path: root/module/language/sassy/operands.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/language/sassy/operands.scm')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/language/sassy/operands.scm b/module/language/sassy/operands.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c5ff844c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/language/sassy/operands.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+; operands.scm - Sassy's operand predicates
+; Copyright (C) 2005 Jonathan Kraut
+; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+; Contact:
+; Jonathan Kraut
+; 4130 43 ST #C2
+; Sunnyside, NY 11104
+; see file COPYING in the top of Sassy's distribution directory
+; module operands
+; import numbers srfi-69
+; import-syntax meta-lambda
+; export all
+; register type operands
+(define r8 #f)
+(define r16 #f)
+(define r32 #f)
+(define mm #f)
+(define st #f)
+(define xmm #f)
+(define creg #f)
+(define dreg #f)
+(define sreg #f)
+(define (r32-not-esp x) (and (not (eq? x 'esp)) (r32 x)))
+(define (sreg-not-cs x) (and (not (eq? x 'cs)) (sreg x)))
+(define symbol #f)
+ ((the-registers
+ (alist->hash-table
+ '((eax . (32 . 0)) (ecx . (32 . 1)) (edx . (32 . 2)) (ebx . (32 . 3))
+ (esp . (32 . 4)) (ebp . (32 . 5)) (esi . (32 . 6)) (edi . (32 . 7))
+ (ax . (16 . 0)) (cx . (16 . 1)) (dx . (16 . 2)) (bx . (16 . 3))
+ (sp . (16 . 4)) (bp . (16 . 5)) (si . (16 . 6)) (di . (16 . 7))
+ (al . (8 . 0)) (cl . (8 . 1)) (dl . (8 . 2)) (bl . (8 . 3))
+ (ah . (8 . 4)) (ch . (8 . 5)) (dh . (8 . 6)) (bh . (8 . 7))
+ (st0 . (80 . 0)) (st1 . (80 . 1)) (st2 . (80 . 2)) (st3 . (80 . 3))
+ (st4 . (80 . 4)) (st5 . (80 . 5)) (st6 . (80 . 6)) (st7 . (80 . 7))
+ (mm0 . (64 . 0)) (mm1 . (64 . 1)) (mm2 . (64 . 2)) (mm3 . (64 . 3))
+ (mm4 . (64 . 4)) (mm5 . (64 . 5)) (mm6 . (64 . 6)) (mm7 . (64 . 7))
+ (xmm0 . (128 . 0)) (xmm1 . (128 . 1)) (xmm2 . (128 . 2))
+ (xmm3 . (128 . 3)) (xmm4 . (128 . 4)) (xmm5 . (128 . 5))
+ (xmm6 . (128 . 6)) (xmm7 . (128 . 7))
+ (es . (1 . 0)) (cs . (1 . 1)) (ss . (1 . 2))
+ (ds . (1 . 3)) (fs . (1 . 4)) (gs . (1 . 5))
+ (cr0 . (2 . 0)) (cr2 . (2 . 2)) (cr3 . (2 . 3)) (cr4 . (2 . 4))
+ (dr0 . (3 . 0)) (dr1 . (3 . 1)) (dr2 . (3 . 2))
+ (dr3 . (3 . 3)) (dr6 . (3 . 6)) (dr7 . (3 . 7))
+ )))) ;sreg type-code = 1 creg type-code = 2 dreg type-code = 3
+ (let ((reg-x (lambda (reg-type-code)
+ (memoize
+ (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((hash-table-ref the-registers x (lambda () #f)) =>
+ (lambda (found)
+ (and (= reg-type-code (car found)) (cdr found))))
+ (else #f)))))))
+ (set! r8 (reg-x 8))
+ (set! r16 (reg-x 16))
+ (set! r32 (reg-x 32))
+ (set! mm (reg-x 64))
+ (set! st (reg-x 80))
+ (set! xmm (reg-x 128))
+ (set! creg (reg-x 2))
+ (set! dreg (reg-x 3))
+ (set! sreg (reg-x 1))
+ (set! symbol (memoize
+ (lambda (x)
+ (or (and (symbol? x)
+ (not (hash-table-ref the-registers
+ x (lambda () #f)))
+ x)
+ (custom-reloc x)))))))
+; For the remainder of the following, every operand is either an e_ u_
+; or general. The u-types are for unexplicit operand sizes. The
+; e-types are for the cases where the operand size if explicit, and
+; the general is either of those.
+; mem type operands - the actual parsing happens in proc-mem in operands
+(define um8
+ (memoize
+ (let ((segger (lambda (x) (and (memq x '(cs ss ds es fs gs)) x)))
+ (mem (meta-lambda (and '& __))))
+ (meta-lambda
+ (or ,@mem
+ (and segger mem))))))
+(define um16 um8)
+(define um32 um8)
+(define um64 um8)
+(define um80 um8)
+(define um128 um8)
+(define em8 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'byte um8))))
+(define em16 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'word um16))))
+(define em32 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'dword um32))))
+(define em64 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'qword um64))))
+(define em80 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'tword um80))))
+(define em128 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'dqword um128))))
+(define (m8 x) (or (um8 x) (em8 x)))
+(define (m16 x) (or (um16 x) (em16 x)))
+(define (m32 x) (or (um32 x) (em32 x)))
+(define (m64 x) (or (um64 x) (em64 x)))
+(define (m80 x) (or (um80 x) (em80 x)))
+(define (m128 x) (or (um128 x) (em128 x)))
+(define (mem-any x)
+ (or (m32 x) (m16 x) (m8 x) (m64 x) (m80 x) (m128 x)))
+; NOTE: This needs fixing. The current bit-size should be checked to
+; make sure that "target" and "value", if specified, fit within the
+; current bit size.
+(define custom-reloc
+ (meta-lambda
+ (and 'reloc
+ (or (and 'rel
+ (or symbol? u-dword)
+ (or (lambda (target) (list 'reloc 'rel target 0))
+ (else (lambda x (error "sassy: bad rel reloc" x)))))
+ (and symbol?
+ (or (lambda (type) (list 'reloc type #f 0))
+ (and (or symbol? u-dword)
+ (or (lambda (type target) (list 'reloc type target 0))
+ (and s-dword
+ (lambda (type target value)
+ (list 'reloc type target value)))))))))))
+; rel type operands are used by branches
+(define urel8 (memoize (meta-lambda (or ,@u-byte ,@symbol))))
+(define urel16 (memoize (meta-lambda (or ,@u-word ,@symbol))))
+(define urel32 (memoize (meta-lambda (or ,@u-dword ,@symbol))))
+(define erel8 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'byte urel8))))
+(define erel16 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'word urel16))))
+(define erel32 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'dword urel32))))
+(define (rel8 x) (or (urel8 x) (erel8 x)))
+(define (rel16 x) (or (urel16 x) (erel16 x)))
+(define (rel32 x) (or (urel32 x) (erel32 x)))
+; mi type operand is used by mov instruction only with eax
+(define umi8 #f)
+(define umi16 #f)
+(define umi32 #f)
+(define emi8 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'byte umi8))))
+(define emi16 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'word umi16))))
+(define emi32 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'dword umi32))))
+(define (mi8 x) (or (umi8 x) (emi8 x)))
+(define (mi16 x) (or (umi16 x) (emi16 x)))
+(define (mi32 x) (or (umi32 x) (emi32 x)))
+(let ((mi (lambda (x)
+ (let ((asym #f)
+ (acc 0))
+ (let ((a-rest
+ (meta-lambda
+ (or (and ,@symbol
+ (lambda (x) (and (not asym) (set! asym x))))
+ (and ,@integer?
+ (lambda (x) (set! acc (+ x acc))))))))
+ (let ((go (meta-lambda
+ (and '& (+ a-rest)
+ (begin
+ (cond ((pair? asym)
+ (list 'reloc (car asym) (cadr asym)
+ (+ acc (caddr asym))))
+ ((symbol? asym)
+ (list 'reloc 'abs asym acc))
+ ((not asym) acc)))))))
+; (list 'reloc 'abs acc 0))))))))
+ (go x)))))))
+ (set! umi8 mi)
+ (set! umi16 mi)
+ (set! umi32 mi))
+; immediate type operands
+; unexplicit
+(define ui8 #f)
+(define ui16 #f)
+(define ui32 #f)
+; explicit eg (dword N)
+(define ei8 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'byte ui8))))
+(define ei16 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'word ui16))))
+(define ei32 (memoize (meta-lambda (and 'dword ui32))))
+; any
+(define (i8 x) (or (ui8 x) (ei8 x)))
+(define (i16 x) (or (ui16 x) (ei16 x)))
+(define (i32 x) (or (ui32 x) (ei32 x)))
+(let ((string-able
+ (lambda (z)
+ (lambda (x)
+ (and (string? x)
+ (<= (string-length x) z)
+ (let ((tmp (string-append x (make-string (- z (string-length x))
+ (integer->char 0)))))
+ (do ((i (- z 1) (- i 1))
+ (r 0 (+ (ash r 8) (char->integer (string-ref tmp i)))))
+ ((< i 0) r))))))))
+ (let ((str1 (string-able 1))
+ (str2 (string-able 2))
+ (str4 (string-able 4))
+ (u/s-byte u/s-byte)
+ (u/s-word u/s-word)
+ (u/s-dword u/s-dword))
+ (let ((imm16/32
+ (lambda (num-pred str-pred)
+ (meta-lambda
+ (or ,@num-pred
+ ,@symbol
+ ,@str-pred
+ (and ,@char? (lambda (x) (char->integer x))))))))
+ (set! ui8 (memoize
+ (meta-lambda
+ (or ,@u/s-byte
+ ,@str1
+ (and ,@char? (lambda (x) (char->integer x)))))))
+ (set! ui16 (memoize (imm16/32 u/s-word str2)))
+ (set! ui32 (memoize (imm16/32 u/s-dword str4))))))