path: root/gpsprof
diff options
authorBernd Zeimetz <>2010-04-19 21:51:46 +0200
committerBernd Zeimetz <>2010-04-20 02:45:04 +0200
commit342eb9e4bc9aa7124d65da93b814a54258934b07 (patch)
treeec4d01fbe50bd935be44e8a9bff2a45bc2a435dd /gpsprof
parent86076034c4d485723a95cf2a311fbfb248357a9a (diff)
Use to handle the Python shebangs.
Diffstat (limited to 'gpsprof')
1 files changed, 487 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/gpsprof b/gpsprof
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d35732fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gpsprof
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is Copyright (c) 2010 by the GPSD project
+# BSD terms apply: see the file COPYING in the distribution root for details.
+# Collect and plot latency-profiling data from a running gpsd.
+# Requires gnuplot.
+import sys, os, time, getopt, tempfile, time, socket, math, copy
+import gps
+class Baton:
+ "Ship progress indication to stderr."
+ def __init__(self, prompt, endmsg=None):
+ = sys.stderr
+ + "...")
+ if os.isatty(
+" \010")
+ self.count = 0
+ self.endmsg = endmsg
+ self.time = time.time()
+ return
+ def twirl(self, ch=None):
+ if is None:
+ return
+ if ch:
+ elif os.isatty(
+"-/|\\"[self.count % 4])
+ self.count = self.count + 1
+ return
+ def end(self, msg=None):
+ if msg == None:
+ msg = self.endmsg
+ if
+"...(%2.2f sec) %s.\n" % (time.time() - self.time, msg))
+ return
+class spaceplot:
+ "Total times without instrumentation."
+ name = "space"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.fixes = []
+ def d(self, a, b):
+ return math.sqrt((a[0] - b[0])**2 + (a[1] - b[1])**2)
+ def gather(self, session):
+ # Include altitude, not used here, for 3D plot experiments.
+ # Watch out for the NaN value from
+ self.fixes.append((session.fix.latitude, session.fix.longitude, session.fix.altitude))
+ return True
+ def header(self, session):
+ res = "# Position uncertainty, %s, %s, %ds cycle\n" % \
+ (title, session.gps_id, session.cycle)
+ return res
+ def data(self, session):
+ res = ""
+ for i in range(len(self.recentered)):
+ (lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2]
+ (raw1, raw2, alt) = self.fixes[i]
+ res += "%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n" % (lat, lon, raw1, raw2, alt)
+ return res
+ def plot(self, title, session):
+ if len(self.fixes) == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("No fixes collected, can't estimate accuracy.")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # centroid is just arithmetic avg of lat,lon
+ self.centroid = (sum(map(lambda x:x[0], self.fixes))/len(self.fixes), sum(map(lambda x:x[1], self.fixes))/len(self.fixes))
+ # Sort fixes by distance from centroid
+ self.fixes.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(self.d(self.centroid, x), self.d(self.centroid, y)))
+ # Convert fixes to offsets from centroid in meters
+ self.recentered = map(lambda fix: gps.MeterOffset(self.centroid, fix[:2]), self.fixes)
+ # Compute CEP(50%)
+ cep_meters = gps.EarthDistance(self.centroid[:2], self.fixes[len(self.fixes)/2][:2])
+ alt_sum = 0
+ alt_num = 0
+ lon_max = -9999
+ for i in range(len(self.recentered)):
+ (lat, lon) = self.recentered[i][:2]
+ (raw1, raw2, alt) = self.fixes[i]
+ if not gps.isnan(alt):
+ alt_sum += alt
+ alt_num += 1
+ if lon > lon_max :
+ lon_max = lon
+ if alt_num == 0:
+ alt_avg = gps.NaN
+ else:
+ alt_avg = alt_sum / alt_num
+ if self.centroid[0] < 0:
+ latstring = "%fS" % -self.centroid[0]
+ elif self.centroid[0] == 0:
+ latstring = "0"
+ else:
+ latstring = "%fN" % self.centroid[0]
+ if self.centroid[1] < 0:
+ lonstring = "%fW" % -self.centroid[1]
+ elif self.centroid[1] == 0:
+ lonstring = "0"
+ else:
+ lonstring = "%fE" % self.centroid[1]
+ fmt = "set autoscale\n"
+ fmt += 'set key below\n'
+ fmt += 'set key title "%s"\n' % time.asctime()
+ fmt += 'set size ratio -1\n'
+ fmt += 'set style line 2 pt 1\n'
+ fmt += 'set style line 3 pt 2\n'
+ fmt += 'set xlabel "Meters east from %s"\n' % lonstring
+ fmt += 'set ylabel "Meters north from %s"\n' % latstring
+ fmt += 'set border 15\n'
+ if not gps.isnan(alt_avg):
+ fmt += 'set y2label "Meters Altitude from %f"\n' % alt_avg
+ fmt += 'set ytics nomirror\n'
+ fmt += 'set y2tics\n'
+ fmt += 'cep=%f\n' % self.d((0,0), self.recentered[len(self.fixes)/2])
+ fmt += 'set parametric\n'
+ fmt += 'set trange [0:2*pi]\n'
+ fmt += 'cx(t, r) = sin(t)*r\n'
+ fmt += 'cy(t, r) = cos(t)*r\n'
+ fmt += 'chlen = cep/20\n'
+ fmt += "set arrow from -chlen,0 to chlen,0 nohead\n"
+ fmt += "set arrow from 0,-chlen to 0,chlen nohead\n"
+ fmt += 'plot cx(t, cep),cy(t, cep) title "CEP (50%%) = %f meters", ' % (cep_meters)
+ fmt += ' "-" using 1:2 with points ls 3 title "%d GPS fixes" ' % (len(self.fixes))
+ if not gps.isnan(alt_avg):
+ fmt += ', "-" using ( %f ):($5 < 100000 ? $5 - %f : 1/0) axes x1y2 with points ls 2 title " %d Altitude fixes, Average = %f" \n' % (lon_max +1, alt_avg, alt_num, alt_avg)
+ else:
+ fmt += "\n"
+ fmt += self.header(session)
+ fmt +=
+ if not gps.isnan(alt_avg):
+ fmt += "e\n" +
+ return fmt
+class uninstrumented:
+ "Total times without instrumentation."
+ name = "uninstrumented"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stats = []
+ def gather(self, session):
+ if session.fix.time:
+ seconds = time.time() - session.fix.time
+ self.stats.append(seconds)
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def header(self, session):
+ return "# Uninstrumented total latency, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds\n" % \
+ (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ def data(self, session):
+ res = ""
+ for seconds in self.stats:
+ res += "%2.6lf\n" % seconds
+ return res
+ def plot(self, title, session):
+ fmt = '''
+set autoscale
+set key below
+set key title "Uninstrumented total latency, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds"
+plot "-" using 0:1 title "Total time" with impulses
+ res = fmt % (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ res += self.header(session)
+ return res +
+class rawplot:
+ "All measurement, no deductions."
+ name = "raw"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stats = []
+ def gather(self, session):
+ self.stats.append(copy.copy(session.timings))
+ return True
+ def header(self, session):
+ res = "# Raw latency data, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds\n" % \
+ (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ res += "# tag len xmit "
+ for hn in ("T1", "D1", "E2", "T2", "D2"):
+ res += "%-13s" % hn
+ res += "\n#------- ----- --------------------"
+ for i in range(0, 5):
+ res += " " + ("-" * 11)
+ return res + "\n"
+ def data(self, session):
+ res = ""
+ for timings in self.stats:
+ res += "% 8s %4d %2.9f %2.9f %2.9f %2.9f %2.9f %2.9f\n" \
+ % (timings.tag,
+ timings.len,
+ timings.xmit,
+ timings.recv - timings.xmit,
+ timings.decode - timings.recv,
+ timings.emit - timings.decode,
+ timings.c_recv - timings.emit,
+ timings.c_decode - timings.c_recv)
+ return res
+ def plot(self, file, session):
+ fmt = '''
+set autoscale
+set key below
+set key title "Raw latency data, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds"
+plot \
+ "-" using 0:8 title "D2 = Client decode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:7 title "T2 = TCP/IP latency" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:6 title "E2 = Daemon encode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:5 title "D1 = Daemon decode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:4 title "T1 = RS232 time" with impulses
+ res = fmt % (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ res += self.header(session)
+ for dummy in range(0, 5):
+ res += + "e\n"
+ return res
+class splitplot:
+ "Discard base time, use color to indicate different tags."
+ name = "split"
+ sentences = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stats = []
+ def gather(self, session):
+ self.stats.append(copy.copy(session.timings))
+ if session.timings.tag not in self.sentences:
+ self.sentences.append(session.timings.tag)
+ return True
+ def header(self, session):
+ res = "# Split latency data, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds\n#" % \
+ (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ for s in splitplot.sentences:
+ res += "%8s\t" % s
+ for hn in ("T1", "D1", "E2", "T2", "D2", "length"):
+ res += "%8s\t" % hn
+ res += "tag\n# "
+ for s in tuple(splitplot.sentences) + ("T1", "D1", "E2", "T2", "D2", "length"):
+ res += "---------\t"
+ return res + "--------\n"
+ def data(self, session):
+ res = ""
+ for timings in self.stats:
+ for s in splitplot.sentences:
+ if s == timings.tag:
+ res += "%2.6f\t" % timings.xmit
+ else:
+ res += "- \t"
+ res += "%2.6f\t%2.6f\t%2.6f\t%2.6f\t%2.6f\t%8d\t# %s\n" \
+ % (timings.recv - timings.xmit,
+ timings.decode - timings.recv,
+ timings.emit - timings.decode,
+ timings.c_recv - timings.emit,
+ timings.c_decode - timings.c_recv,
+ timings.len,
+ timings.tag)
+ return res
+ def plot(self, title, session):
+ fixed = '''
+set autoscale
+set key below
+set key title "Filtered latency data, %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds"
+plot \
+ "-" using 0:%d title "D2 = Client decode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:%d title "T2 = TCP/IP latency" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:%d title "E2 = Daemon encode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:%d title "D1 = Daemon decode time" with impulses, \
+ "-" using 0:%d title "T1 = RS3232 time" with impulses, \
+ sc = len(splitplot.sentences)
+ fmt = fixed % (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle,
+ sc+5,
+ sc+4,
+ sc+3,
+ sc+2,
+ sc+1)
+ for i in range(sc):
+ fmt += ' "-" using 0:%d title "%s" with impulses,' % \
+ (i+1, self.sentences[i])
+ res = fmt[:-1] + "\n"
+ res += self.header(session)
+ for dummy in range(sc+5):
+ res += + "e\n"
+ return res
+class cycle:
+ "Send-cycle analysis."
+ name = "cycle"
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.stats = []
+ def gather(self, session):
+ self.stats.append(copy.copy(session.timings))
+ return True
+ def plot(self, title, session):
+ msg = ""
+ def roundoff(n):
+ # Round a time to hundredths of a second
+ return round(n*100) / 100.0
+ intervals = {}
+ last_seen = {}
+ for timing in self.stats:
+ # Throw out everything but the leader in each GSV group
+ if timing.tag[-3:] == "GSV" and last_command[-3:] == "GSV":
+ continue
+ last_command = timing.tag
+ # Record timings
+ received = timing.d_received()
+ if not timing.tag in intervals:
+ intervals[timing.tag] = []
+ if timing.tag in last_seen:
+ intervals[timing.tag].append(roundoff(received - last_seen[timing.tag]))
+ last_seen[timing.tag] = received
+ # Step three: get command frequencies and the basic send cycle time
+ frequencies = {}
+ for (key, interval_list) in intervals.items():
+ frequencies[key] = {}
+ for interval in interval_list:
+ frequencies[key][interval] = frequencies[key].get(interval, 0) + 1
+ # filter out noise
+ for key in frequencies:
+ distribution = frequencies[key]
+ for interval in distribution.keys():
+ if distribution[interval] < 2:
+ del distribution[interval]
+ cycles = {}
+ for key in frequencies:
+ distribution = frequencies[key]
+ if len(frequencies[key].values()) == 1:
+ # The value is uniqe after filtering
+ cycles[key] = distribution.keys()[0]
+ else:
+ # Compute the mode
+ maxfreq = 0
+ for (interval, frequency) in distribution.items():
+ if distribution[interval] > maxfreq:
+ cycles[key] = interval
+ maxfreq = distribution[interval]
+ msg += "Cycle report %s, %s, %dN%d, cycle %ds" % \
+ (title,
+ session.gps_id, session.baudrate,
+ session.stopbits, session.cycle)
+ msg += "The sentence set emitted by this GPS is: %s\n" % " ".join(intervals.keys())
+ for key in cycles:
+ if len(frequencies[key].values()) == 1:
+ if cycles[key] == 1:
+ msg += "%s: is emitted once a second.\n" % key
+ else:
+ msg += "%s: is emitted once every %d seconds.\n" % (key, cycles[key])
+ else:
+ if cycles[key] == 1:
+ msg += "%s: is probably emitted once a second.\n" % key
+ else:
+ msg += "%s: is probably emitted once every %d seconds.\n" % (key, cycles[key])
+ sendcycle = min(*cycles.values())
+ if sendcycle == 1:
+ msg += "Send cycle is once per second.\n"
+ else:
+ msg += "Send cycle is once per %d seconds.\n" % sendcycle
+ return msg
+formatters = (spaceplot, uninstrumented, rawplot, splitplot, cycle)
+def plotframe(await, fname, speed, threshold, title):
+ "Return a string containing a GNUplot script "
+ if fname:
+ for formatter in formatters:
+ if == fname:
+ plotter = formatter()
+ break
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: no such formatter.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ try:
+ session = gps.gps(verbose=verbose)
+ except socket.error:
+ sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd unreachable.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Initialize
+ session.poll()
+ if session.version == None:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gpsprof: requires gpsd to speak new protocol."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ session.send("?DEVICES;")
+ while session.poll() != -1:
+ if["class"] == "DEVICES":
+ break
+ if len( != 1:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gpsprof: exactly one device must be attached."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ device =[0]
+ path = device["path"]
+ session.baudrate = device["bps"]
+ session.parity = device["bps"]
+ session.stopbits = device["stopbits"]
+ session.cycle = device["cycle"]
+ session.gps_id = device["driver"]
+ # Set parameters
+ if speed:
+ session.send('?DEVICE={"path":"%s","bps:":%d}' % (path, speed))
+ session.poll()
+ if session.baudrate != speed:
+ sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: baud rate change failed.\n")
+ options = ""
+ if formatter not in (spaceplot, uninstrumented):
+ options = ',"timing":true'
+ try:
+ #session.set_raw_hook(lambda x: sys.stderr.write(`x`+"\n"))
+ session.send('?WATCH={"enable":true%s}' % options)
+ baton = Baton("gpsprof: looking for fix", "done")
+ countdown = await
+ basetime = time.time()
+ while countdown > 0:
+ if session.poll() == -1:
+ sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: gpsd has vanished.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ baton.twirl()
+ if["class"] == "WATCH":
+ if "timing" in options and not"timing"):
+ sys.stderr.write("gpsprof: timing is not enabled.\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # We can get some funky artifacts at start of session
+ # apparently due to RS232 buffering effects. Ignore
+ # them.
+ if threshold and time.time()-basetime < session.cycle * threshold:
+ continue
+ if session.fix.mode <= gps.MODE_NO_FIX:
+ continue
+ if countdown == await:
+ sys.stderr.write("first fix in %.2fsec, gathering %d samples..." % (time.time()-basetime,await))
+ if plotter.gather(session):
+ countdown -= 1
+ baton.end()
+ finally:
+ session.send('?WATCH={"enable":false,"timing":false}')
+ command = plotter.plot(title, session)
+ del session
+ return command
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ (options, arguments) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "f:hm:n:s:t:v")
+ formatter = "space"
+ raw = False
+ speed = 0
+ title = time.ctime()
+ threshold = 0
+ await = 100
+ verbose = False
+ for (switch, val) in options:
+ if (switch == '-f'):
+ formatter = val
+ elif (switch == '-m'):
+ threshold = int(val)
+ elif (switch == '-n'):
+ await = int(val)
+ elif (switch == '-s'):
+ speed = int(val)
+ elif (switch == '-t'):
+ title = val
+ elif (switch == '-v'):
+ verbose = True
+ elif (switch == '-h'):
+ sys.stderr.write(\
+ "usage: gpsprof [-h] [-m threshold] [-n samplecount] \n"
+ + "\t[-f {" + "|".join(map(lambda x:, formatters)) + "}] [-s speed] [-t title]\n")
+ sys.exit(0)
+ sys.stdout.write(plotframe(await,formatter,speed,threshold,title))
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+# The following sets edit modes for GNU EMACS
+# Local Variables:
+# mode:python
+# End: