path: root/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go')
1 files changed, 698 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go b/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1cdd6b4d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/syscall/mksyscall_windows.go
@@ -0,0 +1,698 @@
+// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
+// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
+// +build ignore
+mksyscall_windows generates windows system call bodies
+It parses all files specified on command line containing function
+prototypes (like syscall_windows.go) and prints system call bodies
+to standard output.
+The prototypes are marked by lines beginning with "//sys" and read
+like func declarations if //sys is replaced by func, but:
+* The parameter lists must give a name for each argument. This
+ includes return parameters.
+* The parameter lists must give a type for each argument:
+ the (x, y, z int) shorthand is not allowed.
+* If the return parameter is an error number, it must be named err.
+* If go func name needs to be different from it's winapi dll name,
+ the winapi name could be specified at the end, after "=" sign, like
+ //sys LoadLibrary(libname string) (handle uint32, err error) = LoadLibraryA
+* Each function that returns err needs to supply a condition, that
+ return value of winapi will be tested against to detect failure.
+ This would set err to windows "last-error", otherwise it will be nil.
+ The value can be provided at end of //sys declaration, like
+ //sys LoadLibrary(libname string) (handle uint32, err error) [failretval==-1] = LoadLibraryA
+ and is [failretval==0] by default.
+ mksyscall_windows [flags] [path ...]
+The flags are:
+ -trace
+ Generate print statement after every syscall.
+package main
+import (
+ "bufio"
+ "errors"
+ "flag"
+ "fmt"
+ "go/parser"
+ "go/token"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "os"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+ "text/template"
+var PrintTraceFlag = flag.Bool("trace", false, "generate print statement after every syscall")
+func trim(s string) string {
+ return strings.Trim(s, " \t")
+var packageName string
+func packagename() string {
+ return packageName
+func syscalldot() string {
+ if packageName == "syscall" {
+ return ""
+ }
+ return "syscall."
+// Param is function parameter
+type Param struct {
+ Name string
+ Type string
+ fn *Fn
+ tmpVarIdx int
+// tmpVar returns temp variable name that will be used to represent p during syscall.
+func (p *Param) tmpVar() string {
+ if p.tmpVarIdx < 0 {
+ p.tmpVarIdx = p.fn.curTmpVarIdx
+ p.fn.curTmpVarIdx++
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("_p%d", p.tmpVarIdx)
+// BoolTmpVarCode returns source code for bool temp variable.
+func (p *Param) BoolTmpVarCode() string {
+ const code = `var %s uint32
+ if %s {
+ %s = 1
+ } else {
+ %s = 0
+ }`
+ tmp := p.tmpVar()
+ return fmt.Sprintf(code, tmp, p.Name, tmp, tmp)
+// SliceTmpVarCode returns source code for slice temp variable.
+func (p *Param) SliceTmpVarCode() string {
+ const code = `var %s *%s
+ if len(%s) > 0 {
+ %s = &%s[0]
+ }`
+ tmp := p.tmpVar()
+ return fmt.Sprintf(code, tmp, p.Type[2:], p.Name, tmp, p.Name)
+// StringTmpVarCode returns source code for string temp variable.
+func (p *Param) StringTmpVarCode() string {
+ errvar := p.fn.Rets.ErrorVarName()
+ if errvar == "" {
+ errvar = "_"
+ }
+ tmp := p.tmpVar()
+ const code = `var %s %s
+ %s, %s = %s(%s)`
+ s := fmt.Sprintf(code, tmp, p.fn.StrconvType(), tmp, errvar, p.fn.StrconvFunc(), p.Name)
+ if errvar == "-" {
+ return s
+ }
+ const morecode = `
+ if %s != nil {
+ return
+ }`
+ return s + fmt.Sprintf(morecode, errvar)
+// TmpVarCode returns source code for temp variable.
+func (p *Param) TmpVarCode() string {
+ switch {
+ case p.Type == "string":
+ return p.StringTmpVarCode()
+ case p.Type == "bool":
+ return p.BoolTmpVarCode()
+ case strings.HasPrefix(p.Type, "[]"):
+ return p.SliceTmpVarCode()
+ default:
+ return ""
+ }
+// SyscallArgList returns source code fragments representing p parameter
+// in syscall. Slices are translated into 2 syscall parameters: pointer to
+// the first element and length.
+func (p *Param) SyscallArgList() []string {
+ var s string
+ switch {
+ case p.Type[0] == '*':
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("unsafe.Pointer(%s)", p.Name)
+ case p.Type == "string":
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("unsafe.Pointer(%s)", p.tmpVar())
+ case p.Type == "bool":
+ s = p.tmpVar()
+ case strings.HasPrefix(p.Type, "[]"):
+ return []string{
+ fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(%s))", p.tmpVar()),
+ fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(len(%s))", p.Name),
+ }
+ default:
+ s = p.Name
+ }
+ return []string{fmt.Sprintf("uintptr(%s)", s)}
+// IsError determines if p parameter is used to return error.
+func (p *Param) IsError() bool {
+ return p.Name == "err" && p.Type == "error"
+// join concatenates parameters ps into a string with sep separator.
+// Each parameter is converted into string by applying fn to it
+// before conversion.
+func join(ps []*Param, fn func(*Param) string, sep string) string {
+ if len(ps) == 0 {
+ return ""
+ }
+ a := make([]string, 0)
+ for _, p := range ps {
+ a = append(a, fn(p))
+ }
+ return strings.Join(a, sep)
+// Rets describes function return parameters.
+type Rets struct {
+ Name string
+ Type string
+ ReturnsError bool
+ FailCond string
+// ErrorVarName returns error variable name for r.
+func (r *Rets) ErrorVarName() string {
+ if r.ReturnsError {
+ return "err"
+ }
+ if r.Type == "error" {
+ return r.Name
+ }
+ return ""
+// ToParams converts r into slice of *Param.
+func (r *Rets) ToParams() []*Param {
+ ps := make([]*Param, 0)
+ if len(r.Name) > 0 {
+ ps = append(ps, &Param{Name: r.Name, Type: r.Type})
+ }
+ if r.ReturnsError {
+ ps = append(ps, &Param{Name: "err", Type: "error"})
+ }
+ return ps
+// List returns source code of syscall return parameters.
+func (r *Rets) List() string {
+ s := join(r.ToParams(), func(p *Param) string { return p.Name + " " + p.Type }, ", ")
+ if len(s) > 0 {
+ s = "(" + s + ")"
+ }
+ return s
+// PrintList returns source code of trace printing part correspondent
+// to syscall return values.
+func (r *Rets) PrintList() string {
+ return join(r.ToParams(), func(p *Param) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s=", %s, `, p.Name, p.Name) }, `", ", `)
+// SetReturnValuesCode returns source code that accepts syscall return values.
+func (r *Rets) SetReturnValuesCode() string {
+ if r.Name == "" && !r.ReturnsError {
+ return ""
+ }
+ retvar := "r0"
+ if r.Name == "" {
+ retvar = "r1"
+ }
+ errvar := "_"
+ if r.ReturnsError {
+ errvar = "e1"
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf("%s, _, %s := ", retvar, errvar)
+func (r *Rets) useLongHandleErrorCode(retvar string) string {
+ const code = `if %s {
+ if e1 != 0 {
+ err = error(e1)
+ } else {
+ err = %sEINVAL
+ }
+ }`
+ cond := retvar + " == 0"
+ if r.FailCond != "" {
+ cond = strings.Replace(r.FailCond, "failretval", retvar, 1)
+ }
+ return fmt.Sprintf(code, cond, syscalldot())
+// SetErrorCode returns source code that sets return parameters.
+func (r *Rets) SetErrorCode() string {
+ const code = `if r0 != 0 {
+ %s = %sErrno(r0)
+ }`
+ if r.Name == "" && !r.ReturnsError {
+ return ""
+ }
+ if r.Name == "" {
+ return r.useLongHandleErrorCode("r1")
+ }
+ if r.Type == "error" {
+ return fmt.Sprintf(code, r.Name, syscalldot())
+ }
+ s := ""
+ switch {
+ case r.Type[0] == '*':
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%s = (%s)(unsafe.Pointer(r0))", r.Name, r.Type)
+ case r.Type == "bool":
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%s = r0 != 0", r.Name)
+ default:
+ s = fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s(r0)", r.Name, r.Type)
+ }
+ if !r.ReturnsError {
+ return s
+ }
+ return s + "\n\t" + r.useLongHandleErrorCode(r.Name)
+// Fn describes syscall function.
+type Fn struct {
+ Name string
+ Params []*Param
+ Rets *Rets
+ PrintTrace bool
+ dllname string
+ dllfuncname string
+ src string
+ // TODO: get rid of this field and just use parameter index instead
+ curTmpVarIdx int // insure tmp variables have uniq names
+// extractParams parses s to extract function parameters.
+func extractParams(s string, f *Fn) ([]*Param, error) {
+ s = trim(s)
+ if s == "" {
+ return nil, nil
+ }
+ a := strings.Split(s, ",")
+ ps := make([]*Param, len(a))
+ for i := range ps {
+ s2 := trim(a[i])
+ b := strings.Split(s2, " ")
+ if len(b) != 2 {
+ b = strings.Split(s2, "\t")
+ if len(b) != 2 {
+ return nil, errors.New("Could not extract function parameter from \"" + s2 + "\"")
+ }
+ }
+ ps[i] = &Param{
+ Name: trim(b[0]),
+ Type: trim(b[1]),
+ fn: f,
+ tmpVarIdx: -1,
+ }
+ }
+ return ps, nil
+// extractSection extracts text out of string s starting after start
+// and ending just before end. found return value will indicate success,
+// and prefix, body and suffix will contain correspondent parts of string s.
+func extractSection(s string, start, end rune) (prefix, body, suffix string, found bool) {
+ s = trim(s)
+ if strings.HasPrefix(s, string(start)) {
+ // no prefix
+ body = s[1:]
+ } else {
+ a := strings.SplitN(s, string(start), 2)
+ if len(a) != 2 {
+ return "", "", s, false
+ }
+ prefix = a[0]
+ body = a[1]
+ }
+ a := strings.SplitN(body, string(end), 2)
+ if len(a) != 2 {
+ return "", "", "", false
+ }
+ return prefix, a[0], a[1], true
+// newFn parses string s and return created function Fn.
+func newFn(s string) (*Fn, error) {
+ s = trim(s)
+ f := &Fn{
+ Rets: &Rets{},
+ src: s,
+ PrintTrace: *PrintTraceFlag,
+ }
+ // function name and args
+ prefix, body, s, found := extractSection(s, '(', ')')
+ if !found || prefix == "" {
+ return nil, errors.New("Could not extract function name and parameters from \"" + f.src + "\"")
+ }
+ f.Name = prefix
+ var err error
+ f.Params, err = extractParams(body, f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ // return values
+ _, body, s, found = extractSection(s, '(', ')')
+ if found {
+ r, err := extractParams(body, f)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ switch len(r) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ if r[0].IsError() {
+ f.Rets.ReturnsError = true
+ } else {
+ f.Rets.Name = r[0].Name
+ f.Rets.Type = r[0].Type
+ }
+ case 2:
+ if !r[1].IsError() {
+ return nil, errors.New("Only last windows error is allowed as second return value in \"" + f.src + "\"")
+ }
+ f.Rets.ReturnsError = true
+ f.Rets.Name = r[0].Name
+ f.Rets.Type = r[0].Type
+ default:
+ return nil, errors.New("Too many return values in \"" + f.src + "\"")
+ }
+ }
+ // fail condition
+ _, body, s, found = extractSection(s, '[', ']')
+ if found {
+ f.Rets.FailCond = body
+ }
+ // dll and dll function names
+ s = trim(s)
+ if s == "" {
+ return f, nil
+ }
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(s, "=") {
+ return nil, errors.New("Could not extract dll name from \"" + f.src + "\"")
+ }
+ s = trim(s[1:])
+ a := strings.Split(s, ".")
+ switch len(a) {
+ case 1:
+ f.dllfuncname = a[0]
+ case 2:
+ f.dllname = a[0]
+ f.dllfuncname = a[1]
+ default:
+ return nil, errors.New("Could not extract dll name from \"" + f.src + "\"")
+ }
+ return f, nil
+// DLLName returns DLL name for function f.
+func (f *Fn) DLLName() string {
+ if f.dllname == "" {
+ return "kernel32"
+ }
+ return f.dllname
+// DLLName returns DLL function name for function f.
+func (f *Fn) DLLFuncName() string {
+ if f.dllfuncname == "" {
+ return f.Name
+ }
+ return f.dllfuncname
+// ParamList returns source code for function f parameters.
+func (f *Fn) ParamList() string {
+ return join(f.Params, func(p *Param) string { return p.Name + " " + p.Type }, ", ")
+// ParamPrintList returns source code of trace printing part correspondent
+// to syscall input parameters.
+func (f *Fn) ParamPrintList() string {
+ return join(f.Params, func(p *Param) string { return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s=", %s, `, p.Name, p.Name) }, `", ", `)
+// ParamCount return number of syscall parameters for function f.
+func (f *Fn) ParamCount() int {
+ n := 0
+ for _, p := range f.Params {
+ n += len(p.SyscallArgList())
+ }
+ return n
+// SyscallParamCount determines which version of Syscall/Syscall6/Syscall9/...
+// to use. It returns parameter count for correspondent SyscallX function.
+func (f *Fn) SyscallParamCount() int {
+ n := f.ParamCount()
+ switch {
+ case n <= 3:
+ return 3
+ case n <= 6:
+ return 6
+ case n <= 9:
+ return 9
+ case n <= 12:
+ return 12
+ case n <= 15:
+ return 15
+ default:
+ panic("too many arguments to system call")
+ }
+// Syscall determines which SyscallX function to use for function f.
+func (f *Fn) Syscall() string {
+ c := f.SyscallParamCount()
+ if c == 3 {
+ return syscalldot() + "Syscall"
+ }
+ return syscalldot() + "Syscall" + strconv.Itoa(c)
+// SyscallParamList returns source code for SyscallX parameters for function f.
+func (f *Fn) SyscallParamList() string {
+ a := make([]string, 0)
+ for _, p := range f.Params {
+ a = append(a, p.SyscallArgList()...)
+ }
+ for len(a) < f.SyscallParamCount() {
+ a = append(a, "0")
+ }
+ return strings.Join(a, ", ")
+// IsUTF16 is true, if f is W (utf16) function. It is false
+// for all A (ascii) functions.
+func (f *Fn) IsUTF16() bool {
+ s := f.DLLFuncName()
+ return s[len(s)-1] == 'W'
+// StrconvFunc returns name of Go string to OS string function for f.
+func (f *Fn) StrconvFunc() string {
+ if f.IsUTF16() {
+ return syscalldot() + "UTF16PtrFromString"
+ }
+ return syscalldot() + "BytePtrFromString"
+// StrconvType returns Go type name used for OS string for f.
+func (f *Fn) StrconvType() string {
+ if f.IsUTF16() {
+ return "*uint16"
+ }
+ return "*byte"
+// Source files and functions.
+type Source struct {
+ Funcs []*Fn
+ Files []string
+// ParseFiles parses files listed in fs and extracts all syscall
+// functions listed in sys comments. It returns source files
+// and functions collection *Source if successful.
+func ParseFiles(fs []string) (*Source, error) {
+ src := &Source{
+ Funcs: make([]*Fn, 0),
+ Files: make([]string, 0),
+ }
+ for _, file := range fs {
+ if err := src.ParseFile(file); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ }
+ return src, nil
+// DLLs return dll names for a source set src.
+func (src *Source) DLLs() []string {
+ uniq := make(map[string]bool)
+ r := make([]string, 0)
+ for _, f := range src.Funcs {
+ name := f.DLLName()
+ if _, found := uniq[name]; !found {
+ uniq[name] = true
+ r = append(r, name)
+ }
+ }
+ return r
+// ParseFile adds adition file path to a source set src.
+func (src *Source) ParseFile(path string) error {
+ file, err := os.Open(path)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer file.Close()
+ s := bufio.NewScanner(file)
+ for s.Scan() {
+ t := trim(s.Text())
+ if len(t) < 7 {
+ continue
+ }
+ if !strings.HasPrefix(t, "//sys") {
+ continue
+ }
+ t = t[5:]
+ if !(t[0] == ' ' || t[0] == '\t') {
+ continue
+ }
+ f, err := newFn(t[1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ src.Funcs = append(src.Funcs, f)
+ }
+ if err := s.Err(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ src.Files = append(src.Files, path)
+ // get package name
+ fset := token.NewFileSet()
+ _, err = file.Seek(0, 0)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ pkg, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, "", file, parser.PackageClauseOnly)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ packageName = pkg.Name.Name
+ return nil
+// Generate output source file from a source set src.
+func (src *Source) Generate(w io.Writer) error {
+ funcMap := template.FuncMap{
+ "syscalldot": syscalldot,
+ "packagename": packagename,
+ }
+ t := template.Must(template.New("main").Funcs(funcMap).Parse(srcTemplate))
+ err := t.Execute(w, src)
+ if err != nil {
+ return errors.New("Failed to execute template: " + err.Error())
+ }
+ return nil
+func usage() {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "usage: mksyscall_windows [flags] [path ...]\n")
+ flag.PrintDefaults()
+ os.Exit(1)
+func main() {
+ flag.Usage = usage
+ flag.Parse()
+ if len(os.Args) <= 1 {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "no files to parse provided\n")
+ usage()
+ }
+ src, err := ParseFiles(os.Args[1:])
+ if err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+ if err := src.Generate(os.Stdout); err != nil {
+ log.Fatal(err)
+ }
+// TODO: use println instead to print in the following template
+const srcTemplate = `
+{{define "main"}}// go build mksyscall_windows.go && ./mksyscall_windows{{range .Files}} {{.}}{{end}}
+package {{packagename}}
+import "unsafe"{{if syscalldot}}
+import "syscall"{{end}}
+var (
+{{template "dlls" .}}
+{{template "funcnames" .}})
+{{range .Funcs}}{{template "funcbody" .}}{{end}}
+{{/* help functions */}}
+{{define "dlls"}}{{range .DLLs}} mod{{.}} = {{syscalldot}}NewLazyDLL("{{.}}.dll")
+{{define "funcnames"}}{{range .Funcs}} proc{{.DLLFuncName}} = mod{{.DLLName}}.NewProc("{{.DLLFuncName}}")
+{{define "funcbody"}}
+func {{.Name}}({{.ParamList}}) {{if .Rets.List}}{{.Rets.List}} {{end}}{
+{{template "tmpvars" .}} {{template "syscall" .}}
+{{template "seterror" .}}{{template "printtrace" .}} return
+{{define "tmpvars"}}{{range .Params}}{{if .TmpVarCode}} {{.TmpVarCode}}
+{{define "syscall"}}{{.Rets.SetReturnValuesCode}}{{.Syscall}}(proc{{.DLLFuncName}}.Addr(), {{.ParamCount}}, {{.SyscallParamList}}){{end}}
+{{define "seterror"}}{{if .Rets.SetErrorCode}} {{.Rets.SetErrorCode}}
+{{define "printtrace"}}{{if .PrintTrace}} print("SYSCALL: {{.Name}}(", {{.ParamPrintList}}") (", {{.Rets.PrintList}}")\n")