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authorsimonmar <unknown>2002-05-28 16:33:47 +0000
committersimonmar <unknown>2002-05-28 16:33:47 +0000
commit34352f31ea0ffe38992aba45c11f959c586758ad (patch)
parentb7e39d27213973d351a4e7f7f46360f5a315edf6 (diff)
[project @ 2002-05-28 16:33:46 by simonmar]
Documentation for the overloaded array interfaces (currently a bit flaky due to a couple of shortcomings in Haddock).
6 files changed, 267 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Array/Base.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Array/Base.hs
index b2a54bf9cf..35ee6b4303 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Array/Base.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Array/Base.hs
@@ -42,9 +42,19 @@ import Data.Dynamic
-- Class of immutable arrays
+-- | Class of array types with bounds
class HasBounds a where
+ -- | Extracts the bounds of an array
bounds :: Ix i => a i e -> (i,i)
+{- | Class of immutable array types.
+An array type has the form @(a i e)@ where @a@ is the array type
+constructor (kind @* -> * -> *@), @i@ is the index type (a member of
+the class 'Ix'), and @e@ is the element type. The @IArray@ class is
+parameterised over both @a@ and @e@, so that instances specialised to
+certain element types can be defined.
class HasBounds a => IArray a e where
unsafeArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> [(Int, e)] -> a i e
unsafeAt :: Ix i => a i e -> Int -> e
@@ -83,8 +93,44 @@ unsafeAccumArrayST f e (l,u) ies = do
| (i, new) <- ies]
return marr
-{-# INLINE array #-}
-array :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => (i,i) -> [(i, e)] -> a i e
+{-# INLINE array #-}
+{-| Constructs an immutable array from a pair of bounds and a list of
+initial associations.
+The bounds are specified as a pair of the lowest and highest bounds in
+the array respectively. For example, a one-origin vector of length 10
+has bounds (1,10), and a one-origin 10 by 10 matrix has bounds
+An association is a pair of the form @(i,x)@, which defines the value
+of the array at index @i@ to be @x@. The array is undefined if any
+index in the list is out of bounds. If any two associations in the
+list have the same index, the value at that index is undefined.
+Because the indices must be checked for these errors, 'array' is
+strict in the bounds argument and in the indices of the association
+list. Whether @array@ is strict or non-strict in the elements depends
+on the array type: 'Data.Array.Array' is a non-strict array type, but
+all of the 'Data.Array.Unboxed.UArray' arrays are strict. Thus in a
+non-strict array, recurrences such as the following are possible:
+> a = array (1,100) ((1,1) : [(i, i * a!(i-1)) | i \<- [2..100]])
+Not every index within the bounds of the array need appear in the
+association list, but the values associated with indices that do not
+appear will be undefined.
+If, in any dimension, the lower bound is greater than the upper bound,
+then the array is legal, but empty. Indexing an empty array always
+gives an array-bounds error, but 'bounds' still yields the bounds with
+which the array was constructed.
+array :: (IArray a e, Ix i)
+ => (i,i) -- ^ bounds of the array: (lowest,highest)
+ -> [(i, e)] -- ^ list of associations
+ -> a i e
array (l,u) ies = unsafeArray (l,u) [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies]
-- Since unsafeFreeze is not guaranteed to be only a cast, we will
@@ -95,6 +141,10 @@ array (l,u) ies = unsafeArray (l,u) [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies]
-- almost all cases).
{-# INLINE listArray #-}
+-- | Constructs an immutable array from a list of initial elements.
+-- The list gives the elements of the array in ascending order
+-- beginning with the lowest index.
listArray :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => (i,i) -> [e] -> a i e
listArray (l,u) es = unsafeArray (l,u) (zip [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1] es)
@@ -176,44 +226,91 @@ listUArrayST (l,u) es = do
{-# INLINE (!) #-}
+-- | Returns the element of an immutable array at the specified index.
(!) :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> e
arr ! i | (l,u) <- bounds arr = unsafeAt arr (index (l,u) i)
{-# INLINE indices #-}
+-- | Returns a list of all the valid indices in an array.
indices :: (HasBounds a, Ix i) => a i e -> [i]
indices arr | (l,u) <- bounds arr = range (l,u)
{-# INLINE elems #-}
+-- | Returns a list of all the elements of an array, in the same order
+-- as their indices.
elems :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> [e]
elems arr | (l,u) <- bounds arr =
[unsafeAt arr i | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1]]
{-# INLINE assocs #-}
+-- | Returns the contents of an array as a list of associations.
assocs :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> [(i, e)]
assocs arr | (l,u) <- bounds arr =
[(i, unsafeAt arr (unsafeIndex (l,u) i)) | i <- range (l,u)]
{-# INLINE accumArray #-}
-accumArray :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => (e -> e' -> e) -> e -> (i,i) -> [(i, e')] -> a i e
+Constructs an immutable array from a list of associations. Unlike
+'array', the same index is allowed to occur multiple times in the list
+of associations; an /accumulating function/ is used to combine the
+values of elements with the same index.
+For example, given a list of values of some index type, hist produces
+a histogram of the number of occurrences of each index within a
+specified range:
+> hist :: (Ix a, Num b) => (a,a) -> [a] -> Array a b
+> hist bnds is = accumArray (+) 0 bnds [(i, 1) | i\<-is, inRange bnds i]
+accumArray :: (IArray a e, Ix i)
+ => (e -> e' -> e) -- ^ An accumulating function
+ -> e -- ^ A default element
+ -> (i,i) -- ^ The bounds of the array
+ -> [(i, e')] -- ^ List of associations
+ -> a i e -- ^ Returns: the array
accumArray f init (l,u) ies =
unsafeAccumArray f init (l,u) [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies]
{-# INLINE (//) #-}
+Takes an array and a list of pairs and returns an array identical to
+the left argument except that it has been updated by the associations
+in the right argument. (As with the array function, the indices in the
+association list must be unique for the updated elements to be
+defined.) For example, if m is a 1-origin, n by n matrix, then
+@m\/\/[((i,i), 0) | i \<- [1..n]]@ is the same matrix, except with the
+diagonal zeroed.
+For most array types, this operation is O(/n/) where /n/ is the size
+of the array. However, the 'Data.Array.Diff.DiffArray' type provides
+this operation with complexity linear in the number of updates.
(//) :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => a i e -> [(i, e)] -> a i e
arr // ies | (l,u) <- bounds arr =
unsafeReplace arr [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies]
{-# INLINE accum #-}
+@accum f@ takes an array and an association list and accumulates pairs
+from the list into the array with the accumulating function @f@. Thus
+'accumArray' can be defined using 'accum':
+> accumArray f z b = accum f (array b [(i, z) | i \<- range b])
accum :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => (e -> e' -> e) -> a i e -> [(i, e')] -> a i e
accum f arr ies | (l,u) <- bounds arr =
unsafeAccum f arr [(index (l,u) i, e) | (i, e) <- ies]
{-# INLINE amap #-}
+-- | Returns a new array derived from the original array by applying a
+-- function to each of the elements.
amap :: (IArray a e', IArray a e, Ix i) => (e' -> e) -> a i e' -> a i e
amap f arr | (l,u) <- bounds arr =
unsafeArray (l,u) [(i, f (unsafeAt arr i)) | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1]]
{-# INLINE ixmap #-}
+-- | Returns a new array derived from the original array by applying a
+-- function to each of the indices.
ixmap :: (IArray a e, Ix i, Ix j) => (i,i) -> (i -> j) -> a j e -> a i e
ixmap (l,u) f arr =
unsafeArray (l,u) [(unsafeIndex (l,u) i, arr ! f i) | i <- range (l,u)]
@@ -240,6 +337,22 @@ instance IArray GHC.Arr.Array e where
-- Flat unboxed arrays
+-- | Arrays with unboxed elements. Instances of 'IArray' are provided
+-- for 'UArray' with certain element types ('Int', 'Float', 'Char',
+-- etc.; see the 'UArray' class for a full list).
+-- A 'UArray' will generally be more efficient (in terms of both time
+-- and space) than the equivalent 'Data.Array.Array' with the same
+-- element type. However, 'UArray' is strict in its elements - so
+-- don\'t use 'UArray' if you require the non-strictness that
+-- 'Data.Array.Array' provides.
+-- Because the @IArray@ interface provides operations overloaded on
+-- the type of the array, it should be possible to just change the
+-- array type being used by a program from say @Array@ to @UArray@ to
+-- get the benefits of unboxed arrays (don\'t forget to import
+-- "Data.Array.Unboxed" instead of "Data.Array").
data UArray i e = UArray !i !i ByteArray#
@@ -691,9 +804,26 @@ instance (Ix ix, Show ix) => Show (UArray ix Word64) where
arrEleBottom :: a
arrEleBottom = error "MArray: undefined array element"
+{-| Class of mutable array types.
+An array type has the form @(a i e)@ where @a@ is the array type
+constructor (kind @* -> * -> *@), @i@ is the index type (a member of
+the class 'Ix'), and @e@ is the element type.
+The @MArray@ class is parameterised over both @a@ and @e@ (so that
+instances specialised to certain element types can be defined, in the
+same way as for 'IArray'), and also over the type of the monad, @m@,
+in which the mutable array will be manipulated.
class (HasBounds a, Monad m) => MArray a e m where
+ -- | Builds a new array, with every element initialised to the supplied
+ -- value.
newArray :: Ix i => (i,i) -> e -> m (a i e)
+ -- | Builds a new array, with every element initialised to undefined.
newArray_ :: Ix i => (i,i) -> m (a i e)
unsafeRead :: Ix i => a i e -> Int -> m e
unsafeWrite :: Ix i => a i e -> Int -> e -> m ()
@@ -719,6 +849,9 @@ class (HasBounds a, Monad m) => MArray a e m where
-- initial value and it is constant for all elements.
{-# INLINE newListArray #-}
+-- | Constructs a mutable array from a list of initial elements.
+-- The list gives the elements of the array in ascending order
+-- beginning with the lowest index.
newListArray :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i,i) -> [e] -> m (a i e)
newListArray (l,u) es = do
marr <- newArray_ (l,u)
@@ -731,27 +864,34 @@ newListArray (l,u) es = do
return marr
{-# INLINE readArray #-}
+-- | Read an element from a mutable array
readArray :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> m e
readArray marr i | (l,u) <- bounds marr =
unsafeRead marr (index (l,u) i)
{-# INLINE writeArray #-}
+-- | Write an element in a mutable array
writeArray :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> e -> m ()
writeArray marr i e | (l,u) <- bounds marr =
unsafeWrite marr (index (l,u) i) e
{-# INLINE getElems #-}
+-- | Return a list of all the elements of a mutable array
getElems :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> m [e]
getElems marr | (l,u) <- bounds marr =
sequence [unsafeRead marr i | i <- [0 .. rangeSize (l,u) - 1]]
{-# INLINE getAssocs #-}
+-- | Return a list of all the associations of a mutable array, in
+-- index order.
getAssocs :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> m [(i, e)]
getAssocs marr | (l,u) <- bounds marr =
sequence [do e <- unsafeRead marr (index (l,u) i); return (i,e)
| i <- range (l,u)]
{-# INLINE mapArray #-}
+-- | Constructs a new array derived from the original array by applying a
+-- function to each of the elements.
mapArray :: (MArray a e' m, MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e' -> e) -> a i e' -> m (a i e)
mapArray f marr | (l,u) <- bounds marr = do
marr' <- newArray_ (l,u)
@@ -762,6 +902,8 @@ mapArray f marr | (l,u) <- bounds marr = do
return marr'
{-# INLINE mapIndices #-}
+-- | Constructs a new array derived from the original array by applying a
+-- function to each of the indices.
mapIndices :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Ix j) => (i,i) -> (i -> j) -> a j e -> m (a i e)
mapIndices (l,u) f marr = do
marr' <- newArray_ (l,u)
@@ -800,6 +942,21 @@ instance (Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable c) => Typeable (STArray a b c) where
-- Flat unboxed mutable arrays (ST monad)
+-- | A mutable array with unboxed elements, that can be manipulated in
+-- the 'ST' monad. The type arguments are as follows:
+-- * @s@: the state variable argument for the 'ST' type
+-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of @Ix@)
+-- * @e@: the element type of the array. Only certain element types
+-- are supported.
+-- An 'STUArray' will generally be more efficient (in terms of both time
+-- and space) than the equivalent boxed version ('STArray') with the same
+-- element type. However, 'STUArray' is strict in its elements - so
+-- don\'t use 'STUArray' if you require the non-strictness that
+-- 'STArray' provides.
data STUArray s i a = STUArray !i !i (MutableByteArray# s)
@@ -1108,6 +1265,9 @@ bOOL_NOT_BIT n# = bOOL_BIT n# `xor#` mb# where W# mb# = maxBound
-- Freezing
+-- | Converts a mutable array (any instance of 'MArray') to an
+-- immutable array (any instance of 'IArray') by taking a complete
+-- copy of it.
freeze :: (Ix i, MArray a e m, IArray b e) => a i e -> m (b i e)
freeze marr | (l,u) <- bounds marr = do
ies <- sequence [do e <- unsafeRead marr i; return (i,e)
@@ -1133,6 +1293,13 @@ freezeSTUArray (STUArray l u marr#) = ST $ \s1# ->
-- freeze it (and, subsequently mutate it, I suspect).
{-# INLINE unsafeFreeze #-}
+-- | Converts a mutable array to an immutable array /without taking a
+-- copy/. This function is \"unsafe\" because if any further
+-- modifications are made to the original mutable array then they will
+-- be shared with the immutable version. It is safe to use,
+-- therefore, if the mutable version is never modified after the
+-- freeze operation.
unsafeFreeze :: (Ix i, MArray a e m, IArray b e) => a i e -> m (b i e)
unsafeFreeze = freeze
@@ -1144,6 +1311,9 @@ unsafeFreeze = freeze
-- Thawing
+-- | Converts an immutable array (any instance of 'IArray') into a
+-- mutable array (any instance of 'MArray') by taking a complete copy
+-- of it.
thaw :: (Ix i, IArray a e, MArray b e m) => a i e -> m (b i e)
thaw arr | (l,u) <- bounds arr = do
marr <- newArray_ (l,u)
@@ -1172,6 +1342,12 @@ foreign import ccall unsafe "memcpy"
-- thaw it (and, subsequently mutate it, I suspect).
{-# INLINE unsafeThaw #-}
+-- | Converts an immutable array into a mutable array /without taking
+-- a copy/. This function is \"unsafe\" because any subsequent
+-- modifications made to the mutable version of the array will be
+-- shared with the immutable version. It is safe to use, therefore, if
+-- the immutable version is never referenced again.
unsafeThaw :: (Ix i, IArray a e, MArray b e m) => a i e -> m (b i e)
unsafeThaw = thaw
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Array/IO.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Array/IO.hs
index 816d28ea92..b225e4b4c1 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Array/IO.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Array/IO.hs
@@ -14,10 +14,17 @@
module Data.Array.IO (
- module Data.Array.MArray,
+ -- * @IO@ arrays with boxed elements
IOArray, -- instance of: Eq, Typeable
+ -- * @IO@ arrays with unboxed elements
IOUArray, -- instance of: Eq, Typeable
castIOUArray, -- :: IOUArray i a -> IO (IOUArray i b)
+ -- * Overloaded mutable array interface
+ module Data.Array.MArray,
+ -- * Doing I\/O with @IOUArray@s
hGetArray, -- :: Handle -> IOUArray Int Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
hPutArray, -- :: Handle -> IOUArray Int Word8 -> Int -> IO ()
) where
@@ -50,8 +57,13 @@ import GHC.Conc
import GHC.Base
--- Polymorphic non-strict mutable arrays (IO monad)
+-- | Mutable, boxed, non-strict arrays in the 'IO' monad. The type
+-- arguments are as follows:
+-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of @Ix@)
+-- * @e@: the element type of the array.
newtype IOArray i e = IOArray (STArray RealWorld i e) deriving Eq
iOArrayTc :: TyCon
@@ -80,6 +92,14 @@ instance MArray IOArray e IO where
-- Flat unboxed mutable arrays (IO monad)
+-- | Mutable, unboxed, strict arrays in the 'IO' monad. The type
+-- arguments are as follows:
+-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of @Ix@)
+-- * @e@: the element type of the array. Only certain element types
+-- are supported: see 'MArray' for a list of instances.
newtype IOUArray i e = IOUArray (STUArray RealWorld i e) deriving Eq
iOUArrayTc :: TyCon
@@ -362,6 +382,9 @@ unsafeThawIOUArray arr = stToIO $ do
castSTUArray :: STUArray s ix a -> ST s (STUArray s ix b)
castSTUArray (STUArray l u marr#) = return (STUArray l u marr#)
+-- | Casts an 'IOUArray' with one element type into one with a
+-- different element type. All the elements of the resulting array
+-- are undefined (unless you know what you\'re doing...).
castIOUArray :: IOUArray ix a -> IO (IOUArray ix b)
castIOUArray (IOUArray marr) = stToIO $ do
marr' <- castSTUArray marr
@@ -370,7 +393,17 @@ castIOUArray (IOUArray marr) = stToIO $ do
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- hGetArray
-hGetArray :: Handle -> IOUArray Int Word8 -> Int -> IO Int
+-- | Reads a number of 'Word8's from the specified 'Handle' directly
+-- into an array.
+ :: Handle -- ^ Handle to read from
+ -> IOUArray Int Word8 -- ^ Array in which to place the values
+ -> Int -- ^ Number of 'Word8's to read
+ -> IO Int
+ -- ^ Returns: the number of 'Word8's actually
+ -- read, which might be smaller than the number requested
+ -- if the end of file was reached.
hGetArray handle (IOUArray (STUArray l u ptr)) count
| count <= 0 || count > rangeSize (l,u)
= illegalBufferSize handle "hGetArray" count
@@ -416,10 +449,11 @@ readChunk fd is_stream ptr init_off bytes = loop init_off bytes
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- hPutArray
+-- | Writes an array of 'Word8' to the specified 'Handle'.
- :: Handle -- handle to write to
- -> IOUArray Int Word8 -- buffer
- -> Int -- number of bytes of data to write
+ :: Handle -- ^ Handle to write to
+ -> IOUArray Int Word8 -- ^ Array to write from
+ -> Int -- ^ Number of 'Word8's to write
-> IO ()
hPutArray handle (IOUArray (STUArray l u raw)) count
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Array/MArray.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Array/MArray.hs
index 4178e0c6ee..2a31882a89 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Array/MArray.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Array/MArray.hs
@@ -9,30 +9,42 @@
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
--- Class of mutable arrays, and operations on them.
+-- An overloaded interface to mutable arrays. For array types which can be
+-- used with this interface, see "Data.Array.IO", "Data.Array.ST",
+-- and "Data.Array.Storable".
module Data.Array.MArray (
- module Data.Ix,
- -- Class of mutable array types
+ -- * Class of mutable array types
MArray, -- :: (* -> * -> *) -> * -> (* -> *) -> class
- -- Class of array types with immutable bounds
+ -- * Class of array types with bounds
HasBounds, -- :: (* -> * -> *) -> class
+ -- * The @Ix@ class and operations
+ module Data.Ix,
+ -- * Constructing mutable arrays
newArray, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i,i) -> e -> m (a i e)
newArray_, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i,i) -> m (a i e)
newListArray, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i,i) -> [e] -> m (a i e)
+ -- * Reading and writing mutable arrays
readArray, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> m e
writeArray, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> e -> m ()
+ -- * Derived arrays
+ mapArray, -- :: (MArray a e' m, MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e' -> e) -> a i e' -> m (a i e)
+ mapIndices, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Ix j) => (i,i) -> (i -> j) -> a j e -> m (a i e)
+ -- * Deconstructing mutable arrays
bounds, -- :: (HasBounds a, Ix i) => a i e -> (i,i)
indices, -- :: (HasBounds a, Ix i) => a i e -> [i]
getElems, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> m [e]
getAssocs, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> m [(i, e)]
- mapArray, -- :: (MArray a e' m, MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e' -> e) -> a i e' -> m (a i e)
- mapIndices, -- :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Ix j) => (i,i) -> (i -> j) -> a j e -> m (a i e)
+ -- * Conversions between mutable and immutable arrays
freeze, -- :: (Ix i, MArray a e m, IArray b e) => a i e -> m (b i e)
unsafeFreeze, -- :: (Ix i, MArray a e m, IArray b e) => a i e -> m (b i e)
thaw, -- :: (Ix i, IArray a e, MArray b e m) => a i e -> m (b i e)
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Array/ST.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Array/ST.hs
index e2b8465285..6c4b416704 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Array/ST.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Array/ST.hs
@@ -8,26 +8,35 @@
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
--- Mutable boxed and unboxed arrays in the ST monad.
+-- Mutable boxed and unboxed arrays in the 'ST' monad.
module Data.Array.ST (
- module Data.Array.MArray,
+ -- * Boxed arrays
STArray, -- instance of: Eq, MArray
+ -- * Unboxed arrays
STUArray, -- instance of: Eq, MArray
castSTUArray, -- :: STUArray s i a -> ST s (STUArray s i b)
+ -- * Overloaded mutable array interface
+ module Data.Array.MArray,
) where
import Prelude
import Data.Array.MArray
-import Data.Array.Base
+import Data.Array.Base hiding (MArray(..))
import GHC.Arr
import GHC.ST
+-- | Casts an 'STUArray' with one element type into one with a
+-- different element type. All the elements of the resulting array
+-- are undefined (unless you know what you\'re doing...).
castSTUArray :: STUArray s ix a -> ST s (STUArray s ix b)
castSTUArray (STUArray l u marr#) = return (STUArray l u marr#)
diff --git a/libraries/base/Data/Array/Unboxed.hs b/libraries/base/Data/Array/Unboxed.hs
index 932a1c931b..d19cf6a686 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Data/Array/Unboxed.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Data/Array/Unboxed.hs
@@ -8,13 +8,16 @@
-- Stability : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
--- Unboxed immutable array type.
+-- Unboxed immutable arrays.
module Data.Array.Unboxed (
- module Data.Array.IArray,
+ -- * Arrays with unboxed elements
+ -- * The overloaded immutable array interface
+ module Data.Array.IArray,
) where
import Prelude
diff --git a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.lhs b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.lhs
index cb962ddddb..b2784fb382 100644
--- a/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.lhs
+++ b/libraries/base/GHC/Arr.lhs
@@ -278,6 +278,16 @@ instance (Ix a1, Ix a2, Ix a3, Ix a4, Ix a5) => Ix (a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) where
type IPr = (Int, Int)
data Ix i => Array i e = Array !i !i (Array# e)
+-- | Mutable, boxed, non-strict arrays in the 'ST' monad. The type
+-- arguments are as follows:
+-- * @s@: the state variable argument for the 'ST' type
+-- * @i@: the index type of the array (should be an instance of @Ix@)
+-- * @e@: the element type of the array.
data STArray s i e = STArray !i !i (MutableArray# s e)
-- No Ix context for STArray. They are stupid,
-- and force an Ix context on the equality instance.