diff options
4 files changed, 520 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/module/ b/module/
index f5c264bef..123087845 100644
--- a/module/
+++ b/module/
@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@ GHIL_LANG_SOURCES = \
language/ghil.scm language/ghil/spec.scm language/ghil/compile-glil.scm
- language/glil/spec.scm language/glil/compile-assembly.scm \
+ language/glil/compile-assembly.scm \
+ language/glil/spec.scm \
+ language/glil/compile-sassy.scm \
diff --git a/module/language/glil/compile-sassy.scm b/module/language/glil/compile-sassy.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1ce561eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/glil/compile-sassy.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+;;; Guile x86-32 assembler
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language glil compile-sassy)
+ #:use-module (system base syntax)
+ #:use-module (system base pmatch)
+ #:use-module (language glil)
+ #:use-module (language assembly)
+ #:use-module (system vm instruction)
+ #:use-module ((system vm program) #:select (make-binding))
+ #:use-module (ice-9 receive)
+ #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (fold))
+ #:use-module (rnrs bytevector)
+ #:export (compile-assembly))
+;; Variable cache cells go in the object table, and serialize as their
+;; keys. The reason we wrap the keys in these records is so they don't
+;; compare as `equal?' to other objects in the object table.
+;; `key' is either a symbol or the list (MODNAME SYM PUBLIC?)
+(define-record <variable-cache-cell> key)
+;; Subprograms can be loaded into an object table as well. We need a
+;; disjoint type here too. (Subprograms have their own object tables --
+;; though probably we should just make one table per compilation unit.)
+(define-record <subprogram> table prog)
+(define (limn-sources sources)
+ (let lp ((in sources) (out '()) (filename #f))
+ (if (null? in)
+ (reverse! out)
+ (let ((addr (caar in))
+ (new-filename (assq-ref (cdar in ) 'filename))
+ (line (assq-ref (cdar in) 'line))
+ (column (assq-ref (cdar in) 'column)))
+ (cond
+ ((not (equal? new-filename filename))
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ `((,addr . (,line . ,column))
+ (filename . ,new-filename)
+ . ,out)
+ new-filename))
+ ((or (null? out) (not (equal? (cdar out) `(,line . ,column))))
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ `((,addr . (,line . ,column))
+ . ,out)
+ filename))
+ (else
+ (lp (cdr in) out filename)))))))
+(define (make-meta bindings sources tail)
+ (if (and (null? bindings) (null? sources) (null? tail))
+ #f
+ (compile-sassy
+ (make-glil-program 0 0 0 '()
+ (list
+ (make-glil-const `(,bindings ,sources ,@tail))
+ (make-glil-call 'return 1))))))
+;; A functional stack of names of live variables.
+(define (make-open-binding name boxed? index)
+ (list name boxed? index))
+(define (make-closed-binding open-binding start end)
+ (make-binding (car open-binding) (cadr open-binding)
+ (caddr open-binding) start end))
+(define (open-binding bindings vars start)
+ (cons
+ (acons start
+ (map
+ (lambda (v)
+ (pmatch v
+ ((,name ,boxed? ,i)
+ (make-open-binding name boxed? i))
+ (else (error "unknown binding type" v))))
+ vars)
+ (car bindings))
+ (cdr bindings)))
+(define (close-binding bindings end)
+ (pmatch bindings
+ ((((,start . ,closing) . ,open) . ,closed)
+ (cons open
+ (fold (lambda (o tail)
+ ;; the cons is for dsu sort
+ (acons start (make-closed-binding o start end)
+ tail))
+ closed
+ closing)))
+ (else (error "broken bindings" bindings))))
+(define (close-all-bindings bindings end)
+ (if (null? (car bindings))
+ (map cdr
+ (stable-sort (reverse (cdr bindings))
+ (lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
+ (close-all-bindings (close-binding bindings end) end)))
+;; A functional object table.
+(define *module* 1)
+(define (assoc-ref-or-acons alist x make-y)
+ (cond ((assoc-ref alist x)
+ => (lambda (y) (values y alist)))
+ (else
+ (let ((y (make-y x alist)))
+ (values y (acons x y alist))))))
+(define (object-index-and-alist x alist)
+ (assoc-ref-or-acons alist x
+ (lambda (x alist)
+ (+ (length alist) *module*))))
+(define *true* #x104)
+(define *false* #x4)
+(define *null* #x404)
+(define *fixnum-tag* #b10)
+(define *fixnum-shift* 2)
+(define *char-tag* #b00001100)
+(define *char-shift* 8)
+(define (compile-sassy glil)
+ (receive (code . _)
+ (glil->sassy glil #t '(()) '() #f)
+ (car code)))
+(define (make-object-table objects)
+ (and (not (null? objects))
+ (list->vector (cons #f objects))))
+(define (glil->sassy glil toplevel? bindings source-alist object-alist)
+ (define (emit-code x)
+ (values x bindings source-alist object-alist))
+ (define (emit-code/object x object-alist)
+ (values x bindings source-alist object-alist))
+ (record-case glil
+ ((<glil-program> nargs nrest nlocs meta body)
+ (define (process-body)
+ (let lp ((body body) (code '()) (bindings '(())) (source-alist '())
+ (object-alist (if toplevel? #f '())))
+ (cond
+ ((null? body)
+ (values (reverse code)
+ (close-all-bindings bindings addr)
+ (limn-sources (reverse! source-alist))
+ (and object-alist (map car (reverse object-alist)))))
+ (else
+ (receive (subcode bindings source-alist object-alist)
+ (glil->assembly (car body) #f bindings source-alist object-alist)
+ (lp (cdr body) (append (reverse subcode) code)
+ bindings source-alist object-alist))))))
+ (receive (code bindings sources objects)
+ (process-body)
+ (let* ((meta (make-meta bindings sources meta))
+ (meta-pad (if meta (modulo (- 8 (modulo len 8)) 8) 0))
+ (prog `(load-program ,nargs ,nrest ,nlocs ,labels
+ ,(+ len meta-pad)
+ ,meta
+ ,@code
+ ,@(if meta
+ (make-list meta-pad '(nop))
+ '()))))
+ (cond
+ (toplevel?
+ ;; toplevel bytecode isn't loaded by the vm, no way to do
+ ;; object table or closure capture (not in the bytecode,
+ ;; anyway)
+ (emit-code (list prog)))
+ (else
+ (let ((table (make-object-table objects)))
+ (cond
+ (object-alist
+ ;; if we are being compiled from something with an object
+ ;; table, cache the program there
+ (receive (i object-alist)
+ (object-index-and-alist (make-subprogram table prog)
+ object-alist)
+ (emit-code/object `(,(if (< i 256)
+ `(object-ref ,i)
+ `(long-object-ref ,(quotient i 256)
+ ,(modulo i 256))))
+ object-alist)))
+ (else
+ ;; otherwise emit a load directly
+ (let ((table-code (dump-object table addr)))
+ (emit-code
+ `(,@table-code
+ ,@(align-program prog (addr+ addr table-code)))))))))))))
+ ((<glil-bind> vars)
+ (values '()
+ (open-binding bindings vars addr)
+ source-alist
+ object-alist))
+ ((<glil-mv-bind> vars rest)
+ (values `((truncate-values ,(length vars) ,(if rest 1 0)))
+ (open-binding bindings vars addr)
+ source-alist
+ object-alist))
+ ((<glil-unbind>)
+ (values '()
+ (close-binding bindings addr)
+ source-alist
+ object-alist))
+ ((<glil-source> props)
+ (values '()
+ bindings
+ (acons addr props source-alist)
+ object-alist))
+ ((<glil-void>)
+ (emit-code '((void))))
+ ((<glil-const> obj)
+ (cond
+ ((object->assembly obj)
+ => (lambda (code)
+ (emit-code (list code))))
+ ((not object-alist)
+ (emit-code (dump-object obj addr)))
+ (else
+ (receive (i object-alist)
+ (object-index-and-alist obj object-alist)
+ (emit-code/object (if (< i 256)
+ `((object-ref ,i))
+ `((long-object-ref ,(quotient i 256)
+ ,(modulo i 256))))
+ object-alist)))))
+ ((<glil-lexical> local? boxed? op index)
+ (emit-code
+ (if local?
+ (if (< index 256)
+ (case op
+ ((ref) (if boxed?
+ `((local-boxed-ref ,index))
+ `((local-ref ,index))))
+ ((set) (if boxed?
+ `((local-boxed-set ,index))
+ `((local-set ,index))))
+ ((box) `((box ,index)))
+ ((empty-box) `((empty-box ,index)))
+ ((fix) `((fix-closure 0 ,index)))
+ (else (error "what" op)))
+ (let ((a (quotient i 256))
+ (b (modulo i 256)))
+ `((,(case op
+ ((ref)
+ (if boxed?
+ `((long-local-ref ,a ,b)
+ (variable-ref))
+ `((long-local-ref ,a ,b))))
+ ((set)
+ (if boxed?
+ `((long-local-ref ,a ,b)
+ (variable-set))
+ `((long-local-set ,a ,b))))
+ ((box)
+ `((make-variable)
+ (variable-set)
+ (long-local-set ,a ,b)))
+ ((empty-box)
+ `((make-variable)
+ (long-local-set ,a ,b)))
+ ((fix)
+ `((fix-closure ,a ,b)))
+ (else (error "what" op)))
+ ,index))))
+ `((,(case op
+ ((ref) (if boxed? 'free-boxed-ref 'free-ref))
+ ((set) (if boxed? 'free-boxed-set (error "what." glil)))
+ (else (error "what" op)))
+ ,index)))))
+ ((<glil-toplevel> op name)
+ (case op
+ ((ref set)
+ (cond
+ ((not object-alist)
+ (emit-code `(,@(dump-object name addr)
+ (link-now)
+ ,(case op
+ ((ref) '(variable-ref))
+ ((set) '(variable-set))))))
+ (else
+ (receive (i object-alist)
+ (object-index-and-alist (make-variable-cache-cell name)
+ object-alist)
+ (emit-code/object (if (< i 256)
+ `((,(case op
+ ((ref) 'toplevel-ref)
+ ((set) 'toplevel-set))
+ ,i))
+ `((,(case op
+ ((ref) 'long-toplevel-ref)
+ ((set) 'long-toplevel-set))
+ ,(quotient i 256)
+ ,(modulo i 256))))
+ object-alist)))))
+ ((define)
+ (emit-code `(,@(dump-object name addr)
+ (define))))
+ (else
+ (error "unknown toplevel var kind" op name))))
+ ((<glil-module> op mod name public?)
+ (let ((key (list mod name public?)))
+ (case op
+ ((ref set)
+ (cond
+ ((not object-alist)
+ (emit-code `(,@(dump-object key addr)
+ (link-now)
+ ,(case op
+ ((ref) '(variable-ref))
+ ((set) '(variable-set))))))
+ (else
+ (receive (i object-alist)
+ (object-index-and-alist (make-variable-cache-cell key)
+ object-alist)
+ (emit-code/object (case op
+ ((ref) `((toplevel-ref ,i)))
+ ((set) `((toplevel-set ,i))))
+ object-alist)))))
+ (else
+ (error "unknown module var kind" op key)))))
+ ((<glil-label> label)
+ (values `((label ,label))
+ bindings
+ source-alist
+ object-alist))
+ ((<glil-branch> inst label)
+ (emit-code
+ (case inst
+ ((br)
+ `((jmp ,label)))
+ ((br-if)
+ `((pop eax)
+ (cmp eax ,*false*)
+ (jne ,label)))
+ ((br-if-not)
+ `((pop eax)
+ (cmp eax ,*false*)
+ (je ,label)))
+ (else (error "unrecognized inst" inst)))))
+ ;; nargs is number of stack args to insn. probably should rename.
+ ((<glil-call> inst nargs)
+ ;; verify the inst
+ (if (not (instruction? inst))
+ (error "Unknown instruction:" inst))
+ (let ((pops (instruction-pops inst)))
+ (cond ((< pops 0)
+ (case (instruction-length inst)
+ ((1 2) #t)
+ (else (error "Unknown length for variable-arg instruction:"
+ inst (instruction-length inst)))))
+ ((= pops nargs) #t)
+ (else
+ (error "Wrong number of stack arguments to instruction:" inst nargs))))
+ (emit-code
+ (case inst
+ ((add)
+ `((locals (fix post)
+ (pop ebx)
+ (pop eax)
+ (add eax ebx)
+ (jno fix)
+ ;;segfault
+ (mov eax 0)
+ (add eax (& eax))
+ (jmp post)
+ (label fix)
+ (sub eax ,*fixnum-tag*)
+ (label post)
+ (push eax)))))
+ (else
+ (error "unhandled instruction" inst))))
+ ((<glil-mv-call> nargs ra)
+ (error "mv-call not yet supported"))))
+(define (dump-object x)
+ (define (too-long x)
+ (error (string-append x " too long")))
+ (cond
+ ((eq? x #t) `((push ,*true*)))
+ ((eq? x #f) `((push ,*false*)))
+ ((null? x) `((push ,*null*)))
+ ((and (integer? x) (exact? x)
+ (<= most-negative-fixnum x) (<= x most-positive-fixnum))
+ `((push ,(logior (ash x *fixnum-shift*) *fixnum-tag*))))
+ ((char? x)
+ `((push ,(logior (ash (char->integer x) *char-shift*) *char-tag*))))
+ ((variable-cache-cell? x) (dump-object (variable-cache-cell-key x)))
+ ((subprogram? x)
+ (let ((table-code ))
+ `(,@(dump-object (subprogram-table x))
+ ,(subprogram-prog x))
+ ))
+ ((number? x)
+ `((load-number ,(number->string x))))
+ ((string? x)
+ (case (string-width x)
+ ((1) `((load-string ,x)))
+ ((4) (align-code `(load-wide-string ,x) addr 4 4))
+ (else (error "bad string width" x))))
+ ((symbol? x)
+ (let ((str (symbol->string x)))
+ (case (string-width str)
+ ((1) `((load-symbol ,str)))
+ ((4) `(,@(dump-object str addr)
+ (make-symbol)))
+ (else (error "bad string width" str)))))
+ ((keyword? x)
+ `(,@(dump-object (keyword->symbol x) addr)
+ (make-keyword)))
+ ((list? x)
+ (let ((tail (let ((len (length x)))
+ (if (>= len 65536) (too-long "list"))
+ `((list ,(quotient len 256) ,(modulo len 256))))))
+ (let dump-objects ((objects x) (codes '()) (addr addr))
+ (if (null? objects)
+ (fold append tail codes)
+ (let ((code (dump-object (car objects) addr)))
+ (dump-objects (cdr objects) (cons code codes)
+ (addr+ addr code)))))))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (let ((kar (dump-object (car x) addr)))
+ `(,@kar
+ ,@(dump-object (cdr x) (addr+ addr kar))
+ (cons))))
+ ((vector? x)
+ (let* ((len (vector-length x))
+ (tail (if (>= len 65536)
+ (too-long "vector")
+ `((vector ,(quotient len 256) ,(modulo len 256))))))
+ (let dump-objects ((i 0) (codes '()) (addr addr))
+ (if (>= i len)
+ (fold append tail codes)
+ (let ((code (dump-object (vector-ref x i) addr)))
+ (dump-objects (1+ i) (cons code codes)
+ (addr+ addr code)))))))
+ ((and (array? x) (symbol? (array-type x)))
+ (let* ((type (dump-object (array-type x) addr))
+ (shape (dump-object (array-shape x) (addr+ addr type))))
+ `(,@type
+ ,@shape
+ ,@(align-code
+ `(load-array ,(uniform-array->bytevector x))
+ (addr+ (addr+ addr type) shape)
+ 8
+ 4))))
+ (else
+ (error "assemble: unrecognized object" x))))
diff --git a/module/language/glil/spec.scm b/module/language/glil/spec.scm
index d5291a211..3b7e9700a 100644
--- a/module/language/glil/spec.scm
+++ b/module/language/glil/spec.scm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
;;; Guile Lowlevel Intermediate Language
-;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#:use-module (language glil)
#:use-module (language glil compile-assembly)
#:use-module (language glil decompile-assembly)
+ #:use-module (language glil compile-sassy)
#:export (glil))
(define (write-glil exp . port)
@@ -37,5 +38,7 @@
#:reader read
#:printer write-glil
#:parser parse-glil
- #:compilers `((assembly . ,compile-asm))
+ #:compilers `((assembly . ,compile-asm)
+ (sassy . ,(lambda x e opts)
+ (values (compile-sassy x) e e)))
#:decompilers `((assembly . ,decompile-assembly)))
diff --git a/module/language/sassy/spec.scm b/module/language/sassy/spec.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65d4a261f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/sassy/spec.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+;;; Guile x86-32 Machine Assembly
+;; Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (language sassy spec)
+ #:use-module (system base language)
+ ; #:use-module (language sassy compile-elf)
+ #:export (assembly))
+(define-language sassy
+ #:title "Guile x86-32 Assembly Language"
+ #:version "2.0"
+ #:reader read
+ #:printer write
+ #:parser read
+; #:compilers `((bytecode . ,compile-bytecode))
+; #:decompilers `((bytecode . ,decompile-bytecode))
+ )