path: root/tests/scanner/annotationparser/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/scanner/annotationparser/')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/scanner/annotationparser/ b/tests/scanner/annotationparser/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..79cc8622
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/scanner/annotationparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+# -*- Mode: Python -*-
+# GObject-Introspection - a framework for introspecting GObject libraries
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Dieter Verfaillie <>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA.
+Tests ensuring continues to function correctly.
+import difflib
+import os
+import subprocess
+import unittest
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+from giscanner.annotationparser import GtkDocCommentBlockParser, GtkDocCommentBlockWriter
+from giscanner.ast import Namespace
+from giscanner.message import MessageLogger, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL
+XML_NS = ''
+XML_SCHEMA = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'tests.xsd'))
+XML_LINT = None
+class ChunkedIO(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.buffer = []
+ def write(self, s):
+ self.buffer.append(s)
+ def getvalue(self):
+ return self.buffer
+def ns(x):
+ return x.replace('{}', '{%s}' % (XML_NS, ))
+def validate(tests_file):
+ global XML_LINT
+ try:
+ cmd = ['xmllint', '--noout', '--nonet', '--schema', XML_SCHEMA, tests_file]
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
+ stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
+ except OSError:
+ if XML_LINT is None:
+ XML_LINT = False
+ print('warning: xmllint not found, validation of test definition files will be skipped')
+ else:
+ if p.returncode != 0:
+ raise SystemExit(stdout)
+class TestCommentBlock(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def __create_test__(cls, logger, testcase):
+ def do_test(self):
+ output = ChunkedIO()
+ logger._output = output
+ # Parse GTK-Doc comment block
+ commentblock = testcase.find(ns('{}input')).text
+ parsed_docblock = GtkDocCommentBlockParser().parse_comment_block(commentblock, 'test.c', 1)
+ parsed_tree = self.parsed2tree(parsed_docblock).split('\n')
+ emitted_messages = [w[w.find(':') + 1:].strip() for w in output.getvalue()]
+ # Get expected parser output
+ expected_docblock = testcase.find(ns('{}parser/{}docblock'))
+ expected_tree = self.expected2tree(expected_docblock).split('\n')
+ expected_messages = []
+ for w in testcase.findall(ns('{}parser/{}messages/{}message')):
+ expected_messages.append(w.text.strip())
+ # Compare parsed with expected GtkDocCommentBlock
+ msg = 'Parsed GtkDocCommentBlock object tree does not match expected output:\n\n'
+ msg += '%s\n\n' % (commentblock, )
+ diff = difflib.unified_diff(expected_tree, parsed_tree,
+ 'Expected GtkDocCommentBlock', 'Parsed GtkDocCommentBlock',
+ n=max(len(expected_tree), len(parsed_tree)),
+ lineterm='')
+ for line in diff:
+ msg += '%s\n' % (line, )
+ self.assertTrue(parsed_tree == expected_tree, msg)
+ # Compare emitted with expected messages
+ msg = 'Emitted messages do not match expected messages:\n\n'
+ msg += '%s\n\n' % (commentblock, )
+ msg += self._diff_messages(expected_messages, emitted_messages)
+ self.assertTrue(len(expected_messages) == len(emitted_messages), msg)
+ for emitted_message, expected_message in zip(emitted_messages, expected_messages):
+ msg = 'Emitted message does not match expected message:\n\n'
+ msg += '%s\n\n' % (commentblock, )
+ msg += self._diff_messages([expected_message], [emitted_message])
+ self.assertTrue(expected_message == emitted_message, msg)
+ # Compare serialized with expected comment block
+ expected_serialized = testcase.find(ns('{}output'))
+ indent = True
+ if expected_serialized is None:
+ expected_serialized = ''
+ else:
+ if 'indent' in expected_serialized.attrib:
+ indent = expected_serialized.attrib['indent']
+ if indent.lower() in ('false', '0'):
+ indent = False
+ elif indent.lower() in ('true', '1'):
+ indent = True
+ else:
+ self.assert_(False, 'Unknown value for "indent" attribute: %s' % (indent))
+ expected_serialized = expected_serialized.text + '\n' or None
+ commentblockwriter = GtkDocCommentBlockWriter(indent=indent)
+ serialized = commentblockwriter.write(parsed_docblock)
+ msg = 'Serialized comment block does not match expected output:\n\n'
+ msg += self._diff_messages(expected_serialized.split('\n'), serialized.split('\n'))
+ self.assertTrue(expected_serialized == serialized, msg)
+ return do_test
+ def parsed2tree(self, docblock):
+ parsed = ''
+ if docblock is not None:
+ parsed += '<docblock>\n'
+ parsed += ' <identifier>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (, )
+ if docblock.annotations:
+ parsed += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for ann_name, ann_options in docblock.annotations.items():
+ parsed += ' <annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (ann_name, )
+ if ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <options>\n'
+ if isinstance(ann_options, list):
+ for option in ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ else:
+ for (option, value) in ann_options.items():
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ if value:
+ parsed += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (value, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ parsed += ' </options>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotations>\n'
+ parsed += ' </identifier>\n'
+ if docblock.params:
+ parsed += ' <parameters>\n'
+ for param_name in docblock.params:
+ param = docblock.params.get(param_name)
+ parsed += ' <parameter>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (param_name, )
+ if param.annotations:
+ parsed += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for ann_name, ann_options in param.annotations.items():
+ parsed += ' <annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (ann_name, )
+ if ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <options>\n'
+ if isinstance(ann_options, list):
+ for option in ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ else:
+ for (option, value) in ann_options.items():
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ if value:
+ parsed += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (value, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ parsed += ' </options>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotations>\n'
+ if param.description:
+ parsed += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (param.description, )
+ parsed += ' </parameter>\n'
+ parsed += ' </parameters>\n'
+ if docblock.description:
+ parsed += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (docblock.description, )
+ if docblock.tags:
+ parsed += ' <tags>\n'
+ for tag_name in docblock.tags:
+ tag = docblock.tags.get(tag_name)
+ parsed += ' <tag>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (tag_name, )
+ if tag.annotations:
+ parsed += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for ann_name, ann_options in tag.annotations.items():
+ parsed += ' <annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (ann_name, )
+ if ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <options>\n'
+ if isinstance(ann_options, list):
+ for option in ann_options:
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ else:
+ for (option, value) in ann_options.items():
+ parsed += ' <option>\n'
+ parsed += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option, )
+ if value:
+ parsed += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (value, )
+ parsed += ' </option>\n'
+ parsed += ' </options>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotation>\n'
+ parsed += ' </annotations>\n'
+ if tag.value:
+ parsed += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (tag.value, )
+ if tag.description:
+ parsed += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (tag.description, )
+ parsed += ' </tag>\n'
+ parsed += ' </tags>\n'
+ parsed += '</docblock>'
+ return parsed
+ def expected2tree(self, docblock):
+ expected = ''
+ if docblock is not None:
+ expected += '<docblock>\n'
+ if docblock.find(ns('{}identifier')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <identifier>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (docblock.find(ns('{}identifier/{}name')).text, )
+ annotations = docblock.find(ns('{}identifier/{}annotations'))
+ if annotations is not None:
+ expected += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for annotation in annotations.findall(ns('{}annotation')):
+ expected += ' <annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (annotation.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if annotation.find(ns('{}options')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <options>\n'
+ for option in annotation.findall(ns('{}options/{}option')):
+ expected += ' <option>\n'
+ if option.find(ns('{}name')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if option.find(ns('{}value')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}value')).text, )
+ expected += ' </option>\n'
+ expected += ' </options>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotations>\n'
+ expected += ' </identifier>\n'
+ parameters = docblock.find(ns('{}parameters'))
+ if parameters is not None:
+ expected += ' <parameters>\n'
+ for parameter in parameters.findall(ns('{}parameter')):
+ expected += ' <parameter>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (parameter.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ annotations = parameter.find(ns('{}annotations'))
+ if annotations is not None:
+ expected += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for annotation in parameter.findall(ns('{}annotations/{}annotation')):
+ expected += ' <annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (annotation.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if annotation.find(ns('{}options')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <options>\n'
+ for option in annotation.findall(ns('{}options/{}option')):
+ expected += ' <option>\n'
+ if option.find(ns('{}name')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if option.find(ns('{}value')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}value')).text, )
+ expected += ' </option>\n'
+ expected += ' </options>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotations>\n'
+ if parameter.find(ns('{}description')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (parameter.find(ns('{}description')).text, )
+ expected += ' </parameter>\n'
+ expected += ' </parameters>\n'
+ description = docblock.find(ns('{}description'))
+ if description is not None:
+ expected += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (description.text, )
+ tags = docblock.find(ns('{}tags'))
+ if tags is not None:
+ expected += ' <tags>\n'
+ for tag in tags.findall(ns('{}tag')):
+ expected += ' <tag>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (tag.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ annotations = tag.find(ns('{}annotations'))
+ if annotations is not None:
+ expected += ' <annotations>\n'
+ for annotation in tag.findall(ns('{}annotations/{}annotation')):
+ expected += ' <annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (annotation.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if annotation.find(ns('{}options')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <options>\n'
+ for option in annotation.findall(ns('{}options/{}option')):
+ expected += ' <option>\n'
+ if option.find(ns('{}name')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <name>%s</name>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}name')).text, )
+ if option.find(ns('{}value')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (option.find(ns('{}value')).text, )
+ expected += ' </option>\n'
+ expected += ' </options>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotation>\n'
+ expected += ' </annotations>\n'
+ if tag.find(ns('{}value')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <value>%s</value>\n' % (tag.find(ns('{}value')).text, )
+ if tag.find(ns('{}description')) is not None:
+ expected += ' <description>%s</description>\n' % (tag.find(ns('{}description')).text, )
+ expected += ' </tag>\n'
+ expected += ' </tags>\n'
+ expected += '</docblock>'
+ return expected
+ def _diff_messages(self, a, b):
+ retval = ''
+ started = False
+ for group in difflib.SequenceMatcher(None, a, b).get_grouped_opcodes(3):
+ if not started:
+ started = True
+ retval += '--- expected\n'
+ retval += '+++ emitted\n'
+ for tag, i1, i2, j1, j2 in group:
+ if tag == 'equal':
+ for line in a[i1:i2]:
+ for l in line.split('\n'):
+ retval += ' ' + l + '\n'
+ continue
+ if tag in ('replace', 'delete'):
+ for line in a[i1:i2]:
+ for l in line.split('\n'):
+ retval += '-' + l + '\n'
+ if tag in ('replace', 'insert'):
+ for line in b[j1:j2]:
+ for l in line.split('\n'):
+ retval += '+' + l + '\n'
+ return retval
+def create_test_case(logger, tests_dir, tests_file):
+ tests_tree = etree.parse(tests_file).getroot()
+ fix_cdata_elements = tests_tree.findall(ns('{}test/{}input'))
+ fix_cdata_elements += tests_tree.findall(ns('.//{}description'))
+ fix_cdata_elements += tests_tree.findall(ns('{}test/{}output'))
+ for element in fix_cdata_elements:
+ if element.text:
+ element.text = element.text.replace('{{?', '<!')
+ element.text = element.text.replace('}}', '>')
+ test_methods = {}
+ for counter, test in enumerate(tests_tree.findall(ns('{}test'))):
+ test_name = 'test_%03d' % (counter + 1)
+ test_method = TestCommentBlock.__create_test__(logger, test)
+ test_method.__name__ = test_name
+ test_methods[test_name] = test_method
+ # Dynamically generate a new subclass of TestCommentBlock in TitleCase
+ # with generated test methods.
+ test_class_name = os.path.relpath(tests_file[:-4], tests_dir)
+ test_class_name = test_class_name.replace('/', ' ').replace('\\', ' ').replace('.', ' ')
+ test_class_name = 'Test' + test_class_name.title().replace(' ', '')
+ return type(test_class_name, (TestCommentBlock,), test_methods)
+def create_test_cases():
+ # Initialize message logger
+ namespace = Namespace('Test', '1.0')
+ logger = MessageLogger.get(namespace=namespace)
+ logger.enable_warnings((WARNING, ERROR, FATAL))
+ test_cases = {}
+ # Load test cases from disc
+ tests_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(tests_dir):
+ for filename in filenames:
+ tests_file = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
+ if os.path.basename(tests_file).endswith('.xml'):
+ validate(tests_file)
+ test_case = create_test_case(logger, tests_dir, tests_file)
+ test_cases[test_case.__name__] = test_case
+ return test_cases
+# We currently need to push all the new test cases into the modules globals
+# in order for parameterized tests to work. Ideally all that should be needed
+# is the "load_tests" hook, but this does not work in the case were the tests
+# are run in parameterized mode, e.g: python -m unittest test_parser.Test...
+_all_tests = create_test_cases()
+# Hook function for Python test loader.
+def load_tests(loader, tests, pattern):
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+ # add standard tests from module
+ suite.addTests(tests)
+ # Initialize message logger
+ namespace = Namespace('Test', '1.0')
+ logger = MessageLogger.get(namespace=namespace)
+ logger.enable_warnings((WARNING, ERROR, FATAL))
+ # Load test cases from disc
+ tests_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+ for name, test_case in _all_tests.iteritems():
+ tests = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case)
+ suite.addTests(tests)
+ return suite
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Run test suite
+ unittest.main()