path: root/libguile/expand.c
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1 files changed, 1253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libguile/expand.c b/libguile/expand.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e122496c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libguile/expand.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1253 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010
+ * Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of
+ * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+ * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+ * 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+# include <config.h>
+#include "libguile/__scm.h"
+#include "libguile/_scm.h"
+#include "libguile/continuations.h"
+#include "libguile/eq.h"
+#include "libguile/list.h"
+#include "libguile/macros.h"
+#include "libguile/expand.h"
+#include "libguile/modules.h"
+#include "libguile/srcprop.h"
+#include "libguile/ports.h"
+#include "libguile/print.h"
+#include "libguile/strings.h"
+#include "libguile/throw.h"
+#include "libguile/validate.h"
+SCM scm_exp_vtable_vtable;
+static SCM exp_vtables[SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_TYPES];
+static size_t exp_nfields[SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_TYPES];
+static const char* exp_names[SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_TYPES];
+static const char** exp_field_names[SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_TYPES];
+#define VOID(src) \
+#define CONST(src, exp) \
+#define PRIMITIVE_REF_TYPE(src, name) \
+#define LEXICAL_REF(src, name, gensym) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LEXICAL_REF(src, name, gensym)
+#define LEXICAL_SET(src, name, gensym, exp) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LEXICAL_SET(src, name, gensym, exp)
+#define MODULE_REF(src, mod, name, public) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_MODULE_REF(src, mod, name, public)
+#define MODULE_SET(src, mod, name, public, exp) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_MODULE_SET(src, mod, name, public, exp)
+#define TOPLEVEL_REF(src, name) \
+#define TOPLEVEL_SET(src, name, exp) \
+#define TOPLEVEL_DEFINE(src, name, exp) \
+#define CONDITIONAL(src, test, consequent, alternate) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_CONDITIONAL(src, test, consequent, alternate)
+#define APPLICATION(src, proc, exps) \
+#define SEQUENCE(src, exps) \
+#define LAMBDA(src, meta, body) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LAMBDA(src, meta, body)
+#define LAMBDA_CASE(src, req, opt, rest, kw, inits, gensyms, body, alternate) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LAMBDA_CASE(src, req, opt, rest, kw, inits, gensyms, body, alternate)
+#define LET(src, names, gensyms, vals, body) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LET(src, names, gensyms, vals, body)
+#define LETREC(src, names, gensyms, vals, body) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_LETREC(src, names, gensyms, vals, body)
+#define DYNLET(src, fluids, vals, body) \
+ SCM_MAKE_EXPANDED_DYNLET(src, fluids, vals, body)
+#define CAR(x) SCM_CAR(x)
+#define CDR(x) SCM_CDR(x)
+#define CAAR(x) SCM_CAAR(x)
+#define CADR(x) SCM_CADR(x)
+#define CDAR(x) SCM_CDAR(x)
+#define CDDR(x) SCM_CDDR(x)
+#define CADDR(x) SCM_CADDR(x)
+#define CDDDR(x) SCM_CDDDR(x)
+#define CADDDR(x) SCM_CADDDR(x)
+static const char s_bad_expression[] = "Bad expression";
+static const char s_expression[] = "Missing or extra expression in";
+static const char s_missing_expression[] = "Missing expression in";
+static const char s_extra_expression[] = "Extra expression in";
+static const char s_empty_combination[] = "Illegal empty combination";
+static const char s_missing_body_expression[] = "Missing body expression in";
+static const char s_mixed_body_forms[] = "Mixed definitions and expressions in";
+static const char s_bad_define[] = "Bad define placement";
+static const char s_missing_clauses[] = "Missing clauses";
+static const char s_misplaced_else_clause[] = "Misplaced else clause";
+static const char s_bad_case_clause[] = "Bad case clause";
+static const char s_bad_case_labels[] = "Bad case labels";
+static const char s_duplicate_case_label[] = "Duplicate case label";
+static const char s_bad_cond_clause[] = "Bad cond clause";
+static const char s_missing_recipient[] = "Missing recipient in";
+static const char s_bad_variable[] = "Bad variable";
+static const char s_bad_bindings[] = "Bad bindings";
+static const char s_bad_binding[] = "Bad binding";
+static const char s_duplicate_binding[] = "Duplicate binding";
+static const char s_bad_exit_clause[] = "Bad exit clause";
+static const char s_bad_formals[] = "Bad formals";
+static const char s_bad_formal[] = "Bad formal";
+static const char s_duplicate_formal[] = "Duplicate formal";
+static const char s_splicing[] = "Non-list result for unquote-splicing";
+static const char s_bad_slot_number[] = "Bad slot number";
+static void syntax_error (const char* const, const SCM, const SCM) SCM_NORETURN;
+SCM_SYMBOL (syntax_error_key, "syntax-error");
+/* Shortcut macros to simplify syntax error handling. */
+#define ASSERT_SYNTAX(cond, message, form) \
+ { if (SCM_UNLIKELY (!(cond))) \
+ syntax_error (message, form, SCM_UNDEFINED); }
+#define ASSERT_SYNTAX_2(cond, message, form, expr) \
+ { if (SCM_UNLIKELY (!(cond))) \
+ syntax_error (message, form, expr); }
+/* Primitive syntax. */
+#define SCM_SYNTAX(STR, CFN) \
+SCM_SNARF_HERE(static SCM CFN (SCM xorig, SCM env)) \
+SCM_SNARF_INIT(scm_c_define (STR, scm_i_make_primitive_macro (STR, CFN)))
+/* True primitive syntax */
+SCM_SYNTAX ("@", expand_at);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("@@", expand_atat);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("begin", expand_begin);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("define", expand_define);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("with-fluids", expand_with_fluids);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("eval-when", expand_eval_when);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("if", expand_if);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("lambda", expand_lambda);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("let", expand_let);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("quote", expand_quote);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("set!", expand_set_x);
+/* Convenient syntax during boot, expands to primitive syntax. Replaced after
+ psyntax boots. */
+SCM_SYNTAX ("and", expand_and);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("cond", expand_cond);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("letrec", expand_letrec);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("let*", expand_letstar);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("or", expand_or);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("lambda*", expand_lambda_star);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("case-lambda", expand_case_lambda);
+SCM_SYNTAX ("case-lambda*", expand_case_lambda_star);
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_apply, "apply");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_arrow, "=>");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_at, "@");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_atat, "@@");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_at_call_with_values, "@call-with-values");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_atapply, "@apply");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_atcall_cc, "@call-with-current-continuation");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_begin, "begin");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_case, "case");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_cond, "cond");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_define, "define");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_at_dynamic_wind, "@dynamic-wind");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_with_fluids, "with-fluids");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_else, "else");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_eval_when, "eval-when");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_if, "if");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_lambda, "lambda");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_let, "let");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_letrec, "letrec");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_letstar, "let*");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_or, "or");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_at_prompt, "@prompt");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_quote, "quote");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_set_x, "set!");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_lambda_star, "lambda*");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_eval, "eval");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_load, "load");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_unquote, "unquote");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_quasiquote, "quasiquote");
+SCM_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (scm_sym_uq_splicing, "unquote-splicing");
+SCM_KEYWORD (kw_allow_other_keys, "allow-other-keys");
+SCM_KEYWORD (kw_optional, "optional");
+SCM_KEYWORD (kw_key, "key");
+SCM_KEYWORD (kw_rest, "rest");
+/* Signal a syntax error. We distinguish between the form that caused the
+ * error and the enclosing expression. The error message will print out as
+ * shown in the following pattern. The file name and line number are only
+ * given when they can be determined from the erroneous form or from the
+ * enclosing expression.
+ *
+ * <filename>: In procedure memoization:
+ * <filename>: In file <name>, line <nr>: <error-message> in <expression>. */
+static void
+syntax_error (const char* const msg, const SCM form, const SCM expr)
+ SCM msg_string = scm_from_locale_string (msg);
+ SCM filename = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ SCM linenr = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ const char *format;
+ SCM args;
+ if (scm_is_pair (form))
+ {
+ filename = scm_source_property (form, scm_sym_filename);
+ linenr = scm_source_property (form, scm_sym_line);
+ }
+ if (scm_is_false (filename) && scm_is_false (linenr) && scm_is_pair (expr))
+ {
+ filename = scm_source_property (expr, scm_sym_filename);
+ linenr = scm_source_property (expr, scm_sym_line);
+ }
+ if (!SCM_UNBNDP (expr))
+ {
+ if (scm_is_true (filename))
+ {
+ format = "In file ~S, line ~S: ~A ~S in expression ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_5 (filename, linenr, msg_string, form, expr);
+ }
+ else if (scm_is_true (linenr))
+ {
+ format = "In line ~S: ~A ~S in expression ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_4 (linenr, msg_string, form, expr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ format = "~A ~S in expression ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_3 (msg_string, form, expr);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (scm_is_true (filename))
+ {
+ format = "In file ~S, line ~S: ~A ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_4 (filename, linenr, msg_string, form);
+ }
+ else if (scm_is_true (linenr))
+ {
+ format = "In line ~S: ~A ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_3 (linenr, msg_string, form);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ format = "~A ~S.";
+ args = scm_list_2 (msg_string, form);
+ }
+ }
+ scm_error (syntax_error_key, "memoization", format, args, SCM_BOOL_F);
+static int
+expand_env_var_is_free (SCM env, SCM x)
+ for (; scm_is_pair (env); env = CDR (env))
+ if (scm_is_eq (x, CAAR (env)))
+ return 0; /* bound */
+ return 1; /* free */
+static SCM
+expand_env_ref_macro (SCM env, SCM x)
+ SCM var;
+ if (!expand_env_var_is_free (env, x))
+ return SCM_BOOL_F; /* lexical */
+ var = scm_module_variable (scm_current_module (), x);
+ if (scm_is_true (var) && scm_is_true (scm_variable_bound_p (var))
+ && scm_is_true (scm_macro_p (scm_variable_ref (var))))
+ return scm_variable_ref (var);
+ else
+ return SCM_BOOL_F; /* anything else */
+static SCM
+expand_env_lexical_gensym (SCM env, SCM name)
+ for (; scm_is_pair (env); env = CDR (env))
+ if (scm_is_eq (name, CAAR (env)))
+ return CDAR (env); /* bound */
+ return SCM_BOOL_F; /* free */
+static SCM
+expand_env_extend (SCM env, SCM names, SCM vars)
+ while (scm_is_pair (names))
+ {
+ env = scm_acons (CAR (names), CAR (vars), env);
+ names = CDR (names);
+ vars = CDR (vars);
+ }
+ return env;
+static SCM
+expand (SCM exp, SCM env)
+ if (scm_is_pair (exp))
+ {
+ SCM car;
+ scm_t_macro_primitive trans = NULL;
+ SCM macro = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ car = CAR (exp);
+ if (scm_is_symbol (car))
+ macro = expand_env_ref_macro (env, car);
+ if (scm_is_true (macro))
+ trans = scm_i_macro_primitive (macro);
+ if (trans)
+ return trans (exp, env);
+ else
+ {
+ SCM arg_exps = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM args = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM proc = CAR (exp);
+ for (arg_exps = CDR (exp); scm_is_pair (arg_exps);
+ arg_exps = CDR (arg_exps))
+ args = scm_cons (expand (CAR (arg_exps), env), args);
+ if (scm_is_null (arg_exps))
+ return APPLICATION (scm_source_properties (exp),
+ expand (proc, env),
+ scm_reverse_x (args, SCM_UNDEFINED));
+ else
+ syntax_error ("expected a proper list", exp, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scm_is_symbol (exp))
+ {
+ SCM gensym = expand_env_lexical_gensym (env, exp);
+ if (scm_is_true (gensym))
+ return LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, exp, gensym);
+ else
+ return TOPLEVEL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, exp);
+ }
+ else
+ return CONST (SCM_BOOL_F, exp);
+static SCM
+expand_exprs (SCM forms, const SCM env)
+ SCM ret = SCM_EOL;
+ for (; !scm_is_null (forms); forms = CDR (forms))
+ ret = scm_cons (expand (CAR (forms), env), ret);
+ return scm_reverse_x (ret, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+static SCM
+expand_sequence (const SCM forms, const SCM env)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (forms) >= 1, s_bad_expression,
+ scm_cons (scm_sym_begin, forms));
+ if (scm_is_null (CDR (forms)))
+ return expand (CAR (forms), env);
+ else
+ return SEQUENCE (SCM_BOOL_F, expand_exprs (forms, env));
+static SCM
+expand_at (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (expr) == 3, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (CADR (expr)) > 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_symbol (CADDR (expr)), s_bad_expression, expr);
+ return MODULE_REF (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ CADR (expr), CADDR (expr), SCM_BOOL_T);
+static SCM
+expand_atat (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (expr) == 3, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (CADR (expr)) > 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_symbol (CADDR (expr)), s_bad_expression, expr);
+ return MODULE_REF (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ CADR (expr), CADDR (expr), SCM_BOOL_F);
+static SCM
+expand_and (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ if (scm_is_null (cdr_expr))
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_pair (cdr_expr), s_bad_expression, expr);
+ if (scm_is_null (CDR (cdr_expr)))
+ return expand (CAR (cdr_expr), env);
+ else
+ return CONDITIONAL (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand (CAR (cdr_expr), env),
+ expand_and (cdr_expr, env),
+static SCM
+expand_begin (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 1, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ return expand_sequence (cdr_expr, env);
+static SCM
+expand_cond_clauses (SCM clause, SCM rest, int elp, int alp, SCM env)
+ SCM test;
+ const long length = scm_ilength (clause);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 1, s_bad_cond_clause, clause);
+ test = CAR (clause);
+ if (scm_is_eq (test, scm_sym_else) && elp)
+ {
+ const int last_clause_p = scm_is_null (rest);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 2, s_bad_cond_clause, clause);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (last_clause_p, s_misplaced_else_clause, clause);
+ return expand_sequence (CDR (clause), env);
+ }
+ if (scm_is_null (rest))
+ rest = VOID (SCM_BOOL_F);
+ else
+ rest = expand_cond_clauses (CAR (rest), CDR (rest), elp, alp, env);
+ if (length >= 2
+ && scm_is_eq (CADR (clause), scm_sym_arrow)
+ && alp)
+ {
+ SCM tmp = scm_gensym (scm_from_locale_string ("cond "));
+ SCM new_env = scm_acons (tmp, tmp, env);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length > 2, s_missing_recipient, clause);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length == 3, s_extra_expression, clause);
+ return LET (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ scm_list_1 (tmp),
+ scm_list_1 (tmp),
+ scm_list_1 (expand (test, env)),
+ LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, tmp, tmp),
+ expand (CADDR (clause), new_env),
+ scm_list_1 (LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ tmp, tmp))),
+ rest));
+ }
+ /* FIXME length == 1 case */
+ else
+ expand (test, env),
+ expand_sequence (CDR (clause), env),
+ rest);
+static SCM
+expand_cond (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ const int else_literal_p = expand_env_var_is_free (env, scm_sym_else);
+ const int arrow_literal_p = expand_env_var_is_free (env, scm_sym_arrow);
+ const SCM clauses = CDR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (clauses) >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (clauses) >= 1, s_missing_clauses, expr);
+ return expand_cond_clauses (CAR (clauses), CDR (clauses),
+ else_literal_p, arrow_literal_p, env);
+/* lone forward decl */
+static SCM expand_lambda (SCM expr, SCM env);
+/* According to Section 5.2.1 of R5RS we first have to make sure that the
+ variable is bound, and then perform the `(set! variable expression)'
+ operation. However, EXPRESSION _can_ be evaluated before VARIABLE is
+ bound. This means that EXPRESSION won't necessarily be able to assign
+ values to VARIABLE as in `(define foo (begin (set! foo 1) (+ foo 1)))'. */
+static SCM
+expand_define (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ SCM body;
+ SCM variable;
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 2, s_missing_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (!scm_is_pair (env), s_bad_define, expr);
+ body = CDR (cdr_expr);
+ variable = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ if (scm_is_pair (variable))
+ {
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_symbol (CAR (variable)), s_bad_variable, variable, expr);
+ (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ CAR (variable),
+ expand_lambda (scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, scm_cons (CDR (variable), body)),
+ env));
+ }
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_symbol (variable), s_bad_variable, variable, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (body) == 1, s_expression, expr);
+ return TOPLEVEL_DEFINE (scm_source_properties (expr), variable,
+ expand (CAR (body), env));
+static SCM
+expand_with_fluids (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ SCM binds, fluids, vals;
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (expr) >= 3, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ binds = CADR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_ilength (binds) >= 0, s_bad_bindings, binds, expr);
+ for (fluids = SCM_EOL, vals = SCM_EOL;
+ scm_is_pair (binds);
+ binds = CDR (binds))
+ {
+ SCM binding = CAR (binds);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_ilength (CAR (binds)) == 2, s_bad_binding,
+ binding, expr);
+ fluids = scm_cons (expand (CAR (binding), env), fluids);
+ vals = scm_cons (expand (CADR (binding), env), vals);
+ }
+ return DYNLET (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ scm_reverse_x (fluids, SCM_UNDEFINED),
+ scm_reverse_x (vals, SCM_UNDEFINED),
+ expand_sequence (CDDR (expr), env));
+static SCM
+expand_eval_when (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (expr) >= 3, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (CADR (expr)) > 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ if (scm_is_true (scm_memq (sym_eval, CADR (expr)))
+ || scm_is_true (scm_memq (sym_load, CADR (expr))))
+ return expand_sequence (CDDR (expr), env);
+ else
+ return VOID (scm_source_properties (expr));
+static SCM
+expand_if (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ const long length = scm_ilength (cdr_expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length == 2 || length == 3, s_expression, expr);
+ return CONDITIONAL (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand (CADR (expr), env),
+ expand (CADDR (expr), env),
+ ((length == 3)
+ ? expand (CADDDR (expr), env)
+ : VOID (SCM_BOOL_F)));
+/* A helper function for expand_lambda to support checking for duplicate
+ * formal arguments: Return true if OBJ is `eq?' to one of the elements of
+ * LIST or to the CDR of the last cons. Therefore, LIST may have any of the
+ * forms that a formal argument can have:
+ * <rest>, (<arg1> ...), (<arg1> ... . <rest>) */
+static int
+c_improper_memq (SCM obj, SCM list)
+ for (; scm_is_pair (list); list = CDR (list))
+ {
+ if (scm_is_eq (CAR (list), obj))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return scm_is_eq (list, obj);
+static SCM
+expand_lambda_case (SCM clause, SCM alternate, SCM env)
+ SCM formals;
+ SCM rest;
+ SCM req = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM vars = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM body;
+ int nreq = 0;
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_pair (clause) && scm_is_pair (CDR (clause)),
+ s_bad_expression, scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, clause));
+ /* Before iterating the list of formal arguments, make sure the formals
+ * actually are given as either a symbol or a non-cyclic list. */
+ formals = CAR (clause);
+ if (scm_is_pair (formals))
+ {
+ /* Dirk:FIXME:: We should check for a cyclic list of formals, and if
+ * detected, report a 'Bad formals' error. */
+ }
+ else
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_symbol (formals) || scm_is_null (formals),
+ s_bad_formals, formals, scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, clause));
+ /* Now iterate the list of formal arguments to check if all formals are
+ * symbols, and that there are no duplicates. */
+ while (scm_is_pair (formals))
+ {
+ const SCM formal = CAR (formals);
+ formals = CDR (formals);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_symbol (formal), s_bad_formal, formal,
+ scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, clause));
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (!c_improper_memq (formal, formals), s_duplicate_formal,
+ formal, scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, clause));
+ nreq++;
+ req = scm_cons (formal, req);
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (formal, CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_null (formals) || scm_is_symbol (formals),
+ s_bad_formal, formals, scm_cons (scm_sym_lambda, clause));
+ if (scm_is_symbol (formals))
+ {
+ rest = formals;
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (rest, CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ else
+ rest = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ body = expand_sequence (CDR (clause), env);
+ req = scm_reverse_x (req, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ vars = scm_reverse_x (vars, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ if (scm_is_true (alternate) && !(SCM_EXPANDED_P (alternate) && SCM_EXPANDED_TYPE (alternate) == SCM_EXPANDED_LAMBDA_CASE))
+ abort ();
+ return LAMBDA_CASE (SCM_BOOL_F, req, SCM_BOOL_F, rest, SCM_BOOL_F,
+ SCM_EOL, vars, body, alternate);
+static SCM
+expand_lambda (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ return LAMBDA (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand_lambda_case (CDR (expr), SCM_BOOL_F, env));
+static SCM
+expand_lambda_star_case (SCM clause, SCM alternate, SCM env)
+ SCM req, opt, kw, allow_other_keys, rest, formals, vars, body, tmp;
+ SCM inits, kw_indices;
+ int nreq, nopt;
+ const long length = scm_ilength (clause);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 1, s_bad_expression,
+ scm_cons (sym_lambda_star, clause));
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 2, s_missing_expression,
+ scm_cons (sym_lambda_star, clause));
+ formals = CAR (clause);
+ body = CDR (clause);
+ nreq = nopt = 0;
+ req = opt = kw = SCM_EOL;
+ rest = allow_other_keys = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ while (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals)))
+ {
+ nreq++;
+ req = scm_cons (CAR (formals), req);
+ formals = scm_cdr (formals);
+ }
+ if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_optional))
+ {
+ formals = CDR (formals);
+ while (scm_is_pair (formals)
+ && (scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals)) || scm_is_pair (CAR (formals))))
+ {
+ nopt++;
+ opt = scm_cons (CAR (formals), opt);
+ formals = scm_cdr (formals);
+ }
+ }
+ if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_key))
+ {
+ formals = CDR (formals);
+ while (scm_is_pair (formals)
+ && (scm_is_symbol (CAR (formals)) || scm_is_pair (CAR (formals))))
+ {
+ kw = scm_cons (CAR (formals), kw);
+ formals = scm_cdr (formals);
+ }
+ }
+ if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_allow_other_keys))
+ {
+ formals = CDR (formals);
+ allow_other_keys = SCM_BOOL_T;
+ }
+ if (scm_is_pair (formals) && scm_is_eq (CAR (formals), kw_rest))
+ {
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (formals) == 2, s_bad_formals,
+ CAR (clause));
+ rest = CADR (formals);
+ }
+ else if (scm_is_symbol (formals))
+ rest = formals;
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_null (formals), s_bad_formals, CAR (clause));
+ rest = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ }
+ /* Now, iterate through them a second time, building up an expansion-time
+ environment, checking, expanding and canonicalizing the opt/kw init forms,
+ and eventually memoizing the body as well. Note that the rest argument, if
+ any, is expanded before keyword args, thus necessitating the second
+ pass.
+ Also note that the specific environment during expansion of init
+ expressions here needs to coincide with the environment when psyntax
+ expands. A lot of effort for something that is only used in the bootstrap
+ expandr, you say? Yes. Yes it is.
+ */
+ vars = SCM_EOL;
+ req = scm_reverse_x (req, SCM_EOL);
+ for (tmp = req; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp))
+ {
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (CAR (tmp), CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ /* Build up opt inits and env */
+ inits = SCM_EOL;
+ opt = scm_reverse_x (opt, SCM_EOL);
+ for (tmp = opt; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp))
+ {
+ SCM x = CAR (tmp);
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (x, CAR (vars), env);
+ if (scm_is_symbol (x))
+ inits = scm_cons (CONST (SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F), inits);
+ else
+ {
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (x) == 2 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x)),
+ s_bad_formals, CAR (clause));
+ inits = scm_cons (expand (CADR (x), env), inits);
+ }
+ env = scm_acons (scm_is_symbol (x) ? x : CAR (x), CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ if (scm_is_null (opt))
+ opt = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ /* Process rest before keyword args */
+ if (scm_is_true (rest))
+ {
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (rest, CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ /* Build up kw inits, env, and kw-indices alist */
+ if (scm_is_null (kw))
+ kw = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ else
+ {
+ int idx = nreq + nopt + (scm_is_true (rest) ? 1 : 0);
+ kw_indices = SCM_EOL;
+ kw = scm_reverse_x (kw, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ for (tmp = kw; scm_is_pair (tmp); tmp = scm_cdr (tmp))
+ {
+ SCM x, sym, k, init;
+ x = CAR (tmp);
+ if (scm_is_symbol (x))
+ {
+ sym = x;
+ init = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ k = scm_symbol_to_keyword (sym);
+ }
+ else if (scm_ilength (x) == 2 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x)))
+ {
+ sym = CAR (x);
+ init = CADR (x);
+ k = scm_symbol_to_keyword (sym);
+ }
+ else if (scm_ilength (x) == 3 && scm_is_symbol (CAR (x))
+ && scm_is_keyword (CADDR (x)))
+ {
+ sym = CAR (x);
+ init = CADR (x);
+ k = CADDR (x);
+ }
+ else
+ syntax_error (s_bad_formals, CAR (clause), SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ kw_indices = scm_acons (k, SCM_I_MAKINUM (idx++), kw_indices);
+ inits = scm_cons (expand (init, env), inits);
+ vars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), vars);
+ env = scm_acons (sym, CAR (vars), env);
+ }
+ kw_indices = scm_reverse_x (kw_indices, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ kw = scm_cons (allow_other_keys, kw_indices);
+ }
+ /* We should check for no duplicates, but given that psyntax does this
+ already, we can punt on it here... */
+ vars = scm_reverse_x (vars, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ inits = scm_reverse_x (inits, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ body = expand_sequence (body, env);
+ return LAMBDA_CASE (SCM_BOOL_F, req, opt, rest, kw, inits, vars, body,
+ alternate);
+static SCM
+expand_lambda_star (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ return LAMBDA (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand_lambda_star_case (CDR (expr), SCM_BOOL_F, env));
+static SCM
+expand_case_lambda_clauses (SCM expr, SCM rest, SCM env)
+ SCM alt;
+ if (scm_is_pair (rest))
+ alt = expand_case_lambda_clauses (CAR (rest), CDR (rest), env);
+ else
+ alt = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ return expand_lambda_case (expr, alt, env);
+static SCM
+expand_case_lambda (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_pair (CDR (expr)), s_missing_expression, expr);
+ return LAMBDA (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand_case_lambda_clauses (CADR (expr), CDDR (expr), env));
+static SCM
+expand_case_lambda_star_clauses (SCM expr, SCM rest, SCM env)
+ SCM alt;
+ if (scm_is_pair (rest))
+ alt = expand_case_lambda_star_clauses (CAR (rest), CDR (rest), env);
+ else
+ alt = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ return expand_lambda_star_case (expr, alt, env);
+static SCM
+expand_case_lambda_star (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_pair (CDR (expr)), s_missing_expression, expr);
+ return LAMBDA (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand_case_lambda_star_clauses (CADR (expr), CDDR (expr), env));
+/* Check if the format of the bindings is ((<symbol> <init-form>) ...). */
+static void
+check_bindings (const SCM bindings, const SCM expr)
+ SCM binding_idx;
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_ilength (bindings) >= 0,
+ s_bad_bindings, bindings, expr);
+ binding_idx = bindings;
+ for (; !scm_is_null (binding_idx); binding_idx = CDR (binding_idx))
+ {
+ SCM name; /* const */
+ const SCM binding = CAR (binding_idx);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_ilength (binding) == 2,
+ s_bad_binding, binding, expr);
+ name = CAR (binding);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_symbol (name), s_bad_variable, name, expr);
+ }
+/* The bindings, which must have the format ((v1 i1) (v2 i2) ... (vn in)), are
+ * transformed to the lists (vn .. v2 v1) and (i1 i2 ... in). If a duplicate
+ * variable name is detected, an error is signalled. */
+static void
+transform_bindings (const SCM bindings, const SCM expr,
+ SCM *const names, SCM *const vars, SCM *const initptr)
+ SCM rnames = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM rvars = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM rinits = SCM_EOL;
+ SCM binding_idx = bindings;
+ for (; !scm_is_null (binding_idx); binding_idx = CDR (binding_idx))
+ {
+ const SCM binding = CAR (binding_idx);
+ const SCM CDR_binding = CDR (binding);
+ const SCM name = CAR (binding);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX_2 (scm_is_false (scm_c_memq (name, rnames)),
+ s_duplicate_binding, name, expr);
+ rnames = scm_cons (name, rnames);
+ rvars = scm_cons (scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED), rvars);
+ rinits = scm_cons (CAR (CDR_binding), rinits);
+ }
+ *names = scm_reverse_x (rnames, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ *vars = scm_reverse_x (rvars, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ *initptr = scm_reverse_x (rinits, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+/* FIXME: Remove named let in this boot expander. */
+static SCM
+expand_named_let (const SCM expr, SCM env)
+ SCM var_names, var_syms, inits;
+ SCM inner_env;
+ SCM name_sym;
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ const SCM name = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ const SCM cddr_expr = CDR (cdr_expr);
+ const SCM bindings = CAR (cddr_expr);
+ check_bindings (bindings, expr);
+ transform_bindings (bindings, expr, &var_names, &var_syms, &inits);
+ name_sym = scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ inner_env = scm_acons (name, name_sym, env);
+ inner_env = expand_env_extend (inner_env, var_names, var_syms);
+ return LETREC
+ (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ scm_list_1 (name), scm_list_1 (name_sym),
+ scm_list_1 (LAMBDA (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ SCM_BOOL_F, SCM_BOOL_F, var_syms,
+ expand_sequence (CDDDR (expr), inner_env),
+ SCM_BOOL_F))),
+ LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, name, name_sym),
+ expand_exprs (inits, env)));
+static SCM
+expand_let (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ SCM bindings;
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ const long length = scm_ilength (cdr_expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 2, s_missing_expression, expr);
+ bindings = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ if (scm_is_symbol (bindings))
+ {
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 3, s_missing_expression, expr);
+ return expand_named_let (expr, env);
+ }
+ check_bindings (bindings, expr);
+ if (scm_is_null (bindings))
+ return expand_sequence (CDDR (expr), env);
+ else
+ {
+ SCM var_names, var_syms, inits;
+ transform_bindings (bindings, expr, &var_names, &var_syms, &inits);
+ return LET (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ var_names, var_syms, expand_exprs (inits, env),
+ expand_sequence (CDDR (expr),
+ expand_env_extend (env, var_names,
+ var_syms)));
+ }
+static SCM
+expand_letrec (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ SCM bindings;
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ const long length = scm_ilength (cdr_expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 2, s_missing_expression, expr);
+ bindings = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ check_bindings (bindings, expr);
+ if (scm_is_null (bindings))
+ return expand_sequence (CDDR (expr), env);
+ else
+ {
+ SCM var_names, var_syms, inits;
+ transform_bindings (bindings, expr, &var_names, &var_syms, &inits);
+ env = expand_env_extend (env, var_names, var_syms);
+ return LETREC (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ var_names, var_syms, expand_exprs (inits, env),
+ expand_sequence (CDDR (expr), env));
+ }
+static SCM
+expand_letstar_clause (SCM bindings, SCM body, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ if (scm_is_null (bindings))
+ return expand_sequence (body, env);
+ else
+ {
+ SCM bind, name, sym, init;
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_is_pair (bindings), s_bad_expression, bindings);
+ bind = CAR (bindings);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (bind) == 2, s_bad_binding, bind);
+ name = CAR (bind);
+ sym = scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ init = CADR (bind);
+ return LET (SCM_BOOL_F, scm_list_1 (name), scm_list_1 (sym),
+ scm_list_1 (expand (init, env)),
+ expand_letstar_clause (CDR (bindings), body,
+ scm_acons (name, sym, env)));
+ }
+static SCM
+expand_letstar (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 2, s_missing_expression, expr);
+ return expand_letstar_clause (CADR (expr), CDDR (expr), env);
+static SCM
+expand_or (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ SCM tail = CDR (expr);
+ const long length = scm_ilength (tail);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (length >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ if (scm_is_null (CDR (expr)))
+ else
+ {
+ SCM tmp = scm_gensym (SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ return LET (SCM_BOOL_F,
+ scm_list_1 (tmp), scm_list_1 (tmp),
+ scm_list_1 (expand (CADR (expr), env)),
+ LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, tmp, tmp),
+ LEXICAL_REF (SCM_BOOL_F, tmp, tmp),
+ expand_or (CDR (expr),
+ scm_acons (tmp, tmp, env))));
+ }
+static SCM
+expand_quote (SCM expr, SCM env SCM_UNUSED)
+ SCM quotee;
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) == 1, s_expression, expr);
+ quotee = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ return CONST (scm_source_properties (expr), quotee);
+static SCM
+expand_set_x (SCM expr, SCM env)
+ SCM variable;
+ SCM vmem;
+ const SCM cdr_expr = CDR (expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) >= 0, s_bad_expression, expr);
+ ASSERT_SYNTAX (scm_ilength (cdr_expr) == 2, s_expression, expr);
+ variable = CAR (cdr_expr);
+ vmem = expand (variable, env);
+ switch (SCM_EXPANDED_TYPE (vmem))
+ {
+ return LEXICAL_SET (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand (CADDR (expr), env));
+ return TOPLEVEL_SET (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand (CADDR (expr), env));
+ return MODULE_SET (scm_source_properties (expr),
+ expand (CADDR (expr), env));
+ default:
+ syntax_error (s_bad_variable, variable, expr);
+ }
+SCM_DEFINE (scm_macroexpand, "macroexpand*", 1, 0, 0,
+ (SCM exp),
+ "Expand the expression @var{exp}.")
+#define FUNC_NAME s_scm_macroexpand
+ return expand (exp, scm_current_module ());
+#undef FUNC_NAME
+#define DEFINE_NAMES(type) \
+ { \
+ static const char *fields[] = SCM_EXPANDED_##type##_FIELD_NAMES; \
+ exp_field_names[SCM_EXPANDED_##type] = fields; \
+ exp_names[SCM_EXPANDED_##type] = SCM_EXPANDED_##type##_TYPE_NAME; \
+ exp_nfields[SCM_EXPANDED_##type] = SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_##type##_FIELDS; \
+ }
+static SCM
+make_exp_vtable (size_t n)
+ SCM layout, printer, name, code, fields;
+ layout = scm_string_to_symbol
+ (scm_string_append (scm_make_list (scm_from_size_t (exp_nfields[n]),
+ scm_from_locale_string ("pw"))));
+ printer = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ name = scm_from_locale_symbol (exp_names[n]);
+ code = scm_from_size_t (n);
+ fields = SCM_EOL;
+ {
+ size_t m = exp_nfields[n];
+ while (m--)
+ fields = scm_cons (scm_from_locale_symbol (exp_field_names[n][m]), fields);
+ }
+ return scm_c_make_struct (scm_exp_vtable_vtable, 0, 5,
+ SCM_UNPACK (layout), SCM_UNPACK (printer), SCM_UNPACK (name),
+ SCM_UNPACK (code), SCM_UNPACK (fields));
+scm_init_expand ()
+ size_t n;
+ SCM exp_vtable_list = SCM_EOL;
+ scm_exp_vtable_vtable =
+ scm_make_vtable (scm_from_locale_string (SCM_VTABLE_BASE_LAYOUT "pwuwpw"),
+ for (n = 0; n < SCM_NUM_EXPANDED_TYPES; n++)
+ exp_vtables[n] = make_exp_vtable (n);
+ /* Now walk back down, consing in reverse. */
+ while (n--)
+ exp_vtable_list = scm_cons (exp_vtables[n], exp_vtable_list);
+ scm_c_define ("%expanded-vtables", exp_vtable_list);
+#include "libguile/expand.x"
+ Local Variables:
+ c-file-style: "gnu"
+ End: