path: root/src/pkg/encoding/gob/doc.go
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-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-Package gob manages streams of gobs - binary values exchanged between an
-Encoder (transmitter) and a Decoder (receiver). A typical use is transporting
-arguments and results of remote procedure calls (RPCs) such as those provided by
-package "rpc".
-The implementation compiles a custom codec for each data type in the stream and
-is most efficient when a single Encoder is used to transmit a stream of values,
-amortizing the cost of compilation.
-A stream of gobs is self-describing. Each data item in the stream is preceded by
-a specification of its type, expressed in terms of a small set of predefined
-types. Pointers are not transmitted, but the things they point to are
-transmitted; that is, the values are flattened. Recursive types work fine, but
-recursive values (data with cycles) are problematic. This may change.
-To use gobs, create an Encoder and present it with a series of data items as
-values or addresses that can be dereferenced to values. The Encoder makes sure
-all type information is sent before it is needed. At the receive side, a
-Decoder retrieves values from the encoded stream and unpacks them into local
-Types and Values
-The source and destination values/types need not correspond exactly. For structs,
-fields (identified by name) that are in the source but absent from the receiving
-variable will be ignored. Fields that are in the receiving variable but missing
-from the transmitted type or value will be ignored in the destination. If a field
-with the same name is present in both, their types must be compatible. Both the
-receiver and transmitter will do all necessary indirection and dereferencing to
-convert between gobs and actual Go values. For instance, a gob type that is
- struct { A, B int }
-can be sent from or received into any of these Go types:
- struct { A, B int } // the same
- *struct { A, B int } // extra indirection of the struct
- struct { *A, **B int } // extra indirection of the fields
- struct { A, B int64 } // different concrete value type; see below
-It may also be received into any of these:
- struct { A, B int } // the same
- struct { B, A int } // ordering doesn't matter; matching is by name
- struct { A, B, C int } // extra field (C) ignored
- struct { B int } // missing field (A) ignored; data will be dropped
- struct { B, C int } // missing field (A) ignored; extra field (C) ignored.
-Attempting to receive into these types will draw a decode error:
- struct { A int; B uint } // change of signedness for B
- struct { A int; B float } // change of type for B
- struct { } // no field names in common
- struct { C, D int } // no field names in common
-Integers are transmitted two ways: arbitrary precision signed integers or
-arbitrary precision unsigned integers. There is no int8, int16 etc.
-discrimination in the gob format; there are only signed and unsigned integers. As
-described below, the transmitter sends the value in a variable-length encoding;
-the receiver accepts the value and stores it in the destination variable.
-Floating-point numbers are always sent using IEEE-754 64-bit precision (see
-Signed integers may be received into any signed integer variable: int, int16, etc.;
-unsigned integers may be received into any unsigned integer variable; and floating
-point values may be received into any floating point variable. However,
-the destination variable must be able to represent the value or the decode
-operation will fail.
-Structs, arrays and slices are also supported. Structs encode and decode only
-exported fields. Strings and arrays of bytes are supported with a special,
-efficient representation (see below). When a slice is decoded, if the existing
-slice has capacity the slice will be extended in place; if not, a new array is
-allocated. Regardless, the length of the resulting slice reports the number of
-elements decoded.
-Functions and channels will not be sent in a gob. Attempting to encode such a value
-at top the level will fail. A struct field of chan or func type is treated exactly
-like an unexported field and is ignored.
-Gob can encode a value of any type implementing the GobEncoder or
-encoding.BinaryMarshaler interfaces by calling the corresponding method,
-in that order of preference.
-Gob can decode a value of any type implementing the GobDecoder or
-encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler interfaces by calling the corresponding method,
-again in that order of preference.
-Encoding Details
-This section documents the encoding, details that are not important for most
-users. Details are presented bottom-up.
-An unsigned integer is sent one of two ways. If it is less than 128, it is sent
-as a byte with that value. Otherwise it is sent as a minimal-length big-endian
-(high byte first) byte stream holding the value, preceded by one byte holding the
-byte count, negated. Thus 0 is transmitted as (00), 7 is transmitted as (07) and
-256 is transmitted as (FE 01 00).
-A boolean is encoded within an unsigned integer: 0 for false, 1 for true.
-A signed integer, i, is encoded within an unsigned integer, u. Within u, bits 1
-upward contain the value; bit 0 says whether they should be complemented upon
-receipt. The encode algorithm looks like this:
- uint u;
- if i < 0 {
- u = (^i << 1) | 1 // complement i, bit 0 is 1
- } else {
- u = (i << 1) // do not complement i, bit 0 is 0
- }
- encodeUnsigned(u)
-The low bit is therefore analogous to a sign bit, but making it the complement bit
-instead guarantees that the largest negative integer is not a special case. For
-example, -129=^128=(^256>>1) encodes as (FE 01 01).
-Floating-point numbers are always sent as a representation of a float64 value.
-That value is converted to a uint64 using math.Float64bits. The uint64 is then
-byte-reversed and sent as a regular unsigned integer. The byte-reversal means the
-exponent and high-precision part of the mantissa go first. Since the low bits are
-often zero, this can save encoding bytes. For instance, 17.0 is encoded in only
-three bytes (FE 31 40).
-Strings and slices of bytes are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many
-uninterpreted bytes of the value.
-All other slices and arrays are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many
-elements using the standard gob encoding for their type, recursively.
-Maps are sent as an unsigned count followed by that many key, element
-pairs. Empty but non-nil maps are sent, so if the sender has allocated
-a map, the receiver will allocate a map even if no elements are
-Structs are sent as a sequence of (field number, field value) pairs. The field
-value is sent using the standard gob encoding for its type, recursively. If a
-field has the zero value for its type, it is omitted from the transmission. The
-field number is defined by the type of the encoded struct: the first field of the
-encoded type is field 0, the second is field 1, etc. When encoding a value, the
-field numbers are delta encoded for efficiency and the fields are always sent in
-order of increasing field number; the deltas are therefore unsigned. The
-initialization for the delta encoding sets the field number to -1, so an unsigned
-integer field 0 with value 7 is transmitted as unsigned delta = 1, unsigned value
-= 7 or (01 07). Finally, after all the fields have been sent a terminating mark
-denotes the end of the struct. That mark is a delta=0 value, which has
-representation (00).
-Interface types are not checked for compatibility; all interface types are
-treated, for transmission, as members of a single "interface" type, analogous to
-int or []byte - in effect they're all treated as interface{}. Interface values
-are transmitted as a string identifying the concrete type being sent (a name
-that must be pre-defined by calling Register), followed by a byte count of the
-length of the following data (so the value can be skipped if it cannot be
-stored), followed by the usual encoding of concrete (dynamic) value stored in
-the interface value. (A nil interface value is identified by the empty string
-and transmits no value.) Upon receipt, the decoder verifies that the unpacked
-concrete item satisfies the interface of the receiving variable.
-The representation of types is described below. When a type is defined on a given
-connection between an Encoder and Decoder, it is assigned a signed integer type
-id. When Encoder.Encode(v) is called, it makes sure there is an id assigned for
-the type of v and all its elements and then it sends the pair (typeid, encoded-v)
-where typeid is the type id of the encoded type of v and encoded-v is the gob
-encoding of the value v.
-To define a type, the encoder chooses an unused, positive type id and sends the
-pair (-type id, encoded-type) where encoded-type is the gob encoding of a wireType
-description, constructed from these types:
- type wireType struct {
- ArrayT *ArrayType
- SliceT *SliceType
- StructT *StructType
- MapT *MapType
- }
- type arrayType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
- Len int
- }
- type CommonType struct {
- Name string // the name of the struct type
- Id int // the id of the type, repeated so it's inside the type
- }
- type sliceType struct {
- CommonType
- Elem typeId
- }
- type structType struct {
- CommonType
- Field []*fieldType // the fields of the struct.
- }
- type fieldType struct {
- Name string // the name of the field.
- Id int // the type id of the field, which must be already defined
- }
- type mapType struct {
- CommonType
- Key typeId
- Elem typeId
- }
-If there are nested type ids, the types for all inner type ids must be defined
-before the top-level type id is used to describe an encoded-v.
-For simplicity in setup, the connection is defined to understand these types a
-priori, as well as the basic gob types int, uint, etc. Their ids are:
- bool 1
- int 2
- uint 3
- float 4
- []byte 5
- string 6
- complex 7
- interface 8
- // gap for reserved ids.
- WireType 16
- ArrayType 17
- CommonType 18
- SliceType 19
- StructType 20
- FieldType 21
- // 22 is slice of fieldType.
- MapType 23
-Finally, each message created by a call to Encode is preceded by an encoded
-unsigned integer count of the number of bytes remaining in the message. After
-the initial type name, interface values are wrapped the same way; in effect, the
-interface value acts like a recursive invocation of Encode.
-In summary, a gob stream looks like
- (byteCount (-type id, encoding of a wireType)* (type id, encoding of a value))*
-where * signifies zero or more repetitions and the type id of a value must
-be predefined or be defined before the value in the stream.
-See "Gobs of data" for a design discussion of the gob wire format:
-package gob
-Tokens starting with a lower case letter are terminals; int(n)
-and uint(n) represent the signed/unsigned encodings of the value n.
- DelimitedMessage*
- uint(lengthOfMessage) Message
- TypeSequence TypedValue
- (TypeDefinition DelimitedTypeDefinition*)?
- uint(lengthOfTypeDefinition) TypeDefinition
- int(typeId) Value
- int(-typeId) encodingOfWireType
- SingletonValue | StructValue
- uint(0) FieldValue
- builtinValue | ArrayValue | MapValue | SliceValue | StructValue | InterfaceValue
- NilInterfaceValue | NonNilInterfaceValue
- uint(0)
- ConcreteTypeName TypeSequence InterfaceContents
- uint(lengthOfName) [already read=n] name
- int(concreteTypeId) DelimitedValue
- uint(length) Value
- uint(n) FieldValue*n [n elements]
- uint(n) (FieldValue FieldValue)*n [n (key, value) pairs]
- uint(n) FieldValue*n [n elements]
- (uint(fieldDelta) FieldValue)*
-For implementers and the curious, here is an encoded example. Given
- type Point struct {X, Y int}
-and the value
- p := Point{22, 33}
-the bytes transmitted that encode p will be:
- 1f ff 81 03 01 01 05 50 6f 69 6e 74 01 ff 82 00
- 01 02 01 01 58 01 04 00 01 01 59 01 04 00 00 00
- 07 ff 82 01 2c 01 42 00
-They are determined as follows.
-Since this is the first transmission of type Point, the type descriptor
-for Point itself must be sent before the value. This is the first type
-we've sent on this Encoder, so it has type id 65 (0 through 64 are
- 1f // This item (a type descriptor) is 31 bytes long.
- ff 81 // The negative of the id for the type we're defining, -65.
- // This is one byte (indicated by FF = -1) followed by
- // ^-65<<1 | 1. The low 1 bit signals to complement the
- // rest upon receipt.
- // Now we send a type descriptor, which is itself a struct (wireType).
- // The type of wireType itself is known (it's built in, as is the type of
- // all its components), so we just need to send a *value* of type wireType
- // that represents type "Point".
- // Here starts the encoding of that value.
- // Set the field number implicitly to -1; this is done at the beginning
- // of every struct, including nested structs.
- 03 // Add 3 to field number; now 2 (wireType.structType; this is a struct).
- // structType starts with an embedded CommonType, which appears
- // as a regular structure here too.
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 0); start of embedded CommonType.
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 0, the name of the type)
- 05 // string is (unsigned) 5 bytes long
- 50 6f 69 6e 74 // = "Point"
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 1, the id of the type)
- ff 82 // wireType.structType.CommonType._id = 65
- 00 // end of embedded wiretype.structType.CommonType struct
- 01 // add 1 to field number (now 1, the field array in wireType.structType)
- 02 // There are two fields in the type (len(structType.field))
- 01 // Start of first field structure; add 1 to get field number 0: field[0].name
- 01 // 1 byte
- 58 // structType.field[0].name = "X"
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 1: field[0].id
- 04 // structType.field[0].typeId is 2 (signed int).
- 00 // End of structType.field[0]; start structType.field[1]; set field number to -1.
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 0: field[1].name
- 01 // 1 byte
- 59 // structType.field[1].name = "Y"
- 01 // Add 1 to get field number 1: field[1].id
- 04 // struct.Type.field[1].typeId is 2 (signed int).
- 00 // End of structType.field[1]; end of structType.field.
- 00 // end of wireType.structType structure
- 00 // end of wireType structure
-Now we can send the Point value. Again the field number resets to -1:
- 07 // this value is 7 bytes long
- ff 82 // the type number, 65 (1 byte (-FF) followed by 65<<1)
- 01 // add one to field number, yielding field 0
- 2c // encoding of signed "22" (0x22 = 44 = 22<<1); Point.x = 22
- 01 // add one to field number, yielding field 1
- 42 // encoding of signed "33" (0x42 = 66 = 33<<1); Point.y = 33
- 00 // end of structure
-The type encoding is long and fairly intricate but we send it only once.
-If p is transmitted a second time, the type is already known so the
-output will be just:
- 07 ff 82 01 2c 01 42 00
-A single non-struct value at top level is transmitted like a field with
-delta tag 0. For instance, a signed integer with value 3 presented as
-the argument to Encode will emit:
- 03 04 00 06
-Which represents:
- 03 // this value is 3 bytes long
- 04 // the type number, 2, represents an integer
- 00 // tag delta 0
- 06 // value 3