path: root/ice-9/boot-9.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ice-9/boot-9.scm')
1 files changed, 3663 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ice-9/boot-9.scm b/ice-9/boot-9.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa55e9a1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ice-9/boot-9.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,3663 @@
+;;; installed-scm-file
+;;;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;;;; any later version.
+;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; This file is the first thing loaded into Guile. It adds many mundane
+;;; definitions and a few that are interesting.
+;;; The module system (hence the hierarchical namespace) are defined in this
+;;; file.
+;; {Simple Debugging Tools}
+;; peek takes any number of arguments, writes them to the
+;; current ouput port, and returns the last argument.
+;; It is handy to wrap around an expression to look at
+;; a value each time is evaluated, e.g.:
+;; (+ 10 (troublesome-fn))
+;; => (+ 10 (pk 'troublesome-fn-returned (troublesome-fn)))
+(define (peek . stuff)
+ (newline)
+ (display ";;; ")
+ (write stuff)
+ (newline)
+ (car (last-pair stuff)))
+(define pk peek)
+(define (warn . stuff)
+ (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+ (lambda ()
+ (newline)
+ (display ";;; WARNING ")
+ (print stuff)
+ (newline)
+ (car (last-pair stuff)))))
+;;; {apply and call-with-current-continuation}
+;;; These turn syntax, @apply and @call-with-current-continuation,
+;;; into procedures.
+(set! apply (lambda (fun . args) (@apply fun (apply:nconc2last args))))
+(define (call-with-current-continuation proc) (@call-with-current-continuation proc))
+;;; {apply-to-args}
+;;; apply-to-args is functionally redunant with apply and, worse,
+;;; is less general than apply since it only takes two arguments.
+;;; On the other hand, apply-to-args is a syntacticly convenient way to
+;;; perform binding in many circumstances when the "let" family of
+;;; of forms don't cut it. E.g.:
+;;; (apply-to-args (return-3d-mouse-coords)
+;;; (lambda (x y z)
+;;; ...))
+(define (apply-to-args args fn) (apply fn args))
+;;; {Silly Naming Cleanups and Trivial Functions}
+(define %open-file open-file)
+(define (id x) x)
+(define < <?)
+(define <= <=?)
+(define = =?)
+(define > >?)
+(define >= >=?)
+(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
+(define (-1+ n) (+ n -1))
+(define 1- -1+)
+(define return-it noop)
+(define (and=> value thunk) (and value (thunk value)))
+(define (make-hash-table k) (make-vector k '()))
+;;; {Integer Math}
+(define (integer? x) (and (number? x) (= x (inexact->exact x))))
+(define (ipow-by-squaring x k acc proc)
+ (cond ((zero? k) acc)
+ ((= 1 k) (proc acc x))
+ (else (logical:ipow-by-squaring (proc x x)
+ (quotient k 2)
+ (if (even? k) acc (proc acc x))
+ proc))))
+(define string-character-length string-length)
+;; A convenience function for combining flag bits. Like logior, but
+;; handles the cases of 0 and 1 arguments.
+(define (flags . args)
+ (cond
+ ((null? args) 0)
+ ((null? (cdr args)) (car args))
+ (else (apply logior args))))
+;;; {Basic Port Code}
+;;; Specificly, the parts of the low-level port code that are written in
+;;; Scheme rather than C.
+;;; WARNING: the parts of this interface that refer to file ports
+;;; is going away. It would be gone already except that it is used
+;;; "internally" in a few places.
+;; OPEN_READ, OPEN_WRITE, and OPEN_BOTH are used to request the proper
+;; mode to open files in. MSDOS does carraige return - newline
+;; translation if not opened in `b' mode.
+(define OPEN_READ (case (software-type)
+ (else "r")))
+(define OPEN_WRITE (case (software-type)
+ (else "w")))
+(define OPEN_BOTH (case (software-type)
+ (else "r+")))
+(define (open-input-file str)
+ (or (open-file str OPEN_READ)
+ (error "OPEN-INPUT-FILE couldn't find file " str)))
+(define (open-output-file str)
+ (or (open-file str OPEN_WRITE)
+ (error "OPEN-OUTPUT-FILE couldn't find file " str)))
+(define (open-io-file str) (open-file str OPEN_BOTH))
+(define close-input-port close-port)
+(define close-output-port close-port)
+(define close-io-port close-port)
+(define (call-with-input-file str proc)
+ (let* ((file (open-input-file str))
+ (ans (proc file)))
+ (close-input-port file)
+ ans))
+(define (call-with-output-file str proc)
+ (let* ((file (open-output-file str))
+ (ans (proc file)))
+ (close-output-port file)
+ ans))
+(define (with-input-from-port port thunk)
+ (let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-input-port port)))))
+ (dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
+(define (with-output-to-port port thunk)
+ (let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-output-port port)))))
+ (dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
+(define (with-error-to-port port thunk)
+ (let* ((swaports (lambda () (set! port (set-current-error-port port)))))
+ (dynamic-wind swaports thunk swaports)))
+(define (with-input-from-file file thunk)
+ (let* ((nport (open-input-file file))
+ (ans (with-input-from-port nport thunk)))
+ (close-port nport)
+ ans))
+(define (with-output-to-file file thunk)
+ (let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
+ (ans (with-output-to-port nport thunk)))
+ (close-port nport)
+ ans))
+(define (with-error-to-file file thunk)
+ (let* ((nport (open-output-file file))
+ (ans (with-error-to-port nport thunk)))
+ (close-port nport)
+ ans))
+(define (with-input-from-string string thunk)
+ (call-with-input-string string
+ (lambda (p) (with-input-from-port p thunk))))
+(define (with-output-to-string thunk)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (p) (with-output-to-port p thunk))))
+(define (with-error-to-string thunk)
+ (call-with-output-string
+ (lambda (p) (with-error-to-port p thunk))))
+(define the-eof-object (call-with-input-string "" (lambda (p) (read-char p))))
+;;; {Symbol Properties}
+(define (symbol-property sym prop)
+ (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
+ (and pair (cdr pair))))
+(define (set-symbol-property! sym prop val)
+ (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
+ (if pair
+ (set-cdr! pair val)
+ (symbol-pset! sym (acons prop val (symbol-pref sym))))))
+(define (symbol-property-remove! sym prop)
+ (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
+ (if pair
+ (symbol-pset! sym (delq! pair (symbol-pref sym))))))
+;;; {Arrays}
+ (define uniform-vector? array?)
+ (define make-uniform-vector dimensions->uniform-array)
+ ; (define uniform-vector-ref array-ref)
+ (define (uniform-vector-set! u i o)
+ (uniform-vector-set1! u o i))
+ (define uniform-vector-fill! array-fill!)
+ (define uniform-vector-read! uniform-array-read!)
+ (define uniform-vector-write uniform-array-write)
+ (define (make-array fill . args)
+ (dimensions->uniform-array args () fill))
+ (define (make-uniform-array prot . args)
+ (dimensions->uniform-array args prot))
+ (define (list->array ndim lst)
+ (list->uniform-array ndim '() lst))
+ (define (list->uniform-vector prot lst)
+ (list->uniform-array 1 prot lst))
+ (define (array-shape a)
+ (map (lambda (ind) (if (number? ind) (list 0 (+ -1 ind)) ind))
+ (array-dimensions a))))
+;;; {Keywords}
+(define (symbol->keyword symbol)
+ (make-keyword-from-dash-symbol (symbol-append '- symbol)))
+(define (keyword->symbol kw)
+ (let ((sym (keyword-dash-symbol kw)))
+ (string->symbol (substring sym 1 (length sym)))))
+(define (kw-arg-ref args kw)
+ (let ((rem (member kw args)))
+ (and rem (pair? (cdr rem)) (cadr rem))))
+;;; {Print}
+(define (print obj . args)
+ (let ((default-args (list (current-output-port) 0 0 default-print-style #f)))
+ (apply-to-args (append args (list-cdr-ref default-args (length args)))
+ (lambda (port depth length style table)
+ (cond
+ ((and table (print-table-ref table obj)) ((print-style-tag-hook style 'eq-val)
+ obj port depth length style table))
+ (else
+ (and table (print-table-add! table obj))
+ (cond
+ ((print-style-max-depth? style depth) ((print-style-excess-depth-hook style)))
+ ((print-style-max-length? style length) ((print-style-excess-length-hook style)))
+ (else ((print-style-hook style obj)
+ obj port depth length style table)))))))))
+(define (make-print-style) (make-vector 59))
+(define (extend-print-style! style utag printer) (hashq-set! style utag printer))
+(define (print-style-hook style obj)
+ (let ((type-tag (tag obj)))
+ (or (hashq-ref style type-tag)
+ (hashq-ref style (logand type-tag 255))
+ print-obj)))
+(define (print-style-tag-hook style type-tag)
+ (or (hashq-ref style type-tag)
+ print-obj))
+(define (print-style-max-depth? style d) #f)
+(define (print-style-max-length? style l) #f)
+(define (print-style-excess-length-hook style) (hashq-ref style 'excess-length-hook))
+(define (print-style-excess-depth-hook style) (hashq-ref style 'excess-depth-hook))
+(define (make-print-table) (make-vector 59))
+(define (print-table-ref table obj) (hashq-ref table obj))
+(define (print-table-add! table obj) (hashq-set! table obj (gensym 'ref)))
+(define (print-obj obj port depth length style table) (write obj port))
+(define (print-pair pair port depth length style table)
+ (if (= 0 length)
+ (display #\( port))
+ (print (car pair) port (+ 1 depth) 0 style table)
+ (cond
+ ((and (pair? (cdr pair))
+ (or (not table)
+ (not (print-table-ref table (cdr pair)))))
+ (display #\space port)
+ (print (cdr pair) port depth (+ 1 length) style table))
+ ((null? (cdr pair)) (display #\) port))
+ (else (display " . " port)
+ (print (cdr pair) port (+ 1 depth) 0 style table)
+ (display #\) port))))
+(define (print-vector obj port depth length style table)
+ (if (= 0 length)
+ (cond
+ ((weak-hash-table? obj) (display "#wh(" port))
+ ((weak-value-hash-table? obj) (display "#whv(" port))
+ ((doubly-weak-hash-table? obj) (display "#whd(" port))
+ (else (display "#(" port))))
+ (if (< length (vector-length obj))
+ (print (vector-ref obj length) port (+ 1 depth) 0 style table))
+ (cond
+ ((>= (+ 1 length) (vector-length obj)) (display #\) port))
+ (else (display #\space port)
+ (print obj port depth (+ 1 length) style table))))
+(define default-print-style (make-print-style))
+(extend-print-style! default-print-style utag_vector print-vector)
+(extend-print-style! default-print-style utag_wvect print-vector)
+(extend-print-style! default-print-style utag_pair print-pair)
+(extend-print-style! default-print-style 'eq-val
+ (lambda (obj port depth length style table)
+ (if (symbol? obj)
+ (display obj)
+ (begin
+ (display "##" port)
+ (display (print-table-ref table obj))))))
+;;; {Records}
+(define record-type-vtable (make-vtable-vtable "prpr" 0))
+(define (record-type? obj)
+ (and (struct? obj) (eq? record-type-vtable (struct-vtable obj))))
+(define (make-record-type type-name fields . opt)
+ (let ((printer-fn (and opt (car opt))))
+ (let ((struct (make-struct record-type-vtable 0
+ (make-struct-layout (apply symbol-append (map (lambda (f) "pw") fields)))
+ type-name
+ (copy-tree fields))))
+ ;; !!! leaks printer functions
+ (if printer-fn
+ (extend-print-style! default-print-style
+ (logior utag_struct_base (ash (struct-vtable-tag struct) 8))
+ printer-fn))
+ struct)))
+(define (record-type-name obj)
+ (if (record-type? obj)
+ (struct-ref obj struct-vtable-offset)
+ (error 'not-a-record-type obj)))
+(define (record-type-fields obj)
+ (if (record-type? obj)
+ (struct-ref obj (+ 1 struct-vtable-offset))
+ (error 'not-a-record-type obj)))
+(define (record-constructor rtd . opt)
+ (let ((field-names (if opt (car opt) (record-type-fields rtd))))
+ (eval `(lambda ,field-names
+ (make-struct ',rtd 0 ,@(map (lambda (f)
+ (if (memq f field-names)
+ f
+ #f))
+ (record-type-fields rtd)))))))
+(define (record-predicate rtd)
+ (lambda (obj) (and (struct? obj) (eq? rtd (struct-vtable obj)))))
+(define (record-accessor rtd field-name)
+ (let* ((pos (list-index (record-type-fields rtd) field-name)))
+ (if (not pos)
+ (error 'no-such-field field-name))
+ (eval `(lambda (obj)
+ (and (eq? ',rtd (record-type-descriptor obj))
+ (struct-ref obj ,pos))))))
+(define (record-modifier rtd field-name)
+ (let* ((pos (list-index (record-type-fields rtd) field-name)))
+ (if (not pos)
+ (error 'no-such-field field-name))
+ (eval `(lambda (obj val)
+ (and (eq? ',rtd (record-type-descriptor obj))
+ (struct-set! obj ,pos val))))))
+(define (record? obj)
+ (and (struct? obj) (record-type? (struct-vtable obj))))
+(define (record-type-descriptor obj)
+ (if (struct? obj)
+ (struct-vtable obj)
+ (error 'not-a-record obj)))
+;;; {Booleans}
+(define (->bool x) (not (not x)))
+;;; {Symbols}
+(define (symbol-append . args)
+ (string->symbol (apply string-append args)))
+(define (list->symbol . args)
+ (string->symbol (apply list->string args)))
+(define (symbol . args)
+ (string->symbol (apply string args)))
+(define (obarray-symbol-append ob . args)
+ (string->obarray-symbol (apply string-append ob args)))
+(define obarray-gensym
+ (let ((n -1))
+ (lambda (obarray . opt)
+ (if (null? opt)
+ (set! opt '(%%gensym)))
+ (let loop ((proposed-name (apply string-append opt)))
+ (if (string->obarray-symbol obarray proposed-name #t)
+ (loop (apply string-append (append opt (begin (set! n (1+ n)) (list (number->string n))))))
+ (string->obarray-symbol obarray proposed-name))))))
+(define (gensym . args) (apply obarray-gensym #f args))
+;;; {Lists}
+(define (list-index l k)
+ (let loop ((n 0)
+ (l l))
+ (and (not (null? l))
+ (if (eq? (car l) k)
+ n
+ (loop (+ n 1) (cdr l))))))
+(define (make-list n init)
+ (let loop ((answer '())
+ (n n))
+ (if (<= n 0)
+ answer
+ (loop (cons init answer) (- n 1)))))
+;;; {and-map, or-map, and map-in-order}
+;;; (and-map fn lst) is like (and (fn (car lst)) (fn (cadr lst)) (fn...) ...)
+;;; (or-map fn lst) is like (or (fn (car lst)) (fn (cadr lst)) (fn...) ...)
+;;; (map-in-order fn lst) is like (map fn lst) but definately in order of lst.
+;; and-map f l
+;; Apply f to successive elements of l until exhaustion or f returns #f.
+;; If returning early, return #f. Otherwise, return the last value returned
+;; by f. If f has never been called because l is empty, return #t.
+(define (and-map f lst)
+ (let loop ((result #t)
+ (l lst))
+ (and result
+ (or (and (null? l)
+ result)
+ (loop (f (car l)) (cdr l))))))
+;; or-map f l
+;; Apply f to successive elements of l until exhaustion or while f returns #f.
+;; If returning early, return the return value of f.
+(define (or-map f lst)
+ (let loop ((result #f)
+ (l lst))
+ (or result
+ (and (not (null? l))
+ (loop (f (car l)) (cdr l))))))
+;; map-in-order
+;; Like map, but guaranteed to process the list in order.
+(define (map-in-order fn l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (cons (fn (car l))
+ (map-in-order fn (cdr l)))))
+;;; {Files}
+;;; !!!! these should be implemented using Tcl commands, not fports.
+(define (file-exists? str)
+ (let ((port (open-file str OPEN_READ)))
+ (if port (begin (close-port port) #t)
+ #f)))
+(define (file-is-directory? str)
+ (let ((port (open-file (string-append str "/.") OPEN_READ)))
+ (if port (begin (close-port port) #t)
+ #f)))
+(define (has-suffix? str suffix)
+ (let ((sufl (string-length suffix))
+ (sl (string-length str)))
+ (and (> sl sufl)
+ (string=? (substring str (- sl sufl) sl) suffix))))
+;;; {Error Handling}
+;; (error . args) is short for (throw (quote error) . args)
+(define (error . args)
+ (apply throw 'error args))
+;; Error handling a la SCM.
+(define (%%default-error-handler tag . args)
+ (define cep (current-error-port))
+ (perror "ERROR")
+ (errno 0)
+ (display "ERROR: " cep)
+ (if (not (null? args))
+ (begin (display (car args) cep)
+ (for-each (lambda (x) (display #\ cep) (write x cep))
+ (cdr args))))
+ (newline cep)
+ (force-output cep)
+ (apply throw 'abort tag args))
+;; Install SCM error handling as the default.
+(set-symbol-property! 'error
+ 'throw-handler-default
+ %%default-error-handler)
+;; %%bad-throw is the hook that is called upon a throw to a an unhandled
+;; key. If the key has a default handler (a throw-handler-default property),
+;; it is applied to the throw.
+(define (%%bad-throw key . args)
+ (let ((default (symbol-property key 'throw-handler-default)))
+ (or (and default (apply default key args))
+ (throw 'error 'unhandled-exception key args))))
+;; A number of internally defined error types are represented
+;; as integers. Here is the mapping to symbolic names
+;; and error messages.
+(define %%system-errors
+ '((-1 UNKNOWN "Unknown error")
+ (0 ARGn "Wrong type argument to ")
+ (1 ARG1 "Wrong type argument in position 1 to ")
+ (2 ARG2 "Wrong type argument in position 2 to ")
+ (3 ARG3 "Wrong type argument in position 3 to ")
+ (4 ARG4 "Wrong type argument in position 4 to ")
+ (5 ARG5 "Wrong type argument in position 5 to ")
+ (6 ARG5 "Wrong type argument in position 5 to ")
+ (7 ARG5 "Wrong type argument in position 5 to ")
+ (8 WNA "Wrong number of arguments to ")
+ (9 OVFLOW "Numerical overflow to ")
+ (10 OUTOFRANGE "Argument out of range to ")
+ (11 NALLOC "Could not allocate to ")
+ (12 STACK_OVFLOW "Stack overflow")
+ (13 EXIT "Exit (internal error?).")
+ (14 HUP_SIGNAL "hang-up")
+ (15 INT_SIGNAL "user interrupt")
+ (16 FPE_SIGNAL "arithmetic error")
+ (17 BUS_SIGNAL "bus error")
+ (18 SEGV_SIGNAL "segmentation violation")
+ (19 ALRM_SIGNAL "alarm")
+ (20 GC_SIGNAL "gc")
+ (21 TICK_SIGNAL "tick")))
+(define (timer-thunk) #t)
+(define (gc-thunk) #t)
+(define (alarm-thunk) #t)
+(define (signal-handler n)
+ (cond
+ ((= n 21) (unmask-signals) (timer-thunk))
+ ((= n 20) (unmask-signals) (gc-thunk))
+ ((= n 19) (unmask-signals) (alarm-thunk))
+ (else (unmask-signals) (throw '%%system-error n #f))))
+;; The default handler for built-in error types when
+;; thrown by their symbolic name. The action is to
+;; convert the error into a generic error, building
+;; a descriptive message for the error.
+(define (%%handle-system-error ignored desc proc . args)
+ (let* ((b (assoc desc %%system-errors))
+ (msghead (cond
+ (b (caddr b))
+ ((or (symbol? desc) (string? desc))
+ (string-append desc " "))
+ (#t "Unknown error")))
+ (msg (if (symbol? proc)
+ (string-append msghead proc ":")
+ msghead))
+ (rest (if (and proc (not (symbol? proc)))
+ (cons proc args)
+ args))
+ (fixed-args (cons msg rest)))
+ (apply error fixed-args)))
+(set-symbol-property! '%%system-error
+ 'throw-handler-default
+ %%handle-system-error)
+;; Install default handlers for built-in errors.
+(map (lambda (err)
+ (set-symbol-property! (cadr err)
+ 'throw-handler-default
+ %%handle-system-error))
+ (cdr %%system-errors))
+(define ((make-simple-wrapper func) . args)
+ (or (apply func args)
+ (apply throw 'syserror func (errno) args)))
+(define ((make-eof-wrapper func) . args)
+ (let ((rv (apply func args)))
+ (if (eof-object? rv)
+ (apply throw 'syserror func (errno) args)
+ rv)))
+(define ((make-errno-wrapper func) . args)
+ (let ((rv (apply func args)))
+ (if (number? rv)
+ (apply throw 'syserror func rv args)
+ rv)))
+(define ((make-errpair-wrapper func) . args)
+ (let ((rv (apply func args)))
+ (if (and (pair? rv)
+ (number? (car rv))
+ (null? (cdr rv)))
+ (apply throw 'syserror func (car rv) args)
+ rv)))
+ (define (syserror key fn err . args)
+ (errno err)
+ (apply error (cons fn args)))
+ (set-symbol-property! 'syserror 'throw-handler-default syserror))
+(define (%getgrnam name) (%getgr name))
+(define (%getgrgid id) (%getgr id))
+(define (%gethostbyaddr addr) (%gethost addr))
+(define (%gethostbyname name) (%gethost name))
+(define (%getnetbyaddr addr) (%getnet addr))
+(define (%getnetbyname name) (%getnet name))
+(define (%getprotobyname name) (%getproto name))
+(define (%getprotobynumber addr) (%getproto addr))
+(define (%getpwnam name) (%getpw name))
+(define (%getpwuid uid) (%getpw uid))
+(define (%getservbyname name proto) (%getserv name proto))
+(define (%getservbyport port proto) (%getserv port proto))
+(define (endgrent) (setgr))
+(define (endhostent) (sethost))
+(define (endnetent) (setnet))
+(define (endprotoent) (setproto))
+(define (endpwent) (setpw))
+(define (endservent) (setserv))
+(define (file-position . args) (apply ftell args))
+(define (file-set-position . args) (apply fseek args))
+(define (getgrent) (%getgr))
+(define (gethostent) (%gethost))
+(define (getnetent) (%getnet))
+(define (getprotoent) (%getproto))
+(define (getpwent) (%getpw))
+(define (getservent) (%getserv))
+(define (reopen-file . args) (apply freopen args))
+(define (setgrent arg) (setgr arg))
+(define (sethostent arg) (sethost arg))
+(define (setnetent arg) (setnet arg))
+(define (setprotoent arg) (setproto arg))
+(define (setpwent arg) (setpw arg))
+(define (setservent arg) (setserv arg))
+(define (%move->fdes port fd)
+ (if (= 1 (primitive-move->fdes port fd))
+ (set-port-revealed! port 1)
+ #t))
+(define accept (make-errno-wrapper %accept))
+(define bind (make-errno-wrapper %bind))
+(define chdir (make-errno-wrapper %chdir))
+(define chmod (make-errno-wrapper %chmod))
+(define chown (make-errno-wrapper %chown))
+(define close (make-errno-wrapper %close))
+(define closedir (make-errno-wrapper %closedir))
+(define connect (make-errno-wrapper %connect))
+(define copy-file (make-simple-wrapper %copy-file))
+(define ctermid (make-simple-wrapper %ctermid))
+(define delete-file (make-errno-wrapper %delete-file))
+(define duplicate-port (make-simple-wrapper %duplicate-port))
+(define execl (make-errno-wrapper %execl))
+(define execlp (make-errno-wrapper %execlp))
+(define fdopen (make-errno-wrapper %fdopen))
+(define fileno (make-simple-wrapper %fileno))
+(define fork (make-simple-wrapper %fork))
+(define freopen (make-errno-wrapper %freopen))
+(define fseek (make-errno-wrapper %fseek))
+(define ftell (make-errno-wrapper %ftell))
+(define getcwd (make-errno-wrapper %getcwd))
+(define getenv (make-simple-wrapper %getenv))
+(define getgrgid (make-errno-wrapper %getgrgid))
+(define getgrnam (make-errno-wrapper %getgrnam))
+(define getgroups (make-errno-wrapper %getgroups))
+(define gethostbyaddr (make-simple-wrapper %gethostbyaddr))
+(define gethost (make-simple-wrapper %gethost))
+(define gethostbyname (make-simple-wrapper %gethostbyname))
+(define getnetbyaddr (make-simple-wrapper %getnetbyaddr))
+(define getnetbyname (make-simple-wrapper %getnetbyname))
+(define getpeername (make-errno-wrapper %getpeername))
+(define getprotobyname (make-simple-wrapper %getprotobyname))
+(define getprotobynumber (make-simple-wrapper %getprotobynumber))
+(define getpwnam (make-simple-wrapper %getpwnam))
+(define getpwuid (make-simple-wrapper %getpwuid))
+(define getservbyname (make-simple-wrapper %getservbyname))
+(define getservbyport (make-simple-wrapper %getservbyport))
+(define getsockname (make-errno-wrapper %getsockname))
+(define getsockopt (make-errpair-wrapper %getsockopt))
+(define inet-aton (make-simple-wrapper %inet-aton))
+(define isatty? (make-errno-wrapper %isatty?))
+(define kill (make-errno-wrapper %kill))
+(define link (make-errno-wrapper %link))
+(define listen (make-errno-wrapper %listen))
+(define lstat (make-errno-wrapper %lstat))
+(define mkdir (make-errno-wrapper %mkdir))
+(define mknod (make-errno-wrapper %mknod))
+(define nice (make-errno-wrapper %nice))
+(define opendir (make-errno-wrapper %opendir))
+(define pipe (make-errno-wrapper %pipe))
+(define primitive-move->fdes (make-simple-wrapper %primitive-move->fdes))
+(define putenv (make-errno-wrapper %putenv))
+(define read-fd (make-errpair-wrapper %read-fd))
+(define readdir (make-errno-wrapper %readdir))
+(define readlink (make-errno-wrapper %readlink))
+(define recv (make-errno-wrapper %recv))
+(define recvfrom (make-errno-wrapper %recvfrom))
+(define redirect-port (make-errno-wrapper %redirect-port))
+(define rename-file (make-errno-wrapper %rename-file))
+(define rmdir (make-errno-wrapper %rmdir))
+(define select (make-errno-wrapper %select))
+(define send (make-errpair-wrapper %send))
+(define sendto (make-errpair-wrapper %sendto))
+(define setegid (make-errno-wrapper %setegid))
+(define seteuid (make-errno-wrapper %seteuid))
+(define setgid (make-errno-wrapper %setgid))
+(define setlocale (make-errno-wrapper %setlocale))
+(define setpgid (make-errno-wrapper %setpgid))
+(define setsid (make-simple-wrapper %setsid))
+(define setsockopt (make-errno-wrapper %setsockopt))
+(define setuid (make-errno-wrapper %setuid))
+(define shutdown (make-errno-wrapper %shutdown))
+(define socket (make-errno-wrapper %socket))
+(define socketpair (make-errno-wrapper %socketpair))
+(define stat (make-errno-wrapper %stat))
+(define strptime (make-simple-wrapper %strptime))
+(define symlink (make-simple-wrapper %symlink))
+(define tcgetpgrp (make-simple-wrapper %tcgetpgrp))
+(define tcsetpgrp (make-simple-wrapper %tcsetpgrp))
+(define ttyname (make-errno-wrapper %ttyname))
+(define uname (make-errno-wrapper %uname))
+(define utime (make-errno-wrapper %utime))
+(define waitpid (make-errno-wrapper %waitpid))
+(define write-fd (make-errpair-wrapper %write-fd))
+(define move->fdes (make-simple-wrapper %move->fdes))
+;;; {Load Paths}
+(define implementation-vicinity compiled-library-path)
+;;; Here for backward compatability
+(define scheme-file-suffix (lambda () ".scm"))
+(define in-vicinity string-append)
+(define (parse-path env_path)
+ (cond ((string? env_path)
+ (let loop ((curdir "") (env env_path) (path '()))
+ (cond ((= (string-length env) 0)
+ (if (> (string-length curdir) 0)
+ (append path (list curdir))
+ path))
+ ((char=? (string-ref env 0) #\:)
+ (loop ""
+ (substring env 1 (string-length env))
+ (append path (list curdir))))
+ (#t
+ (loop (string-append curdir (substring env 0 1))
+ (substring env 1 (string-length env))
+ path)))))
+ (#t '())))
+(define %load-path (append (parse-path (%getenv "SCHEME_LOAD_PATH"))
+ (list ""
+ (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "gls/guile/")
+ (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "gls/")
+ (in-vicinity (implementation-vicinity) "slib/"))))
+;;; {try-load}
+(define (try-load-with-path file-name path)
+ (or-map (lambda (d)
+ (let ((f (in-vicinity d file-name)))
+ (and (not (file-is-directory? f))
+ (%try-load f #t read-sharp))))
+ path))
+(define (try-load name)
+ (if (eval '(defined? %load-path))
+ (try-load-with-path name (eval '%load-path))
+ (%try-load name #t read-sharp)))
+;;; {Load}
+(define %load-verbosely #t)
+(define (assert-load-verbosity v) (set! %load-verbosely v))
+(define %load-indent -2)
+(define (%load f)
+ (current-module)
+ (or (and (not (file-is-directory? f))
+ (%try-load f #t read-sharp))
+ (and (not (has-suffix? f (scheme-file-suffix)))
+ (%try-load (string-append f (scheme-file-suffix)) #t read-sharp))))
+(define (%load-announce file)
+ (if %load-verbosely
+ (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+ (lambda ()
+ (display ";;; ")
+ (display (make-string %load-indent #\ ))
+ (display "loading ")
+ (display file)
+ (display "...")
+ (newline)
+ (force-output)))))
+(define (%load-announce-win file)
+ (if %load-verbosely
+ (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+ (lambda ()
+ (display ";;; ")
+ (display (make-string %load-indent #\ ))
+ (display "...loaded ")
+ (display file)
+ (display ".")
+ (newline)
+ (force-output)))))
+(define (%load-announce-lossage file path)
+ (if %load-verbosely
+ (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
+ (lambda ()
+ (display ";;; ")
+ (display (make-string %load-indent #\ ))
+ (display "...COULD NOT LOAD ")
+ (display file)
+ (display " from ")
+ (write path)
+ (newline)
+ (force-output))))
+ (throw 'could-not-load file path))
+(define (load-with-path name path)
+ (define (do-load)
+ (%load-announce name)
+ (if (not (or-map (lambda (d)
+ (if (%load (in-vicinity d name))
+ (begin
+ (%load-announce-win (in-vicinity d name))
+ #t)
+ #f))
+ path))
+ (%load-announce-lossage name path)))
+ (let ((indent %load-indent))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (set! %load-indent (modulo (+ indent 2) 16)))
+ do-load
+ (lambda () (set! %load-indent indent))))
+ #t)
+(define (load name)
+ (if (eval '(defined? %load-path))
+ (load-with-path name (eval '%load-path))
+ (load-with-path name '())))
+;;; {Transcendental Functions}
+;;; Derived from "Transcen.scm", Complex trancendental functions for SCM.
+;;; Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Jerry D. Hedden.
+;;; See the file `COPYING' for terms applying to this program.
+(define (exp z)
+ (if (real? z) ($exp z)
+ (make-polar ($exp (real-part z)) (imag-part z))))
+(define (log z)
+ (if (and (real? z) (>= z 0))
+ ($log z)
+ (make-rectangular ($log (magnitude z)) (angle z))))
+(define (sqrt z)
+ (if (real? z)
+ (if (negative? z) (make-rectangular 0 ($sqrt (- z)))
+ ($sqrt z))
+ (make-polar ($sqrt (magnitude z)) (/ (angle z) 2))))
+(define expt
+ (let ((integer-expt integer-expt))
+ (lambda (z1 z2)
+ (cond ((exact? z2)
+ (integer-expt z1 z2))
+ ((and (real? z2) (real? z1) (>= z1 0))
+ ($expt z1 z2))
+ (else
+ (exp (* z2 (log z1))))))))
+(define (sinh z)
+ (if (real? z) ($sinh z)
+ (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
+ (make-rectangular (* ($sinh x) ($cos y))
+ (* ($cosh x) ($sin y))))))
+(define (cosh z)
+ (if (real? z) ($cosh z)
+ (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
+ (make-rectangular (* ($cosh x) ($cos y))
+ (* ($sinh x) ($sin y))))))
+(define (tanh z)
+ (if (real? z) ($tanh z)
+ (let* ((x (* 2 (real-part z)))
+ (y (* 2 (imag-part z)))
+ (w (+ ($cosh x) ($cos y))))
+ (make-rectangular (/ ($sinh x) w) (/ ($sin y) w)))))
+(define (asinh z)
+ (if (real? z) ($asinh z)
+ (log (+ z (sqrt (+ (* z z) 1))))))
+(define (acosh z)
+ (if (and (real? z) (>= z 1))
+ ($acosh z)
+ (log (+ z (sqrt (- (* z z) 1))))))
+(define (atanh z)
+ (if (and (real? z) (> z -1) (< z 1))
+ ($atanh z)
+ (/ (log (/ (+ 1 z) (- 1 z))) 2)))
+(define (sin z)
+ (if (real? z) ($sin z)
+ (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
+ (make-rectangular (* ($sin x) ($cosh y))
+ (* ($cos x) ($sinh y))))))
+(define (cos z)
+ (if (real? z) ($cos z)
+ (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
+ (make-rectangular (* ($cos x) ($cosh y))
+ (- (* ($sin x) ($sinh y)))))))
+(define (tan z)
+ (if (real? z) ($tan z)
+ (let* ((x (* 2 (real-part z)))
+ (y (* 2 (imag-part z)))
+ (w (+ ($cos x) ($cosh y))))
+ (make-rectangular (/ ($sin x) w) (/ ($sinh y) w)))))
+(define (asin z)
+ (if (and (real? z) (>= z -1) (<= z 1))
+ ($asin z)
+ (* -i (asinh (* +i z)))))
+(define (acos z)
+ (if (and (real? z) (>= z -1) (<= z 1))
+ ($acos z)
+ (+ (/ (angle -1) 2) (* +i (asinh (* +i z))))))
+(define (atan z . y)
+ (if (null? y)
+ (if (real? z) ($atan z)
+ (/ (log (/ (- +i z) (+ +i z))) +2i))
+ ($atan2 z (car y))))
+(set! abs magnitude)
+;;; {User Settable Hooks}
+;;; Parts of the C code check the bindings of these variables.
+(define ticks-interrupt #f)
+(define user-interrupt #f)
+(define alarm-interrupt #f)
+(define out-of-storage #f)
+(define could-not-open #f)
+(define end-of-program #f)
+(define hang-up #f)
+(define arithmetic-error #f)
+(define read-sharp #f)
+;;; {Reader Extensions}
+;;; Reader code for various "#c" forms.
+(define (parse-path-symbol s)
+ (define (seperate-fields-discarding-char ch str ret)
+ (let loop ((fields '())
+ (str str))
+ (cond
+ ((string-rindex str ch)
+ => (lambda (pos) (loop (cons (make-shared-substring str (+ 1 pos)) fields)
+ (make-shared-substring str 0 pos))))
+ (else (ret (cons str fields))))))
+ (seperate-fields-discarding-char #\/
+ s
+ (lambda (fields)
+ (map string->symbol fields))))
+(define (%read-sharp c port)
+ (define (barf)
+ (error "unknown # object" c))
+ (case c
+ ((#\/) (let ((look (peek-char port)))
+ (if (or (eof-object? look)
+ (and (char? look)
+ (or (char-whitespace? look)
+ (string-index ")" look))))
+ '()
+ (parse-path-symbol (read port #t read-sharp)))))
+ ((#\') (read port #t read-sharp))
+ ((#\.) (eval (read port #t read-sharp)))
+ ((#\b) (read:uniform-vector #t port))
+ ((#\a) (read:uniform-vector #\a port))
+ ((#\u) (read:uniform-vector 1 port))
+ ((#\e) (read:uniform-vector -1 port))
+ ((#\s) (read:uniform-vector 1.0 port))
+ ((#\i) (read:uniform-vector 1/3 port))
+ ((#\c) (read:uniform-vector 0+i port))
+ ((#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
+ (read:array c port))
+ ((#\!) (if (= 1 (line-number))
+ (let skip () (if (eq? #\newline (peek-char port))
+ (read port #t read-sharp)
+ (begin (read-char port) (skip))))
+ (barf)))
+ (else (barf))))
+(define (read:array digit port)
+ (define chr0 (char->integer #\0))
+ (let ((rank (let readnum ((val (- (char->integer digit) chr0)))
+ (if (char-numeric? (peek-char port))
+ (readnum (+ (* 10 val)
+ (- (char->integer (read-char port)) chr0)))
+ val)))
+ (prot (if (eq? #\( (peek-char port))
+ '()
+ (let ((c (read-char port)))
+ (case c ((#\b) #t)
+ ((#\a) #\a)
+ ((#\u) 1)
+ ((#\e) -1)
+ ((#\s) 1.0)
+ ((#\i) 1/3)
+ ((#\c) 0+i)
+ (else (error "read:array unknown option " c)))))))
+ (if (eq? (peek-char port) #\()
+ (list->uniform-array rank prot (read port #t read-sharp))
+ (error "read:array list not found"))))
+(define (read:uniform-vector proto port)
+ (if (eq? #\( (peek-char port))
+ (list->uniform-array 1 proto (read port #t read-sharp))
+ (error "read:uniform-vector list not found")))
+(define read-sharp (lambda a (apply %read-sharp a)))
+;;; {Dynamic Roots}
+; mystery integers passed dynamic root error handlers
+(define repl-quit -1)
+(define repl-abort -2)
+;;; {Command Line Options}
+(define (get-option argv kw-opts kw-args return)
+ (cond
+ ((null? argv)
+ (return #f #f argv))
+ ((or (not (eq? #\- (string-ref (car argv) 0)))
+ (eq? (string-length (car argv)) 1))
+ (return 'normal-arg (car argv) (cdr argv)))
+ ((eq? #\- (string-ref (car argv) 1))
+ (let* ((kw-arg-pos (or (string-index (car argv) #\=)
+ (string-length (car argv))))
+ (kw (symbol->keyword (substring (car argv) 2 kw-arg-pos)))
+ (kw-opt? (member kw kw-opts))
+ (kw-arg? (member kw kw-args))
+ (arg (or (and (not (eq? kw-arg-pos (string-length (car argv))))
+ (substring (car argv)
+ (+ kw-arg-pos 1)
+ (string-length (car argv))))
+ (and kw-arg?
+ (begin (set! argv (cdr argv)) (car argv))))))
+ (if (or kw-opt? kw-arg?)
+ (return kw arg (cdr argv))
+ (return 'usage-error kw (cdr argv)))))
+ (else
+ (let* ((char (substring (car argv) 1 2))
+ (kw (symbol->keyword char)))
+ (cond
+ ((member kw kw-opts)
+ (let* ((rest-car (substring (car argv) 2 (string-length (car argv))))
+ (new-argv (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
+ (cdr argv)
+ (cons (string-append "-" rest-car) (cdr argv)))))
+ (return kw #f new-argv)))
+ ((member kw kw-args)
+ (let* ((rest-car (substring (car argv) 2 (string-length (car argv))))
+ (arg (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
+ (cadr argv)
+ rest-car))
+ (new-argv (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
+ (cddr argv)
+ (cdr argv))))
+ (return kw arg new-argv)))
+ (else (return 'usage-error kw argv)))))))
+(define (for-next-option proc argv kw-opts kw-args)
+ (let loop ((argv argv))
+ (get-option argv kw-opts kw-args
+ (lambda (opt opt-arg argv)
+ (and opt (proc opt opt-arg argv loop))))))
+(define (display-usage-report kw-desc)
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (kw)
+ (or (eq? (car kw) #t)
+ (eq? (car kw) 'else)
+ (let* ((opt-desc kw)
+ (help (cadr opt-desc))
+ (opts (car opt-desc))
+ (opts-proper (if (string? (car opts)) (cdr opts) opts))
+ (arg-name (if (string? (car opts))
+ (string-append "<" (car opts) ">")
+ ""))
+ (left-part (string-append
+ (with-output-to-string
+ (lambda ()
+ (map (lambda (x) (display (keyword-symbol x)) (display " "))
+ opts-proper)))
+ arg-name))
+ (middle-part (if (and (< (length left-part) 30)
+ (< (length help) 40))
+ (make-string (- 30 (length left-part)) #\ )
+ "\n\t")))
+ (display left-part)
+ (display middle-part)
+ (display help)
+ (newline))))
+ kw-desc))
+(define (delq-all! obj l)
+ (let ((answer (cons '() l)))
+ (let loop ((pos answer))
+ (cond
+ ((null? (cdr pos)) (cdr answer))
+ ((eq? (cadr pos) obj) (set-cdr! pos (cddr pos))
+ (loop pos))
+ (else (loop (cdr pos)))))))
+(define (transform-usage-lambda cases)
+ (let* ((raw-usage (delq! 'else (map car cases)))
+ (usage-sans-specials (map (lambda (x)
+ (or (and (not (list? x)) x)
+ (and (symbol? (car x)) #t)
+ (and (boolean? (car x)) #t)
+ x))
+ raw-usage))
+ (usage-desc (delq-all! #t usage-sans-specials))
+ (kw-desc (map car usage-desc))
+ (kw-opts (apply append (map (lambda (x) (and (not (string? (car x))) x)) kw-desc)))
+ (kw-args (apply append (map (lambda (x) (and (string? (car x)) (cdr x))) kw-desc)))
+ (transmogrified-cases (map (lambda (case)
+ (cons (let ((opts (car case)))
+ (if (or (boolean? opts) (eq? 'else opts))
+ opts
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? (car opts)) opts)
+ ((boolean? (car opts)) opts)
+ ((string? (caar opts)) (cdar opts))
+ (else (car opts)))))
+ (cdr case)))
+ cases)))
+ `(let ((%display-usage (lambda () (display-usage-report ',usage-desc))))
+ (lambda (%argv)
+ (let %next-arg ((%argv %argv))
+ (get-option %argv
+ ',kw-opts
+ ',kw-args
+ (lambda (%opt %arg %new-argv)
+ (case %opt
+ ,@ transmogrified-cases))))))))
+;;; {Low Level Modules}
+;;; These are the low level data structures for modules.
+;;; !!! warning: The interface to lazy binder procedures is going
+;;; to be changed in an incompatible way to permit all the basic
+;;; module ops to be virtualized.
+;;; (make-module size use-list lazy-binding-proc) => module
+;;; module-{obarray,uses,binder}[|-set!]
+;;; (module? obj) => [#t|#f]
+;;; (module-locally-bound? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
+;;; (module-bound? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
+;;; (module-symbol-locally-interned? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
+;;; (module-symbol-interned? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
+;;; (module-local-variable module symbol) => [#<variable ...> | #f]
+;;; (module-variable module symbol) => [#<variable ...> | #f]
+;;; (module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value)
+;;; => [ <obj> | opt-value | an error occurs ]
+;;; (module-make-local-var! module symbol) => #<variable...>
+;;; (module-add! module symbol var) => unspecified
+;;; (module-remove! module symbol) => unspecified
+;;; (module-for-each proc module) => unspecified
+;;; (make-scm-module) => module ; a lazy copy of the symhash module
+;;; (set-current-module module) => unspecified
+;;; (current-module) => #<module...>
+;; This is how modules are printed.
+;; You can re-define it.
+(define (%print-module mod port depth length style table)
+ (display "#<" port)
+ (display (or (module-kind mod) "module") port)
+ (let ((name (module-name mod)))
+ (if name
+ (begin
+ (display " " port)
+ (display name port))))
+ (display " " port)
+ (display (number->string (object-address mod) 16) port)
+ (display ">" port))
+;; module-type
+;; A module is characterized by an obarray in which local symbols
+;; are interned, a list of modules, "uses", from which non-local
+;; bindings can be inherited, and an optional lazy-binder which
+;; is a (THUNK module symbol) which, as a last resort, can provide
+;; bindings that would otherwise not be found locally in the module.
+(define module-type
+ (make-record-type 'module '(obarray uses binder eval-thunk name kind) %print-module))
+;; make-module &opt size uses
+;; Create a new module, perhaps with a particular size of obarray
+;; or initial uses list.
+(define module-constructor (record-constructor module-type))
+(define make-module
+ (lambda args
+ (let* ((size 1021)
+ (uses '())
+ (binder #f)
+ (answer #f)
+ (eval-thunk
+ (lambda (symbol define?)
+ (if define?
+ (module-make-local-var! answer symbol)
+ (module-variable answer symbol)))))
+ (if (> (length args) 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! size (or (car args) size))
+ (set! args (cdr args))))
+ (if (> (length args) 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! uses (or (car args) uses))
+ (set! args (cdr args))))
+ (if (> (length args) 0)
+ (begin
+ (set! binder (or (car args) binder))
+ (set! args (cdr args))))
+ (if (not (null? args))
+ (error "Too many args to make-module." args))
+ (if (not (integer? size))
+ (error "Illegal size to make-module." size))
+ (and (list? uses)
+ (or (and-map module? uses)
+ (error "Incorrect use list." uses)))
+ (if (and binder (not (procedure? binder)))
+ (error
+ "Lazy-binder expected to be a procedure or #f." binder))
+ (set! answer
+ (module-constructor (make-vector size '())
+ uses
+ binder
+ eval-thunk
+ #f
+ #f))
+ answer)))
+(define module-obarray (record-accessor module-type 'obarray))
+(define set-module-obarray! (record-modifier module-type 'obarray))
+(define module-uses (record-accessor module-type 'uses))
+(define set-module-uses! (record-modifier module-type 'uses))
+(define module-binder (record-accessor module-type 'binder))
+(define set-module-binder! (record-modifier module-type 'binder))
+(define module-eval-thunk (record-accessor module-type 'eval-thunk))
+(define set-module-eval-thunk! (record-modifier module-type 'eval-thunk))
+(define module-name (record-accessor module-type 'name))
+(define set-module-name! (record-modifier module-type 'name))
+(define module-kind (record-accessor module-type 'kind))
+(define set-module-kind! (record-modifier module-type 'kind))
+(define module? (record-predicate module-type))
+(define (eval-in-module exp module)
+ (eval2 exp (module-eval-thunk module)))
+;;; {Module Searching in General}
+;;; We sometimes want to look for properties of a symbol
+;;; just within the obarray of one module. If the property
+;;; holds, then it is said to hold ``locally'' as in, ``The symbol
+;;; DISPLAY is locally rebound in the module `safe-guile'.''
+;;; Other times, we want to test for a symbol property in the obarray
+;;; of M and, if it is not found there, try each of the modules in the
+;;; uses list of M. This is the normal way of testing for some
+;;; property, so we state these properties without qualification as
+;;; in: ``The symbol 'fnord is interned in module M because it is
+;;; interned locally in module M2 which is a member of the uses list
+;;; of M.''
+;; module-search fn m
+;; return the first non-#f result of FN applied to M and then to
+;; the modules in the uses of m, and so on recursively. If all applications
+;; return #f, then so does this function.
+(define (module-search fn m v)
+ (define (loop pos)
+ (and (pair? pos)
+ (or (module-search fn (car pos) v)
+ (loop (cdr pos)))))
+ (or (fn m v)
+ (loop (module-uses m))))
+;;; {Is a symbol bound in a module?}
+;;; Symbol S in Module M is bound if S is interned in M and if the binding
+;;; of S in M has been set to some well-defined value.
+;; module-locally-bound? module symbol
+;; Is a symbol bound (interned and defined) locally in a given module?
+(define (module-locally-bound? m v)
+ (let ((var (module-local-variable m v)))
+ (and var
+ (variable-bound? var))))
+;; module-bound? module symbol
+;; Is a symbol bound (interned and defined) anywhere in a given module
+;; or its uses?
+(define (module-bound? m v)
+ (module-search module-locally-bound? m v))
+;;; {Is a symbol interned in a module?}
+;;; Symbol S in Module M is interned if S occurs in
+;;; of S in M has been set to some well-defined value.
+;;; It is possible to intern a symbol in a module without providing
+;;; an initial binding for the corresponding variable. This is done
+;;; with:
+;;; (module-add! module symbol (make-undefined-variable))
+;;; In that case, the symbol is interned in the module, but not
+;;; bound there. The unbound symbol shadows any binding for that
+;;; symbol that might otherwise be inherited from a member of the uses list.
+(define (module-obarray-get-handle ob key)
+ ((if (symbol? key) hashq-get-handle hash-get-handle) ob key))
+(define (module-obarray-ref ob key)
+ ((if (symbol? key) hashq-ref hash-ref) ob key))
+(define (module-obarray-set! ob key val)
+ ((if (symbol? key) hashq-set! hash-set!) ob key val))
+(define (module-obarray-remove! ob key)
+ ((if (symbol? key) hashq-remove! hash-remove!) ob key))
+;; module-symbol-locally-interned? module symbol
+;; is a symbol interned (not neccessarily defined) locally in a given module
+;; or its uses? Interned symbols shadow inherited bindings even if
+;; they are not themselves bound to a defined value.
+(define (module-symbol-locally-interned? m v)
+ (not (not (module-obarray-get-handle (module-obarray m) v))))
+;; module-symbol-interned? module symbol
+;; is a symbol interned (not neccessarily defined) anywhere in a given module
+;; or its uses? Interned symbols shadow inherited bindings even if
+;; they are not themselves bound to a defined value.
+(define (module-symbol-interned? m v)
+ (module-search module-symbol-locally-interned? m v))
+;;; {Mapping modules x symbols --> variables}
+;; module-local-variable module symbol
+;; return the local variable associated with a MODULE and SYMBOL.
+;;; This function is very important. It is the only function that can
+;;; return a variable from a module other than the mutators that store
+;;; new variables in modules. Therefore, this function is the location
+;;; of the "lazy binder" hack.
+;;; If symbol is defined in MODULE, and if the definition binds symbol
+;;; to a variable, return that variable object.
+;;; If the symbols is not found at first, but the module has a lazy binder,
+;;; then try the binder.
+;;; If the symbol is not found at all, return #f.
+(define (module-local-variable m v)
+ (caddr
+ (list m v
+ (let ((b (module-obarray-ref (module-obarray m) v)))
+ (or (and (variable? b) b)
+ (and (module-binder m)
+ ((module-binder m) m v #f)))))))
+;; module-variable module symbol
+;; like module-local-variable, except search the uses in the
+;; case V is not found in M.
+(define (module-variable m v)
+ (module-search module-local-variable m v))
+;;; {Mapping modules x symbols --> bindings}
+;;; These are similar to the mapping to variables, except that the
+;;; variable is dereferenced.
+;; module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value
+;; return the binding of a variable specified by name within
+;; a given module, signalling an error if the variable is unbound.
+;; If the OPT-VALUE is passed, then instead of signalling an error,
+;; return OPT-VALUE.
+(define (module-symbol-local-binding m v . opt-val)
+ (let ((var (module-local-variable m v)))
+ (if var
+ (variable-ref var)
+ (if (not (null? opt-val))
+ (car opt-val)
+ (error "Locally unbound variable." v)))))
+;; module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value
+;; return the binding of a variable specified by name within
+;; a given module, signalling an error if the variable is unbound.
+;; If the OPT-VALUE is passed, then instead of signalling an error,
+;; return OPT-VALUE.
+(define (module-symbol-binding m v . opt-val)
+ (let ((var (module-variable m v)))
+ (if var
+ (variable-ref var)
+ (if (not (null? opt-val))
+ (car opt-val)
+ (error "Unbound variable." v)))))
+;;; {Adding Variables to Modules}
+;; module-make-local-var! module symbol
+;; ensure a variable for V in the local namespace of M.
+;; If no variable was already there, then create a new and uninitialzied
+;; variable.
+(define (module-make-local-var! m v)
+ (or (let ((b (module-obarray-ref (module-obarray m) v)))
+ (and (variable? b) b))
+ (and (module-binder m)
+ ((module-binder m) m v #t))
+ (begin
+ (let ((answer (make-undefined-variable v)))
+ (module-obarray-set! (module-obarray m) v answer)
+ answer))))
+;; module-add! module symbol var
+;; ensure a particular variable for V in the local namespace of M.
+(define (module-add! m v var)
+ (if (not (variable? var))
+ (error "Bad variable to module-add!" var))
+ (module-obarray-set! (module-obarray m) v var))
+;; module-remove!
+;; make sure that a symbol is undefined in the local namespace of M.
+(define (module-remove! m v)
+ (module-obarray-remove! (module-obarray m) v))
+(define (module-clear! m)
+ (vector-fill! (module-obarray m) '()))
+;; MODULE-FOR-EACH -- exported
+;; Call PROC on each symbol in MODULE, with arguments of (SYMBOL VARIABLE).
+(define (module-for-each proc module)
+ (let ((obarray (module-obarray module)))
+ (do ((index 0 (+ index 1))
+ (end (vector-length obarray)))
+ ((= index end))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (bucket)
+ (proc (car bucket) (cdr bucket)))
+ (vector-ref obarray index)))))
+(define (module-map proc module)
+ (let* ((obarray (module-obarray module))
+ (end (vector-length obarray)))
+ (let loop ((i 0)
+ (answer '()))
+ (if (= i end)
+ answer
+ (loop (+ 1 i)
+ (append!
+ (map (lambda (bucket)
+ (proc (car bucket) (cdr bucket)))
+ (vector-ref obarray i))
+ answer))))))
+;;; {Low Level Bootstrapping}
+;; make-root-module
+:; A root module uses the symhash table (the system's privileged
+;; obarray). Being inside a root module is like using SCM without
+;; any module system.
+(define (root-module-thunk m s define?)
+ (let ((bi (and (symbol-interned? #f s)
+ (builtin-variable s))))
+ (and bi
+ (or define? (variable-bound? bi))
+ (begin
+ (module-add! m s bi)
+ bi))))
+(define (make-root-module)
+ (make-module 1019 #f root-module-thunk))
+;; make-scm-module
+;; An scm module is a module into which the lazy binder copies
+;; variable bindings from the system symhash table. The mapping is
+;; one way only; newly introduced bindings in an scm module are not
+;; copied back into the system symhash table (and can be used to override
+;; bindings from the symhash table).
+(define (make-scm-module)
+ (make-module 1019 #f
+ (lambda (m s define?)
+ (let ((bi (and (symbol-interned? #f s)
+ (builtin-variable s))))
+ (and bi
+ (variable-bound? bi)
+ (begin
+ (module-add! m s bi)
+ bi))))))
+;; the-module
+(define the-module #f)
+;; set-current-module module
+;; set the current module as viewed by the normalizer.
+(define (set-current-module m)
+ (set! the-module m)
+ (if m
+ (set! *top-level-lookup-thunk* (module-eval-thunk the-module))
+ (set! *top-level-lookup-thunk* #f)))
+;; current-module
+;; return the current module as viewed by the normalizer.
+(define (current-module) the-module)
+;;; {Module-based Loading}
+(define (save-module-excursion thunk)
+ (let ((inner-module (current-module))
+ (outer-module #f))
+ (dynamic-wind (lambda ()
+ (set! outer-module (current-module))
+ (set-current-module inner-module)
+ (set! inner-module #f))
+ thunk
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! inner-module (current-module))
+ (set-current-module outer-module)
+ (set! outer-module #f)))))
+(define basic-try-load-with-path try-load-with-path)
+(define basic-try-load try-load)
+(define basic-load-with-path load-with-path)
+(define basic-load load)
+(define (try-load-module-with-path . args)
+ (save-module-excursion (lambda () (apply basic-try-load-with-path args))))
+(define (try-load-module . args)
+ (save-module-excursion (lambda () (apply basic-try-load args))))
+(define (load-module-with-path . args)
+ (save-module-excursion (lambda () (apply basic-load-with-path args))))
+(define (load-module . args)
+ (save-module-excursion (lambda () (apply basic-load args))))
+;; MODULE-REF -- exported
+;; Returns the value of a variable called NAME in MODULE or any of its
+;; used modules. If there is no such variable, then if the optional third
+;; argument DEFAULT is present, it is returned; otherwise an error is signaled.
+(define (module-ref module name . rest)
+ (let ((variable (module-variable module name)))
+ (if (and variable (variable-bound? variable))
+ (variable-ref variable)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (error "No variable named" name 'in module)
+ (car rest) ; default value
+ ))))
+;; MODULE-SET! -- exported
+;; Sets the variable called NAME in MODULE (or in a module that MODULE uses)
+;; to VALUE; if there is no such variable, an error is signaled.
+(define (module-set! module name value)
+ (let ((variable (module-variable module name)))
+ (if variable
+ (variable-set! variable value)
+ (error "No variable named" name 'in module))))
+;; MODULE-DEFINE! -- exported
+;; Sets the variable called NAME in MODULE to VALUE; if there is no such
+;; variable, it is added first.
+(define (module-define! module name value)
+ (let ((variable (module-local-variable module name)))
+ (if variable
+ (variable-set! variable value)
+ (module-add! module name (make-variable value name)))))
+;; MODULE-USE! module interface
+;; Add INTERFACE to the list of interfaces used by MODULE.
+(define (module-use! module interface)
+ (set-module-uses! module
+ (cons interface (delq! interface (module-uses module)))))
+;;; {Recursive Namespaces}
+;;; A hierarchical namespace emerges if we consider some module to be
+;;; root, and variables bound to modules as nested namespaces.
+;;; The routines in this file manage variable names in hierarchical namespace.
+;;; Each variable name is a list of elements, looked up in successively nested
+;;; modules.
+;;; (resolved-ref some-root-module '(foo bar baz))
+;;; => <value of a variable named baz in the module bound to bar in
+;;; the module bound to foo in some-root-module>
+;;; There are:
+;;; ;; a-root is a module
+;;; ;; name is a list of symbols
+;;; resolved-ref a-root name
+;;; resolved-set! a-root name val
+;;; resolved-define! a-root name val
+;;; resolved-remove! a-root name
+;;; (current-module) is a natural choice for a-root so for convenience there are
+;;; also:
+;;; value-ref name == resolved-ref (current-module) name
+;;; value-set! name val == resolved-set! (current-module) name val
+;;; value-define! name val == resolved-define! (current-module) name val
+;;; value-remove! name == resolved-remove! (current-module) name
+(define (resolved-ref root names)
+ (let loop ((cur root)
+ (elts names))
+ (cond
+ ((null? elts) cur)
+ ((not (module? cur)) #f)
+ (else (loop (module-ref cur (car elts) #f) (cdr elts))))))
+(define (resolved-set! root names val)
+ (let loop ((cur root)
+ (elts names))
+ (if (null? (cdr elts))
+ (module-set! cur (car elts) val)
+ (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
+(define (resolved-define! root names val)
+ (let loop ((cur root)
+ (elts names))
+ (if (null? (cdr elts))
+ (module-define! cur (car elts) val)
+ (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
+(define (resolved-remove! root names)
+ (let loop ((cur root)
+ (elts names))
+ (if (null? (cdr elts))
+ (module-remove! cur (car elts))
+ (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
+(define (value-ref names) (resolved-ref (current-module) names))
+(define (value-set! names val) (resolved-set! (current-module) names val))
+(define (value-define names val) (resolved-define! (current-module) names val))
+(define (value-remove names) (resolved-remove! (current-module) names))
+;;; #/app
+;;; The root of conventionally named objects not directly in the top level.
+;;; #/app/modules
+;;; #/app/modules/guile
+;;; The directory of all modules and the standard root module.
+(define (module-public-interface m) (module-ref m '%module-public-interface #f))
+(define (set-module-public-interface! m i) (module-define! m '%module-public-interface i))
+(define the-root-module (make-root-module))
+(define the-scm-module (make-scm-module))
+(set-module-public-interface! the-root-module the-scm-module)
+(set-module-name! the-root-module 'the-root-module)
+(set-module-name! the-scm-module 'the-scm-module)
+(set-current-module the-root-module)
+(define app (make-module 31))
+(value-define '(app modules) (make-module 31))
+(value-define '(app modules guile) the-root-module)
+;; (define-special-value '(app modules new-ws) (lambda () (make-scm-module)))
+(define (resolve-module name)
+ (let ((full-name (append '(app modules) name)))
+ (let ((already (value-ref full-name)))
+ (or already
+ (begin
+ (try-module-autoload name)
+ (make-modules-in (current-module) full-name))))))
+(define (beautify-user-module! module)
+ (if (not (module-public-interface module))
+ (let ((interface (make-module 31)))
+ (set-module-name! interface (module-name module))
+ (set-module-kind! interface 'interface)
+ (set-module-public-interface! module interface)))
+ (if (not (memq the-scm-module (module-uses module)))
+ (set-module-uses! module (append (module-uses module) (list the-scm-module)))))
+(define (make-modules-in module name)
+ (if (null? name)
+ module
+ (cond
+ ((module-ref module (car name) #f) => (lambda (m) (make-modules-in m (cdr name))))
+ (else (let ((m (make-module 31)))
+ (set-module-kind! m 'directory)
+ (set-module-name! m (car name))
+ (module-define! module (car name) m)
+ (make-modules-in m (cdr name)))))))
+(define (resolve-interface name)
+ (let ((module (resolve-module name)))
+ (and module (module-public-interface module))))
+(define %autoloader-developer-mode #t)
+(define (process-define-module args)
+ (let* ((module-id (car args))
+ (module (resolve-module module-id))
+ (kws (cdr args)))
+ (beautify-user-module! module)
+ (let loop ((kws kws))
+ (and (not (null? kws))
+ (case (car kws)
+ ((:use-module)
+ (if (not (pair? (cdr kws)))
+ (error "unrecognized defmodule argument" kws))
+ (let* ((used-name (cadr kws))
+ (used-module (resolve-module used-name)))
+ (if (not (module-ref used-module '%module-public-interface #f))
+ (begin
+ ((if %autoloader-developer-mode warn error) "no code for module" used-module)
+ (beautify-user-module! used-module)))
+ (let ((interface (module-ref used-module '%module-public-interface #f)))
+ (if (not interface)
+ (error "missing interface for use-module" used-module))
+ (set-module-uses! module
+ (append! (delq! interface (module-uses module))
+ (list interface)))))
+ (loop (cddr kws)))
+ (else (error "unrecognized defmodule argument" kws)))))
+ module))
+(define autoloads-in-progress '())
+(define (try-module-autoload module-name)
+ (define (sfx name) (string-append name (scheme-file-suffix)))
+ (let* ((reverse-name (reverse module-name))
+ (name (car reverse-name))
+ (dir-hint-module-name (reverse (cdr reverse-name)))
+ (dir-hint (apply symbol-append (map (lambda (elt) (symbol-append elt "/")) dir-hint-module-name))))
+ (resolve-module dir-hint-module-name)
+ (and (not (autoload-done-or-in-progress? dir-hint name))
+ (let ((didit #f))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (autoload-in-progress! dir-hint name))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let loop ((dirs %load-path))
+ (and (not (null? dirs))
+ (or
+ (let ((d (car dirs))
+ (trys (list
+ dir-hint
+ (sfx dir-hint)
+ (in-vicinity dir-hint name)
+ (in-vicinity dir-hint (sfx name)))))
+ (and (or-map (lambda (f)
+ (let ((full (in-vicinity d f)))
+ full
+ (and (not (file-is-directory? full))
+ (file-exists? full)
+ (begin
+ (save-module-excursion
+ (lambda ()
+ (list f d)
+ (load-with-path f (list d))))
+ #t))))
+ trys)
+ (begin
+ (set! didit #t)
+ #t)))
+ (loop (cdr dirs))))))
+ (lambda () (set-autoloaded! dir-hint name didit)))
+ didit))))
+(define autoloads-done '((guile . guile)))
+(define (autoload-done-or-in-progress? p m)
+ (let ((n (cons p m)))
+ (->bool (or (member n autoloads-done)
+ (member n autoloads-in-progress)))))
+(define (autoload-done! p m)
+ (let ((n (cons p m)))
+ (set! autoloads-in-progress
+ (delete! n autoloads-in-progress))
+ (or (member n autoloads-done)
+ (set! autoloads-done (cons n autoloads-done)))))
+(define (autoload-in-progress! p m)
+ (let ((n (cons p m)))
+ (set! autoloads-done
+ (delete! n autoloads-done))
+ (set! autoloads-in-progress (cons n autoloads-in-progress))))
+(define (set-autoloaded! p m done?)
+ (if done?
+ (autoload-done! p m)
+ (let ((n (cons p m)))
+ (set! autoloads-done (delete! n autoloads-done))
+ (set! autoloads-in-progress (delete! n autoloads-in-progress)))))
+;;; {Macros}
+(define macro-table (make-weak-hash-table 523))
+(define xformer-table (make-weak-hash-table 523))
+(define (defmacro? m) (hashq-ref macro-table m))
+(define (assert-defmacro?! m) (hashq-set! macro-table m #t))
+(define (defmacro-transformer m) (hashq-ref xformer-table m))
+(define (set-defmacro-transformer! m t) (hashq-set! xformer-table m t))
+(define defmacro:transformer
+ (lambda (f)
+ (let* ((xform (lambda (exp env)
+ (copy-tree (apply f (cdr exp)))))
+ (a (procedure->memoizing-macro xform)))
+ (assert-defmacro?! a)
+ (set-defmacro-transformer! a f)
+ a)))
+(define defmacro
+ (let ((defmacro-transformer
+ (lambda (name parms . body)
+ (let ((transformer `(lambda ,parms ,@body)))
+ `(define ,name
+ (,(lambda (transformer)
+ (defmacro:transformer transformer))
+ ,transformer))))))
+ (defmacro:transformer defmacro-transformer)))
+(define defmacro:syntax-transformer
+ (lambda (f)
+ (procedure->syntax
+ (lambda (exp env)
+ (copy-tree (apply f (cdr exp)))))))
+(define (macroexpand-1 e)
+ (cond
+ ((pair? e) (let* ((a (car e))
+ (val (and (symbol? a) (eval `(defined? ,a)) (eval a))))
+ (if (defmacro? val)
+ (apply (defmacro-transformer val) (cdr e))
+ e)))
+ (#t e)))
+(define (macroexpand e)
+ (cond
+ ((pair? e) (let* ((a (car e))
+ (val (and (symbol? a) (eval `(defined? ,a)) (eval a))))
+ (if (defmacro? val)
+ (macroexpand (apply (defmacro-transformer val) (cdr e)))
+ e)))
+ (#t e)))
+(define gentemp
+ (let ((*gensym-counter* -1))
+ (lambda ()
+ (set! *gensym-counter* (+ *gensym-counter* 1))
+ (string->symbol
+ (string-append "scm:G" (number->string *gensym-counter*))))))
+;;; {Running Repls}
+(define (repl read evaler print)
+ (let loop ((source (read (current-input-port) #t read-sharp)))
+ (print (evaler source))
+ (loop (read (current-input-port) #t read-sharp))))
+;; A provisional repl that acts like the SCM repl:
+(define scm-repl-silent #f)
+(define (assert-repl-silence v) (set! scm-repl-silent v))
+(define scm-repl-verbose #t)
+(define (assert-repl-verbosity v) (set! scm-repl-verbose v))
+(define scm-repl-prompt #t)
+(define (assert-repl-prompt v) (set! scm-repl-prompt v))
+(define the-prompt-string "guile> ")
+(define (error-catching-loop thunk)
+ (define (loop first)
+ (let ((next
+ (catch #t
+ (lambda ()
+ (dynamic-wind
+ (lambda () (unmask-signals))
+ (lambda ()
+ (first)
+ ;; This line is needed because mark doesn't do closures quite right.
+ ;; Unreferenced locals should be collected.
+ ;;
+ (set! first #f)
+ (let loop ((v (thunk)))
+ (loop (thunk)))
+ #f)
+ (lambda () (mask-signals))))
+ (lambda (key . args)
+ (case key
+ ((quit) (force-output)
+ (pk 'quit args)
+ #f)
+ ((abort) ;; This is one of the closures that require (set! first #f)
+ ;; above
+ ;;
+ (lambda ()
+ (force-output)
+ (display "ABORT: " (current-error-port))
+ (write args (current-error-port))
+ (newline (current-error-port))))
+ (else ;; This is the other cons-leak closure...
+ (lambda ()
+ (apply %%bad-throw key args))))))))
+ (and next (loop next))))
+ (loop (lambda () #t)))
+(define (quit . args)
+ (apply throw 'quit args))
+(define (error-catching-repl r e p)
+ (error-catching-loop (lambda () (p (e (r))))))
+(define (gc-run-time)
+ (cdr (assq 'gc-time-taken (gc-stats))))
+(define (scm-style-repl)
+ (letrec (
+ (start-gc-rt #f)
+ (start-rt #f)
+ (repl-report-reset (lambda () #f))
+ (repl-report-start-timing (lambda ()
+ (set! start-gc-rt (gc-run-time))
+ (set! start-rt (get-internal-run-time))))
+ (repl-report (lambda ()
+ (display ";;; ")
+ (display (inexact->exact
+ (* 1000 (/ (- (get-internal-run-time) start-rt)
+ internal-time-units-per-second))))
+ (display " msec (")
+ (display (inexact->exact
+ (* 1000 (/ (- (gc-run-time) start-gc-rt)
+ internal-time-units-per-second))))
+ (display " msec in gc)\n")))
+ (-read (lambda ()
+ (if scm-repl-prompt
+ (begin
+ (display the-prompt-string)
+ (force-output)
+ (repl-report-reset)))
+ (let ((val (read (current-input-port) #t read-sharp)))
+ (if (eof-object? val)
+ (begin
+ (if scm-repl-verbose
+ (begin
+ (newline)
+ (display ";;; EOF -- quitting")
+ (newline)))
+ (quit 0)))
+ val)))
+ (-eval (lambda (sourc)
+ (repl-report-start-timing)
+ (eval sourc)))
+ (-print (lambda (result)
+ (if (not scm-repl-silent)
+ (begin
+ (print result)
+ (newline)
+ (if scm-repl-verbose
+ (repl-report))
+ (force-output)))))
+ (-quit (lambda ()
+ (if scm-repl-verbose
+ (begin
+ (display ";;; QUIT executed, repl exitting")
+ (newline)
+ (repl-report)))
+ #t))
+ (-abort (lambda ()
+ (if scm-repl-verbose
+ (begin
+ (display ";;; ABORT executed.")
+ (newline)
+ (repl-report)))
+ (repl -read -eval -print))))
+ (error-catching-repl -read
+ -eval
+ -print)))
+(define (stand-alone-repl)
+ (let ((oport (current-input-port)))
+ (set-current-input-port *stdin*)
+ (scm-style-repl)
+ (set-current-input-port oport)))
+(define (reverse-iota n) (if (> n 0) (cons (1- n) (reverse-iota (1- n))) '()))
+(define (iota n) (list-reverse! (reverse-iota n)))
+;;; {While}
+;;; with `continue' and `break'.
+(defmacro while (cond . body)
+ `(letrec ((continue (lambda () (or (not ,cond) (begin (begin ,@ body) (continue)))))
+ (break (lambda val (apply throw 'break val))))
+ (catch 'break
+ (lambda () (continue))
+ (lambda v (cadr v)))))
+;;; {Macros}
+;; actually....hobbit might be able to hack these with a little
+;; coaxing
+(defmacro define-macro (first . rest)
+ (let ((name (if (symbol? first) first (car first)))
+ (transformer
+ (if (symbol? first)
+ (car rest)
+ `(lambda ,(cdr first) ,@rest))))
+ `(define ,name (defmacro:transformer ,transformer))))
+(defmacro define-syntax-macro (first . rest)
+ (let ((name (if (symbol? first) first (car first)))
+ (transformer
+ (if (symbol? first)
+ (car rest)
+ `(lambda ,(cdr first) ,@rest))))
+ `(define ,name (defmacro:syntax-transformer ,transformer))))
+;;; {Module System Macros}
+(defmacro define-module args
+ `(let* ((process-define-module process-define-module)
+ (set-current-module set-current-module)
+ (module (process-define-module ',args)))
+ (set-current-module module)
+ module))
+(define define-private define)
+(defmacro define-public args
+ (define (syntax)
+ (error "bad syntax" (list 'define-public args)))
+ (define (defined-name n)
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? n) n)
+ ((pair? n) (defined-name (car n)))
+ (else (syntax))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? args) (syntax))
+ (#t (let ((name (defined-name (car args))))
+ `(begin
+ (let ((public-i (module-public-interface (current-module))))
+ ;; Make sure there is a local variable:
+ ;;
+ (module-define! (current-module)
+ ',name
+ (module-ref (current-module) ',name #f))
+ ;; Make sure that local is exported:
+ ;;
+ (module-add! public-i ',name (module-variable (current-module) ',name)))
+ ;; Now (re)define the var normally.
+ ;;
+ (define-private ,@ args))))))
+(defmacro defmacro-public args
+ (define (syntax)
+ (error "bad syntax" (list 'defmacro-public args)))
+ (define (defined-name n)
+ (cond
+ ((symbol? n) n)
+ (else (syntax))))
+ (cond
+ ((null? args) (syntax))
+ (#t (let ((name (defined-name (car args))))
+ `(begin
+ (let ((public-i (module-public-interface (current-module))))
+ ;; Make sure there is a local variable:
+ ;;
+ (module-define! (current-module)
+ ',name
+ (module-ref (current-module) ',name #f))
+ ;; Make sure that local is exported:
+ ;;
+ (module-add! public-i ',name (module-variable (current-module) ',name)))
+ ;; Now (re)define the var normally.
+ ;;
+ (defmacro ,@ args))))))
+(define try-load-with-path try-load-module-with-path)
+(define try-load try-load-module)
+(define load-with-path load-module-with-path)
+(define load load-module)
+;; (define in-ch (get-standard-channel TCL_STDIN))
+;; (define out-ch (get-standard-channel TCL_STDOUT))
+;; (define err-ch (get-standard-channel TCL_STDERR))
+;; (define inp (%make-channel-port in-ch "r"))
+;; (define outp (%make-channel-port out-ch "w"))
+;; (define errp (%make-channel-port err-ch "w"))
+;; (define %system-char-ready? char-ready?)
+;; (define (char-ready? p)
+;; (if (not (channel-port? p))
+;; (%system-char-ready? p)
+;; (let* ((channel (%channel-port-channel p))
+;; (old-blocking (channel-option-ref channel :blocking)))
+;; (dynamic-wind
+;; (lambda () (set-channel-option the-root-tcl-interpreter channel :blocking "0"))
+;; (lambda () (not (eof-object? (peek-char p))))
+;; (lambda () (set-channel-option the-root-tcl-interpreter channel :blocking old-blocking))))))
+;; (define (top-repl)
+;; (with-input-from-port inp
+;; (lambda ()
+;; (with-output-to-port outp
+;; (lambda ()
+;; (with-error-to-port errp
+;; (lambda ()
+;; (scm-style-repl))))))))
+;; (set-current-input-port inp)
+;; (set-current-output-port outp)
+;; (set-current-error-port errp)
+(define (top-repl) (scm-style-repl))
+(define-module (ice-9 calling))
+;;; {Calling Conventions}
+;;; This file contains a number of macros that support
+;;; common calling conventions.
+;;; with-excursion-function <vars> proc
+;;; <vars> is an unevaluated list of names that are bound in the caller.
+;;; proc is a procedure, called:
+;;; (proc excursion)
+;;; excursion is a procedure isolates all changes to <vars>
+;;; in the dynamic scope of the call to proc. In other words,
+;;; the values of <vars> are saved when proc is entered, and when
+;;; proc returns, those values are restored. Values are also restored
+;;; entering and leaving the call to proc non-locally, such as using
+;;; call-with-current-continuation, error, or throw.
+(defmacro-public with-excursion-function (vars proc)
+ `(,proc ,(excursion-function-syntax vars)))
+;;; with-getter-and-setter <vars> proc
+;;; <vars> is an unevaluated list of names that are bound in the caller.
+;;; proc is a procedure, called:
+;;; (proc getter setter)
+;;; getter and setter are procedures used to access
+;;; or modify <vars>.
+;;; setter, called with keywords arguments, modifies the named
+;;; values. If "foo" and "bar" are among <vars>, then:
+;;; (setter :foo 1 :bar 2)
+;;; == (set! foo 1 bar 2)
+;;; getter, called with just keywords, returns
+;;; a list of the corresponding values. For example,
+;;; if "foo" and "bar" are among the <vars>, then
+;;; (getter :foo :bar)
+;;; => (<value-of-foo> <value-of-bar>)
+;;; getter, called with no arguments, returns a list of all accepted
+;;; keywords and the corresponding values. If "foo" and "bar" are
+;;; the *only* <vars>, then:
+;;; (getter)
+;;; => (:foo <value-of-bar> :bar <value-of-foo>)
+;;; The unusual calling sequence of a getter supports too handy
+;;; idioms:
+;;; (apply setter (getter)) ;; save and restore
+;;; (apply-to-args (getter :foo :bar) ;; fetch and bind
+;;; (lambda (foo bar) ....))
+;;; ;; [ "apply-to-args" is just like two-argument "apply" except that it
+;;; ;; takes its arguments in a different order.
+(defmacro-public with-getter-and-setter (vars proc)
+ `(,proc ,@ (getter-and-setter-syntax vars)))
+;;; with-getter vars proc
+;;; A short-hand for a call to with-getter-and-setter.
+;;; The procedure is called:
+;;; (proc getter)
+(defmacro-public with-getter (vars proc)
+ `(,proc ,(car (getter-and-setter-syntax vars))))
+;;; with-delegating-getter-and-setter <vars> get-delegate set-delegate proc
+;;; Compose getters and setters.
+;;; <vars> is an unevaluated list of names that are bound in the caller.
+;;; get-delegate is called by the new getter to extend the set of
+;;; gettable variables beyond just <vars>
+;;; set-delegate is called by the new setter to extend the set of
+;;; gettable variables beyond just <vars>
+;;; proc is a procedure that is called
+;;; (proc getter setter)
+(defmacro-public with-delegating-getter-and-setter (vars get-delegate set-delegate proc)
+ `(,proc ,@ (delegating-getter-and-setter-syntax vars get-delegate set-delegate)))
+;;; with-delegating-getter-and-setter <vars> get-delegate set-delegate proc
+;;; <vars> is an unevaluated list of names that are bound in the caller.
+;;; proc is called:
+;;; (proc excursion getter setter)
+;;; See also:
+;;; with-getter-and-setter
+;;; with-excursion-function
+(defmacro-public with-excursion-getter-and-setter (vars proc)
+ `(,proc ,(excursion-function-syntax vars)
+ ,@ (getter-and-setter-syntax vars)))
+(define (excursion-function-syntax vars)
+ (let ((saved-value-names (map gensym vars))
+ (tmp-var-name (gensym 'temp))
+ (swap-fn-name (gensym 'swap))
+ (thunk-name (gensym 'thunk)))
+ `(lambda (,thunk-name)
+ (letrec ((,tmp-var-name #f)
+ (,swap-fn-name
+ (lambda () ,@ (map (lambda (n sn) `(set! ,tmp-var-name ,n ,n ,sn ,sn ,tmp-var-name))
+ vars saved-value-names)))
+ ,@ (map (lambda (sn n) `(,sn ,n)) saved-value-names vars))
+ (dynamic-wind
+ ,swap-fn-name
+ ,thunk-name
+ ,swap-fn-name)))))
+(define (getter-and-setter-syntax vars)
+ (let ((args-name (gensym 'args))
+ (an-arg-name (gensym 'an-arg))
+ (new-val-name (gensym 'new-value))
+ (loop-name (gensym 'loop))
+ (kws (map symbol->keyword vars)))
+ (list `(lambda ,args-name
+ (let ,loop-name ((,args-name ,args-name))
+ (if (null? ,args-name)
+ ,(if (null? kws)
+ ''()
+ `(let ((all-vals (,loop-name ',kws)))
+ (let ,loop-name ((vals all-vals)
+ (kws ',kws))
+ (if (null? vals)
+ '()
+ `(,(car kws) ,(car vals) ,@(,loop-name (cdr vals) (cdr kws)))))))
+ (map (lambda (,an-arg-name)
+ (case ,an-arg-name
+ ,@ (append
+ (map (lambda (kw v) `((,kw) ,v)) kws vars)
+ `((else (throw 'bad-get-option ,an-arg-name))))))
+ ,args-name))))
+ `(lambda ,args-name
+ (let ,loop-name ((,args-name ,args-name))
+ (or (null? ,args-name)
+ (null? (cdr ,args-name))
+ (let ((,an-arg-name (car ,args-name))
+ (,new-val-name (cadr ,args-name)))
+ (case ,an-arg-name
+ ,@ (append
+ (map (lambda (kw v) `((,kw) (set! ,v ,new-val-name))) kws vars)
+ `((else (throw 'bad-set-option ,an-arg-name)))))
+ (,loop-name (cddr ,args-name)))))))))
+(define (delegating-getter-and-setter-syntax vars get-delegate set-delegate)
+ (let ((args-name (gensym 'args))
+ (an-arg-name (gensym 'an-arg))
+ (new-val-name (gensym 'new-value))
+ (loop-name (gensym 'loop))
+ (kws (map symbol->keyword vars)))
+ (list `(lambda ,args-name
+ (let ,loop-name ((,args-name ,args-name))
+ (if (null? ,args-name)
+ (append!
+ ,(if (null? kws)
+ ''()
+ `(let ((all-vals (,loop-name ',kws)))
+ (let ,loop-name ((vals all-vals)
+ (kws ',kws))
+ (if (null? vals)
+ '()
+ `(,(car kws) ,(car vals) ,@(,loop-name (cdr vals) (cdr kws)))))))
+ (,get-delegate))
+ (map (lambda (,an-arg-name)
+ (case ,an-arg-name
+ ,@ (append
+ (map (lambda (kw v) `((,kw) ,v)) kws vars)
+ `((else (car (,get-delegate ,an-arg-name)))))))
+ ,args-name))))
+ `(lambda ,args-name
+ (let ,loop-name ((,args-name ,args-name))
+ (or (null? ,args-name)
+ (null? (cdr ,args-name))
+ (let ((,an-arg-name (car ,args-name))
+ (,new-val-name (cadr ,args-name)))
+ (case ,an-arg-name
+ ,@ (append
+ (map (lambda (kw v) `((,kw) (set! ,v ,new-val-name))) kws vars)
+ `((else (,set-delegate ,an-arg-name ,new-val-name)))))
+ (,loop-name (cddr ,args-name)))))))))
+;;; with-configuration-getter-and-setter <vars-etc> proc
+;;; Create a getter and setter that can trigger arbitrary computation.
+;;; <vars-etc> is a list of variable specifiers, explained below.
+;;; proc is called:
+;;; (proc getter setter)
+;;; Each element of the <vars-etc> list is of the form:
+;;; (<var> getter-hook setter-hook)
+;;; Both hook elements are evaluated; the variable name is not.
+;;; Either hook may be #f or procedure.
+;;; A getter hook is a thunk that returns a value for the corresponding
+;;; variable. If omitted (#f is passed), the binding of <var> is
+;;; returned.
+;;; A setter hook is a procedure of one argument that accepts a new value
+;;; for the corresponding variable. If omitted, the binding of <var>
+;;; is simply set using set!.
+(defmacro-public with-configuration-getter-and-setter (vars-etc proc)
+ `((lambda (simpler-get simpler-set body-proc)
+ (with-delegating-getter-and-setter ()
+ simpler-get simpler-set body-proc))
+ (lambda (kw)
+ (case kw
+ ,@(map (lambda (v) `((,(symbol->keyword (car v)))
+ ,(cond
+ ((cadr v) => list)
+ (else `(list ,(car v))))))
+ vars-etc)))
+ (lambda (kw new-val)
+ (case kw
+ ,@(map (lambda (v) `((,(symbol->keyword (car v)))
+ ,(cond
+ ((caddr v) => (lambda (proc) `(,proc new-val)))
+ (else `(set! ,(car v) new-val)))))
+ vars-etc)))
+ ,proc))
+(defmacro-public with-delegating-configuration-getter-and-setter (vars-etc delegate-get delegate-set proc)
+ `((lambda (simpler-get simpler-set body-proc)
+ (with-delegating-getter-and-setter ()
+ simpler-get simpler-set body-proc))
+ (lambda (kw)
+ (case kw
+ ,@(append! (map (lambda (v) `((,(symbol->keyword (car v)))
+ ,(cond
+ ((cadr v) => list)
+ (else `(list ,(car v))))))
+ vars-etc)
+ `((else (,delegate-get kw))))))
+ (lambda (kw new-val)
+ (case kw
+ ,@(append! (map (lambda (v) `((,(symbol->keyword (car v)))
+ ,(cond
+ ((caddr v) => (lambda (proc) `(,proc new-val)))
+ (else `(set! ,(car v) new-val)))))
+ vars-etc)
+ `((else (,delegate-set kw new-val))))))
+ ,proc))
+;;; let-configuration-getter-and-setter <vars-etc> proc
+;;; This procedure is like with-configuration-getter-and-setter (q.v.)
+;;; except that each element of <vars-etc> is:
+;;; (<var> initial-value getter-hook setter-hook)
+;;; Unlike with-configuration-getter-and-setter, let-configuration-getter-and-setter
+;;; introduces bindings for the variables named in <vars-etc>.
+;;; It is short-hand for:
+;;; (let ((<var1> initial-value-1)
+;;; (<var2> initial-value-2)
+;;; ...)
+;;; (with-configuration-getter-and-setter ((<var1> v1-get v1-set) ...) proc))
+(defmacro-public let-with-configuration-getter-and-setter (vars-etc proc)
+ `(let ,(map (lambda (v) `(,(car v) ,(cadr v))) vars-etc)
+ (with-configuration-getter-and-setter ,(map (lambda (v) `(,(car v) ,(caddr v) ,(cadddr v))) vars-etc)
+ ,proc)))
+(define-module (ice-9 common-list))
+;;"comlist.scm" Implementation of COMMON LISP list functions for Scheme
+; Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 1995 Aubrey Jaffer.
+;Permission to copy this software, to redistribute it, and to use it
+;for any purpose is granted, subject to the following restrictions and
+;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice
+;in full.
+;2. I have made no warrantee or representation that the operation of
+;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to
+;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise.
+;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this
+;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising,
+;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in
+;each case.
+;;;From: (Hugh Secker-Walker)
+(define-public (make-list k . init)
+ (set! init (if (pair? init) (car init)))
+ (do ((k k (+ -1 k))
+ (result '() (cons init result)))
+ ((<= k 0) result)))
+(define-public (adjoin e l) (if (memq e l) l (cons e l)))
+(define-public (union l1 l2)
+ (cond ((null? l1) l2)
+ ((null? l2) l1)
+ (else (union (cdr l1) (adjoin (car l1) l2)))))
+(define-public (intersection l1 l2)
+ (cond ((null? l1) l1)
+ ((null? l2) l2)
+ ((memv (car l1) l2) (cons (car l1) (intersection (cdr l1) l2)))
+ (else (intersection (cdr l1) l2))))
+(define-public (set-difference l1 l2)
+ (cond ((null? l1) l1)
+ ((memv (car l1) l2) (set-difference (cdr l1) l2))
+ (else (cons (car l1) (set-difference (cdr l1) l2)))))
+(define-public (reduce-init p init l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ init
+ (reduce-init p (p init (car l)) (cdr l))))
+(define-public (reduce p l)
+ (cond ((null? l) l)
+ ((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
+ (else (reduce-init p (car l) (cdr l)))))
+(define-public (some pred l . rest)
+ (cond ((null? rest)
+ (let mapf ((l l))
+ (and (not (null? l))
+ (or (pred (car l)) (mapf (cdr l))))))
+ (else (let mapf ((l l) (rest rest))
+ (and (not (null? l))
+ (or (apply pred (car l) (map car rest))
+ (mapf (cdr l) (map cdr rest))))))))
+(define-public (every pred l . rest)
+ (cond ((null? rest)
+ (let mapf ((l l))
+ (or (null? l)
+ (and (pred (car l)) (mapf (cdr l))))))
+ (else (let mapf ((l l) (rest rest))
+ (or (null? l)
+ (and (apply pred (car l) (map car rest))
+ (mapf (cdr l) (map cdr rest))))))))
+(define-public (notany pred . ls) (not (apply some pred ls)))
+(define-public (notevery pred . ls) (not (apply every pred ls)))
+(define-public (find-if t l)
+ (cond ((null? l) #f)
+ ((t (car l)) (car l))
+ (else (find-if t (cdr l)))))
+(define-public (member-if t l)
+ (cond ((null? l) #f)
+ ((t (car l)) l)
+ (else (member-if t (cdr l)))))
+(define-public (remove-if p l)
+ (cond ((null? l) '())
+ ((p (car l)) (remove-if p (cdr l)))
+ (else (cons (car l) (remove-if p (cdr l))))))
+(define-public (delete-if! pred list)
+ (let delete-if ((list list))
+ (cond ((null? list) '())
+ ((pred (car list)) (delete-if (cdr list)))
+ (else
+ (set-cdr! list (delete-if (cdr list)))
+ list))))
+(define-public (delete-if-not! pred list)
+ (let delete-if ((list list))
+ (cond ((null? list) '())
+ ((not (pred (car list))) (delete-if (cdr list)))
+ (else
+ (set-cdr! list (delete-if (cdr list)))
+ list))))
+(define-public (butlast lst n)
+ (letrec ((l (- (length lst) n))
+ (bl (lambda (lst n)
+ (cond ((null? lst) lst)
+ ((positive? n)
+ (cons (car lst) (bl (cdr lst) (+ -1 n))))
+ (else '())))))
+ (bl lst (if (negative? n)
+ (slib:error "negative argument to butlast" n)
+ l))))
+(define-public (and? . args)
+ (cond ((null? args) #t)
+ ((car args) (apply and? (cdr args)))
+ (else #f)))
+(define-public (or? . args)
+ (cond ((null? args) #f)
+ ((car args) #t)
+ (else (apply or? (cdr args)))))
+(define-public (has-duplicates? lst)
+ (cond ((null? lst) #f)
+ ((member (car lst) (cdr lst)) #t)
+ (else (has-duplicates? (cdr lst)))))
+(define-public (list* x . y)
+ (define (list*1 x)
+ (if (null? (cdr x))
+ (car x)
+ (cons (car x) (list*1 (cdr x)))))
+ (if (null? y)
+ x
+ (cons x (list*1 y))))
+;; pick p l
+;; Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of elts
+;; for which P returns a non-#f value.
+(define-public (pick p l)
+ (let loop ((s '())
+ (l l))
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) s)
+ ((p (car l)) (loop (cons (car l) s) (cdr l)))
+ (else (loop s (cdr l))))))
+;; pick p l
+;; Apply P to each element of L, returning a list of the
+;; non-#f return values of P.
+(define-public (pick-mappings p l)
+ (let loop ((s '())
+ (l l))
+ (cond
+ ((null? l) s)
+ ((p (car l)) => (lambda (mapping) (loop (cons mapping s) (cdr l))))
+ (else (loop s (cdr l))))))
+(define-public (uniq l)
+ (if (null? l)
+ '()
+ (let ((u (uniq (cdr l))))
+ (if (memq (car l) u)
+ u
+ (cons (car l) u)))))
+(define-module (ice-9 ls)
+ :use-module (ice-9 common-list))
+;;; local-definitions-in root name
+;;; Returns a list of names defined locally in the named subdirectory of root.
+;;; definitions-in root name
+;;; Returns a list of all names defined in the named subdirectory of root.
+;;; The list includes alll locally defined names as well as all names inherited
+;;; from a member of a use-list.
+;;; A convenient interface for examining the nature of things:
+;;; ls . various-names
+;;; With just one argument, interpret that argument as the name of a subdirectory
+;;; of the current module and return a list of names defined there.
+;;; With more than one argument, still compute subdirectory lists, but
+;;; return a list:
+;;; ((<subdir-name> . <names-defined-there>)
+;;; (<subdir-name> . <names-defined-there>)
+;;; ...)
+(define-public (local-definitions-in root names)
+ (let ((m (resolved-ref root names))
+ (answer '()))
+ (if (not (module? m))
+ (set! answer m)
+ (module-for-each (lambda (k v) (set! answer (cons k answer))) m))
+ answer))
+(define-public (definitions-in root names)
+ (let ((m (resolved-ref root names)))
+ (if (not (module? m))
+ m
+ (reduce union
+ (cons (local-definitions-in m '())
+ (map (lambda (m2) (definitions-in m2 '())) (module-uses m)))))))
+(define-public (ls . various-refs)
+ (and various-refs
+ (if (cdr various-refs)
+ (map (lambda (ref)
+ (cons ref (definitions-in (current-module) ref)))
+ various-refs)
+ (definitions-in (current-module) (car various-refs)))))
+(define-public (lls . various-refs)
+ (and various-refs
+ (if (cdr various-refs)
+ (map (lambda (ref)
+ (cons ref (local-definitions-in (current-module) ref)))
+ various-refs)
+ (local-definitions-in (current-module) (car various-refs)))))
+(define-public (recursive-value-define name value)
+ (let ((parent (reverse! (cdr (reverse name)))))
+ (and parent (make-modules-in (current-module) parent))
+ (value-define name value)))
+(define-module (ice-9 q))
+;;;; Copyright (C) 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;;;; any later version.
+;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; Q: Based on the interface to
+;;; "queue.scm" Queues/Stacks for Scheme
+;;; Written by Andrew Wilcox ( on April 1, 1992.
+;;; {Q}
+;;; A list is just a bunch of cons pairs that follows some constrains, right?
+;;; Association lists are the same. Hash tables are just vectors and association
+;;; lists. You can print them, read them, write them as constants, pun them off as other data
+;;; structures etc. This is good. This is lisp. These structures are fast and compact
+;;; and easy to manipulate arbitrarily because of their simple, regular structure and
+;;; non-disjointedness (associations being lists and so forth).
+;;; So I figured, queues should be the same -- just a "subtype" of cons-pair
+;;; structures in general.
+;;; A queue is a cons pair:
+;;; ( <the-q> . <last-pair> )
+;;; <the-q> is a list of things in the q. New elements go at the end of that list.
+;;; <last-pair> is #f if the q is empty, and otherwise is the last pair of <the-q>.
+;;; q's print nicely, but alas, they do not read well because the eq?-ness of
+;;; <last-pair> and (last-pair <the-q>) is lost by read. The procedure
+;;; (sync-q! q)
+;;; recomputes and resets the <last-pair> component of a queue.
+(define-public (sync-q! obj) (set-cdr! obj (and (car obj) (last-pair (car obj)))))
+;;; make-q
+;;; return a new q.
+(define-public (make-q) (cons '() '()))
+;;; q? obj
+;;; Return true if obj is a Q.
+;;; An object is a queue if it is equal? to '(#f . #f) or
+;;; if it is a pair P with (list? (car P)) and (eq? (cdr P) (last-pair P)).
+(define-public (q? obj) (and (pair? obj)
+ (or (and (null? (car obj))
+ (null? (cdr obj)))
+ (and
+ (list? (car obj))
+ (eq? (cdr obj) (last-pair (car obj)))))))
+;;; q-empty? obj
+(define-public (q-empty? obj) (null? (car obj)))
+;;; q-empty-check q
+;;; Throw a q-empty exception if Q is empty.
+(define-public (q-empty-check q) (if (q-empty? q) (throw 'q-empty q)))
+;;; q-front q
+;;; Return the first element of Q.
+(define-public (q-front q) (q-empty-check q) (caar q))
+;;; q-front q
+;;; Return the last element of Q.
+(define-public (q-rear q) (q-empty-check q) (cadr q))
+;;; q-remove! q obj
+;;; Remove all occurences of obj from Q.
+(define-public (q-remove! q obj)
+ (while (memq obj (car q))
+ (set-car! q (delq! obj (car q))))
+ (set-cdr! q (last-pair (car q))))
+;;; q-push! q obj
+;;; Add obj to the front of Q
+(define-public (q-push! q d)
+ (let ((h (cons d (car q))))
+ (set-car! q h)
+ (if (null? (cdr q))
+ (set-cdr! q h))))
+;;; enq! q obj
+;;; Add obj to the rear of Q
+(define-public (enq! q d)
+ (let ((h (cons d '())))
+ (if (not (null? (cdr q)))
+ (set-cdr! (cdr q) h)
+ (set-car! q h))
+ (set-cdr! q h)))
+;;; q-pop! q
+;;; Take the front of Q and return it.
+(define-public (q-pop! q)
+ (q-empty-check q)
+ (let ((it (caar q))
+ (next (cdar q)))
+ (if (not next)
+ (set-cdr! q #f))
+ (set-car! q next)
+ it))
+;;; deq! q
+;;; Take the front of Q and return it.
+(define-public deq! q-pop!)
+;;; q-length q
+;;; Return the number of enqueued elements.
+(define-public (q-length q) (length (car q)))
+;;; installed-scm-file
+(define-module (ice-9 runq)
+ :use-module (ice-9 q))
+;;;; Copyright (C) 1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;;;; any later version.
+;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+;;;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+;;; {The runq data structure}
+;;; One way to schedule parallel computations in a serial environment is
+;;; to explicitly divide each task up into small, finite execution time,
+;;; strips. Then you interleave the execution of strips from various
+;;; tasks to achieve a kind of parallelism. Runqs are a handy data
+;;; structure for this style of programming.
+;;; We use thunks (nullary procedures) and lists of thunks to represent
+;;; strips. By convention, the return value of a strip-thunk must either
+;;; be another strip or the value #f.
+;;; A runq is a procedure that manages a queue of strips. Called with no
+;;; arguments, it processes one strip from the queue. Called with
+;;; arguments, the arguments form a control message for the queue. The
+;;; first argument is a symbol which is the message selector.
+;;; A strip is processed this way: If the strip is a thunk, the thunk is
+;;; called -- if it returns a strip, that strip is added back to the
+;;; queue. To process a strip which is a list of thunks, the CAR of that
+;;; list is called. After a call to that CAR, there are 0, 1, or 2 strips
+;;; -- perhaps one returned by the thunk, and perhaps the CDR of the
+;;; original strip if that CDR is not nil. The runq puts whichever of
+;;; these strips exist back on the queue. (The exact order in which
+;;; strips are put back on the queue determines the scheduling behavior of
+;;; a particular queue -- it's a parameter.)
+;;; (runq-control q msg . args)
+;;; processes in the default way the control messages that
+;;; can be sent to a runq. Q should be an ordinary
+;;; Q (see utils/q.scm).
+;;; The standard runq messages are:
+;;; 'add! strip0 strip1... ;; to enqueue one or more strips
+;;; 'enqueue! strip0 strip1... ;; to enqueue one or more strips
+;;; 'push! strip0 ... ;; add strips to the front of the queue
+;;; 'empty? ;; true if it is
+;;; 'length ;; how many strips in the queue?
+;;; 'kill! ;; empty the queue
+;;; else ;; throw 'not-understood
+(define-public (runq-control q msg . args)
+ (case msg
+ ((add!) (for-each (lambda (t) (enq! q t)) args) '*unspecified*)
+ ((enque!) (for-each (lambda (t) (enq! q t)) args) '*unspecified*)
+ ((push!) (for-each (lambda (t) (q-push! q t)) args) '*unspecified*)
+ ((empty?) (q-empty? q))
+ ((length) (q-length q))
+ ((kill!) (set! q (make-q)))
+ (else (throw 'not-understood msg args))))
+(define (run-strip thunk) (catch #t thunk (lambda ign (warn 'runq-strip thunk ign) #f)))
+;;; make-void-runq
+;;; Make a runq that discards all messages except "length", for which
+;;; it returns 0.
+(define-public (make-void-runq)
+ (lambda opts
+ (and opts
+ (apply-to-args opts
+ (lambda (msg . args)
+ (case msg
+ ((length) 0)
+ (else #f)))))))
+;;; (make-fair-runq)
+;;; Returns a runq procedure.
+;;; Called with no arguments, the procedure processes one strip from the queue.
+;;; Called with arguments, it uses runq-control.
+;;; In a fair runq, if a strip returns a new strip X, X is added
+;;; to the end of the queue, meaning it will be the last to execute
+;;; of all the remaining procedures.
+(define-public (make-fair-runq)
+ (letrec ((q (make-q))
+ (self
+ (lambda ctl
+ (if ctl
+ (apply runq-control q ctl)
+ (and (not (q-empty? q))
+ (let ((next-strip (deq! q)))
+ (cond
+ ((procedure? next-strip) (let ((k (run-strip next-strip)))
+ (and k (enq! q k))))
+ ((pair? next-strip) (let ((k (run-strip (car next-strip))))
+ (and k (enq! q k)))
+ (if (not (null? (cdr next-strip)))
+ (enq! q (cdr next-strip)))))
+ self))))))
+ self))
+;;; (make-exclusive-runq)
+;;; Returns a runq procedure.
+;;; Called with no arguments, the procedure processes one strip from the queue.
+;;; Called with arguments, it uses runq-control.
+;;; In an exclusive runq, if a strip W returns a new strip X, X is added
+;;; to the front of the queue, meaning it will be the next to execute
+;;; of all the remaining procedures.
+;;; An exception to this occurs if W was the CAR of a list of strips.
+;;; In that case, after the return value of W is pushed onto the front
+;;; of the queue, the CDR of the list of strips is pushed in front
+;;; of that (if the CDR is not nil). This way, the rest of the thunks
+;;; in the list that contained W have priority over the return value of W.
+(define-public (make-exclusive-runq)
+ (letrec ((q (make-q))
+ (self
+ (lambda ctl
+ (if ctl
+ (apply runq-control q ctl)
+ (and (not (q-empty? q))
+ (let ((next-strip (deq! q)))
+ (cond
+ ((procedure? next-strip) (let ((k (run-strip next-strip)))
+ (and k (q-push! q k))))
+ ((pair? next-strip) (let ((k (run-strip (car next-strip))))
+ (and k (q-push! q k)))
+ (if (not (null? (cdr next-strip)))
+ (q-push! q (cdr next-strip)))))
+ self))))))
+ self))
+;;; (make-subordinate-runq-to superior basic-inferior)
+;;; Returns a runq proxy for the runq basic-inferior.
+;;; The proxy watches for operations on the basic-inferior that cause
+;;; a transition from a queue length of 0 to a non-zero length and
+;;; vice versa. While the basic-inferior queue is not empty,
+;;; the proxy installs a task on the superior runq. Each strip
+;;; of that task processes N strips from the basic-inferior where
+;;; N is the length of the basic-inferior queue when the proxy
+;;; strip is entered. [Countless scheduling variations are possible.]
+(define-public (make-subordinate-runq-to superior-runq basic-runq)
+ (let ((runq-task (cons #f #f)))
+ (set-car! runq-task
+ (lambda ()
+ (if (basic-runq 'empty?)
+ (set-cdr! runq-task #f)
+ (do ((n (basic-runq 'length) (1- n)))
+ ((<= n 0) #f)
+ (basic-runq)))))
+ (letrec ((self
+ (lambda ctl
+ (if (not ctl)
+ (let ((answer (basic-runq)))
+ (self 'empty?)
+ answer)
+ (begin
+ (case (car ctl)
+ ((suspend) (set-cdr! runq-task #f))
+ (else (let ((answer (apply basic-runq ctl)))
+ (if (and (not (cdr runq-task)) (not (basic-runq 'empty?)))
+ (begin
+ (set-cdr! runq-task runq-task)
+ (superior-runq 'add! runq-task)))
+ answer))))))))
+ self)))
+;;; (define fork-strips (lambda args args))
+;;; Return a strip that starts several strips in
+;;; parallel. If this strip is enqueued on a fair
+;;; runq, strips of the parallel subtasks will run
+;;; round-robin style.
+(define fork-strips (lambda args args))
+;;; (strip-sequence . strips)
+;;; Returns a new strip which is the concatenation of the argument strips.
+(define-public ((strip-sequence . strips))
+ (let loop ((st (let ((a strips)) (set! strips #f) a)))
+ (and (not (null? st))
+ (let ((then ((car st))))
+ (if then
+ (lambda () (loop (cons then (cdr st))))
+ (lambda () (loop (cdr st))))))))
+;;; (fair-strip-subtask . initial-strips)
+;;; Returns a new strip which is the synchronos, fair,
+;;; parallel execution of the argument strips.
+(define-public (fair-strip-subtask . initial-strips)
+ (let ((st (make-fair-runq)))
+ (apply st 'add! initial-strips)
+ st))
+;;; installed-scm-file
+(define-module (ice-9 string-fun))
+;;; {String Fun}
+;;; Various string funcitons, particularly those that take
+;;; advantage of the "shared substring" capability.
+;;; {Dividing Strings Into Fields}
+;;; The names of these functions are very regular.
+;;; Here is a grammar of a call to one of these:
+;;; <string-function-invocation>
+;;; := (<action>-<seperator-disposition>-<seperator-determination> <seperator-param> <str> <ret>)
+;;; <str> = the string
+;;; <ret> = The continuation. String functions generally return
+;;; multiple values by passing them to this procedure.
+;;; <action> = split
+;;; | separate-fields
+;;; "split" means to divide a string into two parts.
+;;; <ret> will be called with two arguments.
+;;; "separate-fields" means to divide a string into as many
+;;; parts as possible. <ret> will be called with
+;;; however many fields are found.
+;;; <seperator-disposition> = before
+;;; | after
+;;; | discarding
+;;; "before" means to leave the seperator attached to
+;;; the beginning of the field to its right.
+;;; "after" means to leave the seperator attached to
+;;; the end of the field to its left.
+;;; "discarding" means to discard seperators.
+;;; Other dispositions might be handy. For example, "isolate"
+;;; could mean to treat the separator as a field unto itself.
+;;; <seperator-determination> = char
+;;; | predicate
+;;; "char" means to use a particular character as field seperator.
+;;; "predicate" means to check each character using a particular predicate.
+;;; Other determinations might be handy. For example, "character-set-member".
+;;; <seperator-param> = A parameter that completes the meaning of the determinations.
+;;; For example, if the determination is "char", then this parameter
+;;; says which character. If it is "predicate", the parameter is the
+;;; predicate.
+;;; For example:
+;;; (separate-fields-discarding-char #\, "foo, bar, baz, , bat" list)
+;;; => ("foo" " bar" " baz" " " " bat")
+;;; (split-after-char #\- 'an-example-of-split list)
+;;; => ("an-" "example-of-split")
+;;; As an alternative to using a determination "predicate", or to trying to do anything
+;;; complicated with these functions, consider using regular expressions.
+(define-public (split-after-char char str ret)
+ (let ((end (cond
+ ((string-index str char) => 1+)
+ (else (string-length str)))))
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str end))))
+(define-public (split-before-char char str ret)
+ (let ((end (or (string-index str char)
+ (string-length str))))
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str end))))
+(define-public (split-discarding-char char str ret)
+ (let ((end (string-index str char)))
+ (if (not end)
+ (ret str "")
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str (1+ end))))))
+(define-public (split-after-char-last char str ret)
+ (let ((end (cond
+ ((string-rindex str char) => 1+)
+ (else 0))))
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str end))))
+(define-public (split-before-char-last char str ret)
+ (let ((end (or (string-rindex str char) 0)))
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str end))))
+(define-public (split-discarding-char-last char str ret)
+ (let ((end (string-rindex str char)))
+ (if (not end)
+ (ret str "")
+ (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 end)
+ (make-shared-substring str (1+ end))))))
+(define (split-before-predicate pred str ret)
+ (let loop ((n 0))
+ (cond
+ ((= n (length str)) (ret str ""))
+ ((not (pred (string-ref str n))) (loop (1+ n)))
+ (else (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 n)
+ (make-shared-substring str n))))))
+(define (split-after-predicate pred str ret)
+ (let loop ((n 0))
+ (cond
+ ((= n (length str)) (ret str ""))
+ ((not (pred (string-ref str n))) (loop (1+ n)))
+ (else (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 (1+ n))
+ (make-shared-substring str (1+ n)))))))
+(define (split-discarding-predicate pred str ret)
+ (let loop ((n 0))
+ (cond
+ ((= n (length str)) (ret str ""))
+ ((not (pred (string-ref str n))) (loop (1+ n)))
+ (else (ret (make-shared-substring str 0 n)
+ (make-shared-substring str (1+ n)))))))
+(define-public (seperate-fields-discarding-char ch str ret)
+ (let loop ((fields '())
+ (str str))
+ (cond
+ ((string-rindex str ch)
+ => (lambda (pos) (loop (cons (make-shared-substring str (+ 1 w)) fields)
+ (make-shared-substring str 0 w))))
+ (else (ret (cons str fields))))))
+(define-public (seperate-fields-after-char ch str ret)
+ (let loop ((fields '())
+ (str str))
+ (cond
+ ((string-rindex str ch)
+ => (lambda (pos) (loop (cons (make-shared-substring str (+ 1 w)) fields)
+ (make-shared-substring str 0 (+ 1 w)))))
+ (else (ret (cons str fields))))))
+(define-public (seperate-fields-before-char ch str ret)
+ (let loop ((fields '())
+ (str str))
+ (cond
+ ((string-rindex str ch)
+ => (lambda (pos) (loop (cons (make-shared-substring str w) fields)
+ (make-shared-substring str 0 w))))
+ (else (ret (cons str fields))))))
+;;; {String Prefix Predicates}
+;;; Very simple:
+:;; (define-public ((string-prefix-predicate pred?) prefix str)
+;;; (and (<= (length prefix) (length str))
+;;; (pred? prefix (make-shared-substring str 0 (length prefix)))))
+;;; (define-public string-prefix=? (string-prefix-predicate string=?))
+(define-public ((string-prefix-predicate pred?) prefix str)
+ (and (<= (length prefix) (length str))
+ (pred? prefix (make-shared-substring str 0 (length prefix)))))
+(define-public string-prefix=? (string-prefix-predicate string=?))
+;;; {Strippers}
+;;; <stripper> = sans-<removable-part>
+;;; <removable-part> = surrounding-whitespace
+;;; | trailing-whitespace
+;;; | leading-whitespace
+;;; | final-newline
+(define-public (sans-surrounding-whitespace s)
+ (let ((st 0)
+ (end (string-length s)))
+ (while (and (< st (string-length s))
+ (char-whitespace? (string-ref s st)))
+ (set! st (1+ st)))
+ (while (and (< 0 end)
+ (char-whitespace? (string-ref s (1- end))))
+ (set! end (1- end)))
+ (if (< end st)
+ ""
+ (make-shared-substring s st end))))
+(define-public (sans-trailing-whitespace s)
+ (let ((st 0)
+ (end (string-length s)))
+ (while (and (< 0 end)
+ (char-whitespace? (string-ref s (1- end))))
+ (set! end (1- end)))
+ (if (< end st)
+ ""
+ (make-shared-substring s st end))))
+(define-public (sans-leading-whitespace s)
+ (let ((st 0)
+ (end (string-length s)))
+ (while (and (< st (string-length s))
+ (char-whitespace? (string-ref s st)))
+ (set! st (1+ st)))
+ (if (< end st)
+ ""
+ (make-shared-substring s st end))))
+(define-public (sans-final-newline str)
+ (cond
+ ((= 0 (string-length str))
+ str)
+ ((char=? #\nl (string-ref str (1- (string-length str))))
+ (make-shared-substring str 0 (1- (string-length str))))
+ (else str)))
+;;; {has-trailing-newline?}
+(define-public (has-trailing-newline? str)
+ (and (< 0 (string-length str))
+ (char=? #\nl (string-ref str (1- (string-length str))))))
+(define-public (with-regexp-parts regexp fields str return fail)
+ (let ((parts (regexec regexp str fields)))
+ (if (number? parts)
+ (fail parts)
+ (apply return parts))))
+(define-module (guile))