path: root/libguile/gc.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'libguile/gc.c')
1 files changed, 1690 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libguile/gc.c b/libguile/gc.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26e718158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libguile/gc.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1690 @@
+/* Copyright (C) 1995,1996 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+ * any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
+ * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ *
+ * As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
+ * for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
+ *
+ * The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
+ * to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
+ * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ * Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
+ * linking the GUILE library code into it.
+ *
+ * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
+ * the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
+ *
+ * This exception applies only to the code released by the
+ * Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
+ * code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
+ * GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
+ * not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
+ * anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
+ * this exception notice from them.
+ *
+ * If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
+ * whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
+ * If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "_scm.h"
+#include "malloc.h"
+#include "unistd.h"
+/* {heap tuning parameters}
+ *
+ * These are parameters for controlling memory allocation. The heap
+ * is the area out of which scm_cons, and object headers are allocated.
+ *
+ * Each heap cell is 8 bytes on a 32 bit machine and 16 bytes on a
+ * 64 bit machine. The units of the _SIZE parameters are bytes.
+ * Cons pairs and object headers occupy one heap cell.
+ *
+ * SCM_INIT_HEAP_SIZE is the initial size of heap. If this much heap is
+ * allocated initially the heap will grow by half its current size
+ * each subsequent time more heap is needed.
+ *
+ * If SCM_INIT_HEAP_SIZE heap cannot be allocated initially, SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE
+ * will be used, and the heap will grow by SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE when more
+ * heap is needed. SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE must fit into type scm_sizet. This code
+ * is in scm_init_storage() and alloc_some_heap() in sys.c
+ *
+ * If SCM_INIT_HEAP_SIZE can be allocated initially, the heap will grow by
+ * SCM_EXPHEAP(scm_heap_size) when more heap is needed.
+ *
+ * SCM_MIN_HEAP_SEG_SIZE is minimum size of heap to accept when more heap
+ * is needed.
+ *
+ * INIT_MALLOC_LIMIT is the initial amount of malloc usage which will
+ * trigger a GC.
+ */
+#define SCM_INIT_HEAP_SIZE (32768L*sizeof(scm_cell))
+#define SCM_MIN_HEAP_SEG_SIZE (2048L*sizeof(scm_cell))
+#ifdef _QC
+# define SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE 32768L
+# ifdef sequent
+# define SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE (7000L*sizeof(scm_cell))
+# else
+# define SCM_HEAP_SEG_SIZE (16384L*sizeof(scm_cell))
+# endif
+#define SCM_EXPHEAP(scm_heap_size) (scm_heap_size*2)
+#define SCM_INIT_MALLOC_LIMIT 100000
+/* CELL_UP and CELL_DN are used by scm_init_heap_seg to find scm_cell aligned inner
+ bounds for allocated storage */
+#ifdef PROT386
+/*in 386 protected mode we must only adjust the offset */
+# define CELL_UP(p) MK_FP(FP_SEG(p), ~7&(FP_OFF(p)+7))
+# define CELL_DN(p) MK_FP(FP_SEG(p), ~7&FP_OFF(p))
+# ifdef _UNICOS
+# define CELL_UP(p) (SCM_CELLPTR)(~1L & ((long)(p)+1L))
+# define CELL_DN(p) (SCM_CELLPTR)(~1L & (long)(p))
+# else
+# define CELL_UP(p) (SCM_CELLPTR)(~(sizeof(scm_cell)-1L) & ((long)(p)+sizeof(scm_cell)-1L))
+# define CELL_DN(p) (SCM_CELLPTR)(~(sizeof(scm_cell)-1L) & (long)(p))
+# endif /* UNICOS */
+#endif /* PROT386 */
+/* scm_freelist
+ * is the head of freelist of cons pairs.
+ */
+SCM scm_freelist = SCM_EOL;
+/* scm_mtrigger
+ * is the number of bytes of must_malloc allocation needed to trigger gc.
+ */
+long scm_mtrigger;
+/* scm_gc_heap_lock
+ * If set, don't expand the heap. Set only during gc, during which no allocation
+ * is supposed to take place anyway.
+ */
+int scm_gc_heap_lock = 0;
+/* GC Blocking
+ * Don't pause for collection if this is set -- just
+ * expand the heap.
+ */
+int scm_block_gc = 1;
+/* If fewer than MIN_GC_YIELD cells are recovered during a garbage
+ * collection (GC) more space is allocated for the heap.
+ */
+#define MIN_GC_YIELD (scm_heap_size/4)
+/* During collection, this accumulates objects holding
+ * weak references.
+ */
+SCM *scm_weak_vectors;
+int scm_weak_size;
+int scm_n_weak;
+/* GC Statistics Keeping
+ */
+unsigned long scm_cells_allocated = 0;
+unsigned long scm_mallocated = 0;
+unsigned long scm_gc_cells_collected;
+unsigned long scm_gc_malloc_collected;
+unsigned long scm_gc_ports_collected;
+unsigned long scm_gc_rt;
+unsigned long scm_gc_time_taken = 0;
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_cells_allocated, "cells-allocated");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_heap_size, "cell-heap-size");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_mallocated, "bytes-malloced");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_mtrigger, "gc-malloc-threshold");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_heap_segments, "cell-heap-segments");
+SCM_SYMBOL (sym_gc_time_taken, "gc-time-taken");
+struct scm_heap_seg_data
+ SCM_CELLPTR bounds[2]; /* lower and upper */
+ SCM *freelistp; /* the value of this may be shared */
+ int ncells; /* per object in this segment */
+ int (*valid) ();
+static void alloc_some_heap ();
+static void scm_mark_weak_vector_spines ();
+/* {Scheme Interface to GC}
+ */
+SCM_PROC (s_gc_stats, "gc-stats", 0, 0, 0, scm_gc_stats);
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_stats (void)
+scm_gc_stats ()
+ int i;
+ int n;
+ SCM heap_segs;
+ SCM local_scm_mtrigger;
+ SCM local_scm_mallocated;
+ SCM local_scm_heap_size;
+ SCM local_scm_cells_allocated;
+ SCM local_scm_gc_time_taken;
+ SCM answer;
+ scm_block_gc = 1;
+ retry:
+ heap_segs = SCM_EOL;
+ n = scm_n_heap_segs;
+ for (i = scm_n_heap_segs; i--; )
+ heap_segs = scm_cons (scm_cons (scm_ulong2num ((unsigned long)scm_heap_table[i].bounds[1]),
+ scm_ulong2num ((unsigned long)scm_heap_table[i].bounds[0])),
+ heap_segs);
+ if (scm_n_heap_segs != n)
+ goto retry;
+ scm_block_gc = 0;
+ local_scm_mtrigger = scm_mtrigger;
+ local_scm_mallocated = scm_mallocated;
+ local_scm_heap_size = scm_heap_size;
+ local_scm_cells_allocated = scm_cells_allocated;
+ local_scm_gc_time_taken = scm_gc_time_taken;
+ answer = scm_listify (scm_cons (sym_gc_time_taken, scm_ulong2num (local_scm_gc_time_taken)),
+ scm_cons (sym_cells_allocated, scm_ulong2num (local_scm_cells_allocated)),
+ scm_cons (sym_heap_size, scm_ulong2num (local_scm_heap_size)),
+ scm_cons (sym_mallocated, scm_ulong2num (local_scm_mallocated)),
+ scm_cons (sym_mtrigger, scm_ulong2num (local_scm_mtrigger)),
+ scm_cons (sym_heap_segments, heap_segs),
+ return answer;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_start (char *what)
+scm_gc_start (what)
+ char *what;
+ scm_gc_rt = SCM_INUM (scm_get_internal_run_time ());
+ scm_gc_cells_collected = 0;
+ scm_gc_malloc_collected = 0;
+ scm_gc_ports_collected = 0;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_end (void)
+scm_gc_end ()
+ scm_gc_rt = SCM_INUM (scm_get_internal_run_time ()) - scm_gc_rt;
+ scm_gc_time_taken = scm_gc_time_taken + scm_gc_rt;
+ scm_take_signal (SCM_GC_SIGNAL);
+SCM_PROC(s_object_address, "object-address", 1, 0, 0, scm_object_addr);
+scm_object_addr (obj)
+ SCM obj;
+ return scm_ulong2num ((unsigned long)obj);
+SCM_PROC(s_gc, "gc", 0, 0, 0, scm_gc);
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc (void)
+scm_gc ()
+ scm_igc ("call");
+/* {C Interface For When GC is Triggered}
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_for_alloc (int ncells, SCM * freelistp)
+scm_gc_for_alloc (ncells, freelistp)
+ int ncells;
+ SCM * freelistp;
+ scm_igc ("cells");
+ if ((scm_gc_cells_collected < MIN_GC_YIELD) || SCM_IMP (*freelistp))
+ {
+ alloc_some_heap (ncells, freelistp);
+ }
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_for_newcell (void)
+scm_gc_for_newcell ()
+ SCM fl;
+ scm_gc_for_alloc (1, &scm_freelist);
+ fl = scm_freelist;
+ scm_freelist = SCM_CDR (fl);
+ return fl;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_igc (char *what)
+scm_igc (what)
+ char *what;
+ int j;
+ scm_gc_start (what);
+ if (!scm_stack_base || scm_block_gc)
+ {
+ scm_gc_end ();
+ return;
+ }
+ ++scm_gc_heap_lock;
+ scm_n_weak = 0;
+ /* unprotect any struct types with no instances */
+#if 0
+ {
+ SCM type_list;
+ SCM * pos;
+ pos = &scm_type_obj_list;
+ type_list = scm_type_obj_list;
+ while (type_list != SCM_EOL)
+ if (SCM_VELTS (SCM_CAR (type_list))[scm_struct_i_refcnt])
+ {
+ pos = &SCM_CDR (type_list);
+ type_list = SCM_CDR (type_list);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *pos = SCM_CDR (type_list);
+ type_list = SCM_CDR (type_list);
+ }
+ }
+ /* flush dead entries from the continuation stack */
+ {
+ int x;
+ int bound;
+ SCM * elts;
+ elts = SCM_VELTS (scm_continuation_stack);
+ bound = SCM_LENGTH (scm_continuation_stack);
+ x = SCM_INUM (scm_continuation_stack_ptr);
+ while (x < bound)
+ {
+ elts[x] = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ ++x;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Protect from the C stack. This must be the first marking
+ * done because it provides information about what objects
+ * are "in-use" by the C code. "in-use" objects are those
+ * for which the values from SCM_LENGTH and SCM_CHARS must remain
+ * usable. This requirement is stricter than a liveness
+ * requirement -- in particular, it constrains the implementation
+ * of scm_vector_set_length_x.
+ */
+ /* This assumes that all registers are saved into the jmp_buf */
+ setjmp (scm_save_regs_gc_mark);
+ scm_mark_locations ((SCM_STACKITEM *) scm_save_regs_gc_mark,
+ ( (scm_sizet) sizeof scm_save_regs_gc_mark
+ / sizeof (SCM_STACKITEM)));
+ {
+ /* stack_len is long rather than scm_sizet in order to guarantee that
+ &stack_len is long aligned */
+#ifdef nosve
+ long stack_len = (SCM_STACKITEM *) (&stack_len) - scm_stack_base;
+ long stack_len = scm_stack_size (scm_stack_base);
+ scm_mark_locations (scm_stack_base, (scm_sizet) stack_len);
+#ifdef nosve
+ long stack_len = scm_stack_base - (SCM_STACKITEM *) (&stack_len);
+ long stack_len = scm_stack_size (scm_stack_base);
+ scm_mark_locations ((scm_stack_base - stack_len), (scm_sizet) stack_len);
+ }
+ /* FIXME: insert a phase to un-protect string-data preserved
+ * in scm_vector_set_length_x.
+ */
+ while (j--)
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_sys_protects[j]);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_rootcont);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_dynwinds);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_continuation_stack);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_continuation_stack_ptr);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_progargs);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_exitval);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_cur_inp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_cur_outp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_cur_errp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_def_inp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_def_outp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_def_errp);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_top_level_lookup_thunk_var);
+ scm_gc_mark (scm_system_transformer);
+ scm_mark_weak_vector_spines ();
+ scm_gc_sweep ();
+ --scm_gc_heap_lock;
+ scm_gc_end ();
+/* {Mark/Sweep}
+ */
+/* Mark an object precisely.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_mark (SCM p)
+scm_gc_mark (p)
+ SCM p;
+ register long i;
+ register SCM ptr;
+ ptr = p;
+ if (SCM_IMP (ptr))
+ return;
+ if (SCM_NCELLP (ptr))
+ scm_wta (ptr, "rogue pointer in ", "heap");
+ switch (SCM_TYP7 (ptr))
+ {
+ case scm_tcs_cons_nimcar:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ if (SCM_IMP (SCM_CDR (ptr))) /* SCM_IMP works even with a GC mark */
+ {
+ ptr = SCM_CAR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ }
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_CAR (ptr));
+ ptr = SCM_GCCDR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ case scm_tcs_cons_imcar:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ ptr = SCM_GCCDR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case scm_tcs_cons_gloc:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ {
+ SCM vcell;
+ vcell = SCM_CAR (ptr) - 1L;
+ switch (SCM_CDR (vcell))
+ {
+ default:
+ scm_gc_mark (vcell);
+ ptr = SCM_GCCDR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case 1: /* ! */
+ case 0: /* ! */
+ {
+ SCM layout;
+ SCM * vtable_data;
+ int len;
+ char * fields_desc;
+ SCM * mem;
+ int x;
+ vtable_data = (SCM *)vcell;
+ layout = vtable_data[scm_struct_i_layout];
+ len = SCM_LENGTH (layout);
+ fields_desc = SCM_CHARS (layout);
+ mem = (SCM *)SCM_GCCDR (ptr); /* like struct_data but removes mark */
+ for (x = 0; x < len; x += 2)
+ if (fields_desc[x] == 'p')
+ scm_gc_mark (mem[x / 2]);
+ if (!SCM_CDR (vcell))
+ {
+ SCM_SETGCMARK (vcell);
+ ptr = vtable_data[scm_struct_i_vtable];
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case scm_tcs_closures:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ if (SCM_IMP (SCM_CDR (ptr)))
+ {
+ ptr = SCM_CLOSCAR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ }
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_CLOSCAR (ptr));
+ ptr = SCM_GCCDR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_nimp;
+ case scm_tc7_vector:
+ case scm_tc7_lvector:
+#ifdef CCLO
+ case scm_tc7_cclo:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ i = SCM_LENGTH (ptr);
+ if (i == 0)
+ break;
+ while (--i > 0)
+ if (SCM_NIMP (SCM_VELTS (ptr)[i]))
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_VELTS (ptr)[i]);
+ ptr = SCM_VELTS (ptr)[0];
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case scm_tc7_contin:
+ (ptr) break;
+ scm_mark_locations (SCM_VELTS (ptr),
+ (scm_sizet) (SCM_LENGTH (ptr) + sizeof (regs) / sizeof (SCM_STACKITEM)));
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_bvect:
+ case scm_tc7_byvect:
+ case scm_tc7_ivect:
+ case scm_tc7_uvect:
+ case scm_tc7_fvect:
+ case scm_tc7_dvect:
+ case scm_tc7_cvect:
+ case scm_tc7_svect:
+ case scm_tc7_llvect:
+ case scm_tc7_string:
+ case scm_tc7_mb_string:
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_substring:
+ case scm_tc7_mb_substring:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP(ptr))
+ break;
+ ptr = SCM_CDR (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case scm_tc7_wvect:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP(ptr))
+ break;
+ scm_weak_vectors[scm_n_weak++] = ptr;
+ if (scm_n_weak >= scm_weak_size)
+ {
+ SCM_SYSCALL (scm_weak_vectors =
+ (SCM *) realloc ((char *) scm_weak_vectors,
+ sizeof (SCM *) * (scm_weak_size *= 2)));
+ if (scm_weak_vectors == NULL)
+ {
+ scm_gen_puts (scm_regular_string,
+ "weak vector table",
+ scm_cur_errp);
+ scm_gen_puts (scm_regular_string,
+ scm_cur_errp);
+ }
+ }
+ if (SCM_IS_WHVEC_ANY (ptr))
+ {
+ int x;
+ int len;
+ int weak_keys;
+ int weak_values;
+ len = SCM_LENGTH (ptr);
+ weak_keys = SCM_IS_WHVEC (ptr) || SCM_IS_WHVEC_B (ptr);
+ weak_values = SCM_IS_WHVEC_V (ptr) || SCM_IS_WHVEC_B (ptr);
+ for (x = 0; x < len; ++x)
+ {
+ SCM alist;
+ alist = SCM_VELTS (ptr)[x];
+ /* mark everything on the alist
+ * except the keys or values, according to weak_values and weak_keys.
+ */
+ while ( SCM_NIMP (alist)
+ && SCM_CONSP (alist)
+ && !SCM_GCMARKP (alist)
+ && SCM_NIMP (SCM_CAR (alist))
+ && SCM_CONSP (SCM_CAR (alist)))
+ {
+ SCM kvpair;
+ SCM next_alist;
+ kvpair = SCM_CAR (alist);
+ next_alist = SCM_CDR (alist);
+ /*
+ * Do not do this:
+ * SCM_SETGCMARK (alist);
+ * SCM_SETGCMARK (kvpair);
+ *
+ * It may be that either the key or value is protected by
+ * an escaped reference to part of the spine of this alist.
+ * If we mark the spine here, and only mark one or neither of the
+ * key and value, they may never be properly marked.
+ * This leads to a horrible situation in which an alist containing
+ * freelist cells is exported.
+ *
+ * So only mark the spines of these arrays last of all marking.
+ * If somebody confuses us by constructing a weak vector
+ * with a circular alist then we are hosed, but at least we
+ * won't prematurely drop table entries.
+ */
+ if (!weak_keys)
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_CAR (kvpair));
+ if (!weak_values)
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_GCCDR (kvpair));
+ alist = next_alist;
+ }
+ if (SCM_NIMP (alist))
+ scm_gc_mark (alist);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_msymbol:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP(ptr))
+ break;
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_SYMBOL_FUNC (ptr));
+ ptr = SCM_SYMBOL_PROPS (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case scm_tc7_ssymbol:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP(ptr))
+ break;
+ break;
+ case scm_tcs_subrs:
+ ptr = (SCM)(scm_heap_org + (((unsigned long)SCM_CAR (ptr)) >> 8));
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ case scm_tc7_port:
+ i = SCM_PTOBNUM (ptr);
+ if (!(i < scm_numptob))
+ goto def;
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ if (SCM_PTAB_ENTRY(ptr))
+ scm_gc_mark (SCM_PTAB_ENTRY(ptr)->file_name);
+ ptr = (scm_ptobs[i].mark) (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_smob:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (ptr))
+ break;
+ switch SCM_TYP16 (ptr)
+ { /* should be faster than going through scm_smobs */
+ case scm_tc_free_cell:
+ /* printf("found free_cell %X ", ptr); fflush(stdout); */
+ SCM_CDR (ptr) = SCM_EOL;
+ break;
+ case scm_tcs_bignums:
+ case scm_tc16_flo:
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = SCM_SMOBNUM (ptr);
+ if (!(i < scm_numsmob))
+ goto def;
+ ptr = (scm_smobs[i].mark) (ptr);
+ goto gc_mark_loop;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ def:scm_wta (ptr, "unknown type in ", "gc_mark");
+ }
+/* Mark a Region Conservatively
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_mark_locations (SCM_STACKITEM x[], scm_sizet n)
+scm_mark_locations (x, n)
+ scm_sizet n;
+ register long m = n;
+ register int i, j;
+ register SCM_CELLPTR ptr;
+ while (0 <= --m)
+ if SCM_CELLP (*(SCM **) & x[m])
+ {
+ ptr = (SCM_CELLPTR) SCM2PTR ((*(SCM **) & x[m]));
+ i = 0;
+ j = scm_n_heap_segs - 1;
+ if ( SCM_PTR_LE (scm_heap_table[i].bounds[0], ptr)
+ && SCM_PTR_GT (scm_heap_table[j].bounds[1], ptr))
+ {
+ while (i <= j)
+ {
+ int seg_id;
+ seg_id = -1;
+ if ( (i == j)
+ || SCM_PTR_GT (scm_heap_table[i].bounds[1], ptr))
+ seg_id = i;
+ else if (SCM_PTR_LE (scm_heap_table[j].bounds[0], ptr))
+ seg_id = j;
+ else
+ {
+ int k;
+ k = (i + j) / 2;
+ if (k == i)
+ break;
+ if (SCM_PTR_GT (scm_heap_table[k].bounds[1], ptr))
+ {
+ j = k;
+ ++i;
+ if (SCM_PTR_LE (scm_heap_table[i].bounds[0], ptr))
+ continue;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (SCM_PTR_LE (scm_heap_table[k].bounds[0], ptr))
+ {
+ i = k;
+ --j;
+ if (SCM_PTR_GT (scm_heap_table[j].bounds[1], ptr))
+ continue;
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( !scm_heap_table[seg_id].valid
+ || scm_heap_table[seg_id].valid (ptr,
+ &scm_heap_table[seg_id]))
+ scm_gc_mark (*(SCM *) & x[m]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_mark_weak_vector_spines (void)
+scm_mark_weak_vector_spines ()
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < scm_n_weak; ++i)
+ {
+ if (SCM_IS_WHVEC_ANY (scm_weak_vectors[i]))
+ {
+ SCM *ptr;
+ SCM obj;
+ int j;
+ int n;
+ obj = scm_weak_vectors[i];
+ ptr = SCM_VELTS (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ n = SCM_LENGTH (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+ {
+ SCM alist;
+ alist = ptr[j];
+ while ( SCM_NIMP (alist)
+ && SCM_CONSP (alist)
+ && !SCM_GCMARKP (alist)
+ && SCM_NIMP (SCM_CAR (alist))
+ && SCM_CONSP (SCM_CAR (alist)))
+ {
+ SCM_SETGCMARK (alist);
+ alist = SCM_GCCDR (alist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_gc_sweep (void)
+scm_gc_sweep ()
+ register SCM_CELLPTR ptr;
+ register SCM scmptr;
+#undef scmptr
+#define scmptr (SCM)ptr
+ register SCM nfreelist;
+ register SCM *hp_freelist;
+ register long n;
+ register long m;
+ register scm_sizet j;
+ register int span;
+ scm_sizet i;
+ scm_sizet seg_size;
+ n = 0;
+ m = 0;
+ i = 0;
+ while (i < scm_n_heap_segs)
+ {
+ hp_freelist = scm_heap_table[i].freelistp;
+ nfreelist = SCM_EOL;
+ span = scm_heap_table[i].ncells;
+ ptr = CELL_UP (scm_heap_table[i].bounds[0]);
+ seg_size = CELL_DN (scm_heap_table[i].bounds[1]) - ptr;
+ ++i;
+ for (j = seg_size + span; j -= span; ptr += span)
+ {
+ scmptr = PTR2SCM (ptr);
+ switch SCM_TYP7 (scmptr)
+ {
+ case scm_tcs_cons_gloc:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (scmptr))
+ {
+ if (SCM_CDR (SCM_CAR (scmptr) - 1) == (SCM)1)
+ SCM_CDR (SCM_CAR (scmptr) - 1) = (SCM)0;
+ goto cmrkcontinue;
+ }
+ {
+ SCM vcell;
+ vcell = SCM_CAR (scmptr) - 1L;
+ if ((SCM_CDR (vcell) == 0) || (SCM_CDR (vcell) == 1))
+ {
+ SCM * mem;
+ SCM amt;
+ mem = (SCM *)SCM_CDR (scmptr);
+ amt = mem[-2];
+ free (mem - 2);
+ m += amt * sizeof (SCM);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case scm_tcs_cons_imcar:
+ case scm_tcs_cons_nimcar:
+ case scm_tcs_closures:
+ if (SCM_GCMARKP (scmptr))
+ goto cmrkcontinue;
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_wvect:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr))
+ {
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m += (1 + SCM_LENGTH (scmptr)) * sizeof (SCM);
+ scm_must_free ((char *)(SCM_VELTS (scmptr) - 1));
+ break;
+ }
+ case scm_tc7_vector:
+ case scm_tc7_lvector:
+#ifdef CCLO
+ case scm_tc7_cclo:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr))
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += (SCM_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (SCM));
+ freechars:
+ scm_must_free (SCM_CHARS (scmptr));
+ /* SCM_SETCHARS(scmptr, 0);*/
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_bvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += sizeof (long) * ((SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) + SCM_LONG_BIT - 1) / SCM_LONG_BIT);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_byvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (char);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_ivect:
+ case scm_tc7_uvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (long);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_svect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (short);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_llvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (long_long);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_fvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (float);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_dvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_cvect:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) * 2 * sizeof (double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_substring:
+ case scm_tc7_mb_substring:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr))
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_string:
+ case scm_tc7_mb_string:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr))
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_HUGE_LENGTH (scmptr) + 1;
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_msymbol:
+ if (SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr))
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += ( SCM_LENGTH (scmptr)
+ + 1
+ + sizeof (SCM) * ((SCM *)SCM_CHARS (scmptr) - SCM_SLOTS(scmptr)));
+ scm_must_free ((char *)SCM_SLOTS (scmptr));
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_contin:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ m += SCM_LENGTH (scmptr) * sizeof (SCM_STACKITEM) + sizeof (regs);
+ goto freechars;
+ case scm_tc7_ssymbol:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP(scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ break;
+ case scm_tcs_subrs:
+ continue;
+ case scm_tc7_port:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ if SCM_OPENP (scmptr)
+ {
+ int k = SCM_PTOBNUM (scmptr);
+ if (!(k < scm_numptob))
+ goto sweeperr;
+ /* Keep "revealed" ports alive. */
+ if (scm_revealed_count(scmptr) > 0)
+ continue;
+ /* Yes, I really do mean scm_ptobs[k].free */
+ /* rather than ftobs[k].close. .close */
+ /* is for explicit CLOSE-PORT by user */
+ (scm_ptobs[k].free) (SCM_STREAM (scmptr));
+ SCM_SETSTREAM (scmptr, 0);
+ scm_remove_from_port_table (scmptr);
+ scm_gc_ports_collected++;
+ SCM_CAR (scmptr) &= ~SCM_OPN;
+ }
+ break;
+ case scm_tc7_smob:
+ switch SCM_GCTYP16 (scmptr)
+ {
+ case scm_tc_free_cell:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ break;
+#ifdef SCM_BIGDIG
+ case scm_tcs_bignums:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ goto freechars;
+#endif /* def SCM_BIGDIG */
+ case scm_tc16_flo:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ switch ((int) (SCM_CAR (scmptr) >> 16))
+ {
+ case (SCM_IMAG_PART | SCM_REAL_PART) >> 16:
+ m += sizeof (double);
+ case SCM_REAL_PART >> 16:
+ case SCM_IMAG_PART >> 16:
+ m += sizeof (double);
+ goto freechars;
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto sweeperr;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if SCM_GC8MARKP (scmptr)
+ goto c8mrkcontinue;
+ {
+ int k;
+ k = SCM_SMOBNUM (scmptr);
+ if (!(k < scm_numsmob))
+ goto sweeperr;
+ m += (scm_smobs[k].free) ((SCM) scmptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ sweeperr:scm_wta (scmptr, "unknown type in ", "gc_sweep");
+ }
+ n += span;
+#if 0
+ if (SCM_CAR (scmptr) == (SCM) scm_tc_free_cell)
+ exit (2);
+ SCM_CAR (scmptr) = (SCM) scm_tc_free_cell;
+ SCM_CDR (scmptr) = nfreelist;
+ nfreelist = scmptr;
+#if 0
+ if ((nfreelist < scm_heap_table[0].bounds[0]) ||
+ (nfreelist >= scm_heap_table[0].bounds[1]))
+ exit (1);
+ continue;
+ c8mrkcontinue:
+ SCM_CLRGC8MARK (scmptr);
+ continue;
+ cmrkcontinue:
+ SCM_CLRGCMARK (scmptr);
+ }
+ if (n == seg_size)
+ {
+ scm_heap_size -= seg_size;
+ free ((char *) scm_heap_table[i - 1].bounds[0]);
+ scm_heap_table[i - 1].bounds[0] = 0;
+ for (j = i; j < scm_n_heap_segs; j++)
+ scm_heap_table[j - 1] = scm_heap_table[j];
+ scm_n_heap_segs -= 1;
+ i -= 1; /* need to scan segment just moved. */
+ }
+ else
+#endif /* ifdef GC_FREE_SEGMENTS */
+ *hp_freelist = nfreelist;
+ scm_gc_cells_collected += n;
+ n = 0;
+ }
+ /* Scan weak vectors. */
+ {
+ SCM *ptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < scm_n_weak; ++i)
+ {
+ if (!SCM_IS_WHVEC_ANY (scm_weak_vectors[i]))
+ {
+ ptr = SCM_VELTS (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ n = SCM_LENGTH (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+ if (SCM_NIMP (ptr[j]) && SCM_FREEP (ptr[j]))
+ ptr[j] = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ }
+ else /* if (SCM_IS_WHVEC_ANY (scm_weak_vectors[i])) */
+ {
+ SCM obj;
+ obj = scm_weak_vectors[i];
+ ptr = SCM_VELTS (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ n = SCM_LENGTH (scm_weak_vectors[i]);
+ for (j = 0; j < n; ++j)
+ {
+ SCM * fixup;
+ SCM alist;
+ int weak_keys;
+ int weak_values;
+ weak_keys = SCM_IS_WHVEC (obj) || SCM_IS_WHVEC_B (obj);
+ weak_values = SCM_IS_WHVEC_V (obj) || SCM_IS_WHVEC_B (obj);
+ fixup = ptr + j;
+ alist = *fixup;
+ while (SCM_NIMP (alist)
+ && SCM_CONSP (alist)
+ && SCM_NIMP (SCM_CAR (alist))
+ && SCM_CONSP (SCM_CAR (alist)))
+ {
+ SCM key;
+ SCM value;
+ key = SCM_CAAR (alist);
+ value = SCM_CDAR (alist);
+ if ( (weak_keys && SCM_NIMP (key) && SCM_FREEP (key))
+ || (weak_values && SCM_NIMP (value) && SCM_FREEP (value)))
+ {
+ *fixup = SCM_CDR (alist);
+ }
+ else
+ fixup = &SCM_CDR (alist);
+ alist = SCM_CDR (alist);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ scm_cells_allocated = (scm_heap_size - scm_gc_cells_collected);
+ scm_mallocated -= m;
+ scm_gc_malloc_collected = m;
+/* {Front end to malloc}
+ *
+ * scm_must_malloc, scm_must_realloc, scm_must_free
+ *
+ * These functions provide services comperable to malloc, realloc, and
+ * free. They are for allocating malloced parts of scheme objects.
+ * The primary purpose of the front end is to impose calls to gc.
+ */
+/* scm_must_malloc
+ * Return newly malloced storage or throw an error.
+ *
+ * The parameter WHAT is a string for error reporting.
+ * If the threshold scm_mtrigger will be passed by this
+ * allocation, or if the first call to malloc fails,
+ * garbage collect -- on the presumption that some objects
+ * using malloced storage may be collected.
+ *
+ * The limit scm_mtrigger may be raised by this allocation.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *
+scm_must_malloc (long len, char *what)
+char *
+scm_must_malloc (len, what)
+ long len;
+ char *what;
+ char *ptr;
+ scm_sizet size = len;
+ long nm = scm_mallocated + size;
+ if (len != size)
+ malerr:
+ scm_wta (SCM_MAKINUM (len), (char *) SCM_NALLOC, what);
+ if ((nm <= scm_mtrigger))
+ {
+ SCM_SYSCALL (ptr = (char *) malloc (size));
+ if (NULL != ptr)
+ {
+ scm_mallocated = nm;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ scm_igc (what);
+ nm = scm_mallocated + size;
+ SCM_SYSCALL (ptr = (char *) malloc (size));
+ if (NULL != ptr)
+ {
+ scm_mallocated = nm;
+ if (nm > scm_mtrigger)
+ scm_mtrigger = nm + nm / 2;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ goto malerr;
+/* scm_must_realloc
+ * is similar to scm_must_malloc.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+char *
+scm_must_realloc (char *where, long olen, long len, char *what)
+char *
+scm_must_realloc (where, olen, len, what)
+ char *where;
+ long olen;
+ long len;
+ char *what;
+ char *ptr;
+ scm_sizet size = len;
+ long nm = scm_mallocated + size - olen;
+ if (len != size)
+ ralerr:
+ scm_wta (SCM_MAKINUM (len), (char *) SCM_NALLOC, what);
+ if ((nm <= scm_mtrigger))
+ {
+ SCM_SYSCALL (ptr = (char *) realloc (where, size));
+ if (NULL != ptr)
+ {
+ scm_mallocated = nm;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ scm_igc (what);
+ nm = scm_mallocated + size - olen;
+ SCM_SYSCALL (ptr = (char *) realloc (where, size));
+ if (NULL != ptr)
+ {
+ scm_mallocated = nm;
+ if (nm > scm_mtrigger)
+ scm_mtrigger = nm + nm / 2;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ goto ralerr;
+/* scm_must_free
+ * is for releasing memory from scm_must_realloc and scm_must_malloc.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_must_free (char *obj)
+scm_must_free (obj)
+ char *obj;
+ if (obj)
+ free (obj);
+ else
+ scm_wta (SCM_INUM0, "already free", "");
+/* {Heap Segments}
+ *
+ * Each heap segment is an array of objects of a particular size.
+ * Every segment has an associated (possibly shared) freelist.
+ * A table of segment records is kept that records the upper and
+ * lower extents of the segment; this is used during the conservative
+ * phase of gc to identify probably gc roots (because they point
+ * into valid segments at reasonable offsets).
+ */
+/* scm_expmem
+ * is true if the first segment was smaller than INIT_HEAP_SEG.
+ * If scm_expmem is set to one, subsequent segment allocations will
+ * allocate segments of size SCM_EXPHEAP(scm_heap_size).
+ */
+int scm_expmem = 0;
+/* scm_heap_org
+ * is the lowest base address of any heap segment.
+ */
+SCM_CELLPTR scm_heap_org;
+struct scm_heap_seg_data * scm_heap_table = 0;
+int scm_n_heap_segs = 0;
+/* scm_heap_size
+ * is the total number of cells in heap segments.
+ */
+long scm_heap_size = 0;
+/* init_heap_seg
+ * initializes a new heap segment and return the number of objects it contains.
+ *
+ * The segment origin, segment size in bytes, and the span of objects
+ * in cells are input parameters. The freelist is both input and output.
+ *
+ * This function presume that the scm_heap_table has already been expanded
+ * to accomodate a new segment record.
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static scm_sizet
+init_heap_seg (SCM_CELLPTR seg_org, scm_sizet size, int ncells, SCM *freelistp)
+static scm_sizet
+init_heap_seg (seg_org, size, ncells, freelistp)
+ SCM_CELLPTR seg_org;
+ scm_sizet size;
+ int ncells;
+ SCM *freelistp;
+ register SCM_CELLPTR ptr;
+ register SCM scmptr;
+#undef scmptr
+#define scmptr ptr
+ SCM_CELLPTR seg_end;
+ scm_sizet new_seg_index;
+ scm_sizet n_new_objects;
+ if (seg_org == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ ptr = seg_org;
+ /* Compute the ceiling on valid object pointers w/in this segment.
+ */
+ seg_end = CELL_DN ((char *) ptr + size);
+ /* Find the right place and insert the segment record.
+ *
+ */
+ for (new_seg_index = 0;
+ ( (new_seg_index < scm_n_heap_segs)
+ && SCM_PTR_LE (scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].bounds[0], seg_org));
+ new_seg_index++)
+ ;
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = scm_n_heap_segs; i > new_seg_index; --i)
+ scm_heap_table[i] = scm_heap_table[i - 1];
+ }
+ ++scm_n_heap_segs;
+ scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].valid = 0;
+ scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].ncells = ncells;
+ scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].freelistp = freelistp;
+ scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].bounds[0] = (SCM_CELLPTR)ptr;
+ scm_heap_table[new_seg_index].bounds[1] = (SCM_CELLPTR)seg_end;
+ /* Compute the least valid object pointer w/in this segment
+ */
+ ptr = CELL_UP (ptr);
+ n_new_objects = seg_end - ptr;
+ /* Prepend objects in this segment to the freelist.
+ */
+ while (ptr < seg_end)
+ {
+ scmptr = PTR2SCM (ptr);
+ SCM_CAR (scmptr) = (SCM) scm_tc_free_cell;
+ SCM_CDR (scmptr) = PTR2SCM (ptr + ncells);
+ ptr += ncells;
+ }
+ ptr -= ncells;
+ /* Patch up the last freelist pointer in the segment
+ * to join it to the input freelist.
+ */
+ SCM_CDR (PTR2SCM (ptr)) = *freelistp;
+ *freelistp = PTR2SCM (CELL_UP (seg_org));
+ scm_heap_size += (ncells * n_new_objects);
+ return size;
+#ifdef scmptr
+#undef scmptr
+#ifdef __STDC__
+static void
+alloc_some_heap (int ncells, SCM * freelistp)
+static void
+alloc_some_heap (ncells, freelistp)
+ int ncells;
+ SCM * freelistp;
+ struct scm_heap_seg_data * tmptable;
+ scm_sizet len;
+ /* Critical code sections (such as the garbage collector)
+ * aren't supposed to add heap segments.
+ */
+ if (scm_gc_heap_lock)
+ scm_wta (SCM_UNDEFINED, "need larger initial", "heap");
+ /* Expand the heap tables to have room for the new segment.
+ * Do not yet increment scm_n_heap_segs -- that is done by init_heap_seg
+ * only if the allocation of the segment itself succeeds.
+ */
+ len = (1 + scm_n_heap_segs) * sizeof (struct scm_heap_seg_data);
+ SCM_SYSCALL (tmptable = ((struct scm_heap_seg_data *)
+ realloc ((char *)scm_heap_table, len)));
+ if (!tmptable)
+ scm_wta (SCM_UNDEFINED, "could not grow", "hplims");
+ else
+ scm_heap_table = tmptable;
+ /* Pick a size for the new heap segment.
+ * The rule for picking the size of a segment is explained in
+ * gc.h
+ */
+ if (scm_expmem)
+ {
+ len = (scm_sizet) (SCM_EXPHEAP (scm_heap_size) * sizeof (scm_cell));
+ if ((scm_sizet) (SCM_EXPHEAP (scm_heap_size) * sizeof (scm_cell)) != len)
+ len = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ scm_sizet smallest;
+ smallest = (ncells * sizeof (scm_cell));
+ if (len < smallest)
+ len = (ncells * sizeof (scm_cell));
+ /* Allocate with decaying ambition. */
+ while ((len >= SCM_MIN_HEAP_SEG_SIZE)
+ && (len >= smallest))
+ {
+ SCM_SYSCALL (ptr = (SCM_CELLPTR) malloc (len));
+ if (ptr)
+ {
+ init_heap_seg (ptr, len, ncells, freelistp);
+ return;
+ }
+ len /= 2;
+ }
+ }
+ scm_wta (SCM_UNDEFINED, "could not grow", "heap");
+SCM_PROC (s_unhash_name, "unhash-name", 1, 0, 0, scm_unhash_name);
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_unhash_name (SCM name)
+scm_unhash_name (name)
+ SCM name;
+ int x;
+ int bound;
+ SCM_ASSERT (SCM_NIMP (name) && SCM_SYMBOLP (name), name, SCM_ARG1, s_unhash_name);
+ bound = scm_n_heap_segs;
+ for (x = 0; x < bound; ++x)
+ {
+ SCM_CELLPTR pbound;
+ p = (SCM_CELLPTR)scm_heap_table[x].bounds[0];
+ pbound = (SCM_CELLPTR)scm_heap_table[x].bounds[1];
+ while (p < pbound)
+ {
+ SCM incar;
+ incar = p->car;
+ if (1 == (7 & (int)incar))
+ {
+ --incar;
+ if ( ((name == SCM_BOOL_T) || (SCM_CAR (incar) == name))
+ && (SCM_CDR (incar) != 0)
+ && (SCM_CDR (incar) != 1))
+ {
+ p->car = name;
+ }
+ }
+ ++p;
+ }
+ }
+ return name;
+/* {GC Protection Helper Functions}
+ */
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_remember (SCM * ptr)
+scm_remember (ptr)
+ SCM * ptr;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_return_first (SCM elt, ...)
+scm_return_first (elt, va_alist)
+ SCM elt;
+ va_dcl
+ return elt;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_permanent_object (SCM obj)
+scm_permanent_object (obj)
+ SCM obj;
+ scm_permobjs = scm_cons (obj, scm_permobjs);
+ return obj;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_init_storage (long init_heap_size)
+scm_init_storage (init_heap_size)
+ long init_heap_size;
+ scm_sizet j;
+ while (j)
+ scm_sys_protects[--j] = SCM_BOOL_F;
+ scm_block_gc = 1;
+ scm_freelist = SCM_EOL;
+ scm_expmem = 0;
+ scm_mtrigger = SCM_INIT_MALLOC_LIMIT;
+ scm_heap_table = ((struct scm_heap_seg_data *)
+ scm_must_malloc (sizeof (struct scm_heap_seg_data), "hplims"));
+ if (0L == init_heap_size)
+ init_heap_size = SCM_INIT_HEAP_SIZE;
+ j = init_heap_size;
+ if ((init_heap_size != j)
+ || !init_heap_seg ((SCM_CELLPTR) malloc (j), j, 1, &scm_freelist))
+ {
+ if (!init_heap_seg ((SCM_CELLPTR) malloc (j), j, 1, &scm_freelist))
+ return 1;
+ }
+ else
+ scm_expmem = 1;
+ scm_heap_org = CELL_UP (scm_heap_table[0].bounds[0]);
+ /* scm_hplims[0] can change. do not remove scm_heap_org */
+ if (!(scm_weak_vectors = (SCM *) malloc ((scm_weak_size = 32) * sizeof(SCM *))))
+ return 1;
+ /* Initialise the list of ports. */
+ scm_port_table = (struct scm_port_table **) malloc ((long) (sizeof (struct scm_port_table)
+ * scm_port_table_room));
+ if (!scm_port_table)
+ return 1;
+ scm_undefineds = scm_cons (SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_EOL);
+ SCM_CDR (scm_undefineds) = scm_undefineds;
+ scm_listofnull = scm_cons (SCM_EOL, SCM_EOL);
+ scm_nullstr = scm_makstr (0L, 0);
+ scm_nullvect = scm_make_vector (SCM_INUM0, SCM_UNDEFINED, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ scm_symhash = scm_make_vector ((SCM) SCM_MAKINUM (scm_symhash_dim), SCM_EOL, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ scm_weak_symhash = scm_make_weak_hash_table ((SCM) SCM_MAKINUM (scm_symhash_dim));
+ scm_symhash_vars = scm_make_vector ((SCM) SCM_MAKINUM (scm_symhash_dim), SCM_EOL, SCM_UNDEFINED);
+ scm_permobjs = SCM_EOL;
+ scm_sysintern ("most-positive-fixnum", (SCM) SCM_MAKINUM (SCM_MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM));
+ scm_sysintern ("most-negative-fixnum", (SCM) SCM_MAKINUM (SCM_MOST_NEGATIVE_FIXNUM));
+#ifdef SCM_BIGDIG
+ scm_sysintern ("bignum-radix", SCM_MAKINUM (SCM_BIGRAD));
+ return 0;
+#ifdef __STDC__
+scm_init_gc (void)
+scm_init_gc ()
+#include "gc.x"