path: root/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/srfi/srfi-1.scm')
1 files changed, 588 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm b/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db21122b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/srfi/srfi-1.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+;;; srfi-1.scm --- List Library
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Author: Martin Grabmueller <>
+;;; Date: 2001-06-06
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is an implementation of SRFI-1 (List Library).
+;; All procedures defined in SRFI-1, which are not already defined in
+;; the Guile core library, are exported. The procedures in this
+;; implementation work, but they have not been tuned for speed or
+;; memory usage.
+;; This module is fully documented in the Guile Reference Manual.
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (srfi srfi-1)
+ :export (
+;;; Constructors
+ ;; cons <= in the core
+ ;; list <= in the core
+ xcons
+ ;; cons* <= in the core
+ ;; make-list <= in the core
+ list-tabulate
+ list-copy
+ circular-list
+ ;; iota ; Extended.
+;;; Predicates
+ proper-list?
+ circular-list?
+ dotted-list?
+ ;; pair? <= in the core
+ ;; null? <= in the core
+ null-list?
+ not-pair?
+ list=
+;;; Selectors
+ ;; car <= in the core
+ ;; cdr <= in the core
+ ;; caar <= in the core
+ ;; cadr <= in the core
+ ;; cdar <= in the core
+ ;; cddr <= in the core
+ ;; caaar <= in the core
+ ;; caadr <= in the core
+ ;; cadar <= in the core
+ ;; caddr <= in the core
+ ;; cdaar <= in the core
+ ;; cdadr <= in the core
+ ;; cddar <= in the core
+ ;; cdddr <= in the core
+ ;; caaaar <= in the core
+ ;; caaadr <= in the core
+ ;; caadar <= in the core
+ ;; caaddr <= in the core
+ ;; cadaar <= in the core
+ ;; cadadr <= in the core
+ ;; caddar <= in the core
+ ;; cadddr <= in the core
+ ;; cdaaar <= in the core
+ ;; cdaadr <= in the core
+ ;; cdadar <= in the core
+ ;; cdaddr <= in the core
+ ;; cddaar <= in the core
+ ;; cddadr <= in the core
+ ;; cdddar <= in the core
+ ;; cddddr <= in the core
+ ;; list-ref <= in the core
+ first
+ second
+ third
+ fourth
+ fifth
+ sixth
+ seventh
+ eighth
+ ninth
+ tenth
+ car+cdr
+ take
+ drop
+ take-right
+ drop-right
+ take!
+ drop-right!
+ split-at
+ split-at!
+ last
+ ;; last-pair <= in the core
+;;; Miscelleneous: length, append, concatenate, reverse, zip & count
+ ;; length <= in the core
+ length+
+ ;; append <= in the core
+ ;; append! <= in the core
+ concatenate
+ concatenate!
+ ;; reverse <= in the core
+ ;; reverse! <= in the core
+ append-reverse
+ append-reverse!
+ zip
+ unzip1
+ unzip2
+ unzip3
+ unzip4
+ unzip5
+ count
+;;; Fold, unfold & map
+ fold
+ fold-right
+ pair-fold
+ pair-fold-right
+ reduce
+ reduce-right
+ unfold
+ unfold-right
+ ;; map ; Extended.
+ ;; for-each ; Extended.
+ append-map
+ append-map!
+ map!
+ ;; map-in-order ; Extended.
+ pair-for-each
+ filter-map
+;;; Filtering & partitioning
+ ;; filter <= in the core
+ partition
+ remove
+ ;; filter! <= in the core
+ partition!
+ remove!
+;;; Searching
+ find
+ find-tail
+ take-while
+ take-while!
+ drop-while
+ span
+ span!
+ break
+ break!
+ any
+ every
+ ;; list-index ; Extended.
+ ;; member ; Extended.
+ ;; memq <= in the core
+ ;; memv <= in the core
+;;; Deletion
+ ;; delete ; Extended.
+ ;; delete! ; Extended.
+ delete-duplicates
+ delete-duplicates!
+;;; Association lists
+ ;; assoc ; Extended.
+ ;; assq <= in the core
+ ;; assv <= in the core
+ alist-cons
+ alist-copy
+ alist-delete
+ alist-delete!
+;;; Set operations on lists
+ lset<=
+ lset=
+ lset-adjoin
+ lset-union
+ lset-intersection
+ lset-difference
+ lset-xor
+ lset-diff+intersection
+ lset-union!
+ lset-intersection!
+ lset-difference!
+ lset-xor!
+ lset-diff+intersection!
+;;; Primitive side-effects
+ ;; set-car! <= in the core
+ ;; set-cdr! <= in the core
+ )
+ :re-export (cons list cons* make-list pair? null?
+ car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
+ caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+ caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+ cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr
+ list-ref last-pair length append append! reverse reverse!
+ filter filter! memq memv assq assv set-car! set-cdr!)
+ :replace (iota map for-each map-in-order list-copy list-index member
+ delete delete! assoc)
+ )
+(cond-expand-provide (current-module) '(srfi-1))
+;; Load the compiled primitives from the shared library.
+(load-extension "libguile-srfi-srfi-1-v-4" "scm_init_srfi_1")
+;;; Constructors
+;; internal helper, similar to (scsh utilities) check-arg.
+(define (check-arg-type pred arg caller)
+ (if (pred arg)
+ arg
+ (scm-error 'wrong-type-arg caller
+ "Wrong type argument: ~S" (list arg) '())))
+;; the srfi spec doesn't seem to forbid inexact integers.
+(define (non-negative-integer? x) (and (integer? x) (>= x 0)))
+(define (circular-list elt1 . elts)
+ (set! elts (cons elt1 elts))
+ (set-cdr! (last-pair elts) elts)
+ elts)
+(define (iota count . rest)
+ (check-arg-type non-negative-integer? count "iota")
+ (let ((start (if (pair? rest) (car rest) 0))
+ (step (if (and (pair? rest) (pair? (cdr rest))) (cadr rest) 1)))
+ (let lp ((n 0) (acc '()))
+ (if (= n count)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (lp (+ n 1) (cons (+ start (* n step)) acc))))))
+;;; Predicates
+(define (proper-list? x)
+ (list? x))
+(define (circular-list? x)
+ (if (not-pair? x)
+ #f
+ (let lp ((hare (cdr x)) (tortoise x))
+ (if (not-pair? hare)
+ #f
+ (let ((hare (cdr hare)))
+ (if (not-pair? hare)
+ #f
+ (if (eq? hare tortoise)
+ #t
+ (lp (cdr hare) (cdr tortoise)))))))))
+(define (dotted-list? x)
+ (cond
+ ((null? x) #f)
+ ((not-pair? x) #t)
+ (else
+ (let lp ((hare (cdr x)) (tortoise x))
+ (cond
+ ((null? hare) #f)
+ ((not-pair? hare) #t)
+ (else
+ (let ((hare (cdr hare)))
+ (cond
+ ((null? hare) #f)
+ ((not-pair? hare) #t)
+ ((eq? hare tortoise) #f)
+ (else
+ (lp (cdr hare) (cdr tortoise)))))))))))
+(define (null-list? x)
+ (cond
+ ((proper-list? x)
+ (null? x))
+ ((circular-list? x)
+ #f)
+ (else
+ (error "not a proper list in null-list?"))))
+(define (list= elt= . rest)
+ (define (lists-equal a b)
+ (let lp ((a a) (b b))
+ (cond ((null? a)
+ (null? b))
+ ((null? b)
+ #f)
+ (else
+ (and (elt= (car a) (car b))
+ (lp (cdr a) (cdr b)))))))
+ (or (null? rest)
+ (let lp ((lists rest))
+ (or (null? (cdr lists))
+ (and (lists-equal (car lists) (cadr lists))
+ (lp (cdr lists)))))))
+;;; Selectors
+(define first car)
+(define second cadr)
+(define third caddr)
+(define fourth cadddr)
+(define take list-head)
+(define drop list-tail)
+;;; Miscelleneous: length, append, concatenate, reverse, zip & count
+(define (zip clist1 . rest)
+ (let lp ((l (cons clist1 rest)) (acc '()))
+ (if (any null? l)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (lp (map1 cdr l) (cons (map1 car l) acc)))))
+(define (unzip1 l)
+ (map1 first l))
+(define (unzip2 l)
+ (values (map1 first l) (map1 second l)))
+(define (unzip3 l)
+ (values (map1 first l) (map1 second l) (map1 third l)))
+(define (unzip4 l)
+ (values (map1 first l) (map1 second l) (map1 third l) (map1 fourth l)))
+(define (unzip5 l)
+ (values (map1 first l) (map1 second l) (map1 third l) (map1 fourth l)
+ (map1 fifth l)))
+;;; Fold, unfold & map
+(define (fold-right kons knil clist1 . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (let f ((list1 clist1))
+ (if (null? list1)
+ knil
+ (kons (car list1) (f (cdr list1)))))
+ (let f ((lists (cons clist1 rest)))
+ (if (any null? lists)
+ knil
+ (apply kons (append! (map1 car lists) (list (f (map1 cdr lists)))))))))
+(define (pair-fold kons knil clist1 . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (let f ((knil knil) (list1 clist1))
+ (if (null? list1)
+ knil
+ (let ((tail (cdr list1)))
+ (f (kons list1 knil) tail))))
+ (let f ((knil knil) (lists (cons clist1 rest)))
+ (if (any null? lists)
+ knil
+ (let ((tails (map1 cdr lists)))
+ (f (apply kons (append! lists (list knil))) tails))))))
+(define (pair-fold-right kons knil clist1 . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (let f ((list1 clist1))
+ (if (null? list1)
+ knil
+ (kons list1 (f (cdr list1)))))
+ (let f ((lists (cons clist1 rest)))
+ (if (any null? lists)
+ knil
+ (apply kons (append! lists (list (f (map1 cdr lists)))))))))
+(define (unfold p f g seed . rest)
+ (let ((tail-gen (if (pair? rest)
+ (if (pair? (cdr rest))
+ (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
+ "unfold" "too many arguments" '() '())
+ (car rest))
+ (lambda (x) '()))))
+ (let uf ((seed seed))
+ (if (p seed)
+ (tail-gen seed)
+ (cons (f seed)
+ (uf (g seed)))))))
+(define (unfold-right p f g seed . rest)
+ (let ((tail (if (pair? rest)
+ (if (pair? (cdr rest))
+ (scm-error 'wrong-number-of-args
+ "unfold-right" "too many arguments" '()
+ '())
+ (car rest))
+ '())))
+ (let uf ((seed seed) (lis tail))
+ (if (p seed)
+ lis
+ (uf (g seed) (cons (f seed) lis))))))
+;; Internal helper procedure. Map `f' over the single list `ls'.
+(define map1 map)
+(define (append-map f clist1 . rest)
+ (concatenate (apply map f clist1 rest)))
+(define (append-map! f clist1 . rest)
+ (concatenate! (apply map f clist1 rest)))
+;; OPTIMIZE-ME: Re-use cons cells of list1
+(define map! map)
+(define (pair-for-each f clist1 . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ (let lp ((l clist1))
+ (if (null? l)
+ (if #f #f)
+ (begin
+ (f l)
+ (lp (cdr l)))))
+ (let lp ((l (cons clist1 rest)))
+ (if (any1 null? l)
+ (if #f #f)
+ (begin
+ (apply f l)
+ (lp (map1 cdr l)))))))
+;;; Searching
+(define (any pred ls . lists)
+ (if (null? lists)
+ (any1 pred ls)
+ (let lp ((lists (cons ls lists)))
+ (cond ((any1 null? lists)
+ #f)
+ ((any1 null? (map1 cdr lists))
+ (apply pred (map1 car lists)))
+ (else
+ (or (apply pred (map1 car lists)) (lp (map1 cdr lists))))))))
+(define (any1 pred ls)
+ (let lp ((ls ls))
+ (cond ((null? ls)
+ #f)
+ ((null? (cdr ls))
+ (pred (car ls)))
+ (else
+ (or (pred (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls)))))))
+(define (every pred ls . lists)
+ (if (null? lists)
+ (every1 pred ls)
+ (let lp ((lists (cons ls lists)))
+ (cond ((any1 null? lists)
+ #t)
+ ((any1 null? (map1 cdr lists))
+ (apply pred (map1 car lists)))
+ (else
+ (and (apply pred (map1 car lists)) (lp (map1 cdr lists))))))))
+(define (every1 pred ls)
+ (let lp ((ls ls))
+ (cond ((null? ls)
+ #t)
+ ((null? (cdr ls))
+ (pred (car ls)))
+ (else
+ (and (pred (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls)))))))
+;;; Association lists
+(define alist-cons acons)
+(define (alist-delete key alist . rest)
+ (let ((k= (if (pair? rest) (car rest) equal?)))
+ (let lp ((a alist) (rl '()))
+ (if (null? a)
+ (reverse! rl)
+ (if (k= key (caar a))
+ (lp (cdr a) rl)
+ (lp (cdr a) (cons (car a) rl)))))))
+(define (alist-delete! key alist . rest)
+ (let ((k= (if (pair? rest) (car rest) equal?)))
+ (alist-delete key alist k=))) ; XXX:optimize
+;;; Set operations on lists
+(define (lset<= = . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ #t
+ (let lp ((f (car rest)) (r (cdr rest)))
+ (or (null? r)
+ (and (every (lambda (el) (member el (car r) =)) f)
+ (lp (car r) (cdr r)))))))
+(define (lset= = . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ #t
+ (let lp ((f (car rest)) (r (cdr rest)))
+ (or (null? r)
+ (and (every (lambda (el) (member el (car r) =)) f)
+ (every (lambda (el) (member el f (lambda (x y) (= y x)))) (car r))
+ (lp (car r) (cdr r)))))))
+(define (lset-union = . rest)
+ (let ((acc '()))
+ (for-each (lambda (lst)
+ (if (null? acc)
+ (set! acc lst)
+ (for-each (lambda (elem)
+ (if (not (member elem acc
+ (lambda (x y) (= y x))))
+ (set! acc (cons elem acc))))
+ lst)))
+ rest)
+ acc))
+(define (lset-intersection = list1 . rest)
+ (let lp ((l list1) (acc '()))
+ (if (null? l)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (if (every (lambda (ll) (member (car l) ll =)) rest)
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons (car l) acc))
+ (lp (cdr l) acc)))))
+(define (lset-difference = list1 . rest)
+ (if (null? rest)
+ list1
+ (let lp ((l list1) (acc '()))
+ (if (null? l)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (if (any (lambda (ll) (member (car l) ll =)) rest)
+ (lp (cdr l) acc)
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons (car l) acc)))))))
+;(define (fold kons knil list1 . rest)
+(define (lset-xor = . rest)
+ (fold (lambda (lst res)
+ (let lp ((l lst) (acc '()))
+ (if (null? l)
+ (let lp0 ((r res) (acc acc))
+ (if (null? r)
+ (reverse! acc)
+ (if (member (car r) lst =)
+ (lp0 (cdr r) acc)
+ (lp0 (cdr r) (cons (car r) acc)))))
+ (if (member (car l) res =)
+ (lp (cdr l) acc)
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons (car l) acc))))))
+ '()
+ rest))
+(define (lset-diff+intersection = list1 . rest)
+ (let lp ((l list1) (accd '()) (acci '()))
+ (if (null? l)
+ (values (reverse! accd) (reverse! acci))
+ (let ((appears (every (lambda (ll) (member (car l) ll =)) rest)))
+ (if appears
+ (lp (cdr l) accd (cons (car l) acci))
+ (lp (cdr l) (cons (car l) accd) acci))))))
+(define (lset-union! = . rest)
+ (apply lset-union = rest)) ; XXX:optimize
+(define (lset-intersection! = list1 . rest)
+ (apply lset-intersection = list1 rest)) ; XXX:optimize
+(define (lset-xor! = . rest)
+ (apply lset-xor = rest)) ; XXX:optimize
+(define (lset-diff+intersection! = list1 . rest)
+ (apply lset-diff+intersection = list1 rest)) ; XXX:optimize
+;;; srfi-1.scm ends here