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authorDavid Luposchainsky <>2017-08-11 13:46:13 +0200
committerBen Gamari <>2017-08-17 16:42:55 -0400
commita30187d530364a9cbfa1fdcbed465fa5eb2d53d9 (patch)
parentf762181ec0f48f1af9dd6d367f2a521d13988808 (diff)
Convert documentation examples to doctests for ReadP module
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/base/Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs b/libraries/base/Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs
index fd7c677bd9..dd51f64233 100644
--- a/libraries/base/Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs
+++ b/libraries/base/Text/ParserCombinators/ReadP.hs
@@ -161,8 +161,6 @@ instance Alternative P where
newtype ReadP a = R (forall b . (a -> P b) -> P b)
--- Functor, Monad, MonadPlus
-- | @since 2.01
instance Functor ReadP where
fmap h (R f) = R (\k -> f (k . h))
@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ instance Functor ReadP where
instance Applicative ReadP where
pure x = R (\k -> k x)
(<*>) = ap
- liftA2 = liftM2
+ -- liftA2 = liftM2
-- | @since 2.01
instance Monad ReadP where
@@ -439,85 +437,68 @@ The following are QuickCheck specifications of what the combinators do.
These can be seen as formal specifications of the behavior of the
-We use bags to give semantics to the combinators.
+For some values, we only care about the lists contents, not their order,
-> type Bag a = [a]
+> (=~) :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
+> xs =~ ys = sort xs == sort ys
-Equality on bags does not care about the order of elements.
+Here follow the properties:
-> (=~) :: Ord a => Bag a -> Bag a -> Bool
-> xs =~ ys = sort xs == sort ys
+>>> readP_to_S get []
-A special equality operator to avoid unresolved overloading
-when testing the properties.
+prop> \c str -> readP_to_S get (c:str) == [(c, str)]
-> (=~.) :: Bag (Int,String) -> Bag (Int,String) -> Bool
-> (=~.) = (=~)
+prop> \str -> readP_to_S look str == [(str, str)]
-Here follow the properties:
+prop> \str -> readP_to_S pfail str == []
-> prop_Get_Nil =
-> readP_to_S get [] =~ []
-> prop_Get_Cons c s =
-> readP_to_S get (c:s) =~ [(c,s)]
-> prop_Look s =
-> readP_to_S look s =~ [(s,s)]
-> prop_Fail s =
-> readP_to_S pfail s =~. []
-> prop_Return x s =
-> readP_to_S (return x) s =~. [(x,s)]
-> prop_Bind p k s =
-> readP_to_S (p >>= k) s =~.
+prop> \x str -> readP_to_S (return x) s == [(x,s)]
+> prop_Bind p k s =
+> readP_to_S (p >>= k) s =~
> [ ys''
> | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s
> , ys'' <- readP_to_S (k (x::Int)) s'
> ]
-> prop_Plus p q s =
-> readP_to_S (p +++ q) s =~.
-> (readP_to_S p s ++ readP_to_S q s)
-> prop_LeftPlus p q s =
-> readP_to_S (p <++ q) s =~.
-> (readP_to_S p s +<+ readP_to_S q s)
-> where
-> [] +<+ ys = ys
-> xs +<+ _ = xs
-> prop_Gather s =
-> forAll readPWithoutReadS $ \p ->
-> readP_to_S (gather p) s =~
-> [ ((pre,x::Int),s')
-> | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s
-> , let pre = take (length s - length s') s
-> ]
-> prop_String_Yes this s =
-> readP_to_S (string this) (this ++ s) =~
-> [(this,s)]
-> prop_String_Maybe this s =
-> readP_to_S (string this) s =~
-> [(this, drop (length this) s) | this `isPrefixOf` s]
-> prop_Munch p s =
-> readP_to_S (munch p) s =~
-> [(takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s)]
-> prop_Munch1 p s =
-> readP_to_S (munch1 p) s =~
-> [(res,s') | let (res,s') = (takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s), not (null res)]
-> prop_Choice ps s =
-> readP_to_S (choice ps) s =~.
-> readP_to_S (foldr (+++) pfail ps) s
-> prop_ReadS r s =
-> readP_to_S (readS_to_P r) s =~. r s
+> prop_Plus p q s =
+> readP_to_S (p +++ q) s =~
+> (readP_to_S p s ++ readP_to_S q s)
+> prop_LeftPlus p q s =
+> readP_to_S (p <++ q) s =~
+> (readP_to_S p s +<+ readP_to_S q s)
+> where
+> [] +<+ ys = ys
+> xs +<+ _ = xs
+> prop_Gather s =
+> forAll readPWithoutReadS $ \p ->
+> readP_to_S (gather p) s =~
+> [ ((pre,x::Int),s')
+> | (x,s') <- readP_to_S p s
+> , let pre = take (length s - length s') s
+> ]
+prop> \this str -> readP_to_S (string this) (this ++ str) == [(this,str)]
+> prop_String_Maybe this s =
+> readP_to_S (string this) s =~
+> [(this, drop (length this) s) | this `isPrefixOf` s]
+> prop_Munch p s =
+> readP_to_S (munch p) s =~
+> [(takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s)]
+> prop_Munch1 p s =
+> readP_to_S (munch1 p) s =~
+> [(res,s') | let (res,s') = (takeWhile p s, dropWhile p s), not (null res)]
+> prop_Choice ps s =
+> readP_to_S (choice ps) s =~
+> readP_to_S (foldr (+++) pfail ps) s
+> prop_ReadS r s =
+> readP_to_S (readS_to_P r) s =~ r s