diff options
32 files changed, 5 insertions, 4335 deletions
diff --git a/misc/IntelliJIDEA/Go.xml b/misc/IntelliJIDEA/Go.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 51abdf412..000000000
--- a/misc/IntelliJIDEA/Go.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-Copy this custom language definition & configuration file to
- * Mac : ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdea10/filetypes/
- * Linux & Windows : ~/.IntelliJIdea10/config/filetypes/
-<filetype binary="false" default_extension="" description="Go" name="Go">
- <highlighting>
- <options>
- <option name="LINE_COMMENT" value="//"/>
- <option name="COMMENT_START" value="/*"/>
- <option name="COMMENT_END" value="*/"/>
- <option name="HEX_PREFIX" value="0x"/>
- <option name="NUM_POSTFIXES" value=""/>
- <option name="HAS_BRACKETS" value="true"/>
- <option name="HAS_BRACES" value="true"/>
- <option name="HAS_PARENS" value="true"/>
- <option name="HAS_STRING_ESCAPES" value="true"/>
- </options>
- <keywords ignore_case="false">
- <keyword name="break"/>
- <keyword name="case"/>
- <keyword name="chan"/>
- <keyword name="const"/>
- <keyword name="continue"/>
- <keyword name="default"/>
- <keyword name="defer"/>
- <keyword name="else"/>
- <keyword name="fallthrough"/>
- <keyword name="for"/>
- <keyword name="func"/>
- <keyword name="go"/>
- <keyword name="goto"/>
- <keyword name="if"/>
- <keyword name="import"/>
- <keyword name="interface"/>
- <keyword name="map"/>
- <keyword name="package"/>
- <keyword name="range"/>
- <keyword name="return"/>
- <keyword name="select"/>
- <keyword name="struct"/>
- <keyword name="switch"/>
- <keyword name="type"/>
- <keyword name="var"/>
- </keywords>
- <keywords2>
- <keyword name="bool"/>
- <keyword name="byte"/>
- <keyword name="complex64"/>
- <keyword name="complex128"/>
- <keyword name="float32"/>
- <keyword name="float64"/>
- <keyword name="int"/>
- <keyword name="int8"/>
- <keyword name="int16"/>
- <keyword name="int32"/>
- <keyword name="int64"/>
- <keyword name="string"/>
- <keyword name="uint"/>
- <keyword name="uint8"/>
- <keyword name="uint16"/>
- <keyword name="uint32"/>
- <keyword name="uint64"/>
- <keyword name="uintptr"/>
- </keywords2>
- <keywords3>
- <keyword name="append"/>
- <keyword name="cap"/>
- <keyword name="close"/>
- <keyword name="complex"/>
- <keyword name="copy"/>
- <keyword name="delete"/>
- <keyword name="imag"/>
- <keyword name="len"/>
- <keyword name="make"/>
- <keyword name="new"/>
- <keyword name="panic"/>
- <keyword name="print"/>
- <keyword name="println"/>
- <keyword name="real"/>
- <keyword name="recover"/>
- </keywords3>
- <keywords4>
- <keyword name="false"/>
- <keyword name="iota"/>
- <keyword name="nil"/>
- <keyword name="true"/>
- </keywords4>
- </highlighting>
- <extensionMap>
- <mapping ext="go"/>
- </extensionMap>
diff --git a/misc/bash/go b/misc/bash/go
deleted file mode 100644
index 50f4f720b..000000000
--- a/misc/bash/go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +0,0 @@
-# install in /etc/bash_completion.d/ or your personal directory
-complete -f -X '!*.8' 8l
-complete -f -X '!*.6' 6l
-complete -f -X '!*.5' 5l
-complete -f -X '!*.go' 8g 6g 5g gofmt gccgo
- echo "$(compgen -W "$(go list all) all std" -- "$1")"
- # TODO: Only allow flags before other arguments. run already does
- # this.
- local cur=`_get_cword`
- local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
- local cmd="${COMP_WORDS[1]}"
- local cmds="build clean env fix fmt get
- install list run test tool version vet"
- local addhelp="c gopath importpath packages testflag testfunc"
- local other="help"
- if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 1 ]; then
- for opt in $cmds; do
- if [[ "$opt" == "$cmd" ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=("$opt")
- return
- fi
- done
- fi
- case "$cmd" in
- 'build')
- case "$prev" in
- '-o')
- _filedir
- ;;
- '-p')
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-a -n -o -p -v -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- local found=0
- for ((i=0; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++)); do
- case "$i" in
- 0|1|"$COMP_CWORD")
- continue
- ;;
- esac
- local opt="${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
- if [[ "$opt" != -* ]]; then
- if [[ "$opt" == *.go && -f "$opt" ]]; then
- found=1
- break
- else
- found=2
- break
- fi
- fi
- done
- case "$found" in
- 0)
- _filedir go
- COMPREPLY+=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- ;;
- 1)
- _filedir go
- ;;
- 2)
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- ;;
- esac
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 'clean')
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-i -r -n -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- 'fix')
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- ;;
- 'fmt')
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- ;;
- 'get')
- case "$prev" in
- '-p')
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-a -d -fix -n -p -u -v -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 'install')
- case "$prev" in
- '-p')
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-a -n -p -v -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 'list')
- case "$prev" in
- '-f')
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-e -f -json" -- "$cur"))
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 'run')
- if [[ "$cur" == -* && "$prev" != *.go ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-a -n -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- _filedir
- fi
- ;;
- 'test') # TODO: Support for testflags.
- case "$prev" in
- '-file')
- _filedir go
- ;;
- '-p')
- ;;
- *)
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "-c -file -i -p -x" -- "$cur"))
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- 'tool')
- if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 2 ]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$(go tool)" -- "$cur"))
- else
- case "${COMP_WORDS[2]}" in
- [568]a) # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_568a
- ;;
- [568]c) # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_568c
- ;;
- [568]g) # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_568g
- ;;
- [568]l) # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_568l
- ;;
- 'api') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_api
- ;;
- 'cgo') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_cgo
- ;;
- 'cov') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_cov
- ;;
- 'dist') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_dist
- ;;
- 'fix') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_fix
- ;;
- 'nm') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_nm
- ;;
- 'pack') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_pack
- ;;
- 'pprof') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_pprof
- ;;
- 'vet') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_vet
- ;;
- 'yacc') # TODO: Implement something.
- #_go_tool_yacc
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "${COMPREPLY[*]} -h" -- "$cur"))
- fi
- fi
- ;;
- 'version')
- ;;
- 'vet')
- if [[ "$cur" == -* ]]; then
- :
- else
- COMPREPLY=(`_go_importpath "$cur"`)
- fi
- ;;
- 'help')
- if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 2 ]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$cmds $addhelp" -- "$cur"))
- fi
- ;;
- *)
- if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 1 ]; then
- COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W "$cmds $other" -- "$cur"))
- else
- _filedir
- fi
- ;;
- esac
-complete $filenames -F _go go
-# vim:ts=2 sw=2 et syn=sh
diff --git a/misc/bbedit/Go.plist b/misc/bbedit/Go.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 1220d6efb..000000000
--- a/misc/bbedit/Go.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- BBEditDocumentType = "CodelessLanguageModule";
- BBLMColorsSyntax = YES;
- BBLMIsCaseSensitive = YES;
- BBLMKeywordList = (
- append,
- bool,
- break,
- byte,
- cap,
- case,
- chan,
- close,
- complex,
- complex128,
- complex64,
- const,
- continue,
- copy,
- default,
- defer,
- delete,
- else,
- error,
- fallthrough,
- false,
- float32,
- float64,
- for,
- func,
- go,
- goto,
- if,
- iota,
- imag,
- import,
- int,
- int16,
- int32,
- int64,
- int8,
- interface,
- len,
- make,
- map,
- new,
- nil,
- package,
- panic,
- print,
- println,
- range,
- real,
- recover,
- return,
- rune,
- select,
- string,
- struct,
- switch,
- true,
- type,
- uint,
- uint16,
- uint32,
- uint64,
- uint8,
- uintptr,
- var,
- );
- BBLMLanguageCode = go;
- "BBLMLanguageDisplayName" = "Go";
- BBLMScansFunctions = YES;
- BBLMSuffixMap = (
- {
- BBLMLanguageSuffix = ".go";
- },
- );
- "Language Features" = {
- "Close Block Comments" = "*/";
- "Close Parameter Lists" = ")";
- "Close Statement Blocks" = "}";
- "Close Strings 1" = "`";
- "Close Strings 2" = "\"";
- "End-of-line Ends Strings 1" = YES;
- "End-of-line Ends Strings 2" = YES;
- "Escape Char in Strings 1" = "\\";
- "Escape Char in Strings 2" = "\\";
- "Identifier and Keyword Characters" = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
- "Open Block Comments" = "/*";
- "Open Line Comments" = "//";
- "Open Parameter Lists" = "(";
- "Open Statement Blocks" = "{";
- "Open Strings 1" = "`";
- "Open Strings 2" = "\"";
- "Prefix for Functions" = "func";
- "Prefix for Procedures" = "func";
- "Terminator for Prototypes 1" = ";";
- "Terminator for Prototypes 2" = "";
- };
diff --git a/misc/editors b/misc/editors
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..850ec3401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/editors
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+For information about plugins and other support for Go in editors and shells,
+see this page on the Go Wiki:
diff --git a/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el b/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fc35c116..000000000
--- a/misc/emacs/go-mode-load.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-;;; go-mode-load.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Commentary:
-;; To install go-mode, add the following lines to your .emacs file:
-;; (add-to-list 'load-path "PATH CONTAINING go-mode-load.el" t)
-;; (require 'go-mode-load)
-;; After this, go-mode will be used for files ending in '.go'.
-;; To compile go-mode from the command line, run the following
-;; emacs -batch -f batch-byte-compile go-mode.el
-;; See go-mode.el for documentation.
-;; To update this file, evaluate the following form
-;; (let ((generated-autoload-file buffer-file-name)) (update-file-autoloads "go-mode.el"))
-;;; Code:
-;;;### (autoloads (go-download-play godoc gofmt-before-save go-mode)
-;;;;;; "go-mode" "go-mode.el" (20767 50749))
-;;; Generated autoloads from go-mode.el
-(autoload 'go-mode "go-mode" "\
-Major mode for editing Go source text.
-This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for
-working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax
-highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt,
-proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as
-navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of
-Additionally to these core features, it offers various features to
-help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content
-through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify
-and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the
-Playground (uploading and downloading pastes).
-The following extra functions are defined:
-- `gofmt'
-- `godoc'
-- `go-import-add'
-- `go-remove-unused-imports'
-- `go-goto-imports'
-- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region'
-- `go-download-play'
-If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file,
-add the following hook to your emacs configuration:
-\(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save)
-If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely
-on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is
-recommended to look at goflymake
-\(, gocode
-\( and yasnippet-go
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode))
-(autoload 'gofmt-before-save "go-mode" "\
-Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving:
- (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save).
-Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time
-you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'godoc "go-mode" "\
-Show go documentation for a query, much like M-x man.
-\(fn QUERY)" t nil)
-(autoload 'go-download-play "go-mode" "\
-Downloads a paste from the playground and inserts it in a Go
-buffer. Tries to look for a URL at point.
-\(fn URL)" t nil)
-(provide 'go-mode-load)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; coding: utf-8
-;; End:
-;;; go-mode-load.el ends here
diff --git a/misc/emacs/go-mode.el b/misc/emacs/go-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index de71e3097..000000000
--- a/misc/emacs/go-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1234 +0,0 @@
-;;; go-mode.el --- Major mode for the Go programming language
-;; Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-;; Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-;; license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-(require 'cl)
-(require 'etags)
-(require 'ffap)
-(require 'find-file)
-(require 'ring)
-(require 'url)
-;; XEmacs compatibility guidelines
-;; - Minimum required version of XEmacs: 21.5.32
-;; - Feature that cannot be backported: POSIX character classes in
-;; regular expressions
-;; - Functions that could be backported but won't because 21.5.32
-;; covers them: plenty.
-;; - Features that are still partly broken:
-;; - godef will not work correctly if multibyte characters are
-;; being used
-;; - Fontification will not handle unicode correctly
-;; - Do not use \_< and \_> regexp delimiters directly; use
-;; go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol
-;; - The character `_` must not be a symbol constituent but a
-;; character constituent
-;; - Do not use process-lines
-;; - Use go--old-completion-list-style when using a plain list as the
-;; collection for completing-read
-;; - Use go--position-bytes instead of position-bytes
-(defmacro go--xemacs-p ()
- `(featurep 'xemacs))
-;; Delete the current line without putting it in the kill-ring.
-(defun go--delete-whole-line (&optional arg)
- ;; Derived from `kill-whole-line'.
- ;; ARG is defined as for that function.
- (setq arg (or arg 1))
- (if (and (> arg 0)
- (eobp)
- (save-excursion (forward-visible-line 0) (eobp)))
- (signal 'end-of-buffer nil))
- (if (and (< arg 0)
- (bobp)
- (save-excursion (end-of-visible-line) (bobp)))
- (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil))
- (cond ((zerop arg)
- (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
- (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))))
- ((< arg 0)
- (delete-region (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))
- (progn (forward-visible-line (1+ arg))
- (unless (bobp)
- (backward-char))
- (point))))
- (t
- (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
- (progn (forward-visible-line arg) (point))))))
-;; declare-function is an empty macro that only byte-compile cares
-;; about. Wrap in always false if to satisfy Emacsen without that
-;; macro.
-(if nil
- (declare-function go--position-bytes "go-mode" (point)))
-;; XEmacs unfortunately does not offer position-bytes. We can fall
-;; back to just using (point), but it will be incorrect as soon as
-;; multibyte characters are being used.
-(if (fboundp 'position-bytes)
- (defalias 'go--position-bytes #'position-bytes)
- (defun go--position-bytes (point) point))
-(defun go--old-completion-list-style (list)
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil)) list))
-;; GNU Emacs 24 has prog-mode, older GNU Emacs and XEmacs do not, so
-;; copy its definition for those.
-(if (not (fboundp 'prog-mode))
- (define-derived-mode prog-mode fundamental-mode "Prog"
- "Major mode for editing source code."
- (set (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) mode-require-final-newline)
- (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) t)
- (setq bidi-paragraph-direction 'left-to-right)))
-(defun go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (s)
- ;; XEmacs does not support \_<, GNU Emacs does. In GNU Emacs we make
- ;; extensive use of \_< to support unicode in identifiers. Until we
- ;; come up with a better solution for XEmacs, this solution will
- ;; break fontification in XEmacs for identifiers such as "typeµ".
- ;; XEmacs will consider "type" a keyword, GNU Emacs won't.
- (if (go--xemacs-p)
- (concat "\\<" s "\\>")
- (concat "\\_<" s "\\_>")))
-;; Move up one level of parentheses.
-(defun go-goto-opening-parenthesis (&optional legacy-unused)
- ;; The old implementation of go-goto-opening-parenthesis had an
- ;; optional argument to speed up the function. It didn't change the
- ;; function's outcome.
- ;; Silently fail if there's no matching opening parenthesis.
- (condition-case nil
- (backward-up-list)
- (scan-error nil)))
-(defconst go-dangling-operators-regexp "[^-]-\\|[^+]\\+\\|[/*&><.=|^]")
-(defconst go-identifier-regexp "[[:word:][:multibyte:]]+")
-(defconst go-label-regexp go-identifier-regexp)
-(defconst go-type-regexp "[[:word:][:multibyte:]*]+")
-(defconst go-func-regexp (concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "\\s *\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)"))
-(defconst go-func-meth-regexp (concat
- (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "\\s *\\(?:(\\s *"
- "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\s +\\)?" go-type-regexp
- "\\s *)\\s *\\)?\\("
- go-identifier-regexp
- "\\)("))
-(defconst go-builtins
- '("append" "cap" "close" "complex" "copy"
- "delete" "imag" "len" "make" "new"
- "panic" "print" "println" "real" "recover")
- "All built-in functions in the Go language. Used for font locking.")
-(defconst go-mode-keywords
- '("break" "default" "func" "interface" "select"
- "case" "defer" "go" "map" "struct"
- "chan" "else" "goto" "package" "switch"
- "const" "fallthrough" "if" "range" "type"
- "continue" "for" "import" "return" "var")
- "All keywords in the Go language. Used for font locking.")
-(defconst go-constants '("nil" "true" "false" "iota"))
-(defconst go-type-name-regexp (concat "\\(?:[*(]\\)*\\(?:" go-identifier-regexp "\\.\\)?\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)"))
-(defvar go-dangling-cache)
-(defvar go-godoc-history nil)
-(defvar go--coverage-current-file-name)
-(defgroup go nil
- "Major mode for editing Go code"
- :group 'languages)
-(defgroup go-cover nil
- "Options specific to `cover`"
- :group 'go)
-(defcustom go-fontify-function-calls t
- "Fontify function and method calls if this is non-nil."
- :type 'boolean
- :group 'go)
-(defcustom go-mode-hook nil
- "Hook called by `go-mode'."
- :type 'hook
- :group 'go)
-(defcustom go-command "go"
- "The 'go' command. Some users have multiple Go development
-trees and invoke the 'go' tool via a wrapper that sets GOROOT and
-GOPATH based on the current directory. Such users should
-customize this variable to point to the wrapper script."
- :type 'string
- :group 'go)
-(defcustom gofmt-command "gofmt"
- "The 'gofmt' command. Some users may replace this with 'goimports'
- :type 'string
- :group 'go)
-(defcustom go-other-file-alist
- '(("_test\\.go\\'" (".go"))
- ("\\.go\\'" ("_test.go")))
- "See the documentation of `ff-other-file-alist' for details."
- :type '(repeat (list regexp (choice (repeat string) function)))
- :group 'go)
-(defface go-coverage-untracked
- '((t (:foreground "#505050")))
- "Coverage color of untracked code."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-0
- '((t (:foreground "#c00000")))
- "Coverage color for uncovered code."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-1
- '((t (:foreground "#808080")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 1."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-2
- '((t (:foreground "#748c83")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 2."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-3
- '((t (:foreground "#689886")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 3."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-4
- '((t (:foreground "#5ca489")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 4."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-5
- '((t (:foreground "#50b08c")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 5."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-6
- '((t (:foreground "#44bc8f")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 6."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-7
- '((t (:foreground "#38c892")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 7."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-8
- '((t (:foreground "#2cd495")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 8.
-For mode=set, all covered lines will have this weight."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-9
- '((t (:foreground "#20e098")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 9."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-10
- '((t (:foreground "#14ec9b")))
- "Coverage color for covered code with weight 10."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defface go-coverage-covered
- '((t (:foreground "#2cd495")))
- "Coverage color of covered code."
- :group 'go-cover)
-(defvar go-mode-syntax-table
- (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
- (modify-syntax-entry ?+ "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?- "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?% "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?& "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?| "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?^ "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?! "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?= "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?< "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?> "." st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?/ (if (go--xemacs-p) ". 1456" ". 124b") st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b" st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "\"" st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?` "\"" st)
- (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" st)
- ;; It would be nicer to have _ as a symbol constituent, but that
- ;; would trip up XEmacs, which does not support the \_< anchor
- (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" st)
- st)
- "Syntax table for Go mode.")
-(defun go--build-font-lock-keywords ()
- ;; we cannot use 'symbols in regexp-opt because GNU Emacs <24
- ;; doesn't understand that
- (append
- `((,(go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-mode-keywords t)) . font-lock-keyword-face)
- (,(concat "\\(" (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-builtins t)) "\\)[[:space:]]*(") 1 font-lock-builtin-face)
- (,(go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol (regexp-opt go-constants t)) . font-lock-constant-face)
- (,go-func-regexp 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; function (not method) name
- (if go-fontify-function-calls
- `((,(concat "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)[[:space:]]*(") 1 font-lock-function-name-face) ;; function call/method name
- (,(concat "[^[:word:][:multibyte:]](\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\))[[:space:]]*(") 1 font-lock-function-name-face)) ;; bracketed function call
- `((,go-func-meth-regexp 2 font-lock-function-name-face))) ;; method name
- `(
- ("\\(`[^`]*`\\)" 1 font-lock-multiline) ;; raw string literal, needed for font-lock-syntactic-keywords
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "type") "[[:space:]]+\\([^[:space:]]+\\)") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; types
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "type") "[[:space:]]+" go-identifier-regexp "[[:space:]]*" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; types
- (,(concat "[^[:word:][:multibyte:]]\\[\\([[:digit:]]+\\|\\.\\.\\.\\)?\\]" go-type-name-regexp) 2 font-lock-type-face) ;; Arrays/slices
- (,(concat "\\(" go-identifier-regexp "\\)" "{") 1 font-lock-type-face)
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map") "\\[[^]]+\\]" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map value type
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "map") "\\[" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; map key type
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "chan") "[[:space:]]*\\(?:<-\\)?" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; channel type
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "\\(?:new\\|make\\)") "\\(?:[[:space:]]\\|)\\)*(" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; new/make type
- ;; TODO do we actually need this one or isn't it just a function call?
- (,(concat "\\.\\s *(" go-type-name-regexp) 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Type conversion
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "[[:space:]]+(" go-identifier-regexp "[[:space:]]+" go-type-name-regexp ")") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Method receiver
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "func") "[[:space:]]+(" go-type-name-regexp ")") 1 font-lock-type-face) ;; Method receiver without variable name
- ;; Like the original go-mode this also marks compound literal
- ;; fields. There, it was marked as to fix, but I grew quite
- ;; accustomed to it, so it'll stay for now.
- (,(concat "^[[:space:]]*\\(" go-label-regexp "\\)[[:space:]]*:\\(\\S.\\|$\\)") 1 font-lock-constant-face) ;; Labels and compound literal fields
- (,(concat (go--regexp-enclose-in-symbol "\\(goto\\|break\\|continue\\)") "[[:space:]]*\\(" go-label-regexp "\\)") 2 font-lock-constant-face)))) ;; labels in goto/break/continue
-(defconst go--font-lock-syntactic-keywords
- ;; Override syntax property of raw string literal contents, so that
- ;; backslashes have no special meaning in ``. Used in Emacs 23 or older.
- '((go--match-raw-string-literal
- (1 (7 . ?`))
- (2 (15 . nil)) ;; 15 = "generic string"
- (3 (7 . ?`)))))
-(defvar go-mode-map
- (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
- (define-key m "}" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent)
- (define-key m ")" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent)
- (define-key m "," #'go-mode-insert-and-indent)
- (define-key m ":" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent)
- (define-key m "=" #'go-mode-insert-and-indent)
- (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-a") #'go-import-add)
- (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-j") #'godef-jump)
- (define-key m (kbd "C-x 4 C-c C-j") #'godef-jump-other-window)
- (define-key m (kbd "C-c C-d") #'godef-describe)
- m)
- "Keymap used by Go mode to implement electric keys.")
-(defun go-mode-insert-and-indent (key)
- "Invoke the global binding of KEY, then reindent the line."
- (interactive (list (this-command-keys)))
- (call-interactively (lookup-key (current-global-map) key))
- (indent-according-to-mode))
-(defmacro go-paren-level ()
- `(car (syntax-ppss)))
-(defmacro go-in-string-or-comment-p ()
- `(nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
-(defmacro go-in-string-p ()
- `(nth 3 (syntax-ppss)))
-(defmacro go-in-comment-p ()
- `(nth 4 (syntax-ppss)))
-(defmacro go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment ()
- `(goto-char (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
-(defun go--backward-irrelevant (&optional stop-at-string)
- "Skips backwards over any characters that are irrelevant for
-indentation and related tasks.
-It skips over whitespace, comments, cases and labels and, if
-STOP-AT-STRING is not true, over strings."
- (let (pos (start-pos (point)))
- (skip-chars-backward "\n\s\t")
- (if (and (save-excursion (beginning-of-line) (go-in-string-p)) (looking-back "`") (not stop-at-string))
- (backward-char))
- (if (and (go-in-string-p) (not stop-at-string))
- (go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment))
- (if (looking-back "\\*/")
- (backward-char))
- (if (go-in-comment-p)
- (go-goto-beginning-of-string-or-comment))
- (setq pos (point))
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if (or (looking-at (concat "^" go-label-regexp ":")) (looking-at "^[[:space:]]*\\(case .+\\|default\\):"))
- (end-of-line 0)
- (goto-char pos))
- (if (/= start-pos (point))
- (go--backward-irrelevant stop-at-string))
- (/= start-pos (point))))
-(defun go--buffer-narrowed-p ()
- "Return non-nil if the current buffer is narrowed."
- (/= (buffer-size)
- (- (point-max)
- (point-min))))
-(defun go--match-raw-string-literal (end)
- "Search for a raw string literal. Set point to the end of the
-occurence found on success. Returns nil on failure."
- (when (search-forward "`" end t)
- (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
- (if (go-in-string-or-comment-p)
- (progn (goto-char (match-end 0))
- (go--match-raw-string-literal end))
- (when (looking-at "\\(`\\)\\([^`]*\\)\\(`\\)")
- (goto-char (match-end 0))
- t))))
-(defun go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p ()
- "Returns non-nil if the current line is a continuation line."
- (let* ((cur-line (line-number-at-pos))
- (val (gethash cur-line go-dangling-cache 'nope)))
- (if (or (go--buffer-narrowed-p) (equal val 'nope))
- (save-excursion
- (beginning-of-line)
- (go--backward-irrelevant t)
- (setq val (looking-back go-dangling-operators-regexp))
- (if (not (go--buffer-narrowed-p))
- (puthash cur-line val go-dangling-cache))))
- val))
-(defun go--at-function-definition ()
- "Return non-nil if point is on the opening curly brace of a
-function definition.
-We do this by first calling (beginning-of-defun), which will take
-us to the start of *some* function. We then look for the opening
-curly brace of that function and compare its position against the
-curly brace we are checking. If they match, we return non-nil."
- (if (= (char-after) ?\{)
- (save-excursion
- (let ((old-point (point))
- start-nesting)
- (beginning-of-defun)
- (when (looking-at "func ")
- (setq start-nesting (go-paren-level))
- (skip-chars-forward "^{")
- (while (> (go-paren-level) start-nesting)
- (forward-char)
- (skip-chars-forward "^{") 0)
- (if (and (= (go-paren-level) start-nesting) (= old-point (point)))
- t))))))
-(defun go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis ()
- "Return the semantic indentation for the current opening parenthesis.
-If point is on an opening curly brace and said curly brace
-belongs to a function declaration, the indentation of the func
-keyword will be returned. Otherwise the indentation of the
-current line will be returned."
- (save-excursion
- (if (go--at-function-definition)
- (progn
- (beginning-of-defun)
- (current-indentation))
- (current-indentation))))
-(defun go-indentation-at-point ()
- (save-excursion
- (let (start-nesting)
- (back-to-indentation)
- (setq start-nesting (go-paren-level))
- (cond
- ((go-in-string-p)
- (current-indentation))
- ((looking-at "[])}]")
- (go-goto-opening-parenthesis)
- (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p)
- (- (current-indentation) tab-width)
- (go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis)))
- ((progn (go--backward-irrelevant t) (looking-back go-dangling-operators-regexp))
- ;; only one nesting for all dangling operators in one operation
- (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p)
- (current-indentation)
- (+ (current-indentation) tab-width)))
- ((zerop (go-paren-level))
- 0)
- ((progn (go-goto-opening-parenthesis) (< (go-paren-level) start-nesting))
- (if (go-previous-line-has-dangling-op-p)
- (current-indentation)
- (+ (go--indentation-for-opening-parenthesis) tab-width)))
- (t
- (current-indentation))))))
-(defun go-mode-indent-line ()
- (interactive)
- (let (indent
- shift-amt
- (pos (- (point-max) (point)))
- (point (point))
- (beg (line-beginning-position)))
- (back-to-indentation)
- (if (go-in-string-or-comment-p)
- (goto-char point)
- (setq indent (go-indentation-at-point))
- (if (looking-at (concat go-label-regexp ":\\([[:space:]]*/.+\\)?$\\|case .+:\\|default:"))
- (decf indent tab-width))
- (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column)))
- (if (zerop shift-amt)
- nil
- (delete-region beg (point))
- (indent-to indent))
- ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
- ;; position after the indentation. Else stay at same point in text.
- (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
- (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))))))
-(defun go-beginning-of-defun (&optional count)
- (setq count (or count 1))
- (let ((first t)
- failure)
- (dotimes (i (abs count))
- (while (and (not failure)
- (or first (go-in-string-or-comment-p)))
- (if (>= count 0)
- (progn
- (go--backward-irrelevant)
- (if (not (re-search-backward go-func-meth-regexp nil t))
- (setq failure t)))
- (if (looking-at go-func-meth-regexp)
- (forward-char))
- (if (not (re-search-forward go-func-meth-regexp nil t))
- (setq failure t)))
- (setq first nil)))
- (if (< count 0)
- (beginning-of-line))
- (not failure)))
-(defun go-end-of-defun ()
- (let (orig-level)
- ;; It can happen that we're not placed before a function by emacs
- (if (not (looking-at "func"))
- (go-beginning-of-defun -1))
- (skip-chars-forward "^{")
- (forward-char)
- (setq orig-level (go-paren-level))
- (while (>= (go-paren-level) orig-level)
- (skip-chars-forward "^}")
- (forward-char))))
-(define-derived-mode go-mode prog-mode "Go"
- "Major mode for editing Go source text.
-This mode provides (not just) basic editing capabilities for
-working with Go code. It offers almost complete syntax
-highlighting, indentation that is almost identical to gofmt and
-proper parsing of the buffer content to allow features such as
-navigation by function, manipulation of comments or detection of
-In addition to these core features, it offers various features to
-help with writing Go code. You can directly run buffer content
-through gofmt, read godoc documentation from within Emacs, modify
-and clean up the list of package imports or interact with the
-Playground (uploading and downloading pastes).
-The following extra functions are defined:
-- `gofmt'
-- `godoc'
-- `go-import-add'
-- `go-remove-unused-imports'
-- `go-goto-imports'
-- `go-play-buffer' and `go-play-region'
-- `go-download-play'
-- `godef-describe' and `godef-jump'
-- `go-coverage'
-If you want to automatically run `gofmt' before saving a file,
-add the following hook to your emacs configuration:
-\(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'gofmt-before-save)
-If you want to use `godef-jump' instead of etags (or similar),
-consider binding godef-jump to `M-.', which is the default key
-for `find-tag':
-\(add-hook 'go-mode-hook (lambda ()
- (local-set-key (kbd \"M-.\") #'godef-jump)))
-Please note that godef is an external dependency. You can install
-it with
-go get
-If you're looking for even more integration with Go, namely
-on-the-fly syntax checking, auto-completion and snippets, it is
-recommended that you look at goflymake
-\(, gocode
-\(, go-eldoc
-\( and yasnippet-go
- ;; Font lock
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
- '(go--build-font-lock-keywords))
- ;; Indentation
- (set (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) #'go-mode-indent-line)
- ;; Comments
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "// ")
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-end) "")
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-use-syntax) t)
- (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) "\\(//+\\|/\\*+\\)\\s *")
- (set (make-local-variable 'beginning-of-defun-function) #'go-beginning-of-defun)
- (set (make-local-variable 'end-of-defun-function) #'go-end-of-defun)
- (set (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-lookup-properties) t)
- (if (boundp 'syntax-propertize-function)
- (set (make-local-variable 'syntax-propertize-function) #'go-propertize-syntax)
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-syntactic-keywords)
- go--font-lock-syntactic-keywords)
- (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-multiline) t))
- (set (make-local-variable 'go-dangling-cache) (make-hash-table :test 'eql))
- (add-hook 'before-change-functions (lambda (x y) (setq go-dangling-cache (make-hash-table :test 'eql))) t t)
- ;; ff-find-other-file
- (setq ff-other-file-alist 'go-other-file-alist)
- (setq imenu-generic-expression
- '(("type" "^type *\\([^ \t\n\r\f]*\\)" 1)
- ("func" "^func *\\(.*\\) {" 1)))
- (imenu-add-to-menubar "Index")
- ;; Go style
- (setq indent-tabs-mode t)
- ;; Handle unit test failure output in compilation-mode
- ;;
- ;; Note the final t argument to add-to-list for append, ie put these at the
- ;; *ends* of compilation-error-regexp-alist[-alist]. We want go-test to be
- ;; handled first, otherwise other elements will match that don't work, and
- ;; those alists are traversed in *reverse* order:
- ;;
- (when (and (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist)
- (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist))
- (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist 'go-test t)
- (add-to-list 'compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist
- '(go-test . ("^\t+\\([^()\t\n]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):? .*$" 1 2)) t)))
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist (cons "\\.go\\'" 'go-mode))
-(defun go--apply-rcs-patch (patch-buffer)
- "Apply an RCS-formatted diff from PATCH-BUFFER to the current
- (let ((target-buffer (current-buffer))
- ;; Relative offset between buffer line numbers and line numbers
- ;; in patch.
- ;;
- ;; Line numbers in the patch are based on the source file, so
- ;; we have to keep an offset when making changes to the
- ;; buffer.
- ;;
- ;; Appending lines decrements the offset (possibly making it
- ;; negative), deleting lines increments it. This order
- ;; simplifies the forward-line invocations.
- (line-offset 0))
- (save-excursion
- (with-current-buffer patch-buffer
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (while (not (eobp))
- (unless (looking-at "^\\([ad]\\)\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
- (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in go--apply-rcs-patch"))
- (forward-line)
- (let ((action (match-string 1))
- (from (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
- (len (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
- (cond
- ((equal action "a")
- (let ((start (point)))
- (forward-line len)
- (let ((text (buffer-substring start (point))))
- (with-current-buffer target-buffer
- (decf line-offset len)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line (- from len line-offset))
- (insert text)))))
- ((equal action "d")
- (with-current-buffer target-buffer
- (go--goto-line (- from line-offset))
- (incf line-offset len)
- (go--delete-whole-line len)))
- (t
- (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in go--apply-rcs-patch")))))))))
-(defun gofmt ()
- "Formats the current buffer according to the gofmt tool."
- (interactive)
- (let ((tmpfile (make-temp-file "gofmt" nil ".go"))
- (patchbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt patch*"))
- (errbuf (get-buffer-create "*Gofmt Errors*"))
- (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
- (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8))
- (with-current-buffer errbuf
- (setq buffer-read-only nil)
- (erase-buffer))
- (with-current-buffer patchbuf
- (erase-buffer))
- (write-region nil nil tmpfile)
- ;; We're using errbuf for the mixed stdout and stderr output. This
- ;; is not an issue because gofmt -w does not produce any stdout
- ;; output in case of success.
- (if (zerop (call-process gofmt-command nil errbuf nil "-w" tmpfile))
- (if (zerop (call-process-region (point-min) (point-max) "diff" nil patchbuf nil "-n" "-" tmpfile))
- (progn
- (kill-buffer errbuf)
- (message "Buffer is already gofmted"))
- (go--apply-rcs-patch patchbuf)
- (kill-buffer errbuf)
- (message "Applied gofmt"))
- (message "Could not apply gofmt. Check errors for details")
- (gofmt--process-errors (buffer-file-name) tmpfile errbuf))
- (kill-buffer patchbuf)
- (delete-file tmpfile)))
-(defun gofmt--process-errors (filename tmpfile errbuf)
- ;; Convert the gofmt stderr to something understood by the compilation mode.
- (with-current-buffer errbuf
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (insert "gofmt errors:\n")
- (while (search-forward-regexp (concat "^\\(" (regexp-quote tmpfile) "\\):") nil t)
- (replace-match (file-name-nondirectory filename) t t nil 1))
- (compilation-mode)
- (display-buffer errbuf)))
-(defun gofmt-before-save ()
- "Add this to .emacs to run gofmt on the current buffer when saving:
- (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'gofmt-before-save).
-Note that this will cause go-mode to get loaded the first time
-you save any file, kind of defeating the point of autoloading."
- (interactive)
- (when (eq major-mode 'go-mode) (gofmt)))
-(defun godoc--read-query ()
- "Read a godoc query from the minibuffer."
- ;; Compute the default query as the symbol under the cursor.
- ;; TODO: This does the wrong thing for e.g. multipart.NewReader (it only grabs
- ;; half) but I see no way to disambiguate that from e.g. foobar.SomeMethod.
- (let* ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol))
- (symbol (if bounds
- (buffer-substring-no-properties (car bounds)
- (cdr bounds)))))
- (completing-read (if symbol
- (format "godoc (default %s): " symbol)
- "godoc: ")
- (go--old-completion-list-style (go-packages)) nil nil nil 'go-godoc-history symbol)))
-(defun godoc--get-buffer (query)
- "Get an empty buffer for a godoc query."
- (let* ((buffer-name (concat "*godoc " query "*"))
- (buffer (get-buffer buffer-name)))
- ;; Kill the existing buffer if it already exists.
- (when buffer (kill-buffer buffer))
- (get-buffer-create buffer-name)))
-(defun godoc--buffer-sentinel (proc event)
- "Sentinel function run when godoc command completes."
- (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
- (cond ((string= event "finished\n") ;; Successful exit.
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (view-mode 1)
- (display-buffer (current-buffer) t))
- ((/= (process-exit-status proc) 0) ;; Error exit.
- (let ((output (buffer-string)))
- (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
- (message (concat "godoc: " output)))))))
-(defun godoc (query)
- "Show Go documentation for a query, much like M-x man."
- (interactive (list (godoc--read-query)))
- (unless (string= query "")
- (set-process-sentinel
- (start-process-shell-command "godoc" (godoc--get-buffer query)
- (concat "godoc " query))
- 'godoc--buffer-sentinel)
- nil))
-(defun godoc-at-point (point)
- "Show Go documentation for the identifier at POINT.
-`godoc-at-point' requires godef to work.
-Due to a limitation in godoc, it is not possible to differentiate
-between functions and methods, which may cause `godoc-at-point'
-to display more documentation than desired."
- ;; TODO(dominikh): Support executing godoc-at-point on a package
- ;; name.
- (interactive "d")
- (condition-case nil
- (let* ((output (godef--call point))
- (file (car output))
- (name-parts (split-string (cadr output) " "))
- (first (car name-parts)))
- (if (not (godef--successful-p file))
- (message "%s" (godef--error file))
- (godoc (format "%s %s"
- (file-name-directory file)
- (if (or (string= first "type") (string= first "const"))
- (cadr name-parts)
- (car name-parts))))))
- (file-error (message "Could not run godef binary"))))
-(defun go-goto-imports ()
- "Move point to the block of imports.
-If using
- import (
- \"foo\"
- \"bar\"
- )
-it will move point directly behind the last import.
-If using
- import \"foo\"
- import \"bar\"
-it will move point to the next line after the last import.
-If no imports can be found, point will be moved after the package
- (interactive)
- ;; FIXME if there's a block-commented import before the real
- ;; imports, we'll jump to that one.
- ;; Generally, this function isn't very forgiving. it'll bark on
- ;; extra whitespace. It works well for clean code.
- (let ((old-point (point)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (cond
- ((re-search-forward "^import ()" nil t)
- (backward-char 1)
- 'block-empty)
- ((re-search-forward "^import ([^)]+)" nil t)
- (backward-char 2)
- 'block)
- ((re-search-forward "\\(^import \\([^\"]+ \\)?\"[^\"]+\"\n?\\)+" nil t)
- 'single)
- ((re-search-forward "^[[:space:]\n]*package .+?\n" nil t)
- (message "No imports found, moving point after package declaration")
- 'none)
- (t
- (goto-char old-point)
- (message "No imports or package declaration found. Is this really a Go file?")
- 'fail))))
-(defun go-play-buffer ()
- "Like `go-play-region', but acts on the entire buffer."
- (interactive)
- (go-play-region (point-min) (point-max)))
-(defun go-play-region (start end)
- "Send the region to the Playground and stores the resulting
-link in the kill ring."
- (interactive "r")
- (let* ((url-request-method "POST")
- (url-request-extra-headers
- '(("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")))
- (url-request-data
- (encode-coding-string
- (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)
- 'utf-8))
- (content-buf (url-retrieve
- ""
- (lambda (arg)
- (cond
- ((equal :error (car arg))
- (signal 'go-play-error (cdr arg)))
- (t
- (re-search-forward "\n\n")
- (kill-new (format "" (buffer-substring (point) (point-max))))
- (message "" (buffer-substring (point) (point-max)))))))))))
-(defun go-download-play (url)
- "Downloads a paste from the playground and inserts it in a Go
-buffer. Tries to look for a URL at point."
- (interactive (list (read-from-minibuffer "Playground URL: " (ffap-url-p (ffap-string-at-point 'url)))))
- (with-current-buffer
- (let ((url-request-method "GET") url-request-data url-request-extra-headers)
- (url-retrieve-synchronously (concat url ".go")))
- (let ((buffer (generate-new-buffer (concat (car (last (split-string url "/"))) ".go"))))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (re-search-forward "\n\n")
- (copy-to-buffer buffer (point) (point-max))
- (kill-buffer)
- (with-current-buffer buffer
- (go-mode)
- (switch-to-buffer buffer)))))
-(defun go-propertize-syntax (start end)
- (save-excursion
- (goto-char start)
- (while (search-forward "\\" end t)
- (put-text-property (1- (point)) (point) 'syntax-table (if (= (char-after) ?`) '(1) '(9))))))
-(defun go-import-add (arg import)
- "Add a new import to the list of imports.
-When called with a prefix argument asks for an alternative name
-to import the package as.
-If no list exists yet, one will be created if possible.
-If an identical import has been commented, it will be
-uncommented, otherwise a new import will be added."
- ;; - If there's a matching `// import "foo"`, uncomment it
- ;; - If we're in an import() block and there's a matching `"foo"`, uncomment it
- ;; - Otherwise add a new import, with the appropriate syntax
- (interactive
- (list
- current-prefix-arg
- (replace-regexp-in-string "^[\"']\\|[\"']$" "" (completing-read "Package: " (go--old-completion-list-style (go-packages))))))
- (save-excursion
- (let (as line import-start)
- (if arg
- (setq as (read-from-minibuffer "Import as: ")))
- (if as
- (setq line (format "%s \"%s\"" as import))
- (setq line (format "\"%s\"" import)))
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (if (re-search-forward (concat "^[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]*import " line "$") nil t)
- (uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
- (case (go-goto-imports)
- ('fail (message "Could not find a place to add import."))
- ('block-empty
- (insert "\n\t" line "\n"))
- ('block
- (save-excursion
- (re-search-backward "^import (")
- (setq import-start (point)))
- (if (re-search-backward (concat "^[[:space:]]*//[[:space:]]*" line "$") import-start t)
- (uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
- (insert "\n\t" line)))
- ('single (insert "import " line "\n"))
- ('none (insert "\nimport (\n\t" line "\n)\n")))))))
-(defun go-root-and-paths ()
- (let* ((output (split-string (shell-command-to-string (concat go-command " env GOROOT GOPATH"))
- "\n"))
- (root (car output))
- (paths (split-string (cadr output) ":")))
- (append (list root) paths)))
-(defun go--string-prefix-p (s1 s2 &optional ignore-case)
- "Return non-nil if S1 is a prefix of S2.
-If IGNORE-CASE is non-nil, the comparison is case-insensitive."
- (eq t (compare-strings s1 nil nil
- s2 0 (length s1) ignore-case)))
-(defun go--directory-dirs (dir)
- "Recursively return all subdirectories in DIR."
- (if (file-directory-p dir)
- (let ((dir (directory-file-name dir))
- (dirs '())
- (files (directory-files dir nil nil t)))
- (dolist (file files)
- (unless (member file '("." ".."))
- (let ((file (concat dir "/" file)))
- (if (file-directory-p file)
- (setq dirs (append (cons file
- (go--directory-dirs file))
- dirs))))))
- dirs)
- '()))
-(defun go-packages ()
- (sort
- (delete-dups
- (mapcan
- (lambda (topdir)
- (let ((pkgdir (concat topdir "/pkg/")))
- (mapcan (lambda (dir)
- (mapcar (lambda (file)
- (let ((sub (substring file (length pkgdir) -2)))
- (unless (or (go--string-prefix-p "obj/" sub) (go--string-prefix-p "tool/" sub))
- (mapconcat #'identity (cdr (split-string sub "/")) "/"))))
- (if (file-directory-p dir)
- (directory-files dir t "\\.a$"))))
- (if (file-directory-p pkgdir)
- (go--directory-dirs pkgdir)))))
- (go-root-and-paths)))
- #'string<))
-(defun go-unused-imports-lines ()
- ;; FIXME Technically, -o /dev/null fails in quite some cases (on
- ;; Windows, when compiling from within GOPATH). Practically,
- ;; however, it has the same end result: There won't be a
- ;; compiled binary/archive, and we'll get our import errors when
- ;; there are any.
- (reverse (remove nil
- (mapcar
- (lambda (line)
- (if (string-match "^\\(.+\\):\\([[:digit:]]+\\): imported and not used: \".+\".*$" line)
- (if (string= (file-truename (match-string 1 line)) (file-truename buffer-file-name))
- (string-to-number (match-string 2 line)))))
- (split-string (shell-command-to-string
- (concat go-command
- (if (string-match "_test\.go$" buffer-file-truename)
- " test -c"
- " build -o /dev/null"))) "\n")))))
-(defun go-remove-unused-imports (arg)
- "Removes all unused imports. If ARG is non-nil, unused imports
-will be commented, otherwise they will be removed completely."
- (interactive "P")
- (save-excursion
- (let ((cur-buffer (current-buffer)) flymake-state lines)
- (when (boundp 'flymake-mode)
- (setq flymake-state flymake-mode)
- (flymake-mode-off))
- (save-some-buffers nil (lambda () (equal cur-buffer (current-buffer))))
- (if (buffer-modified-p)
- (message "Cannot operate on unsaved buffer")
- (setq lines (go-unused-imports-lines))
- (dolist (import lines)
- (go--goto-line import)
- (beginning-of-line)
- (if arg
- (comment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))
- (go--delete-whole-line)))
- (message "Removed %d imports" (length lines)))
- (if flymake-state (flymake-mode-on)))))
-(defun godef--find-file-line-column (specifier other-window)
- "Given a file name in the format of `filename:line:column',
-visit FILENAME and go to line LINE and column COLUMN."
- (if (not (string-match "\\(.+\\):\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)" specifier))
- ;; We've only been given a directory name
- (funcall (if other-window #'find-file-other-window #'find-file) specifier)
- (let ((filename (match-string 1 specifier))
- (line (string-to-number (match-string 2 specifier)))
- (column (string-to-number (match-string 3 specifier))))
- (with-current-buffer (funcall (if other-window #'find-file-other-window #'find-file) filename)
- (go--goto-line line)
- (beginning-of-line)
- (forward-char (1- column))
- (if (buffer-modified-p)
- (message "Buffer is modified, file position might not have been correct"))))))
-(defun godef--call (point)
- "Call godef, acquiring definition position and expression
-description at POINT."
- (if (go--xemacs-p)
- (error "godef does not reliably work in XEmacs, expect bad results"))
- (if (not (buffer-file-name (go--coverage-origin-buffer)))
- (error "Cannot use godef on a buffer without a file name")
- (let ((outbuf (get-buffer-create "*godef*")))
- (with-current-buffer outbuf
- (erase-buffer))
- (call-process-region (point-min)
- (point-max)
- "godef"
- nil
- outbuf
- nil
- "-i"
- "-t"
- "-f"
- (file-truename (buffer-file-name (go--coverage-origin-buffer)))
- "-o"
- (number-to-string (go--position-bytes point)))
- (with-current-buffer outbuf
- (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)) "\n")))))
-(defun godef--successful-p (output)
- (not (or (string= "-" output)
- (string= "godef: no identifier found" output)
- (go--string-prefix-p "godef: no declaration found for " output)
- (go--string-prefix-p "error finding import path for " output))))
-(defun godef--error (output)
- (cond
- ((godef--successful-p output)
- nil)
- ((string= "-" output)
- "godef: expression is not defined anywhere")
- (t
- output)))
-(defun godef-describe (point)
- "Describe the expression at POINT."
- (interactive "d")
- (condition-case nil
- (let ((description (cdr (butlast (godef--call point) 1))))
- (if (not description)
- (message "No description found for expression at point")
- (message "%s" (mapconcat #'identity description "\n"))))
- (file-error (message "Could not run godef binary"))))
-(defun godef-jump (point &optional other-window)
- "Jump to the definition of the expression at POINT."
- (interactive "d")
- (condition-case nil
- (let ((file (car (godef--call point))))
- (if (not (godef--successful-p file))
- (message "%s" (godef--error file))
- (push-mark)
- (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker))
- (godef--find-file-line-column file other-window)))
- (file-error (message "Could not run godef binary"))))
-(defun godef-jump-other-window (point)
- (interactive "d")
- (godef-jump point t))
-(defun go--goto-line (line)
- (goto-char (point-min))
- (forward-line (1- line)))
-(defun go--line-column-to-point (line column)
- (save-excursion
- (go--goto-line line)
- (forward-char (1- column))
- (point)))
-(defstruct go--covered
- start-line start-column end-line end-column covered count)
-(defun go--coverage-file ()
- "Return the coverage file to use, either by reading it from the
-current coverage buffer or by prompting for it."
- (if (boundp 'go--coverage-current-file-name)
- go--coverage-current-file-name
- (read-file-name "Coverage file: " nil nil t)))
-(defun go--coverage-origin-buffer ()
- "Return the buffer to base the coverage on."
- (or (buffer-base-buffer) (current-buffer)))
-(defun go--coverage-face (count divisor)
- "Return the intensity face for COUNT when using DIVISOR
-to scale it to a range [0,10].
-DIVISOR scales the absolute cover count to values from 0 to 10.
-For DIVISOR = 0 the count will always translate to 8."
- (let* ((norm (cond
- ((= count 0)
- -0.1) ;; Uncovered code, set to -0.1 so n becomes 0.
- ((= divisor 0)
- 0.8) ;; covermode=set, set to 0.8 so n becomes 8.
- (t
- (/ (log count) divisor))))
- (n (1+ (floor (* norm 9))))) ;; Convert normalized count [0,1] to intensity [0,10]
- (concat "go-coverage-" (number-to-string n))))
-(defun go--coverage-make-overlay (range divisor)
- "Create a coverage overlay for a RANGE of covered/uncovered
-code. Uses DIVISOR to scale absolute counts to a [0,10] scale."
- (let* ((count (go--covered-count range))
- (face (go--coverage-face count divisor))
- (ov (make-overlay (go--line-column-to-point (go--covered-start-line range)
- (go--covered-start-column range))
- (go--line-column-to-point (go--covered-end-line range)
- (go--covered-end-column range)))))
- (overlay-put ov 'face face)
- (overlay-put ov 'help-echo (format "Count: %d" count))))
-(defun go--coverage-clear-overlays ()
- "Remove existing overlays and put a single untracked overlay
-over the entire buffer."
- (remove-overlays)
- (overlay-put (make-overlay (point-min) (point-max))
- 'face
- 'go-coverage-untracked))
-(defun go--coverage-parse-file (coverage-file file-name)
- "Parse COVERAGE-FILE and extract coverage information and
-divisor for FILE-NAME."
- (let (ranges
- (max-count 0))
- (with-temp-buffer
- (insert-file-contents coverage-file)
- (go--goto-line 2) ;; Skip over mode
- (while (not (eobp))
- (let* ((parts (split-string (buffer-substring (point-at-bol) (point-at-eol)) ":"))
- (file (car parts))
- (rest (split-string (nth 1 parts) "[., ]")))
- (destructuring-bind
- (start-line start-column end-line end-column num count)
- (mapcar #'string-to-number rest)
- (when (string= (file-name-nondirectory file) file-name)
- (if (> count max-count)
- (setq max-count count))
- (push (make-go--covered :start-line start-line
- :start-column start-column
- :end-line end-line
- :end-column end-column
- :covered (/= count 0)
- :count count)
- ranges)))
- (forward-line)))
- (list ranges (if (> max-count 0) (log max-count) 0)))))
-(defun go-coverage (&optional coverage-file)
- "Open a clone of the current buffer and overlay it with
-coverage information gathered via go test -coverprofile=COVERAGE-FILE.
-If COVERAGE-FILE is nil, it will either be inferred from the
-current buffer if it's already a coverage buffer, or be prompted
- (interactive)
- (let* ((cur-buffer (current-buffer))
- (origin-buffer (go--coverage-origin-buffer))
- (gocov-buffer-name (concat (buffer-name origin-buffer) "<gocov>"))
- (coverage-file (or coverage-file (go--coverage-file)))
- (ranges-and-divisor (go--coverage-parse-file
- coverage-file
- (file-name-nondirectory (buffer-file-name origin-buffer))))
- (cov-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes coverage-file)))
- (cur-mtime (nth 5 (file-attributes (buffer-file-name origin-buffer)))))
- (if (< (float-time cov-mtime) (float-time cur-mtime))
- (message "Coverage file is older than the source file."))
- (with-current-buffer (or (get-buffer gocov-buffer-name)
- (make-indirect-buffer origin-buffer gocov-buffer-name t))
- (set (make-local-variable 'go--coverage-current-file-name) coverage-file)
- (save-excursion
- (go--coverage-clear-overlays)
- (dolist (range (car ranges-and-divisor))
- (go--coverage-make-overlay range (cadr ranges-and-divisor))))
- (if (not (eq cur-buffer (current-buffer)))
- (display-buffer (current-buffer) #'display-buffer-reuse-window)))))
-(provide 'go-mode)
diff --git a/misc/fraise/go.plist b/misc/fraise/go.plist
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f416221..000000000
--- a/misc/fraise/go.plist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
-<plist version="1.0">
- <key>beginCommand</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>endCommand</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>beginInstruction</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>endInstruction</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>beginVariable</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>endVariable</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>firstString</key>
- <string>&quot;</string>
- <key>secondString</key>
- <string>&apos;</string>
- <key>firstSingleLineComment</key>
- <string>//</string>
- <key>secondSingleLineComment</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>beginFirstMultiLineComment</key>
- <string>/*</string>
- <key>endFirstMultiLineComment</key>
- <string>*/</string>
- <key>beginSecondMultiLineComment</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>endSecondMultiLineComment</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>functionDefinition</key>
- <string>^func\s*.*\(.*\)\s?\{</string>
- <key>removeFromFunction</key>
- <string></string>
- <key>keywordsCaseSensitive</key>
- <true/>
- <key>recolourKeywordIfAlreadyColoured</key>
- <true/>
- <key>keywords</key>
- <array>
- <string>break</string>
- <string>case</string>
- <string>chan</string>
- <string>const</string>
- <string>continue</string>
- <string>default</string>
- <string>defer</string>
- <string>else</string>
- <string>fallthrough</string>
- <string>for</string>
- <string>func</string>
- <string>go</string>
- <string>goto</string>
- <string>if</string>
- <string>import</string>
- <string>interface</string>
- <string>map</string>
- <string>package</string>
- <string>range</string>
- <string>return</string>
- <string>select</string>
- <string>struct</string>
- <string>switch</string>
- <string>type</string>
- <string>var</string>
- <string>bool</string>
- <string>byte</string>
- <string>chan</string>
- <string>complex64</string>
- <string>complex128</string>
- <string>float32</string>
- <string>float64</string>
- <string>int</string>
- <string>int8</string>
- <string>int16</string>
- <string>int32</string>
- <string>int64</string>
- <string>map</string>
- <string>string</string>
- <string>uint</string>
- <string>uintptr</string>
- <string>uint8</string>
- <string>uint16</string>
- <string>uint32</string>
- <string>uint64</string>
- </array>
- <key>autocompleteWords</key>
- <array/>
diff --git a/misc/fraise/readme.txt b/misc/fraise/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index fb0f2c8c1..000000000
--- a/misc/fraise/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-##Instructions for enabling Go syntax highlighting in
-1. Move go.plist to /Applications/\ Definitions/
-2. Open /Applications/ and add
- <dict>
- <key>name</key>
- <string>GoogleGo</string>
- <key>file</key>
- <string>go</string>
- <key>extensions</key>
- <string>go</string>
- </dict>
-before </array>
-3. Restart Fraise and you're good to Go! \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/misc/kate/go.xml b/misc/kate/go.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 03f4f2a0c..000000000
--- a/misc/kate/go.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
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- extensions="*.go"
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- priority="5"
- author="The Go Authors"
- license="BSD">
- <highlighting>
- <list name="keywords">
- <item> break </item>
- <item> case </item>
- <item> chan </item>
- <item> const </item>
- <item> continue </item>
- <item> default </item>
- <item> defer </item>
- <item> else </item>
- <item> fallthrough </item>
- <item> for </item>
- <item> func </item>
- <item> go </item>
- <item> goto </item>
- <item> if </item>
- <item> import </item>
- <item> interface </item>
- <item> map </item>
- <item> package </item>
- <item> range </item>
- <item> return </item>
- <item> select </item>
- <item> struct </item>
- <item> switch </item>
- <item> type </item>
- <item> var </item>
- </list>
- <list name="predeclared">
- <item> false </item>
- <item> iota </item>
- <item> nil </item>
- <item> true </item>
- </list>
- <list name="types">
- <item> bool </item>
- <item> byte </item>
- <item> complex64 </item>
- <item> complex128 </item>
- <item> error </item>
- <item> float32 </item>
- <item> float64 </item>
- <item> int </item>
- <item> int8 </item>
- <item> int16 </item>
- <item> int32 </item>
- <item> int64 </item>
- <item> rune </item>
- <item> string </item>
- <item> uint </item>
- <item> uintptr </item>
- <item> uint8 </item>
- <item> uint16 </item>
- <item> uint32 </item>
- <item> uint64 </item>
- </list>
- <list name="functions">
- <item> append </item>
- <item> cap </item>
- <item> close </item>
- <item> complex </item>
- <item> copy </item>
- <item> delete </item>
- <item> imag </item>
- <item> len </item>
- <item> make </item>
- <item> new </item>
- <item> panic </item>
- <item> print </item>
- <item> println </item>
- <item> real </item>
- <item> recover </item>
- </list>
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- String="predeclared"/>
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- <Detect2Chars attribute="Comment" context="Comment 2" char="/" char1="*" beginRegion="Comment"/>
- <AnyChar attribute="Symbol" context="#stay" String=":!%&amp;()+,-/.*&lt;=&gt;?[]|~^&#59;"/>
- </context>
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- <HlCStringChar attribute="String Char" context="#stay"/>
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="&quot;"/>
- </context>
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- <HlCStringChar attribute="String Char" context="#stay"/>
- <DetectChar attribute="String" context="#pop" char="`"/>
- </context>
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- </context>
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- <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Keyword" defStyleNum="dsKeyword" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Predeclared Identifier" defStyleNum="dsOthers" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Builtin Function" defStyleNum="dsFunction" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Data Type" defStyleNum="dsDataType" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Decimal" defStyleNum="dsDecVal" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Octal" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Hex" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Float" defStyleNum="dsFloat" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Char" defStyleNum="dsChar" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="String" defStyleNum="dsString"/>
- <itemData name="String Char" defStyleNum="dsChar"/>
- <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment"/>
- <itemData name="Symbol" defStyleNum="dsNormal" spellChecking="false"/>
- <itemData name="Error" defStyleNum="dsError" spellChecking="false"/>
- </itemDatas>
- </highlighting>
- <general>
- <comments>
- <comment name="singleLine" start="//" />
- <comment name="multiLine" start="/*" end="*/" />
- </comments>
- <keywords casesensitive="1" additionalDeliminator="'&quot;" />
- </general>
diff --git a/misc/notepadplus/README b/misc/notepadplus/README
deleted file mode 100644
index fca4f5f09..000000000
--- a/misc/notepadplus/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-Notepad++ syntax highlighting
-The userDefineLang.xml uses the new User Defined Language system (UDL2),
-which needs Notepad++ v6.2 or higher.
-Installing from Notepad++ Installer
- 1. Add the contents of userDefineLang.xml at %APPDATA%\Notepad++\userDefineLang.xml
- between <NotepadPlus> ... </NotepadPlus>
- 2. Restart Notepad++
-Installing from Notepad++ zip/7z package
- 1. Given a Notepad++ installation at <DIR>.
- 2. Add the contents of userDefineLang.xml at <DIR>\userDefineLang.xml
- between <NotepadPlus> ... </NotepadPlus>
- 3. Restart Notepad++
- 1.
- 2.
- 3.
-Notepad++ keyword auto-completion
- 1. Given a Notepad++ installation at <DIR>.
- 2. Copy go.xml to <DIR>\plugins\APIs
- 3. Restart Notepad++
- 1.
-Notepad++ Function List
-The functionList.xml uses the Function List Pane new feature,
-which needs Notepad++ v6.4 or higher.
-Installing from Notepad++ Installer
- 1. Add the contents of userDefineLang.xml at %APPDATA%\Notepad++\functionList.xml
- between <associationMap> ... </associationMap> and <parsers> ... </parsers>
- 2. Restart Notepad++
-Installing from Notepad++ zip/7z package
- 1. Given a Notepad++ installation at <DIR>.
- 2. Add the contents of functionList.xml at <DIR>\functionList.xml
- between <associationMap> ... </associationMap> and <parsers> ... </parsers>
- 3. Restart Notepad++
- 1.
diff --git a/misc/notepadplus/functionList.xml b/misc/notepadplus/functionList.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c605db4f..000000000
--- a/misc/notepadplus/functionList.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-<!-- <NotepadPlus> -->
- <!-- <functionList> -->
- <!-- <associationMap> -->
- <!--
- if npp version == 6.4:
- <association ext=".go" id="go"/>
- if npp version >= 6.5:
- <association userDefinedLangName="go" id="go"/>
- -->
- <!-- </associationMap> -->
- <!-- <parsers> -->
- <parser id="go" displayName="Go" commentExpr="((/\*.*?\*)/|(//.*?$))">
- <classRange
- mainExpr="^type\s+\w+\s+interface\s*\{"
- openSymbole = "\{"
- closeSymbole = "\}"
- displayMode="node">
- <className>
- <nameExpr expr="type\s+\w+"/>
- <nameExpr expr="\s+\w+"/>
- <nameExpr expr="\w+"/>
- </className>
- <function
- mainExpr="^\s+\w+\s*\(">
- <functionName>
- <funcNameExpr expr="\w+"/>
- </functionName>
- </function>
- </classRange>
- <function
- mainExpr="(^func\s+\w+)|(^func\s*\(\s*\w*\s*\*?\s*\w+\s*\)\s*\w+)"
- displayMode="$className->$functionName">
- <functionName>
- <nameExpr expr="((func\s+\w+)|(\)\s*\w+))"/>
- <nameExpr expr="((\s+\w+)|(\)\s*\w+))"/>
- <nameExpr expr="\w+"/>
- </functionName>
- <className>
- <nameExpr expr="\w+\s*\)"/>
- <nameExpr expr="\w+"/>
- </className>
- </function>
- </parser>
- <!-- </parsers> -->
- <!-- </functionList> -->
-<!-- </NotepadPlus> -->
diff --git a/misc/notepadplus/go.xml b/misc/notepadplus/go.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 59e4116d6..000000000
--- a/misc/notepadplus/go.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
- <!-- Go Programming Language builtins and keywords -->
- <AutoComplete>
- <KeyWord name="append" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="[]Type">
- <Param name="slice []Type" />
- <Param name="elems ...Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="bool" />
- <KeyWord name="break" />
- <KeyWord name="byte" />
- <KeyWord name="cap" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="int">
- <Param name="v Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="case" />
- <KeyWord name="chan" />
- <KeyWord name="close" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="">
- <Param name="c chan<- Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="complex" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="ComplexType">
- <Param name="r" />
- <Param name="i FloatType" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="complex128" />
- <KeyWord name="complex64" />
- <KeyWord name="const" />
- <KeyWord name="continue" />
- <KeyWord name="copy" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="int">
- <Param name="dst" />
- <Param name="src []Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="default" />
- <KeyWord name="defer" />
- <KeyWord name="delete" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="">
- <Param name="m map[Type]Type1" />
- <Param name="key Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="else" />
- <KeyWord name="error" />
- <KeyWord name="fallthrough" />
- <KeyWord name="false" />
- <KeyWord name="float32" />
- <KeyWord name="float64" />
- <KeyWord name="for" />
- <KeyWord name="func" />
- <KeyWord name="go" />
- <KeyWord name="goto" />
- <KeyWord name="if" />
- <KeyWord name="iota" />
- <KeyWord name="imag" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="FloatType">
- <Param name="c ComplexType" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="import" />
- <KeyWord name="int" />
- <KeyWord name="int16" />
- <KeyWord name="int32" />
- <KeyWord name="int64" />
- <KeyWord name="int8" />
- <KeyWord name="interface" />
- <KeyWord name="len" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="int">
- <Param name="v Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="make" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="Type">
- <Param name="Type" />
- <Param name="size IntegerType" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="map" />
- <KeyWord name="new" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="*Type">
- <Param name="Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="nil" />
- <KeyWord name="package" />
- <KeyWord name="panic" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="">
- <Param name="v interface{}" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="print" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="">
- <Param name="args ...Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="println" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="" >
- <Param name="args ...Type" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="range" />
- <KeyWord name="real" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="FloatType">
- <Param name="c ComplexType" />
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="recover" func="yes">
- <Overload retVal="interface{}">
- </Overload>
- </KeyWord>
- <KeyWord name="return" />
- <KeyWord name="rune" />
- <KeyWord name="select" />
- <KeyWord name="string" />
- <KeyWord name="struct" />
- <KeyWord name="switch" />
- <KeyWord name="true" />
- <KeyWord name="type" />
- <KeyWord name="uint" />
- <KeyWord name="uint16" />
- <KeyWord name="uint32" />
- <KeyWord name="uint64" />
- <KeyWord name="uint8" />
- <KeyWord name="uintptr" />
- <KeyWord name="var" />
- </AutoComplete>
diff --git a/misc/notepadplus/userDefineLang.xml b/misc/notepadplus/userDefineLang.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9751f7901..000000000
--- a/misc/notepadplus/userDefineLang.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<!-- <NotepadPlus> -->
- <UserLang name="go" ext="go" udlVersion="2.1">
- <Settings>
- <Global caseIgnored="no" allowFoldOfComments="yes" foldCompact="no" forcePureLC="0" decimalSeparator="0" />
- <Prefix Keywords1="no" Keywords2="no" Keywords3="no" Keywords4="no" Keywords5="no" Keywords6="no" Keywords7="no" Keywords8="no" />
- </Settings>
- <KeywordLists>
- <Keywords name="Comments">00// 01 02 03/* 04*/</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, prefix1"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, prefix2">0x 0X</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, extras1">a b c d e f A B C D E F</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, extras2"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, suffix1"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, suffix2">i</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Numbers, range"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Operators1">( ) [ ] { } ... , ; &amp; ^ % &gt; &lt; ! = + - * / | :</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Operators2"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code1, open"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code1, middle"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code1, close"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code2, open"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code2, middle"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in code2, close"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in comment, open"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in comment, middle"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Folders in comment, close"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords1">break default func interface select case defer go map struct chan else goto package switch const fallthrough if range type continue for import return var</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords2">bool byte complex64 complex128 error float32 float64 int int8 int16 int32 int64 rune string uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr true false iota nil</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords3">append cap close complex copy delete imag len make new panic print println real recover _</Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords4"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords5"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords6"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords7"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Keywords8"></Keywords>
- <Keywords name="Delimiters">00&quot; 01\ 02&quot; 03&apos; 04\ 05&apos; 06` 07 08` 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23</Keywords>
- </KeywordLists>
- <Styles>
- <WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="COMMENTS" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="LINE COMMENTS" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="NUMBERS" fgColor="A52A2A" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS1" fgColor="AA0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS2" fgColor="AA0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS3" fgColor="AA0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS4" fgColor="A00000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS5" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS6" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS7" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="OPERATORS" fgColor="8000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN CODE1" fgColor="8000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN CODE2" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="FOLDER IN COMMENT" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS1" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS2" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS3" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS4" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS5" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS6" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS7" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS8" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
- </Styles>
- </UserLang>
-<!-- </NotepadPlus> -->
diff --git a/misc/vim/autoload/go/complete.vim b/misc/vim/autoload/go/complete.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a4fa6b668..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/autoload/go/complete.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" This file provides a utility function that performs auto-completion of
-" package names, for use by other commands.
-let s:goos = $GOOS
-let s:goarch = $GOARCH
-if len(s:goos) == 0
- if exists('g:golang_goos')
- let s:goos = g:golang_goos
- elseif has('win32') || has('win64')
- let s:goos = 'windows'
- elseif has('macunix')
- let s:goos = 'darwin'
- else
- let s:goos = '*'
- endif
-if len(s:goarch) == 0
- if exists('g:golang_goarch')
- let s:goarch = g:golang_goarch
- else
- let s:goarch = '*'
- endif
-function! go#complete#PackageMembers(package, member)
- silent! let content = system('godoc ' . a:package)
- if v:shell_error || !len(content)
- return []
- endif
- let lines = filter(split(content, "\n"),"v:val !~ '^\\s\\+$'")
- try
- let mx1 = '^\s\+\(\S+\)\s\+=\s\+.*'
- let mx2 = '^\%(const\|var\|type\|func\) \([A-Z][^ (]\+\).*'
- let candidates =
- \ map(filter(copy(lines), 'v:val =~ mx1'), 'substitute(v:val, mx1, "\\1", "")')
- \ + map(filter(copy(lines), 'v:val =~ mx2'), 'substitute(v:val, mx2, "\\1", "")')
- return filter(candidates, '!stridx(v:val, a:member)')
- catch
- return []
- endtry
-function! go#complete#Package(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
- let dirs = []
- let words = split(a:CmdLine, '\s\+', 1)
- if len(words) > 2
- " Complete package members
- return go#complete#PackageMembers(words[1], words[2])
- endif
- if executable('go')
- let goroot = substitute(system('go env GOROOT'), '\n', '', 'g')
- if v:shell_error
- echomsg '''go env GOROOT'' failed'
- endif
- else
- let goroot = $GOROOT
- endif
- if len(goroot) != 0 && isdirectory(goroot)
- let dirs += [goroot]
- endif
- let pathsep = ':'
- if s:goos == 'windows'
- let pathsep = ';'
- endif
- let workspaces = split($GOPATH, pathsep)
- if workspaces != []
- let dirs += workspaces
- endif
- if len(dirs) == 0
- " should not happen
- return []
- endif
- let ret = {}
- for dir in dirs
- " this may expand to multiple lines
- let root = split(expand(dir . '/pkg/' . s:goos . '_' . s:goarch), "\n")
- call add(root, expand(dir . '/src'))
- for r in root
- for i in split(globpath(r, a:ArgLead.'*'), "\n")
- if isdirectory(i)
- let i .= '/'
- elseif i !~ '\.a$'
- continue
- endif
- let i = substitute(substitute(i[len(r)+1:], '[\\]', '/', 'g'), '\.a$', '', 'g')
- let ret[i] = i
- endfor
- endfor
- endfor
- return sort(keys(ret))
diff --git a/misc/vim/compiler/go.vim b/misc/vim/compiler/go.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c8cce497..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/compiler/go.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" compiler/go.vim: Vim compiler file for Go.
-if exists("current_compiler")
- finish
-let current_compiler = "go"
-if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
- command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo-=C
-CompilerSet makeprg=go\ build
-CompilerSet errorformat=
- \%-G#\ %.%#,
- \%A%f:%l:%c:\ %m,
- \%A%f:%l:\ %m,
- \%C%*\\s%m,
- \%-G%.%#
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-unlet s:save_cpo
-" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/misc/vim/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim b/misc/vim/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index b658f6b0e..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-" We take care to preserve the user's fileencodings and fileformats,
-" because those settings are global (not buffer local), yet we want
-" to override them for loading Go files, which are defined to be UTF-8.
-let s:current_fileformats = ''
-let s:current_fileencodings = ''
-" define fileencodings to open as utf-8 encoding even if it's ascii.
-function! s:gofiletype_pre()
- let s:current_fileformats = &g:fileformats
- let s:current_fileencodings = &g:fileencodings
- set fileencodings=utf-8 fileformats=unix
- setlocal filetype=go
-" restore fileencodings as others
-function! s:gofiletype_post()
- let &g:fileformats = s:current_fileformats
- let &g:fileencodings = s:current_fileencodings
-au BufNewFile *.go setlocal filetype=go fileencoding=utf-8 fileformat=unix
-au BufRead *.go call s:gofiletype_pre()
-au BufReadPost *.go call s:gofiletype_post()
diff --git a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go.vim b/misc/vim/ftplugin/go.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 532fb1723..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" go.vim: Vim filetype plugin for Go.
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
- finish
-let b:did_ftplugin = 1
-setlocal formatoptions-=t
-setlocal comments=s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://
-setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
-let b:undo_ftplugin = "setl fo< com< cms<"
-" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/fmt.vim b/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/fmt.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 359545bd4..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/fmt.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" fmt.vim: Vim command to format Go files with gofmt.
-" This filetype plugin add a new commands for go buffers:
-" :Fmt
-" Filter the current Go buffer through gofmt.
-" It tries to preserve cursor position and avoids
-" replacing the buffer with stderr output.
-" Options:
-" g:go_fmt_commands [default=1]
-" Flag to indicate whether to enable the commands listed above.
-" g:gofmt_command [default="gofmt"]
-" Flag naming the gofmt executable to use.
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin_go_fmt")
- finish
-if !exists("g:go_fmt_commands")
- let g:go_fmt_commands = 1
-if !exists("g:gofmt_command")
- let g:gofmt_command = "gofmt"
-if g:go_fmt_commands
- command! -buffer Fmt call s:GoFormat()
-function! s:GoFormat()
- let view = winsaveview()
- silent execute "%!" . g:gofmt_command
- if v:shell_error
- let errors = []
- for line in getline(1, line('$'))
- let tokens = matchlist(line, '^\(.\{-}\):\(\d\+\):\(\d\+\)\s*\(.*\)')
- if !empty(tokens)
- call add(errors, {"filename": @%,
- \"lnum": tokens[2],
- \"col": tokens[3],
- \"text": tokens[4]})
- endif
- endfor
- if empty(errors)
- % | " Couldn't detect gofmt error format, output errors
- endif
- undo
- if !empty(errors)
- call setqflist(errors, 'r')
- endif
- echohl Error | echomsg "Gofmt returned error" | echohl None
- endif
- call winrestview(view)
-let b:did_ftplugin_go_fmt = 1
-" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/import.vim b/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/import.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 91c8697a4..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/import.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" import.vim: Vim commands to import/drop Go packages.
-" This filetype plugin adds three new commands for go buffers:
-" :Import {path}
-" Import ensures that the provided package {path} is imported
-" in the current Go buffer, using proper style and ordering.
-" If {path} is already being imported, an error will be
-" displayed and the buffer will be untouched.
-" :ImportAs {localname} {path}
-" Same as Import, but uses a custom local name for the package.
-" :Drop {path}
-" Remove the import line for the provided package {path}, if
-" present in the current Go buffer. If {path} is not being
-" imported, an error will be displayed and the buffer will be
-" untouched.
-" If you would like to add shortcuts, you can do so by doing the following:
-" Import fmt
-" au Filetype go nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>f :Import fmt<CR>
-" Drop fmt
-" au Filetype go nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>F :Drop fmt<CR>
-" Import the word under your cursor
-" au Filetype go nnoremap <buffer> <LocalLeader>k
-" \ :exe 'Import ' . expand('<cword>')<CR>
-" The backslash '\' is the default maplocalleader, so it is possible that
-" your vim is set to use a different character (:help maplocalleader).
-" Options:
-" g:go_import_commands [default=1]
-" Flag to indicate whether to enable the commands listed above.
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin_go_import")
- finish
-if !exists("g:go_import_commands")
- let g:go_import_commands = 1
-if g:go_import_commands
- command! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=customlist,go#complete#Package Drop call s:SwitchImport(0, '', <f-args>)
- command! -buffer -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,go#complete#Package Import call s:SwitchImport(1, '', <f-args>)
- command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=customlist,go#complete#Package ImportAs call s:SwitchImport(1, <f-args>)
-function! s:SwitchImport(enabled, localname, path)
- let view = winsaveview()
- let path = a:path
- " Quotes are not necessary, so remove them if provided.
- if path[0] == '"'
- let path = strpart(path, 1)
- endif
- if path[len(path)-1] == '"'
- let path = strpart(path, 0, len(path) - 1)
- endif
- if path == ''
- call s:Error('Import path not provided')
- return
- endif
- " Extract any site prefix (e.g.
- " If other imports with the same prefix are grouped separately,
- " we will add this new import with them.
- " Only up to and including the first slash is used.
- let siteprefix = matchstr(path, "^[^/]*/")
- let qpath = '"' . path . '"'
- if a:localname != ''
- let qlocalpath = a:localname . ' ' . qpath
- else
- let qlocalpath = qpath
- endif
- let indentstr = 0
- let packageline = -1 " Position of package name statement
- let appendline = -1 " Position to introduce new import
- let deleteline = -1 " Position of line with existing import
- let linesdelta = 0 " Lines added/removed
- " Find proper place to add/remove import.
- let line = 0
- while line <= line('$')
- let linestr = getline(line)
- if linestr =~# '^package\s'
- let packageline = line
- let appendline = line
- elseif linestr =~# '^import\s\+('
- let appendstr = qlocalpath
- let indentstr = 1
- let appendline = line
- let firstblank = -1
- let lastprefix = ""
- while line <= line("$")
- let line = line + 1
- let linestr = getline(line)
- let m = matchlist(getline(line), '^\()\|\(\s\+\)\(\S*\s*\)"\(.\+\)"\)')
- if empty(m)
- if siteprefix == "" && a:enabled
- " must be in the first group
- break
- endif
- " record this position, but keep looking
- if firstblank < 0
- let firstblank = line
- endif
- continue
- endif
- if m[1] == ')'
- " if there's no match, add it to the first group
- if appendline < 0 && firstblank >= 0
- let appendline = firstblank
- endif
- break
- endif
- let lastprefix = matchstr(m[4], "^[^/]*/")
- if a:localname != '' && m[3] != ''
- let qlocalpath = printf('%-' . (len(m[3])-1) . 's %s', a:localname, qpath)
- endif
- let appendstr = m[2] . qlocalpath
- let indentstr = 0
- if m[4] == path
- let appendline = -1
- let deleteline = line
- break
- elseif m[4] < path
- " don't set candidate position if we have a site prefix,
- " we've passed a blank line, and this doesn't share the same
- " site prefix.
- if siteprefix == "" || firstblank < 0 || match(m[4], "^" . siteprefix) >= 0
- let appendline = line
- endif
- elseif siteprefix != "" && match(m[4], "^" . siteprefix) >= 0
- " first entry of site group
- let appendline = line - 1
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- break
- elseif linestr =~# '^import '
- if appendline == packageline
- let appendstr = 'import ' . qlocalpath
- let appendline = line - 1
- endif
- let m = matchlist(linestr, '^import\(\s\+\)\(\S*\s*\)"\(.\+\)"')
- if !empty(m)
- if m[3] == path
- let appendline = -1
- let deleteline = line
- break
- endif
- if m[3] < path
- let appendline = line
- endif
- if a:localname != '' && m[2] != ''
- let qlocalpath = printf("%s %" . len(m[2])-1 . "s", a:localname, qpath)
- endif
- let appendstr = 'import' . m[1] . qlocalpath
- endif
- elseif linestr =~# '^\(var\|const\|type\|func\)\>'
- break
- endif
- let line = line + 1
- endwhile
- " Append or remove the package import, as requested.
- if a:enabled
- if deleteline != -1
- call s:Error(qpath . ' already being imported')
- elseif appendline == -1
- call s:Error('No package line found')
- else
- if appendline == packageline
- call append(appendline + 0, '')
- call append(appendline + 1, 'import (')
- call append(appendline + 2, ')')
- let appendline += 2
- let linesdelta += 3
- let appendstr = qlocalpath
- let indentstr = 1
- endif
- call append(appendline, appendstr)
- execute appendline + 1
- if indentstr
- execute 'normal >>'
- endif
- let linesdelta += 1
- endif
- else
- if deleteline == -1
- call s:Error(qpath . ' not being imported')
- else
- execute deleteline . 'd'
- let linesdelta -= 1
- if getline(deleteline-1) =~# '^import\s\+(' && getline(deleteline) =~# '^)'
- " Delete empty import block
- let deleteline -= 1
- execute deleteline . "d"
- execute deleteline . "d"
- let linesdelta -= 2
- endif
- if getline(deleteline) == '' && getline(deleteline - 1) == ''
- " Delete spacing for removed line too.
- execute deleteline . "d"
- let linesdelta -= 1
- endif
- endif
- endif
- " Adjust view for any changes.
- let view.lnum += linesdelta
- let view.topline += linesdelta
- if view.topline < 0
- let view.topline = 0
- endif
- " Put buffer back where it was.
- call winrestview(view)
-function! s:Error(s)
- echohl Error | echo a:s | echohl None
-let b:did_ftplugin_go_import = 1
-" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/ b/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/
deleted file mode 100755
index d8a5b8951..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/ftplugin/go/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -e
-# Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-# Tests for import.vim.
-cd $(dirname $0)
-cat > base.go <<EOF
-package test
-import (
- "bytes"
- "io"
- "net"
- "mycorp/foo"
-# usage: test_one command pattern
-# Pattern is a PCRE expression that will match across lines.
-test_one() {
- echo 2>&1 -n "$1: "
- vim -e -s -u /dev/null -U /dev/null --noplugin -c "source import.vim" \
- -c "$1" -c 'wq! test.go' base.go
- # ensure blank lines are treated correctly
- if ! gofmt test.go | cmp test.go -; then
- echo 2>&1 "gofmt conflict"
- gofmt test.go | diff -u test.go - | sed "s/^/ /" 2>&1
- fail=1
- return
- fi
- if ! [[ $(cat test.go) =~ $2 ]]; then
- echo 2>&1 "$2 did not match"
- cat test.go | sed "s/^/ /" 2>&1
- fail=1
- return
- fi
- echo 2>&1 "ok"
-# Tests for Import
-test_one "Import baz" '"baz".*"bytes"'
-test_one "Import io/ioutil" '"io".*"io/ioutil".*"net"'
-test_one "Import myc" '"io".*"myc".*"net"' # prefix of a site prefix
-test_one "Import nat" '"io".*"nat".*"net"'
-test_one "Import net/http" '"net".*"net/http".*"mycorp/foo"'
-test_one "Import zoo" '"net".*"zoo".*"mycorp/foo"'
-test_one "Import mycorp/bar" '"net".*"mycorp/bar".*"mycorp/foo"'
-test_one "Import mycorp/goo" '"net".*"mycorp/foo".*"mycorp/goo"'
-# Tests for Drop
-cat > base.go <<EOF
-package test
-import (
- "foo"
- "something"
- "zoo"
-test_one "Drop something" '\([^"]*"foo"[^"]*"zoo"[^"]*\)'
-rm -f base.go test.go
-if [ $fail -gt 0 ]; then
- echo 2>&1 "FAIL"
- exit 1
-echo 2>&1 "PASS"
diff --git a/misc/vim/indent/go.vim b/misc/vim/indent/go.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e3d6e8416..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/indent/go.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" indent/go.vim: Vim indent file for Go.
-" TODO:
-" - function invocations split across lines
-" - general line splits (line ends in an operator)
-if exists("b:did_indent")
- finish
-let b:did_indent = 1
-" C indentation is too far off useful, mainly due to Go's := operator.
-" Let's just define our own.
-setlocal nolisp
-setlocal autoindent
-setlocal indentexpr=GoIndent(v:lnum)
-setlocal indentkeys+=<:>,0=},0=)
-if exists("*GoIndent")
- finish
-" The shiftwidth() function is relatively new.
-" Don't require it to exist.
-if exists('*shiftwidth')
- func s:sw()
- return shiftwidth()
- endfunc
- func s:sw()
- return &shiftwidth
- endfunc
-function! GoIndent(lnum)
- let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
- if prevlnum == 0
- " top of file
- return 0
- endif
- " grab the previous and current line, stripping comments.
- let prevl = substitute(getline(prevlnum), '//.*$', '', '')
- let thisl = substitute(getline(a:lnum), '//.*$', '', '')
- let previ = indent(prevlnum)
- let ind = previ
- if prevl =~ '[({]\s*$'
- " previous line opened a block
- let ind += s:sw()
- endif
- if prevl =~# '^\s*\(case .*\|default\):$'
- " previous line is part of a switch statement
- let ind += s:sw()
- endif
- " TODO: handle if the previous line is a label.
- if thisl =~ '^\s*[)}]'
- " this line closed a block
- let ind -= s:sw()
- endif
- " Colons are tricky.
- " We want to outdent if it's part of a switch ("case foo:" or "default:").
- " We ignore trying to deal with jump labels because (a) they're rare, and
- " (b) they're hard to disambiguate from a composite literal key.
- if thisl =~# '^\s*\(case .*\|default\):$'
- let ind -= s:sw()
- endif
- return ind
diff --git a/misc/vim/plugin/godoc.vim b/misc/vim/plugin/godoc.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index a145d313f..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/plugin/godoc.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" godoc.vim: Vim command to see godoc.
-" Commands:
-" :Godoc
-" Open the relevant Godoc for either the word[s] passed to the command or
-" the, by default, the word under the cursor.
-" Options:
-" g:go_godoc_commands [default=1]
-" Flag to indicate whether to enable the commands listed above.
-if exists("g:loaded_godoc")
- finish
-let g:loaded_godoc = 1
-let s:buf_nr = -1
-let s:last_word = ''
-if !exists('g:go_godoc_commands')
- let g:go_godoc_commands = 1
-if g:go_godoc_commands
- command! -nargs=* -range -complete=customlist,go#complete#Package Godoc :call s:Godoc(<f-args>)
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>(godoc-keyword) :<C-u>call <SID>Godoc('')<CR>
-function! s:GodocView()
- if !bufexists(s:buf_nr)
- leftabove new
- file `="[Godoc]"`
- let s:buf_nr = bufnr('%')
- elseif bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) == -1
- leftabove split
- execute s:buf_nr . 'buffer'
- delete _
- elseif bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) != bufwinnr('%')
- execute bufwinnr(s:buf_nr) . 'wincmd w'
- endif
- setlocal filetype=godoc
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal nobuflisted
- setlocal modifiable
- setlocal nocursorline
- setlocal nocursorcolumn
- setlocal iskeyword+=:
- setlocal iskeyword-=-
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> K :Godoc<cr>
- au BufHidden <buffer> call let <SID>buf_nr = -1
-function! s:GodocWord(word)
- if !executable('godoc')
- echohl WarningMsg
- echo "godoc command not found."
- echo " install with: go get"
- echohl None
- return 0
- endif
- let word = a:word
- silent! let content = system('godoc ' . word)
- if v:shell_error || !len(content)
- if len(s:last_word)
- silent! let content = system('godoc ' . s:last_word.'/'.word)
- if v:shell_error || !len(content)
- echo 'No documentation found for "' . word . '".'
- return 0
- endif
- let word = s:last_word.'/'.word
- else
- echo 'No documentation found for "' . word . '".'
- return 0
- endif
- endif
- let s:last_word = word
- silent! call s:GodocView()
- setlocal modifiable
- silent! %d _
- silent! put! =content
- silent! normal gg
- setlocal nomodifiable
- setfiletype godoc
- return 1
-function! s:Godoc(...)
- if !len(a:000)
- let oldiskeyword = &iskeyword
- setlocal iskeyword+=.
- let word = expand('<cword>')
- let &iskeyword = oldiskeyword
- let word = substitute(word, '[^a-zA-Z0-9\\/._~-]', '', 'g')
- let words = split(word, '\.\ze[^./]\+$')
- else
- let words = a:000
- endif
- if !len(words)
- return
- endif
- if s:GodocWord(words[0])
- if len(words) > 1
- if search('^\%(const\|var\|type\|\s\+\) ' . words[1] . '\s\+=\s')
- return
- endif
- if search('^func ' . words[1] . '(')
- silent! normal zt
- return
- endif
- echo 'No documentation found for "' . words[1] . '".'
- endif
- endif
-" vim:ts=4:sw=4:et
diff --git a/misc/vim/readme.txt b/misc/vim/readme.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a9e22870..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/readme.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-Vim plugins for Go (
-To use all the Vim plugins, add these lines to your $HOME/.vimrc.
- " Some Linux distributions set filetype in /etc/vimrc.
- " Clear filetype flags before changing runtimepath to force Vim to reload them.
- if exists("g:did_load_filetypes")
- filetype off
- filetype plugin indent off
- endif
- set runtimepath+=$GOROOT/misc/vim " replace $GOROOT with the output of: go env GOROOT
- filetype plugin indent on
- syntax on
-If you want to select fewer plugins, use the instructions in the rest of
-this file.
-A popular configuration is to gofmt Go source files when they are saved.
-To do that, add this line to the end of your $HOME/.vimrc.
- autocmd FileType go autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> Fmt
-Vim syntax highlighting
-To install automatic syntax highlighting for GO programs:
- 1. Copy or link the filetype detection script to the ftdetect directory
- underneath your vim runtime directory (normally $HOME/.vim/ftdetect)
- 2. Copy or link syntax/go.vim to the syntax directory underneath your vim
- runtime directory (normally $HOME/.vim/syntax). Linking this file rather
- than just copying it will ensure any changes are automatically reflected
- in your syntax highlighting.
- 3. Add the following line to your .vimrc file (normally $HOME/.vimrc):
- syntax on
-In a typical unix environment you might accomplish this using the following
- mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/ftdetect
- mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/syntax
- mkdir -p $HOME/.vim/autoload/go
- ln -s $GOROOT/misc/vim/ftdetect/gofiletype.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect/
- ln -s $GOROOT/misc/vim/syntax/go.vim $HOME/.vim/syntax
- ln -s $GOROOT/misc/vim/autoload/go/complete.vim $HOME/.vim/autoload/go
- echo "syntax on" >> $HOME/.vimrc
-Vim filetype plugins
-To install one of the available filetype plugins:
- 1. Same as 1 above.
- 2. Copy or link ftplugin/go.vim to the ftplugin directory underneath your vim
- runtime directory (normally $HOME/.vim/ftplugin). Copy or link one or more
- additional plugins from ftplugin/go/*.vim to the Go-specific subdirectory
- in the same place ($HOME/.vim/ftplugin/go/*.vim).
- 3. Add the following line to your .vimrc file (normally $HOME/.vimrc):
- filetype plugin on
-Vim indentation plugin
-To install automatic indentation:
- 1. Same as 1 above.
- 2. Copy or link indent/go.vim to the indent directory underneath your vim
- runtime directory (normally $HOME/.vim/indent).
- 3. Add the following line to your .vimrc file (normally $HOME/.vimrc):
- filetype indent on
-Vim compiler plugin
-To install the compiler plugin:
- 1. Same as 1 above.
- 2. Copy or link compiler/go.vim to the compiler directory underneath your vim
- runtime directory (normally $HOME/.vim/compiler).
- 3. Activate the compiler plugin with ":compiler go". To always enable the
- compiler plugin in Go source files add an autocommand to your .vimrc file
- (normally $HOME/.vimrc):
- autocmd FileType go compiler go
-Godoc plugin
-To install godoc plugin:
- 1. Same as 1 above.
- 2. Copy or link plugin/godoc.vim to $HOME/.vim/plugin/godoc,
- syntax/godoc.vim to $HOME/.vim/syntax/godoc.vim,
- and autoload/go/complete.vim to $HOME/.vim/autoload/go/complete.vim.
diff --git a/misc/vim/syntax/go.vim b/misc/vim/syntax/go.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ce6cb27f..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/syntax/go.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-" go.vim: Vim syntax file for Go.
-" Options:
-" There are some options for customizing the highlighting; the recommended
-" settings are the default values, but you can write:
-" let OPTION_NAME = 0
-" in your ~/.vimrc file to disable particular options. You can also write:
-" let OPTION_NAME = 1
-" to enable particular options. At present, all options default to on.
-" - go_highlight_array_whitespace_error
-" Highlights white space after "[]".
-" - go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error
-" Highlights white space around the communications operator that don't follow
-" the standard style.
-" - go_highlight_extra_types
-" Highlights commonly used library types (io.Reader, etc.).
-" - go_highlight_space_tab_error
-" Highlights instances of tabs following spaces.
-" - go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error
-" Highlights trailing white space.
-" Quit when a (custom) syntax file was already loaded
-if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
-if !exists("go_highlight_array_whitespace_error")
- let go_highlight_array_whitespace_error = 1
-if !exists("go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error")
- let go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error = 1
-if !exists("go_highlight_extra_types")
- let go_highlight_extra_types = 1
-if !exists("go_highlight_space_tab_error")
- let go_highlight_space_tab_error = 1
-if !exists("go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error")
- let go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error = 1
-syn case match
-syn keyword goDirective package import
-syn keyword goDeclaration var const type
-syn keyword goDeclType struct interface
-hi def link goDirective Statement
-hi def link goDeclaration Keyword
-hi def link goDeclType Keyword
-" Keywords within functions
-syn keyword goStatement defer go goto return break continue fallthrough
-syn keyword goConditional if else switch select
-syn keyword goLabel case default
-syn keyword goRepeat for range
-hi def link goStatement Statement
-hi def link goConditional Conditional
-hi def link goLabel Label
-hi def link goRepeat Repeat
-" Predefined types
-syn keyword goType chan map bool string error
-syn keyword goSignedInts int int8 int16 int32 int64 rune
-syn keyword goUnsignedInts byte uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
-syn keyword goFloats float32 float64
-syn keyword goComplexes complex64 complex128
-hi def link goType Type
-hi def link goSignedInts Type
-hi def link goUnsignedInts Type
-hi def link goFloats Type
-hi def link goComplexes Type
-" Treat func specially: it's a declaration at the start of a line, but a type
-" elsewhere. Order matters here.
-syn match goType /\<func\>/
-syn match goDeclaration /^func\>/
-" Predefined functions and values
-syn keyword goBuiltins append cap close complex copy delete imag len
-syn keyword goBuiltins make new panic print println real recover
-syn keyword goConstants iota true false nil
-hi def link goBuiltins Keyword
-hi def link goConstants Keyword
-" Comments; their contents
-syn keyword goTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX BUG
-syn cluster goCommentGroup contains=goTodo
-syn region goComment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=@goCommentGroup,@Spell
-syn region goComment start="//" end="$" contains=@goCommentGroup,@Spell
-hi def link goComment Comment
-hi def link goTodo Todo
-" Go escapes
-syn match goEscapeOctal display contained "\\[0-7]\{3}"
-syn match goEscapeC display contained +\\[abfnrtv\\'"]+
-syn match goEscapeX display contained "\\x\x\{2}"
-syn match goEscapeU display contained "\\u\x\{4}"
-syn match goEscapeBigU display contained "\\U\x\{8}"
-syn match goEscapeError display contained +\\[^0-7xuUabfnrtv\\'"]+
-hi def link goEscapeOctal goSpecialString
-hi def link goEscapeC goSpecialString
-hi def link goEscapeX goSpecialString
-hi def link goEscapeU goSpecialString
-hi def link goEscapeBigU goSpecialString
-hi def link goSpecialString Special
-hi def link goEscapeError Error
-" Strings and their contents
-syn cluster goStringGroup contains=goEscapeOctal,goEscapeC,goEscapeX,goEscapeU,goEscapeBigU,goEscapeError
-syn region goString start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=@goStringGroup
-syn region goRawString start=+`+ end=+`+
-hi def link goString String
-hi def link goRawString String
-" Characters; their contents
-syn cluster goCharacterGroup contains=goEscapeOctal,goEscapeC,goEscapeX,goEscapeU,goEscapeBigU
-syn region goCharacter start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=@goCharacterGroup
-hi def link goCharacter Character
-" Regions
-syn region goBlock start="{" end="}" transparent fold
-syn region goParen start='(' end=')' transparent
-" Integers
-syn match goDecimalInt "\<\d\+\([Ee]\d\+\)\?\>"
-syn match goHexadecimalInt "\<0x\x\+\>"
-syn match goOctalInt "\<0\o\+\>"
-syn match goOctalError "\<0\o*[89]\d*\>"
-hi def link goDecimalInt Integer
-hi def link goHexadecimalInt Integer
-hi def link goOctalInt Integer
-hi def link Integer Number
-" Floating point
-syn match goFloat "\<\d\+\.\d*\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
-syn match goFloat "\<\.\d\+\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?\>"
-syn match goFloat "\<\d\+[Ee][-+]\d\+\>"
-hi def link goFloat Float
-" Imaginary literals
-syn match goImaginary "\<\d\+i\>"
-syn match goImaginary "\<\d\+\.\d*\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?i\>"
-syn match goImaginary "\<\.\d\+\([Ee][-+]\d\+\)\?i\>"
-syn match goImaginary "\<\d\+[Ee][-+]\d\+i\>"
-hi def link goImaginary Number
-" Spaces after "[]"
-if go_highlight_array_whitespace_error != 0
- syn match goSpaceError display "\(\[\]\)\@<=\s\+"
-" Spacing errors around the 'chan' keyword
-if go_highlight_chan_whitespace_error != 0
- " receive-only annotation on chan type
- syn match goSpaceError display "\(<-\)\@<=\s\+\(chan\>\)\@="
- " send-only annotation on chan type
- syn match goSpaceError display "\(\<chan\)\@<=\s\+\(<-\)\@="
- " value-ignoring receives in a few contexts
- syn match goSpaceError display "\(\(^\|[={(,;]\)\s*<-\)\@<=\s\+"
-" Extra types commonly seen
-if go_highlight_extra_types != 0
- syn match goExtraType /\<bytes\.\(Buffer\)\>/
- syn match goExtraType /\<io\.\(Reader\|Writer\|ReadWriter\|ReadWriteCloser\)\>/
- syn match goExtraType /\<reflect\.\(Kind\|Type\|Value\)\>/
- syn match goExtraType /\<unsafe\.Pointer\>/
-" Space-tab error
-if go_highlight_space_tab_error != 0
- syn match goSpaceError display " \+\t"me=e-1
-" Trailing white space error
-if go_highlight_trailing_whitespace_error != 0
- syn match goSpaceError display excludenl "\s\+$"
-hi def link goExtraType Type
-hi def link goSpaceError Error
-" Search backwards for a global declaration to start processing the syntax.
-"syn sync match goSync grouphere NONE /^\(const\|var\|type\|func\)\>/
-" There's a bug in the implementation of grouphere. For now, use the
-" following as a more expensive/less precise workaround.
-syn sync minlines=500
-let b:current_syntax = "go"
diff --git a/misc/vim/syntax/godoc.vim b/misc/vim/syntax/godoc.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index bd4443f7c..000000000
--- a/misc/vim/syntax/godoc.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-" Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-" Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-" license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-if exists("b:current_syntax")
- finish
-syn case match
-syn match godocTitle "^\([A-Z][A-Z ]*\)$"
-command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
-HiLink godocTitle Title
-delcommand HiLink
-let b:current_syntax = "godoc"
-" vim:ts=4 sts=2 sw=2:
diff --git a/misc/xcode/3/README b/misc/xcode/3/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 69f371c2c..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/3/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains files for Go syntax highlighting in Xcode 3.x.
-See the comments in go.pbfilespec and go.xclangspec for installation
diff --git a/misc/xcode/3/go.pbfilespec b/misc/xcode/3/go.pbfilespec
deleted file mode 100644
index 1034778f5..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/3/go.pbfilespec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- go.pbfilespec
- Go source file spec for Xcode 3
- There is not much documentation available regarding the format
- of .pbfilespec files. As a starting point, see for instance the
- outdated documentation at:
- and the files in:
- /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XcodeEdit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
- Place this file in directory:
- ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Specifications/
- {
- Identifier = sourcecode.go;
- BasedOn = sourcecode;
- Name = "Go Files";
- Extensions = ("go");
- MIMETypes = ("text/go");
- Language = "xcode.lang.go";
- IsTextFile = YES;
- IsSourceFile = YES;
- }
diff --git a/misc/xcode/3/go.xclangspec b/misc/xcode/3/go.xclangspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8c94d5b..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/3/go.xclangspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- Go.xclangspec
- Go language specification for Xcode 3
- This is a preliminary version that supports basic syntax high-lighting
- (such as keywords, literals, and comments) and an attempt to provide
- some structure information (incomplete).
- There is not much documentation available regarding the format
- of .xclangspec files. As a starting point, see for instance the
- outdated documentation at:
- and the files in:
- /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XcodeEdit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
- Place this file in directory:
- ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Specifications/
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Keywords
-// TODO How do we get general Unicode identifiers?
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.identifier";
- Syntax = {
- StartChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
- Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_";
- Words = (
- "break",
- "case",
- "chan",
- "const",
- "continue",
- "default",
- "defer",
- "else",
- "fallthrough",
- "for",
- "func",
- "go",
- "goto",
- "if",
- "import",
- "interface",
- "map",
- "package",
- "range",
- "return",
- "select",
- "struct",
- "switch",
- "type",
- "var",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.keyword";
- AltType = "xcode.syntax.identifier"; // non-keywords are identifiers
- };
- },
-// TODO decide what should go here, if anything
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.interestingOperators";
- Syntax = {
- Words = (
- "...",
- ".",
- "*",
- ",",
- ":",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.plain";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.rawstring";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "`";
- End = "`";
- Type = "xcode.syntax.string";
- };
- },
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Syntax Coloring
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go";
- Description = "Go Coloring";
- BasedOn = "xcode.lang.simpleColoring";
- IncludeInMenu = YES;
- Name = "Go";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer.toplevel";
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.block",
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.plain";
- };
- },
- // The following rule returns tokens to the other rules
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Syntax = {
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.comment",
- "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline",
- "xcode.lang.string",
- "xcode.lang.character",
- "xcode.lang.go.rawstring",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.number",
- "xcode.lang.go.interestingOperators",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.lexer.toplevel";
- Syntax = {
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.comment",
- "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline",
- "xcode.lang.string",
- "xcode.lang.character",
- "xcode.lang.go.rawstring",
- "xcode.lang.go.type.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.method.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.function.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.number",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.method.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "func",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.declaration.method";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.type.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "type",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.typedef";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.function.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "func",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.declaration.function";
- };
- },
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Blocks
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.block";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "{";
- End = "}";
- Foldable = YES;
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "(";
- End = ")";
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.block",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "[";
- End = "]";
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.comment";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "/*";
- End = "*/";
- Foldable = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.url",
- "xcode.lang.url.mail",
- "xcode.lang.comment.mark",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "//";
- End = "\n";
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.url",
- "xcode.lang.url.mail",
- "xcode.lang.comment.mark",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
- // This rule recognizes special comments markers and adds them
- // to the list of file markers at the top of the editor window.
- // This overrides the markers specified in
- // /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XcodeEdit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/BaseSupport.xclangspec
- // and appears to apply them to all languages. Thus, for now
- // "inherit" the existing markers here for backward-compatibility.
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.comment.mark";
- Syntax = {
- StartChars = "BMTF!?";
- Match = (
- // Go-specific markers
- "^\(BUG.*$\)$", // include "BUG" in the markers list
- "^\(TODO.*$\)$", // include "TODO" in the markers list
- // inherited markers
- "^MARK:[ \t]+\(.*\)$",
- "^\(TODO:[ \t]+.*\)$", // include "TODO: " in the markers list
- "^\(FIXME:[ \t]+.*\)$", // include "FIXME: " in the markers list
- "^\(!!!:.*\)$", // include "!!!:" in the markers list
- "^\(\\?\\?\\?:.*\)$" // include "???:" in the markers list
- );
- // This is the order of captures. All of the match strings above need the same order.
- CaptureTypes = (
- "xcode.syntax.mark"
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
diff --git a/misc/xcode/4/README b/misc/xcode/4/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 09576d6d5..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/4/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-This directory contains files for Go syntax highlighting in Xcode 4.x.
-For installation, read, edit, and run . \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/misc/xcode/4/go.xclangspec b/misc/xcode/4/go.xclangspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 96edc8000..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/4/go.xclangspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
- Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
- license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
- go.xclangspec
- Go language specification for Xcode 4.x.
- This is a preliminary version that supports basic syntax coloring
- (such as keywords, literals, and comments) and an attempt to provide
- some structure information (incomplete).
- There is not much documentation available regarding the format
- of .xclangspec files. As a starting point, see for instance the
- outdated documentation at:
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Keywords
-// TODO How do we get general Unicode identifiers?
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.identifier";
- Syntax = {
- StartChars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_";
- Chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_";
- Words = (
- "break",
- "case",
- "chan",
- "const",
- "continue",
- "default",
- "defer",
- "else",
- "fallthrough",
- "for",
- "func",
- "go",
- "goto",
- "if",
- "import",
- "interface",
- "map",
- "package",
- "range",
- "return",
- "select",
- "struct",
- "switch",
- "type",
- "var",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.keyword";
- AltType = "xcode.syntax.identifier"; // non-keywords are identifiers
- };
- },
-// TODO decide what should go here, if anything
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.interestingOperators";
- Syntax = {
- Words = (
- "...",
- ".",
- "*",
- ",",
- ":",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.plain";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.rawstring";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "`";
- End = "`";
- Type = "xcode.syntax.string";
- };
- },
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Syntax Coloring
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go";
- Description = "Go Coloring";
- BasedOn = "xcode.lang.simpleColoring";
- IncludeInMenu = YES;
- Name = "Go";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer.toplevel";
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.block",
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.plain";
- };
- },
- // The following rule returns tokens to the other rules
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Syntax = {
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.comment",
- "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline",
- "xcode.lang.string",
- "xcode.lang.character",
- "xcode.lang.go.rawstring",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.number",
- "xcode.lang.go.interestingOperators",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.lexer.toplevel";
- Syntax = {
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.comment",
- "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline",
- "xcode.lang.string",
- "xcode.lang.character",
- "xcode.lang.go.rawstring",
- "xcode.lang.go.type.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.method.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.function.declaration",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.number",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.method.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "func",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.declaration.method";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.type.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "type",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.typedef";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.function.declaration";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Rules = (
- "func",
- "xcode.lang.go.identifier",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.declaration.function";
- };
- },
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Blocks
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.block";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "{";
- End = "}";
- Foldable = YES;
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "(";
- End = ")";
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr",
- "xcode.lang.go.block",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.bracketexpr";
- Syntax = {
- Tokenizer = "xcode.lang.go.lexer";
- Start = "[";
- End = "]";
- Recursive = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.go.parenexpr",
- );
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.comment";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "/*";
- End = "*/";
- Foldable = YES;
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.url",
- "xcode.lang.url.mail",
- "xcode.lang.comment.mark",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.go.comment.singleline";
- Syntax = {
- Start = "//";
- End = "\n";
- IncludeRules = (
- "xcode.lang.url",
- "xcode.lang.url.mail",
- "xcode.lang.comment.mark",
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
- // This rule recognizes special comments markers and adds them
- // to the list of file markers at the top of the editor window.
- // This overrides the markers specified in
- // /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/XcodeEdit.framework/Versions/A/Resources/BaseSupport.xclangspec
- // and appears to apply them to all languages. Thus, for now
- // "inherit" the existing markers here for backward-compatibility.
- {
- Identifier = "xcode.lang.comment.mark";
- Syntax = {
- StartChars = "BMTF!?";
- Match = (
- // Go-specific markers
- "^\(BUG.*$\)$", // include "BUG" in the markers list
- "^\(TODO.*$\)$", // include "TODO" in the markers list
- // inherited markers
- "^MARK:[ \t]+\(.*\)$",
- "^\(TODO:[ \t]+.*\)$", // include "TODO: " in the markers list
- "^\(FIXME:[ \t]+.*\)$", // include "FIXME: " in the markers list
- "^\(!!!:.*\)$", // include "!!!:" in the markers list
- "^\(\\?\\?\\?:.*\)$" // include "???:" in the markers list
- );
- // This is the order of captures. All of the match strings above need the same order.
- CaptureTypes = (
- "xcode.syntax.mark"
- );
- Type = "xcode.syntax.comment";
- };
- },
diff --git a/misc/xcode/4/ b/misc/xcode/4/
deleted file mode 100755
index 4b0125e46..000000000
--- a/misc/xcode/4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-# license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-# Illustrates how a Go language specification can be installed for Xcode 4+,
-# to enable syntax coloring, by adding an entry to a plugindata file.
-# FIXME: Write a decent Xcode plugin to handle the file type association and
-# language specification properly instead of altering Xcode library files.
-set -e
-# Assumes Xcode 4+.
-XCODE_MAJOR_VERSION=`xcodebuild -version | awk 'NR == 1 {print substr($2,1,1)}'`
-if [ "$XCODE_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt "4" ]; then
- echo "Xcode 4+ not found."
- exit 1
-# DVTFOUNDATION_DIR may vary depending on Xcode setup. If Xcode has installed
-# the `xcode-select` command, it will be determined automatically. Otherwise,
-# change it to reflect your current Xcode setup. Find suitable path with e.g.:
-# find / -type f -name 'DVTFoundation.xcplugindata' 2> /dev/null
-# Example of DVTFOUNDATION_DIR's from "default" Xcode 4+ setups;
-# Xcode 4.1: /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DVTFoundation.framework/Versions/A/Resources/
-# Xcode 4.3: /Applications/
-# Defaults to Xcode 4.3's DVTFOUNDATION_DIR. Path is modified automatically if
-# `xcode-select` command is available, as mentioned above.
-if type "xcode-select" > /dev/null; then
- DVTFOUNDATION_DIR=`xcode-select --print-path`
- FRAMEWORK_NAME="DVTFoundation.framework"
- DVTFOUNDATION_DIR+="/Versions/A/Resources"
-# Provide means of deleting the Go entry from the plugindata file.
-if [ "$1" = "--delete-entry" ]; then
- echo "Removing Go language specification entry."
- $PLISTBUDDY -c "Delete :plug-in:extensions:Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage.Go" $DVTFOUNDATION_DIR/$PLUGINDATA_FILE
- echo "Run 'sudo rm -rf /var/folders/*' and restart Xcode to update change immediately."
- exit 0
-GO_VERSION="`go version`"
- <?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>
- <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\">
- <plist version=\"1.0\">
- <dict>
- <key>Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage.Go</key>
- <dict>
- <key>conformsTo</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>identifier</key>
- <string>Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage.Generic</string>
- </dict>
- </array>
- <key>documentationAbbreviation</key>
- <string>go</string>
- <key>fileDataType</key>
- <array>
- <dict>
- <key>identifier</key>
- <string></string>
- </dict>
- </array>
- <key>id</key>
- <string>Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage.Go</string>
- <key>languageName</key>
- <string>Go</string>
- <key>languageSpecification</key>
- <string>xcode.lang.go</string>
- <key>name</key>
- <string>The Go Programming Language</string>
- <key>point</key>
- <string>Xcode.SourceCodeLanguage</string>
- <key>version</key>
- <string>$GO_VERSION</string>
- </dict>
- </dict>
- </plist>
-echo "Backing up plugindata file (copied to $PLUGINDATA_FILE.bak)."
-echo "Adding Go language specification entry."
-rm -f $PLIST_FILE
-echo "Installing Go language specification file for Xcode."
-cp $GOROOT/misc/xcode/4/go.xclangspec $DVTFOUNDATION_DIR
-echo "Run 'sudo rm -rf /var/folders/*' and restart Xcode to update change immediately."
-echo "Syntax coloring must be manually selected from the Editor - Syntax Coloring menu in Xcode."
diff --git a/misc/zsh/go b/misc/zsh/go
deleted file mode 100644
index 066cf4065..000000000
--- a/misc/zsh/go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,161 +0,0 @@
-# install in /etc/zsh/zshrc or your personal .zshrc
-# gc
-prefixes=(5 6 8)
-for p in $prefixes; do
- compctl -g "*.${p}" ${p}l
- compctl -g "*.go" ${p}g
-# standard go tools
-compctl -g "*.go" gofmt
-# gccgo
-compctl -g "*.go" gccgo
-# go tool
-__go_tool_complete() {
- typeset -a commands build_flags
- commands+=(
- 'build[compile packages and dependencies]'
- 'clean[remove object files]'
- 'env[print Go environment information]'
- 'fix[run go tool fix on packages]'
- 'fmt[run gofmt on package sources]'
- 'get[download and install packages and dependencies]'
- 'help[display help]'
- 'install[compile and install packages and dependencies]'
- 'list[list packages]'
- 'run[compile and run Go program]'
- 'test[test packages]'
- 'tool[run specified go tool]'
- 'version[print Go version]'
- 'vet[run go tool vet on packages]'
- )
- if (( CURRENT == 2 )); then
- # explain go commands
- _values 'go tool commands' ${commands[@]}
- return
- fi
- build_flags=(
- '-a[force reinstallation of packages that are already up-to-date]'
- '-n[print the commands but do not run them]'
- '-p[number of parallel builds]:number'
- '-race[enable data race detection]'
- '-x[print the commands]'
- '-work[print temporary directory name and keep it]'
- '-ccflags[flags for 5c/6c/8c]:flags'
- '-gcflags[flags for 5g/6g/8g]:flags'
- '-ldflags[flags for 5l/6l/8l]:flags'
- '-gccgoflags[flags for gccgo]:flags'
- '-compiler[name of compiler to use]:name'
- '-installsuffix[suffix to add to package directory]:suffix'
- '-tags[list of build tags to consider satisfied]:tags'
- )
- __go_list() {
- local expl importpaths
- declare -a importpaths
- importpaths=($(go list ${words[$CURRENT]}... 2>/dev/null))
- _wanted importpaths expl 'import paths' compadd "$@" - "${importpaths[@]}"
- }
- case ${words[2]} in
- clean|doc)
- _arguments -s -w : '*:importpaths:__go_list'
- ;;
- fix|fmt|list|vet)
- _alternative ':importpaths:__go_list' ':files:_path_files -g "*.go"'
- ;;
- install)
- _arguments -s -w : ${build_flags[@]} \
- "-v[show package names]" \
- '*:importpaths:__go_list'
- ;;
- get)
- _arguments -s -w : \
- ${build_flags[@]}
- ;;
- build)
- _arguments -s -w : \
- ${build_flags[@]} \
- "-v[show package names]" \
- "-o[output file]:file:_files" \
- "*:args:{ _alternative ':importpaths:__go_list' ':files:_path_files -g \"*.go\"' }"
- ;;
- test)
- _arguments -s -w : \
- ${build_flags[@]} \
- "-c[do not run, compile the test binary]" \
- "-i[do not run, install dependencies]" \
- "-v[print test output]" \
- "-x[print the commands]" \
- "-short[use short mode]" \
- "-parallel[number of parallel tests]:number" \
- "-cpu[values of GOMAXPROCS to use]:number list" \
- "-cover[enable coverage analysis]" \
- "-run[run tests and examples matching regexp]:regexp" \
- "-bench[run benchmarks matching regexp]:regexp" \
- "-benchmem[print memory allocation stats]" \
- "-benchtime[run each benchmark until taking this long]:duration" \
- "-blockprofile[write goroutine blocking profile to file]:file" \
- "-blockprofilerate[set sampling rate of goroutine blocking profile]:number" \
- "-timeout[kill test after that duration]:duration" \
- "-cpuprofile[write CPU profile to file]:file:_files" \
- "-memprofile[write heap profile to file]:file:_files" \
- "-memprofilerate[set heap profiling rate]:number" \
- "*:args:{ _alternative ':importpaths:__go_list' ':files:_path_files -g \"*.go\"' }"
- ;;
- help)
- _values "${commands[@]}" \
- 'c[how to call C code]' \
- 'importpath[description of import path]' \
- 'gopath[GOPATH environment variable]' \
- 'packages[description of package lists]' \
- 'testflag[description of testing flags]' \
- 'testfunc[description of testing functions]'
- ;;
- run)
- _arguments -s -w : \
- ${build_flags[@]} \
- '*:file:_path_files -g "*.go"'
- ;;
- tool)
- if (( CURRENT == 3 )); then
- _values "go tool" $(go tool)
- return
- fi
- case ${words[3]} in
- [568]g)
- _arguments -s -w : \
- '-I[search for packages in DIR]:includes:_path_files -/' \
- '-L[show full path in file:line prints]' \
- '-S[print the assembly language]' \
- '-V[print the compiler version]' \
- '-e[no limit on number of errors printed]' \
- '-h[panic on an error]' \
- '-l[disable inlining]' \
- '-m[print optimization decisions]' \
- '-o[file specify output file]:file' \
- '-p[assumed import path for this code]:importpath' \
- '-u[disable package unsafe]' \
- "*:file:_files -g '*.go'"
- ;;
- [568]l)
- local O=${words[3]%l}
- _arguments -s -w : \
- '-o[file specify output file]:file' \
- '-L[search for packages in DIR]:includes:_path_files -/' \
- "*:file:_files -g '*.[ao$O]'"
- ;;
- dist)
- _values "dist tool" banner bootstrap clean env install version
- ;;
- *)
- # use files by default
- _files
- ;;
- esac
- ;;
- esac
-compdef __go_tool_complete go