path: root/src/compress/bzip2
diff options
authorRuss Cox <>2014-09-08 00:08:51 -0400
committerRuss Cox <>2014-09-08 00:08:51 -0400
commit8528da672cc093d4dd06732819abc1f7b6b5a46e (patch)
tree334be80d4a4c85b77db6f6fdb67cbf0528cba5f5 /src/compress/bzip2
parent73bcb69f272cbf34ddcc9daa56427a8683b5a95d (diff)
build: move package sources from src/pkg to src
Preparation was in CL 134570043. This CL contains only the effect of 'hg mv src/pkg/* src'. For more about the move, see
Diffstat (limited to 'src/compress/bzip2')
-rw-r--r--src/compress/bzip2/testdata/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt.bz2bin0 -> 124744 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/compress/bzip2/testdata/e.txt.bz2bin0 -> 43149 bytes
7 files changed, 1314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/bit_reader.go b/src/compress/bzip2/bit_reader.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..32d1036ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/bit_reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package bzip2
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "io"
+// bitReader wraps an io.Reader and provides the ability to read values,
+// bit-by-bit, from it. Its Read* methods don't return the usual error
+// because the error handling was verbose. Instead, any error is kept and can
+// be checked afterwards.
+type bitReader struct {
+ r io.ByteReader
+ n uint64
+ bits uint
+ err error
+// newBitReader returns a new bitReader reading from r. If r is not
+// already an io.ByteReader, it will be converted via a bufio.Reader.
+func newBitReader(r io.Reader) bitReader {
+ byter, ok := r.(io.ByteReader)
+ if !ok {
+ byter = bufio.NewReader(r)
+ }
+ return bitReader{r: byter}
+// ReadBits64 reads the given number of bits and returns them in the
+// least-significant part of a uint64. In the event of an error, it returns 0
+// and the error can be obtained by calling Err().
+func (br *bitReader) ReadBits64(bits uint) (n uint64) {
+ for bits > br.bits {
+ b, err := br.r.ReadByte()
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ br.err = err
+ return 0
+ }
+ br.n <<= 8
+ br.n |= uint64(b)
+ br.bits += 8
+ }
+ // br.n looks like this (assuming that br.bits = 14 and bits = 6):
+ // Bit: 111111
+ // 5432109876543210
+ //
+ // (6 bits, the desired output)
+ // |-----|
+ // V V
+ // 0101101101001110
+ // ^ ^
+ // |------------|
+ // br.bits (num valid bits)
+ //
+ // This the next line right shifts the desired bits into the
+ // least-significant places and masks off anything above.
+ n = (br.n >> (br.bits - bits)) & ((1 << bits) - 1)
+ br.bits -= bits
+ return
+func (br *bitReader) ReadBits(bits uint) (n int) {
+ n64 := br.ReadBits64(bits)
+ return int(n64)
+func (br *bitReader) ReadBit() bool {
+ n := br.ReadBits(1)
+ return n != 0
+func (br *bitReader) TryReadBit() (bit byte, ok bool) {
+ if br.bits > 0 {
+ br.bits--
+ return byte(br.n>>br.bits) & 1, true
+ }
+ return 0, false
+func (br *bitReader) Err() error {
+ return br.err
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2.go b/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d318116a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2.go
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// Package bzip2 implements bzip2 decompression.
+package bzip2
+import "io"
+// There's no RFC for bzip2. I used the Wikipedia page for reference and a lot
+// of guessing:
+// The source code to pyflate was useful for debugging:
+// A StructuralError is returned when the bzip2 data is found to be
+// syntactically invalid.
+type StructuralError string
+func (s StructuralError) Error() string {
+ return "bzip2 data invalid: " + string(s)
+// A reader decompresses bzip2 compressed data.
+type reader struct {
+ br bitReader
+ fileCRC uint32
+ blockCRC uint32
+ wantBlockCRC uint32
+ setupDone bool // true if we have parsed the bzip2 header.
+ blockSize int // blockSize in bytes, i.e. 900 * 1024.
+ eof bool
+ buf []byte // stores Burrows-Wheeler transformed data.
+ c [256]uint // the `C' array for the inverse BWT.
+ tt []uint32 // mirrors the `tt' array in the bzip2 source and contains the P array in the upper 24 bits.
+ tPos uint32 // Index of the next output byte in tt.
+ preRLE []uint32 // contains the RLE data still to be processed.
+ preRLEUsed int // number of entries of preRLE used.
+ lastByte int // the last byte value seen.
+ byteRepeats uint // the number of repeats of lastByte seen.
+ repeats uint // the number of copies of lastByte to output.
+// NewReader returns an io.Reader which decompresses bzip2 data from r.
+func NewReader(r io.Reader) io.Reader {
+ bz2 := new(reader)
+ = newBitReader(r)
+ return bz2
+const bzip2FileMagic = 0x425a // "BZ"
+const bzip2BlockMagic = 0x314159265359
+const bzip2FinalMagic = 0x177245385090
+// setup parses the bzip2 header.
+func (bz2 *reader) setup(needMagic bool) error {
+ br := &
+ if needMagic {
+ magic := br.ReadBits(16)
+ if magic != bzip2FileMagic {
+ return StructuralError("bad magic value")
+ }
+ }
+ t := br.ReadBits(8)
+ if t != 'h' {
+ return StructuralError("non-Huffman entropy encoding")
+ }
+ level := br.ReadBits(8)
+ if level < '1' || level > '9' {
+ return StructuralError("invalid compression level")
+ }
+ bz2.fileCRC = 0
+ bz2.blockSize = 100 * 1024 * (int(level) - '0')
+ if bz2.blockSize > len( {
+ = make([]uint32, bz2.blockSize)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (bz2 *reader) Read(buf []byte) (n int, err error) {
+ if bz2.eof {
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ if !bz2.setupDone {
+ err = bz2.setup(true)
+ brErr :=
+ if brErr != nil {
+ err = brErr
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ bz2.setupDone = true
+ }
+ n, err =
+ brErr :=
+ if brErr != nil {
+ err = brErr
+ }
+ return
+func (bz2 *reader) readFromBlock(buf []byte) int {
+ // bzip2 is a block based compressor, except that it has a run-length
+ // preprocessing step. The block based nature means that we can
+ // preallocate fixed-size buffers and reuse them. However, the RLE
+ // preprocessing would require allocating huge buffers to store the
+ // maximum expansion. Thus we process blocks all at once, except for
+ // the RLE which we decompress as required.
+ n := 0
+ for (bz2.repeats > 0 || bz2.preRLEUsed < len(bz2.preRLE)) && n < len(buf) {
+ // We have RLE data pending.
+ // The run-length encoding works like this:
+ // Any sequence of four equal bytes is followed by a length
+ // byte which contains the number of repeats of that byte to
+ // include. (The number of repeats can be zero.) Because we are
+ // decompressing on-demand our state is kept in the reader
+ // object.
+ if bz2.repeats > 0 {
+ buf[n] = byte(bz2.lastByte)
+ n++
+ bz2.repeats--
+ if bz2.repeats == 0 {
+ bz2.lastByte = -1
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ bz2.tPos = bz2.preRLE[bz2.tPos]
+ b := byte(bz2.tPos)
+ bz2.tPos >>= 8
+ bz2.preRLEUsed++
+ if bz2.byteRepeats == 3 {
+ bz2.repeats = uint(b)
+ bz2.byteRepeats = 0
+ continue
+ }
+ if bz2.lastByte == int(b) {
+ bz2.byteRepeats++
+ } else {
+ bz2.byteRepeats = 0
+ }
+ bz2.lastByte = int(b)
+ buf[n] = b
+ n++
+ }
+ return n
+func (bz2 *reader) read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
+ for {
+ n := bz2.readFromBlock(buf)
+ if n > 0 {
+ bz2.blockCRC = updateCRC(bz2.blockCRC, buf[:n])
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ // End of block. Check CRC.
+ if bz2.blockCRC != bz2.wantBlockCRC {
+ = StructuralError("block checksum mismatch")
+ return 0,
+ }
+ // Find next block.
+ br := &
+ switch br.ReadBits64(48) {
+ default:
+ return 0, StructuralError("bad magic value found")
+ case bzip2BlockMagic:
+ // Start of block.
+ err := bz2.readBlock()
+ if err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ case bzip2FinalMagic:
+ // Check end-of-file CRC.
+ wantFileCRC := uint32(br.ReadBits64(32))
+ if br.err != nil {
+ return 0, br.err
+ }
+ if bz2.fileCRC != wantFileCRC {
+ br.err = StructuralError("file checksum mismatch")
+ return 0, br.err
+ }
+ // Skip ahead to byte boundary.
+ // Is there a file concatenated to this one?
+ // It would start with BZ.
+ if br.bits%8 != 0 {
+ br.ReadBits(br.bits % 8)
+ }
+ b, err := br.r.ReadByte()
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ br.err = io.EOF
+ bz2.eof = true
+ return 0, io.EOF
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ br.err = err
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ z, err := br.r.ReadByte()
+ if err != nil {
+ if err == io.EOF {
+ err = io.ErrUnexpectedEOF
+ }
+ br.err = err
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ if b != 'B' || z != 'Z' {
+ return 0, StructuralError("bad magic value in continuation file")
+ }
+ if err := bz2.setup(false); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// readBlock reads a bzip2 block. The magic number should already have been consumed.
+func (bz2 *reader) readBlock() (err error) {
+ br := &
+ bz2.wantBlockCRC = uint32(br.ReadBits64(32)) // skip checksum. TODO: check it if we can figure out what it is.
+ bz2.blockCRC = 0
+ bz2.fileCRC = (bz2.fileCRC<<1 | bz2.fileCRC>>31) ^ bz2.wantBlockCRC
+ randomized := br.ReadBits(1)
+ if randomized != 0 {
+ return StructuralError("deprecated randomized files")
+ }
+ origPtr := uint(br.ReadBits(24))
+ // If not every byte value is used in the block (i.e., it's text) then
+ // the symbol set is reduced. The symbols used are stored as a
+ // two-level, 16x16 bitmap.
+ symbolRangeUsedBitmap := br.ReadBits(16)
+ symbolPresent := make([]bool, 256)
+ numSymbols := 0
+ for symRange := uint(0); symRange < 16; symRange++ {
+ if symbolRangeUsedBitmap&(1<<(15-symRange)) != 0 {
+ bits := br.ReadBits(16)
+ for symbol := uint(0); symbol < 16; symbol++ {
+ if bits&(1<<(15-symbol)) != 0 {
+ symbolPresent[16*symRange+symbol] = true
+ numSymbols++
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if numSymbols == 0 {
+ // There must be an EOF symbol.
+ return StructuralError("no symbols in input")
+ }
+ // A block uses between two and six different Huffman trees.
+ numHuffmanTrees := br.ReadBits(3)
+ if numHuffmanTrees < 2 || numHuffmanTrees > 6 {
+ return StructuralError("invalid number of Huffman trees")
+ }
+ // The Huffman tree can switch every 50 symbols so there's a list of
+ // tree indexes telling us which tree to use for each 50 symbol block.
+ numSelectors := br.ReadBits(15)
+ treeIndexes := make([]uint8, numSelectors)
+ // The tree indexes are move-to-front transformed and stored as unary
+ // numbers.
+ mtfTreeDecoder := newMTFDecoderWithRange(numHuffmanTrees)
+ for i := range treeIndexes {
+ c := 0
+ for {
+ inc := br.ReadBits(1)
+ if inc == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ c++
+ }
+ if c >= numHuffmanTrees {
+ return StructuralError("tree index too large")
+ }
+ treeIndexes[i] = uint8(mtfTreeDecoder.Decode(c))
+ }
+ // The list of symbols for the move-to-front transform is taken from
+ // the previously decoded symbol bitmap.
+ symbols := make([]byte, numSymbols)
+ nextSymbol := 0
+ for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ if symbolPresent[i] {
+ symbols[nextSymbol] = byte(i)
+ nextSymbol++
+ }
+ }
+ mtf := newMTFDecoder(symbols)
+ numSymbols += 2 // to account for RUNA and RUNB symbols
+ huffmanTrees := make([]huffmanTree, numHuffmanTrees)
+ // Now we decode the arrays of code-lengths for each tree.
+ lengths := make([]uint8, numSymbols)
+ for i := range huffmanTrees {
+ // The code lengths are delta encoded from a 5-bit base value.
+ length := br.ReadBits(5)
+ for j := range lengths {
+ for {
+ if !br.ReadBit() {
+ break
+ }
+ if br.ReadBit() {
+ length--
+ } else {
+ length++
+ }
+ }
+ if length < 0 || length > 20 {
+ return StructuralError("Huffman length out of range")
+ }
+ lengths[j] = uint8(length)
+ }
+ huffmanTrees[i], err = newHuffmanTree(lengths)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ selectorIndex := 1 // the next tree index to use
+ if len(treeIndexes) == 0 {
+ return StructuralError("no tree selectors given")
+ }
+ if int(treeIndexes[0]) >= len(huffmanTrees) {
+ return StructuralError("tree selector out of range")
+ }
+ currentHuffmanTree := huffmanTrees[treeIndexes[0]]
+ bufIndex := 0 // indexes bz2.buf, the output buffer.
+ // The output of the move-to-front transform is run-length encoded and
+ // we merge the decoding into the Huffman parsing loop. These two
+ // variables accumulate the repeat count. See the Wikipedia page for
+ // details.
+ repeat := 0
+ repeat_power := 0
+ // The `C' array (used by the inverse BWT) needs to be zero initialized.
+ for i := range bz2.c {
+ bz2.c[i] = 0
+ }
+ decoded := 0 // counts the number of symbols decoded by the current tree.
+ for {
+ if decoded == 50 {
+ if selectorIndex >= numSelectors {
+ return StructuralError("insufficient selector indices for number of symbols")
+ }
+ if int(treeIndexes[selectorIndex]) >= len(huffmanTrees) {
+ return StructuralError("tree selector out of range")
+ }
+ currentHuffmanTree = huffmanTrees[treeIndexes[selectorIndex]]
+ selectorIndex++
+ decoded = 0
+ }
+ v := currentHuffmanTree.Decode(br)
+ decoded++
+ if v < 2 {
+ // This is either the RUNA or RUNB symbol.
+ if repeat == 0 {
+ repeat_power = 1
+ }
+ repeat += repeat_power << v
+ repeat_power <<= 1
+ // This limit of 2 million comes from the bzip2 source
+ // code. It prevents repeat from overflowing.
+ if repeat > 2*1024*1024 {
+ return StructuralError("repeat count too large")
+ }
+ continue
+ }
+ if repeat > 0 {
+ // We have decoded a complete run-length so we need to
+ // replicate the last output symbol.
+ if repeat > bz2.blockSize-bufIndex {
+ return StructuralError("repeats past end of block")
+ }
+ for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
+ b := byte(mtf.First())
+[bufIndex] = uint32(b)
+ bz2.c[b]++
+ bufIndex++
+ }
+ repeat = 0
+ }
+ if int(v) == numSymbols-1 {
+ // This is the EOF symbol. Because it's always at the
+ // end of the move-to-front list, and never gets moved
+ // to the front, it has this unique value.
+ break
+ }
+ // Since two metasymbols (RUNA and RUNB) have values 0 and 1,
+ // one would expect |v-2| to be passed to the MTF decoder.
+ // However, the front of the MTF list is never referenced as 0,
+ // it's always referenced with a run-length of 1. Thus 0
+ // doesn't need to be encoded and we have |v-1| in the next
+ // line.
+ b := byte(mtf.Decode(int(v - 1)))
+ if bufIndex >= bz2.blockSize {
+ return StructuralError("data exceeds block size")
+ }
+[bufIndex] = uint32(b)
+ bz2.c[b]++
+ bufIndex++
+ }
+ if origPtr >= uint(bufIndex) {
+ return StructuralError("origPtr out of bounds")
+ }
+ // We have completed the entropy decoding. Now we can perform the
+ // inverse BWT and setup the RLE buffer.
+ bz2.preRLE =[:bufIndex]
+ bz2.preRLEUsed = 0
+ bz2.tPos = inverseBWT(bz2.preRLE, origPtr, bz2.c[:])
+ bz2.lastByte = -1
+ bz2.byteRepeats = 0
+ bz2.repeats = 0
+ return nil
+// inverseBWT implements the inverse Burrows-Wheeler transform as described in
+//, section 4.2.
+// In that document, origPtr is called `I' and c is the `C' array after the
+// first pass over the data. It's an argument here because we merge the first
+// pass with the Huffman decoding.
+// This also implements the `single array' method from the bzip2 source code
+// which leaves the output, still shuffled, in the bottom 8 bits of tt with the
+// index of the next byte in the top 24-bits. The index of the first byte is
+// returned.
+func inverseBWT(tt []uint32, origPtr uint, c []uint) uint32 {
+ sum := uint(0)
+ for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
+ sum += c[i]
+ c[i] = sum - c[i]
+ }
+ for i := range tt {
+ b := tt[i] & 0xff
+ tt[c[b]] |= uint32(i) << 8
+ c[b]++
+ }
+ return tt[origPtr] >> 8
+// This is a standard CRC32 like in hash/crc32 except that all the shifts are reversed,
+// causing the bits in the input to be processed in the reverse of the usual order.
+var crctab [256]uint32
+func init() {
+ const poly = 0x04C11DB7
+ for i := range crctab {
+ crc := uint32(i) << 24
+ for j := 0; j < 8; j++ {
+ if crc&0x80000000 != 0 {
+ crc = (crc << 1) ^ poly
+ } else {
+ crc <<= 1
+ }
+ }
+ crctab[i] = crc
+ }
+// updateCRC updates the crc value to incorporate the data in b.
+// The initial value is 0.
+func updateCRC(val uint32, b []byte) uint32 {
+ crc := ^val
+ for _, v := range b {
+ crc = crctab[byte(crc>>24)^v] ^ (crc << 8)
+ }
+ return ^crc
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2_test.go b/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb79d089e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/bzip2_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package bzip2
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "encoding/base64"
+ "encoding/hex"
+ "io"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "testing"
+func TestBitReader(t *testing.T) {
+ buf := bytes.NewReader([]byte{0xaa})
+ br := newBitReader(buf)
+ if n := br.ReadBits(1); n != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("read 1 wrong")
+ }
+ if n := br.ReadBits(1); n != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("read 2 wrong")
+ }
+ if n := br.ReadBits(1); n != 1 {
+ t.Errorf("read 3 wrong")
+ }
+ if n := br.ReadBits(1); n != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("read 4 wrong")
+ }
+func TestBitReaderLarge(t *testing.T) {
+ buf := bytes.NewReader([]byte{0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78})
+ br := newBitReader(buf)
+ if n := br.ReadBits(32); n != 0x12345678 {
+ t.Errorf("got: %x want: %x", n, 0x12345678)
+ }
+func readerFromHex(s string) io.Reader {
+ data, err := hex.DecodeString(s)
+ if err != nil {
+ panic("readerFromHex: bad input")
+ }
+ return bytes.NewReader(data)
+func decompressHex(s string) (out []byte, err error) {
+ r := NewReader(readerFromHex(s))
+ return ioutil.ReadAll(r)
+func TestHelloWorldBZ2(t *testing.T) {
+ out, err := decompressHex(helloWorldBZ2Hex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error from Read: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(helloWorld, out) {
+ t.Errorf("got %x, want %x", out, helloWorld)
+ }
+func TestConcat(t *testing.T) {
+ out, err := decompressHex(helloWorldBZ2Hex + helloWorldBZ2Hex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error from Read: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ hello2 := bytes.Repeat(helloWorld, 2)
+ if !bytes.Equal(hello2, out) {
+ t.Errorf("got %x, want %x", out, hello2)
+ }
+func testZeros(t *testing.T, inHex string, n int) {
+ out, err := decompressHex(inHex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error from Read: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ expected := make([]byte, n)
+ if !bytes.Equal(expected, out) {
+ allZeros := true
+ for _, b := range out {
+ if b != 0 {
+ allZeros = false
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ t.Errorf("incorrect result, got %d bytes (allZeros: %t)", len(out), allZeros)
+ }
+func Test32Zeros(t *testing.T) {
+ testZeros(t, thirtyTwoZerosBZ2Hex, 32)
+func Test1MBZeros(t *testing.T) {
+ testZeros(t, oneMBZerosBZ2Hex, 1024*1024)
+func testRandomData(t *testing.T, compressedHex, uncompressedHex string) {
+ out, err := decompressHex(compressedHex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error from Read: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ expected, _ := hex.DecodeString(uncompressedHex)
+ if !bytes.Equal(out, expected) {
+ t.Errorf("incorrect result\ngot: %x\nwant: %x", out, expected)
+ }
+func TestRandomData1(t *testing.T) {
+ testRandomData(t, randBZ2Hex, randHex)
+func TestRandomData2(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test involves several repeated bytes in the output, but they
+ // should trigger RLE decoding.
+ testRandomData(t, rand2BZ2Hex, rand2Hex)
+func TestRandomData3(t *testing.T) {
+ // This test uses the full range of symbols.
+ testRandomData(t, rand3BZ2Hex, rand3Hex)
+func Test1MBSawtooth(t *testing.T) {
+ out, err := decompressHex(oneMBSawtoothBZ2Hex)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Errorf("error from Read: %s", err)
+ return
+ }
+ expected := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
+ for i := range expected {
+ expected[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ if !bytes.Equal(out, expected) {
+ t.Error("incorrect result")
+ }
+const helloWorldBZ2Hex = "425a68393141592653594eece83600000251800010400006449080200031064c4101a7a9a580bb9431f8bb9229c28482776741b0"
+var helloWorld = []byte("hello world\n")
+const thirtyTwoZerosBZ2Hex = "425a6839314159265359b5aa5098000000600040000004200021008283177245385090b5aa5098"
+const oneMBZerosBZ2Hex = "425a683931415926535938571ce50008084000c0040008200030cc0529a60806c4201e2ee48a70a12070ae39ca"
+const randBZ2Hex = "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"
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+const rand2Hex = "92d5652616ac444a4a04af1a8a3964aca0450d43d6cf233bd03233f4ba92f8719e6c2a2bd4f5f88db07ecd0da3a33b263483db9b2c158786ad6363be35d17335ba"
+const rand3BZ2Hex = "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"
+const rand3Hex = "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"
+const (
+ digits = iota
+ twain
+var testfiles = []string{
+ // Digits is the digits of the irrational number e. Its decimal representation
+ // does not repeat, but there are only 10 possible digits, so it should be
+ // reasonably compressible.
+ digits: "testdata/e.txt.bz2",
+ // Twain is Project Gutenberg's edition of Mark Twain's classic English novel.
+ twain: "testdata/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt.bz2",
+func benchmarkDecode(b *testing.B, testfile int) {
+ compressed, err := ioutil.ReadFile(testfiles[testfile])
+ if err != nil {
+ b.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ b.SetBytes(int64(len(compressed)))
+ for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
+ r := bytes.NewReader(compressed)
+ io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, NewReader(r))
+ }
+func BenchmarkDecodeDigits(b *testing.B) { benchmarkDecode(b, digits) }
+func BenchmarkDecodeTwain(b *testing.B) { benchmarkDecode(b, twain) }
+func TestBufferOverrun(t *testing.T) {
+ // Tests
+ buffer := bytes.NewReader([]byte(bufferOverrunBase64))
+ decoder := base64.NewDecoder(base64.StdEncoding, buffer)
+ decompressor := NewReader(decoder)
+ // This shouldn't panic.
+ ioutil.ReadAll(decompressor)
+func TestOutOfRangeSelector(t *testing.T) {
+ // Tests
+ buffer := bytes.NewReader(outOfRangeSelector)
+ decompressor := NewReader(buffer)
+ // This shouldn't panic.
+ ioutil.ReadAll(decompressor)
+func TestMTF(t *testing.T) {
+ mtf := newMTFDecoderWithRange(5)
+ // 0 1 2 3 4
+ expect := byte(1)
+ x := mtf.Decode(1)
+ if x != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expect, x)
+ }
+ // 1 0 2 3 4
+ x = mtf.Decode(0)
+ if x != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expect, x)
+ }
+ // 1 0 2 3 4
+ expect = byte(0)
+ x = mtf.Decode(1)
+ if x != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expect, x)
+ }
+ // 0 1 2 3 4
+ expect = byte(4)
+ x = mtf.Decode(4)
+ if x != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expect, x)
+ }
+ // 4 0 1 2 3
+ expect = byte(0)
+ x = mtf.Decode(1)
+ if x != expect {
+ t.Errorf("expected %v, got %v", expect, x)
+ }
+var bufferOverrunBase64 string = `
+var outOfRangeSelector = []byte{
+ 0x42, 0x5a, 0x68, 0x39, 0x31, 0x41, 0x59, 0x26,
+ 0x53, 0x59, 0x4e, 0xec, 0xe8, 0x36, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x02, 0x51, 0x80, 0x00, 0x10, 0x40, 0x00, 0x06,
+ 0x44, 0x90, 0x80, 0x20, 0x00, 0x31, 0x06, 0x4c,
+ 0x41, 0x01, 0xa7, 0xa9, 0xa5, 0x80, 0xbb, 0x94,
+ 0x31, 0x17, 0x72, 0x45, 0x38, 0x50, 0x90, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/huffman.go b/src/compress/bzip2/huffman.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75a6223d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/huffman.go
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package bzip2
+import "sort"
+// A huffmanTree is a binary tree which is navigated, bit-by-bit to reach a
+// symbol.
+type huffmanTree struct {
+ // nodes contains all the non-leaf nodes in the tree. nodes[0] is the
+ // root of the tree and nextNode contains the index of the next element
+ // of nodes to use when the tree is being constructed.
+ nodes []huffmanNode
+ nextNode int
+// A huffmanNode is a node in the tree. left and right contain indexes into the
+// nodes slice of the tree. If left or right is invalidNodeValue then the child
+// is a left node and its value is in leftValue/rightValue.
+// The symbols are uint16s because bzip2 encodes not only MTF indexes in the
+// tree, but also two magic values for run-length encoding and an EOF symbol.
+// Thus there are more than 256 possible symbols.
+type huffmanNode struct {
+ left, right uint16
+ leftValue, rightValue uint16
+// invalidNodeValue is an invalid index which marks a leaf node in the tree.
+const invalidNodeValue = 0xffff
+// Decode reads bits from the given bitReader and navigates the tree until a
+// symbol is found.
+func (t *huffmanTree) Decode(br *bitReader) (v uint16) {
+ nodeIndex := uint16(0) // node 0 is the root of the tree.
+ for {
+ node := &t.nodes[nodeIndex]
+ bit, ok := br.TryReadBit()
+ if !ok && br.ReadBit() {
+ bit = 1
+ }
+ // bzip2 encodes left as a true bit.
+ if bit != 0 {
+ // left
+ if node.left == invalidNodeValue {
+ return node.leftValue
+ }
+ nodeIndex = node.left
+ } else {
+ // right
+ if node.right == invalidNodeValue {
+ return node.rightValue
+ }
+ nodeIndex = node.right
+ }
+ }
+// newHuffmanTree builds a Huffman tree from a slice containing the code
+// lengths of each symbol. The maximum code length is 32 bits.
+func newHuffmanTree(lengths []uint8) (huffmanTree, error) {
+ // There are many possible trees that assign the same code length to
+ // each symbol (consider reflecting a tree down the middle, for
+ // example). Since the code length assignments determine the
+ // efficiency of the tree, each of these trees is equally good. In
+ // order to minimize the amount of information needed to build a tree
+ // bzip2 uses a canonical tree so that it can be reconstructed given
+ // only the code length assignments.
+ if len(lengths) < 2 {
+ panic("newHuffmanTree: too few symbols")
+ }
+ var t huffmanTree
+ // First we sort the code length assignments by ascending code length,
+ // using the symbol value to break ties.
+ pairs := huffmanSymbolLengthPairs(make([]huffmanSymbolLengthPair, len(lengths)))
+ for i, length := range lengths {
+ pairs[i].value = uint16(i)
+ pairs[i].length = length
+ }
+ sort.Sort(pairs)
+ // Now we assign codes to the symbols, starting with the longest code.
+ // We keep the codes packed into a uint32, at the most-significant end.
+ // So branches are taken from the MSB downwards. This makes it easy to
+ // sort them later.
+ code := uint32(0)
+ length := uint8(32)
+ codes := huffmanCodes(make([]huffmanCode, len(lengths)))
+ for i := len(pairs) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
+ if length > pairs[i].length {
+ // If the code length decreases we shift in order to
+ // zero any bits beyond the end of the code.
+ length >>= 32 - pairs[i].length
+ length <<= 32 - pairs[i].length
+ length = pairs[i].length
+ }
+ codes[i].code = code
+ codes[i].codeLen = length
+ codes[i].value = pairs[i].value
+ // We need to 'increment' the code, which means treating |code|
+ // like a |length| bit number.
+ code += 1 << (32 - length)
+ }
+ // Now we can sort by the code so that the left half of each branch are
+ // grouped together, recursively.
+ sort.Sort(codes)
+ t.nodes = make([]huffmanNode, len(codes))
+ _, err := buildHuffmanNode(&t, codes, 0)
+ return t, err
+// huffmanSymbolLengthPair contains a symbol and its code length.
+type huffmanSymbolLengthPair struct {
+ value uint16
+ length uint8
+// huffmanSymbolLengthPair is used to provide an interface for sorting.
+type huffmanSymbolLengthPairs []huffmanSymbolLengthPair
+func (h huffmanSymbolLengthPairs) Len() int {
+ return len(h)
+func (h huffmanSymbolLengthPairs) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ if h[i].length < h[j].length {
+ return true
+ }
+ if h[i].length > h[j].length {
+ return false
+ }
+ if h[i].value < h[j].value {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (h huffmanSymbolLengthPairs) Swap(i, j int) {
+ h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i]
+// huffmanCode contains a symbol, its code and code length.
+type huffmanCode struct {
+ code uint32
+ codeLen uint8
+ value uint16
+// huffmanCodes is used to provide an interface for sorting.
+type huffmanCodes []huffmanCode
+func (n huffmanCodes) Len() int {
+ return len(n)
+func (n huffmanCodes) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return n[i].code < n[j].code
+func (n huffmanCodes) Swap(i, j int) {
+ n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i]
+// buildHuffmanNode takes a slice of sorted huffmanCodes and builds a node in
+// the Huffman tree at the given level. It returns the index of the newly
+// constructed node.
+func buildHuffmanNode(t *huffmanTree, codes []huffmanCode, level uint32) (nodeIndex uint16, err error) {
+ test := uint32(1) << (31 - level)
+ // We have to search the list of codes to find the divide between the left and right sides.
+ firstRightIndex := len(codes)
+ for i, code := range codes {
+ if code.code&test != 0 {
+ firstRightIndex = i
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ left := codes[:firstRightIndex]
+ right := codes[firstRightIndex:]
+ if len(left) == 0 || len(right) == 0 {
+ // There is a superfluous level in the Huffman tree indicating
+ // a bug in the encoder. However, this bug has been observed in
+ // the wild so we handle it.
+ // If this function was called recursively then we know that
+ // len(codes) >= 2 because, otherwise, we would have hit the
+ // "leaf node" case, below, and not recursed.
+ //
+ // However, for the initial call it's possible that len(codes)
+ // is zero or one. Both cases are invalid because a zero length
+ // tree cannot encode anything and a length-1 tree can only
+ // encode EOF and so is superfluous. We reject both.
+ if len(codes) < 2 {
+ return 0, StructuralError("empty Huffman tree")
+ }
+ // In this case the recursion doesn't always reduce the length
+ // of codes so we need to ensure termination via another
+ // mechanism.
+ if level == 31 {
+ // Since len(codes) >= 2 the only way that the values
+ // can match at all 32 bits is if they are equal, which
+ // is invalid. This ensures that we never enter
+ // infinite recursion.
+ return 0, StructuralError("equal symbols in Huffman tree")
+ }
+ if len(left) == 0 {
+ return buildHuffmanNode(t, right, level+1)
+ }
+ return buildHuffmanNode(t, left, level+1)
+ }
+ nodeIndex = uint16(t.nextNode)
+ node := &t.nodes[t.nextNode]
+ t.nextNode++
+ if len(left) == 1 {
+ // leaf node
+ node.left = invalidNodeValue
+ node.leftValue = left[0].value
+ } else {
+ node.left, err = buildHuffmanNode(t, left, level+1)
+ }
+ if err != nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(right) == 1 {
+ // leaf node
+ node.right = invalidNodeValue
+ node.rightValue = right[0].value
+ } else {
+ node.right, err = buildHuffmanNode(t, right, level+1)
+ }
+ return
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/move_to_front.go b/src/compress/bzip2/move_to_front.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..526dfb34c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/move_to_front.go
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+package bzip2
+// moveToFrontDecoder implements a move-to-front list. Such a list is an
+// efficient way to transform a string with repeating elements into one with
+// many small valued numbers, which is suitable for entropy encoding. It works
+// by starting with an initial list of symbols and references symbols by their
+// index into that list. When a symbol is referenced, it's moved to the front
+// of the list. Thus, a repeated symbol ends up being encoded with many zeros,
+// as the symbol will be at the front of the list after the first access.
+type moveToFrontDecoder []byte
+// newMTFDecoder creates a move-to-front decoder with an explicit initial list
+// of symbols.
+func newMTFDecoder(symbols []byte) moveToFrontDecoder {
+ if len(symbols) > 256 {
+ panic("too many symbols")
+ }
+ return moveToFrontDecoder(symbols)
+// newMTFDecoderWithRange creates a move-to-front decoder with an initial
+// symbol list of 0...n-1.
+func newMTFDecoderWithRange(n int) moveToFrontDecoder {
+ if n > 256 {
+ panic("newMTFDecoderWithRange: cannot have > 256 symbols")
+ }
+ m := make([]byte, n)
+ for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
+ m[i] = byte(i)
+ }
+ return moveToFrontDecoder(m)
+func (m moveToFrontDecoder) Decode(n int) (b byte) {
+ // Implement move-to-front with a simple copy. This approach
+ // beats more sophisticated approaches in benchmarking, probably
+ // because it has high locality of reference inside of a
+ // single cache line (most move-to-front operations have n < 64).
+ b = m[n]
+ copy(m[1:], m[:n])
+ m[0] = b
+ return
+// First returns the symbol at the front of the list.
+func (m moveToFrontDecoder) First() byte {
+ return m[0]
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt.bz2 b/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0bd61a6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/Mark.Twain-Tom.Sawyer.txt.bz2
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/e.txt.bz2 b/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/e.txt.bz2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65bf3b4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/compress/bzip2/testdata/e.txt.bz2
Binary files differ