path: root/module/srfi/srfi-35.scm
diff options
authorAndy Wingo <>2008-11-01 13:49:23 +0100
committerAndy Wingo <>2008-11-01 13:49:23 +0100
commitea93465de79826ca8bbd3689bfbccca58e8d9353 (patch)
treee5710a7f0e547cb6daaa04f53ed881a03cc57979 /module/srfi/srfi-35.scm
parent3f0bce1e14a4da50ff401104896314c5122a9765 (diff)
move scm srfi files to module/srfi, and compile them.
* .gitignore: Add gdb-pre-inst-guile. * Add module/srfi/Makefile. * module/ Add srfi/. * module/srfi/: SRFI scheme files moved here, and compiled. * srfi/ Remove the bits about the scheme files.
Diffstat (limited to 'module/srfi/srfi-35.scm')
1 files changed, 337 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/srfi/srfi-35.scm b/module/srfi/srfi-35.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..203546625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/srfi/srfi-35.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+;;; srfi-35.scm --- Conditions
+;; Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Author: Ludovic Courtès <>
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is an implementation of SRFI-35, "Conditions". Conditions are a
+;; means to convey information about exceptional conditions between parts of
+;; a program.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (srfi srfi-35)
+ #:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ #:export (make-condition-type condition-type?
+ make-condition condition? condition-has-type? condition-ref
+ make-compound-condition extract-condition
+ define-condition-type condition
+ &condition
+ &message message-condition? condition-message
+ &serious serious-condition?
+ &error error?))
+(cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-35))
+;;; Condition types.
+(define %condition-type-vtable
+ ;; The vtable of all condition types.
+ ;; vtable fields: vtable, self, printer
+ ;; user fields: id, parent, all-field-names
+ (make-vtable-vtable "prprpr" 0
+ (lambda (ct port)
+ (if (eq? ct %condition-type-vtable)
+ (display "#<condition-type-vtable>")
+ (format port "#<condition-type ~a ~a>"
+ (condition-type-id ct)
+ (number->string (object-address ct)
+ 16))))))
+(define (condition-type? obj)
+ "Return true if OBJ is a condition type."
+ (and (struct? obj)
+ (eq? (struct-vtable obj)
+ %condition-type-vtable)))
+(define (condition-type-id ct)
+ (and (condition-type? ct)
+ (struct-ref ct 3)))
+(define (condition-type-parent ct)
+ (and (condition-type? ct)
+ (struct-ref ct 4)))
+(define (condition-type-all-fields ct)
+ (and (condition-type? ct)
+ (struct-ref ct 5)))
+(define (struct-layout-for-condition field-names)
+ ;; Return a string denoting the layout required to hold the fields listed
+ ;; in FIELD-NAMES.
+ (let loop ((field-names field-names)
+ (layout '("pr")))
+ (if (null? field-names)
+ (string-concatenate/shared layout)
+ (loop (cdr field-names)
+ (cons "pr" layout)))))
+(define (print-condition c port)
+ (format port "#<condition ~a ~a>"
+ (condition-type-id (condition-type c))
+ (number->string (object-address c) 16)))
+(define (make-condition-type id parent field-names)
+ "Return a new condition type named ID, inheriting from PARENT, and with the
+fields whose names are listed in FIELD-NAMES. FIELD-NAMES must be a list of
+symbols and must not contain names already used by PARENT or one of its
+ (if (symbol? id)
+ (if (condition-type? parent)
+ (let ((parent-fields (condition-type-all-fields parent)))
+ (if (and (every symbol? field-names)
+ (null? (lset-intersection eq?
+ field-names parent-fields)))
+ (let* ((all-fields (append parent-fields field-names))
+ (layout (struct-layout-for-condition all-fields)))
+ (make-struct %condition-type-vtable 0
+ (make-struct-layout layout) ;; layout
+ print-condition ;; printer
+ id parent all-fields))
+ (error "invalid condition type field names"
+ field-names)))
+ (error "parent is not a condition type" parent))
+ (error "condition type identifier is not a symbol" id)))
+(define (make-compound-condition-type id parents)
+ ;; Return a compound condition type made of the types listed in PARENTS.
+ ;; All fields from PARENTS are kept, even same-named ones, since they are
+ ;; needed by `extract-condition'.
+ (cond ((null? parents)
+ (error "`make-compound-condition-type' passed empty parent list"
+ id))
+ ((null? (cdr parents))
+ (car parents))
+ (else
+ (let* ((all-fields (append-map condition-type-all-fields
+ parents))
+ (layout (struct-layout-for-condition all-fields)))
+ (make-struct %condition-type-vtable 0
+ (make-struct-layout layout) ;; layout
+ print-condition ;; printer
+ id
+ parents ;; list of parents!
+ all-fields
+ all-fields)))))
+;;; Conditions.
+(define (condition? c)
+ "Return true if C is a condition."
+ (and (struct? c)
+ (condition-type? (struct-vtable c))))
+(define (condition-type c)
+ (and (struct? c)
+ (let ((vtable (struct-vtable c)))
+ (if (condition-type? vtable)
+ vtable
+ #f))))
+(define (condition-has-type? c type)
+ "Return true if condition C has type TYPE."
+ (if (and (condition? c) (condition-type? type))
+ (let loop ((ct (condition-type c)))
+ (or (eq? ct type)
+ (and ct
+ (let ((parent (condition-type-parent ct)))
+ (if (list? parent)
+ (any loop parent) ;; compound condition
+ (loop (condition-type-parent ct)))))))
+ (throw 'wrong-type-arg "condition-has-type?"
+ "Wrong type argument")))
+(define (condition-ref c field-name)
+ "Return the value of the field named FIELD-NAME from condition C."
+ (if (condition? c)
+ (if (symbol? field-name)
+ (let* ((type (condition-type c))
+ (fields (condition-type-all-fields type))
+ (index (list-index (lambda (name)
+ (eq? name field-name))
+ fields)))
+ (if index
+ (struct-ref c index)
+ (error "invalid field name" field-name)))
+ (error "field name is not a symbol" field-name))
+ (throw 'wrong-type-arg "condition-ref"
+ "Wrong type argument: ~S" c)))
+(define (make-condition-from-values type values)
+ (apply make-struct type 0 values))
+(define (make-condition type . field+value)
+ "Return a new condition of type TYPE with fields initialized as specified
+by FIELD+VALUE, a sequence of field names (symbols) and values."
+ (if (condition-type? type)
+ (let* ((all-fields (condition-type-all-fields type))
+ (inits (fold-right (lambda (field inits)
+ (let ((v (memq field field+value)))
+ (if (pair? v)
+ (cons (cadr v) inits)
+ (error "field not specified"
+ field))))
+ '()
+ all-fields)))
+ (make-condition-from-values type inits))
+ (throw 'wrong-type-arg "make-condition"
+ "Wrong type argument: ~S" type)))
+(define (make-compound-condition . conditions)
+ "Return a new compound condition composed of CONDITIONS."
+ (let* ((types (map condition-type conditions))
+ (ct (make-compound-condition-type 'compound types))
+ (inits (append-map (lambda (c)
+ (let ((ct (condition-type c)))
+ (map (lambda (f)
+ (condition-ref c f))
+ (condition-type-all-fields ct))))
+ conditions)))
+ (make-condition-from-values ct inits)))
+(define (extract-condition c type)
+ "Return a condition of condition type TYPE with the field values specified
+by C."
+ (define (first-field-index parents)
+ ;; Return the index of the first field of TYPE within C.
+ (let loop ((parents parents)
+ (index 0))
+ (let ((parent (car parents)))
+ (cond ((null? parents)
+ #f)
+ ((eq? parent type)
+ index)
+ ((pair? parent)
+ (or (loop parent index)
+ (loop (cdr parents)
+ (+ index
+ (apply + (map condition-type-all-fields
+ parent))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((shift (length (condition-type-all-fields parent))))
+ (loop (cdr parents)
+ (+ index shift))))))))
+ (define (list-fields start-index field-names)
+ ;; Return a list of the form `(FIELD-NAME VALUE...)'.
+ (let loop ((index start-index)
+ (field-names field-names)
+ (result '()))
+ (if (null? field-names)
+ (reverse! result)
+ (loop (+ 1 index)
+ (cdr field-names)
+ (cons* (struct-ref c index)
+ (car field-names)
+ result)))))
+ (if (and (condition? c) (condition-type? type))
+ (let* ((ct (condition-type c))
+ (parent (condition-type-parent ct)))
+ (cond ((eq? type ct)
+ c)
+ ((pair? parent)
+ ;; C is a compound condition.
+ (let ((field-index (first-field-index parent)))
+ ;;(format #t "field-index: ~a ~a~%" field-index
+ ;; (list-fields field-index
+ ;; (condition-type-all-fields type)))
+ (apply make-condition type
+ (list-fields field-index
+ (condition-type-all-fields type)))))
+ (else
+ ;; C does not have type TYPE.
+ #f)))
+ (throw 'wrong-type-arg "extract-condition"
+ "Wrong type argument")))
+;;; Syntax.
+(define-macro (define-condition-type name parent pred . field-specs)
+ `(begin
+ (define ,name
+ (make-condition-type ',name ,parent
+ ',(map car field-specs)))
+ (define (,pred c)
+ (condition-has-type? c ,name))
+ ,@(map (lambda (field-spec)
+ (let ((field-name (car field-spec))
+ (accessor (cadr field-spec)))
+ `(define (,accessor c)
+ (condition-ref c ',field-name))))
+ field-specs)))
+(define-macro (condition . type-field-bindings)
+ (cond ((null? type-field-bindings)
+ (error "`condition' syntax error" type-field-bindings))
+ (else
+ ;; the poor man's hygienic macro
+ (let ((mc (gensym "mc"))
+ (mcct (gensym "mcct")))
+ `(let ((,mc (@ (srfi srfi-35) make-condition))
+ (,mcct (@@ (srfi srfi-35) make-compound-condition-type)))
+ (,mc (,mcct 'compound (list ,@(map car type-field-bindings)))
+ ,@(append-map (lambda (type-field-binding)
+ (append-map (lambda (field+value)
+ (let ((f (car field+value))
+ (v (cadr field+value)))
+ `(',f ,v)))
+ (cdr type-field-binding)))
+ type-field-bindings)))))))
+;;; Standard condition types.
+(define &condition
+ ;; The root condition type.
+ (make-struct %condition-type-vtable 0
+ (make-struct-layout "")
+ (lambda (c port)
+ (display "<&condition>"))
+ '&condition #f '() '()))
+(define-condition-type &message &condition
+ message-condition?
+ (message condition-message))
+(define-condition-type &serious &condition
+ serious-condition?)
+(define-condition-type &error &serious
+ error?)
+;;; Local Variables:
+;;; coding: latin-1
+;;; End:
+;;; srfi-35.scm ends here