path: root/module/system/base/syntax.scm
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Diffstat (limited to 'module/system/base/syntax.scm')
1 files changed, 327 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/module/system/base/syntax.scm b/module/system/base/syntax.scm
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..249961d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/module/system/base/syntax.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+;;; Guile VM specific syntaxes and utilities
+;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+;;; Code:
+(define-module (system base syntax)
+ #:export (%compute-initargs)
+ #:export-syntax (define-type define-record define-record/keywords
+ record-case transform-record))
+(define (symbol-trim-both sym pred)
+ (string->symbol (string-trim-both (symbol->string sym) pred)))
+(define (trim-brackets sym)
+ (symbol-trim-both sym (list->char-set '(#\< #\>))))
+;;; Type
+(define-macro (define-type name . rest)
+ (let ((name (if (pair? name) (car name) name))
+ (opts (if (pair? name) (cdr name) '())))
+ (let ((printer (kw-arg-ref opts #:printer))
+ (common-slots (or (kw-arg-ref opts #:common-slots) '())))
+ `(begin ,@(map (lambda (def)
+ `(define-record ,(if printer
+ `(,(car def) ,printer)
+ (car def))
+ ,@common-slots
+ ,@(cdr def)))
+ rest)
+ ,@(map (lambda (common-slot i)
+ `(define ,(symbol-append (trim-brackets name)
+ '- common-slot)
+ (make-procedure-with-setter
+ (lambda (x) (struct-ref x ,i))
+ (lambda (x v) (struct-set! x ,i v)))))
+ common-slots (iota (length common-slots)))))))
+;;; Record
+(define-macro (define-record name-form . slots)
+ (let* ((name (if (pair? name-form) (car name-form) name-form))
+ (printer (and (pair? name-form) (cadr name-form)))
+ (slot-names (map (lambda (slot) (if (pair? slot) (car slot) slot))
+ slots))
+ (stem (trim-brackets name)))
+ `(begin
+ (define ,name (make-record-type ,(symbol->string name) ',slot-names
+ ,@(if printer (list printer) '())))
+ ,(let* ((reqs (let lp ((slots slots))
+ (if (or (null? slots) (not (symbol? (car slots))))
+ '()
+ (cons (car slots) (lp (cdr slots))))))
+ (opts (list-tail slots (length reqs)))
+ (tail (gensym)))
+ `(define (,(symbol-append 'make- stem) ,@reqs . ,tail)
+ (let ,(map (lambda (o)
+ `(,(car o) (cond ((null? ,tail) ,(cadr o))
+ (else (let ((_x (car ,tail)))
+ (set! ,tail (cdr ,tail))
+ _x)))))
+ opts)
+ (make-struct ,name 0 ,@slot-names))))
+ (define ,(symbol-append stem '?) (record-predicate ,name))
+ ,@(map (lambda (sname)
+ `(define ,(symbol-append stem '- sname)
+ (make-procedure-with-setter
+ (record-accessor ,name ',sname)
+ (record-modifier ,name ',sname))))
+ slot-names))))
+;; like the former, but accepting keyword arguments in addition to
+;; optional arguments
+(define-macro (define-record/keywords name-form . slots)
+ (let* ((name (if (pair? name-form) (car name-form) name-form))
+ (printer (and (pair? name-form) (cadr name-form)))
+ (slot-names (map (lambda (slot) (if (pair? slot) (car slot) slot))
+ slots))
+ (stem (trim-brackets name)))
+ `(begin
+ (define ,name (make-record-type ,(symbol->string name) ',slot-names
+ ,@(if printer (list printer) '())))
+ (define ,(symbol-append 'make- stem)
+ (let ((slots (list ,@(map (lambda (slot)
+ (if (pair? slot)
+ `(cons ',(car slot) ,(cadr slot))
+ `',slot))
+ slots)))
+ (constructor (record-constructor ,name)))
+ (lambda args
+ (apply constructor (%compute-initargs args slots)))))
+ (define ,(symbol-append stem '?) (record-predicate ,name))
+ ,@(map (lambda (sname)
+ `(define ,(symbol-append stem '- sname)
+ (make-procedure-with-setter
+ (record-accessor ,name ',sname)
+ (record-modifier ,name ',sname))))
+ slot-names))))
+(define (%compute-initargs args slots)
+ (define (finish out)
+ (map (lambda (slot)
+ (let ((name (if (pair? slot) (car slot) slot)))
+ (cond ((assq name out) => cdr)
+ ((pair? slot) (cdr slot))
+ (else (error "unbound slot" args slots name)))))
+ slots))
+ (let lp ((in args) (positional slots) (out '()))
+ (cond
+ ((null? in)
+ (finish out))
+ ((keyword? (car in))
+ (let ((sym (keyword->symbol (car in))))
+ (cond
+ ((and (not (memq sym slots))
+ (not (assq sym (filter pair? slots))))
+ (error "unknown slot" sym))
+ ((assq sym out) (error "slot already set" sym out))
+ (else (lp (cddr in) '() (acons sym (cadr in) out))))))
+ ((null? positional)
+ (error "too many initargs" args slots))
+ (else
+ (lp (cdr in) (cdr positional)
+ (let ((slot (car positional)))
+ (acons (if (pair? slot) (car slot) slot)
+ (car in)
+ out)))))))
+;; So, dear reader. It is pleasant indeed around this fire or at this
+;; cafe or in this room, is it not? I think so too.
+;; This macro used to generate code that looked like this:
+;; `(((record-predicate ,record-type) ,r)
+;; (let ,(map (lambda (slot)
+;; (if (pair? slot)
+;; `(,(car slot) ((record-accessor ,record-type ',(cadr slot)) ,r))
+;; `(,slot ((record-accessor ,record-type ',slot) ,r))))
+;; slots)
+;; ,@body)))))
+;; But this was a hot spot, so computing all those predicates and
+;; accessors all the time was getting expensive, so we did a terrible
+;; thing: we decided that since above we're already defining accessors
+;; and predicates with computed names, we might as well just rely on that fact here.
+;; It's a bit nasty, I agree. But it is fast.
+;;scheme@(guile-user)> (with-statprof #:hz 1000 #:full-stacks? #t (resolve-module '(oop goops)))% cumulative self
+;; time seconds seconds name
+;; 8.82 0.03 0.01 glil->assembly
+;; 8.82 0.01 0.01 record-type-fields
+;; 5.88 0.01 0.01 %compute-initargs
+;; 5.88 0.01 0.01 list-index
+;;; So ugly... but I am too ignorant to know how to make it better.
+(define-syntax record-case
+ (lambda (x)
+ (syntax-case x ()
+ ((_ record clause ...)
+ (let ((r (syntax r))
+ (rtd (syntax rtd)))
+ (define (process-clause tag fields exprs)
+ (let ((infix (trim-brackets (syntax->datum tag))))
+ (with-syntax ((tag tag)
+ (((f . accessor) ...)
+ (let lp ((fields fields))
+ (syntax-case fields ()
+ (() (syntax ()))
+ (((v0 f0) f1 ...)
+ (acons (syntax v0)
+ (datum->syntax x
+ (symbol-append infix '- (syntax->datum
+ (syntax f0))))
+ (lp (syntax (f1 ...)))))
+ ((f0 f1 ...)
+ (acons (syntax f0)
+ (datum->syntax x
+ (symbol-append infix '- (syntax->datum
+ (syntax f0))))
+ (lp (syntax (f1 ...))))))))
+ ((e0 e1 ...)
+ (syntax-case exprs ()
+ (() (syntax (#t)))
+ ((e0 e1 ...) (syntax (e0 e1 ...))))))
+ (syntax
+ ((eq? rtd tag)
+ (let ((f (accessor r))
+ ...)
+ e0 e1 ...))))))
+ (with-syntax
+ ((r r)
+ (rtd rtd)
+ ((processed ...)
+ (let lp ((clauses (syntax (clause ...)))
+ (out '()))
+ (syntax-case clauses (else)
+ (()
+ (reverse! (cons (syntax
+ (else (error "unhandled record" r)))
+ out)))
+ (((else e0 e1 ...))
+ (reverse! (cons (syntax (else e0 e1 ...)) out)))
+ (((else e0 e1 ...) . rest)
+ (syntax-violation 'record-case
+ "bad else clause placement"
+ (syntax x)
+ (syntax (else e0 e1 ...))))
+ ((((<foo> f0 ...) e0 ...) . rest)
+ (lp (syntax rest)
+ (cons (process-clause (syntax <foo>)
+ (syntax (f0 ...))
+ (syntax (e0 ...)))
+ out)))))))
+ (syntax
+ (let* ((r record)
+ (rtd (struct-vtable r)))
+ (cond processed ...)))))))))
+;; Here we take the terrorism to another level. Nasty, but the client
+;; code looks good.
+(define-macro (transform-record type-and-common record . clauses)
+ (let ((r (gensym))
+ (rtd (gensym))
+ (type-stem (trim-brackets (car type-and-common))))
+ (define (make-stem s)
+ (symbol-append type-stem '- s))
+ (define (further-predicates x record-stem slots)
+ (define (access slot)
+ `(,(symbol-append (make-stem record-stem) '- slot) ,x))
+ (let lp ((in slots) (out '()))
+ (cond ((null? in) out)
+ ((pair? (car in))
+ (let ((slot (caar in))
+ (arg (cadar in)))
+ (cond ((symbol? arg)
+ (lp (cdr in) out))
+ ((pair? arg)
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ (append (further-predicates (access slot)
+ (car arg)
+ (cdr arg))
+ out)))
+ (else (lp (cdr in) (cons `(eq? ,(access slot) ',arg)
+ out))))))
+ (else (lp (cdr in) out)))))
+ (define (let-clauses x record-stem slots)
+ (define (access slot)
+ `(,(symbol-append (make-stem record-stem) '- slot) ,x))
+ (let lp ((in slots) (out '()))
+ (cond ((null? in) out)
+ ((pair? (car in))
+ (let ((slot (caar in))
+ (arg (cadar in)))
+ (cond ((symbol? arg)
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ (cons `(,arg ,(access slot)) out)))
+ ((pair? arg)
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ (append (let-clauses (access slot)
+ (car arg)
+ (cdr arg))
+ out)))
+ (else
+ (lp (cdr in) out)))))
+ (else
+ (lp (cdr in)
+ (cons `(,(car in) ,(access (car in))) out))))))
+ (define (transform-expr x)
+ (cond ((not (pair? x)) x)
+ ((eq? (car x) '->)
+ (if (= (length x) 2)
+ (let ((form (cadr x)))
+ `(,(symbol-append 'make- (make-stem (car form)))
+ ,@(cdr type-and-common)
+ ,@(map (lambda (y)
+ (if (and (pair? y) (eq? (car y) 'unquote))
+ (transform-expr (cadr y))
+ y))
+ (cdr form))))
+ (error "bad -> form" x)))
+ (else (cons (car x) (map transform-expr (cdr x))))))
+ (define (process-clause clause)
+ (if (eq? (car clause) 'else)
+ clause
+ (let ((stem (caar clause))
+ (slots (cdar clause))
+ (body (cdr clause)))
+ (let ((record-type (symbol-append '< (make-stem stem) '>)))
+ `((and (eq? ,rtd ,record-type)
+ ,@(reverse (further-predicates r stem slots)))
+ (let ,(reverse (let-clauses r stem slots))
+ ,@(if (pair? body)
+ (map transform-expr body)
+ '((if #f #f)))))))))
+ `(let* ((,r ,record)
+ (,rtd (struct-vtable ,r))
+ ,@(map (lambda (slot)
+ `(,slot (,(make-stem slot) ,r)))
+ (cdr type-and-common)))
+ (cond ,@(let ((clauses (map process-clause clauses)))
+ (if (assq 'else clauses)
+ clauses
+ (append clauses `((else (error "unhandled record" ,r))))))))))