path: root/src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 348 deletions
diff --git a/src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go b/src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 98af9fb64..000000000
--- a/src/pkg/database/sql/convert_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package sql
-import (
- "database/sql/driver"
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "runtime"
- "testing"
- "time"
-var someTime = time.Unix(123, 0)
-var answer int64 = 42
-type conversionTest struct {
- s, d interface{} // source and destination
- // following are used if they're non-zero
- wantint int64
- wantuint uint64
- wantstr string
- wantbytes []byte
- wantraw RawBytes
- wantf32 float32
- wantf64 float64
- wanttime time.Time
- wantbool bool // used if d is of type *bool
- wanterr string
- wantiface interface{}
- wantptr *int64 // if non-nil, *d's pointed value must be equal to *wantptr
- wantnil bool // if true, *d must be *int64(nil)
-// Target variables for scanning into.
-var (
- scanstr string
- scanbytes []byte
- scanraw RawBytes
- scanint int
- scanint8 int8
- scanint16 int16
- scanint32 int32
- scanuint8 uint8
- scanuint16 uint16
- scanbool bool
- scanf32 float32
- scanf64 float64
- scantime time.Time
- scanptr *int64
- scaniface interface{}
-var conversionTests = []conversionTest{
- // Exact conversions (destination pointer type matches source type)
- {s: "foo", d: &scanstr, wantstr: "foo"},
- {s: 123, d: &scanint, wantint: 123},
- {s: someTime, d: &scantime, wanttime: someTime},
- // To strings
- {s: "string", d: &scanstr, wantstr: "string"},
- {s: []byte("byteslice"), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "byteslice"},
- {s: 123, d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: int8(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: int64(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: uint8(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: uint16(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: uint32(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: uint64(123), d: &scanstr, wantstr: "123"},
- {s: 1.5, d: &scanstr, wantstr: "1.5"},
- // To []byte
- {s: nil, d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: nil},
- {s: "string", d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("string")},
- {s: []byte("byteslice"), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("byteslice")},
- {s: 123, d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: int8(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: int64(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: uint8(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: uint16(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: uint32(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: uint64(123), d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("123")},
- {s: 1.5, d: &scanbytes, wantbytes: []byte("1.5")},
- // To RawBytes
- {s: nil, d: &scanraw, wantraw: nil},
- {s: []byte("byteslice"), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("byteslice")},
- {s: 123, d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: int8(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: int64(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: uint8(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: uint16(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: uint32(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: uint64(123), d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("123")},
- {s: 1.5, d: &scanraw, wantraw: RawBytes("1.5")},
- // Strings to integers
- {s: "255", d: &scanuint8, wantuint: 255},
- {s: "256", d: &scanuint8, wanterr: `converting string "256" to a uint8: strconv.ParseUint: parsing "256": value out of range`},
- {s: "256", d: &scanuint16, wantuint: 256},
- {s: "-1", d: &scanint, wantint: -1},
- {s: "foo", d: &scanint, wanterr: `converting string "foo" to a int: strconv.ParseInt: parsing "foo": invalid syntax`},
- // True bools
- {s: true, d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: "True", d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: "TRUE", d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: "1", d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: 1, d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: int64(1), d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- {s: uint16(1), d: &scanbool, wantbool: true},
- // False bools
- {s: false, d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: "false", d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: "FALSE", d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: "0", d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: 0, d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: int64(0), d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- {s: uint16(0), d: &scanbool, wantbool: false},
- // Not bools
- {s: "yup", d: &scanbool, wanterr: `sql/driver: couldn't convert "yup" into type bool`},
- {s: 2, d: &scanbool, wanterr: `sql/driver: couldn't convert 2 into type bool`},
- // Floats
- {s: float64(1.5), d: &scanf64, wantf64: float64(1.5)},
- {s: int64(1), d: &scanf64, wantf64: float64(1)},
- {s: float64(1.5), d: &scanf32, wantf32: float32(1.5)},
- {s: "1.5", d: &scanf32, wantf32: float32(1.5)},
- {s: "1.5", d: &scanf64, wantf64: float64(1.5)},
- // Pointers
- {s: interface{}(nil), d: &scanptr, wantnil: true},
- {s: int64(42), d: &scanptr, wantptr: &answer},
- // To interface{}
- {s: float64(1.5), d: &scaniface, wantiface: float64(1.5)},
- {s: int64(1), d: &scaniface, wantiface: int64(1)},
- {s: "str", d: &scaniface, wantiface: "str"},
- {s: []byte("byteslice"), d: &scaniface, wantiface: []byte("byteslice")},
- {s: true, d: &scaniface, wantiface: true},
- {s: nil, d: &scaniface},
- {s: []byte(nil), d: &scaniface, wantiface: []byte(nil)},
-func intPtrValue(intptr interface{}) interface{} {
- return reflect.Indirect(reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(intptr))).Int()
-func intValue(intptr interface{}) int64 {
- return reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(intptr)).Int()
-func uintValue(intptr interface{}) uint64 {
- return reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(intptr)).Uint()
-func float64Value(ptr interface{}) float64 {
- return *(ptr.(*float64))
-func float32Value(ptr interface{}) float32 {
- return *(ptr.(*float32))
-func timeValue(ptr interface{}) time.Time {
- return *(ptr.(*time.Time))
-func TestConversions(t *testing.T) {
- for n, ct := range conversionTests {
- err := convertAssign(ct.d, ct.s)
- errstr := ""
- if err != nil {
- errstr = err.Error()
- }
- errf := func(format string, args ...interface{}) {
- base := fmt.Sprintf("convertAssign #%d: for %v (%T) -> %T, ", n, ct.s, ct.s, ct.d)
- t.Errorf(base+format, args...)
- }
- if errstr != ct.wanterr {
- errf("got error %q, want error %q", errstr, ct.wanterr)
- }
- if ct.wantstr != "" && ct.wantstr != scanstr {
- errf("want string %q, got %q", ct.wantstr, scanstr)
- }
- if ct.wantint != 0 && ct.wantint != intValue(ct.d) {
- errf("want int %d, got %d", ct.wantint, intValue(ct.d))
- }
- if ct.wantuint != 0 && ct.wantuint != uintValue(ct.d) {
- errf("want uint %d, got %d", ct.wantuint, uintValue(ct.d))
- }
- if ct.wantf32 != 0 && ct.wantf32 != float32Value(ct.d) {
- errf("want float32 %v, got %v", ct.wantf32, float32Value(ct.d))
- }
- if ct.wantf64 != 0 && ct.wantf64 != float64Value(ct.d) {
- errf("want float32 %v, got %v", ct.wantf64, float64Value(ct.d))
- }
- if bp, boolTest := ct.d.(*bool); boolTest && *bp != ct.wantbool && ct.wanterr == "" {
- errf("want bool %v, got %v", ct.wantbool, *bp)
- }
- if !ct.wanttime.IsZero() && !ct.wanttime.Equal(timeValue(ct.d)) {
- errf("want time %v, got %v", ct.wanttime, timeValue(ct.d))
- }
- if ct.wantnil && *ct.d.(**int64) != nil {
- errf("want nil, got %v", intPtrValue(ct.d))
- }
- if ct.wantptr != nil {
- if *ct.d.(**int64) == nil {
- errf("want pointer to %v, got nil", *ct.wantptr)
- } else if *ct.wantptr != intPtrValue(ct.d) {
- errf("want pointer to %v, got %v", *ct.wantptr, intPtrValue(ct.d))
- }
- }
- if ifptr, ok := ct.d.(*interface{}); ok {
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(ct.wantiface, scaniface) {
- errf("want interface %#v, got %#v", ct.wantiface, scaniface)
- continue
- }
- if srcBytes, ok := ct.s.([]byte); ok {
- dstBytes := (*ifptr).([]byte)
- if len(srcBytes) > 0 && &dstBytes[0] == &srcBytes[0] {
- errf("copy into interface{} didn't copy []byte data")
- }
- }
- }
- }
-func TestNullString(t *testing.T) {
- var ns NullString
- convertAssign(&ns, []byte("foo"))
- if !ns.Valid {
- t.Errorf("expecting not null")
- }
- if ns.String != "foo" {
- t.Errorf("expecting foo; got %q", ns.String)
- }
- convertAssign(&ns, nil)
- if ns.Valid {
- t.Errorf("expecting null on nil")
- }
- if ns.String != "" {
- t.Errorf("expecting blank on nil; got %q", ns.String)
- }
-type valueConverterTest struct {
- c driver.ValueConverter
- in, out interface{}
- err string
-var valueConverterTests = []valueConverterTest{
- {driver.DefaultParameterConverter, NullString{"hi", true}, "hi", ""},
- {driver.DefaultParameterConverter, NullString{"", false}, nil, ""},
-func TestValueConverters(t *testing.T) {
- for i, tt := range valueConverterTests {
- out, err := tt.c.ConvertValue(
- goterr := ""
- if err != nil {
- goterr = err.Error()
- }
- if goterr != tt.err {
- t.Errorf("test %d: %T(%T(%v)) error = %q; want error = %q",
- i, tt.c,,, goterr, tt.err)
- }
- if tt.err != "" {
- continue
- }
- if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, tt.out) {
- t.Errorf("test %d: %T(%T(%v)) = %v (%T); want %v (%T)",
- i, tt.c,,, out, out, tt.out, tt.out)
- }
- }
-// Tests that assigning to RawBytes doesn't allocate (and also works).
-func TestRawBytesAllocs(t *testing.T) {
- var tests = []struct {
- name string
- in interface{}
- want string
- }{
- {"uint64", uint64(12345678), "12345678"},
- {"uint32", uint32(1234), "1234"},
- {"uint16", uint16(12), "12"},
- {"uint8", uint8(1), "1"},
- {"uint", uint(123), "123"},
- {"int", int(123), "123"},
- {"int8", int8(1), "1"},
- {"int16", int16(12), "12"},
- {"int32", int32(1234), "1234"},
- {"int64", int64(12345678), "12345678"},
- {"float32", float32(1.5), "1.5"},
- {"float64", float64(64), "64"},
- {"bool", false, "false"},
- }
- buf := make(RawBytes, 10)
- test := func(name string, in interface{}, want string) {
- if err := convertAssign(&buf, in); err != nil {
- t.Fatalf("%s: convertAssign = %v", name, err)
- }
- match := len(buf) == len(want)
- if match {
- for i, b := range buf {
- if want[i] != b {
- match = false
- break
- }
- }
- }
- if !match {
- t.Fatalf("%s: got %q (len %d); want %q (len %d)", name, buf, len(buf), want, len(want))
- }
- }
- n := testing.AllocsPerRun(100, func() {
- for _, tt := range tests {
- test(,, tt.want)
- }
- })
- // The numbers below are only valid for 64-bit interface word sizes,
- // and gc. With 32-bit words there are more convT2E allocs, and
- // with gccgo, only pointers currently go in interface data.
- // So only care on amd64 gc for now.
- measureAllocs := runtime.GOARCH == "amd64" && runtime.Compiler == "gc"
- if n > 0.5 && measureAllocs {
- t.Fatalf("allocs = %v; want 0", n)
- }
- // This one involves a convT2E allocation, string -> interface{}
- n = testing.AllocsPerRun(100, func() {
- test("string", "foo", "foo")
- })
- if n > 1.5 && measureAllocs {
- t.Fatalf("allocs = %v; want max 1", n)
- }