path: root/src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1182 deletions
diff --git a/src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go b/src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c577949a..000000000
--- a/src/pkg/fmt/fmt_test.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1182 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package fmt_test
-import (
- "bytes"
- . "fmt"
- "io"
- "math"
- "runtime"
- "strings"
- "testing"
- "time"
- "unicode"
-type (
- renamedBool bool
- renamedInt int
- renamedInt8 int8
- renamedInt16 int16
- renamedInt32 int32
- renamedInt64 int64
- renamedUint uint
- renamedUint8 uint8
- renamedUint16 uint16
- renamedUint32 uint32
- renamedUint64 uint64
- renamedUintptr uintptr
- renamedString string
- renamedBytes []byte
- renamedFloat32 float32
- renamedFloat64 float64
- renamedComplex64 complex64
- renamedComplex128 complex128
-func TestFmtInterface(t *testing.T) {
- var i1 interface{}
- i1 = "abc"
- s := Sprintf("%s", i1)
- if s != "abc" {
- t.Errorf(`Sprintf("%%s", empty("abc")) = %q want %q`, s, "abc")
- }
-const b32 uint32 = 1<<32 - 1
-const b64 uint64 = 1<<64 - 1
-var array = [5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-var iarray = [4]interface{}{1, "hello", 2.5, nil}
-var slice = array[:]
-var islice = iarray[:]
-type A struct {
- i int
- j uint
- s string
- x []int
-type I int
-func (i I) String() string { return Sprintf("<%d>", int(i)) }
-type B struct {
- I I
- j int
-type C struct {
- i int
- B
-type F int
-func (f F) Format(s State, c rune) {
- Fprintf(s, "<%c=F(%d)>", c, int(f))
-type G int
-func (g G) GoString() string {
- return Sprintf("GoString(%d)", int(g))
-type S struct {
- F F // a struct field that Formats
- G G // a struct field that GoStrings
-type SI struct {
- I interface{}
-// P is a type with a String method with pointer receiver for testing %p.
-type P int
-var pValue P
-func (p *P) String() string {
- return "String(p)"
-var barray = [5]renamedUint8{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
-var bslice = barray[:]
-type byteStringer byte
-func (byteStringer) String() string { return "X" }
-var byteStringerSlice = []byteStringer{97, 98, 99, 100}
-type byteFormatter byte
-func (byteFormatter) Format(f State, _ rune) {
- Fprint(f, "X")
-var byteFormatterSlice = []byteFormatter{97, 98, 99, 100}
-var b byte
-var fmtTests = []struct {
- fmt string
- val interface{}
- out string
- {"%d", 12345, "12345"},
- {"%v", 12345, "12345"},
- {"%t", true, "true"},
- // basic string
- {"%s", "abc", "abc"},
- {"%x", "abc", "616263"},
- {"%x", "xyz", "78797a"},
- {"%X", "xyz", "78797A"},
- {"%q", "abc", `"abc"`},
- {"%#x", []byte("abc\xff"), "0x616263ff"},
- {"%#X", []byte("abc\xff"), "0X616263FF"},
- {"%# x", []byte("abc\xff"), "0x61 0x62 0x63 0xff"},
- {"%# X", []byte("abc\xff"), "0X61 0X62 0X63 0XFF"},
- // basic bytes
- {"%s", []byte("abc"), "abc"},
- {"%x", []byte("abc"), "616263"},
- {"% x", []byte("abc\xff"), "61 62 63 ff"},
- {"%#x", []byte("abc\xff"), "0x616263ff"},
- {"%#X", []byte("abc\xff"), "0X616263FF"},
- {"%# x", []byte("abc\xff"), "0x61 0x62 0x63 0xff"},
- {"%# X", []byte("abc\xff"), "0X61 0X62 0X63 0XFF"},
- {"% X", []byte("abc\xff"), "61 62 63 FF"},
- {"%x", []byte("xyz"), "78797a"},
- {"%X", []byte("xyz"), "78797A"},
- {"%q", []byte("abc"), `"abc"`},
- // escaped strings
- {"%#q", `abc`, "`abc`"},
- {"%#q", `"`, "`\"`"},
- {"1 %#q", `\n`, "1 `\\n`"},
- {"2 %#q", "\n", `2 "\n"`},
- {"%q", `"`, `"\""`},
- {"%q", "\a\b\f\r\n\t\v", `"\a\b\f\r\n\t\v"`},
- {"%q", "abc\xffdef", `"abc\xffdef"`},
- {"%q", "\u263a", `"☺"`},
- {"%+q", "\u263a", `"\u263a"`},
- {"%q", "\U0010ffff", `"\U0010ffff"`},
- // escaped characters
- {"%q", 'x', `'x'`},
- {"%q", 0, `'\x00'`},
- {"%q", '\n', `'\n'`},
- {"%q", '\u0e00', `'\u0e00'`}, // not a printable rune.
- {"%q", '\U000c2345', `'\U000c2345'`}, // not a printable rune.
- {"%q", int64(0x7FFFFFFF), `%!q(int64=2147483647)`},
- {"%q", uint64(0xFFFFFFFF), `%!q(uint64=4294967295)`},
- {"%q", '"', `'"'`},
- {"%q", '\'', `'\''`},
- {"%q", "\u263a", `"☺"`},
- {"%+q", "\u263a", `"\u263a"`},
- // width
- {"%5s", "abc", " abc"},
- {"%2s", "\u263a", " ☺"},
- {"%-5s", "abc", "abc "},
- {"%-8q", "abc", `"abc" `},
- {"%05s", "abc", "00abc"},
- {"%08q", "abc", `000"abc"`},
- {"%5s", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"},
- {"%.5s", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", "abcde"},
- {"%.5s", "日本語日本語", "日本語日本"},
- {"%.5s", []byte("日本語日本語"), "日本語日本"},
- {"%.5q", "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", `"abcde"`},
- {"%.3q", "日本語日本語", `"日本語"`},
- {"%.3q", []byte("日本語日本語"), `"日本語"`},
- {"%10.1q", "日本語日本語", ` "日"`},
- {"%3c", '⌘', " ⌘"},
- {"%5q", '\u2026', ` '…'`},
- {"%10v", nil, " <nil>"},
- {"%-10v", nil, "<nil> "},
- // integers
- {"%d", 12345, "12345"},
- {"%d", -12345, "-12345"},
- {"%10d", 12345, " 12345"},
- {"%10d", -12345, " -12345"},
- {"%+10d", 12345, " +12345"},
- {"%010d", 12345, "0000012345"},
- {"%010d", -12345, "-000012345"},
- {"%-10d", 12345, "12345 "},
- {"%010.3d", 1, " 001"},
- {"%010.3d", -1, " -001"},
- {"%+d", 12345, "+12345"},
- {"%+d", -12345, "-12345"},
- {"%+d", 0, "+0"},
- {"% d", 0, " 0"},
- {"% d", 12345, " 12345"},
- {"%.0d", 0, ""},
- {"%.d", 0, ""},
- // unicode format
- {"%U", 0x1, "U+0001"},
- {"%U", uint(0x1), "U+0001"},
- {"%.8U", 0x2, "U+00000002"},
- {"%U", 0x1234, "U+1234"},
- {"%U", 0x12345, "U+12345"},
- {"%10.6U", 0xABC, " U+000ABC"},
- {"%-10.6U", 0xABC, "U+000ABC "},
- {"%U", '\n', `U+000A`},
- {"%#U", '\n', `U+000A`},
- {"%U", 'x', `U+0078`},
- {"%#U", 'x', `U+0078 'x'`},
- {"%U", '\u263a', `U+263A`},
- {"%#U", '\u263a', `U+263A '☺'`},
- // floats
- {"%+.3e", 0.0, "+0.000e+00"},
- {"%+.3e", 1.0, "+1.000e+00"},
- {"%+.3f", -1.0, "-1.000"},
- {"%+.3F", -1.0, "-1.000"},
- {"%+.3F", float32(-1.0), "-1.000"},
- {"%+07.2f", 1.0, "+001.00"},
- {"%+07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
- {"%+10.2f", +1.0, " +1.00"},
- {"%+10.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
- {"% .3E", -1.0, "-1.000E+00"},
- {"% .3e", 1.0, " 1.000e+00"},
- {"%+.3g", 0.0, "+0"},
- {"%+.3g", 1.0, "+1"},
- {"%+.3g", -1.0, "-1"},
- {"% .3g", -1.0, "-1"},
- {"% .3g", 1.0, " 1"},
- {"%b", float32(1.0), "8388608p-23"},
- {"%b", 1.0, "4503599627370496p-52"},
- // complex values
- {"%+.3e", 0i, "(+0.000e+00+0.000e+00i)"},
- {"%+.3f", 0i, "(+0.000+0.000i)"},
- {"%+.3g", 0i, "(+0+0i)"},
- {"%+.3e", 1 + 2i, "(+1.000e+00+2.000e+00i)"},
- {"%+.3f", 1 + 2i, "(+1.000+2.000i)"},
- {"%+.3g", 1 + 2i, "(+1+2i)"},
- {"%.3e", 0i, "(0.000e+00+0.000e+00i)"},
- {"%.3f", 0i, "(0.000+0.000i)"},
- {"%.3F", 0i, "(0.000+0.000i)"},
- {"%.3F", complex64(0i), "(0.000+0.000i)"},
- {"%.3g", 0i, "(0+0i)"},
- {"%.3e", 1 + 2i, "(1.000e+00+2.000e+00i)"},
- {"%.3f", 1 + 2i, "(1.000+2.000i)"},
- {"%.3g", 1 + 2i, "(1+2i)"},
- {"%.3e", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000e+00-2.000e+00i)"},
- {"%.3f", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000-2.000i)"},
- {"%.3g", -1 - 2i, "(-1-2i)"},
- {"% .3E", -1 - 2i, "(-1.000E+00-2.000E+00i)"},
- {"%+.3g", complex64(1 + 2i), "(+1+2i)"},
- {"%+.3g", complex128(1 + 2i), "(+1+2i)"},
- {"%b", complex64(1 + 2i), "(8388608p-23+8388608p-22i)"},
- {"%b", 1 + 2i, "(4503599627370496p-52+4503599627370496p-51i)"},
- // erroneous formats
- {"", 2, "%!(EXTRA int=2)"},
- {"%d", "hello", "%!d(string=hello)"},
- // old test/fmt_test.go
- {"%d", 1234, "1234"},
- {"%d", -1234, "-1234"},
- {"%d", uint(1234), "1234"},
- {"%d", uint32(b32), "4294967295"},
- {"%d", uint64(b64), "18446744073709551615"},
- {"%o", 01234, "1234"},
- {"%#o", 01234, "01234"},
- {"%o", uint32(b32), "37777777777"},
- {"%o", uint64(b64), "1777777777777777777777"},
- {"%x", 0x1234abcd, "1234abcd"},
- {"%#x", 0x1234abcd, "0x1234abcd"},
- {"%x", b32 - 0x1234567, "fedcba98"},
- {"%X", 0x1234abcd, "1234ABCD"},
- {"%X", b32 - 0x1234567, "FEDCBA98"},
- {"%#X", 0, "0X0"},
- {"%x", b64, "ffffffffffffffff"},
- {"%b", 7, "111"},
- {"%b", b64, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"},
- {"%b", -6, "-110"},
- {"%e", 1.0, "1.000000e+00"},
- {"%e", 1234.5678e3, "1.234568e+06"},
- {"%e", 1234.5678e-8, "1.234568e-05"},
- {"%e", -7.0, "-7.000000e+00"},
- {"%e", -1e-9, "-1.000000e-09"},
- {"%f", 1234.5678e3, "1234567.800000"},
- {"%f", 1234.5678e-8, "0.000012"},
- {"%f", -7.0, "-7.000000"},
- {"%f", -1e-9, "-0.000000"},
- {"%g", 1234.5678e3, "1.2345678e+06"},
- {"%g", float32(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678e+06"},
- {"%g", 1234.5678e-8, "1.2345678e-05"},
- {"%g", -7.0, "-7"},
- {"%g", -1e-9, "-1e-09"},
- {"%g", float32(-1e-9), "-1e-09"},
- {"%E", 1.0, "1.000000E+00"},
- {"%E", 1234.5678e3, "1.234568E+06"},
- {"%E", 1234.5678e-8, "1.234568E-05"},
- {"%E", -7.0, "-7.000000E+00"},
- {"%E", -1e-9, "-1.000000E-09"},
- {"%G", 1234.5678e3, "1.2345678E+06"},
- {"%G", float32(1234.5678e3), "1.2345678E+06"},
- {"%G", 1234.5678e-8, "1.2345678E-05"},
- {"%G", -7.0, "-7"},
- {"%G", -1e-9, "-1E-09"},
- {"%G", float32(-1e-9), "-1E-09"},
- {"%c", 'x', "x"},
- {"%c", 0xe4, "ä"},
- {"%c", 0x672c, "本"},
- {"%c", '日', "日"},
- {"%20.8d", 1234, " 00001234"},
- {"%20.8d", -1234, " -00001234"},
- {"%20d", 1234, " 1234"},
- {"%-20.8d", 1234, "00001234 "},
- {"%-20.8d", -1234, "-00001234 "},
- {"%-#20.8x", 0x1234abc, "0x01234abc "},
- {"%-#20.8X", 0x1234abc, "0X01234ABC "},
- {"%-#20.8o", 01234, "00001234 "},
- {"%.20b", 7, "00000000000000000111"},
- {"%20.5s", "qwertyuiop", " qwert"},
- {"%.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert"},
- {"%-20.5s", "qwertyuiop", "qwert "},
- {"%20c", 'x', " x"},
- {"%-20c", 'x', "x "},
- {"%20.6e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03"},
- {"%20.6e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03"},
- {"%20e", 1.2345e3, " 1.234500e+03"},
- {"%20e", 1.2345e-3, " 1.234500e-03"},
- {"%20.8e", 1.2345e3, " 1.23450000e+03"},
- {"%20f", 1.23456789e3, " 1234.567890"},
- {"%20f", 1.23456789e-3, " 0.001235"},
- {"%20f", 12345678901.23456789, " 12345678901.234568"},
- {"%-20f", 1.23456789e3, "1234.567890 "},
- {"%20.8f", 1.23456789e3, " 1234.56789000"},
- {"%20.8f", 1.23456789e-3, " 0.00123457"},
- {"%g", 1.23456789e3, "1234.56789"},
- {"%g", 1.23456789e-3, "0.00123456789"},
- {"%g", 1.23456789e20, "1.23456789e+20"},
- {"%20e", math.Inf(1), " +Inf"},
- {"%-20f", math.Inf(-1), "-Inf "},
- {"%20g", math.NaN(), " NaN"},
- // arrays
- {"%v", array, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", iarray, "[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
- {"%v", barray, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", &array, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", &iarray, "&[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
- {"%v", &barray, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- // slices
- {"%v", slice, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", islice, "[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
- {"%v", bslice, "[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", &slice, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- {"%v", &islice, "&[1 hello 2.5 <nil>]"},
- {"%v", &bslice, "&[1 2 3 4 5]"},
- // complexes with %v
- {"%v", 1 + 2i, "(1+2i)"},
- {"%v", complex64(1 + 2i), "(1+2i)"},
- {"%v", complex128(1 + 2i), "(1+2i)"},
- // structs
- {"%v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `{1 2 a [1 2]}`},
- {"%+v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `{i:1 j:2 s:a x:[1 2]}`},
- // +v on structs with Stringable items
- {"%+v", B{1, 2}, `{I:<1> j:2}`},
- {"%+v", C{1, B{2, 3}}, `{i:1 B:{I:<2> j:3}}`},
- // other formats on Stringable items
- {"%s", I(23), `<23>`},
- {"%q", I(23), `"<23>"`},
- {"%x", I(23), `3c32333e`},
- {"%#x", I(23), `0x3c32333e`},
- {"%# x", I(23), `0x3c 0x32 0x33 0x3e`},
- {"%d", I(23), `23`}, // Stringer applies only to string formats.
- // go syntax
- {"%#v", A{1, 2, "a", []int{1, 2}}, `fmt_test.A{i:1, j:0x2, s:"a", x:[]int{1, 2}}`},
- {"%#v", &b, "(*uint8)(0xPTR)"},
- {"%#v", TestFmtInterface, "(func(*testing.T))(0xPTR)"},
- {"%#v", make(chan int), "(chan int)(0xPTR)"},
- {"%#v", uint64(1<<64 - 1), "0xffffffffffffffff"},
- {"%#v", 1000000000, "1000000000"},
- {"%#v", map[string]int{"a": 1}, `map[string]int{"a":1}`},
- {"%#v", map[string]B{"a": {1, 2}}, `map[string]fmt_test.B{"a":fmt_test.B{I:1, j:2}}`},
- {"%#v", []string{"a", "b"}, `[]string{"a", "b"}`},
- {"%#v", SI{}, `fmt_test.SI{I:interface {}(nil)}`},
- {"%#v", []int(nil), `[]int(nil)`},
- {"%#v", []int{}, `[]int{}`},
- {"%#v", array, `[5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}`},
- {"%#v", &array, `&[5]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}`},
- {"%#v", iarray, `[4]interface {}{1, "hello", 2.5, interface {}(nil)}`},
- {"%#v", &iarray, `&[4]interface {}{1, "hello", 2.5, interface {}(nil)}`},
- {"%#v", map[int]byte(nil), `map[int]uint8(nil)`},
- {"%#v", map[int]byte{}, `map[int]uint8{}`},
- {"%#v", "foo", `"foo"`},
- {"%#v", barray, `[5]fmt_test.renamedUint8{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5}`},
- {"%#v", bslice, `[]fmt_test.renamedUint8{0x1, 0x2, 0x3, 0x4, 0x5}`},
- {"%#v", []byte(nil), "[]byte(nil)"},
- {"%#v", []int32(nil), "[]int32(nil)"},
- // slices with other formats
- {"%#x", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[0x1 0x2 0xf]`},
- {"%x", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 f]`},
- {"%d", []int{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 15]`},
- {"%d", []byte{1, 2, 15}, `[1 2 15]`},
- {"%q", []string{"a", "b"}, `["a" "b"]`},
- // renamings
- {"%v", renamedBool(true), "true"},
- {"%d", renamedBool(true), "%!d(fmt_test.renamedBool=true)"},
- {"%o", renamedInt(8), "10"},
- {"%d", renamedInt8(-9), "-9"},
- {"%v", renamedInt16(10), "10"},
- {"%v", renamedInt32(-11), "-11"},
- {"%X", renamedInt64(255), "FF"},
- {"%v", renamedUint(13), "13"},
- {"%o", renamedUint8(14), "16"},
- {"%X", renamedUint16(15), "F"},
- {"%d", renamedUint32(16), "16"},
- {"%X", renamedUint64(17), "11"},
- {"%o", renamedUintptr(18), "22"},
- {"%x", renamedString("thing"), "7468696e67"},
- {"%d", renamedBytes([]byte{1, 2, 15}), `[1 2 15]`},
- {"%q", renamedBytes([]byte("hello")), `"hello"`},
- {"%x", []renamedUint8{'a', 'b', 'c'}, "616263"},
- {"%s", []renamedUint8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}, "hello"},
- {"%q", []renamedUint8{'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'}, `"hello"`},
- {"%v", renamedFloat32(22), "22"},
- {"%v", renamedFloat64(33), "33"},
- {"%v", renamedComplex64(3 + 4i), "(3+4i)"},
- {"%v", renamedComplex128(4 - 3i), "(4-3i)"},
- // Formatter
- {"%x", F(1), "<x=F(1)>"},
- {"%x", G(2), "2"},
- {"%+v", S{F(4), G(5)}, "{F:<v=F(4)> G:5}"},
- // GoStringer
- {"%#v", G(6), "GoString(6)"},
- {"%#v", S{F(7), G(8)}, "fmt_test.S{F:<v=F(7)>, G:GoString(8)}"},
- // %T
- {"%T", (4 - 3i), "complex128"},
- {"%T", renamedComplex128(4 - 3i), "fmt_test.renamedComplex128"},
- {"%T", intVal, "int"},
- {"%6T", &intVal, " *int"},
- {"%10T", nil, " <nil>"},
- {"%-10T", nil, "<nil> "},
- // %p
- {"p0=%p", new(int), "p0=0xPTR"},
- {"p1=%s", &pValue, "p1=String(p)"}, // String method...
- {"p2=%p", &pValue, "p2=0xPTR"}, // ... not called with %p
- {"p3=%p", (*int)(nil), "p3=0x0"},
- {"p4=%#p", new(int), "p4=PTR"},
- // %p on non-pointers
- {"%p", make(chan int), "0xPTR"},
- {"%p", make(map[int]int), "0xPTR"},
- {"%p", make([]int, 1), "0xPTR"},
- {"%p", 27, "%!p(int=27)"}, // not a pointer at all
- // %q on pointers
- {"%q", (*int)(nil), "%!q(*int=<nil>)"},
- {"%q", new(int), "%!q(*int=0xPTR)"},
- // %v on pointers formats 0 as <nil>
- {"%v", (*int)(nil), "<nil>"},
- {"%v", new(int), "0xPTR"},
- // %d etc. pointers use specified base.
- {"%d", new(int), "PTR_d"},
- {"%o", new(int), "PTR_o"},
- {"%x", new(int), "PTR_x"},
- // %d on Stringer should give integer if possible
- {"%s", time.Time{}.Month(), "January"},
- {"%d", time.Time{}.Month(), "1"},
- // erroneous things
- {"%s %", "hello", "hello %!(NOVERB)"},
- {"%s %.2", "hello", "hello %!(NOVERB)"},
- {"%d", "hello", "%!d(string=hello)"},
- {"no args", "hello", "no args%!(EXTRA string=hello)"},
- {"%s", nil, "%!s(<nil>)"},
- {"%T", nil, "<nil>"},
- {"%-1", 100, "%!(NOVERB)%!(EXTRA int=100)"},
- // The "<nil>" show up because maps are printed by
- // first obtaining a list of keys and then looking up
- // each key. Since NaNs can be map keys but cannot
- // be fetched directly, the lookup fails and returns a
- // zero reflect.Value, which formats as <nil>.
- // This test is just to check that it shows the two NaNs at all.
- {"%v", map[float64]int{math.NaN(): 1, math.NaN(): 2}, "map[NaN:<nil> NaN:<nil>]"},
- // Used to crash because nByte didn't allow for a sign.
- {"%b", int64(-1 << 63), zeroFill("-1", 63, "")},
- // Used to panic.
- {"%0100d", 1, zeroFill("", 100, "1")},
- {"%0100d", -1, zeroFill("-", 99, "1")},
- {"%0.100f", 1.0, zeroFill("1.", 100, "")},
- {"%0.100f", -1.0, zeroFill("-1.", 100, "")},
- // Comparison of padding rules with C printf.
- /*
- C program:
- #include <stdio.h>
- char *format[] = {
- "[%.2f]",
- "[% .2f]",
- "[%+.2f]",
- "[%7.2f]",
- "[% 7.2f]",
- "[%+7.2f]",
- "[%07.2f]",
- "[% 07.2f]",
- "[%+07.2f]",
- };
- int main(void) {
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- printf("%s: ", format[i]);
- printf(format[i], 1.0);
- printf(" ");
- printf(format[i], -1.0);
- printf("\n");
- }
- }
- Output:
- [%.2f]: [1.00] [-1.00]
- [% .2f]: [ 1.00] [-1.00]
- [%+.2f]: [+1.00] [-1.00]
- [%7.2f]: [ 1.00] [ -1.00]
- [% 7.2f]: [ 1.00] [ -1.00]
- [%+7.2f]: [ +1.00] [ -1.00]
- [%07.2f]: [0001.00] [-001.00]
- [% 07.2f]: [ 001.00] [-001.00]
- [%+07.2f]: [+001.00] [-001.00]
- */
- {"%.2f", 1.0, "1.00"},
- {"%.2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
- {"% .2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
- {"% .2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
- {"%+.2f", 1.0, "+1.00"},
- {"%+.2f", -1.0, "-1.00"},
- {"%7.2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
- {"%7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
- {"% 7.2f", 1.0, " 1.00"},
- {"% 7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
- {"%+7.2f", 1.0, " +1.00"},
- {"%+7.2f", -1.0, " -1.00"},
- {"%07.2f", 1.0, "0001.00"},
- {"%07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
- {"% 07.2f", 1.0, " 001.00"},
- {"% 07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
- {"%+07.2f", 1.0, "+001.00"},
- {"%+07.2f", -1.0, "-001.00"},
- // Complex numbers: exhaustively tested in TestComplexFormatting.
- {"%7.2f", 1 + 2i, "( 1.00 +2.00i)"},
- {"%+07.2f", -1 - 2i, "(-001.00-002.00i)"},
- // Zero padding does not apply to infinities.
- {"%020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
- {"%020f", math.Inf(+1), " +Inf"},
- {"% 020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
- {"% 020f", math.Inf(+1), " Inf"},
- {"%+020f", math.Inf(-1), " -Inf"},
- {"%+020f", math.Inf(+1), " +Inf"},
- {"%20f", -1.0, " -1.000000"},
- // Make sure we can handle very large widths.
- {"%0100f", -1.0, zeroFill("-", 99, "1.000000")},
- // Complex fmt used to leave the plus flag set for future entries in the array
- // causing +2+0i and +3+0i instead of 2+0i and 3+0i.
- {"%v", []complex64{1, 2, 3}, "[(1+0i) (2+0i) (3+0i)]"},
- {"%v", []complex128{1, 2, 3}, "[(1+0i) (2+0i) (3+0i)]"},
- // Incomplete format specification caused crash.
- {"%.", 3, "%!.(int=3)"},
- // Used to panic with out-of-bounds for very large numeric representations.
- // nByte is set to handle one bit per uint64 in %b format, with a negative number.
- // See issue 6777.
- {"%#064x", 1, zeroFill("0x", 64, "1")},
- {"%#064x", -1, zeroFill("-0x", 63, "1")},
- {"%#064b", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
- {"%#064b", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
- {"%#064o", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
- {"%#064o", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
- {"%#064d", 1, zeroFill("", 64, "1")},
- {"%#064d", -1, zeroFill("-", 63, "1")},
- // Test that we handle the crossover above the size of uint64
- {"%#072x", 1, zeroFill("0x", 72, "1")},
- {"%#072x", -1, zeroFill("-0x", 71, "1")},
- {"%#072b", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
- {"%#072b", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
- {"%#072o", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
- {"%#072o", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
- {"%#072d", 1, zeroFill("", 72, "1")},
- {"%#072d", -1, zeroFill("-", 71, "1")},
- // Padding for complex numbers. Has been bad, then fixed, then bad again.
- {"%+10.2f", +104.66 + 440.51i, "( +104.66 +440.51i)"},
- {"%+10.2f", -104.66 + 440.51i, "( -104.66 +440.51i)"},
- {"%+10.2f", +104.66 - 440.51i, "( +104.66 -440.51i)"},
- {"%+10.2f", -104.66 - 440.51i, "( -104.66 -440.51i)"},
- {"%+010.2f", +104.66 + 440.51i, "(+000104.66+000440.51i)"},
- {"%+010.2f", -104.66 + 440.51i, "(-000104.66+000440.51i)"},
- {"%+010.2f", +104.66 - 440.51i, "(+000104.66-000440.51i)"},
- {"%+010.2f", -104.66 - 440.51i, "(-000104.66-000440.51i)"},
- // []T where type T is a byte with a Stringer method.
- {"%v", byteStringerSlice, "[X X X X]"},
- {"%s", byteStringerSlice, "abcd"},
- {"%q", byteStringerSlice, "\"abcd\""},
- {"%x", byteStringerSlice, "61626364"},
- {"%#v", byteStringerSlice, "[]fmt_test.byteStringer{0x61, 0x62, 0x63, 0x64}"},
- // And the same for Formatter.
- {"%v", byteFormatterSlice, "[X X X X]"},
- {"%s", byteFormatterSlice, "abcd"},
- {"%q", byteFormatterSlice, "\"abcd\""},
- {"%x", byteFormatterSlice, "61626364"},
- // This next case seems wrong, but the docs say the Formatter wins here.
- {"%#v", byteFormatterSlice, "[]fmt_test.byteFormatter{X, X, X, X}"},
-// zeroFill generates zero-filled strings of the specified width. The length
-// of the suffix (but not the prefix) is compensated for in the width calculation.
-func zeroFill(prefix string, width int, suffix string) string {
- return prefix + strings.Repeat("0", width-len(suffix)) + suffix
-func TestSprintf(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range fmtTests {
- s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.val)
- if i := strings.Index(tt.out, "PTR"); i >= 0 {
- pattern := "PTR"
- chars := "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"
- switch {
- case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_d"):
- pattern = "PTR_d"
- chars = chars[:10]
- case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_o"):
- pattern = "PTR_o"
- chars = chars[:8]
- case strings.HasPrefix(tt.out[i:], "PTR_x"):
- pattern = "PTR_x"
- }
- j := i
- for ; j < len(s); j++ {
- c := s[j]
- if !strings.ContainsRune(chars, rune(c)) {
- break
- }
- }
- s = s[0:i] + pattern + s[j:]
- }
- if s != tt.out {
- if _, ok := tt.val.(string); ok {
- // Don't requote the already-quoted strings.
- // It's too confusing to read the errors.
- t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %q) = <%s> want <%s>", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
- } else {
- t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %v) = %q want %q", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
- }
- }
- }
-// TestComplexFormatting checks that a complex always formats to the same
-// thing as if done by hand with two singleton prints.
-func TestComplexFormatting(t *testing.T) {
- var yesNo = []bool{true, false}
- var values = []float64{1, 0, -1, math.Inf(1), math.Inf(-1), math.NaN()}
- for _, plus := range yesNo {
- for _, zero := range yesNo {
- for _, space := range yesNo {
- for _, char := range "fFeEgG" {
- realFmt := "%"
- if zero {
- realFmt += "0"
- }
- if space {
- realFmt += " "
- }
- if plus {
- realFmt += "+"
- }
- realFmt += "10.2"
- realFmt += string(char)
- // Imaginary part always has a sign, so force + and ignore space.
- imagFmt := "%"
- if zero {
- imagFmt += "0"
- }
- imagFmt += "+"
- imagFmt += "10.2"
- imagFmt += string(char)
- for _, realValue := range values {
- for _, imagValue := range values {
- one := Sprintf(realFmt, complex(realValue, imagValue))
- two := Sprintf("("+realFmt+imagFmt+"i)", realValue, imagValue)
- if one != two {
- t.Error(f, one, two)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-type SE []interface{} // slice of empty; notational compactness.
-var reorderTests = []struct {
- fmt string
- val SE
- out string
- {"%[1]d", SE{1}, "1"},
- {"%[2]d", SE{2, 1}, "1"},
- {"%[2]d %[1]d", SE{1, 2}, "2 1"},
- {"%[2]*[1]d", SE{2, 5}, " 2"},
- {"%6.2f", SE{12.0}, " 12.00"}, // Explicit version of next line.
- {"%[3]*.[2]*[1]f", SE{12.0, 2, 6}, " 12.00"},
- {"%[1]*.[2]*[3]f", SE{6, 2, 12.0}, " 12.00"},
- {"%10f", SE{12.0}, " 12.000000"},
- {"%[1]*[3]f", SE{10, 99, 12.0}, " 12.000000"},
- {"%.6f", SE{12.0}, "12.000000"}, // Explicit version of next line.
- {"%.[1]*[3]f", SE{6, 99, 12.0}, "12.000000"},
- {"%6.f", SE{12.0}, " 12"}, // // Explicit version of next line; empty precision means zero.
- {"%[1]*.[3]f", SE{6, 3, 12.0}, " 12"},
- // An actual use! Print the same arguments twice.
- {"%d %d %d %#[1]o %#o %#o", SE{11, 12, 13}, "11 12 13 013 014 015"},
- // Erroneous cases.
- {"%[d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!](int=2)d%!(EXTRA int=1)"},
- {"%[]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%[-3]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%[99]d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%[3]", SE{2, 1}, "%!(NOVERB)"},
- {"%[1].2d", SE{5, 6}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%[1]2d", SE{2, 1}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%3.[2]d", SE{7}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%.[2]d", SE{7}, "%!d(BADINDEX)"},
- {"%d %d %d %#[1]o %#o %#o %#o", SE{11, 12, 13}, "11 12 13 013 014 015 %!o(MISSING)"},
- {"%[5]d %[2]d %d", SE{1, 2, 3}, "%!d(BADINDEX) 2 3"},
- {"%d %[3]d %d", SE{1, 2}, "1 %!d(BADINDEX) 2"}, // Erroneous index does not affect sequence.
-func TestReorder(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range reorderTests {
- s := Sprintf(tt.fmt, tt.val...)
- if s != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, %v) = <%s> want <%s>", tt.fmt, tt.val, s, tt.out)
- } else {
- }
- }
-func BenchmarkSprintfEmpty(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("")
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkSprintfString(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("%s", "hello")
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkSprintfInt(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("%d", 5)
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkSprintfIntInt(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("%d %d", 5, 6)
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkSprintfPrefixedInt(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("This is some meaningless prefix text that needs to be scanned %d", 6)
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkSprintfFloat(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- for pb.Next() {
- Sprintf("%g", 5.23184)
- }
- })
-func BenchmarkManyArgs(b *testing.B) {
- b.RunParallel(func(pb *testing.PB) {
- var buf bytes.Buffer
- for pb.Next() {
- buf.Reset()
- Fprintf(&buf, "%2d/%2d/%2d %d:%d:%d %s %s\n", 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, "hello", "world")
- }
- })
-var mallocBuf bytes.Buffer
-var mallocTest = []struct {
- count int
- desc string
- fn func()
- {0, `Sprintf("")`, func() { Sprintf("") }},
- {1, `Sprintf("xxx")`, func() { Sprintf("xxx") }},
- {1, `Sprintf("%x")`, func() { Sprintf("%x", 7) }},
- {2, `Sprintf("%s")`, func() { Sprintf("%s", "hello") }},
- {1, `Sprintf("%x %x")`, func() { Sprintf("%x %x", 7, 112) }},
- // For %g we use a float32, not float64, to guarantee passing the argument
- // does not need to allocate memory to store the result in a pointer-sized word.
- {2, `Sprintf("%g")`, func() { Sprintf("%g", float32(3.14159)) }},
- {0, `Fprintf(buf, "%x %x %x")`, func() { mallocBuf.Reset(); Fprintf(&mallocBuf, "%x %x %x", 7, 8, 9) }},
- {1, `Fprintf(buf, "%s")`, func() { mallocBuf.Reset(); Fprintf(&mallocBuf, "%s", "hello") }},
-var _ bytes.Buffer
-func TestCountMallocs(t *testing.T) {
- if testing.Short() {
- t.Skip("skipping malloc count in short mode")
- }
- if runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0) > 1 {
- t.Skip("skipping; GOMAXPROCS>1")
- }
- for _, mt := range mallocTest {
- mallocs := testing.AllocsPerRun(100, mt.fn)
- if got, max := mallocs, float64(mt.count); got > max {
- t.Errorf("%s: got %v allocs, want <=%v", mt.desc, got, max)
- }
- }
-type flagPrinter struct{}
-func (*flagPrinter) Format(f State, c rune) {
- s := "%"
- for i := 0; i < 128; i++ {
- if f.Flag(i) {
- s += string(i)
- }
- }
- if w, ok := f.Width(); ok {
- s += Sprintf("%d", w)
- }
- if p, ok := f.Precision(); ok {
- s += Sprintf(".%d", p)
- }
- s += string(c)
- io.WriteString(f, "["+s+"]")
-var flagtests = []struct {
- in string
- out string
- {"%a", "[%a]"},
- {"%-a", "[%-a]"},
- {"%+a", "[%+a]"},
- {"%#a", "[%#a]"},
- {"% a", "[% a]"},
- {"%0a", "[%0a]"},
- {"%1.2a", "[%1.2a]"},
- {"%-1.2a", "[%-1.2a]"},
- {"%+1.2a", "[%+1.2a]"},
- {"%-+1.2a", "[%+-1.2a]"},
- {"%-+1.2abc", "[%+-1.2a]bc"},
- {"%-1.2abc", "[%-1.2a]bc"},
-func TestFlagParser(t *testing.T) {
- var flagprinter flagPrinter
- for _, tt := range flagtests {
- s := Sprintf(, &flagprinter)
- if s != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &flagprinter) => %q, want %q",, s, tt.out)
- }
- }
-func TestStructPrinter(t *testing.T) {
- var s struct {
- a string
- b string
- c int
- }
- s.a = "abc"
- s.b = "def"
- s.c = 123
- var tests = []struct {
- fmt string
- out string
- }{
- {"%v", "{abc def 123}"},
- {"%+v", "{a:abc b:def c:123}"},
- }
- for _, tt := range tests {
- out := Sprintf(tt.fmt, s)
- if out != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("Sprintf(%q, &s) = %q, want %q", tt.fmt, out, tt.out)
- }
- }
-// presentInMap checks map printing using substrings so we don't depend on the
-// print order.
-func presentInMap(s string, a []string, t *testing.T) {
- for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
- loc := strings.Index(s, a[i])
- if loc < 0 {
- t.Errorf("map print: expected to find %q in %q", a[i], s)
- }
- // make sure the match ends here
- loc += len(a[i])
- if loc >= len(s) || (s[loc] != ' ' && s[loc] != ']') {
- t.Errorf("map print: %q not properly terminated in %q", a[i], s)
- }
- }
-func TestMapPrinter(t *testing.T) {
- m0 := make(map[int]string)
- s := Sprint(m0)
- if s != "map[]" {
- t.Errorf("empty map printed as %q not %q", s, "map[]")
- }
- m1 := map[int]string{1: "one", 2: "two", 3: "three"}
- a := []string{"1:one", "2:two", "3:three"}
- presentInMap(Sprintf("%v", m1), a, t)
- presentInMap(Sprint(m1), a, t)
-func TestEmptyMap(t *testing.T) {
- const emptyMapStr = "map[]"
- var m map[string]int
- s := Sprint(m)
- if s != emptyMapStr {
- t.Errorf("nil map printed as %q not %q", s, emptyMapStr)
- }
- m = make(map[string]int)
- s = Sprint(m)
- if s != emptyMapStr {
- t.Errorf("empty map printed as %q not %q", s, emptyMapStr)
- }
-// TestBlank checks that Sprint (and hence Print, Fprint) puts spaces in the
-// right places, that is, between arg pairs in which neither is a string.
-func TestBlank(t *testing.T) {
- got := Sprint("<", 1, ">:", 1, 2, 3, "!")
- expect := "<1>:1 2 3!"
- if got != expect {
- t.Errorf("got %q expected %q", got, expect)
- }
-// TestBlankln checks that Sprintln (and hence Println, Fprintln) puts spaces in
-// the right places, that is, between all arg pairs.
-func TestBlankln(t *testing.T) {
- got := Sprintln("<", 1, ">:", 1, 2, 3, "!")
- expect := "< 1 >: 1 2 3 !\n"
- if got != expect {
- t.Errorf("got %q expected %q", got, expect)
- }
-// TestFormatterPrintln checks Formatter with Sprint, Sprintln, Sprintf.
-func TestFormatterPrintln(t *testing.T) {
- f := F(1)
- expect := "<v=F(1)>\n"
- s := Sprint(f, "\n")
- if s != expect {
- t.Errorf("Sprint wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
- }
- s = Sprintln(f)
- if s != expect {
- t.Errorf("Sprintln wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
- }
- s = Sprintf("%v\n", f)
- if s != expect {
- t.Errorf("Sprintf wrong with Formatter: expected %q got %q", expect, s)
- }
-func args(a ...interface{}) []interface{} { return a }
-var startests = []struct {
- fmt string
- in []interface{}
- out string
- {"%*d", args(4, 42), " 42"},
- {"%.*d", args(4, 42), "0042"},
- {"%*.*d", args(8, 4, 42), " 0042"},
- {"%0*d", args(4, 42), "0042"},
- {"%-*d", args(4, 42), "42 "},
- // erroneous
- {"%*d", args(nil, 42), "%!(BADWIDTH)42"},
- {"%.*d", args(nil, 42), "%!(BADPREC)42"},
- {"%*d", args(5, "foo"), "%!d(string= foo)"},
- {"%*% %d", args(20, 5), "% 5"},
- {"%*", args(4), "%!(NOVERB)"},
- {"%*d", args(int32(4), 42), "%!(BADWIDTH)42"},
-func TestWidthAndPrecision(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range startests {
- s := Sprintf(tt.fmt,
- if s != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("%q: got %q expected %q", tt.fmt, s, tt.out)
- }
- }
-// Panic is a type that panics in String.
-type Panic struct {
- message interface{}
-// Value receiver.
-func (p Panic) GoString() string {
- panic(p.message)
-// Value receiver.
-func (p Panic) String() string {
- panic(p.message)
-// PanicF is a type that panics in Format.
-type PanicF struct {
- message interface{}
-// Value receiver.
-func (p PanicF) Format(f State, c rune) {
- panic(p.message)
-var panictests = []struct {
- fmt string
- in interface{}
- out string
- // String
- {"%s", (*Panic)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
- {"%s", Panic{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!s(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
- {"%s", Panic{3}, "%!s(PANIC=3)"},
- // GoString
- {"%#v", (*Panic)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
- {"%#v", Panic{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!v(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
- {"%#v", Panic{3}, "%!v(PANIC=3)"},
- // Format
- {"%s", (*PanicF)(nil), "<nil>"}, // nil pointer special case
- {"%s", PanicF{io.ErrUnexpectedEOF}, "%!s(PANIC=unexpected EOF)"},
- {"%s", PanicF{3}, "%!s(PANIC=3)"},
-func TestPanics(t *testing.T) {
- for _, tt := range panictests {
- s := Sprintf(tt.fmt,
- if s != tt.out {
- t.Errorf("%q: got %q expected %q", tt.fmt, s, tt.out)
- }
- }
-// recurCount tests that erroneous String routine doesn't cause fatal recursion.
-var recurCount = 0
-type Recur struct {
- i int
- failed *bool
-func (r *Recur) String() string {
- if recurCount++; recurCount > 10 {
- *r.failed = true
- return "FAIL"
- }
- // This will call badVerb. Before the fix, that would cause us to recur into
- // this routine to print %!p(value). Now we don't call the user's method
- // during an error.
- return Sprintf("recur@%p value: %d", r, r.i)
-func TestBadVerbRecursion(t *testing.T) {
- failed := false
- r := &Recur{3, &failed}
- Sprintf("recur@%p value: %d\n", &r, r.i)
- if failed {
- t.Error("fail with pointer")
- }
- failed = false
- r = &Recur{4, &failed}
- Sprintf("recur@%p, value: %d\n", r, r.i)
- if failed {
- t.Error("fail with value")
- }
-func TestIsSpace(t *testing.T) {
- // This tests the internal isSpace function.
- // IsSpace = isSpace is defined in export_test.go.
- for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
- if IsSpace(i) != unicode.IsSpace(i) {
- t.Errorf("isSpace(%U) = %v, want %v", i, IsSpace(i), unicode.IsSpace(i))
- }
- }
-func TestNilDoesNotBecomeTyped(t *testing.T) {
- type A struct{}
- type B struct{}
- var a *A = nil
- var b B = B{}
- got := Sprintf("%s %s %s %s %s", nil, a, nil, b, nil)
- const expect = "%!s(<nil>) %!s(*fmt_test.A=<nil>) %!s(<nil>) {} %!s(<nil>)"
- if got != expect {
- t.Errorf("expected:\n\t%q\ngot:\n\t%q", expect, got)
- }