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authorSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-08-01 16:53:21 +0100
committerSimon Peyton Jones <>2014-08-07 09:55:15 +0100
commit1736082115ad3be9a7d1dcc2f412c5ca60f2cfe3 (patch)
parent6b965570e72cebd56875a7f3115580b0954b6d14 (diff)
Don't float into unlifted function arguments
We were inadvertently destroying the let/app invariant, by floating into an unlifted function argument.
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs b/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
index 2cf886c5c6..95e4cd3463 100644
--- a/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/simplCore/FloatIn.lhs
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@ module FloatIn ( floatInwards ) where
import CoreSyn
import MkCore
-import CoreUtils ( exprIsDupable, exprIsExpandable, exprOkForSideEffects )
+import CoreUtils ( exprIsDupable, exprIsExpandable, exprType, exprOkForSideEffects )
import CoreFVs ( CoreExprWithFVs, freeVars, freeVarsOf, idRuleAndUnfoldingVars )
import Id ( isOneShotBndr, idType )
import Var
-import Type ( isUnLiftedType )
+import Type ( Type, isUnLiftedType, splitFunTy, applyTy )
import VarSet
import Util
import UniqFM
import DynFlags
import Outputable
+import Data.List( mapAccumL )
Top-level interface function, @floatInwards@. Note that we do not
@@ -155,18 +156,42 @@ need to get at all the arguments. The next simplifier run will
pull out any silly ones.
-fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnApp fun arg@(arg_fvs, ann_arg))
- | noFloatIntoRhs ann_arg = wrapFloats drop_here $ wrapFloats arg_drop $
- App (fiExpr dflags fun_drop fun) (fiExpr dflags [] arg)
- -- It's inconvenient to test for an unlifted arg here,
- -- and it really doesn't matter if we float into one
- | otherwise = wrapFloats drop_here $
- App (fiExpr dflags fun_drop fun) (fiExpr dflags arg_drop arg)
+fiExpr dflags to_drop ann_expr@(_,AnnApp {})
+ = wrapFloats drop_here $ wrapFloats extra_drop $
+ mkApps (fiExpr dflags fun_drop ann_fun)
+ (zipWith (fiExpr dflags) arg_drops ann_args)
- [drop_here, fun_drop, arg_drop]
- = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False [freeVarsOf fun, arg_fvs] to_drop
+ (ann_fun@(fun_fvs, _), ann_args) = collectAnnArgs ann_expr
+ fun_ty = exprType (deAnnotate ann_fun)
+ ((_,extra_fvs), arg_fvs) = mapAccumL mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, emptyVarSet) ann_args
+ -- All this faffing about is so that we can get hold of
+ -- the types of the arguments, to pass to noFloatIntoRhs
+ mk_arg_fvs :: (Type, FreeVarSet) -> CoreExprWithFVs -> ((Type, FreeVarSet), FreeVarSet)
+ mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (_, AnnType ty)
+ = ((applyTy fun_ty ty, extra_fvs), emptyVarSet)
+ mk_arg_fvs (fun_ty, extra_fvs) (arg_fvs, ann_arg)
+ | noFloatIntoRhs ann_arg arg_ty
+ = ((res_ty, extra_fvs `unionVarSet` arg_fvs), emptyVarSet)
+ | otherwise
+ = ((res_ty, extra_fvs), arg_fvs)
+ where
+ (arg_ty, res_ty) = splitFunTy fun_ty
+ drop_here : extra_drop : fun_drop : arg_drops
+ = sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False (extra_fvs : fun_fvs : arg_fvs) to_drop
+Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+Watch out for
+ f (x +# y)
+We don't want to float bindings into here
+ f (case ... of { x -> x +# y })
+because that might destroy the let/app invariant, which requires
+unlifted function arguments to be ok-for-speculation.
Note [Floating in past a lambda group]
* We must be careful about floating inside inside a value lambda.
@@ -275,8 +300,8 @@ arrange to dump bindings that bind extra_fvs before the entire let.
Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
- let x{rule mentioning y} = rhs in body
+ let x{rule mentioning y} = rhs in body
Here y is not free in rhs or body; but we still want to dump bindings
that bind y outside the let. So we augment extra_fvs with the
idRuleAndUnfoldingVars of x. No need for type variables, hence not using
@@ -288,11 +313,11 @@ fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnNonRec id rhs@(rhs_fvs, ann_rhs)) body)
= fiExpr dflags new_to_drop body
body_fvs = freeVarsOf body `delVarSet` id
+ rhs_ty = idType id
rule_fvs = idRuleAndUnfoldingVars id -- See Note [extra_fvs (2): free variables of rules]
- extra_fvs | noFloatIntoRhs ann_rhs
- || isUnLiftedType (idType id) = rule_fvs `unionVarSet` rhs_fvs
- | otherwise = rule_fvs
+ extra_fvs | noFloatIntoRhs ann_rhs rhs_ty = rule_fvs `unionVarSet` rhs_fvs
+ | otherwise = rule_fvs
-- See Note [extra_fvs (1): avoid floating into RHS]
-- No point in floating in only to float straight out again
-- Ditto ok-for-speculation unlifted RHSs
@@ -322,7 +347,7 @@ fiExpr dflags to_drop (_,AnnLet (AnnRec bindings) body)
rule_fvs = foldr (unionVarSet . idRuleAndUnfoldingVars) emptyVarSet ids
extra_fvs = rule_fvs `unionVarSet`
unionVarSets [ fvs | (fvs, rhs) <- rhss
- , noFloatIntoRhs rhs ]
+ , noFloatIntoExpr rhs ]
= sepBindsByDropPoint dflags False (extra_fvs:body_fvs:rhss_fvs) to_drop
@@ -403,8 +428,15 @@ okToFloatInside bndrs = all ok bndrs
ok b = not (isId b) || isOneShotBndr b
-- Push the floats inside there are no non-one-shot value binders
-noFloatIntoRhs :: AnnExpr' Var (UniqFM Var) -> Bool
-noFloatIntoRhs (AnnLam bndr e)
+noFloatIntoRhs :: AnnExpr' Var (UniqFM Var) -> Type -> Bool
+-- ^ True if it's a bad idea to float bindings into this RHS
+-- Preconditio: rhs :: rhs_ty
+noFloatIntoRhs rhs rhs_ty
+ = isUnLiftedType rhs_ty -- See Note [Do not destroy the let/app invariant]
+ || noFloatIntoExpr rhs
+noFloatIntoExpr :: AnnExpr' Var (UniqFM Var) -> Bool
+noFloatIntoExpr (AnnLam bndr e)
= not (okToFloatInside (bndr:bndrs))
-- NB: Must line up with fiExpr (AnnLam...); see Trac #7088
@@ -418,7 +450,7 @@ noFloatIntoRhs (AnnLam bndr e)
-- boxing constructor into it, else we box it every time which is very bad
-- news indeed.
-noFloatIntoRhs rhs = exprIsExpandable (deAnnotate' rhs)
+noFloatIntoExpr rhs = exprIsExpandable (deAnnotate' rhs)
-- We'd just float right back out again...
-- Should match the test in SimplEnv.doFloatFromRhs