_WRITE_KEY and
+subfield accompanying the encrypted master key(s) is empty.
+Otherwise, the EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield(s) accompanying the
+encrypted master key(s) in the key exchange(s) contain(s) random
+"salt" for encryption key derivation. (The salt should be
+cryptographically random in the same sense as the MASTER_KEY; see
+section 6.1.3.) If only one key exchange occurred, then the salt data
+used (which we will call CLEAR_KEY_DATA) is just the value in the
+ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA subfield accompanying the encrypted master key;
+if two key exchanges are used, then both EK_ENCRYPTED_KEY_2_DATA
+fields accompanying the encrypted master keys contain this random
+data, and CLEAR_KEY_DATA is their concatenation, in the order in which
+they were sent. When a key length is specified which is less than the
+standard key length for the specified cipher, then keys of the
+specified length are derived normally as described in section 6.1.4,
+and then "expanded" to derive standard-length keys. The expansion
+proceeds as follows:
+1. Assign to d the result of dividing the standard key length for
+the cipher, in bits, by the output length of the hash function, in
+bits, rounded up to the nearest integer.
+2. Divide CLEAR_KEY_DATA sequentially into d equal subsegments.
+(Note that the length of the CLEAR_KEY_DATA field must therefore be a
+multiple of d bytes, and that no two of its d equal parts, when so
+divided, may be identical.) Denote these subsegments CLEAR_KEY_DATA_1
+through CLEAR_KEY_DATA_d.
+3. Compute the d hash values
+WRITE_KEY_i := Hash( i, "sl"^i, WRITE_KEY_SEED, "sl"^i,
+The function "Hash" is the one determined by the value of
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA. The WRITE_KEY_SEED is the encryption key seed
+to standard length.
+4. Concatenate WRITE_KEY_1 through WRITE_LENGTH_KEY_d, and then
+truncate as necessary to produce the WRITE_KEY which is actually used
+for encryption.
+The EK_KEY_ARG_DATA subfield accompanying the (last) encrypted master
+key contains a random eight-byte value to be used as an initialization
+vector (IV) for the first encrypted message when a block cipher (any
+cipher except RC4) is used. The IV for the first block encrypted in
+any subsequent encrypted message is simply the last encrypted block
+of the previous message. The EK_KEY_ARG_DATA subfield is empty when
+cipher type PCT_CIPHER_RC4 (or key exchange type
+The use of a block cipher also may cause the data length to increase
+during encryption, because the ciphertext produced by block ciphers
+must always be an integer multiple of the cipher's block size. Hence
+when a block cipher is used, the length of the (fully or partially)
+encrypted record must be computed from the RH_RECORD_LENGTH value in
+the record header. ENCRYPTED_LENGTH, the length of the encrypted
+portion of a record, is computed as the smallest multiple of the
+cipher's block size that is at least ACTUAL_LENGTH, where
+ACTUAL_LENGTH, the length of the encrypted data before encryption, is
+computed as RH_RECORD_LENGTH minus the lengths of the unencrypted
+portions of the record body (RH_RECORD_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH -
+DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_LENGTH - 4 in the case of a datagram record, and
+RH_RECORD_LENGTH - MAC_LENGTH - 2 in the case of other encrypted record
+types). If a block cipher is not used for encryption, then the length
+of the encrypted data is unchanged by encryption, and the length of the
+record body is therefore simply RH_RECORD_LENGTH. Otherwise, the
+length of the entire encrypted record body is ENCRYPTED_LENGTH +
+DG_MAC_LENGTH + DG_ENCRYPTED_KEY_LENGTH + 2 in the case of datagram
+records, and ENCRYPTED_LENGTH + MAC_LENGTH for other encrypted
+record types.
+6.2 Cipher Types
+PCT version 2 permits the following cipher types to be specified:
+Each of these types is denoted by a two-byte code, and is followed in
+CIPHER_SPECS_DATA fields by two one-byte length specifications, as
+described in section 5.2.1. An encryption length specification of
+zero associated with any cipher denotes the choice of no encryption; a
+key exchange is performed in such cases solely to share keys for MAC
+PCT_CIPHER_DES denotes DES (see [5]). Its standard key length is 56
+bits. PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 and PCT_CIPHER_DES_168 denote ciphers in
+which the input is first encrypted under DES with a first key, then
+"decrypted" under DES with a second key, then encrypted under DES with
+a third key. For PCT_CIPHER_DES_112, the first and third keys are
+identical, and correspond to the initial 56 bits of the 112-bit
+WRITE_KEY. The second key corresponds to the final 56 bits of the
+WRITE_KEY. For PCT_CIPHER_DES_168, the three keys are distinct, and
+correspond to the first, second, and third 56-bit subsegments of the
+WRITE_KEY. All three of these DES-based cipher types have 64-bit data
+blocks and are used with cipher block chaining (CBC).
+The standard key lengths for PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 and PCT_CIPHER_DES_168
+are 112 bits and 168 bits, respectively. If a key length less than
+the standard length is specified for one of these ciphers (or for
+PCT_CIPHER_DES), then the WRITE_KEY_SEED is calculated, then expanded
+to the standard length as described above.
+Note that before use, each 56-bit DES key must be "adjusted" to add
+eight parity bits to form an eight-byte DES key (see [5]). Similarly,
+if the specified WRITE_KEY length is less than its corresponding
+standard length, then each WRITE_KEY_SEED is expanded to the standard
+length using CLEAR_KEY_DATA as described above, to produce one, two,
+or three keys of 56 bits each, which are then each "adjusted" by
+adding parity bits to form an eight-byte key.
+PCT_CIPHER_IDEA denotes the IDEA block cipher (see [6]), with 64-bit
+data blocks and cipher block chaining. This cipher has a standard key
+length of 128 bits.
+PCT_CIPHER_RC2 denotes the RC2 block cipher, with 64-bit blocks and
+cipher block chaining. Like IDEA, this cipher has a standard key
+length of 128 bits.
+PCT_CIPHER_RC4 denotes the RC4 stream cipher. Like the IDEA and RC2
+block ciphers, this cipher has a standard key length of 128 bits.
+6.3 Hash Types
+PCT version 2 permits the following hash function types to be
+The "truncated" hash types (PCT_HASH_MD5_TRUNC_64 and
+PCT_HASH_SHA_TRUNC_80) are identical to their non-truncated versions
+(PCT_HASH_MD5 and PCT_HASH_SHA, respectively), with the following
+exception: when used in the second ("outer") iteration of a MAC
+or authentication response, their output is truncated to half its
+normal length. (Hence the resulting MAC or authentication response
+is also only half the normal length of the hash function's output.)
+PCT_HASH_MD5 denotes the MD5 hash function (see [7]), with 128-bit
+output. (Hence PCT_HASH_MD5_TRUNC_64 has 64-bit output in the cases
+described above.) PCT_HASH_SHA denotes the Secure Hash Algorithm
+(see [8]), with 160-bit output. (Hence PCT_HASH_SHA_TRUNC_80 has
+80-bit output in the cases described above.) The standard MAC key length
+for all of the above hash functions is 512 bits.
+6.4 Certificate Types
+PCT version 2 permits the following certificate types to be specified:
+THese types apply equally to the client's and server's certificates.
+PCT_CERT_X509 denotes a CCITT X.509 standard-conformant certificate
+(see [10]). PCT_CERT_PKCS7 denotes an RSA PKCS#7 standard-conformant
+certificate (see [11]). PCT_CERT_PRIVATE denotes a private format
+understood by both the client and server; for instance, it may refer
+to an account identifier using which a certificate lookup can be
+performed on some agreed-upon certificate database.
+6.5 Signature Types
+PCT version 2 permits the following signature key types to be
+PCT_SIG_RSA_MD5 denotes the signature scheme consisting of hashing
+the data to be signed using the MD5 hash algorithm, and then
+performing an RSA private-key signature function (the inverse of RSA
+encryption) on the result. The signature must conform to RSA PKCS#1,
+block type 1 (see [3]). PCT_SIG_RSA_SHA denotes the same signature
+scheme with SHA substituted for MD5. PCT_SIG_DSA_SHA denotes the
+signature scheme consisting of hashing the data to be signed using
+the SHA hash algorithm, then computing a signature of the resulting
+value using the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA; see [12]).
+7. Response and verification formats
+7.1 Prelude verification
+In order to guard against alteration of handshake messages before the
+master key has been exchanged (and MACs therefore made possible), a
+"prelude verification" is incorporated into every authentication
+response. Basically, the prelude verification is a cryptographic hash
+of all handshake messages up to and including the one in which the
+first authentication response is included (with the response field
+itself omitted).
+Whichever message contains it, the prelude verification value is
+computed as:
+For the purposes of this computation, the handshake messages are
+assumed to contain their associated message headers (i.e., their
+HS_MSG_TYPE and HS_RECORD_FLAGS fields) and record headers. Also, the
+message in which the first non-empty RESPONSE_DATA field is sent is
+assumed for this computation not to include its RESPONSE_DATA field
+(although its correct length is included), and subsequent messages in
+the handshake are assumed to be empty, zero-length values.
+The hash function used is the one specified in SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA.
+Note that the client and server need only keep a "running hash" of all
+the values passed in each handshake message as they appear,
+terminating at the appropriate point to compute the value of
+7.2 Authentication responses
+The format of an authentication response depends on the type of
+authentication required. Because each type of authentication
+response may be sent in one of several possible handshake messages
+(and by either party), the formats are described separately
+here, and apply wherever the authentication response (RESPONSE_DATA)
+field is non-empty.
+In the case of key exchange-based authentication, the contents of the
+RESPONSE_DATA field are computed as follows:
+In the case of digital signature-based authentication, the contents
+of the RESPONSE_DATA field are computed as follows:
+In the case of private "password"-based authentication, the contents
+of the RESPONSE_DATA field are computed as follows:
+Finally, in the case of authentication of a reconnection of a
+previously established session, the contents of the RESPONSE_DATA
+field are computed as follows:
+The computation of the VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA value is described in
+section 7.1. The MAC_KEY is the CLIENT_MAC_KEY if the field is in
+the field is in the SERVER_HELLO or SERVER_VERIFY message. (The
+origin of these MAC keys is described in section 6.1.4.)
+The hash function choice used is determined by the
+SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA field in this SERVER_HELLO message.
+When a digital signature is used, the signature algorithm is
+determined by the type of signature public key found in the
+certificate passed in the SIG_CERT_DATA field accompanying the
+RESPONSE_DATA field. (Note that the signature algorithm may itself
+require that a hash function be applied to the data being signed,
+apart from the one used to compute the value in VERIFY_PRELUDE_DATA.)
+When a private password is used, IDENTITY is the identity of the
+client or server being authenticated (the contents of the
+SIG_CERT_DATA field accompanying the response), and PASSWORD is the
+shared private key used in the authentication. (Note that the same
+shared password can in principle be used to authenticate either the
+client to the server or vice versa, although not both simultaneously.)
+In the case of a doubly certified Diffie-Hellman key exchange, the
+password is simply the response sender's MAC key generated as a result
+of the key exchange; it is considered equivalent to a password because
+it does not change from connection to connection or from session to
+7.3 Message Authentication Codes
+All PCT version 2 records which are encrypted also include a message
+authentication code (MAC). This value allows the receiver to verify
+that the record containing it has originated with the correct party,
+and has not been inserted or tampered with by someone else in
+The basic PCT MAC is in the form of a keyed hash of the encrypted
+data; that is, a MAC function based on a cryptographic hash function
+is computed on the encrypted data and the sender's MAC key. (The
+derivation of MAC keys is described in section 6.1.) The
+cryptographic hash function used is determined by the code contained
+in the SH_HASH_SPECS_DATA field in the most recent SERVER_HELLO
+message sent during a successful handshake phase this session. A
+list of cryptographic hash functions permitted in PCT version 2, and
+their associated codes and output lengths, is given in section 6.3.
+The MAC is placed in the MAC_DATA field of the record in which it is
+found; its length (MAC_LENGTH) is the output length of the hash
+function used.
+The MAC value is computed differently for datagram records and for
+other records. In datagram records, the MAC is computed as follows:
+If the client is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY is the
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY; if the server is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY
+is the SERVER_MAC_KEY. (The derivation of these keys is described
+in section 6.1.) RECORD_HEADER_DATA contains the four-byte contents
+of the datagram record's record header, as described in section 4.2.1.
+For other records containing MACs, the MAC is computed as follows:
+If the client is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY is the
+CLIENT_MAC_KEY; if the server is sending the record, then the MAC_KEY
+is the SERVER_MAC_KEY. (The details of the derivation of these keys
+are given in section 6.1.4.) The value of DATA_TYPE is either the
+empty string, or the four-byte ASCII string "pecd" if the record
+contains pre-encrypted data (see section 4.4.1). RECORD_HEADER_DATA
+contains the four-byte contents of the record header described in
+section 4.2.1.
+SEQUENCE_NUMBER is the value (represented in network byte order, or
+"big endian" order) of a counter which is incremented by both the
+sender and the receiver. For each transmission direction, a pair
+of counters is kept (one by the sender, one by the receiver).
+Before the first (handshake) record is sent or received in a PCT
+connection all sequence number counters are initialized to zero
+(except in the case of a restarting connection with a token-based
+exchange type, in which case the entire cipher state is preserved;
+see section 5.2.2). The sender's sender-to-receiver sequence
+number is incremented after every record sent, and the receiver's
+sender-to-receiver sequence number is incremented after every record
+received. (Note that this increment occurs regardless of whether or
+not a record is, or has, a continuation record.) Sequence number
+counters are 32-bit unsigned quantities, and may not increment past
+0xFFFFFFFF. (See section 4.4.4.)
+MACs for pre-encrypted data can be (mostly) precomputed as well.
+The inner invocation of the hash function in the computation of
+DT_MAC_DATA contains information that will be known at encryption
+time, assuming non-datagram transmission and receiver support for
+the hash function chosen by the sender for MAC calculation. Hence,
+the output of this inner invocation of the hash function can be
+stored along with the pre-encrypted data, and the MAC calculated
+efficiently at transmission time using the normal MAC_KEY, the
+pre-calculated hash value, and the hash function used in the
+pre-calculation. A separate sequence number is used for MACs in
+pre-encrypted data records until a KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY message or
+another KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY message is sent and received. This
+sequence number begins at zero for the first data record sent and
+received after the KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY message, and is incremented for
+each data record sent. Replays of non-pre-encrypted data as
+pre-encrypted data are prevented by the DATA_TYPE value "pecd", which
+cannot correspond to a record header prefix, in the MAC computation.
+In addition to the special sequence number for pre-encrypted data,
+the normal sequence number for the same transmission direction
+continues to increment normally as pre-encrypted data messages are
+sent and received. This original sequence number is returned to use,
+thus incremented, when the next key management message of type
+KM_TYPE_RESUME_KEY or KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY is sent and received.
+The receiver of an encrypted record containing a MAC uses the
+appropriate MAC_KEY and the received value of ENCRYPTED_DATA to
+compute the correct value of MAC_DATA. The computed MAC_DATA must
+agree bit for bit with the transmitted MAC_DATA. If the two are not
+identical, then an INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED error occurs, and it is
+recommended that the record be treated as though it had not been
+received. (See section 4.6.)
+8. Constants
+Following is a list of constant values used in the PCT protocol
+version 1.
+8.1 Record and message type codes
+These codes are each placed in the record or message type fields of
+PCT records and messages.
+RT_HANDSHAKE := 0x0301
+RT_KEY_MGMT := 0x0302
+RT_DATAGRAM := 0x0303
+RT_ERROR := 0x0304
+RT_USER_DATA := 0x0305
+RT_PCT_VERSION_1_CH := 0x0180
+RT_PCT_VERSION_1_SH := 0x0280
+RT_SSL_VERSION_2_CH := 0x0100
+RT_SSL_VERSION_3_CH := 0x00**
+RT_CD_RESERVED := 0x6364
+RT_ESCROW := 0x0310
+HS_CLIENT_HELLO := 0x0000
+HS_SERVER_HELLO := 0x0001
+KM_TYPE_FIXED_KEY := 0x0001
+DM_TYPE_USER_DATA := 0x0000
+PV_TYPE_KEA := 0x0003
+8.2 Specification Type Codes
+These are codes used to specify types of cipher, key exchange, hash
+function, certificate, and digital signature in the protocol.
+PCT_EXCH_RSA_PKCS1 := 0x0001
+PCT_EXCH_DH_PKCS3 := 0x0006
+PCT_CIPHER_DES := 0x0001
+PCT_CIPHER_IDEA := 0x0002
+PCT_CIPHER_RC2 := 0x0003
+PCT_CIPHER_RC4 := 0x0004
+PCT_CIPHER_DES_112 := 0x0005
+PCT_CIPHER_DES_168 := 0x0006
+PCT_HASH_MD5 := 0x0001
+PCT_HASH_MD5_TRUNC_64 := 0x0002
+PCT_HASH_SHA := 0x0003
+PCT_HASH_SHA_TRUNC_80 := 0x0004
+PCT_HASH_DES_DM := 0x0005
+PCT_CERT_NONE := 0x0000
+PCT_CERT_X509 := 0x0001
+PCT_CERT_PKCS7 := 0x0002
+PCT_SIG_NONE := 0x0000
+PCT_SIG_RSA_MD5 := 0x0001
+PCT_SIG_RSA_SHA := 0x0002
+PCT_SIG_DSA_SHA := 0x0003
+8.3 Error Codes
+These codes are used to identify errors, when they occur, in error
+8.4 Miscellaneous Codes
+These include PCT version 1 escape type codes, version numbers,
+and assorted constants associated with the PCT protocol.
+PCT_VERSION_V2 := 0x0002
+PCT_SESSION_ID_NONE := 0x00 (32 bytes of zeros)
+PCT_ET_OOB_DATA := 0x01
+PCT_CH_OFFSET_V1 := 0x000A
+PCT_CH_OFFSET_V2 := 0x0018
+9. PCT version 1 compatibility
+PCT version 1 is a subset of PCT version 2; however, because of
+differing formats, connections are identified as either using version
+1 or version 2. The identification occurs during the handshake phase;
+a value of RT_PCT_VERSION_1_CH in the RH_RECORD_TYPE field of a
+record header indicates a PCT version 1 CLIENT_HELLO message, and a
+value of RT_PCT_VERSION_1_SH in the RH_RECORD_TYPE field of a
+record header indicates a PCT version 1 SERVER_HELLO message. If
+the former is the first record received in a connection, it signals
+to the receiver that it is expected to be a server in a PCT version
+1 connection. The client and server then follow the PCT version 1
+protocol for the remainder of the connection. If the latter is the
+response received to a PCT version 2 CLIENT_HELLO message, it signals
+to the receiver that it is expected to be a client in a PCT version 1
+type connection. The client and server then follow the PCT version
+1 protocol for the remainder of the connection. The PCT version 1
+protocol is specified in [2].
+Note that a PCT version 1 server implementation that correctly uses
+the CH_OFFSET field to determine the location of the data fields in
+the CLIENT_HELLO message can successfully interpret a PCT version 2
+CLIENT_HELLO message, and reply with a PCT version 1 SERVER_HELLO
+message. However, reconnections in a continued session must maintain
+the same version as the first connection for the session.
+Note also that a PCT version 1 record header may have a three-byte
+record length field; this format can always be recognized by a first
+(most significant) bit of zero in the RH_RECORD_LENGTH field.
+10. Security Considerations
+This entire document is about security.
+[1] K. Hickman and T. Elgamal. The SSL Protocol. Internet-draft,
+June 1995.
+[2] J. Benaloh, B. Lampson, D. Simon, T. Spies and B. Yee. The
+PCT Protocol. Internet Draft, October 1995.
+[3] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard", Version
+1.5, November 1993.
+[4] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #3: "Diffie-Hellman Key-Agreement
+Standard", Version 1.4, November 1993.
+[5] NBS FIPS PUB 46, "Data Encryption Standard", National Bureau of
+Standards, US Department of Commerce, Jan. 1977.
+[6] X. Lai, "On the Design and Security of Block Ciphers", ETH Series
+in Information Processing, v. 1, Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre Verlag, 1992.
+[7] R. Rivest, RFC 1321: "The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm", April
+[8] NIST FIPS PUB 180-1, "Secure Hash Standard", National Institute
+of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce, Apr. 1995.
+[9] ISO/IEC 9797, "Data Cryptographic Techniques--Data Integrity
+Mechanism Using a Cryptographic Check Function Employing a Block
+Cipher Algorithm", 1989.
+[10] CCITT. Recommendation X.509: "The Directory - Authentication
+Framework". 1988.
+[11] RSA Laboratories, "PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax
+Standard", Version 1.5, November 1993.
+[12] NIST FIPS PUB 186, "Digital Signature Standard", National
+Institute of Standards and Technology, US Department of Commerce, May
+[13] B. Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and
+Source Code in C", John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1994.
+[14] R.L. Rivest, A. Shamir, L. Adelman, "A Method for Obtaining
+Digital Signatures and Public Key Cryptosystems", MIT Laboratory for
+Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, S.L. Graham,
+R.L. Rivest ed. Communications of the ACM, February 1978 (Vol 21,
+No. 2) pp. 120-126.
+[15] W. Diffie and M.E. Hellman, "New directions in Cryptography",
+IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, November 1976 (Vol. IT-22,
+No. 6) pp. 644-654.
+Appendix A: Escrow Support
+To facilitate the escrow of keys used in PCT connections (across
+firewalls, for instance), we describe here a protocol which can be
+used to encapsulate PCT records, passing the encryption keys for
+the connection to a third party. The protocol involves a distinct
+escrow record type (RT_ESCROW). An escrow record header has the
+normal format, although all flags must always be set to zero. The
+record itself has the following format:
+char EW_KEY_ID[16]
+char EW_KEY_1_LENGTH[2]
+char EW_KEY_2_LENGTH[2]
+char EW_KEY_1_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+char EW_KEY_2_DATA[([0] << 8)|[1]]
+The two defined escrow record types are EW_TYPE_MASTER_KEY and
+EW_TYPE_WRITE_KEYS. In the first type, EW_KEY_1_DATA contains the
+MASTER_KEY for this session, and EW_KEY_2_DATA is empty, with length
+zero. In the second type, EW_KEY_1_DATA contains the sender's
+WRITE_KEY, and EW_KEY_2_DATA contains the non-sender's WRITE_KEY.
+These keys are encrypted using a key and format determined by the
+EW_KEY_ID field, which contains a 16-byte identifier for the key
+used in the encryption. The format of the encryption, and the key
+distribution method used, are left to the implementation's discretion.
+(For example, a PCT connection between sender and escrower can be used
+to exchange a symmetric key and associated identifier; alternatively,
+a fixed key-exchange RSA public key can be designated as the escrow
+key to be used.) ENCLOSED_RECORD_DATA holds a normal PCT record,
+whose length can be calculated from the escrow record's header and the
+lengths of the other fields in the escrow record. (Note that the
+normal length limit for an escrow record thus imposes a
+shorter-than-normal limit on the size of the encapsulated record.)
+In a normal connection, the first record sent after all key exchanges
+in the handshake have completed might be encapsulated in an escrow
+record; the key(s) so escrowed would be in effect until the next
+escrow encapsulation. For example, in a connection between a client
+and server each operating "behind" a firewall, the client and server
+would each encapsulate their last handshake message (or first data
+message) in an escrow record, and pass it to the firewall. Each
+firewall would receive the encapsulated record, decrypt the
+escrowed key(s), then pass the enclosed record through itself
+unaltered. Thereafter, each firewall would be able to read all
+messages passing in each direction, until a change of key occurred
+(prompted by, say, a key management message, which would presumably
+have to be enclosed in another escrow record).
+The type of escrow used depends on the level of trust between client
+or server and escrower. If a master key is escrowed, then the
+escrower is capable of not only decrypting but also altering messages,
+recalculating MACs accordingly. On the other hand, if only the
+encryption keys are escrowed, then the escrower is incapable not
+only of altering messages, but also of verifying MACs (to determine,
+for instance, if the correct encryption key was supplied).
+Furthermore, since the shared master key is used to derive independent
+keys for datagram messages, escrow of only encryption keys makes
+incoming datagram traffic unreadable to the escrower.
+Patent Statement
+This version of the PCT protocol relies on the use of patented public
+key encryption technology for authentication and encryption. The
+Internet Standards Process as defined in RFC 1310 requires a written
+statement from the Patent holder that a license will be made
+available to applicants under reasonable terms and conditions prior
+to approving a specification as a Proposed, Draft or Internet
+See existing RFCs, including RFC 1170, that discuss known public key
+cryptography patents and licensing terms and conditions.
+The Internet Society, Internet Architecture Board, Internet
+Engineering Steering Group and the Corporation for National Research
+Initiatives take no position on the validity or scope of the patents
+and patent applications, nor on the appropriateness of the terms of
+the assurance. The Internet Society and other groups mentioned above
+have not made any determination as to any other intellectual property
+rights which may apply to the practice of this standard. Any further
+consideration of these matters is the user's own responsibility.
+Author's Address
+Daniel R. Simon
+Microsoft Corp.
+One Microsoft Way
+Redmond WA 98052
+This Internet-Draft expires 10 October 1996.
diff --git a/doc/protocol/draft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00.txt b/doc/protocol/draft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5658bdff89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/protocol/draft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1510 @@
+ Kipp E.B. Hickman
+Internet Draft Netscape Communications Corp
+ April 1995 (Expires 10/95)
+ The SSL Protocol
+ <draft-hickman-netscape-ssl-00.txt>
+This document is an Internet-Draft.Internet-Drafts are working documents
+of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working
+groups. Note that other groups may also distribute working documents as
+Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
+and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
+time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference material or to
+cite them other than as "work in progress."
+To learn the current status of any Internet-Draft, please check the "1id-
+abstracts.txt" listing contained in the Internet- Drafts Shadow Directories
+on (US East Coast), (Europe), (US
+West Coast), or (Pacific Rim).
+This document specifies the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, a
+security protocol that provides privacy over the Internet. The protocol
+allows client/server applications to communicate in a way that cannot be
+eavesdropped. Server's are always authenticated and clients are optionally
+The SSL Protocol is designed to provide privacy between two
+communicating applications (a client and a server). Second, the protocol is
+designed to authenticate the server, and optionally the client. SSL requires
+a reliable transport protocol (e.g. TCP) for data transmission and
+The advantage of the SSL Protocol is that it is application protocol
+independent. A "higher level" application protocol (e.g. HTTP, FTP,
+TELNET, etc.) can layer on top of the SSL Protocol transparently. The
+SSL Protocol can negotiate an encryption algorithm and session key as
+well as authenticate a server before the application protocol transmits or
+receives its first byte of data. All of the application protocol data is
+transmitted encrypted, ensuring privacy.
+The SSL protocol provides "channel security" which has three basic
+ The channel is private. Encryption is used for all messages after a
+simple handshake is used to define a secret key. Symmetric
+cryptography is used for data encryption (e.g. DES, RC4, etc.)
+ The channel is authenticated. The server endpoint of the conversation
+is always authenticated, while the client endpoint is optionally
+authenticated. Asymmetric cryptography is used for authentication
+Hickman [page 1]
+(e.g. Public Key Cryptography).
+ The channel is reliable. The message transport includes a message
+integrity check (using a MAC). Secure hash functions (e.g. MD2,
+MD5) are used for MAC computations.
+The SSL protocol is actually composed of two protocols. At the lowest
+level, layered on top of some reliable transport protocol, is the "SSL
+Record Protocol". The SSL Record Protocol is used for encapsulation of
+all transmitted and received data, including the SSL Handshake Protocol,
+which is used to establish security parameters.
+4. SSL Record Protocol Specification
+4.1 SSL Record Header Format
+In SSL, all data sent is encapsulated in a record, an object which is
+composed of a header and some non-zero amount of data. Each record
+header contains a two or three byte length code. If the most significant bit
+is set in the first byte of the record length code then the record has no
+padding and the total header length will be 2 bytes, otherwise the record
+has padding and the total header length will be 3 bytes. The record header
+is transmitted before the data portion of the record.
+Note that in the long header case (3 bytes total), the second most
+significant bit in the first byte has special meaning. When zero, the record
+being sent is a data record. When one, the record being sent is a security
+escape (there are currently no examples of security escapes; this is
+reserved for future versions of the protocol). In either case, the length code
+describes how much data is in the record.
+The record length code does not include the number of bytes consumed by
+the record header (2 or 3). For the 2 byte header, the record length is
+computed by (using a "C"-like notation):
+RECORD-LENGTH = ((byte[0] & 0x7f) << 8)) | byte[1];
+Where byte[0] represents the first byte received and byte[1] the second
+byte received. When the 3 byte header is used, the record length is
+computed as follows (using a "C"-like notation):
+RECORD-LENGTH = ((byte[0] & 0x3f) << 8)) | byte[1];
+IS-ESCAPE = (byte[0] & 0x40) != 0;
+PADDING = byte[2];
+The record header defines a value called PADDING. The PADDING
+value specifies how many bytes of data were appended to the original
+record by the sender. The padding data is used to make the record length
+be a multiple of the block ciphers block size when a block cipher is used
+for encryption.
+The sender of a "padded" record appends the padding data to the end of its
+normal data and then encrypts the total amount (which is now a multiple
+of the block cipher's block size). The actual value of the padding data is
+unimportant, but the encrypted form of it must be transmitted for the
+receiver to properly decrypt the record. Once the total amount being
+Hickman [page 2]
+transmitted is known the header can be properly constructed with the
+PADDING value set appropriately.
+The receiver of a padded record decrypts the entire record data (sans
+record length and the optional padding) to get the clear data, then subtracts
+the PADDING value from the RECORD-LENGTH to determine the
+final RECORD-LENGTH. The clear form of the padding data must be
+4.1.1 SSL Record Data Format
+The data portion of an SSL record is composed of three components
+(transmitted and received in the order shown):
+ACTUAL-DATA is the actual data being transmitted (the message
+payload). PADDING-DATA is the padding data sent when a block cipher
+is used and padding is needed. Finally, MAC-DATA is the "Message
+Authentication Code".
+When SSL records are sent in the clear, no cipher is used.Consequently the
+amount of PADDING-DATA will be zero and the amount of MAC-
+DATA will be zero. When encryption is in effect, the PADDING-DATA
+will be a function of the cipher block size. The MAC-DATA is a function
+of the CIPHER-CHOICE (more about that later).
+The MAC-DATA is computed as follows:
+Where the SECRET data is fed to the hash function first, followed by the
+ACTUAL-DATA, which is followed by the PADDING-DATA which is
+finally followed by the SEQUENCE-NUMBER. The SEQUENCE-
+NUMBER is a 32 bit value which is presented to the hash function as four
+bytes, with the first byte being the most significant byte of the sequence
+number, the second byte being the next most significant byte of the
+sequence number, the third byte being the third most significant byte, and
+the fourth byte being the least significant byte (that is, in network byte
+order or "big endian" order).
+MAC-SIZE is a function of the digest algorithm being used. For MD2 and
+MD5 the MAC-SIZE will be 16 bytes (128 bits).
+The SECRET value is a function of which party is sending the message. If
+the client is sending the message then the SECRET is the CLIENT-
+WRITE-KEY (the server will use the SERVER-READ-KEY to verify
+the MAC). If the client is receiving the message then the SECRET is the
+CLIENT-READ-KEY (the server will use the SERVER-WRITE-KEY
+generate the MAC).
+Hickman [page 3]
+The SEQUENCE-NUMBER is a counter which is incremented by both
+the sender and the receiver. For each transmission direction, a pair of
+counters is kept (one by the sender, one by the receiver). Every time a
+message is sent by a sender the counter is incremented. Sequence numbers
+are 32 bit unsigned quantities and must wrap to zero after incrementing
+past 0xFFFFFFFF.
+The receiver of a message uses the expected value of the sequence number
+as input into the MAC HASH function (the HASH function is chosen from
+the CIPHER-CHOICE). The computed MAC-DATA must agree bit for
+bit with the transmitted MAC-DATA. If the comparison is not identity
+then the record is considered damaged, and it is to be treated as if an "I/O
+Error" had occurred (i.e. an unrecoverable error is asserted and the
+connection is closed).
+A final consistency check is done when a block cipher is used and the
+protocol is using encryption. The amount of data present in a record
+(RECORD-LENGTH))must be a multiple of the cipher's block size. If
+the received record is not a multiple of the cipher's block size then the
+record is considered damaged, and it is to be treated as if an "I/O Error"
+had occurred (i.e. an unrecoverable error is asserted and the connection is
+The SSL Record Layer is used for all SSL communications, including
+handshake messages, security escapes and application data transfers. The
+SSL Record Layer is used by both the client and the server at all times.
+For a two byte header, the maximum record length is 32767 bytes. For the
+three byte header, the maximum record length is 16383 bytes. The SSL
+Handshake Protocol messages are constrained to fit in a single SSL Record
+Protocol record. Application protocol messages are allowed to consume
+multiple SSL Record Protocol record's.
+Before the first record is sent using SSL all sequence numbers are
+initialized to zero. The transmit sequence number is incremented after
+every message sent, starting with the CLIENT-HELLO and SERVER-
+HELLO messages.
+5. SSL Handshake Protocol Specification
+5.1 SSL Handshake Protocol Flow
+The SSL Handshake Protocol is used to negotiate security enhancements
+to data sent using the SSL Record Protocol. The security enhancements
+consist of authentication, symmetric encryption, and message integrity.
+The SSL Handshake Protocol has two major phases. The first phase is
+used to establish private communications. The second phase is used for
+client authentication.
+5.1.1 Phase 1
+The first phase is the initial connection phase where both parties
+communicate their "hello" messages. The client initiates the conversation
+by sending the CLIENT-HELLO message. The server receives the
+Hickman [page 4]
+CLIENT-HELLO message and processes it responding with the
+SERVER-HELLO message.
+At this point both the client and server have enough information to know
+whether or not a new "master key" is needed (The master key is used for
+production of the symmetric encryption session keys). When a new master
+key is not needed, both the client and the server proceed immediately to
+phase 2.
+When a new master key is needed, the SERVER-HELLO message will
+contain enough information for the client to generate it. This includes the
+server's signed certificate (more about that later), a list of bulk cipher
+specifications (see below), and a connection-id (a connection-id is a
+randomly generated value generated by the server that is used by the client
+and server during a single connection). The client generates the master key
+and responds with a CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message (or an ERROR
+message if the server information indicates that the client and server
+cannot agree on a bulk cipher).
+It should be noted here that each SSL endpoint uses a pair of ciphers per
+connection (for a total of four ciphers). At each endpoint, one cipher is
+used for outgoing communications, and one is used for incoming
+communications. When the client or server generate a session key, they
+actually generate two keys, the SERVER-READ-KEY (also known as the
+as the CLIENT-READ-KEY). The master key is used by the client and
+server to generate the various session keys (more about that later).
+Finally, the server sends a SERVER-VERIFY message to the client after
+the master key has been determined. This final step authenticates the
+server, because only a server which has the appropriate public key can
+know the master key.
+5.1.2 Phase 2
+The second phase is the client authentication phase. The server has already
+been authenticated by the client in the first phase, so this phase is primarily
+used to authenticate the client. In a typical scenario, the server will require
+authentication of the client and send a REQUEST-CERTIFICATE
+message. The client will answer in the positive if it has the needed
+information, or send an ERROR message if it does not. This protocol
+specification does not define the semantics of an ERROR response to a
+server request (e.g., an implementation can ignore the error, close the
+connection, etc. and still conform to this specification). In addition, it is
+permissable for a server to cache client authentication information with the
+"session-id" cache. The server is not required to re-authenticate the client
+on every connection.
+When a party is done authenticating the other party, it sends its finished
+message. For the client, the CLIENT-FINISHED message contains the
+encrypted form of the CONNECTION-ID for the server to verify. If the
+verification fails, the server sends an ERROR message.
+Once a party has sent its finished message it must continue to listen to its
+peers messages until it too receives a finished message. Once a party has
+Hickman [page 5]
+both sent a finished message and received its peers finished message, the
+SSL handshake protocol is done. At this point the application protocol
+begins to operate (Note: the application protocol continues to be layered
+on the SSL Record Protocol).
+5.2 Typical Protocol Message Flow
+The following sequences define several typical protocol message flows for
+the SSL Handshake Protocol. In these examples we have two principals in
+the conversation: the client and the server. We use a notation commonly
+found in the literature [10]. When something is enclosed in curly braces
+"{something}key" then the something has been encrypted using "key".
+5.2.1 Assuming no session-identifier
+client-hello C -> S: challenge, cipher_specs
+server-hello S -> C: connection-id, server_certificate,
+ cipher_specs
+client-master-key C -> S: {master_key}server_public_key
+client-finish C -> S: {connection-id}client_write_key
+server-verify S -> C: {challenge}server_write_key
+server-finish S -> C: {new_session_id}server_write_key
+5.2.2 Assuming a session-identifier was found by both client & server
+client-hello C -> S: challenge, session_id, cipher_specs
+server-hello S -> C: connection-id, session_id_hit
+client-finish C -> S: {connection-id}client_write_key
+server-verify S -> C: {challenge}server_write_key
+server-finish S -> C: {session_id}server_write_key
+5.2.3 Assuming a session-identifier was used and client authentication
+is used
+client-hello C -> S: challenge, session_id, cipher_specs
+server-hello S -> C: connection-id, session_id_hit
+client-finish C -> S: {connection-id}client_write_key
+server-verify S -> C: {challenge}server_write_key
+request-certificate S -> C: {auth_type,challenge'}
+ server_write_key
+client-certificate C -> S: {cert_type,client_cert,
+ response_data}client_write_key
+server-finish S -> C: {session_id}server_write_key
+In this last exchange, the response_data is a function of the auth_type.
+5.3 Errors
+Error handling in the SSL connection protocol is very simple. When an
+error is detected, the detecting party sends a message to the other party.
+Errors that are not recoverable cause the client and server to abort the
+secure connection. Servers and client are required to "forget" any session-
+identifiers associated with a failing connection.
+The SSL Handshake Protocol defines the following errors:
+Hickman [page 6]
+This error is returned by the client to the server when it cannot find
+a cipher or key size that it supports that is also supported by the
+server. This error is not recoverable.
+When a REQUEST-CERTIFICATE message is sent, this error may
+be returned if the client has no certificate to reply with. This error
+is recoverable (for client authentication only).
+This error is returned when a certificate is deemed bad by the
+receiving party. Bad means that either the signature of the
+certificate was bad or that the values in the certificate were
+inappropriate (e.g. a name in the certificate did not match the
+expected name). This error is recoverable (for client authentication
+This error is returned when a client/server receives a certificate
+type that it can't support. This error is recoverable (for client
+authentication only).
+5.4 SSL Handshake Protocol Messages
+The SSL Handshake Protocol messages are encapsulated using the SSL
+Record Protocol and are composed of two parts: a single byte message
+type code, and some data. The client and server exchange messages until
+both ends have sent their "finished" message, indicating that they are
+satisfied with the SSL Handshake Protocol conversation. While one end
+may be finished, the other may not, therefore the finished end must
+continue to receive SSL Handshake Protocol messages until it receives a
+"finished" message from its peer.
+After the pair of session keys has been determined by each party, the
+message bodies are encrypted. For the client, this happens after it verifies
+the session-identifier or creates a new master key and has sent it to the
+server. For the server, this happens after the session-identifier is found to
+be good, or the server receives the client's master key message.
+The following notation is used for SSLHP messages:
+char FIELD1
+char FIELD2
+char THING-DATA[(MSB<<8)|LSB];
+This notation defines the data in the protocol message, including the
+message type code. The order is presented top to bottom, with the top most
+element being transmitted first, and the bottom most element transferred
+Hickman [page 7]
+For the "THING-DATA" entry, the MSB and LSB values are actually
+THING-MSB and THING-LSB (respectively) and define the number of
+bytes of data actually present in the message. For example, if THING-
+MSB were zero and THING-LSB were 8 then the THING-DATA array
+would be exactly 8 bytes long. This shorthand is used below.
+Length codes are unsigned values, and when the MSB and LSB are
+combined the result is an unsigned value. Unless otherwise specified
+lengths values are "length in bytes".
+5.5 Client Only Protocol Messages
+There are several messages that are only generated by clients. These
+messages are never generated by correctly functioning servers. A client
+receiving such a message closes the connection to the server and returns an
+error status to the application through some unspecified mechanism.
+5.5.1 CLIENT-HELLO (Phase 1; Sent in the clear)
+When a client first connects to a server it is required to send the CLIENT-
+HELLO message. The server is expecting this message from the client as
+its first message. It is an error for a client to send anything else as its
+The client sends to the server its SSL version, its cipher specs (see below),
+some challenge data, and the session-identifier data. The session-identifier
+data is only sent if the client found a session-identifier in its cache for the
+server, and the SESSION-ID-LENGTH will be non-zero. When there is
+no session-identifier for the server SESSION-ID-LENGTH must be zero.
+The challenge data is used to authenticate the server. After the client and
+server agree on a pair of session keys, the server returns a SERVER-
+VERIFY message with the encrypted form of the CHALLENGE-DATA.
+Also note that the server will not send its SERVER-HELLO message
+until it has received the CLIENT-HELLO message. This is done so that
+the server can indicate the status of the client's session-identifier back to
+the client in the server's first message (i.e. to increase protocol efficiency
+and reduce the number of round trips required).
+The server examines the CLIENT-HELLO message and will verify that it
+can support the client version and one of the client cipher specs. The
+server can optionally edit the cipher specs, removing any entries it doesn't
+Hickman [page 8]
+choose to support. The edited version will be returned in the SERVER-
+HELLO message if the session-identifier is not in the server's cache.
+The CIPHER-SPECS-LENGTH must be greater than zero and a
+multiple of 3. The SESSION-ID-LENGTH must either be zero or 16.
+The CHALLENGE-LENGTH must be greater than or equal to 16 and
+less than or equal to 32.
+This message must be the first message sent by the client to the server.
+After the message is sent the client waits for a SERVER-HELLO
+message. Any other message returned by the server (other than ERROR)
+is disallowed.
+5.5.2 CLIENT-MASTER-KEY (Phase 1; Sent primarily in the clear)
+char CIPHER-KIND[3]
+The client sends this message when it has determined a master key for the
+server to use. Note that when a session-identifier has been agreed upon,
+this message is not sent.
+The CIPHER-KIND field indicates which cipher was chosen from the
+server's CIPHER-SPECS.
+The CLEAR-KEY-DATA contains the clear portion of the MASTER-
+KEY. The CLEAR-KEY-DATA is combined with the SECRET-KEY-
+DATA (described shortly) to form the MASTER-KEY, with the
+SECRET-KEY-DATA being the least significant bytes of the final
+MASTER-KEY. The ENCRYPTED-KEY-DATA contains the secret
+portions of the MASTER-KEY, encrypted using the server's public key.
+The encryption block is formatted using block type 2 from PKCS#1 [5].
+The data portion of the block is formatted as follows:
+SECRET-LENGTH is the number of bytes of each session key that is
+being transmitted encrypted. The SECRET-LENGTH plus the CLEAR-
+KEY-LENGTH equals the number of bytes present in the cipher key (as
+defined by the CIPHER-KIND). It is an error if the SECRET-LENGTH
+found after decrypting the PKCS#1 formatted encryption block doesn't
+match the expected value. It is also an error if CLEAR-KEY-LENGTH is
+non-zero and the CIPHER-KIND is not an export cipher.
+If the key algorithm needs an argument (for example, DES-CBC's
+initialization vector) then the KEY-ARG-LENGTH fields will be non-
+Hickman [page 9]
+zero and the KEY-ARG-DATA will contain the relevant data. For the
+SSL_CK_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5 algorithms the KEY-ARG
+data must be present and be exactly 8 bytes long.
+Client and server session key production is a function of the CIPHER-
+Where KEY-MATERIAL-0[0-15] means the first 16 bytes of the KEY-
+MATERIAL-0 data, with KEY-MATERIAL-0[0] becoming the most
+significant byte of the CLIENT-READ-KEY.
+Data is fed to the MD5 hash function in the order shown, from left to
+right: first the MASTER-KEY, then the "0" or "1", then the
+CHALLENGE and then finally the CONNECTION-ID.
+Note that the "0" means the ascii zero character (0x30), not a zero value.
+"1" means the ascii 1 character (0x31). MD5 produces 128 bits of output
+data which are used directly as the key to the cipher algorithm (The most
+significant byte of the MD5 output becomes the most significant byte of
+the key material).
+For DES-CBC, a single 16 bytes of key material are produced using MD5.
+The first 8 bytes of the MD5 digest are used as the CLIENT-READ-KEY
+while the remaining 8 bytes are used as the CLIENT-WRITE-KEY. The
+initialization vector is provided in the KEY-ARG-DATA. Note that the
+raw key data is not parity adjusted and that this step must be performed
+before the keys are legitimate DES keys.
+Hickman [page 10]
+Data is fed to the MD5 hash function in the order shown, from left to
+right: first the MASTER-KEY, then the "0", "1" or "2", then the
+CHALLENGE and then finally the CONNECTION-ID. Note that the
+"0" means the ascii zero character (0x30), not a zero value. "1" means the
+ascii 1 character (0x31). "2" means the ascii 2 character (0x32).
+A total of 6 keys are produced, 3 for the read side DES-EDE3 cipher and 3
+for the write side DES-EDE3 function. The initialization vector is
+provided in the KEY-ARG-DATA. The keys that are produced are not
+parity adjusted. This step must be performed before proper DES keys are
+Recall that the MASTER-KEY is given to the server in the CLIENT-
+MASTER-KEY message. The CHALLENGE is given to the server by
+the client in the CLIENT-HELLO message. The CONNECTION-ID is
+given to the client by the server in the SERVER-HELLO message. This
+makes the resulting cipher keys a function of the original session and the
+current session. Note that the master key is never directly used to encrypt
+data, and therefore cannot be easily discovered.
+The CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message must be sent after the CLIENT-
+HELLO message and before the CLIENT-FINISHED message. The
+CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message must be sent if the SERVER-
+HELLO message contains a SESSION-ID-HIT value of 0.
+5.5.3 CLIENT-CERTIFICATE (Phase 2; Sent encrypted)
+This message is sent by one an SSL client in response to a server
+contains data defined by the CERTIFICATE-TYPE value. An ERROR
+message is sent with error code NO-CERTIFICATE-ERROR when this
+request cannot be answered properly (e.g. the receiver of the message has
+Hickman [page 11]
+no registered certificate).
+The CERTIFICATE-DATA contains an X.509 (1988) [3] signed
+The RESPONSE-DATA contains the authentication response data. This
+data is a function of the AUTHENTICATION-TYPE value sent by the
+DATA contains a digital signature of the following components (in the
+order shown):
+ the KEY-MATERIAL-1 (only if defined by the cipher kind)
+ the KEY-MATERIAL-2 (only if defined by the cipher kind)
+ the server's signed certificate (from the SERVER-HELLO
+The digital signature is constructed using MD5 and then encrypted using
+the clients private key, formatted according to PKCS#1's digital signature
+standard [5]. The server authenticates the client by verifying the digital
+signature using standard techniques. Note that other digest functions are
+supported. Either a new AUTHENTICATION-TYPE can be added, or
+the algorithm-id in the digital signature can be changed.
+This message must be sent by the client only in response to a REQUEST-
+5.5.4 CLIENT-FINISHED (Phase 2; Sent encrypted)
+The client sends this message when it is satisfied with the server. Note that
+the client must continue to listen for server messages until it receives a
+SERVER-FINISHED message. The CONNECTION-ID data is the
+original connection-identifier the server sent with its SERVER-HELLO
+message, encrypted using the agreed upon session key.
+"N" is the number of bytes in the message that was sent, so "N-1" is the
+number of bytes in the message without the message header byte.
+For version 2 of the protocol, the client must send this message after it has
+received the SERVER-HELLO message. If the SERVER-HELLO
+message SESSION-ID-HIT flag is non-zero then the CLIENT-
+FINISHED message is sent immediately, otherwise the CLIENT-
+FINISHED message is sent after the CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message.
+Hickman [page 12]
+5.6 Server Only Protocol Messages
+There are several messages that are only generated by servers. The
+messages are never generated by correctly functioning clients.
+5.6.1 SERVER-HELLO (Phase 1; Sent in the clear)
+The server sends this message after receiving the clients CLIENT-
+HELLO message. The server returns the SESSION-ID-HIT flag
+indicating whether or not the received session-identifier is known by the
+server (i.e. in the server's session-identifier cache). The SESSION-ID-
+HIT flag will be non-zero if the client sent the server a session-identifier
+(in the CLIENT-HELLO message with SESSION-ID-LENGTH != 0)
+and the server found the client's session-identifier in its cache. If the
+SESSION-ID-HIT flag is non-zero then the CERTIFICATE-TYPE,
+be zero.
+The CERTIFICATE-TYPE value, when non-zero, has one of the values
+described above (see the information on the CLIENT-CERTIFICATE
+When the SESSION-ID-HIT flag is zero, the server packages up its
+certificate, its cipher specs and a connection-id to send to the client. Using
+this information the client can generate a session key and return it to the
+server with the CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message.
+When the SESSION-ID-HIT flag is non-zero, both the server and the
+client compute a new pair of session keys for the current session derived
+from the MASTER-KEY that was exchanged when the SESSION-ID
+are derived from the original MASTER-KEY keys in the same manner as
+Note that when keys are being derived and the SESSION-ID-HIT flag is
+set and the server discovers the client's session-identifier in the servers
+cache, then the KEY-ARG-DATA is used from the time when the
+Hickman [page 13]
+SESSION-ID was established. This is because the client does not send
+new KEY-ARG-DATA (recall that the KEY-ARG-DATA is sent only in
+the CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message).
+The CONNECTION-ID-DATA is a string of randomly generated bytes
+used by the server and client at various points in the protocol. The
+CLIENT-FINISHED message contains an encrypted version of the
+be between 16 and than 32 bytes, inclusive.
+The CIPHER-SPECS-DATA define a cipher type and key length (in bits)
+that the receiving end supports. Each SESSION-CIPHER-SPEC is 3
+bytes long and looks like this:
+Where CIPHER-KIND is one of:
+This list is not exhaustive and may be changed in the future.
+The SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 cipher is an RC4
+cipher where some of the session key is sent in the clear and the rest is sent
+encrypted (exactly 40 bits of it). MD5 is used as the hash function for
+production of MAC's and session key's. This cipher type is provided to
+support "export" versions (i.e. versions of the protocol that can be
+distributed outside of the United States) of the client or server.
+An exportable implementation of the SSL Handshake Protocol will have
+secret key lengths restricted to 40 bits. For non-export implementations
+key lengths can be more generous (we recommend at least 128 bits). It is
+permissible for the client and server to have a non-intersecting set of
+stream ciphers. This, simply put, means they cannot communicate.
+Version 2 of the SSL Handshake Protocol defines the
+SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5 to have a key length of 128 bits. The
+SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5 also has a key length of
+128 bits. However, only 40 of the bits are secret (the other 88 bits are sent
+in the clear by the client to the server).
+The SERVER-HELLO message is sent after the server receives the
+CLIENT-HELLO message, and before the server sends the SERVER-
+VERIFY message.
+5.6.2 SERVER-VERIFY (Phase 1; Sent encrypted)
+Hickman [page 14]
+The server sends this message after a pair of session keys (SERVER-
+READ-KEY and SERVER-WRITE-KEY) have been agreed upon either
+by a session-identifier or by explicit specification with the CLIENT-
+MASTER-KEY message. The message contains an encrypted copy of the
+CHALLENGE-DATA sent by the client in the CLIENT-HELLO
+"N" is the number of bytes in the message that was sent, so "N-1" is the
+number of bytes in the CHALLENGE-DATA without the message
+header byte.
+This message is used to verify the server as follows. A legitimate server
+will have the private key that corresponds to the public key contained in
+the server certificate that was transmitted in the SERVER-HELLO
+message. Accordingly, the legitimate server will be able to extract and
+reconstruct the pair of session keys (SERVER-READ-KEY and
+SERVER-WRITE-KEY). Finally, only a server that has done the
+extraction and decryption properly can correctly encrypt the
+CHALLENGE-DATA. This, in essence, "proves" that the server has the
+private key that goes with the public key in the server's certificate.
+The CHALLENGE-DATA must be the exact same length as originally
+sent by the client in the CLIENT-HELLO message. Its value must match
+exactly the value sent in the clear by the client in the CLIENT-HELLO
+message. The client must decrypt this message and compare the value
+received with the value sent, and only if the values are identical is the
+server to be "trusted". If the lengths do not match or the value doesn't
+match then the connection is to be closed by the client.
+This message must be sent by the server to the client after either detecting
+a session-identifier hit (and replying with a SERVER-HELLO message
+with SESSION-ID-HIT not equal to zero) or when the server receives the
+CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message. This message must be sent before
+any Phase 2 messages or a SERVER-FINISHED message.
+5.6.3 SERVER-FINISHED (Phase 2; Sent encrypted)
+The server sends this message when it is satisfied with the clients security
+handshake and is ready to proceed with transmission/reception of the
+higher level protocols data. The SESSION-ID-DATA is used by the client
+and the server at this time to add entries to their respective session-
+identifier caches. The session-identifier caches must contain a copy of the
+MASTER-KEY sent in the CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message as the
+master key is used for all subsequent session key generation.
+"N" is the number of bytes in the message that was sent, so "N-1" is the
+number of bytes in the SESSION-ID-DATA without the message header
+This message must be sent after the SERVER-VERIFY message.
+Hickman [page 15]
+5.6.4 REQUEST-CERTIFICATE (Phase 2; Sent encrypted)
+A server may issue this request at any time during the second phase of the
+connection handshake, asking for the client's certificate. The client
+responds with a CLIENT-CERTIFICATE message immediately if it has
+one, or an ERROR message (with error code NO-CERTIFICATE-
+short byte string (whose length is greater than or equal to 16 bytes and less
+than or equal to 32 bytes) that the client will use to respond to this
+The AUTHENTICATION-TYPE value is used to choose a particular
+means of authenticating the client. The following types are defined:
+The SSL_AT_MD5_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION type requires that the
+client construct an MD5 message digest using information as described
+above in the section on the CLIENT-CERTIFICATE message. Once the
+digest is created, the client encrypts it using its private key (formatted
+according to the digital signature standard defined in PKCS#1). The server
+authenticates the client when it receives the CLIENT-CERTIFICATE
+This message may be sent after a SERVER-VERIFY message and before
+5.7 Client/Server Protocol Messages
+These messages are generated by both the client and the server.
+5.7.1 ERROR (Sent clear or encrypted)
+This message is sent when an error is detected. After the message is sent,
+the sending party shuts the connection down. The receiving party records
+the error and then shuts its connection down.
+This message is sent in the clear if an error occurs during session key
+negotiation. After a session key has been agreed upon, errors are sent
+encrypted like all other messages.
+Appendix A: ASN.1 Syntax For Certificates
+Certificates are used by SSL to authenticate servers and clients. SSL
+Certificates are based largely on the X.509 [3] certificates. An X.509
+certificate contains the following information (in ASN.1 [1] notation):
+Hickman [page 16]
+X.509-Certificate ::= SEQUENCE {
+ certificateInfo CertificateInfo,
+ signatureAlgorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
+ signature BIT STRING
+CertificateInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+ version [0] Version DEFAULT v1988,
+ serialNumber CertificateSerialNumber,
+ signature AlgorithmIdentifier,
+ issuer Name,
+ validity Validity,
+ subject Name,
+ subjectPublicKeyInfo SubjectPublicKeyInfo
+Version ::= INTEGER { v1988(0) }
+CertificateSerialNumber ::= INTEGER
+Validity ::= SEQUENCE {
+ notBefore UTCTime,
+ notAfter UTCTime
+SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
+ algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,
+ subjectPublicKey BIT STRING
+AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {
+For SSL's purposes we restrict the values of some of the X.509 fields:
+ The X.509-Certificate::signatureAlgorithm and
+CertificateInfo::signature fields must be identical in value.
+ The issuer name must resolve to a name that is deemed acceptable by
+the application using SSL. How the application using SSL does this is
+outside the scope of this memo.
+Certificates are validated using a few straightforward steps. First, the
+signature on the certificate is checked and if invalid, the certificate is
+invalid (either a transmission error or an attempted forgery occurred).
+Next, the CertificateInfo::issuer field is verified to be an issuer that the
+application trusts (using an unspecified mechanism). The
+CertificateInfo::validity field is checked against the current date and
+Finally, the CertificateInfo::subject field is checked. This check is
+optional and depends on the level of trust required by the application using
+Hickman [page 17]
+Appendix B: Attribute Types and Object Identifiers
+SSL uses a subset of the X.520 selected attribute types as well as a
+few specific object identifiers. Future revisions of the SSL protocol
+may include support for more attribute types and more object
+B.1 Selected attribute types
+commonName { attributeType 3 }
+The common name contained in the distinguished name contained
+within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+countryName { attributeType 6 }
+The country name contained in the distinguished name contained
+within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+localityName { attributeType 7 }
+The locality name contained in the distinguished name contained
+within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+stateOrProvinceName { attributeType 8 }
+The state or province name contained in the distinguished name
+contained within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+organizationName { attributeType 10 }
+The organization name contained in the distinguished name contained
+within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+organizationalUnitName { attributeType 11 }
+The organizational unit name contained in the distinguished name
+contained within a certificate issuer or certificate subject.
+B.2 Object identifiers
+md2withRSAEncryption { ... pkcs(1) 1 2 }
+The object identifier for digital signatures that use both MD2 and RSA
+encryption. Used by SSL for certificate signature verification.
+md5withRSAEncryption { ... pkcs(1) 1 4 }
+The object identifier for digital signatures that use both MD5 and RSA
+encryption. Used by SSL for certificate signature verification.
+rc4 { ... rsadsi(113549) 3 4 }
+The RC4 symmetric stream cipher algorithm used by SSL for bulk
+Appendix C: Protocol Constant Values
+This section describes various protocol constants. A special value needs
+mentioning - the IANA reserved port number for "https" (HTTP using
+SSL). IANA has reserved port number 443 (decimal) for "https". IANA
+has also reserved port number 465 for "ssmtp" and port number 563 for
+Hickman [page 18]
+C.1 Protocol Version Codes
+#define SSL_CLIENT_VERSION 0x0002
+#define SSL_SERVER_VERSION 0x0002
+C.2 Protocol Message Codes
+The following values define the message codes that are used by version
+2 of the SSL Handshake Protocol.
+#define SSL_MT_ERROR 0
+C.3 Error Message Codes
+The following values define the error codes used by the ERROR message.
+#define SSL_PE_NO_CIPHER 0x0001
+#define SSL_PE_NO_CERTIFICATE 0x0002
+#define SSL_PE_BAD_CERTIFICATE 0x0004
+C.4 Cipher Kind Values
+The following values define the CIPHER-KIND codes used in the
+#define SSL_CK_RC4_128_WITH_MD5
+ 0x01,0x00,0x80
+#define SSL_CK_RC4_128_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5
+ 0x02,0x00,0x80
+#define SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
+ 0x03,0x00,0x80
+#define SSL_CK_RC2_128_CBC_EXPORT40_WITH_MD5
+ 0x04,0x00,0x80
+#define SSL_CK_IDEA_128_CBC_WITH_MD5
+ 0x05,0x00,0x80
+#define SSL_CK_DES_64_CBC_WITH_MD5
+ 0x06,0x00,0x40
+#define SSL_CK_DES_192_EDE3_CBC_WITH_MD5
+ 0x07,0x00,0xC0
+C.5 Certificate Type Codes
+The following values define the certificate type codes used in the
+#define SSL_CT_X509_CERTIFICATE 0x01
+Hickman [page 19]
+C.6 Authentication Type Codes
+The following values define the authentication type codes used in the
+C.7 Upper/Lower Bounds
+The following values define upper/lower bounds for various protocol
+C.8 Recommendations
+Because protocols have to be implemented to be of value, we recommend
+the following values for various operational parameters. This is only a
+recommendation, and not a strict requirement for conformance to the
+Session-identifier Cache Timeout
+Session-identifiers are kept in SSL clients and SSL servers. Session-
+identifiers should have a lifetime that serves their purpose (namely,
+reducing the number of expensive public key operations for a single
+client/server pairing). Consequently, we recommend a maximum session-
+identifier cache timeout value of 100 seconds. Given a server that can
+perform N private key operations per second, this reduces the server load
+for a particular client by a factor of 100.
+Appendix D: Attacks
+In this section we attempt to describe various attacks that might be used
+against the SSL protocol. This list is not guaranteed to be exhaustive. SSL
+was defined to thwart these attacks.
+D.1 Cracking Ciphers
+SSL depends on several cryptographic technologies. RSA Public Key
+encryption [5] is used for the exchange of the session key and client/server
+authentication. Various cryptographic algorithms are used for the session
+cipher. If successful cryptographic attacks are made against these
+technologies then SSL is no longer secure.
+Attacks against a specific communications session can be made by
+recording the session, and then spending some large number of compute
+cycles to crack either the session key or the RSA public key until the
+communication can be seen in the clear. This approach is easier than
+cracking the cryptographic technologies for all possible messages. Note
+that SSL tries to make the cost of such of an attack greater than the
+Hickman [page 20]
+benefits gained from a successful attack, thus making it a waste of
+money/time to perform such an attack.
+There have been many books [9] and papers [10] written on cryptography.
+This document does not attempt to reference them all.
+D.2 Clear Text Attack
+A clear text attack is done when the attacker has an idea of what kind of
+message is being sent using encryption. The attacker can generate a data
+base whose keys are the encrypted value of the known text (or clear text),
+and whose values are the session cipher key (we call this a "dictionary").
+Once this data base is constructed, a simple lookup function identifies the
+session key that goes with a particular encrypted value. Once the session
+key is known, the entire message stream can be decrypted. Custom
+hardware can be used to make this cost effective and very fast.
+Because of the very nature of SSL clear text attacks are possible. For
+example, the most common byte string sent by an HTTP client application
+to an HTTP server is "GET". SSL attempts to address this attack by using
+large session cipher keys. First, the client generates a key which is larger
+than allowed by export, and sends some of it in the clear to the server (this
+is allowed by United States government export rules). The clear portion of
+the key concatenated with the secret portion make a key which is very
+large (for RC4, exactly 128 bits).
+The way that this "defeats" a clear text attack is by making the amount of
+custom hardware needed prohibitively large. Every bit added to the length
+of the session cipher key increases the dictionary size by a factor of 2. By
+using a 128 bit session cipher key length the size of the dictionary required
+is beyond the ability of anyone to fabricate (it would require more atoms to
+construct than exist in the entire universe). Even if a smaller dictionary is
+to be used, it must first be generated using the clear key bits. This is a time
+consumptive process and also eliminates many possible custom hardware
+architectures (e.g. static prom arrays).
+The second way that SSL attacks this problem is by using large key
+lengths when permissible (e.g. in the non-export version). Large key sizes
+require larger dictionaries (just one more bit of key size doubles the size of
+the dictionary). SSL attempts to use keys that are 128 bits in length.
+Note that the consequence of the SSL defense is that a brute force attack
+becomes the cheapest way to attack the key. Brute force attacks have well
+known space/time tradeoffs and so it becomes possible to define a cost of
+the attack. For the 128 bit secret key, the known cost is essentially infinite.
+For the 40 bit secret key, the cost is much smaller, but still outside the
+range of the "random hacker".
+D.3 Replay
+The replay attack is simple. A bad-guy records a communication session
+between a client and server. Later, it reconnects to the server, and plays
+back the previously recorded client messages. SSL defeats this attack
+using a "nonce" (the connection-id) which is "unique" to the connection. In
+theory the bad-guy cannot predict the nonce in advance as it is based on a
+Hickman [page 21]
+set of random events outside the bad-guys control, and therefore the bad-
+guy cannot respond properly to server requests.
+A bad-guy with large resources can record many sessions between a client
+and a server, and attempt to choose the right session based on the nonce
+the server sends initially in its SERVER-HELLO message. However, SSL
+nonces are at least 128 bits long, so a bad-guy would need to record
+approximately 2^64 nonces to even have a 50% chance of choosing the
+right session. This number is sufficiently large that one cannot
+economically construct a device to record 2^64 messages, and therefore
+the odds are overwhelmingly against the replay attack ever being
+D.4 The Man In The Middle
+The man in the middle attack works by having three people in a
+communications session: the client, the server, and the bad guy. The bad
+guy sits between the client and the server on the network and intercepts
+traffic that the client sends to the server, and traffic that the server
+sends to
+the client.
+The man in the middle operates by pretending to be the real server to the
+client. With SSL this attack is impossible because of the usage of server
+certificates. During the security connection handshake the server is
+required to provide a certificate that is signed by a certificate authority.
+Contained in the certificate is the server's public key as well as its name
+and the name of the certificate issuer. The client verifies the certificate by
+first checking the signature and then verifying that the name of the issuer
+is somebody that the client trusts.
+In addition, the server must encrypt something with the private key that
+goes with the public key mentioned in the certificate. This in essence is a
+single pass "challenge response" mechanism. Only a server that has both
+the certificate and the private key can respond properly to the challenge.
+If the man in the middle provides a phony certificate, then the signature
+check will fail. If the certificate provided by the bad guy is legitimate, but
+for the bad guy instead of for the real server, then the signature will pass
+but the name check will fail (note that the man in the middle cannot forge
+certificates without discovering a certificate authority's private key).
+Finally, if the bad guy provides the real server's certificate then the
+signature check will pass and the name check will pass. However, because
+the bad guy does not have the real server's private key, the bad guy cannot
+properly encode the response to the challenge code, and this check will
+In the unlikely case that a bad guy happens to guess the response code to
+the challenge, the bad guy still cannot decrypt the session key and
+therefore cannot examine the encrypted data.
+Hickman [page 22]
+Appendix E: Terms
+Application Protocol
+An application protocol is a protocol that normally layers directly on
+top of TCP/IP. For example: HTTP, TELNET, FTP, and SMTP.
+Authentication is the ability of one entity to determine the identity of
+another entity. Identity is defined by this document to mean the
+binding between a public key and a name and the implicit ownership
+of the corresponding private key.
+Bulk Cipher
+This term is used to describe a cryptographic technique with certain
+performance properties. Bulk ciphers are used when large quantities of
+data are to be encrypted/decrypted in a timely manner. Examples
+include RC2, RC4, and IDEA.
+In this document client refers to the application entity that is initiates a
+connection to a server.
+The session key that the client uses to initialize the client read cipher.
+This key has the same value as the SERVER-WRITE-KEY.
+The session key that the client uses to initialize the client write cipher.
+This key has the same value as the SERVER-READ-KEY.
+The master key that the client and server use for all session key
+from the MASTER-KEY.
+MD2 [8] is a hashing function that converts an arbitrarily long data
+stream into a digest of fixed size. This function predates MD5 [7]
+which is viewed as a more robust hash function [9].
+MD5 [7] is a hashing function that converts an arbitrarily long data
+stream into a digest of fixed size. The function has certain properties
+that make it useful for security, the most important of which is it's
+inability to be reversed.
+A randomly generated value used to defeat "playback" attacks. One
+party randomly generates a nonce and sends it to the other party. The
+receiver encrypts it using the agreed upon secret key and returns it to
+the sender. Because the nonce was randomly generated by the sender
+this defeats playback attacks because the replayer can't know in
+advance the nonce the sender will generate. The receiver denies
+connections that do not have the correctly encrypted nonce.
+Hickman [page 23]
+Non-repudiable Information Exchange
+When two entities exchange information it is sometimes valuable to
+have a record of the communication that is non-repudiable. Neither
+party can then deny that the information exchange occurred. Version 2
+of the SSL protocol does not support Non-repudiable information
+Public Key Encryption
+Public key encryption is a technique that leverages asymmetric ciphers.
+A public key system consists of two keys: a public key and a private
+key. Messages encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted
+with the associated private key. Conversely, messages encrypted with
+the private key can only be decrypted with the public key. Public key
+encryption tends to be extremely compute intensive and so is not
+suitable as a bulk cipher.
+Privacy is the ability of two entities to communicate without fear of
+eavesdropping. Privacy is often implemented by encrypting the
+communications stream between the two entities.
+RC2, RC4
+Proprietary bulk ciphers invented by RSA (There is no good reference
+to these as they are unpublished works; however, see [9]). RC2 is
+block cipher and RC4 is a stream cipher.
+The server is the application entity that responds to requests for
+connections from clients. The server is passive, waiting for requests
+from clients.
+Session cipher
+A session cipher is a "bulk" cipher that is capable of encrypting or
+decrypting arbitrarily large amounts of data. Session ciphers are used
+primarily for performance reasons. The session ciphers used by this
+protocol are symmetric. Symmetric ciphers have the property of using
+a single key for encryption and decryption.
+Session identifier
+A session identifier is a random value generated by a client that
+identifies itself to a particular server. The session identifier can be
+thought of as a handle that both parties use to access a recorded secret
+key (in our case a session key). If both parties remember the session
+identifier then the implication is that the secret key is already known
+and need not be negotiated.
+Session key
+The key to the session cipher. In SSL there are four keys that are called
+The session key that the server uses to initialize the server read cipher.
+This key has the same value as the CLIENT-WRITE-KEY.
+Hickman [page 24]
+The session key that the server uses to initialize the server write cipher.
+This key has the same value as the CLIENT-READ-KEY.
+Symmetric Cipher
+A symmetric cipher has the property that the same key can be used for
+decryption and encryption. An asymmetric cipher does not have this
+behavior. Some examples of symmetric ciphers: IDEA, RC2, RC4.
+[1] CCITT. Recommendation X.208: "Specification of Abstract Syntax
+Notation One (ASN.1). 1988.
+[2] CCITT. Recommendation X.209: "Specification of Basic Encoding
+Rules for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1). 1988.
+[3] CCITT. Recommendation X.509: "The Directory - Authentication
+Framework". 1988.
+[4] CCITT. Recommendation X.520: "The Directory - Selected Attribute
+Types". 1988.
+[5] RSA Laboratories. PKCS #1: RSA Encryption Standard, Version 1.5,
+November 1993.
+[6] RSA Laboratories. PKCS #6: Extended-Certificate Syntax Standard,
+Version 1.5, November 1993.
+[7] R. Rivest. RFC 1321: The MD5 Message Digest Algorithm. April
+[8] R. Rivest. RFC 1319: The MD2 Message Digest Algorithm. April
+[9] B. Schneier. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source
+Code in C, Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 1994.
+[10] M. Abadi and R. Needham. Prudent engineering practice for
+cryptographic protocols. 1994.
+Patent Statement
+This version of the SSL protocol relies on the use of patented public key
+encryption technology for authentication and encryption. The Internet
+Standards Process as defined in RFC 1310 requires a written statement
+from the Patent holder that a license will be made available to applicants
+under reasonable terms and conditions prior to approving a specification as
+a Proposed, Draft or Internet Standard.
+The Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Board of Trustees of
+the Leland Stanford Junior University have granted Public Key Partners
+(PKP) exclusive sub-licensing rights to the following patents issued in the
+Hickman [page 25]
+United States, and all of their corresponding foreign patents:
+Cryptographic Apparatus and Method ("Diffie-Hellman")
+ No. 4,200,770
+Public Key Cryptographic Apparatus and Method ("Hellman-Merkle")
+ No. 4,218,582
+Cryptographic Communications System and Method ("RSA")
+ No. 4,405,829
+Exponential Cryptographic Apparatus and Method ("Hellman-Pohlig")
+ No. 4,424,414
+These patents are stated by PKP to cover all known methods of practicing
+the art of Public Key encryption, including the variations collectively
+known as ElGamal.
+Public Key Partners has provided written assurance to the Internet Society
+that parties will be able to obtain, under reasonable, nondiscriminatory
+terms, the right to use the technology covered by these patents. This
+assurance is documented in RFC 1170 titled "Public Key Standards and
+Licenses". A copy of the written assurance dated April 20, 1990, may be
+obtained from the Internet Assigned Number Authority (IANA).
+The Internet Society, Internet Architecture Board, Internet Engineering
+Steering Group and the Corporation for National Research Initiatives take
+no position on the validity or scope of the patents and patent applications,
+nor on the appropriateness of the terms of the assurance. The Internet
+Society and other groups mentioned above have not made any
+determination as to any other intellectual property rights which may apply
+to the practice of this standard. Any further consideration of these matters
+is the user's own responsibility.
+Security Considerations
+This entire document is about security.
+Author's Address
+Kipp E.B. Hickman
+Netscape Communications Corp.
+501 East Middlefield Rd.
+Mountain View, CA 94043
+Hickman [page 26]