path: root/
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authorEric S. Raymond <>2009-01-07 05:55:16 +0000
committerEric S. Raymond <>2009-01-07 05:55:16 +0000
commit176fc8a8000f7c595151ec7123220d2069e1bc89 (patch)
tree6cccc712f7302b674018925553d5905a00f4bc6c /
parent263168dabfede17a78a1a18cd49f626899e06141 (diff)
Proof-of-concept GPS simulator code.
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e876f2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+A GPS simulator.
+This is proof-of-concept code, not production ready; some functions are stubs.
+import sys, math, random
+import gps
+class ksv:
+ "Kinematic state vector."
+ def __init__(self, time=0, lat=0, lon=0, alt=0, course=0,
+ speed=0, climb=0, h_acc=0, v_acc=0):
+ self.time = time # Seconds from epoch
+ = lat # Decimal degrees
+ self.lon = lon # Decimal degrees
+ self.alt = alt # Meters
+ self.course = course # Degrees from true North
+ self.speed = speed # Meters per second
+ self.climb = climb # Meters per second
+ self.h_acc = h_acc # Meters per second per second
+ self.v_acc = v_acc # Meters per second per second
+ def next(self, quantum=1):
+ "State after quantum."
+ self.time += quantum
+ avspeed = (2*self.speed + self.h_acc*quantum)/2
+ avclimb = (2*self.climb + self.v_acc*quantum)/2
+ self.alt += avclimb * quantum
+ self.speed += self.h_acc * quantum
+ self.climb += self.v_acc * quantum
+ distance = avspeed * quantum
+ # Formula from <>
+ # Initial point cannot be a pole, but GPS doesn't work at high.
+ # latitudes anyway so it would be OK to fail there.
+ # Seems to assume a spherical Earth, which means it's going
+ # to have a slight inaccuracy rising towards the poles.
+ # The if/then avoids 0/0 indeterminacies on E-W courses.
+ tc = gps.Deg2Rad(self.course)
+ lat += distance * math.cos(tc)
+ dphi = math.log(tan(lat/2+math.pi/4)/math.tan(
+ if abs( < sqrt(1e-15):
+ q = cos(
+ else:
+ q = (
+ dlon = -distance * sin(tc) / q
+ self.lon = gp.Rad2Deg(math.mod(self.lon + dlon + pi, 2 * math.pi) - math.pi)
+ = gp.Rad2Deg(lat)
+# Satellite orbital elements are available at:
+# <>
+# Orbital theory at:
+# <>
+class satellite:
+ "Orbital elements of one satellite. PRESENTLY A STUB"
+ def __init__(self, prn):
+ self.prn = prn
+ def position(self, time):
+ "Return right ascension and declination of satellite,"
+ pass
+def simulator:
+ "Simulate a moving sensor, with skyview."
+ active_PRNs = range(1, 24+1) + (134,)
+ def __init__(self, gpstype):
+ self.ksv = ksv()
+ self.ephemeris = {}
+ # This sets up satellites at random. Not really what we want.
+ for PRN in simulator.active_PRNs:
+ for (prn, satellite) in self.ephemeris.items():
+ self.skyview[prn] = (random.randint(-60, +61),
+ random.randint(0, 359))
+ self.have_ephemeris = False
+ self.channels = {}
+ self.outfmt = outfmt
+ sim.status = gps.STATUS_NO_FIX
+ sim.mode = gps.MODE_NO_FIX
+ sim.validity = "V"
+ sim.satellites_used = 0
+ def parse_tdl(self, line):
+ "Interpret one TDL directive."
+ if "#" in line:
+ line = line[:line.find("#")]
+ if line = '':
+ return
+ if line.startswith("set time"):
+ self.ksv.time = gps.isotime(line[9:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set location"):
+ (, self.lon, self.alt) = map(float, line[:12].strip().aplit())
+ if line.startswith("set course"):
+ self.ksv.time = float(line[10:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set speed"):
+ self.ksv.speed = float(line[9:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set climb"):
+ self.ksv.climb = float(line[9:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set h_acc"):
+ self.ksv.h_acc = float(line[9:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set v_acc"):
+ self.ksv.h_acc = float(line[9:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set snr"):
+ (prn, snr) = line[:7].strip().split()
+ self.channels[int(prn)] = float(snr)
+ if line.startswith("run"):
+ if line.startswith("set status"):
+ try:
+ code = line.strip().split()[2]
+ self.status = {"no_fix":0, "fix":1, "dgps_fix":2}[code.lower()]
+ except KeyError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gpssim: invalid status code '%s'\n" % code
+ if line.startswith("set mode"):
+ try:
+ code = line.strip().split()[2]
+ self.status = {"no_fix":1, "2d":2, "3d":3}[code.lower()]
+ except KeyError:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "gpssim: invalid mode code '%s'\n" % code
+ if line.startswith("set satellites"):
+ self.satellites_used = float(line[14:].strip())
+ if line.startswith("set validity"):
+ self.validity = line[13:].strip()
+ # FIXME: add syntax for ephemeris elements
+ def run(self, seconds):
+ "Run the simulation for a specified number of seconds."
+ for i in range(seconds):
+ if self.have_ephemeris:
+ self.skyview = {}
+ for (prn, satellite) in self.ephemeris.items():
+ self.skyview[prn] = satellite.position(time)
+, self.skyview)
+# Reporting classes need to have a report() mrthod returning a string
+# that is a sentence (or possibly several sentences) reporting the
+# state of the simulation
+MPS_TO_KNOTS = 1.9438445 # Meters per second to knots
+class NMEA:
+ "NMEA output generator."
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sentences = ("RMC", "GGA",)
+ self.counter = 0
+ def add_checksum(self, str):
+ "Concatenate NMEA checksum and trailer to a string"
+ sum = 0
+ for (i, c) in enumerate(str):
+ if i == 0 and c == "$":
+ continue
+ sum ^= ord(c)
+ str += "*%02X\r\n" % sum
+ return str
+ def degtodm(self, angle):
+ "Decimal degrees to GPS-style, degrees first followed by minutes."
+ (fraction, integer) = math.modf(angle)
+ return math.floor(angle) * 100 + fraction * 60;
+ def GGA(self, sim):
+ "Emit GGA sentence describing the simulation state."
+ tm = time.gmtime(sim.ksv.time)
+ gga = \
+ "$GPGGA,%02d%02d%02d,%09.4f,%c,%010.4f,%c,%d,%02d," % (
+ tm.tm_hour,
+ tm.tm_min,
+ tm.tm_sec,
+ self.degtodm(abs(, "SN"[ > 0],
+ self.degtodm(abs(sim.ksv.lon)), "WE"[sim.ksv.lon > 0],
+ sim.status,
+ sim.satellites_used);
+ # HDOP calculation goes here
+ gga += ","
+ if sim.mode == gps.MODE_3D:
+ gga += "%.1f,M" %
+ gga += ","
+ # Geodetic separation goes her
+ # gga += "%.3f,M," % separation
+ gga += ","
+ # Magnetic variation goes here
+ # gga += "%3.2f,M," % mag_var
+ gga += ",,"
+ # Time in seconds since last DGPS update goes here
+ gga += ","
+ # DGPS station ID goes here
+ return self.add_checksum(gga);
+ def RMC(self, sim):
+ "Emit RMC sentence describing the simulation state."
+ tm = time.gmtime(sim.ksv.time)
+ rmc = \
+ "GPRMC,%02d%02d%02d,%s,%09.4f,%c,%010.4f,%c,%.1f,%02d%02d%02d," % (
+ tm.tm_hour,
+ tm.tm_min,
+ tm.tm_sec,
+ sim.validity,
+ self.degtodm(abs(, "SN"[ > 0],
+ self.degtodm(abs(sim.ksv.lon)), "WE"[sim.ksv.lon > 0],
+ sim.course * MPS_TO_KNOTS,
+ tm.tm_mday,
+ tm.tm_mon,
+ tm.tm_year % 100)
+ # Magnetic variation goes here
+ # rmc += "%3.2f,M," % mag_var
+ rmc += ",,"
+ # FAA mode goes here
+ return self.add_checksum(rmc);
+ def ZDA(self, sim):
+ "Emit ZDA sentence describing the simulation state."
+ tm = time.gmtime(sim.ksv.time)
+ zda = "$GPZDA,%02d%2d%02d,%02d,%02d,%04d" % (
+ tm.tm_hour,
+ tm.tm_min,
+ tm.tm_sec,
+ tm.tm_mday,
+ tm.tm_mon,
+ tm.tm_year,
+ )
+ # Local zone description, 00 to +- 13 hours, goes here
+ zda += ","
+ # Local zone minutes description goes here
+ zda += ","
+ return self.add_checksum(zda);
+ def report(self, sim):
+ "Report the simulation state."
+ out = ""
+ for sentence in self.sentences:
+ if type(sentence) == type(()):
+ (interval, sentence) = sentence
+ if self.counter % interval:
+ continue
+ out += apply(getattr(self, sentence), [sim])
+ self.counter += 1
+ return out
+# ends here.