path: root/legacy/gcimagebundle/gcimagebundlelib/
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1 files changed, 389 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/legacy/gcimagebundle/gcimagebundlelib/ b/legacy/gcimagebundle/gcimagebundlelib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a860b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/legacy/gcimagebundle/gcimagebundlelib/
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+# Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Module to create raw disk images.
+Stores a copy of directories/files in a file mounted as a partitioned blocked
+import hashlib
+import logging
+import os
+import re
+import tempfile
+from gcimagebundlelib import exclude_spec
+from gcimagebundlelib import fs_copy
+from gcimagebundlelib import utils
+class RawDiskError(Exception):
+ """Error occured during raw disk creation."""
+class InvalidRawDiskError(Exception):
+ """Error when verification fails before copying."""
+class FsRawDisk(fs_copy.FsCopy):
+ """Creates a raw disk copy of OS image and bundles it into gzipped tar."""
+ def __init__(self, fs_size, fs_type):
+ """Constructor for FsRawDisk class.
+ Args:
+ fs_size: Size of the raw disk.
+ """
+ super(FsRawDisk, self).__init__()
+ self._fs_size = fs_size
+ self._fs_type = fs_type
+ def _ResizeFile(self, file_path, file_size):
+ logging.debug('Resizing %s to %s', file_path, file_size)
+ with open(file_path, 'a') as disk_file:
+ disk_file.truncate(file_size)
+ def _InitializeDiskFileFromDevice(self, file_path):
+ """Initializes disk file from the device specified in self._disk.
+ It preserves whatever may be there on the device prior to the start of the
+ first partition.
+ At the moment this method supports devices with a single partition only.
+ Args:
+ file_path: The path where the disk file should be created.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple with partition_start, uuid. partition_start is the location
+ where the first partition on the disk starts and uuid is the filesystem
+ UUID to use for the first partition.
+ Raises:
+ RawDiskError: If there are more than one partition on the disk device.
+ """
+ # Find the disk size
+ disk_size = utils.GetDiskSize(self._disk)
+ logging.debug('Size of disk is %s', disk_size)
+ # Make the disk file big enough to hold the disk
+ self._ResizeFile(file_path, disk_size)
+ # Find the location where the first partition starts
+ partition_start = utils.GetPartitionStart(self._disk, 1)
+ logging.debug('First partition starts at %s', partition_start)
+ # Copy all the bytes as is from the start of the disk to the start of
+ # first partition
+ utils.CopyBytes(self._disk, file_path, partition_start)
+ # Verify there is only 1 partition on the disk
+ with utils.LoadDiskImage(file_path) as devices:
+ # For now we only support disks with a single partition.
+ if len(devices) == 0:
+ raise RawDiskError(
+ 'Device %s should be a disk not a partition.' % self._disk)
+ elif len(devices) != 1:
+ raise RawDiskError(
+ 'Device %s has more than 1 partition. Only devices '
+ 'with a single partition are supported.' % self._disk)
+ # Remove the first partition from the file we are creating. We will
+ # recreate a partition that will fit inside _fs_size later.
+ utils.RemovePartition(file_path, 1)
+ # Resize the disk.raw file down to self._fs_size
+ # We do this after removing the first partition to ensure that an
+ # existing partition doesn't fall outside the boundary of the disk device.
+ self._ResizeFile(file_path, self._fs_size)
+ # Get UUID of the first partition on the disk
+ # TODO(user): This is very hacky and relies on the disk path being
+ # similar to /dev/sda etc which is bad. Need to fix it.
+ uuid = utils.GetUUID(self._disk + '1')
+ return partition_start, uuid
+ def Bundleup(self):
+ """Creates a raw disk copy of OS image and bundles it into gzipped tar.
+ Returns:
+ A size of a generated raw disk and the SHA1 digest of the the tar archive.
+ Raises:
+ RawDiskError: If number of partitions in a created image doesn't match
+ expected count.
+ """
+ # Create sparse file with specified size
+ disk_file_path = os.path.join(self._scratch_dir, 'disk.raw')
+ with open(disk_file_path, 'wb') as _:
+ pass
+ self._excludes.append(exclude_spec.ExcludeSpec(disk_file_path))
+'Initializing disk file')
+ partition_start = None
+ uuid = None
+ if self._disk:
+ # If a disk device has been provided then preserve whatever is there on
+ # the disk before the first partition in case there is an MBR present.
+ partition_start, uuid = self._InitializeDiskFileFromDevice(disk_file_path)
+ else:
+ # User didn't specify a disk device. Initialize a device with a simple
+ # partition table.
+ self._ResizeFile(disk_file_path, self._fs_size)
+ # User didn't specify a disk to copy. Create a new partition table
+ utils.MakePartitionTable(disk_file_path)
+ # Pass 1MB as start to avoid 'Warning: The resulting partition is not
+ # properly aligned for best performance.' from parted.
+ partition_start = 1024 * 1024
+ # Create a new partition starting at partition_start of size
+ # self._fs_size - partition_start
+ utils.MakePartition(disk_file_path, 'primary', 'ext2', partition_start,
+ self._fs_size - partition_start)
+ with utils.LoadDiskImage(disk_file_path) as devices:
+ # For now we only support disks with a single partition.
+ if len(devices) != 1:
+ raise RawDiskError(devices)
+ # List contents of /dev/mapper to help with debugging. Contents will
+ # be listed in debug log only
+ utils.RunCommand(['ls', '/dev/mapper'])
+'Making filesystem')
+ uuid = utils.MakeFileSystem(devices[0], self._fs_type, uuid)
+ with utils.LoadDiskImage(disk_file_path) as devices:
+ if uuid is None:
+ raise Exception('Could not get uuid from MakeFileSystem')
+ mount_point = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self._scratch_dir)
+ with utils.MountFileSystem(devices[0], mount_point, self._fs_type):
+'Copying contents')
+ self._CopySourceFiles(mount_point)
+ self._CopyPlatformSpecialFiles(mount_point)
+ self._ProcessOverwriteList(mount_point)
+ self._CleanupNetwork(mount_point)
+ self._UpdateFstab(mount_point, uuid)
+ tar_entries = []
+ manifest_file_path = os.path.join(self._scratch_dir, 'manifest.json')
+ manifest_created = self._manifest.CreateIfNeeded(manifest_file_path)
+ if manifest_created:
+ tar_entries.append(manifest_file_path)
+ tar_entries.append(disk_file_path)
+'Creating tar.gz archive')
+ utils.TarAndGzipFile(tar_entries,
+ self._output_tarfile)
+ for tar_entry in tar_entries:
+ os.remove(tar_entry)
+ # TODO(user): It would be better to compute tar.gz file hash during
+ # archiving.
+ h = hashlib.sha1()
+ with open(self._output_tarfile, 'rb') as tar_file:
+ for chunk in iter(lambda:, ''):
+ h.update(chunk)
+ return (self._fs_size, h.hexdigest())
+ def _CopySourceFiles(self, mount_point):
+ """Copies all source files/directories to a mounted raw disk.
+ There are several cases which must be handled separately:
+ 1. src=dir1 and dest is empty. In this case we simply copy the content of
+ dir1 to mount_point.
+ 2. src=dir1 and dest=dir2. In this case dir1 is copied to mount_point
+ under a new name dir2, so its content would be copied under
+ mount_point/dir2.
+ 3. src=file1/dir1 and dest=file2/dir2 and is_recursive=False. file1/dir1
+ is copied to mount_point/file2 or mount_point/dir2.
+ Args:
+ mount_point: A path to a mounted raw disk.
+ """
+ for (src, dest, is_recursive) in self._srcs:
+ # Generate a list of files/directories excluded from copying to raw disk.
+ # rsync expects them to be relative to src directory so we need to
+ # regenerate this list for every src separately.
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=self._scratch_dir) as rsync_file:
+ for spec in self._excludes:
+ rsync_file.write(spec.GetRsyncSpec(src))
+ # make sure that rsync utility sees all the content of rsync_file which
+ # otherwise can be buffered.
+ rsync_file.flush()
+ if is_recursive:
+ # if a directory ends with / rsync copies the content of a
+ # directory, otherwise it also copies the directory itself.
+ src = src.rstrip('/')
+ if not dest:
+ src += '/'
+ utils.Rsync(src, mount_point,,
+ self._ignore_hard_links, recursive=True, xattrs=True)
+ if dest:
+ os.rename(os.path.join(mount_point, os.path.basename(src)),
+ os.path.join(mount_point, dest))
+ else:
+ utils.Rsync(src, os.path.join(mount_point, dest),,
+ self._ignore_hard_links, recursive=False, xattrs=True)
+ def _CopyPlatformSpecialFiles(self, mount_point):
+ """Copies platform special files to a mounted raw disk.
+ Args:
+ mount_point: A path to a mounted raw disk.
+ """
+ if self._platform:
+ special_files = self._platform.GetPlatformSpecialFiles(self._scratch_dir)
+ for (src, dest) in special_files:
+ # Ensure we don't use extended attributes here, so that copying /selinux
+ # on Linux doesn't try and fail to preserve the SELinux context. That
+ # doesn't work and causes rsync to return a nonzero status code.
+ utils.Rsync(src, os.path.join(mount_point, dest), None,
+ self._ignore_hard_links, recursive=False, xattrs=False)
+ def _ProcessOverwriteList(self, mount_point):
+ """Overwrites a set of files/directories requested by platform.
+ Args:
+ mount_point: A path to a mounted raw disk.
+ """
+ for file_name in self._overwrite_list:
+ file_path = os.path.join(mount_point, file_name)
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ if os.path.isdir(file_path):
+ # TODO(user): platform.Overwrite is expected to overwrite the
+ # directory in place from what I can tell. In case of a file it will
+ # create a new file which must be copied to mounted raw disk. So there
+ # some inconsistency which would need to be addresses if and when we
+ # encounter a platform which would want to overwrite a directory.
+ self._platform.Overwrite(file_path, file_name, self._scratch_dir)
+'rawdisk: modifying directory %s', file_path)
+ else:
+ new_file = self._platform.Overwrite(file_path, file_name,
+ self._scratch_dir)
+'rawdisk: modifying %s from %s', file_path, new_file)
+ utils.Rsync(new_file, file_path, None, self._ignore_hard_links,
+ recursive=False, xattrs=True)
+ def _CleanupNetwork(self, mount_point):
+ """Remove any record of our current MAC address."""
+ net_rules_path = os.path.join(
+ mount_point,
+ 'lib/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules')
+ if os.path.exists(net_rules_path):
+ os.remove(net_rules_path)
+ def _UpdateFstab(self, mount_point, uuid):
+ """Update /etc/fstab with the new root fs UUID."""
+ fstab_path = os.path.join(mount_point, 'etc/fstab')
+ if not os.path.exists(fstab_path):
+ logging.warning('etc/fstab does not exist. Not updating fstab uuid')
+ return
+ f = open(fstab_path, 'r')
+ lines = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ def UpdateUUID(line):
+ """Replace the UUID on the entry for /."""
+ g = re.match(r'UUID=\S+\s+/\s+(.*)', line)
+ if not g:
+ return line
+ return 'UUID=%s / %s\n' % (uuid,
+ logging.debug('Original /etc/fstab contents:\n%s', lines)
+ updated_lines = map(UpdateUUID, lines)
+ if lines == updated_lines:
+ logging.debug('No changes required to /etc/fstab')
+ return
+ logging.debug('Updated /etc/fstab contents:\n%s', updated_lines)
+ f = open(fstab_path, 'w')
+ f.write(''.join(updated_lines))
+ f.close()
+class RootFsRaw(FsRawDisk):
+ """Block disk copy of the root file system.
+ Takes care of additional checks for a root file system.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self, fs_size, fs_type, skip_disk_space_check, statvfs = os.statvfs):
+ # statvfs parameter is for unit test to mock out os.statvfs call.
+ super(RootFsRaw, self).__init__(fs_size, fs_type)
+ self._skip_disk_space_check = skip_disk_space_check
+ self._statvfs = statvfs
+ def _Verify(self):
+ super(RootFsRaw, self)._Verify()
+ # exactly one file system to bundle up
+ if len(self._srcs) != 1:
+ raise InvalidRawDiskError('Root filesystems must have exactly one src.')
+ # check that destination field is empty.
+ if self._srcs[0][1]:
+ raise InvalidRawDiskError('Root filesystems must be copied as /')
+ if (not self._skip_disk_space_check and
+ self._srcs[0][0] == '/'):
+ self._VerifyDiskSpace()
+ def _VerifyDiskSpace(self):
+ """Verify that there is enough free disk space to generate the image file"""
+ # We use a very quick and simplistic check,
+ # DiskSpaceNeeded = disk.raw + image.tar.gz + LogFile
+ # disk.raw = PartitionTable + AllFilesCopied
+ # AllFilesCopied = RootDiskSize - RootDiskFreeSize - ExcludedFiles
+ # We ignore LogFile, PartitionTable, and ExcludedFiles.
+ # Some empirical experience showed that the compression ratio of the
+ # tar.gz file is about 1/3. To be conservative, we assume image.tar.gz is
+ # about 40% of disk.raw file.
+ # As a result, DiskSpaceNeeded=1.4*(RootDiskSize - RootDiskFreeSize)
+ # TODO(user): Make this check more accurate because ignoring ExcludedFiles
+ # can result in significant overestimation of disk
+ # space needed if the user has large disk space used in /tmp, for example.
+ root_fs = self._statvfs(self._srcs[0][0])
+ disk_space_needed = long(1.4 * root_fs.f_bsize * (root_fs.f_blocks -
+ root_fs.f_bfree))
+"Root disk on %s: f_bsize=%d f_blocks=%d f_bfree=%d. "
+ "Estimated space needed is %d (may be overestimated)."),
+ self._srcs[0][0],
+ root_fs.f_bsize,
+ root_fs.f_blocks,
+ root_fs.f_bfree,
+ disk_space_needed)
+ # self._scratch_dir is where we will put the disk.raw and *.tar.gz file.
+ scratch_fs = self._statvfs(self._scratch_dir)
+ free_space = scratch_fs.f_bsize * scratch_fs.f_bfree
+"Free disk space for %s is %d bytes.",
+ self._scratch_dir,
+ free_space)
+ if disk_space_needed > free_space:
+ errorMessage = ("The operation may require up to %d bytes of disk space. "
+ "However, the free disk space for %s is %d bytes. Please consider "
+ "freeing more disk space. Note that the disk space required may "
+ "be overestimated because it does not exclude temporary files that "
+ "will not be copied. You may use --skip_disk_space_check to disable "
+ "this check.") % (disk_space_needed, self._scratch_dir, free_space)
+ raise InvalidRawDiskError(errorMessage)
+ if disk_space_needed > self._fs_size:
+ errorMessage = ("The root disk files to be copied may require up to %d "
+ "bytes. However, the limit on the image disk file is %d bytes. "
+ "Please consider deleting unused files from root disk, "
+ "or increasing the image disk file limit with --fssize option. "
+ "Note that the disk space required may "
+ "be overestimated because it does not exclude temporary files that "
+ "will not be copied. You may use --skip_disk_space_check to disable "
+ "this check.") % (disk_space_needed, self._fs_size)
+ raise InvalidRawDiskError(errorMessage)