path: root/module/ice-9/session.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/ice-9/session.scm')
1 files changed, 534 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/ice-9/session.scm b/module/ice-9/session.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f3ec2795
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/ice-9/session.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
+;;;; Copyright (C) 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+(define-module (ice-9 session)
+ :use-module (ice-9 documentation)
+ :use-module (ice-9 regex)
+ :use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
+ :export (help
+ add-value-help-handler! remove-value-help-handler!
+ add-name-help-handler! remove-name-help-handler!
+ apropos apropos-internal apropos-fold apropos-fold-accessible
+ apropos-fold-exported apropos-fold-all source arity
+ procedure-arguments
+ module-commentary))
+(define *value-help-handlers*
+ `(,(lambda (name value)
+ (object-documentation value))))
+(define (add-value-help-handler! proc)
+ "Adds a handler for performing `help' on a value.
+`proc' will be called as (PROC NAME VALUE). `proc' should return #t to
+indicate that it has performed help, a string to override the default
+object documentation, or #f to try the other handlers, potentially
+falling back on the normal behavior for `help'."
+ (set! *value-help-handlers* (cons proc *value-help-handlers*)))
+(define (remove-value-help-handler! proc)
+ "Removes a handler for performing `help' on a value."
+ (set! *value-help-handlers* (delete! proc *value-help-handlers*)))
+(define (try-value-help name value)
+ (or-map (lambda (proc) (proc name value)) *value-help-handlers*))
+(define *name-help-handlers* '())
+(define (add-name-help-handler! proc)
+ "Adds a handler for performing `help' on a name.
+`proc' will be called with the unevaluated name as its argument. That is
+to say, when the user calls `(help FOO)', the name is FOO, exactly as
+the user types it.
+`proc' should return #t to indicate that it has performed help, a string
+to override the default object documentation, or #f to try the other
+handlers, potentially falling back on the normal behavior for `help'."
+ (set! *name-help-handlers* (cons proc *name-help-handlers*)))
+(define (remove-name-help-handler! proc)
+ "Removes a handler for performing `help' on a name."
+ (set! *name-help-handlers* (delete! proc *name-help-handlers*)))
+(define (try-name-help name)
+ (or-map (lambda (proc) (proc name)) *name-help-handlers*))
+;;; Documentation
+(define-macro (help . exp)
+ "(help [NAME])
+Prints useful information. Try `(help)'."
+ (cond ((not (= (length exp) 1))
+ (help-usage)
+ '(begin))
+ ((not (provided? 'regex))
+ (display "`help' depends on the `regex' feature.
+You don't seem to have regular expressions installed.\n")
+ '(begin))
+ (else
+ (let ((name (car exp))
+ (not-found (lambda (type x)
+ (simple-format #t "No ~A found for ~A\n"
+ type x))))
+ (cond
+ ;; User-specified
+ ((try-name-help name)
+ => (lambda (x) (if (not (eq? x #t)) (display x))))
+ ((symbol? name)
+ (help-doc name
+ (simple-format
+ #f "^~A$"
+ (regexp-quote (symbol->string name)))))
+ ;; "STRING"
+ ((string? name)
+ (help-doc name name))
+ ;; (unquote SYMBOL)
+ ((and (list? name)
+ (= (length name) 2)
+ (eq? (car name) 'unquote))
+ (let ((doc (try-value-help (cadr name)
+ (local-eval (cadr name) env))))
+ (cond ((not doc) (not-found 'documentation (cadr name)))
+ ((eq? doc #t)) ;; pass
+ (else (write-line doc)))))
+ ;; (quote SYMBOL)
+ ((and (list? name)
+ (= (length name) 2)
+ (eq? (car name) 'quote)
+ (symbol? (cadr name)))
+ (cond ((search-documentation-files (cadr name))
+ => write-line)
+ (else (not-found 'documentation (cadr name)))))
+ ;; (SYM1 SYM2 ...)
+ ((and (list? name)
+ (and-map symbol? name)
+ (not (null? name))
+ (not (eq? (car name) 'quote)))
+ (cond ((module-commentary name)
+ => (lambda (doc)
+ (display name) (write-line " commentary:")
+ (write-line doc)))
+ (else (not-found 'commentary name))))
+ ;; unrecognized
+ (else
+ (help-usage)))
+ '(begin)))))
+(define (module-filename name) ; fixme: better way? / done elsewhere?
+ (let* ((name (map symbol->string name))
+ (reverse-name (reverse name))
+ (leaf (car reverse-name))
+ (dir-hint-module-name (reverse (cdr reverse-name)))
+ (dir-hint (apply string-append
+ (map (lambda (elt)
+ (string-append elt "/"))
+ dir-hint-module-name))))
+ (%search-load-path (in-vicinity dir-hint leaf))))
+(define (module-commentary name)
+ (cond ((module-filename name) => file-commentary)
+ (else #f)))
+(define (help-doc term regexp)
+ (let ((entries (apropos-fold (lambda (module name object data)
+ (cons (list module
+ name
+ (try-value-help name object)
+ (cond ((closure? object)
+ "a procedure")
+ ((procedure? object)
+ "a primitive procedure")
+ (else
+ "an object")))
+ data))
+ '()
+ regexp
+ apropos-fold-exported))
+ (module car)
+ (name cadr)
+ (doc caddr)
+ (type cadddr))
+ (cond ((not (null? entries))
+ (let ((first? #t)
+ (undocumented-entries '())
+ (documented-entries '())
+ (documentations '()))
+ (for-each (lambda (entry)
+ (let ((entry-summary (simple-format
+ #f "~S: ~S\n"
+ (module-name (module entry))
+ (name entry))))
+ (if (doc entry)
+ (begin
+ (set! documented-entries
+ (cons entry-summary documented-entries))
+ ;; *fixme*: Use `describe' when we have GOOPS?
+ (set! documentations
+ (cons (simple-format
+ #f "`~S' is ~A in the ~S module.\n\n~A\n"
+ (name entry)
+ (type entry)
+ (module-name (module entry))
+ (doc entry))
+ documentations)))
+ (set! undocumented-entries
+ (cons entry-summary
+ undocumented-entries)))))
+ entries)
+ (if (and (not (null? documented-entries))
+ (or (> (length documented-entries) 1)
+ (not (null? undocumented-entries))))
+ (begin
+ (display "Documentation found for:\n")
+ (for-each (lambda (entry) (display entry))
+ documented-entries)
+ (set! first? #f)))
+ (for-each (lambda (entry)
+ (if first?
+ (set! first? #f)
+ (newline))
+ (display entry))
+ documentations)
+ (if (not (null? undocumented-entries))
+ (begin
+ (if first?
+ (set! first? #f)
+ (newline))
+ (display "No documentation found for:\n")
+ (for-each (lambda (entry) (display entry))
+ undocumented-entries)))))
+ ((search-documentation-files term)
+ => (lambda (doc)
+ (write-line "Documentation from file:")
+ (write-line doc)))
+ (else
+ ;; no matches
+ (display "Did not find any object ")
+ (simple-format #t
+ (if (symbol? term)
+ "named `~A'\n"
+ "matching regexp \"~A\"\n")
+ term)))))
+(define (help-usage)
+ (display "Usage: (help NAME) gives documentation about objects named NAME (a symbol)
+ (help REGEXP) ditto for objects with names matching REGEXP (a string)
+ (help 'NAME) gives documentation for NAME, even if it is not an object
+ (help ,EXPR) gives documentation for object returned by EXPR
+ (help (my module)) gives module commentary for `(my module)'
+ (help) gives this text
+`help' searches among bindings exported from loaded modules, while
+`apropos' searches among bindings visible from the \"current\" module.
+Examples: (help help)
+ (help cons)
+ (help \"output-string\")
+Other useful sources of helpful information:
+(apropos STRING)
+(arity PROCEDURE)
+(backtrace) ;show backtrace from last error
+(debug) ;enter the debugger
+(trace [PROCEDURE]) ;trace procedure (no arg => show)
+(untrace [PROCEDURE]) ;untrace (no arg => untrace all)
+(OPTIONSET-options 'full) ;display option information
+where OPTIONSET is one of debug, read, eval, print
+;;; {Apropos}
+;;; Author: Roland Orre <>
+(define (apropos rgx . options)
+ "Search for bindings: apropos regexp {options= 'full 'shadow 'value}"
+ (if (zero? (string-length rgx))
+ "Empty string not allowed"
+ (let* ((match (make-regexp rgx))
+ (uses (module-uses (current-module)))
+ (modules (cons (current-module)
+ (if (and (not (null? uses))
+ (eq? (module-name (car uses))
+ 'duplicates))
+ (cdr uses)
+ uses)))
+ (separator #\tab)
+ (shadow (member 'shadow options))
+ (value (member 'value options)))
+ (cond ((member 'full options)
+ (set! shadow #t)
+ (set! value #t)))
+ (for-each
+ (lambda (module)
+ (let* ((name (module-name module))
+ (obarray (module-obarray module)))
+ ;; XXX - should use hash-fold here
+ (hash-for-each
+ (lambda (symbol variable)
+ (cond ((regexp-exec match (symbol->string symbol))
+ (display name)
+ (display ": ")
+ (display symbol)
+ (cond ((variable-bound? variable)
+ (let ((val (variable-ref variable)))
+ (cond ((or (procedure? val) value)
+ (display separator)
+ (display val)))))
+ (else
+ (display separator)
+ (display "(unbound)")))
+ (if (and shadow
+ (not (eq? (module-ref module symbol)
+ (module-ref (current-module) symbol))))
+ (display " shadowed"))
+ (newline))))
+ obarray)))
+ modules))))
+(define (apropos-internal rgx)
+ "Return a list of accessible variable names."
+ (apropos-fold (lambda (module name var data)
+ (cons name data))
+ '()
+ rgx
+ (apropos-fold-accessible (current-module))))
+(define (apropos-fold proc init rgx folder)
+ "Folds PROCEDURE over bindings matching third arg REGEXP.
+Result is
+ ...
+where INIT is the second arg to `apropos-fold'.
+Fourth arg FOLDER is one of
+ (apropos-fold-accessible MODULE) ;fold over bindings accessible in MODULE
+ apropos-fold-exported ;fold over all exported bindings
+ apropos-fold-all ;fold over all bindings"
+ (let ((match (make-regexp rgx))
+ (recorded (make-vector 61 '())))
+ (let ((fold-module
+ (lambda (module data)
+ (let* ((obarray-filter
+ (lambda (name val data)
+ (if (and (regexp-exec match (symbol->string name))
+ (not (hashq-get-handle recorded name)))
+ (begin
+ (hashq-set! recorded name #t)
+ (proc module name val data))
+ data)))
+ (module-filter
+ (lambda (name var data)
+ (if (variable-bound? var)
+ (obarray-filter name (variable-ref var) data)
+ data))))
+ (cond (module (hash-fold module-filter
+ data
+ (module-obarray module)))
+ (else data))))))
+ (folder fold-module init))))
+(define (make-fold-modules init-thunk traverse extract)
+ "Return procedure capable of traversing a forest of modules.
+The forest traversed is the image of the forest generated by root
+modules returned by INIT-THUNK and the generator TRAVERSE.
+It is an image under the mapping EXTRACT."
+ (lambda (fold-module init)
+ (let* ((table (make-hash-table 31))
+ (first? (lambda (obj)
+ (let* ((handle (hash-create-handle! table obj #t))
+ (first? (cdr handle)))
+ (set-cdr! handle #f)
+ first?))))
+ (let rec ((data init)
+ (modules (init-thunk)))
+ (do ((modules modules (cdr modules))
+ (data data (if (first? (car modules))
+ (rec (fold-module (extract (car modules)) data)
+ (traverse (car modules)))
+ data)))
+ ((null? modules) data))))))
+(define (apropos-fold-accessible module)
+ (make-fold-modules (lambda () (list module))
+ module-uses
+ identity))
+(define (root-modules)
+ (cons the-root-module
+ (submodules (nested-ref the-root-module '(app modules)))))
+(define (submodules m)
+ (hash-fold (lambda (name var data)
+ (let ((obj (and (variable-bound? var) (variable-ref var))))
+ (if (and (module? obj)
+ (eq? (module-kind obj) 'directory))
+ (cons obj data)
+ data)))
+ '()
+ (module-obarray m)))
+(define apropos-fold-exported
+ (make-fold-modules root-modules submodules module-public-interface))
+(define apropos-fold-all
+ (make-fold-modules root-modules submodules identity))
+(define (source obj)
+ (cond ((procedure? obj) (procedure-source obj))
+ ((macro? obj) (procedure-source (macro-transformer obj)))
+ (else #f)))
+(define (arity obj)
+ (define (display-arg-list arg-list)
+ (display #\`)
+ (display (car arg-list))
+ (let loop ((ls (cdr arg-list)))
+ (cond ((null? ls)
+ (display #\'))
+ ((not (pair? ls))
+ (display "', the rest in `")
+ (display ls)
+ (display #\'))
+ (else
+ (if (pair? (cdr ls))
+ (display "', `")
+ (display "' and `"))
+ (display (car ls))
+ (loop (cdr ls))))))
+ (define (display-arg-list/summary arg-list type)
+ (let ((len (length arg-list)))
+ (display len)
+ (display " ")
+ (display type)
+ (if (> len 1)
+ (display " arguments: ")
+ (display " argument: "))
+ (display-arg-list arg-list)))
+ (cond
+ ((procedure-property obj 'arglist)
+ => (lambda (arglist)
+ (let ((required-args (car arglist))
+ (optional-args (cadr arglist))
+ (keyword-args (caddr arglist))
+ (allow-other-keys? (cadddr arglist))
+ (rest-arg (car (cddddr arglist)))
+ (need-punctuation #f))
+ (cond ((not (null? required-args))
+ (display-arg-list/summary required-args "required")
+ (set! need-punctuation #t)))
+ (cond ((not (null? optional-args))
+ (if need-punctuation (display ", "))
+ (display-arg-list/summary optional-args "optional")
+ (set! need-punctuation #t)))
+ (cond ((not (null? keyword-args))
+ (if need-punctuation (display ", "))
+ (display-arg-list/summary keyword-args "keyword")
+ (set! need-punctuation #t)))
+ (cond (allow-other-keys?
+ (if need-punctuation (display ", "))
+ (display "other keywords allowed")
+ (set! need-punctuation #t)))
+ (cond (rest-arg
+ (if need-punctuation (display ", "))
+ (display "the rest in `")
+ (display rest-arg)
+ (display "'"))))))
+ (else
+ (let ((arity (procedure-property obj 'arity)))
+ (display (car arity))
+ (cond ((caddr arity)
+ (display " or more"))
+ ((not (zero? (cadr arity)))
+ (display " required and ")
+ (display (cadr arity))
+ (display " optional")))
+ (if (and (not (caddr arity))
+ (= (car arity) 1)
+ (<= (cadr arity) 1))
+ (display " argument")
+ (display " arguments"))
+ (if (closure? obj)
+ (let ((formals (cadr (procedure-source obj))))
+ (cond
+ ((pair? formals)
+ (display ": ")
+ (display-arg-list formals))
+ (else
+ (display " in `")
+ (display formals)
+ (display #\'))))))))
+ (display ".\n"))
+(define (procedure-arguments proc)
+ "Return an alist describing the arguments that `proc' accepts, or `#f'
+if the information cannot be obtained.
+The alist keys that are currently defined are `required', `optional',
+`keyword', and `rest'."
+ (cond
+ ((procedure-property proc 'arglist)
+ => (lambda (arglist)
+ `((required . ,(car arglist))
+ (optional . ,(cadr arglist))
+ (keyword . ,(caddr arglist))
+ (rest . ,(car (cddddr arglist))))))
+ ((procedure-source proc)
+ => cadr)
+ (((@ (system vm program) program?) proc)
+ ((@ (system vm program) program-arguments) proc))
+ (else #f)))
+;;; session.scm ends here