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authorDr. ERDI Gergo <>2014-05-27 21:16:41 +0800
committerDr. ERDI Gergo <>2014-05-27 21:16:41 +0800
commitac2796e6ddbd54c5762c53e2fcf29f20ea162fd5 (patch)
parent6ed54303e2d3f1ef19df1312331a1740eca3ccdc (diff)
Store IfExtNames for PatSyn matchers and wrappers in interface file.
This way, the Ids for the matchers/wrappers are reused by importing modules, and thus unfoldings are kept. Also updates haddock submodule to accomodate tweaks in PatSyn representation
12 files changed, 169 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/compiler/basicTypes/PatSyn.lhs b/compiler/basicTypes/PatSyn.lhs
index fb62486e48..dd719f2d8f 100644
--- a/compiler/basicTypes/PatSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/basicTypes/PatSyn.lhs
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ module PatSyn (
-- ** Type deconstruction
patSynId, patSynType, patSynArity, patSynIsInfix,
- patSynArgs, patSynArgTys, patSynTyDetails,
+ patSynArgs, patSynTyDetails,
patSynWrapper, patSynMatcher,
patSynExTyVars, patSynSig, patSynInstArgTys
) where
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ import Data.Function
-Pattern synonym representation
+Note [Pattern synonym representation]
Consider the following pattern synonym declaration
pattern P x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
@@ -59,15 +59,49 @@ with the following typeclass constraints:
In this case, the fields of MkPatSyn will be set as follows:
- psArgs = [x :: b]
+ psArgs = [b]
psArity = 1
psInfix = False
psUnivTyVars = [t]
psExTyVars = [b]
- psTheta = ((Show (Maybe t), Ord b), (Eq t, Num t))
+ psProvTheta = (Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
+ psReqTheta = (Eq t, Num t)
psOrigResTy = T (Maybe t)
+Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms]
+For each pattern synonym, we generate a single matcher function which
+implements the actual matching. For the above example, the matcher
+will have type:
+ $mP :: forall r t. (Eq t, Num t)
+ => T (Maybe t)
+ -> (forall b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b) => b -> r)
+ -> r
+ -> r
+with the following implementation:
+ $mP @r @t $dEq $dNum scrut cont fail = case scrut of
+ MkT @b $dShow $dOrd [x] (Just 42) -> cont @b $dShow $dOrd x
+ _ -> fail
+For *bidirectional* pattern synonyms, we also generate a single wrapper
+function which implements the pattern synonym in an expression
+context. For our running example, it will be:
+ $WP :: forall t b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b, Eq t, Num t)
+ => b -> T (Maybe t)
+ $WP x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
+NB: the existential/universal and required/provided split does not
+apply to the wrapper since you are only putting stuff in, not getting
+stuff out.
+Injectivity of bidirectional pattern synonyms is checked in
+tcPatToExpr which walks the pattern and returns its corresponding
+expression when available.
%* *
@@ -77,21 +111,36 @@ In this case, the fields of MkPatSyn will be set as follows:
-- | A pattern synonym
+-- See Note [Pattern synonym representation]
data PatSyn
= MkPatSyn {
psId :: Id,
- psUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
- psMatcher :: Id,
- psWrapper :: Maybe Id,
+ psUnique :: Unique, -- Cached from Name
+ psArgs :: [Type],
+ psArity :: Arity, -- == length psArgs
+ psInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
- psArgs :: [Var],
- psArity :: Arity, -- == length psArgs
- psInfix :: Bool, -- True <=> declared infix
+ psUnivTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Universially-quantified type variables
+ psExTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Existentially-quantified type vars
+ psProvTheta :: ThetaType, -- Provided dictionaries
+ psReqTheta :: ThetaType, -- Required dictionaries
+ psOrigResTy :: Type,
- psUnivTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Universially-quantified type variables
- psExTyVars :: [TyVar], -- Existentially-quantified type vars
- psTheta :: (ThetaType, ThetaType), -- Provided and required dictionaries
- psOrigResTy :: Type
+ -- See Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms]
+ psMatcher :: Id,
+ -- Matcher function, of type
+ -- forall r univ_tvs. req_theta
+ -- => res_ty
+ -- -> (forall ex_tvs. prov_theta -> arg_tys -> r)
+ -- -> r -> r
+ psWrapper :: Maybe Id
+ -- Nothing => uni-directional pattern synonym
+ -- Just wid => bi-direcitonal
+ -- Wrapper function, of type
+ -- forall univ_tvs, ex_tvs. (prov_theta, req_theta)
+ -- => arg_tys -> res_ty
deriving Data.Typeable.Typeable
@@ -145,7 +194,7 @@ instance Data.Data PatSyn where
-- | Build a new pattern synonym
mkPatSyn :: Name
-> Bool -- ^ Is the pattern synonym declared infix?
- -> [Var] -- ^ Original arguments
+ -> [Type] -- ^ Original arguments
-> [TyVar] -- ^ Universially-quantified type variables
-> [TyVar] -- ^ Existentially-quantified type variables
-> ThetaType -- ^ Wanted dicts
@@ -161,7 +210,7 @@ mkPatSyn name declared_infix orig_args
matcher wrapper
= MkPatSyn {psId = id, psUnique = getUnique name,
psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, psExTyVars = ex_tvs,
- psTheta = (prov_theta, req_theta),
+ psProvTheta = prov_theta, psReqTheta = req_theta,
psInfix = declared_infix,
psArgs = orig_args,
psArity = length orig_args,
@@ -171,7 +220,7 @@ mkPatSyn name declared_infix orig_args
pat_ty = mkSigmaTy univ_tvs req_theta $
mkSigmaTy ex_tvs prov_theta $
- mkFunTys (map varType orig_args) orig_res_ty
+ mkFunTys orig_args orig_res_ty
id = mkLocalId name pat_ty
@@ -191,22 +240,21 @@ patSynIsInfix = psInfix
patSynArity :: PatSyn -> Arity
patSynArity = psArity
-patSynArgs :: PatSyn -> [Var]
+patSynArgs :: PatSyn -> [Type]
patSynArgs = psArgs
-patSynArgTys :: PatSyn -> [Type]
-patSynArgTys = map varType . patSynArgs
patSynTyDetails :: PatSyn -> HsPatSynDetails Type
-patSynTyDetails ps = case (patSynIsInfix ps, patSynArgTys ps) of
+patSynTyDetails ps = case (patSynIsInfix ps, patSynArgs ps) of
(True, [left, right]) -> InfixPatSyn left right
(_, tys) -> PrefixPatSyn tys
patSynExTyVars :: PatSyn -> [TyVar]
patSynExTyVars = psExTyVars
-patSynSig :: PatSyn -> ([TyVar], [TyVar], (ThetaType, ThetaType))
-patSynSig ps = (psUnivTyVars ps, psExTyVars ps, psTheta ps)
+patSynSig :: PatSyn -> ([TyVar], [TyVar], ThetaType, ThetaType)
+patSynSig (MkPatSyn { psUnivTyVars = univ_tvs, psExTyVars = ex_tvs
+ , psProvTheta = prov, psReqTheta = req })
+ = (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, prov, req)
patSynWrapper :: PatSyn -> Maybe Id
patSynWrapper = psWrapper
@@ -218,9 +266,8 @@ patSynInstArgTys :: PatSyn -> [Type] -> [Type]
patSynInstArgTys ps inst_tys
= ASSERT2( length tyvars == length inst_tys
, ptext (sLit "patSynInstArgTys") <+> ppr ps $$ ppr tyvars $$ ppr inst_tys )
- map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) arg_tys
+ map (substTyWith tyvars inst_tys) (psArgs ps)
- (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, _) = patSynSig ps
- arg_tys = map varType (psArgs ps)
+ (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, _, _) = patSynSig ps
tyvars = univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs
diff --git a/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.lhs b/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.lhs
index 60cb60eda1..c754aae4e7 100644
--- a/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.lhs
+++ b/compiler/coreSyn/CorePrep.lhs
@@ -196,6 +196,7 @@ corePrepTopBinds initialCorePrepEnv binds
mkDataConWorkers :: [TyCon] -> [CoreBind]
-- See Note [Data constructor workers]
+-- c.f. Note [Injecting implicit bindings] in TidyPgm
mkDataConWorkers data_tycons
= [ NonRec id (Var id) -- The ice is thin here, but it works
| tycon <- data_tycons, -- CorePrep will eta-expand it
diff --git a/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.lhs b/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.lhs
index d0e3232e30..eb5db548cc 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/BuildTyCl.lhs
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module BuildTyCl (
- buildPatSyn, mkPatSynMatcherId, mkPatSynWrapperId,
+ buildPatSyn,
TcMethInfo, buildClass,
distinctAbstractTyConRhs, totallyAbstractTyConRhs,
mkNewTyConRhs, mkDataTyConRhs,
@@ -37,10 +37,9 @@ import MkId
import Class
import TyCon
import Type
-import TypeRep
-import TcType
import Id
import Coercion
+import TcType
import DynFlags
import TcRnMonad
@@ -185,66 +184,28 @@ mkDataConStupidTheta tycon arg_tys univ_tvs
-buildPatSyn :: Name -> Bool -> Bool
- -> [Var]
+buildPatSyn :: Name -> Bool
+ -> Id -> Maybe Id
+ -> [Type]
-> [TyVar] -> [TyVar] -- Univ and ext
-> ThetaType -> ThetaType -- Prov and req
-> Type -- Result type
- -> TyVar
- -> TcRnIf m n PatSyn
-buildPatSyn src_name declared_infix has_wrapper args univ_tvs ex_tvs prov_theta req_theta pat_ty tv
- = do { (matcher, _, _) <- mkPatSynMatcherId src_name args
- univ_tvs ex_tvs
- prov_theta req_theta
- pat_ty tv
- ; wrapper <- case has_wrapper of
- False -> return Nothing
- True -> fmap Just $
- mkPatSynWrapperId src_name args
- (univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs) (prov_theta ++ req_theta)
- pat_ty
- ; return $ mkPatSyn src_name declared_infix
- args
- univ_tvs ex_tvs
- prov_theta req_theta
- pat_ty
- matcher
- wrapper }
-mkPatSynMatcherId :: Name
- -> [Var]
- -> [TyVar]
- -> [TyVar]
- -> ThetaType -> ThetaType
- -> Type
- -> TyVar
- -> TcRnIf n m (Id, Type, Type)
-mkPatSynMatcherId name args univ_tvs ex_tvs prov_theta req_theta pat_ty res_tv
- = do { matcher_name <- newImplicitBinder name mkMatcherOcc
- ; let res_ty = TyVarTy res_tv
- cont_ty = mkSigmaTy ex_tvs prov_theta $
- mkFunTys (map varType args) res_ty
- ; let matcher_tau = mkFunTys [pat_ty, cont_ty, res_ty] res_ty
- matcher_sigma = mkSigmaTy (res_tv:univ_tvs) req_theta matcher_tau
- matcher_id = mkVanillaGlobal matcher_name matcher_sigma
- ; return (matcher_id, res_ty, cont_ty) }
-mkPatSynWrapperId :: Name
- -> [Var]
- -> [TyVar]
- -> ThetaType
- -> Type
- -> TcRnIf n m Id
-mkPatSynWrapperId name args qtvs theta pat_ty
- = do { wrapper_name <- newImplicitBinder name mkDataConWrapperOcc
- ; let wrapper_tau = mkFunTys (map varType args) pat_ty
- wrapper_sigma = mkSigmaTy qtvs theta wrapper_tau
- ; let wrapper_id = mkVanillaGlobal wrapper_name wrapper_sigma
- ; return wrapper_id }
+ -> PatSyn
+buildPatSyn src_name declared_infix matcher wrapper
+ args univ_tvs ex_tvs prov_theta req_theta pat_ty
+ = mkPatSyn src_name declared_infix
+ args
+ univ_tvs ex_tvs
+ prov_theta req_theta
+ pat_ty
+ matcher
+ wrapper
+ where
+ -- TODO: assert that these match the ones in the parameters
+ ((_:_univ_tvs'), _req_theta', tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy $ idType matcher
+ ([_pat_ty', cont_sigma, _], _) = tcSplitFunTys tau
+ (_ex_tvs', _prov_theta', cont_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy cont_sigma
+ (_args', _) = tcSplitFunTys cont_tau
diff --git a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
index fb194e045c..5462667c5b 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/IfaceSyn.lhs
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ import HsBinds
import Control.Monad
import System.IO.Unsafe
+import Data.Maybe (isJust)
infixl 3 &&&
@@ -121,13 +122,16 @@ data IfaceDecl
ifExtName :: Maybe FastString }
| IfacePatSyn { ifName :: OccName, -- Name of the pattern synonym
- ifPatHasWrapper :: Bool,
ifPatIsInfix :: Bool,
+ ifPatMatcher :: IfExtName,
+ ifPatWrapper :: Maybe IfExtName,
+ -- Everything below is redundant,
+ -- but needed to implement pprIfaceDecl
ifPatUnivTvs :: [IfaceTvBndr],
ifPatExTvs :: [IfaceTvBndr],
ifPatProvCtxt :: IfaceContext,
ifPatReqCtxt :: IfaceContext,
- ifPatArgs :: [IfaceIdBndr],
+ ifPatArgs :: [IfaceType],
ifPatTy :: IfaceType }
-- A bit of magic going on here: there's no need to store the OccName
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh a3
put_ bh a4
- put_ bh (IfacePatSyn name a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9) = do
+ put_ bh (IfacePatSyn name a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10) = do
putByte bh 6
put_ bh (occNameFS name)
put_ bh a2
@@ -198,6 +202,7 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
put_ bh a7
put_ bh a8
put_ bh a9
+ put_ bh a10
get bh = do
h <- getByte bh
@@ -254,8 +259,9 @@ instance Binary IfaceDecl where
a7 <- get bh
a8 <- get bh
a9 <- get bh
+ a10 <- get bh
occ <- return $! mkOccNameFS dataName a1
- return (IfacePatSyn occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9)
+ return (IfacePatSyn occ a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10)
_ -> panic (unwords ["Unknown IfaceDecl tag:", show h])
data IfaceSynTyConRhs
@@ -1016,11 +1022,6 @@ ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfaceClass {ifCtxt = sc_ctxt, ifName = cls_tc_occ,
dc_occ = mkClassDataConOcc cls_tc_occ
is_newtype = n_sigs + n_ctxt == 1 -- Sigh
-ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = ps_occ, ifPatHasWrapper = has_wrapper })
- = [wrap_occ | has_wrapper]
- where
- wrap_occ = mkDataConWrapperOcc ps_occ -- Id namespace
ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs _ = []
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -1104,7 +1105,7 @@ pprIfaceDecl (IfaceAxiom {ifName = name, ifTyCon = tycon, ifAxBranches = branche
= hang (ptext (sLit "axiom") <+> ppr name <> dcolon)
2 (vcat $ map (pprAxBranch $ Just tycon) branches)
-pprIfaceDecl (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name, ifPatHasWrapper = has_wrap,
+pprIfaceDecl (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name, ifPatWrapper = wrapper,
ifPatIsInfix = is_infix,
ifPatUnivTvs = _univ_tvs, ifPatExTvs = _ex_tvs,
ifPatProvCtxt = prov_ctxt, ifPatReqCtxt = req_ctxt,
@@ -1112,7 +1113,8 @@ pprIfaceDecl (IfacePatSyn { ifName = name, ifPatHasWrapper = has_wrap,
ifPatTy = ty })
= pprPatSynSig name has_wrap args' ty' (pprCtxt prov_ctxt) (pprCtxt req_ctxt)
- args' = case (is_infix, map snd args) of
+ has_wrap = isJust wrapper
+ args' = case (is_infix, args) of
(True, [left_ty, right_ty]) ->
InfixPatSyn (pprParendIfaceType left_ty) (pprParendIfaceType right_ty)
(_, tys) ->
@@ -1393,11 +1395,13 @@ freeNamesIfDecl d@IfaceAxiom{} =
freeNamesIfTc (ifTyCon d) &&&
fnList freeNamesIfAxBranch (ifAxBranches d)
freeNamesIfDecl d@IfacePatSyn{} =
+ unitNameSet (ifPatMatcher d) &&&
+ maybe emptyNameSet unitNameSet (ifPatWrapper d) &&&
freeNamesIfTvBndrs (ifPatUnivTvs d) &&&
freeNamesIfTvBndrs (ifPatExTvs d) &&&
freeNamesIfContext (ifPatProvCtxt d) &&&
freeNamesIfContext (ifPatReqCtxt d) &&&
- fnList freeNamesIfType (map snd (ifPatArgs d)) &&&
+ fnList freeNamesIfType (ifPatArgs d) &&&
freeNamesIfType (ifPatTy d)
freeNamesIfAxBranch :: IfaceAxBranch -> NameSet
diff --git a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
index 2824d92987..30b2f0b0f1 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/LoadIface.lhs
@@ -417,7 +417,6 @@ loadDecl ignore_prags mod (_version, decl)
= do { -- Populate the name cache with final versions of all
-- the names associated with the decl
main_name <- lookupOrig mod (ifName decl)
--- ; traceIf (text "Loading decl for " <> ppr main_name)
-- Typecheck the thing, lazily
-- NB. Firstly, the laziness is there in case we never need the
@@ -491,6 +490,8 @@ loadDecl ignore_prags mod (_version, decl)
pprPanic "loadDecl" (ppr main_name <+> ppr n $$ ppr (decl))
; implicit_names <- mapM (lookupOrig mod) (ifaceDeclImplicitBndrs decl)
+-- ; traceIf (text "Loading decl for " <> ppr main_name $$ ppr implicit_names)
; return $ (main_name, thing) :
-- uses the invariant that implicit_names and
-- implictTyThings are bijective
diff --git a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
index 6c87961a4e..1310de13d0 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/MkIface.lhs
@@ -1490,25 +1490,26 @@ dataConToIfaceDecl dataCon
patSynToIfaceDecl :: PatSyn -> IfaceDecl
patSynToIfaceDecl ps
= IfacePatSyn { ifName = getOccName . getName $ ps
- , ifPatHasWrapper = isJust $ patSynWrapper ps
+ , ifPatMatcher = matcher
+ , ifPatWrapper = wrapper
, ifPatIsInfix = patSynIsInfix ps
, ifPatUnivTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs univ_tvs'
, ifPatExTvs = toIfaceTvBndrs ex_tvs'
, ifPatProvCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env2 prov_theta
, ifPatReqCtxt = tidyToIfaceContext env2 req_theta
- , ifPatArgs = map toIfaceArg args
+ , ifPatArgs = map (tidyToIfaceType env2) args
, ifPatTy = tidyToIfaceType env2 rhs_ty
- toIfaceArg var = (occNameFS (getOccName var),
- tidyToIfaceType env2 (varType var))
- (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, (prov_theta, req_theta)) = patSynSig ps
+ (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, prov_theta, req_theta) = patSynSig ps
args = patSynArgs ps
rhs_ty = patSynType ps
(env1, univ_tvs') = tidyTyVarBndrs emptyTidyEnv univ_tvs
(env2, ex_tvs') = tidyTyVarBndrs env1 ex_tvs
+ matcher = idName (patSynMatcher ps)
+ wrapper = fmap idName (patSynWrapper ps)
coAxiomToIfaceDecl :: CoAxiom br -> IfaceDecl
diff --git a/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs b/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
index 980796afdf..2cf0cf7816 100644
--- a/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
+++ b/compiler/iface/TcIface.lhs
@@ -584,7 +584,8 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfaceAxiom { ifName = ax_occ, ifTyCon = tc
; return (ACoAxiom axiom) }
tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = occ_name
- , ifPatHasWrapper = has_wrapper
+ , ifPatMatcher = matcher_name
+ , ifPatWrapper = wrapper_name
, ifPatIsInfix = is_infix
, ifPatUnivTvs = univ_tvs
, ifPatExTvs = ex_tvs
@@ -594,20 +595,24 @@ tc_iface_decl _ _ (IfacePatSyn{ ifName = occ_name
, ifPatTy = pat_ty })
= do { name <- lookupIfaceTop occ_name
; traceIf (ptext (sLit "tc_iface_decl") <+> ppr name)
+ ; matcher <- tcExt "Matcher" matcher_name
+ ; wrapper <- case wrapper_name of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just wn -> do { wid <- tcExt "Wrapper" wn
+ ; return (Just wid) }
; bindIfaceTyVars univ_tvs $ \univ_tvs -> do
{ bindIfaceTyVars ex_tvs $ \ex_tvs -> do
- { bindIfaceIdVars args $ \args -> do
- { ~(prov_theta, req_theta, pat_ty) <- forkM (mk_doc name) $
+ { patsyn <- forkM (mk_doc name) $
do { prov_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt prov_ctxt
; req_theta <- tcIfaceCtxt req_ctxt
; pat_ty <- tcIfaceType pat_ty
- ; return (prov_theta, req_theta, pat_ty) }
- ; bindIfaceTyVar (fsLit "r", toIfaceKind liftedTypeKind) $ \tv -> do
- { patsyn <- buildPatSyn name is_infix has_wrapper args univ_tvs ex_tvs prov_theta req_theta pat_ty tv
- ; return (AConLike (PatSynCon patsyn)) }}}}}
+ ; arg_tys <- mapM tcIfaceType args
+ ; return $ buildPatSyn name is_infix matcher wrapper
+ arg_tys univ_tvs ex_tvs prov_theta req_theta pat_ty }
+ ; return $ AConLike . PatSynCon $ patsyn }}}
mk_doc n = ptext (sLit "Pattern synonym") <+> ppr n
+ tcExt s name = forkM (ptext (sLit s) <+> ppr name) $ tcIfaceExtId name
tc_ax_branches :: TyCon -> [IfaceAxBranch] -> IfL [CoAxBranch]
tc_ax_branches tc if_branches = foldlM (tc_ax_branch (tyConKind tc)) [] if_branches
@@ -1516,20 +1521,6 @@ bindIfaceTyVars bndrs thing_inside
(occs,kinds) = unzip bndrs
-bindIfaceIdVar :: IfaceIdBndr -> (Id -> IfL a) -> IfL a
-bindIfaceIdVar (occ, ty) thing_inside
- = do { name <- newIfaceName (mkVarOccFS occ)
- ; ty' <- tcIfaceType ty
- ; let id = mkLocalId name ty'
- ; extendIfaceIdEnv [id] (thing_inside id) }
-bindIfaceIdVars :: [IfaceIdBndr] -> ([Id] -> IfL a) -> IfL a
-bindIfaceIdVars [] thing_inside = thing_inside []
-bindIfaceIdVars (v:vs) thing_inside
- = bindIfaceIdVar v $ \ v' ->
- bindIfaceIdVars vs $ \ vs' ->
- thing_inside (v':vs')
isSuperIfaceKind :: IfaceKind -> Bool
isSuperIfaceKind (IfaceTyConApp (IfaceTc n) []) = n == superKindTyConName
isSuperIfaceKind _ = False
diff --git a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
index d0f59a174a..875badf272 100644
--- a/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/HscTypes.lhs
@@ -1505,15 +1505,17 @@ implicitTyThings :: TyThing -> [TyThing]
implicitTyThings (AnId _) = []
implicitTyThings (ACoAxiom _cc) = []
implicitTyThings (ATyCon tc) = implicitTyConThings tc
-implicitTyThings (AConLike cl) = case cl of
- RealDataCon dc ->
- -- For data cons add the worker and (possibly) wrapper
- map AnId (dataConImplicitIds dc)
- PatSynCon ps ->
- -- For bidirectional pattern synonyms, add the wrapper
- case patSynWrapper ps of
- Nothing -> []
- Just id -> [AnId id]
+implicitTyThings (AConLike cl) = implicitConLikeThings cl
+implicitConLikeThings :: ConLike -> [TyThing]
+implicitConLikeThings (RealDataCon dc)
+ = map AnId (dataConImplicitIds dc)
+ -- For data cons add the worker and (possibly) wrapper
+implicitConLikeThings (PatSynCon {})
+ = [] -- Pattern synonyms have no implicit Ids; the wrapper and matcher
+ -- are not "implicit"; they are simply new top-level bindings,
+ -- and they have their own declaration in an interface fiel
implicitClassThings :: Class -> [TyThing]
implicitClassThings cl
diff --git a/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
index b299015748..e974c82a03 100644
--- a/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
+++ b/compiler/main/TidyPgm.lhs
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ Oh: two other reasons for injecting them late:
There is one sort of implicit binding that is injected still later,
namely those for data constructor workers. Reason (I think): it's
really just a code generation trick.... binding itself makes no sense.
-See CorePrep Note [Data constructor workers].
+See Note [Data constructor workers] in CorePrep.
getTyConImplicitBinds :: TyCon -> [CoreBind]
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
index 077cdd81d3..31239ae433 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPat.lhs
@@ -791,8 +791,8 @@ tcPatSynPat :: PatEnv -> Located Name -> PatSyn
-> HsConPatDetails Name -> TcM a
-> TcM (Pat TcId, a)
tcPatSynPat penv (L con_span _) pat_syn pat_ty arg_pats thing_inside
- = do { let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, (prov_theta, req_theta)) = patSynSig pat_syn
- arg_tys = patSynArgTys pat_syn
+ = do { let (univ_tvs, ex_tvs, prov_theta, req_theta) = patSynSig pat_syn
+ arg_tys = patSynArgs pat_syn
ty = patSynType pat_syn
; (_univ_tvs', inst_tys, subst) <- tcInstTyVars univ_tvs
diff --git a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
index 7c9f876c3f..894dfb29d9 100644
--- a/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
+++ b/compiler/typecheck/TcPatSyn.lhs
@@ -33,31 +33,11 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Bag
import TcEvidence
import BuildTyCl
+import TypeRep
#include "HsVersions.h"
-Note [Pattern synonym typechecking]
-Consider the following pattern synonym declaration
- pattern P x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
- data T a where
- MkT :: (Show a, Ord b) => [b] -> a -> T a
-The pattern synonym's type is described with five axes, given here for
-the above example:
- Pattern type: T (Maybe t)
- Arguments: [x :: b]
- Universal type variables: [t]
- Required theta: (Eq t, Num t)
- Existential type variables: [b]
- Provided theta: (Show (Maybe t), Ord b)
tcPatSynDecl :: Located Name
-> HsPatSynDetails (Located Name)
@@ -120,7 +100,7 @@ tcPatSynDecl lname@(L _ name) details lpat dir
; traceTc "tcPatSynDecl }" $ ppr name
; let patSyn = mkPatSyn name is_infix
- args
+ (map varType args)
univ_tvs ex_tvs
prov_theta req_theta
@@ -129,40 +109,6 @@ tcPatSynDecl lname@(L _ name) details lpat dir
-Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms]
-For each pattern synonym, we generate a single matcher function which
-implements the actual matching. For the above example, the matcher
-will have type:
- $mP :: forall r t. (Eq t, Num t)
- => T (Maybe t)
- -> (forall b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b) => b -> r)
- -> r
- -> r
-with the following implementation:
- $mP @r @t $dEq $dNum scrut cont fail = case scrut of
- MkT @b $dShow $dOrd [x] (Just 42) -> cont @b $dShow $dOrd x
- _ -> fail
-For bidirectional pattern synonyms, we also generate a single wrapper
-function which implements the pattern synonym in an expression
-context. For our running example, it will be:
- $WP :: forall t b. (Show (Maybe t), Ord b, Eq t, Num t)
- => b -> T (Maybe t)
- $WP x = MkT [x] (Just 42)
-N.b. the existential/universal and required/provided split does not
-apply to the wrapper since you are only putting stuff in, not getting
-stuff out.
-Injectivity of bidirectional pattern synonyms is checked in
-tcPatToExpr which walks the pattern and returns its corresponding
-expression when available.
tcPatSynMatcher :: Located Name
@@ -174,12 +120,18 @@ tcPatSynMatcher :: Located Name
-> ThetaType -> ThetaType
-> TcType
-> TcM (Id, LHsBinds Id)
+-- See Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms] in PatSyn
tcPatSynMatcher (L loc name) lpat args univ_tvs ex_tvs ev_binds prov_dicts req_dicts prov_theta req_theta pat_ty
= do { res_tv <- zonkQuantifiedTyVar =<< newFlexiTyVar liftedTypeKind
- ; (matcher_id, res_ty, cont_ty) <- mkPatSynMatcherId name args
- univ_tvs ex_tvs
- prov_theta req_theta
- pat_ty res_tv
+ ; matcher_name <- newImplicitBinder name mkMatcherOcc
+ ; let res_ty = TyVarTy res_tv
+ cont_ty = mkSigmaTy ex_tvs prov_theta $
+ mkFunTys (map varType args) res_ty
+ ; let matcher_tau = mkFunTys [pat_ty, cont_ty, res_ty] res_ty
+ matcher_sigma = mkSigmaTy (res_tv:univ_tvs) req_theta matcher_tau
+ matcher_id = mkVanillaGlobal matcher_name matcher_sigma
; traceTc "tcPatSynMatcher" (ppr name $$ ppr (idType matcher_id))
; let matcher_lid = L loc matcher_id
@@ -243,6 +195,7 @@ tcPatSynWrapper :: Located Name
-> ThetaType
-> TcType
-> TcM (Maybe (Id, LHsBinds Id))
+-- See Note [Matchers and wrappers for pattern synonyms] in PatSyn
tcPatSynWrapper lname lpat dir args univ_tvs ex_tvs theta pat_ty
= do { let argNames = mkNameSet (map Var.varName args)
; case (dir, tcPatToExpr argNames lpat) of
@@ -262,18 +215,16 @@ tc_pat_syn_wrapper_from_expr :: Located Name
-> TcM (Id, LHsBinds Id)
tc_pat_syn_wrapper_from_expr (L loc name) lexpr args univ_tvs ex_tvs theta pat_ty
= do { let qtvs = univ_tvs ++ ex_tvs
- ; (subst, qtvs') <- tcInstSkolTyVars qtvs
- ; let theta' = substTheta subst theta
+ ; (subst, wrapper_tvs) <- tcInstSkolTyVars qtvs
+ ; let wrapper_theta = substTheta subst theta
pat_ty' = substTy subst pat_ty
args' = map (\arg -> setVarType arg $ substTy subst (varType arg)) args
- ; wrapper_id <- mkPatSynWrapperId name args qtvs theta pat_ty
- ; let wrapper_name = getName wrapper_id
- wrapper_lname = L loc wrapper_name
- -- (wrapper_tvs, wrapper_theta, wrapper_tau) = tcSplitSigmaTy (idType wrapper_id)
- wrapper_tvs = qtvs'
- wrapper_theta = theta'
wrapper_tau = mkFunTys (map varType args') pat_ty'
+ wrapper_sigma = mkSigmaTy wrapper_tvs wrapper_theta wrapper_tau
+ ; wrapper_name <- newImplicitBinder name mkDataConWrapperOcc
+ ; let wrapper_lname = L loc wrapper_name
+ wrapper_id = mkVanillaGlobal wrapper_name wrapper_sigma
; let wrapper_args = map (noLoc . VarPat . Var.varName) args'
wrapper_match = mkMatch wrapper_args lexpr EmptyLocalBinds
diff --git a/utils/haddock b/utils/haddock
-Subproject a19af87d6bfee1abc6c179f79eb391b381a26d8
+Subproject 57aa591362d7c8ba21285fccd6a958629a42209